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Itsthatbrian2150 karma
When I was doing salad bar & this 6 year old comes out of the restroom butt naked asking his mom/dad to wipe him, This was on a Saturday night and all of us were laughing our butts off. Adult when they used to accuse me of letting their kids out with another parent and they were hiding in the tubes from their parents oh & that they consider us babysitters though it’s their kids..,
Itsthatbrian2138 karma
Those were removed from my store about eight months ago but yes they were not the best to climb in. We always had the smallest cast members venture into the unknown to clean up what they could, Thankfully that isn't reality anymore.
Itsthatbrian2134 karma
We are actually owned by the same company as Dave & Busters. They bought us each to fix us & resell for more money.
Itsthatbrian2159 karma
Lol, Ball Pit? If so we don't have those anymore and haven't in years (according to chuck himself).
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