I run "The Slingshot Channel" on YouTube. A fellow Reddit member requested this, and here I am.

Proof: http://slingshotchannel.blogspot.de/2013/04/reddit-iama-on-10th.html

Comments: 1156 • Responses: 88  • Date: 

That_Naked_Guy1144 karma

You're like the jolliest man I know on YouTube, love your work :) Have you ever injured yourself (or anybody else for that matter) whilst working/filming? And is your YouTube job your main source of income? Keep it up, big man ;)

JoergS1389 karma

Hey, thanks! Yes, I have hurt myself, three times it was more than just a scratch. Two nasty eye injuries taught me to ALWAYS wear eye protection, and one grazing hit almost shattered my left hand. That was with the rooftop slingshot, a dangerous weapon that I disassembled afterwards.

The channel is a non profit hobby - just my hispeed cam cost me more than YouTube ever paid me. That's OK, my job as a CEO in consumer electronics brings in enough money. We live comfortably, even though I am no millionaire.

thedarkmagi604 karma

Jorg, you are a legend. I've dedicated hours watching your channel with my bro's. Even made my own mini crossbow slingshot using a hundred pack of paddle-pop sticks, works a treat. also, ever thought about a boomerang bow-sling? for your Aussie fans? All the best big chief!

JoergS1121 karma

Boomerang? Sounds like I have to wear a helmet during the tests :)

Seriously, that one is on my list.

JoergS901 karma

OK guys, that was a lot of fun! This one even made the front page. Now, after three hours without a break, it is almost midnight and I have to quit. Thanks a bunch, and if you have any more questions, join my forum or send me a PM!

Good night my friends.

ACMdota721 karma

Where can I order a condom slingshot?

JoergS1319 karma

What part of "Aaaaargh" did you not understand :)

Seriously, that video is a piece of comedy. But there is some truth in the concept - applying a condom is a fumbly, smelly, slimy and often frustrating experience. There must be a way to ease the process. I do hope my video will draw some more attention to the contest, and hopefully someone will come up with a worthy idea.

HAL-42b276 karma

So you actually tried it ?

JoergS962 karma

No... I am not THAT crazy :)

razorsheldon601 karma

I wouldn't call myself a big slingshot buff, but I found you to be so damn likable that I couldn't stop watching your videos. Have you ever thought about branching off and discussing other topics?

JoergS869 karma

In fact, I also review bows and blades. I think that any muscle powered weapon fits well into my channel. But I am still fascinated by rubber, as it turns my slow muscle power into very fast kinetic energy.

science_fundie368 karma

This is the most fascinating description of the physics behind rubber stretching I have ever seen...Feynman ftw.


JoergS555 karma

Very solid lecture for sure. Did you see my work on the thermal properties of rubber?



thunderballz404 karma

I've watched every video of yours, I'm a huge fan! Keep up the spectacular videos! Do you make your own ballistic gelatin?

JoergS471 karma

Yes, I do. I buy the powder in 25 kg bags from the Gelita corporation. They make certified ballistic gelatin powder and also provide the proper recipe.

HymenAnnihilator244 karma

Mate, what's your favorite beer at Oktoberfest?

JoergS585 karma

Ah, beers... actually I was born and raised in Dortmund, Germany's biggest beer brewing city. That is 500 miles away from Munich, and we drink Pilsener for the most part. Now I live in Upper Franconia, legally a part of Bavaria. Here, we have lots of micro breweries... very delicious. But beer is heavy on the stomach, and my body wants to weigh 500 pounds if I let him... so I try to limit my beer consumption to a reasonable amount.

el_di121 karma

hey, I am from Dortmund myself, from which part of the city are you from (if that´s not a too personal question)?

Also, which one is your favourite beer? Mine would be Fiege or Hövels, but I haven´t tasted some geniune Munich beer (I don´t like Weizen very much) so a suggestion would be appreciated (:

Anyway, keep up the good deeds, you bring a smile to everybody whom I watched your videos with.

JoergS232 karma

I grew up in Dortmund-Schnee, the highest part of the town. My favorite beer? Probably Veltins. But I like Hövels, too. Or a nice Kronen, fresh from the tab in a very busy "Kneipe".

AsskickMcGee31 karma

Have you ever tried the beer in Dusseldorf? I'm visiting family there in a couple months and am looking forward to lots of Altbier and Killepitsch.

JoergS82 karma

I will actually drive 300 miles to D'dorf on Saturday, friend of mine celebrates his 50th. Altbier rocks!

That_Naked_Guy237 karma

Do people have to give you notice before visiting you in case they visit and your randomly firing chainsaws at them or something?

JoergS464 karma

As long as they don't look like Zombies or IRS agents, they are pretty safe :)

Seriously, I do have visitors sometimes, but as I have a 60 hour job, a family, and a doctorate program I am enrolled in, there isn't much free time. So an appointment makes a ton of sense.

WishIWereHere176 karma

What are you earning your doctorate in?

JoergS388 karma

Oh, it is a study about flu vaccination motivational programs at businesses. I try to find out if such programs can be profitable. My doctor father is Prof. Jürgen Wasem from the University of Duisburg/Essen, one of Germany's leading experts in medical management.

LuiSP72 karma

Merkel shows up at your door, which slingshot do you use?

If you don't know how to answer that, do you define her as IRS or Zombie? That might help choosing a slingshot LOL

JoergS334 karma

Hard to say, I agree. But I think she wants my money more than my flesh :)

Seriously, as an economist I am very much against her policies. She will save Europe to death. Now would be the time to help Europe's struggling members to get back in shape. We need to spend money in order to achieve that.

Jesv228 karma

I stumbled across one your videos on accident. My fiancé liked you so much he watched all your videos in one sitting. I don't have a question. Just wanted to say you're awesome and I love hearing you talk. :)

JoergS397 karma

Hey, thanks! Sorry for keeping your fiancé busy.

TheMellowestyellow158 karma

What is your favorite slingshot you have ever made? What is the worst injury you have ever had from one of your creations?

JoergS297 karma

My Moorhammer design is still my favorite. It is a good thing that Peter Hogan from milbroproshotuk.com still casts it in bronze and aluminum.

The most serious injury was a snapping band on a commercial slingshot that hit me in the right eye. It almost blinded me, and my eyesight won't ever be fully restored. Always wear safety glasses when handling slingshots. That one wasn't even loaded.

1921681254113 karma

I love your videos. I only have two questions.

What is your favourite slingshot so far?

Have you ever gotten into trouble with the police in Germany because of who you are?

JoergS166 karma

As i said, the Moorhammer is my best slingshot. It is already over a year old, but hard to be bested.

I always abide the law, so I have never gotten into trouble with the slingshots.

elliotravenwood111 karma

To use a metaphor from the story of another famous slingshot user, what is the biggest Goliath that you've overcome in your life?

JoergS204 karma

Right after college, I almost had to go into bankruptcy because the company I started initially failed. Back then, that would have finished my career for good. It took me many years of very hard work to pay back the debt and avoid bk.

portalsoflight63 karma

As you were repaying the debt, did you continue to try and work towards your next big move or did you find that you were mostly consumed by your responsibility (which you impressively fulfilled) to repay the debt?

JoergS139 karma

Way back then I was simply working too hard to think about such issues. Repaying a huge debt is a long and frustrating process with many sorrowful days.

MuffinMopper110 karma

I heard that your wife is your camera woman. How do you get her to allow all that destruction in your front yard?

JoergS493 karma

Amex card with no limit.

happycj94 karma

I love your videos, your humor, and your obvious enjoyment of your projects!! Even if I don't ever build one of your slingshots, I watch your videos because they are simply great entertainment.

The only thing that I want to ask is, What do your neighbors think? It seems like your neighbors are fairly close by... do they hide their children inside when "Crazy Jorg" is outside with a new toy? :-)

JoergS187 karma

Actually my house is right at the edge of town, I only have neighbors on one side. Beyond, woods and fields.

The local newspapers all covered me, so people know about my hobby. I am sure there is a ton of gossip, but for some reason noone ever approached me...

Hansmat92 karma

What is your projectile of choice? Ball bearings, bolts, Oreos, ...?

Would it be possible to adjust your weapons for paintball?

JoergS227 karma

I use paintballs all the time, they are great for beginners that want to test a low forked modern slingshot. It takes away the fear to hit the hand. But my favorite ammo is lead balls, .75 caliber. They deliver.

VaginalOdour90 karma

Hi Jörg! I love your channel on youtube, keep up all the good work! I was wondering, when did you first get into slingshots, and what/who introduced you to them?

JoergS189 karma

I first got into slingshots as a boy, my father taught me how to make them. Then, I made a 35 year break... and found a forum about five years ago. The new, modern rubber types opened my eyes. With top quality latex, slingshots are very serious weapons now. Toys no more.

Sekenre82 karma

what is the fastest slingshot you can make:

  • In a well equipped workshop surrounded by zombies?
  • In a tent/cabin in the forest surrounded by zombies?

(I was thinking that the Christmas Tree slingshot would be good for the latter :-)

I found your channel when I was searching for regular slings (David and Goliath style). Have you ever tried this technique and what do you think of them?

What was your involvement with the Hansel & Gretel witch-hunters movie?

Can you do a video showing your impressive t-shirt collection?

Thanks for doing this AMA. (Edit: formatting)

JoergS128 karma

The christmas tree slingshot is indeed ideal for a survival situation that catches you without any tools, other than a knife and some rubber.

I have done some work with the David sling, even made a more high tech frame for that style. Lots of power, works well for heavy projectiles, but it takes a lot of practice to hit anything with it.

Paramount asked me to help promoting the H+G movie. I thought that was fun, so they sent a team to Germany and we did the witch hunter series.

My T-shirts never last very long, I have that habit to wear them in the workshop, and sooner or later I get glue on them...

Sekenre37 karma

thanks, I'd be interested in seeing a video of your high tech frame for the David sling!

Shaysdays79 karma

What is your dream machine, the slingshot you would build with unlimited funds and time?

JoergS243 karma

I want to master Leonardo Da Vinci's unfullfilled promise to Count Ludovico di Sforza. With rubber.


A professional team (ITN) tried to build the thing in 2002, and failed miserably. I have other plans. Now I am thinking about a Kickstarter.

tominabox166 karma

Love the videos, enjoy your AMA here on Reddit!

Keep smashing stuff.

JoergS131 karma

Sure! I love destruction. :)

sifumokung63 karma

Have you ever used a slingshot on actual live game, and if so, what are your conclusions?

JoergS171 karma

I don't hunt, simply because I don't enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, I don't frown upon hunting in general, but I found out that hunting is mostly waiting. Lots of people use slingshots to hunt small game, it obviously works really well. But in a true survival situation, what you need is some good traps. Much more effective.

VaginalOdour58 karma

Has anyone ever requested for you to build any ridiculous/wacky slingshot designs, other that the ones you have made videos for?

JoergS96 karma

Oh, I do get such requests all the time. But I have actually put some of these wacky ideas into reality! The saw blade shooter and the buzz saw bazooka are good examples.

Anesthesiakk56 karma

I have no question; I absolutely love your laugh, and you. You're fucking hilarious.

Actually I lied; how the hell did you become so awesome at English? I live in Germany and most Germans I meet, even the younger ones, are not nearly as good. It's impressive. Kudos.

JoergS98 karma

Hey, thanks! I guess I paid attention in school :)

Seriously, I like reading books in the original English language. Great for grammar and vocabulary, not so great for pronounciation...

Generals50 karma

Has bill gates seen your condom slingshot? If so how did he respond?

JoergS102 karma

He might have seen it, but I haven't heard from him yet.

roadtoruin7844 karma

Are you into firearms or archery at all? Is it difficult to own firearms or a hunting license in Germany? Are those sport popular? Also I like your videos a lot, you come up with some awesome stuff. Sadly I live in New Jersey State of USA where it is legal to own guns but all slingshots are illegal! So I can't enjoy your hobby.

JoergS91 karma

I do own many firearms, not so hard here really. It just takes about a year to get a license. Very popular in Germany, shooting clubs ("Schützenvereine") have a looong tradition. Hunting is mostly for the rich people, as it costs a lot of money to obtain hunting rights in our woods. I do know that slingshots are illegal in New Jersey, but public inobedience seems to be common there - I know several slingshot shooters that live in NJ.

mark899240 karma

Just a shout-out - cool to find you here. I was Eric K"s first Casablanca rep and came to visit you in Vetter a few years ago. I am writing this post from NAB in Las Vegas. We threw some great parties here, once upon a time. You are more multitalented than i ever knew. Best Wishes!!!

JoergS47 karma

Mark, the world is small! Have you been with us during the Sushi bar dirty jokes dinners? Glory days.

SimonEddie39 karma

Hi! I was wondering, how many slingshots have you made approximately? Also, what's your favorite type of wood?

JoergS92 karma

I probably made three hundred slingshots in the last five years. My favorite wood - good question. I enjoy testing new, exotic types. Love the feel and smell! Desert ironwood is probably the most fascinating type, olive wood smells the nicest, and Texas Perssimon has the nicest feel.

Hansmat41 karma

Have you ever hurt yourself while making a slingshot? From some guitar makers I heard that those exotic woods can be toxic.

JoergS79 karma

Yes, some wood types are nasty. But nothing beats carbon fiber. That stuff clings to you like glue, and you feel like you are coming down with a massive flu.

SimonEddie27 karma

Does the wood in your videos cost a lot or do you acquire them yourself?

JoergS68 karma

I have several sources. My favorite exotic wood supplier is www.edelholzverkauf.de, they have amazing stuff meant for pen and knife makers. I also use dead wood from here, if you collect it at the perfect stage of decomposition the colors are amazing. But I also get wood samples from fans, from all over the world. I often send them slingshots in return.

SimonEddie24 karma

Haha, if I sent you a wood sample would you make a slingshot of it for me in return? :)

JoergS61 karma

Maybe, if you have a wood type I haven't used before. But there is quite a waiting list. So many forks, so little time.

iminsideme36 karma

ich bin lehrnen deutche. wie ssagt mann "slingshot" im deutche? und was tadt kommst du?

JoergS55 karma

Man sagt "Schleuder" oder Zwille. Ich komme aus Dortmund, lebe aber jetzt in Oberfranken, in einer kleinen Stadt namens Burgkunstadt.

MrHeadcrab29 karma

Do you ever get tired of being so damn awesome all the time?

JoergS48 karma

Doesn't feel that way, really. I just do my thing. Thanks anyway! :)

plethorgalgas29 karma

What would you recommend I buy or build for a starter slingshot? The only slingshot I have ever owned was a cheap drugstore type thing.

JoergS53 karma

That depends on your budget. Under 20 dollars, I like the Saunders Hawk (www.sausa.com) as it uses flat bands. The Flippinout Scout (www.simple-shot.com) is a great shooter for about 40 dollars, very versatile regarding the bands. But nothing beats a Moorhammer in solid aluminum, cast by Peter Hogan in Sheffield (www.milbroproshotuk.com)

Andme_Zoidberg28 karma

No questions. ZS member checking in. Keep making badass slingshots man.

JoergS65 karma

Keep on making dead things deader, my friend!

InquisitorKaede25 karma

Hi! I enjoy your videos. Always very entertaining in the comedic sense and technically as well!

Have you ever had Bitburger Pils? I was born it Bitburg but haven't lived in Germany for some time. I'm curious as to its reputation.

JoergS44 karma

Bitte ein Bit! (A Bit please), that is their big motto. Of course I had Bitburgers, great beer, and a great place too. Right at the Luxemburg border, beautiful countryside.

NotThatGeekAgain25 karma

Who makes your slingshot rubber? Where can I get some (ideally from the UK or somewhere in Europe)?

JoergS44 karma

Check the FAQs on my website (www.slingshotchannel.com)! In short, I buy Thera Band Gold by the meter, from various ebay shops.

somjuan24 karma

What is your background? Or more specifically, how did you get into slingshots? Thanks, love the show.

JoergS50 karma

As I said above, my father taught me how to make slingshots. We used inner tubes and natural forks back then. Now, with superior rubber and radically different frames, slingshots are so much better.

I have a master degree in biz admin, and I am working on a doctorate at the side (not easy these days).

SwanzVader23 karma

I'm surprised no one has asked this yet but would you rather sling one horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses?

JoergS124 karma

I specialize in goats.

choover54120 karma

If you could build some plans and make them downloadable that would be awesome. I would gladly pay for a "kit" for some of your toys. Is there any chance that you will be selling specs?

JoergS62 karma

I do have blueprints and several tutorials online. As I have no engineering background, I don't really enjoy that part - but if there are plans, they are always for free. My channel is non profit.

Check my forum! http://theslingshotforum.forumotion.com/f15-blueprint-pdf-downloads

hornwalker18 karma

So I'm really curious, where does your love of slingshots come from?

JoergS105 karma

Love has no origin and no destination, it just is :)

Lokarn17 karma

I love your voice and the way you laugh, it's incredibly soothing to listen to your videos.

Have your slingshots and other devices ever caused you trouble with the police, since some of those are lethal?

JoergS31 karma

No trouble with the cops, I don't do illegal and always stay on my own property.

whittler16 karma

Growing up in the city, I was an ace with a slingshot. I recently got back into it and have introduced it to my daughter. Your videos are inspirational and got me back into the sport. Thanks.

JoergS26 karma

Hey, good for you! Thanks for the praise.

RzK16 karma

have you ever.... shot a slingshot from a slingshot while the slingshot is shooting a slingshot which shoots slingshots?

JoergS43 karma

You mean cascaded slingshots? I did work with the concept a little bit. But there is room for future projects in that direction.

LuiSP15 karma

Just how much fun did you have making the condom clip?

Love your clips, especially the bullpups :D

JoergS53 karma

The condom clip was kind of funny, but I am always nervous when we film the video. I enjoy the making of the weapon (or tool), and also I love following the comments after the clips go online. But the filming is quite stressy, things always go wrong. During the tests, everything is always perfect - cameras are cursed.

chainsawmurderingaxe14 karma

Hello Jörg, I have a question for you. Where do you find YOUR theraband?

and which one do you prefer?

Edit: answered.

Also, what do you consider to be the EASIEST slingshot you have ever made?.

JoergS31 karma

I use Thera Band Gold mostly. I buy it in bulk, 45 meter rolls, on ebay. Whoever is cheapest gets my order.

Odatas14 karma

How was filming with Galileo? How long did the filmed for the short spot? Did you get something out of it? Besides Promo ? :D

JoergS36 karma

I did two Galileo shootings, with two different film teams. Those usually take a day or two. I could have charged, but didn't, out of principle.

The_Maddog14 karma

Why is your laugh both awesome and deliciously evil? Also..are you planning to take over the world with a giant slingshot?

JoergS50 karma

Right after I shoot that goat to the f..ing moon. :)

(Insider joke)

GlenThen14 karma

Sausage or bacon?

JoergS74 karma

Both, of course. And Schnitzel.

loonybinjones13 karma

I found out about your channel a few months ago and have been following you ever since. One thing I've wondered is why you don't sell some of your creations. I, for one, would love to buy some.

JoergS75 karma

Well, I enjoy my hobby very much. Turning it into a business would spoil the fun.

Godofallu12 karma

No real question I just wanted to say that before I saw your videos I didn't really care about slingshots and it was something I couldn't really identify with.

But when someone shows that much love and goodwill towards their hobby it has the power to pull outsiders in. I think it would be almost impossible to hate on your videos due to the sheer amount of charisma you employ.

JoergS30 karma

my "like/dislike" ratio on YT is really good, 1,67% dislikes only.

CheezIts_YAY12 karma

Did your wife ever actually try applying a condom to you with your condom slingshot?

JoergS52 karma

No. I am very glad.

topodan11 karma

Jörg, you are doing an awesome AMA. Thanks for answering so many questions. I tried making one of your slingshots, got my pink stuck, and broke it in two places. I don't blame you, because it makes a good story and you're pretty explicit about not doing the things you do. No question, just thought I'd let you know how cool you are.

JoergS22 karma

Thanks! And don't give up making slingshots.

DrinkinMcGee10 karma

Love your channel, thanks for contributing your wonderful insanity to us all.

My q - is there anything you'd really love to build but won't/can't? Why?

JoergS16 karma

See above for the Da Vincy challenge!

I'd love to incorporate fire and explosions, but there is no way that I can do that here in Germany.

_readit_10 karma

How do job, studies, family and your slingshot-hobby fit in your week?

Are you afraid that one day it might turn out to be too much for your health?

JoergS22 karma

Well, my wife is a medical doctor, she takes good care of me. I guess I just don't sleep very much.

VaginalOdour9 karma

What is your favorite slingshot that you didn't make or design yourself?

JoergS21 karma

My friend Tobias is getting very good in making fantastic carved naturals from domestic tree forks. He gave me one made from an apple tree fork that is truly amazing.

Sekenre9 karma

Who is the frightened Nun in your video credits?

JoergS24 karma

See seems pretty fearless to me, just a bit... sceptical. She was actually just walking by when the film team (tapefilm guys from Munich) was here. She is quite something, right?

afaulds8 karma

Hi! What slingshot would you suggest for someone just starting out? keep up the good work!

JoergS9 karma

See above, I think the Saunders Hawk (www.sausa.com) is great for beginners. 15 bucks, with flatbands.

MyBlackPaperCup8 karma

Hi thanks for doing this. 1. What made you want to go into making slingshots? 2. When did you make your first slingshot and what was the slingshot like?

JoergS12 karma

My first slingshot was made from a hazelwood fork, using an old car inner tube. I was maybe five or six at the time.

Rediscovered slingshots about five years ago... modern rubber changed everything.

Bdank4202478 karma

Have you made a slingshot for something in every day use around your house or work?

JoergS10 karma

I have many such models!

EatSleepRAGE8 karma

Jorg, I was wondering if you have any other hobbies besides slingshots? Between your channel and your job, it seems like you have quiet a bit on your plate.

Also, Keep up the great work!

JoergS26 karma

I collect fountain pens! Also I like writing. Actually I have published two books, in the German language of course.

PTTGx27 karma


I'm just really amazed by some of those clips...

JoergS34 karma

I am fairly strong. I was a heavy weight Judo fighter when I was younger, and spent a lot of time in the gym later on.

afterbirth_slime6 karma

"Le Reddit Army" .... Seriously?

JoergS42 karma

I took that term from comments on my channel!

SimonEddie9 karma

Yeah that's not a good idea. Redditors hate that term and its made to make fun of the site and its community. Love your videos btw!

JoergS49 karma

Ah OK. I apologize. I thought the term was rather interesting and saw nothing negative in it.

SimonEddie0 karma

It's no problem; I can understand that it's hard to keep up with Internet affairs :)

ZeNuGerman3 karma

...says a Redditor to the guy with the massive YouTube channel.
Maaaaaaybe tone down the condescension somewhat?

SimonEddie1 karma

Yeah i realised that and tried to be more humble with the smiley face and all but I sincerely meant what I said. It IS hard to be up to date on Internet stuff. Like so much can happen if you miss a week and you can easily be left out. Didn't want awesome Jörg here to say "le reddit army" without understanding that most of us highly dislike that term :S. Sorry Jörg if I offended you :(

JoergS1 karma

No offense taken. My bad.

bobsagetfullhouse3 karma

Have you ever been in a confrontation where you had to defend yourself with a slingshot?

JoergS16 karma

Actually, nobody EVER attacked me - and I have been in some really shady places.

7RED72 karma

Hi Jorg, love your show and try to introduce people to it whenever I can. Do you have a lot of people working on your slingshot projects (I always see people working on things in the background)? Do you do a lot of inventioneering that doesn't involve slingshots or your day job?

JoergS14 karma

My day job is really in management, suit and tie every workday. I have engineers that do the R+D for the business, mostly software guys. That is why I like to do my own projects just by myself.

yepyep12432 karma

Have you considered making a slingshot big enough to fire a person?

JoergS7 karma

Like the Mythbusters Border Slingshot? Interesting concept.

IWannaPuke2 karma

Hey, I have just started watching your videos and they are amazing! You're really interesting and informative to watch!

Have you ever had a slingshot or catapult like weapon "backfire" and hit you or anything around you, like in this video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cfeTZNcA3g If so what kind of damage did it do?

edit: had an extra part, do you know what that woman did so wrong to make that watermelon smash her in the face?

JoergS7 karma

That happens if you use a bad pouch design and a wrong release technique.


therealbighairy1 karma

Have you ever had the police investigate in case you actually did have anything that was restricted?

JoergS2 karma

They may have investigated, but noone ever approached me.

Python4221 karma

You are an amazing person. How did you get into making slingshots in the first place, at least on this scale?

Also, I really like your condom application slingshot. It truly is an amazing piece of art.

JoergS2 karma

Running a successful youtube channel us addictive. It started small, but at some point I was firmly hooked.

The_Goat_Fucker1 karma

Make a boomerang thrower.

chainsawmurderingaxe1 karma

That's near to impossible.

JoergS3 karma

Well, I have a slingshot that is a bit like that.


Rubber powered levers accelerate normal slingshot bands.

tivo7131 karma

Since zombies have gotten more popular (the walking dead, warm bodies) maybe a show dedicated to slingshots and zombies? I'd like to see how accurate they would be for headshots on a moving target, especially since its unlimited ammo! edit: your youtube channel constantly cures me from boredom at work, thank you!

JoergS3 karma

I hate boredom more than Zombies :)

I would LOVE to be in a Zombie movie, just a small role would be super. Ach, a man can dream, right?

asschamp1 karma

Where can I purchase one of your condom applicators?

JoergS3 karma

Right after Bill Gates will have forked over the 100k, I will start on a production run - stay tuned :)

barryabrams1 karma

I'm not particularly interested in weapons in general, but I must say, I enjoy watching your videos. The fact that you make them all yourself, your crazy amounts of creativity, and your over the top personality make your videos really enjoyable to watch.

JoergS3 karma

hey, thanks!

VaginalOdour1 karma

Are your co workers terrified of you? ;)

JoergS3 karma

Well, I try to be as nice as possible - works OK, for the most part.

IzYZacee1 karma

What are people's reaction when they drive by your house, and you are shooting machetes at a rubber doll?

JoergS2 karma

Noone ever stopped, that's for sure!

AChocolateMiniroll1 karma

Whats the most serious injury you have aquired during your time on the slingshot channel.

JoergS2 karma

See above - a serious eye injury. Very painful.

shopdog0 karma

Thanks for sharing your creations! I really enjoy your videos. I would love to see videos of the making/building process.

JoergS2 karma

Did you watch my tutorials? Must be over a dozen now.

mage2k-2 karma

Do you know Techno Viking?

JoergS3 karma

No - should I?