Highest Rated Comments

emperorOfTheUniverse1131 karma


It's a perspective trick. The beer is actually just closer in the foreground, making it appear as big as a human head. In reality, it's just a regular 12oz bottle of beer.

emperorOfTheUniverse151 karma

Loved Out of Control as a kid! Thanks for that.

Your career in comedy and voice work seems to hinge on 'clean comedy' as they say. I have a few questions regarding that.

1) What led you to make the decision to do 'clean' comedy?

2) Have you ever really done 'dirty' comedy (cursing, lewd jokes, etc)? If yes, where would I be able to see you performing it? Do you make 'lewd' jokes with your friends much?

3) What's the dirtiest joke you know?

Thanks Dave! You're great!

Edit: Totally hosed. Never fails. My questions never get answered. There should be some kind of tutorial for celebs or any interviewee that isn't familiar with reddit.

emperorOfTheUniverse107 karma


Have you ever considered you're too far up your own ass about how to evaluate a candidate?

How do you judge your success?

emperorOfTheUniverse77 karma

It's not your fault, man.

Those kids' tears are on the parents for fucking up. It's not your fault. The parents are basically thieves and you are just making it right.

emperorOfTheUniverse75 karma

What's the overall feeling in the industry about edibles (particularly candy) being attractive to children?