Hi Reddit, I am Kirby Sommers, the author of 'Ghislaine Maxwell: An Unauthorized Biography' (Book Four in "The Epstein Series").

Proof tweet: https://twitter.com/KirbySommers/status/1414194010042900480

This is my twitter with the announcement of my book on Amazon (social proof): https://twitter.com/KirbySommers/status/1412377193297199110

One of the many people who purchased my book (through my website) was Ghislaine Maxwell's sister, Isabel. I have a good story about this that I am happy to get into during the AMA.

I wanted to find out how Ghislaine became the monster she is today and while researching for this book and writing it, the answer became clear.

By way of introducing myself I thought I'd include the Foreword Greg Olear wrote for my book:

"It was bound to happen sooner or later. The laws of karma demanded it. One of the victims of the unimaginably horrific global sex trafficking trade would survive the abuse, baptize herself in the fire of her torment, and rise up to take on her oppressors. That is who Kirby Sommers is, and that is what she has, against all odds, managed to do.

When Bruce Wayne was a boy, he watched helplessly as his parents were murdered by a common street thug. Most people would never have recovered from such devastating trauma. Not young Bruce. He dedicated himself to a life of crimefighting, and became the Batman.

Kirby’s origin story is more horrifying than Bruce Wayne’s. Impregnated by her rapist—who forced his way into her apartment after their movie date—she was desperate for money to get an abortion. For help, she turned to her older sister, who was something of a mother figure to her. It was her sister, her own flesh and blood, who introduced her to the brothel, who fed her to the cruel machine of sex trafficking. That initial betrayal led Kirby Sommers to be claimed by a man who was fabulously wealthy, but also sick, perverted, and evil—a comic book bad guy, but all too real.

For years Kirby was his sex slave—not in a Story of O sort of way, but an actual slave, effectively owned by this man, forced to indulge his disgusting carnal desires. When she finally escaped from his clutches, she had her Bruce Wayne moment: she dedicated her life to exposing not only him, but all of the abominable predators like him. That meant, primarily, the ne plus ultra of sex trafficking villains, Jeffrey Epstein. It was through her relentless, painstaking work on the Epstein case that I got to know Kirby’s work.

The machine went on the attack, as it does. The men (it’s mostly but not exclusively men) in this perverted club are men of privilege and power and wealth, and they use every means at their disposal to silence their accusers. Victims are discredited, trolled, sued, harassed, threatened, mentally abused—whatever tactics their devious minds cook up. Petty males have been doing this for centuries, to Lidia, to Catherine the Great, to any powerful woman they perceive as a threat. Kirby is no exception. To this day, her abuser wants us to think she’s nuts, that her work is garbage, that she has some ulterior motive in doing what she does.

What they don’t understand is that Kirby Sommers is Batman. Watching her work, marveling at what she has accomplished, it is impossible not to admire her.

Bruce Wayne had Alfred the Butler, a mansion, and millions of dollars inherited from his father to ease his transition into Batmanhood. Being neither fictional nor rich, Kirby lacks these fantastical resources. But she doesn’t need them, because like the Caped Crusader, she is relentless, unwavering, and steadfast in her quest to root out the evildoers.

My privilege, being a white man, is to turn away, to stop looking, to think about other things. Kirby never looks away. She is always watching. She is forever vigilant. And she will never stop. That is her superpower.

And now, she has fixed her gaze on the vilest female villain since Elizabeth Báthory. In the larger story of the global sex trafficking trade, Ghislaine Maxwell is one of the most infamous, and most formidable, bad guys. Her father was a notorious spy, a foreigner who managed to ingratiate himself into the highest reaches of the British establishment. Her business partner Jeffrey Epstein was also a spy and an arms dealer, as well as a prolific sex trafficker and collector of kompromat. Already tight with Britain’s Prince Andrew, as a New York socialite, Ghislaine Maxwell befriended the rich and powerful. Her sisters work in Big Tech. Her boyfriend—or is he her husband?—works in shipping. How does this make any sense? Who is Ghislaine Maxwell, really? And how did she become such a monster?

In this remarkable volume, Kirby Sommers finds out. She always finds out."

Ask Me Anything!

UPDATE 11:30am *Thank you for the award - it's heartwarming!

UPDATE 11:53am *I got a HUGZ award - thank you so much!

UPDATE 12:21pm *I now have a SILVER award! Thank you! Slaying dragons alone is never easy. Together, we're stronger.

UPDATE 1pm. Thank you for the great questions and for taking part in my 'Ask Me Anything' today. It was good to see how passionate you are for justice to prevail. If you want to follow my work, I'm on Twitter: https://twitter.com/KirbySommers

Comments: 556 • Responses: 43  • Date: 

fartparty53322 karma

By all accounts there were girls coming and going into Epsteins everyday. Over all these years that would be atleast in the thousands..and that's just new York..where are all these girls? Of course some would stay quiet..but why havent more come forward? Where are they?

LandlordLinksNet356 karma

By all accounts there were girls coming and going into Epsteins everyday. Over all these years that would be atleast in the thousands..and that's just new York..where are all these girls? Of course some would stay quiet..but why havent more come forward? Where are they?

There were thousands of girls, boys and vulnerable people (includes people with disabilities or vulnerable people because of financial hardship). Several factors. After one is sexually abused while at the same time being plied with drugs (as were Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s victims) some victims never recover. Working in the adult industry becomes the next “logical” step for those who haven’t accidentally overdosed. Then there are the ones that can’t handle the guilt that comes with the abuse and commit suicide. And, of course, there are the murders that are part of the horrific crime of sex trafficking.

fartparty5394 karma

And do you think Epstein had victims killed? Any idea as to the mechanics?

LandlordLinksNet149 karma

nd do you think Epstein had victims killed? Any idea as to the mechanics?

If one believes Courtney Love’s father, Hank Harrison, the “worn out” girls were thrown into the sea while others were buried in the desert.

llamallamaducksauce286 karma

I watched a documentary about Maxwell recently, I think on Netflix, and one of the things that struck me is that a big deal was made about how emotionally distant and abusive her father was. While I don't deny that growing up in such an environment would have shaped the type of person Maxwell became, and normalised some pretty toxic attitudes, there was a lot of emphasis on her being a "daddy's girl" who replaced one abusive male figure with another.

What bothered me about this is that it felt like a way to sort of assuage or distract from Maxwell's own choices and actions. It felt like a sort of deterministic argument that downplays her own agency and complicity: she was raised in a rich but damaging environment, and so she repeated that pattern of behaviour.

My question, then, is what are your thoughts on this sort of representation? How do we strike a balance between acknowledging her past and not using that as a way to excuse her behaviour? And, if it's not too personal, how do you feel seeing this sort of framing considering how your own trauma has shaped your current ambitions, which are the polar opposite?

LandlordLinksNet565 karma

I watched a documentary about Maxwell recently, I think on Netflix, and one of the things that struck me is that a big deal was made about how emotionally distant and abusive her father was. While I don't deny that growing up in such an environment would have shaped the type of person Maxwell became, and normalised some pretty toxic attitudes, there was a lot of emphasis on her being a "daddy's girl" who replaced one abusive male figure with another.

What bothered me about this is that it felt like a way to sort of assuage or distract from Maxwell's own choices and actions. It felt like a sort of deterministic argument that downplays her own agency and complicity: she was raised in a rich but damaging environment, and so she repeated that pattern of behaviour.

My question, then, is what are your thoughts on this sort of representation? How do we strike a balance between acknowledging her past and not using that as a way to excuse her behaviour? And, if it's not too personal, how do you feel seeing this sort of framing considering how your own trauma has shaped your current ambitions, which are the polar opposite?

This is going to be one of Ghislaine Maxwell’s arguments should her case proceed to a trial. That she was a “victim”. None of the documentaries to date have done a good job, in my opinion. In all our lives we take responsibility for our actions. Maxwell was close to 30 years old when she began her collaboration with Jeffrey Epstein. Thirty years old. Not twenty. Not 14 like some of the real victims. She did this for the money and to hold on to a lavish lifestyle. Unlike her father who really did have deep Zionist beliefs and is one of the reasons he worked for Mossad—Ghislaine does not have these deep beliefs. She believes in money. She is a shallow woman who has misspent her life and ruined countless others. May she rot in hell.

luckleberries135 karma

Do you think that u/maxwellhill is Ghislaine's reddit account?

LandlordLinksNet214 karma

Do you think that


is Ghislaine's reddit account?

I have samples of Ghislaine Maxwell’s handwriting and via my research discovered she’s dyslexic. This means she misspells words and reads slow – which I discuss in my book. I’ve seen a couple of people try to dissuade anyone from linking u/maxwellhill to Ghislaine Maxwell. My personal belief is that it *did* belong to Ghislaine although she probably had people help her with the writing.

ireallydespiseyouall111 karma

how do you think epstein died?

LandlordLinksNet171 karma

I believe a high-powered individual utilized the abilities of Nick Tartaglione to silence him.

drmikehunts45 karma

Is Ghislaine also at risk?

LandlordLinksNet115 karma

This is on everyone’s mind. She’s been in jail for over one year now and has not been killed. However I don’t see a normal court case happening. She, like Jeffrey Epstein, was an “intelligence asset”. I tell everyone not to forget Alex Acosta’s words, ‘I was told to back off…that he [Epstein] belonged to intelligence.” In my opinion, she will get a reduced sentence and/or pull a Vincent Louis Gigante trick. I said this while on Shaun Attwood’s podcast a couple of months ago. For those of you who are not familiar with Gigante, he was the boss of the Genovese crime family who made believe he was too frail and crazy to stand trial. Which takes us back to Leslie Wexner – who no one here has mentioned. Wexner was tied in to the Genovese crime family.

dontforgetthis274 karma

How do normal people help with this? As you said, the perpetrators all have the means to silence, harass or destroy anyone who tries and bring anyone to justice. These same people give money to local police functions, mayoral races, etc- they own the places in which they do their business. They own or have influence in media entities that will shift the narrative or in the usual case: don't even bring it up.

So again I would have to ask, aside from taxing these people to the point where they can't buy this type of lifestyle, what can we do?

Edit: didn't mean for this to come across as pithy if it did. I, like many others here probably, feel helpless and is if we are just designated to witness these things, without an avenue to channel our desire for change. We live in a society that is bought and paid for by these kind of people, aside from just staring at their biggest abuses or posting "epstein didn't kill himself" all day, I'm not sure what an average person can do.

LandlordLinksNet175 karma

How do normal people help with this? As you said, the perpetrators all have the means to silence, harass or destroy anyone who tries and bring anyone to justice. These same people give money to local police functions, mayoral races, etc- they own the places in which they do their business. They own or have influence in media entities that will shift the narrative or in the usual case: don't even bring it up.

So again I would have to ask, aside from taxing these people to the point where they can't buy this type of lifestyle, what can we do?

Edit: didn't mean for this to come across as pithy if it did. I, like many others here probably, feel helpless and is if we are just designated to witness these things, without an avenue to channel our desire for change. We live in a society that is bought and paid for by these kind of people, aside from just staring at their biggest abuses or posting "epstein didn't kill himself" all day, I'm not sure what an average person can do.

We’re at a moment in history, for the first time where “normal people” are becoming aware of this type of human trafficking. When the Franklin child abuse scandal arose—the victims were portrayed as liars. Two of them were threatened with being put in jail if they didn’t retract their allegations. Alisha Owens, who was 15 years old at the time she was ensnared into a child trafficking ring with connections to Ronald Reagan’s White House, was put in jail. She spent the first two years of her sentence in solitary confinement. Another victim was killed as he ran looking for help. My point is that we—normal people—can help by not allowing “the other side” to portray victims as “liars”. To claim they are “conspiracy theorists" as I see happening even on this sub while I answer your question. To stick to your guns. To know that a person, a victim, whether a child or an adult steps forward to out this twisted and sick world with full knowledge there is going to be violent opposition. But they do it anyway. They tell the truth. At this moment in time there are more people open to hearing the truth than at any other point in history. Keep spreading the information – that is what I do to help. That is what you can do to help.

7890me49 karma

Do you have advice for victims of sexual assault on how to process and cope with the trauma? I started therapy a year ago and it is helping. It is slow, bitter work though.

LandlordLinksNet49 karma

Do you have advice for victims of sexual assault on how to process and cope with the trauma? I started therapy a year ago and it is helping. It is slow, bitter work though.

There is no one answer fits all for this question. For years I struggled with how to cope with the trauma. Make it decades. I am happy to hear you are in therapy. Certainly the right therapist can help. I always encourage people to interview their potential therapist to see if they, too, had a similar experience. Bottom line: it’s about fear and insecurity. Facing up to your fears and doing something even though it’s difficult (as you are doing now) is the first step. There is always going to be another obstacle. Because, as you know, trauma is a multi-layered monster. However, to get over the next obstacle and the next growing curve you apply the same method you used previously. For example: becoming a full-fledged writing was something I always dreamed about. From the time I was a young girl. In the beginning I didn’t think I could pull it off. That I wasn’t “worthy”. But I pushed myself to finish my memoir which I began decades ago. And to my surprise the response I received included words like “great” and similar. I was floored and then buoyed. I continued to write and today I have written over a dozen books. Good luck on your voyage.

Emperor_Leto44 karma

Is Prince Andrew off the hook now?

LandlordLinksNet141 karma

Is Prince Andrew off the hook now?

Prince Andrew has been publicly humiliated. We’re all watching. But it takes more than passive watching for a member of the royal family to be held accountable. We need to continue to apply pressure to both the governments of the U.S. and the U.K. Otherwise he will slink away as another creep into the history books.

LandlordLinksNet39 karma

I'll ask a question. Who here knows that Nicholas Tartaglione and Ghislaine Maxwell share one of the same attorneys? Yes. They both use the services of Bobbi Sternheim.

drmikehunts17 karma

who is paying him?

LandlordLinksNet42 karma

Good question. Nick Tartaglioni is a former cop. However he dealt in drugs and was connected to some powerful people in that town. He has 8 of the best attorneys in New York working on his case.

bungle_bogs33 karma

Considering your past, was it difficult to maintain critical thinking / journalistic integrity when investigating / researching the book? Do you think you managed to do achieve that?

LandlordLinksNet11 karma

Considering your past, was it difficult to maintain critical thinking / journalistic integrity when investigating / researching the book? Do you think you managed to do achieve that?

Thank you for phrasing this in a way that doesn’t make me want to shut down. My past has helped me tremendously while researching the various people in this case. The man who abused me is part of their circle and I knew some things going in. I knew, for example, this was a spy case. Before Alex Acosta made that statement I knew this years ago. Working on this and having written several books about it (as well as my own experience) has helped me finally see things in perspective. Finally, I wasn’t the only woman something like this happened to. There were thousands of us. Everywhere.

bungle_bogs49 karma

Thank you for posting a reply to my question. But, I think you have skirted around actually answering it. I understand that experiencing what you have experienced gives you insight that I simply wouldn't have.

However, I'm also aware that when someone has been significantly impacted by an issue it can be very difficult to extract emotion from critical thinking and approach the subject objectively.

Do you think you managed to do this? And if so, how did manage to stay objective?

LandlordLinksNet-22 karma

I was able to remain impartial. If you listen to my interview on Greg Olear's podcast you'll see that even he noted this when he read the book. I wanted people to form their own opinion of Ghislaine Maxwell.

JamieFindThatVideo30 karma

Has anyone tried to intimidate you into leaving this topic alone?

LandlordLinksNet0 karma

Yes, as we speak, about half a dozen accounts here on today's AMA is a good example. There are others who are employed by Maxwell's family. And others employed by Prince Andrew. Push back is expected when dealing with the crime of the century. One just has to ignore it and keep going.

Man_acquiesced29 karma

How has Qanon impacted your research and writing?

LandlordLinksNet-17 karma

I don't know anything about Qanon.

DrHalibutMD24 karma

I see your book focuses on the lead up to her meeting with Epstein, why did you choose that period and what makes it interesting enough to be the focus of a book?

LandlordLinksNet24 karma

I see your book focuses on the lead up to her meeting with Epstein, why did you choose that period and what makes it interesting enough to be the focus of a book?

I didn’t begin with the idea of just focusing on her early years. This happened after I began the book. Every time I dug into something I found what I considered to be gems. Things MSM didn’t share. For example: Robert Maxwell donated money to Balliol College at Oxford for “poor people”. This is how Ghislaine Maxwell gets into Oxford. There were many finds I thought readers would be interested in. The response has been amazing. Even Ghislaine Maxwell has read my book. Her sister Isabel bought a copy from my website.

GameTheory42917 karma

How powerful is Leslie Wexner and it seems like he’s gotten off scot-free, what do you make of that?

LandlordLinksNet31 karma

How powerful is Leslie Wexner and it seems like he’s gotten off scot-free, what do you make of that?

Thank you for bringing Leslie Wexner into the conversation. He’s very powerful and has been since the mid-1960s. People forget that powerful and wealthy individuals employ a team of sophisticated public relations firms. Whatever they want the media to say is said. MSM has repeatedly portrayed Wexner as Jeffrey Epstein’s victim. In my opinion and based on victim statements, court documents and my own experience with my abuser—Wexner was a money conduit to Epstein. If you know anything at all about how the CIA funneled money into hospitals and universities (like Harvard, etc) for their MK-Ultra experiments – then you’ll know what I mean. If you are not aware I’ll explain. The CIA created dummy corporations. They put money into the banks for these fake corporations. These in turn contacted the hospitals and universities and donated money to be used in these experiments. In this way none of the recipients knew the CIA was funding the “scientific research”. I believe Leslie Wexner was a FUNNEL.

RecursiveParadox15 karma

Her boyfriend—or is he her husband?—works in shipping

Who is that?

LandlordLinksNet14 karma

Scott Borgerson. Her husband since 2016.

prophet5839 karma

Was she in love with him?

LandlordLinksNet26 karma

If by “she” you mean Ghislaine Maxwell – then the answer is emphatically no. They were working an assignment. Did it involve them being intimate with each other? Yes. In almost every one of my books I discuss this aspect of their lives. They were not a “normal couple”. Even the victims have said this. They didn’t “hold hands”. They didn’t “kiss”. They didn’t “sleep in the same bed”. From day one they were working an intelligence assignment. I’ll add one more thing: Ghislaine Maxwell from what I have discovered about her via my research is incapable of love.

drmikehunts8 karma

Whoops I've been spelling her name wrong ... Ghislaine lived her life 8n a glided cage with extreme luxury from birth, and would seem her attraction to Epstein was in part based on trying to secure the trappings of wealth that he could provide for her after she was left with little after the death of her father. That being the case, means she is not built for prison. I would think she would do any thing. pay any price to get her arse out of jail. Perhaps the only only way she might be able to do that - or to reduce her sentence - is to co-operate with prosecutors. But to do that that they are going to insist she tells all. To tell all threatens some of the most powerful people in the USA, and across the globe. Which way do you think she will jump?

LandlordLinksNet36 karma

Whoops I've been spelling her name wrong ... Ghislaine lived her life 8n a glided cage with extreme luxury from birth, and would seem her attraction to Epstein was in part based on trying to secure the trappings of wealth that he could provide for her after she was left with little after the death of her father. That being the case, means she is not built for prison. I would think she would do any thing. pay any price to get her arse out of jail. Perhaps the only only way she might be able to do that - or to reduce her sentence - is to co-operate with prosecutors. But to do that that they are going to insist she tells all. To tell all threatens some of the most powerful people in the USA, and across the globe. Which way do you think she will jump?

Ghislaine Maxwell is also a skilled helicopter pilot. Has a license to “man” a submarine. Is alleged to have been allowed by Bill Clinton to fly over enemy lines in South America. She worked out every single day according to victim statements. I would not for one second believe she is not “built for prison”. She’s well trained and has been in prison for over one year as of this writing. While she may not like being there and has attempted to be released five times – she is not withering away. Despite her multiple protestations. I have to reiterate that in my opinion Ghislaine Maxwell worked not only for the Mossad but for the CIA. She is not without people on the “inside” who are protecting her. Meaning she doesn’t have to “jump”. This will conclude in an unexpected manner.

KHold_PHront7 karma

Not sure how to ask this. I would like to know the higher ups people involved. Do you think there is a way to find out?

LandlordLinksNet-8 karma

The numbers are incalculable.

In my book 'Jeffrey Epstein Predator Spy' I write a chapter on one Ambassador who was having sex with a minor and how it was covered up by people working under then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. While this was happening, security detail for Clinton, were also involved allegedly having sex with minors in other countries.

phydeaux704 karma

My privilege, being a white man, is to turn away, to stop looking, to think about other things.

Why say things this? There isn't anything about privilege that says this. You've been indoctrinated. Your motives for doing good aren't weight against bad things you have no control over.

In the article you even mention that it's men of power and wealth that do this, it has nothing to do with white privilege. It's disgusting and it's a choice.

I suppose in the end I'm curious about what it will take to actually take down these types of super predators that are protected by other rich and wealthy people?

LandlordLinksNet27 karma

Those are not my words. This is the "Foreword" of my book written by another author -- a man.

drmikehunts3 karma

tough question .... how do you feel giselle might think of Epstein now that he is dead and she is left to rot in prison and has to answer not just for her crimes. But his as well? She must be very angry at her current situation ... but does she blame him? A better turn 9f phrase would be - will she still remain loyal to him during her court proceedings?

LandlordLinksNet17 karma

tough question .... how do you feel giselle might think of Epstein now that he is dead and she is left to rot in prison and has to answer not just for her crimes. But his as well? She must be very angry at her current situation ... but does she blame him? A better turn 9f phrase would be - will she still remain loyal to him during her court proceedings?

Ghislaine Maxwell didn’t work for Jeffrey Epstein. They worked as a team. If she’s “loyal” to anyone—it’s to herself and her own self-interest.

drmikehunts3 karma

The tapes. There were obviously loads of them. And many think they were the source of Epstein's power over people and partly how he amassed his fortune in such a short space of time. Any idea if the tapes might still exist? Might Giselle know where. Or have access to some of them?

LandlordLinksNet20 karma

The tapes. There were obviously loads of them. And many think they were the source of Epstein's power over people and partly how he amassed his fortune in such a short space of time. Any idea if the tapes might still exist? Might Giselle know where. Or have access to some of them?

You mean Ghislaine, not Giselle, I believe. The FBI took them from the sheriff's office in Palm Beach and also from the raid at Epstein's NY mansion in 2019.

[deleted]1 karma


LandlordLinksNet-2 karma

Done. Thanks.

Flashwastaken-1 karma

How sure are you that Epstein is dead?

LandlordLinksNet15 karma

How sure are you that Epstein is dead?

None of us were in the jail cell with Jeffrey Epstein at the time he died. No one can be 100% sure. What I do know is that delving into this topic takes us nowhere. It's a distraction from focusing on issues that are being hidden from us every single day.

GameTheory429-8 karma

Do you believe Bill Gates and Ghislaine Maxwell are related via Gates’ mother?

LandlordLinksNet10 karma

Bill Gates and Betty Maxwell (Ghislaine's mother) are not related.

Inna_Nutshell-11 karma

How high would you rate the chances of the Mossad running Epstein's and Maxwell's underage honeypot operation for years on US soil without the CIA having intimate knowledge of it?
How high would you rate the chances of any Mossad operatives or CIA managers overseeing the operation ever to be indicted in court for crimes against humanity or any other charge suitable for these unspeakable crimes they have committed?

Who "suicided" Epstein, what remains hidden and what are the implications for the notion of accountability in a system that thinks itself just and moral?

LandlordLinksNet-3 karma

As I stated in an earlier reply, I believe Ghislaine Maxwell and her partner Jeffrey Epstein worked for both the CIA and Mossad. Making it possible, therefore, to work on US soil and not being held accountable.

Mossad has not been held accountable for other breaches. All you have to do is run a typical google search and other examples show up.

What the Jeffrey Epstein case has shown many of us is there is no accountability in our system as it is today. I hope this changes. I hope those of us here who feel passionate about holding people responsible make this happen.

AndrewJulian-12 karma

Do you know any specifics about Epstein's alleged Canaanite religion? Did he really have an island temple dedicated to human sacrifice so he could let their blood flow? Do politicians participate in human sacrifice?

LandlordLinksNet10 karma

I don’t know anything about Jeffrey Epstein’s “Canaanite” religion. I have taken photos of the exterior of his New York City home. He had a mezuzah on the side of his door. This is typically used by Jewish people as a connection to their religious belief and their heritage. One doesn’t have to be “religious” however to have a mezuzah. Just a desire to let people know they’re Jewish. The Epstein/Maxwell case is, btw, not a “Jewish” thing – it's extreme Zionism.

King_Shami-14 karma

Have you been able to trace her, or her family’s Masonic allegiances? It’s quite obvious to me that she and Jeff were suppling women for High Masonic rituals. I would suspect she’s an eastern star.

LandlordLinksNet-29 karma

Have you been able to trace her, or her family’s Masonic allegiances? It’s quite obvious to me that she and Jeff were suppling women for High Masonic rituals. I would suspect she’s an eastern star.

I don't use the term "Masonic" in my work. But I have come across eye witnesses of human sacrifices.

poppypodlatex79 karma

This is were you lost me, too much illuminati conspiracy stuff here for my taste. The truth should be enough without trying to tie all that "human sacrifice" bullshit into it. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence to back them up.

LandlordLinksNet-7 karma

I am not in control of what victims have experienced.

And by the way, there is an extraordinary interview with a broker who talks about how he was enticed, then ensnared into this web which he ultimately walks away from after he is faced with the fact that he, too, has to kill a human being.

LandlordLinksNet-20 karma

I am not in control of what victims have experienced.

And by the way, there is an extraordinary interview with a broker who talks about how he was enticed, then ensnared into this web which he ultimately walks away from after he is faced with the fact that he, too, has to kill a human being.

This is the video where Ronald Bernard speaks about human sacrifice:


King_Shami-24 karma

Well, there are a few methods they use to obtain these young women. One of which are “foundlings”. “Dropped off” at (cloistered) monasteries. There are links to the Grey nuns. Ecclesiastic Freemasonry.

LandlordLinksNet-1 karma

I have not delved into this. Do you have a personal experience you can share?

King_Shami-8 karma

Yes, a friend of mine Jennifer Ann Kealey, who died (killed) last year was a victim of such rituals. As a young child she was ritually abused and tortured, even ending up pregnant in her early teens after being drugged and raped. She has an untold story.

LandlordLinksNet12 karma

I am sorry to hear this. Please accept my condolences on the loss of your friend, Jennifer. I receive many emails from victims of all kinds of unimaginable horrors. Sometimes it's simply too much to take in.

drmikehunts-17 karma

Loved your interview with Greg. That encouraged me to buy your book. Which is fantastic. Do you have any idea who is co-ordinating the bad reviews. Do you have any clue if they are Maxwell's people or Epstein's?

LandlordLinksNet46 karma

There is a lot of opposition for anything to be revealed about any number of the powerful people involved with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. MSM is a glaring example. Paid shills on social media sites are now the rule, not the exception. Even Prince Andrew’s people were caught trying to engage with someone on twitter in an attempt to discredit Virginia Giuffre. Look on this page. See who is saying things that make no sense. We’re surrounded by this. That is why it’s important to not let the noise distract you. Happy to know you took the time to listen to my interview with Greg Olear. He asked good questions.

ProfessorBen77-22 karma


LandlordLinksNet26 karma

This has happened several times over. Paid shills on social media sites simply shout loud enough and say the videos are fake. Videos were sold by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell on the black market. Law enforcement and MSM have never touched upon this subject.

ProfessorBen77-24 karma

For the Epstein/ Maxwell/ Wexner abuse & blackmail ring, it seems Mossad are the absolute senior sociopaths running things. Would you agree?

LandlordLinksNet8 karma

I don't use the term "Masonic" in my work. But I have come across eye witnesses of human sacrifices.

All intelligence agencies use underhanded and immoral techniques to gather intelligence. Mossad is simply the most skilled because they are accustomed to extreme forms of violence. CIA doesn’t lag far behind. One only has to look at Vietnam to see how bad US intervention via our intelligence community has been. Doug Valentine has written extensively about this.

ProfessorBen77-46 karma


LandlordLinksNet9 karma

Why do you think Gates, who almost certainly had a dalliance with Eva Dubins underage daughter, was slapped down publically regarding his Epstein links? I figured he was top of the food chain

I believe Bill Gates was “slapped down publicly” about things that had zero to do with Jeffrey Epstein and everything to do with his infidelity “AT THE OFFICE”. What this accomplished was to detract from Jeffrey Epstein and by extension from Eva and Celina Dubin. The real answer to Gates involvement, imo, is extensive. For example: he did business with Isabel Maxwell decades ago. (I tweeted about this incessantly for a while).

LandlordLinksNet-48 karma

I'll begin with one of the questions a follower on Twitter asked me, "Is Ghislaine Mossad? How about Epstein? Dershowitz?"

Based on my research I believe Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell worked for both the CIA and Israel's Mossad. With reference to Alan Dershowitz I have always seen him as being the Mossad's "unofficial" attorney. Sort of like the "Consigliere" for a mob family.