EDIT: Whew! Thank you all for your great questions. I've got to get back to my regular workday now, but I'll check back in periodically to respond to some posts I couldn't get to. Have a great day!

Hi Reddit!

My name is Mike Hennesy, and I'm the VP of Innovation at Wana Brands, North America's fastest growing cannabis edibles company. I'll be here until 4pm EST to give you my take on the future of cannabis science and answer any questions you may have about cannabis product development.

Ask me anything!

Proof: Here's my proof!

Comments: 684 • Responses: 81  • Date: 

ConfusedSpaceMonkey415 karma

Can we get a non-coconut flavored indica fast-acting gummy?

Thanks, A coconut hater. Getting caught in the rain is fine though...

WanaBrandsOfficial264 karma

Haha, and you're not into yoga?

Yes, we know coconut is a polarizing flavor and actually just launched a new Indica Quick gummy in an Island Punch flavor. It's available in CO today and coming to other markets soon.

Hope you love it!

GoodniightAriis44 karma

They have a blueberry flavored Indica gummy :)

ConfusedSpaceMonkey14 karma

I like those for getting a buzz, but I prefer the fast-acting 5mg ones for when I need a little help falling asleep.

NoThing310822 karma

The Wana Optimals fast-asleep gummies are berry flavored and they are a life saver in the sleep category (only in CO)

WanaBrandsOfficial21 karma

We just launched these in Canada, and coming to more markets soon!

speckospock329 karma

Would you consider more low-sugar (or even no added sugar) edibles?

The fast acting ones are great in terms of taste and effects but it's hard to justify them regularly because I need to be conscious of my dental/physical health. A few other ahem more mature consumers of your products I've talked to share this sentiment.

Edit - looks like some people are choosing to be judgemental at the idea that folks want or need to regulate sugar intake. Eating sugar without having to think about it is a privelige, there are many medical/non-medical conditions (including aging, btw) that take that privelige away. Beyond that, we're all allowed to prefer low sugar, it doesn't effect you at all so why do you care?

Please stop harassing me over this.

WanaBrandsOfficial219 karma

Yes, this is something our research and development team is currently working on. We want to continue to offer a vegan and all-natural product, which is challenging for sugar-free gummies. We are exploring new alternative but natural sweeteners like monk fruit and others. Hopefully coming to shelves near you soon!

RelevantJackWhite159 karma

Why do so many cannabis brands rely on woo and pseudoscience? I have seen so many brands and especially brand reps make claims that I simply cannot find any science to support. How do you avoid this?

WanaBrandsOfficial172 karma

There are many reasons. Lack of regulations to prevent it, challenges with conducting real research, and greed among other things. I see it all over too, and it is not good for the industry or consumers.

At Wana, we are focused on using science and existing research to drive our product innovation and are embarking on a series of 3rd party studies with real consumers to validate effects. We need to be leaders and set the right example in the industry and not push pseudoscience.

solongandthanks4all29 karma

By "embarking," do you mean funding studies at universities or conducting then yourselves? I obviously would very much prefer the former.

I'm very interested in the kind of quality control you employ to control the dosage in your products and whether your methods would stand up to the same scrutiny as pharmaceuticals.

WanaBrandsOfficial62 karma

We are not conducting any of the studies ourselves here at Wana, but instead are working with third parties to run the studies and eliminate bias. We are starting with IRB approved real-world evidence studies that will look at consumers in market that are consuming our products. These are quicker to conduct and will be available sooner.

We are also working with some CO universities to develop observational PK studies on bioavailability and effects. These more robust studies are on a timeline of completion of about 2 years and will provide even better data.

emperorOfTheUniverse75 karma

What's the overall feeling in the industry about edibles (particularly candy) being attractive to children?

WanaBrandsOfficial139 karma

Over the years the research has shown that accidental consumption by children is exceedingly rare. Not saying it doesn't happen, but usually it is a result of products improperly stored.

By law, there is a THC mark on all of our gummies and should be on any other edible you consume.

There are also a lot of regulations about advertising cannabis -- for example, we're not allowed to have cute cartoon characters on our packaging (nor should we), and we are generally only allowed to advertise in places where we can demonstrate at least 70% of the audience is 21+. There have been some companies in the news lately for mimicking candy brands like Sour Patch kids, which is honestly bad for the industry as a whole and usually gets shut down pretty quickly.

Edit to cite research:

As I said, I'm not trying to claim it isn't an issue, but the rate of accidental exposure is very exaggerated by some sources, particularly the media.

Over an 10 year span in MA there were 218 accidental exposures to cannabis by children reported. This increased from 29 per year in 2007 to 69 per year in 2016, a significant increase, yes, but overall, tiny fractions of a percentage of the population.

Over a 7 year span in CO there were 163 accidental exposures to cannabis by children reported. This increased from 9 per year in 2009 to 47 in 2015. Also a significant increase I realize. Half of these exposures were to edibles, however in reviewing the cause of the exposure this study says 34% of cases were due to poor product storage and 9% were not in child-proof containers (and these are self-reported so could be higher).

This is in a state that sells over 1 million edibles a month. That means only 0.000004% or 4 millionth of 1% of edibles end up being accidentally consumed by children per year.

MikeyCinLB204 karma

Ctrl c, Ctrl v, Ctrl v, enter.

WanaBrandsOfficial44 karma

LOL. So I have a Grammarly subscription that's a spelling and grammar checker but it was not playing nicely with Reddit today and was causing this doubling on some posts for some reason. IDK?

fTwoEight8 karma

What about some sort of engraved marking on chocolate and candy edibles indicating that they contain canabis?

WanaBrandsOfficial59 karma

Most regulated markets require this, and all Wana gummies are created with molds that have a THC! logo imprinted into them.

I think this needs to be standard for any cannabis edible!

WanaBrandsOfficial32 karma

By law, there is a THC mark on all of our gummies and should be on any other edible you consume.

There are also a lot of regulations about advertising cannabis -- for example, we're not allowed to have cute cartoon characters on our packaging (nor should we), and we are generally only allowed to advertise in places where we can demonstrate at least 70% of the audience is 21+. There have been some companies in the news lately for mimicking candy brands like Sour Patch kids, which is honestly bad for the industry as a whole and usually gets shut down pretty quickly.

dslpharmer1 karma

Not even remotely true and I’ve submitted data for publication that shows it isn’t rare.

WanaBrandsOfficial5 karma

Would love to see the data if you are willing. DM me if you are open to it, thanks!

DarkKnightCometh66 karma

Thanks so much for doing this! Although cannibas legalization has grown alot in recent years, what difficulties have you faced as far as federal legislation/ national distribution?

WanaBrandsOfficial178 karma

There could be an entire AMA just on this topic! It's far ranging but here are some high level bullets:

  • Taxation - We are taxed under a federal code for illegal drugs (yes that's a thing) and pay very high tax rates federally. Add local and state taxes which are very high and its a lose - lose for companies and consumers.
  • Banking - Due to federal laws we cannot just open bank accounts normally.
  • Research - Is limited and stifled since THC is a schedule I drug designated having "A high potential for abuse and no medical value"
  • No Insterstate Commerce - We can't have one production facility, but need a production facility in every state we operate in. Very ineffcient.

sensibletunic58 karma

Is your company taking any initiatives to advocate for people (mostly POC) jailed for minor cannabis crimes?

WanaBrandsOfficial60 karma

Yes, 110%! This is something I am personally passionately supporting and working on, and one of the biggest most important campaigns Wana works towards. We are a continued supporter and financial supporter of The Last Prisoner Project and other organizations.

Please check them out, and donate or support LPP and the many others working on these initiatives if you can!

swllc48 karma

Hi Mike,

Can you comment on your opinion of the credibility of effects based marketing at Wana and the cannabis industry as a whole?

I was disappointed to see that Wana's educational material supports it:

Because Wana products are enhanced with 30+ reintroduced terpenes, our edibles are able to recreate the class-specific effects of leading cannabis strains.

That means you can choose whether you want to have an uplifting (sativa), relaxing (indica), or balanced (hybrid) experience!

To Wana's credit I don't see any effects based claims on the product packaging itself, even if I think listing the reintroduced terpene profile is misleading to the uninformed consumer.

I am an experienced and heavy recreational user and Wana is my most trusted brand for its consistency - team Blueberry Sour! But I think the industry needs to make stronger claims in backing up the effectiveness of its effects based marketing claims.

WanaBrandsOfficial67 karma

Industry wide I think think the credibility of effects based claims is very low. There is a lack of research and lots of marketers saying what consumers what to hear.

Wana is trying to change that. We have a series of studies and real-world evidence consumer surveys to be conducted by third-party researchers throughout 2022 to help validate the effects of our products. I'd like to see more cannabis brands follow that example. More to come from Wana on that front!

To the article about the effectiveness of Indica, Sativa, Hybrid in edibles, it's a very good topic for discussion. I 100% agree that regular distillate gummies have nothing to offer but a THC high, and lack nuisance or directionality in their effects. Wana worked with a terpene research company and actually tested and analyzed I, S, and H buds from cannabis strains and recreated their terpene blends. These are reintroduced at the end of the cooking process to preserve them. We recently conducted testing to validate the terpenes survive the cooking process and are present in our gummies. Next, we are going to test the bioavailability of orally absorbed terpenes to further validate our products!

wontrevealmyidentity36 karma

What is your opinion on the delta8 trend that has taken off, especially in states where “real” THC is still illegal? Do you think it is a positive or negative to overall cannabis legalization in the States?

WanaBrandsOfficial60 karma

I don't have a problem with D8 as a molecule. However, it is being produced outside the guidance and regulations of legal cannabis markets. Often has little or no testing can contain impurities from the chemical conversion process and is hugely undercutting all of the work legal cannabis companies have done over the past decade.

I think it needs to be regulated.

occidental_oriental34 karma

Have you ever tried being the VP of Innovation at Wana Brands, North America's fastest growing cannabis edibles company, on WEED?

WanaBrandsOfficial23 karma

I need to find inspiration and creativity somewhere, right!

KrispyCrime8 karma

.. this is a reference from the film “Half Baked”, and the correct reply is “Yes, and now the doctor says I need a backiotomy!”.

WanaBrandsOfficial9 karma

I may have seen Half-Baked before ;)

"An Enhancement Smoker"!

trent629531 karma

What is the best way for me to enter this career field? I would love to work for somthing I truly believe will help millions of people.

WanaBrandsOfficial41 karma

It's really not that different than most other industries! We have production staff, sales, marketing, finance, etc. Be passionate, care about the plant and consumers, and come get started and apply!

rosickness1226 karma

With all the edibles out there, what makes wana brands better? What should I look for when faced with all the brands to weed out the good and bad?

WanaBrandsOfficial26 karma

What makes Wana different is that we not only create delicious, vegan, all natural gummies made with organic tapioca syrup that taste great, but we really focus on the Experience! Eating an edible happens in seconds but the experience lasts for hours.

We have spent years working with research partners to develop terpene blends and ways to introduce them to our edibles to expand the effectiveness of our products. We've worked to find the most effective quick onset technologies, and are continuing the evolution and improvement of our products with minor cannabinoids in use-case products, and looking to offer premium solventless gummies in 2022.

Grodd26 karma

As a cannabis professional can you give a good "demystification" of decarbing? I see so many people saying so many different things.

WanaBrandsOfficial46 karma

Absolutely. Cannabis plants do not produce Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, but in fact produce Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid or THCA. This acid component is Carboxylic Acid (COOH). The acid cannabinoids are not able to readily bind with our cannabinoid receptors and are thus considered "inactive".

Decarboxylation is the generic name for this reaction because it removes carboxylic acid. When you smoke cannabis this happens when the bud is burned but in edibles the extract must be heated first before the edibles are made.

mlnjd22 karma

Why are so many cannabis companies in the US run by white people, profiting off a product that has incarcerated so many minorities and poor whites?

WanaBrandsOfficial33 karma

Systemic issues in the government and our society is an oversimplified answer. The War on Drugs, issues with unequal access to capital, real estate, and licensing are all major factors. It's a travesty in my opinion.

Wana financially and publicly supports the Last Prisoner Project to get incarcerated people out of prisons, and state-level programs to improve access to the cannabis industry for people of color.

WanaBrandsOfficial22 karma

Just to add for anyone who doesn't know, Wana is a female-owned business started from scratch out of her home kitchen and was completely bootstrapped.

WanaBrandsOfficial1 karma

I'm not an expert in this matter but there are a lot of systemic issues that have contributed to this imbalance. The racist War on Drugs that decimated many Black and brown communities before states began to legalize and the obstacles BIPOC entrepreneurs face in getting licenses and loans are two of the big ones.

At Wana, we're absolutely aware of our own privilege and the responsibility we have to make the industry more equitable. Racial justice is a high priority for us, and we partner with a lot of nonprofit organizations to provide funds, mentorship, and other resources to support BIPOC cannabis businesses and professionals. A few of the groups we sponsor include Oregon's NuProject (provides guidance and financial support to Black and brown entrepreneurs in the cannabis space), the Last Prisoner Project (working to free and expunge the records of everyone still incarcerated for cannabis "crimes), and the Color of Cannabis (working to increase minority ownership in the industry). And there are many more. We also have a designated Corporate Social Responsibility director who is constantly looking for new ways to expand this work.

Obviously this not a one-and-done solution... but I can promise you that changing this unjust status quo is a high priority for Wana.

mealymouthmongolian20 karma

Why don't edibles work for some people? I have tried them so many times and have never felt anything from them. I was so hyped when my state went legal so I could be sure I was getting real, legit edibles and still nothing.

I've tried every different kind I can find, sativa, indica, 1:1, hybrids, chocolates, gummies, brownies, butter, etc. and in so many different doses. I've even tried them at the same time as my wife and she felt them very strongly but I got nothing. Is there something wrong with me?

WanaBrandsOfficial36 karma

u/ibybfiygmh has the correct answer! The CYP family of enzymes in our livers processes many drugs. CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 process most cannabinoids, but depending on your own body and genetics you may have very active, typical, or very inactive enzymes, and others don't seem to process cannabinoids at all.

When you smoke THC enters the bloodstream through the lungs, but when you eat an edible it must be processed and metabolized in the liver first. Without active enzymes that just doesn't happen.

You can try Wana Quick gummies that use an encapsulation technology to help bypass this liver metabolism. This has worked for some but not all but could be worth a shot.

whitepepsi18 karma

I love your gummies!

  1. In the last few months I've noticed that in a single package there can be a large variance between potency between each "10 mg gummy". Some seem closer to 20mg and some seem like 5mg. Was there a change in manufacturing recently that could have caused this?

  2. I hate the Wana child safety cases. They are very difficult to open. Have you discussed changing the container?

WanaBrandsOfficial24 karma

All of our products use a homogenization process to evenly distribute cannabinoids in our products and are 3rd party tested to verify that with each batch. What I will say you may be experiencing is that our endocannabinoid system, metabolism, and meals we eat fluctuate during the day and day-to-day. These changes can mean the same dose can actually feel stronger or weaker depending on your current physical and mental state when you take the gummy.

Not much we can do with regulations. Make sure you grab the two sides that say 'pinch here'. The other two unlabeled sides are much harder to squeeze to open.

nothingtodocrew15 karma

When Wana first came out, my friend bought a mango jar ( with the 10mg pieces). He came over to help my dad move a couch and while they were loading it up on the trailer my dads tiny dog went into my buddies coat pocket and ate about 6 of them. So my friend had to tell my dad (who is a cop) what happened just as the dog started to run around in circles at 100mph.. Now whenever anybody is acting strange my dad asks them how many wango mango's they have just eaten....

Now onto my question...What took so long to get the edibles down to 4-5mg doses instead of 10? Almost everyone i know (including myself) has a crazy story about their first time trying edibles where they ate the full piece and basically od'd. I think that's the reason most of my friends are so against edibles now

WanaBrandsOfficial10 karma

That was the dosage in the regulations, and in the early days of the industry that is just what people were buying - it was the most bang for the buck.

Markets and consumers are evolving and maturing these days and I think we will see continued diversification of dosing for different folks. We are working on even lower sub 5mg dosing products.

TcheQuevara9 karma

I remember, from when I was a little kid, when tobacco advertising wasn't prohibited in Brazil yet, of that absolutely wonderful Marlboro ad, with the cowboy riding over the fields with that music of pure freedom on the back ground. Not only I keep going back to cigarettes because they make me feel cooler and more confident - once, when relapsing, the first cigarette I smoked was a red Malrboro and I could feel the freedom and that marvelous song playing on the back of my head.

Smoking tobacco was once cool (still is? I'm cool, right?). Using marijuana is obviously very cool right now, among certain circles. Do you worry that, in a few decades, people will criticize how cool marijuana seemed for this generation, and the people who contributed to make it cool? Will the marijuana industry one day be viewed as we currently see the tobacco industry? Are we being unfair to the tobacco business?

WanaBrandsOfficial14 karma

Nothing against tobacco users, but cannabis holds many promises and opportunities to improve people's health, and not just offer an exhilerating high or feeling of freedom.

Cannabis can be medicine, a wellness tool, and an intoxicant with far fewer problems than alcohol and other drugs. Even if cannabis is not as 'cool' in the future, it will continue to be a wonderful plant for many reasons. I think we will look back on today as the amazing beginnings of a paradigm shift in how we take care of our bodies and minds!

turns319 karma

Long one but I need edible recommendations. I've been having a hell of a time sleeping after taking indica edibles. I’ve tried I think 6 different products over the last couple years and I don’t know if my body is changing to how it reacts or if I’ve had bad luck lately. I usually take an indica 10mg/cbd 20mg combo one to get the high and relaxation to wind down. Over the last 6 months, I take it at my normal time (Friday night around 8pm) with the high just starting to kick in around 9:30. For the next 2 or so hours I’m very relaxed, chill and giggly. I try to go to bed by midnight or so because the kids are waking up at 6:45 no matter what. The problem I’m having lately is it’s very difficult to fall asleep. It’s hard to explain but my body is tired but I can shut my mind off. It’s not like I’m constantly thinking of things either. It’s like a TV that’s left off but just on the black screen. Judging by my Apple Watch I rarely enter REM sleep and can definitely feel it the next day. I’m super tired the next morning because I just feel like I haven’t slept. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to try something different?

WanaBrandsOfficial27 karma

Excellent question. Cannabis has long been known to help improve sleep, especially in shortening the time to fall asleep, however our endocannabinoid systems vary from person to person and can even change over time. This means we may have to adjust our dosing to meet changing needs over time.

One thing to be aware of is how THC and CBD can affect sleep, and how they work at different doses. Let's start with THC. It is known to reduce the time to fall asleep, and help us sleep longer. However, as we increase the THC dose, it reduces our REM sleep cycles and can actually negatively impact sleep. The goal for THC and sleep is to take the lowest effective dose based on your tolerance. If you are noticing you score decline on your Apple Watch try decreasing your THC.

Now CBD is somewhat the opposite of THC, where higher doses are more effective at improving sleep and low doses may even be awakening. 20mg is a good dose, but as we use cannabis over time we build up a larger tolerance. One thing you can try is to increase the CBD dose.

One final note, is you may want to explore adding the minor cannabinoids CBN and CBG which in combo with THC and CBD may reduce anxious thoughts and aches and pains that can keep you awake. There is ongoing research on these minor cannabinoids but they may also be effective for improving sleep, and play a part in the entourage effect of cannabis.

One final note is you may want to explore adding the minor cannabinoids CBN and CBG which in combo with THC and CBD may reduce anxious thoughts and aches and pains that can keep you awake. There is ongoing research on these minor cannabinoids but they may also be effective for improving sleep, and play a part in the entourage effect of cannabis. lowest effective dose based on your tolerance. If you are noticing your score decline on your Apple Watch try decreasing your THC.

maciver69697 karma

I would suggest creating a faq that explains the effects of each cannabinoids so that newer users know the basic expected results from each and why you combine this with that.

WanaBrandsOfficial7 karma

Here is a quick training on Wana's Fast Asleep gummies that gives short answers on what each cannabinoid does in the formulation. Note it is designed for Budtendersso the giveaway/discount is only available if you are a budtender.

maciver69699 karma

Have you considered dietary requirements? My wife has celiac disease and will get violently ill from wheat products but no edibles from the brownie or cake area have a gluten free option. It cuts down on the options for her.

WanaBrandsOfficial11 karma

Absolutely. In fact our gummies are made with organic ingredients, vegan, all-natural, and gluten-free.

We don't make baked goods though, and I don't think that is an area we are looking at.

WanaBrandsOfficial2 karma

Yes! Our goal is to make our edibles accessible to as many adults as possible. All of our gummies, tinctures and tarts are gluten-free, so they should be no problem for your wife. They're also vegan and kosher.

If you live in a state where Wana isn't sold, lots of other brands make tinctures, gummies, and chocolates which don't contain gluten too. Some brands may produce gluten-free cookies or brownies, but you're definitely apt to have more luck in the "candy" or tincture space. Good luck!

clg6538 karma

What aspects of the future roadmap of cannabis product development make you the most excited?

WanaBrandsOfficial7 karma

More research and validation of product efficacy has me very excited for the future. There are many use-cases for cannabis and products to be developed for those cases, but we need the research to back those claims up!

Joeleflore9 karma

does cannabis use make you repeat yourself?

WanaBrandsOfficial2 karma

Haha, something weird has been happening with some of my posts where it copies and pastes paragraphs multiple times.

KlaatuBrute7 karma

Is there any chance you would ever release the sour gummies without any CBD/THC? I would eat a pound of them every day if a non-cannabis version was ever released. IMO they taste better than any normal candy you find on the shelf.

WanaBrandsOfficial16 karma

The regulations around cannabis are so weird sometimes. We cannot actually legally make products without cannabinoids in them! Go figure.

taoist_gardener7 karma

Have you experimented with cold CO2 extraction? I can imagine your final product is nearly absent of CBDa, THCa etc. so is your company interested in creating higher quality product via improved extraction methods or are you going to stick with the cheaper mass extraction methods using hydrocarbons and/or ethanol?

WanaBrandsOfficial4 karma

Our R&D team has been experimenting with the cannabinoid acids. Existing research is telling us they require a higher dose than decarboxylated cannabinoids, but I think this is an exciting area of research.

GhettoKroenen7 karma

What made you want to dive deeper into the cannabis industry? Was there something specific that inspired you?

WanaBrandsOfficial23 karma

I got started right after I graduated college in 2012 and just jumped in and have worked hard since to help bring cannabis to the world :)

I was inspired back in Jr/Sn year when living with a roommate that had epilepsy. I had frequently enjoyed cannabis before then, but seeing firsthand cannabis as a medicine was life-changing for me. When he had cannabis he had no seizures, but in an illegal state we would run dry, and I would see him suffer. I knew I wanted to spread this wonderful plant from then on and have dedicated my life to it!

Tejanita807 karma

Is your company doing anything in regard to the people incarcerated for low level cannabis crimes and the prison industrial complex as a whole?

Also, wish you’d show your emblem or logo so I can verify if I had it here in metro Detroit.

WanaBrandsOfficial7 karma

Is your company doing anything in regard to the people incarcerated for low level cannabis crimes and the prison industrial complex as a whole?

Yes, not only do we sponsor the Last Prisoner Project in their work to free cannabis prisoners, but we are working to make the industry more equitable in general. Social justice is a high priority for us, and we partner with a lot of nonprofit organizations to provide funds, mentorship, and other resources to support BIPOC cannabis businesses and professionals. A few of the groups we sponsor include Oregon's NuProject (provides guidance and financial support to Black and brown entrepreneurs in the cannabis space), the Last Prisoner Project, and the Color of Cannabis (working to increase minority ownership in the industry). And there are many more. We also have a designated Corporate Social Responsibility director who is constantly looking for new ways to expand this work. Obviously this not a one-and-done solution... but yes, changing this unjust status quo is a high priority for Wana.

Also, wish you’d show your emblem or logo so I can verify if I had it here in metro Detroit.

Our products are sold in MI so they should definitely be in metro detroit. You can see our logo by clicking our username and looking at our profile, or you can visit our website (wanabrands.com) to find out what products are available near you.

TomTom25367 karma

Have you ever researched a time-released edible? Like an edible you only have to take once per 12 hours. It seems like people that use weed all throughout the day could benefit from it instead of taking a new edible every 2-4 hours.

WanaBrandsOfficial15 karma

Wana actually used to offer a product call Wana Caps XR that offered 8-12 hours of continual dosing. It was a very medically focus product and didn't end up being very popular. Our license on the tech expired and we had to take them off market.

This is something we are once again researching though, so you may see a new product in the future!

anarchyreigns5 karma

I haven’t heard of Wana Brands, are you available in Canada?

WanaBrandsOfficial8 karma

Yes! We are the number one edibles brand in Canada and available across the country!

Eruionmel5 karma

Is there a chance at some point of getting edibles that can compete on cost-per-high with vaping/smoking? Or even close? I'm a professional singer, so I'd vastly prefer edibles to anything that messes with my lungs, but the difference in cost between a $40 vape cartridge that can get me high every day for months and the number of edibles it would take to do the same is just so high that it's not even worth considering, currently.

WanaBrandsOfficial5 karma

There are uneven regulations between smoking/vaping products and edibles in most markets right now. We are limited to 100mg in most markets, but cartridges can be 1000mg and there is just a large economy of scale there.

Vaping also doesn't have the added costs of ingredients and food manufacturing, so I think vaping or smoking will always be a little cheaper.

BrothelWaffles4 karma

Can you please, please talk some sense into the morons at the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission? I don't even know where to start with them. What a clusterfuck of ineptitude, ignorance, hand wringing, and feet dragging.

WanaBrandsOfficial6 karma

Right there with you...fingers crossed.

h4ck3r3000d1no3 karma

What is your favorite cheese?

WanaBrandsOfficial6 karma

Excellent Question, I'm giving you an award!

I'm a big cheese lover so all cheeses are welcome :)

My favorites are probably good parmesan, aged sharp cheddar, and nice goat cheeses.

BingBonq3 karma

I have had a bad experience with gummy’s in the past, (felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack) any recommendation on what WannaBrand products to give a try as I’m wanting to give edibles another shot ?

WanaBrandsOfficial5 karma

THC can be intoxicating, euphoric, and have many other benefits however it can also lead to anxiety. CBD is a different cannabinoid that binds differently with our receptors has been found to reduce anxiety. CBD and THC together can really moderate the side effect of anxiety or paranoia from THC while still offering a nice high and benefits.

I'd recommend taking a lower dose of THC and adding CBD to your dosing. Some great products to try are Wana's ratio skus of 1:1, 2:1, 5:1 or even 10:1 CBD to THC.

THC can be intoxicating, euphoric, and have many other benefits however it can also lead to anxiety. CBD is a different cannabinoid that binds differently with our receptors has been found to reduce anxiety, however.ch is less intense and has a shorter offset!

phaedrux_pharo3 karma

Hi Mike,

It seems like there is a huge difference in qualitative effects between edibles made directly from flower vs... modern techniques? Chemical processing? Not sure what to call it.

If someone, say, makes some butter for brownies with flower in their kitchen it has a much different effect than gummies from a dispensary. This doesn't seem like a dosage issue but a categorically different experience, even taking in to account the obvious difficulties in precision from amateur chefs.

Is there a future for commercial edibles made in more traditional ways? Maybe this is already a thing and I'm just not aware of it?


WanaBrandsOfficial10 karma

When you make edibles at home you put the whole flower in butter are oil and are extracting all the cannabinoids and terpenes, leading to a fuller spectrum of compounds that combine in what is called the entourage effect where they synergize and enhance the experience or high.

Many modern commercial edibles are made with THC distillate, where the other cannabinoids and terpenes are stripped out, leaving you with just a THC high. Wana reintroduces 30+ terpenes back into our edibles to offer the improved experience of the entourage effect. Many consumers find Wana to have a better effect than other brands.

We are also looking at fresh frozen plants and solventless extracts to get even more of that full spectrum goodness into our edibles, and are using minor cannabinoids like CBN, CBG, and THCV in our new Optimals line!

ibybfiygmh3 karma

How far are we from budtenders being replaced by algorithms & DNA based compatibility analysis?

How long until indication-specific products for specific people with [specific] genotypes become available?

Best guess-any hope for those who are ediblocked without getting into gene splicing?

WanaBrandsOfficial3 karma

A long time. Current DNA tests are only looking at 2-4 SNPs so much more research is needed until we get to that point.

Again, I think a long time, but research is advancing fast. First we need to better understand the genetics behind our endocannabinoid system and then need to understand how that relates to specific conditions.

Best guess is to try and use edibles like Wana Quick. Our technology encapsulates cannabinoids to reduce the first-pass metabolism by our livers - where the 'ediblock' happens. This has worked for some people I know, but not all.

dodsferd223 karma

Do you check for pesticide residues on your final product? What's your take on excessive pesticides used in the Cannabis fields and then being found on edible products?

WanaBrandsOfficial5 karma

Yes! Every Wana product is tested for the full panel of pesticide, microbial, heavy metal, residual solvent, as well as potency and homogeneity testing.

dodsferd223 karma

Follow up question: how often do you have to reject a batch because of failed panel testing (pesticide and residues, not be sure of potency or homogeneity).

Thanks for your answer!

WanaBrandsOfficial5 karma

I can't recall the last time if I'm being honest and I've worked here for 8 years. In the early days of the industry, it was more common as growers were misapplying pesticides and using non-approved ones.

garmachi3 karma

Hello, and thanks for doing this. Are you developing any innovative efforts to educate/influence our legislators, both nationally and in those untapped state markets?

WanaBrandsOfficial4 karma

Part of Wana's CSR initiatives are to donate and support organizations working towards legalization efforts nationally and locally. Personally, I am a member and donor to NORML and Marijuana Policy Project and encourage anyone interested to learn more about the work they are doing and support them any way you can!

rmorlock3 karma

I regularly use edible gummies that I purchase at one of the legal pot shops in Washington. I generally stick to one brand but have tried others.

It seems that the amount of THC in each individual gummy varies wildly, judging by the high. Sometimes I will eat one and absolutely nothing happens. Sometimes I'll eat one and I will be out. Why does it seem to vary so much?

WanaBrandsOfficial7 karma

I'm not as familiar with WA regulations, so I don't know if 3rd party testing is required or not, but I hope it is. Double-check that edibles you buy have third-party testing, and even ask for those Certificates of Analysis or COAs.

Our endocannabinoid systems, metabolism, and what we eat during the day can also affect edibles onset and effects so paying attention to differences you notice might be tied back to a recent large meal or having just gone on a run.

Kyric18992 karma

In general, if I were to cut up an edible into smaller pieces - say a 10 mg into quarters - will there be a somewhat even distribution of the THC in the quartered pieces? Or could one of those quarters actually contain like 8 of the 10 mg of THC? Asking because, as a lightweight, it feels like sometimes there's no rhyme/reason to when I try and dose an edible more appropriately for my tolerance.

WanaBrandsOfficial6 karma

That depends on how the edible was produced. Some lower quality products have the THC coated on the outside by spraying or coating the edibles, and other may not be homogeneously mixed in cooking. These will lead to unequal amounts of THC in each quartered piece and you can't know if you are getting 2 or 8mg.

Wana and other quality manufacturers have developed processes in our cooking process to fully homogenize the dosing throughout the product. Additionally, we test our products before sale to ensure they have accurate dosing and are even throughout.

Half a Wana gummy will always be exactly half the full dose :)

SecondOfCicero2 karma

Hi Mr Hennesy!

I'm very familiar with your products.

As master of innovation, do you guys have any plans for improving packaging for products?

I understand the need to follow rules/standards, but there is an incredible amount of waste involved with the legal cannabis industry and how it packs stuff. I feel like we don't acknowledge that as a community as often as we should. Thank you for your time!

WanaBrandsOfficial3 karma

It's a big challenge with the regulations!

Currently, our packaging is recyclable and if your area has access to industrial biodegradation facilities they are biodegradable. (If you're not sure just recycle though!)

Sustainability is one of our ongoing missions and initiatives at Wana and we're constantly looking at how we can reduce our footprint.

elementboarder2 karma

Are you working on expanding your CBN products at all? It's become my favorite cannabinoid and I'm surprised at how rare it seems to be in the Oregon recreational market

WanaBrandsOfficial3 karma

Yes! CBN and many other minor cannabinoids and terpenes are all in the pipeline for future products.

remulaks2 karma

Your yuzu 2:1 gummies are terrific, when they're available (I'm sure you'd love to make and sell more, lol).

1 - Why yuzu? Great choice but kinda out of left field.

2 - Have you considered a 4:1 or something similar?

WanaBrandsOfficial6 karma

1 - Why yuzu? Great choice but kinda out of left field.

Why not, it's delicous! We actually tested a whole suite of tropical and rare fruits for fun and ended up really liking Yuzu, which we are thrilled to offer now!

2 - Have you considered a 4:1 or something similar?

Why not, it's delicious! We actually tested a whole suite of tropical and rare fruits for fun and ended up really liking Yuzu, which we are thrilled to offer now!

GoodOlBluesBrother2 karma


Is hash already decarbed?

What’s your own decarb method?

Is decarbing CBD different to THC, and if so how so?


WanaBrandsOfficial3 karma

Hash is not, but when smoked you decarb it!

We purchase our cannabinoids already decarbed, but typically low heat for a few hours.

Nope! Just heat and time.

zomboromcom2 karma

I finally understand folks who say they like alcoholic drinks but only if they taste no alcohol. I gag at the taste of cannabis in edibles. Has it gotten to the point where it can be completely eliminated or masked yet? If not, do you think it will?

WanaBrandsOfficial6 karma

Have you tried Wana edibles yet?

I think there are many great products available where the cannabis taste is almost completely masked, but I'm not sure if any truly have no taste.

IcyCat49412 karma

Hows the particle size range on your nano gummies?

Also how are you bringing it down to this size?

WanaBrandsOfficial3 karma

Wana is using a technology very different than most companies. It is not an emulsion, but instead an encapsulation with very small properties. Each encapsulation molecule holds one to two individual cannabinoid molecules and is the size of 1.5 angstroms - less than 1nm.

SkyShazad2 karma

What would you recommend for Anxiety? I've tried many, even the real high Dosage ones from the NETHERLANDS nothing has worked.

WanaBrandsOfficial8 karma

Definitely avoid high dosage products for anxiety!

Repasting a response to a different question as it is relevant:

THC can be intoxicating, euphoric, and have many other benefits however it can also lead to anxiety. CBD is a different cannabinoid that binds differently with our receptors has been found to reduce anxiety. CBD and THC together can really moderate the side effect of anxiety or paranoia from THC while still offering a nice high and benefits.

I'd recommend taking a lower dose of THC and adding CBD to your dosing. Some great products to try are Wana's ratio skus of 1:1, 2:1, 5:1 or even 10:1 CBD to THC.

SkyShazad2 karma

Thanks for the info here, all CBD products I've tried had absolutely no effect, it was like taking nothing at all

WanaBrandsOfficial2 karma

Even when you combine them with THC? If you haven't tried that yet, that is what I was referring too.

theblacklabradork2 karma

What's the deal with the "faster acting" gummies only being available in some states but not others?

I'd like to try them in my home state where I buy your products, but they're not available. I take Wana for sleep due to chronic pain and delayed sleep phase syndrome ~2/3 nights a week and they help, but waiting 45min to an hour to start feeling effects is somewhat inconvenient. I've read that the faster acting gummies are more efficient, but how is that possible from a physiology standpoint?

Also, when I split your product (the 10mg gummies) in half with a knife to take a lower dose, it feels like one half will be WAY stronger than the other when taken a few days apart. Per the package, it is recommended to split them and take a more appropriate dose, but sometimes even 1/3 or 1/4 of the gummy is "enough" to almost too much. IDK how the compounds are distributed throughout the product, but I'm hoping you all are pulling product to conduct QA tests because it feels like some of the product is much stronger than others in the same package.

Cheers to you guys though - I wish you made hard candies like Pebbles in Oregon do, because hands down those are my favorite edible on the market. Maybe one day.

WanaBrandsOfficial2 karma

Because of federal regulations we can't make products in one facility and then ship them to stores across the country. We actually must have separate manufacturing facilities in every state we operate in. That means more then a dozen separate facilities that all need to adopt new equipment and manufacturing which simply just takes time. We are working very hard to expand our Quick gummies to new markets as well as our new fast acting gummy for sleep, called Fast-Asleep that you may be interested in.

All of our products use a homogenization process to evenly distribute cannabinoids in our products and are 3rd party tested to verify that with each batch. What I will say you may be experiencing is that our endocannabinoid system, metabolism, and meals we eat fluctuate during the day and day to day. These changes can mean the same dose can actually feel stronger or weaker depending on your current physical and mental state when you take the gummy.

MoonPrisimPower2 karma

Hi Mike! Thanks for the AMA

I have tried edible in the past and the dosage always seems to be inconsistent within the same product. For example, A chocolate bar, serving is a single bar out of the 12. Eating one may not give any kind of high, but taking the same amount another day and I'm glued to the couch.

Is there a way in the making process to make the distribution more even through the entire edible?

Bonus question!!! Why does an edible take so much longer to hit your system than smoking?


WanaBrandsOfficial6 karma

Make sure the edibles you buy have been thrid party tested, and don't be shy to ask for Certificates of Analysis. We use immersion blenders to incorporate our cannabinoids homogeneously for a consistent experience every time and always test our products for accurate potency.

When you smoke, THC goes right into the bloodstream for an immediate effect. When you ingest edibles THC has to go through your digestive tract where it is absorbed in the intestines. Your liver then processes THC into the metabolite 11-OH-THC, which takes time, and delivers a more potent and longer lasting experience.

Bonus for you - try Wana's Quick gummies. They are made with an encapsulation that makes the cannabinoids water-soluble for faster absorption and reduces metabolization in the liver for a faster onset, less intense high, and a shorter duration than our classic edibles.

qtinemadness2 karma

How does one get into this business/ what made you start?

WanaBrandsOfficial3 karma

Honestly I just started applying for jobs :)

Do your research on companies and research on cannabis and come get involved. There are many areas of the industry but they are mostly the same as other industries. We still need chefs, packagers, sales, marketing, finance, etc.

beautiful_boss_witch2 karma

Can you tell us more about the THCV compound and what benefits it has?

WanaBrandsOfficial4 karma

THCV is an antagonist or inverse agonist of the CB1 receptor. This is an oversimplification, but what that means is that it has effects opposite of THC.

Here is a short training we've made for budtenders!

Note that unfortunately the discount and giveaway are only eligible for budtenders.

Jeremynoname2 karma

I have am outstanding resume and am CO MED certified. I applied for a packaging position and was turned down. Would there be a way to send you my resume and cover letter directly?

WanaBrandsOfficial2 karma

I'm not the right person, but don't be discouraged and try applying again for the next opening :)

evolving_I1 karma

Terpene Gum. That is all.
Where do I collect my royalty check?

WanaBrandsOfficial2 karma

I can taste it in my nose just thinking about it!

AppleSlacks1 karma

Do you consume edibles during your workday?

WanaBrandsOfficial3 karma

Nope :) That's an after work activity for me!

D3ad_Laugh1 karma

Do you guys have any CDB products?

WanaBrandsOfficial2 karma

CBD? Yes, we have many CBD and THC ratio products as well as a full line of CBD-only products you can find available online at wanawellness.com

user-na-me1 karma

Why does weed make everything taste like chicken?

WanaBrandsOfficial3 karma

I thought everything already tastes like chicken, right?

Artsavesforwalls1 karma

Edibles don't work for me, they never have (neither have herbal vaporizers nor transdermal patches), though traditional smoking does. Do you have any insight as to why they do and don't work for some people or a way to get edibles to work?

WanaBrandsOfficial3 karma

When you smoke THC enters the bloodstream through the lungs, but when you eat an edible it must be processed and metabolized in the liver first.

The CYP family of enzymes in our livers processes many drugs, but depending on your own body and genetics you may have very active, typical, or very inactive enzymes, and others don't seem to process cannabinoids at all. Without active enzymes that necessary metabolism just doesn't happen. It's estimated 2-5% of people have this.

You can try Wana Quick gummies that use an encapsulation technology to help bypass this liver metabolism. This has worked for some but not all but could be worth a shot.

icantrixx1 karma

Do you provide various assortments with the generic benefits of cannabinoids, or do you put together specific strains with specific claims? If so, what are the most exciting claims you’re targeting?

WanaBrandsOfficial2 karma

We have both products with single cannabinoids and ratios of cannabinoids as well as our newer Wana Optimals that are targeting specific effects. I'm very excited about our Fast Asleep gummies, as well as the potential for anxiety reduction, sports recovery, and products that can ease discomfort or pain.

colourless-soul-1 karma

You ship to uk?

WanaBrandsOfficial5 karma

No, unfortunately federal regulations prevent us from shipping our THC products anywhere. We have to establish new production facilities and distribution networks in each new state/country we enter, because our products cannot legally be transported across state lines. Additionally, recreational cannabis it not currently legal in the UK.

We ARE working to bring our products to as many new markets as possible and are currently in something like 13 states plus Canada. So, if the UK gets around to legalizing cannabis, there's a high likelihood we'll explore what it would look like to set up operations across the pond.

WanaBrandsOfficial3 karma

Unfortunately no due to laws in the US and UK.