Highest Rated Comments

EatSleepRAGE8 karma

Jorg, I was wondering if you have any other hobbies besides slingshots? Between your channel and your job, it seems like you have quiet a bit on your plate.

Also, Keep up the great work!

EatSleepRAGE7 karma

Do you usually expect... a knife in the throat?

EatSleepRAGE4 karma

A family member of a patient said some horrible things to his brother, and the patient completely flew off the handle in the hallway they were in.

Honestly I can't say I'd do the same. I love my brother to death, and I'd fight the meanest motherfucker out there if he tried to harm my brother verbally or physically.

EatSleepRAGE3 karma

Fuck man, I love your show but nobody gets my Doctor Roxo voice.. Is this brutal enough, or do I just need new friends??

EatSleepRAGE3 karma

Thanks for the reply! Will definitely be looking for new friends