IamA Chuck E Cheese Cast Member Ask Me Anything!
Proof: https://imgur.com/gallery/wnvR8
Edit: Thanks for all your questions, Hopefully I was able to give you a look inside a CEC cast member. Catch ya next time!
Itsthatbrian2159 karma
Lol, Ball Pit? If so we don't have those anymore and haven't in years (according to chuck himself).
sighing_sage18 karma
What about those tubes and stuff up on the ceiling that kids can crawl around in? I shudder to think what's in them.
Itsthatbrian2138 karma
Those were removed from my store about eight months ago but yes they were not the best to climb in. We always had the smallest cast members venture into the unknown to clean up what they could, Thankfully that isn't reality anymore.
WorldRunsOnLove49 karma
No ball pit and no climbing tubes?! What does the play area consist of?
Itsthatbrian2134 karma
We are actually owned by the same company as Dave & Busters. They bought us each to fix us & resell for more money.
CeleryStore8 karma
so what's inside the store now? Also what's the policy on two adults without kids wanting to eat there?
Itsthatbrian2118 karma
As stated above more games, We do allow adults to enter without kids but we do watch them more. Most just come in for our lunch buffet & leave 15 mins later.
splettnet39 karma
Was the process of transitioning to an anthropomorphized, robot animal painful?
yourguidefortheday20 karma
What's the most ridiculous situation you've had to deal with involving a kid? What's the most ridiculous involving an adult?
Edit: spelling
Itsthatbrian2150 karma
When I was doing salad bar & this 6 year old comes out of the restroom butt naked asking his mom/dad to wipe him, This was on a Saturday night and all of us were laughing our butts off. Adult when they used to accuse me of letting their kids out with another parent and they were hiding in the tubes from their parents oh & that they consider us babysitters though it’s their kids..,
DKahnt19 karma
I was recently at a Chuck E Cheese with my three kids for the first time. I hadn't noticed how much of a kid casino it really is.
Do you guys ever see people with a gambling problem there? Or something in that ilk?
Itsthatbrian2126 karma
I have, this 30 yes old dude came in with his entire family & kept buying playpoints for skee ball nonstop for like three hours, the guy was obsessed & seriously kept throwing money at me. I was worried & entertained at the same time. That’s the worst case I have seen with parents, most just come there & sit on their phones and let the kids roam.
emptynothing4 karma
Did it seem like he had a problem?
I really like skee ball and there is almost nowhere to play it. If I happened to be at a chuck E cheeses, I'd play skeeball for most of the time too. Video games I can play anywhere.
Itsthatbrian217 karma
It did, he was addicted & stayed 45 after we closed too. The guy was nice but insane to say the least...
Itsthatbrian2126 karma
Uh....The salad bar. I could clean that thing for hours and one min I’m gone & boom turns into a farm. Food, water, pop, toys and germs everywhere.
Itsthatbrian2110 karma
Not to many I watched but tons in our store. Some lady called another woman white trash and they fought outside, someone got stabbed but not killed thankfully. Also lots of party parents yell at one another and tried to throw their shoes, thankfully our security guard told them they were baby’s and walked away like a boss.
ThankUkarmagain7 karma
Do you ever play any games their before or after the place is open?
Itsthatbrian217 karma
We sometimes do, After we close a little flappy tickets or basketball is a favorite. Sorry for the delay.
Itsthatbrian2118 karma
hahah, Though I wish I could give you a better answer it's no. All of us respect each other & love one another. I work with some of the best people on the planet.
Itsthatbrian216 karma
As in large pizzas are stretched to make our thin n crispy pizza & the small is the same. All of our pizzas are like that if you make them thin. :)
Whichjuan6 karma
I had an ex that worked as her high school job and she explained it very similarly. Cool people and good atmosphere to work in. My question is how was the transition to being bought out by the new company and did you notice any changes to management at your specific location. From what I remember from what she told me it was very hit and miss with management. New ones coming in constantly. Some nightmares and some decent and a couple good. And a follow up question. What's your pizza allotment? She would tell me it was dependent on your manager. But this was way back in 1998 when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.
Itsthatbrian215 karma
The buy out didn’t effect me as I was hired in right after but managers are pretty chill, the amount of pizza you can have depends on your status I happen to get a few perks on my end, sorry for the late reply, up at 3am & decided to reply to more. :)
reddanger956 karma
What are some benefits that Chuck E. Cheese employees enjoy? I’m talking about things like discounts or something.
Itsthatbrian2110 karma
Normal cast members get half off food all day & everyday someone like me gets it free cause I’m team 2 meaning I’m a trainer at my locations they call me the FUNctions trainer lol. Beside that we get discounts at Sprint (don’t have them but good to know), discounts at Dell and couple more but can’t remember.
Itsthatbrian216 karma
Merch, Bev station, kid check, DRA but those are just for all cast members. I normally do cash but also kitchen, some game tech & of course CEC himself.
lyndonian5 karma
When closing out, do you guys wait for everyone to finish and leave together, or do you leave once you finish doing floors and salad bar even if the kitchen or game room isn't done closing yet?
Used to work at Chuck E Cheese. Manager got fired because we didn't leave together and the store got robbed.
Itsthatbrian216 karma
We must leave together & help one another till we’re all finished. This has been a rule from the very first day & present.
jjc9275 karma
What's the most amount of tickets you've seen a kid accumulate in one visit?
Itsthatbrian219 karma
7500 I kid you not, he wanted a Star Wars space ship:...Couldn’t for it.
undermicroscope4 karma
Where do the little hummel dolls go? What’s in the crochet pillows? Answer me damn it!
TollboothPuppy4 karma
How similar is Chuck E Cheese to Five Nights at Freddies once the place closes for the night?
Itsthatbrian216 karma
I would be rich if you knew how many times I have been asked this question. Nothing at all, I even go up to the animatronics after I turn off all the lights & I’m perfectly fine. We also don’t have a fan in our office and no way to check if Chuck & his friends are moving. I would know since I work with them the most. Ha
Wompingsnatterpuss3 karma
Would you say your job makes you hate kids more or parents more? I've always wondered this.
Itsthatbrian2117 karma
When it comes to my job I love the kids, The parents (depending on the day) can make or break my day. Don't really hate anyone but parents are the hardest part.
Wompingsnatterpuss8 karma
Sounds about right. It's usually the parents who enable bad behavior, anyway.
Itsthatbrian2113 karma
It's true though I look at it this way, weekday parents are nicer then weekend ones.
hinge_lyfe2 karma
If you were trying to get someone to work for Chuck E Cheese how would you sell and rate them as an employer? 1 - 10 scale 0 = bad & 10 = excellent
Why would I want to work there?
Itsthatbrian214 karma
Probably a 7, the atmosphere is great and morale is almost always high depending on the manager. Your job besides making them money is to make sure every guest leaves happy & I take that part very seriously. I joke around with the kids & make them smile (try to) and that’s about some of the best joy you can get as a CEC employee. I take the good instead of the bad cause there is more positivity. I know cookie cutter response but I wouldn’t lie about this.
RuffledFeathers4111 karma
Why do you serve the cheapest frozen cardboard pizza ever?
Also, how many fist fights have you seen inside?
Itsthatbrian219 karma
Pizza is kinda fresh but never frozen thankfully & about 7 fights my entire 3 years, kinda underwhelming...
Itsthatbrian215 karma
We sell beer & wine at my location. Bud, shock top, goose island etc
WhyDoiLiveHerefrfr8 karma
There was a two beer maximum at the last Chuck E. Cheese I visited lol
ConchitaMylove-14 karma
who the he'll thought of selling alcohol in a kids place? like seriously why?
Itsthatbrian2110 karma
Well we have a limit, two beers per visit per ID & yes people have tried to trick me into going over, rather not lose my job. On the reason why, it’s voted by community’s and people demanded it.
Itsthatbrian2128 karma
Well we do, I'm not lying and have been at my location for three years . I'm giving an honest answer.
spinthesky39 karma
How often do they wash those filthy balls?
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