My short bio: For those of you who don't know who I am, allow me to pretentiously introduce myself. I am a multi-award winning (suck it Leo!), internationally known (what's up mike in Canada!), glass artist who makes pipes worth more than your car. About a year ago I sent some of my glass art into space and I once caught the ball in the cup 374 times in a row! Is there anything I can't do? Not sure. Ask me anything!

check out my glass: instagram facebook space video

My Proof: instagram

edit: Let's spice things up a bit... I hate cats. Jennifer Lawrence is ugly and doesn't have an amazing personality. Avatar the last airbender was a great movie. God is not real. God is real. That movie was better than that book you really like. Nick Cage is awesome. Not in an ironic way.. as in I respect his life decisions. Console games are better than PC games.

EDIT: Let's get some interesting questions!! I'LL GIVE A PENDANT TO THE TOP RATED COMMENT!! Winner will be the person with the top comment tomorrow (8/25/15) at 4:00pm est.

edit: thanks for all the questions!! I'll get back to answering them tonight.

Comments: 219 • Responses: 57  • Date: 

idoitfortheratchets9 karma

Hi Sagan!! Huge fan of all of your work, keep it up! The only reason I still have an instagram is to follow your art haha

My question for you is: have you seen this 3D Glass Printer designed at MIT? What are your thoughts of incorporating technology into the glassblowing art form?

3D Glass Printer

SaganGlass4 karma

congrats!! hit me up on instagram to get your pendant!

SaganGlass7 karma

People have asked why I make space themed glass...

I love life. Not speaking about my life, but the fact that there is life. It's fucking amazing! The most amazing way to appreciate it is by looking at the universe. The smaller and less significant i feel, the more important I think we are. watch this video (please watch it!) That one galaxy has a trillion stars. There are billions of galaxies in the observable universe. That means there are billions of trillions of stars, spread out in distances our brains can't even comprehend. It's estimated that there is at least an equal amount of planets. Reality is so much more amazing than our imaginations. The fact we exist and are capable of understanding how amazing dirt is, is equally as amazing as the dirt we are examining...

-It can take a minimum of 500 years to make one inch of topsoil. - -A tablespoon of soil has more living organisms than there are living people on Earth. -Some of our dirt is stardust, the remains of stars that fall to Earth after they’re caught by gravity, a magnetic force, or some other kind of force field.

So I make glass relating to space because that's what I love. The universe is indescribably amazing. I do have other interests, and will peruse them in glass. As of now, I'm enjoying what I'm creating.

Schwadified3 karma

Hey Sagan! Love your work! I'm curious as to if there's anybody who isn't as big of a name in the industry who's work you think really stands out?

Edit Why is everyone being downvoted.... I don't see any reason that some peoples questions are at -3. Is this reddits compensation algorithm or something?

SaganGlass10 karma

Sean Clayton's nebula marbles and tubing are amazing.

Andy Roth is a badass. He's known in the industry, but I think his work deserves more attention.

Chris Ahalt (cha_glass on ig) makes some sick work.

I'll add more when i think of them

Sparksandrec2 karma

Hey Sagan waddup g. Been enjoying your work for a long time. How was working with Scott deppe out in Bellingham? Yall need to drop the spacey FTK on us, it'll be a killer one!!

SaganGlass5 karma

Scott's the fucking best. I used to work with him before mothership. I learned a ton from him, but the best thing about working with him is seeing how meticulous and slow he works. He doesn't move on until it's perfect! Everything is planned out before it's even made. Very inspiring.

Jake c moved into the shop just about the same time I did. I learned a ton from him as well. The most memorable thing about working with Jake was his dedication. He did not stop working. Nothing was going to stop him from being one of the best glassblowers out there, and he succeeded.

tiides1 karma

I'll be that guy to ask, since I've heard different stories from people of varying levels of trustworthiness. Forgive me if this is out there somewhere and common knowledge.

What's the relation between you and Carl Sagan, if any? Is it purely a name coincidence, or is there a familial tie of some sort?

edit: Huge congrats on the DFO award, that piece coming together in that timeframe is mindboggling.

SaganGlass2 karma

Thanks!! No relation. I just use him as inspiration. Elbo started rumors that I was his son. haha!

reginaldledoo1 karma

how big is your dick?

SaganGlass10 karma

risky click

Is the T.M.I formula still the standard? ((L*D)+(W/G))/(A2) Length times Diameter plus Weight over Girth divided by Angle of the tip squared

pawlywog1 karma

who would you say your biggest inspiration in the game has been?

there are quite a few in the space glass game but you're absolutely slaying it. Still have my ear to the ground for a full moon pendy :3

SaganGlass4 karma

Jake C is a huge inspiration. When we worked together, his determination was admirable.

Scott Deppe. Obvious reasons.

Joe p and elbo are inspiring as well. THEY NEVER STOP WORKING!


imthatguy251 karma

What kind of awards did you win? Which award is your favorite?

SaganGlass3 karma

A.G.E. up and coming artist of the year. D.F.O. peoples choice

I'm greatful to have won both!!

Endziel1 karma

Absolutely love your work! Your moons and crushed opal tech are amazing. Hope to add some of your work to my collection in the future.

My question: What is one thing you like and one thing you equally dislike about working in the industry?

SaganGlass4 karma

I love working hard. In order to make it as a glass artist you need to work your ass off. I've been going at it non-stop for about two years. Although I love working hard... I'm getting tired. I worked as a commercial fisherman in alaska (salmon, crab, cod) and working as a glassblower is harder work than fishing. I fucking love doing it though.

thatwhitestoner1 karma

How's it going? Thanks for doing an AmA I love your work. I recently graduated from Salem community for scientific glassblowing. How should I go about marketing myself as an independent glass artist? What worked for you and what didn't?

SaganGlass8 karma

Be original. You can make klein bubblers or you can create the klein bubbler. The big names in the industry will respect the person who creates it and will gladly work with them. I didn't want to enter the space game doing the same thing as n8 and gateson. I had the idea for the moon tech and went with it.

Also... do what you love. I feel like if you love what you do, it shows in the glass. People can see the love that goes into it.

triple3s1 karma

What kind of car you drive? Is it modded?

sammeyers1 karma

You're the man first and foremost! What direction do you see pipe making going in in five years? Are you scared of another operation pipe dreams-esque scenario? Thanks for doing this and keep crushing it.

SaganGlass2 karma

I think the pipe industry will blow up even more than it has already. The kids of CEO's are adults now. The younger generation of wealth has more of an open mind and i think glass pipes will be more accepted as an art form of value. legalization is becoming a reality. I don't see it going anywhere.

sammeyers1 karma

Thanks for doing this, couldn't agree more about the art form becoming more accepted as our cultural views shift towards favoring legalization. On a second note, flowers or concentrates (assuming you do partake)?

SaganGlass3 karma

flower guy here.

DunderSpliffin1 karma

To the top Why no phases of the moon?

SaganGlass1 karma

must. upvote.

hIghHOP1 karma

Hi there! This might be a question that you don't want to answer (many glass artists don't)... But what do you think of the "Heady boy" culture? Do you have any opinion on the large portion of glassbuyers that people accuse of being spoon-fed young adults with no sense of value? In my opinion, it's tough to watch a great piece go to a person that just sees it as another thing to flaunt. At the same time though, I think there's always going to be people like that, no matter what genre of art. What do you think?

SaganGlass7 karma

I'm grateful for them. I think they are a symbol of the success of our industry. You know the kid who doesn't skate but buys all the gear... That means the skate industry is doing great! Same with glass. Sure, I'd rather my glass be in the hands of the person who can really appreciate it, but it's more important to me to have our industry gain attention and succeed. I LOVE blowing glass and I want to continue to do it for as long as i can. I will continue to appreciate the people who appreciate my work and I hope it ends up in there hands.

dabbererrlla1 karma

What's the most absurd thing someone has tried to trade you for a piece or pendant?

SaganGlass4 karma

some dude just offered 40 bucks and a Bob Marley poster.

psweenz1 karma

anal? yes or no...

SaganGlass4 karma

The usps flat rate motto works just fine here.

IKindaLikeYouLolSike0 karma

I couldn't care less about the glass art.... Tell me more about this person who thinks they've seen Jennifer Lawrence. What did they see?

Edit: word

SaganGlass4 karma

Turned out it was just Meg Ryan. Nothing to see here.

troyk1m0 karma

Any plans to work with Elks that run in the future?

SaganGlass6 karma

Elks is a beast! I would love to work with him. No plans though. We have mutual friends and I hope that it will happen eventually.

FAPS_2MUCH0 karma

You ever dropped hot glass on yer dick?

SaganGlass3 karma

No but I got jellyfish on my dick. (seriously)

lilnicky68010 karma

Why are there so many bad ass glass blowers in Bellingham?

SaganGlass3 karma

cuz we boss players and we macks.

ShadowPhaxx0 karma

the glass pipe market has seemingly exploded in both size and pricing. I think we can agree much of this can be attributed to marijuana slowly being legalized state by state, and without a doubt, the insane profitablility of BHO/full melt/etc. This explosion has led to a number of trends I have noticed over the years I'd love to get your opinion on

  1. does it ever frustrate you the disconnect the average (even ones with a $100k plus collection) collector has between 'pipe art' (i will also include marbles, and pendants in this, just because it is usually the only 'non functional' art they have in my experience) and fine art? I am often frustrated by the lack of knowledge, or care, many collectors have for fine art, and envision this being one of the main factors stopping pipe artists from ever crossing into the 'fine art mainstream' (being a functional object, this is quite a tricky feat regardless, but I don't see much changing soon).

  2. With the stock market crashing earlier today, I have been thinking about the real profitability of glass investments. It is something that takes some real finesse. Do you see the scene (by 'scene', I mean the 'it' pipe artists, i think the average glassblower will always wallow in the 'im making a tool primarily just for smoking', and be paid accordingly) sustaining itself, and becoming more vouge (and thus expensive)? How long do you imagine? There seems to be a really fine line still even in today's scene where older work goes for cheap because it isn't a rig, etc.

  3. If the scene never really does integrate into the world of fine art, am I the only one who thinks it is something rather hilarious and amazing that there could people buying and selling 100k art pipes in a community totally separate from the trends of fine art?

sorry for the wall of text. thanks for the ama.

SaganGlass2 karma

  1. Most glass pipes are not fine art. A rare few actually are. I don't want to put words in any artists mouths, but I'd say Zack P and Robert Mickelsen are going in that direction. Personally, I don't care what type of art people prefer, or even if they consider pipes as art in the first place. I can only have my personal point of view and respect others. If someone isn't into fine art, that's fine with me. I like it though.

  2. I think it will continue to grow. With the growth, I'm guessing it will be harder to make it "big". Just like with actors. Select few are worth a ton and the others are worth minimum wage. The others might be better, but they don't have the hype. Right now, i feel like its the beginning of our "fame" (the running joke is that we are flamous). People are deciding who the johnny depps are in our industry. Some people are buying glass from up and commers, hoping they will become big. Treating glass as an investment has got to be hard. I'd be no good at it. I'd be like... that's dope. I want it. But who knows what it will be worth in a month.

  3. I define "fine art" as any art with a thesis. Art with intellectual context. Other people might define it differently... In that way i think it's fine to be separated from the fine art community. Other items follow similar trends... still life paintings, ceramics, glass goblets and vases, cars, toys... the value of something is determined by what people are willing to pay for it. Regardless of the labels we put on it.

thanks for the questions!!

Mon_k0 karma

As someone who is just getting started in glass blowing, what do you think is the best source to learn basic techniques from outside of the teacher/class environment?

I live in the midwest and sadly the tiny amount of people blowing glass around my state makes it tough to find a good source to learn the basics. Trial and error will always be part of the glass experience, but it can be frustrating when you don't fully understand what you're doing in the first place.

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with the community, and inspiring more people to take the plunge into the world of glass!

SaganGlass1 karma

youtube is amazing. It's not going to teach you much, but it's a great way to get started. Find people to work with if you can. It's good to bounce ideas off of people.

Spiller_Woods0 karma

Star Trek or Battlestar Galactica?

SaganGlass1 karma

Cant I have both?

jzimoneaux0 karma

First of all, I'm a big fan. Always loved your work. Just wanted to ask who was your favorite person to collab with? Are most of the top glass blowers mostly humble about their work or are most of them conceited? And on an estimation how long do you usually spend on your pieces?

But thanks for doing an AMA, happy to see you're a fellow alien. Love and appreciate what you're doing for the glass community. Keep on doing what you're doing man!

SaganGlass2 karma

I loved working with everyone that I have worked with!! Eusheen is a beast. very knowledgeable. Scott Deppee. Kiva Ford is a badass!

Most that I have met have been a normal, nice people. Only a few rockstar types out there. Even with inflated egos, they are awesome people too. I don't mind big egos as long as you're a decent person. I feel like you kind of need one to make it as a glass artist. I relate glass to skateboarding a lot. It's fucking hard. When you first start you cant even stand on the board without falling. You need to have confidence and commit to the kickflip if you're going to land it. Same with glass. It's fucking hard. You need to be committed and confident if you're going to make it as a glass artist. Having an ego is an asset. I'm personally trying to work on my confidence. It's hard, though, when working with the best glassblowers in the world. Seeing their abilities is a bit intimidating.

cali4nia2o0 karma

In your dfo competition entry why did you device on a satellite with no moon rock inspiration?

ryantoombs2 karma

Not to speak for Sagan but I'm not sure he'd want that many people seeing how he makes something so unique in the industry. I could be wrong.

SaganGlass2 karma

That's not true. I just thought it would be predictable. In a contest I feel like I would what to see the artists push themselves.

SaganGlass2 karma

Everyone was expecting that. We thought we would throw a curve ball and come out with something new, but still with our styles.

Celestethebest0 karma

As a fairly new member of the glass community, Sagan was one of the first big names I knew of. A lot of people assume that because I'm a girl, I know nothing about glass. I appreciate seeing artists recognize the ladies of the community and fellow artists. How do you recognize the female glass community? How do you feel about women in the community in general? Absolutely amazed by your work, it's utterly inspiring to me. My boyfriend also wanted me to mention how much he loves your work, as a space cowboy like himself. Thanks for taking the time to do an ama and I hope to meet you at a show soon!

SaganGlass6 karma

That's what I love about these glass girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age.

SaganGlass4 karma

Seriously though... I don't see a difference between men and women in the glass industry. Artist or collector. AGE has a category called best female artist that I think is ridiculous. Judge the glass not the genitals... unless it's a best glassblowers genitals category.

danielmilutin0 karma

What is the opposite of purple?

Rohto_Oner0 karma

What's your favorite collab you've done? Biggest inspiration? Favorite glass artist? Someone you want to collab with?

SaganGlass4 karma

This isn't necessarily my favorite... but most memorable. It was the first time I was the guy doing the assembly on a piece of that scale. Gateson, n8, jolex, and myself. I was nervous!

jotatp0 karma

Hey, which is the favorite piece that you made?
If you add a link to the image it would be awesome!

SaganGlass8 karma

Robinhood and myself just won peoples choice at the degenerate flame-off. That was an amazing accomplishment for both of us. Our practice piece took 3-4 days to make and we actually didn't think we would finish in the 10 hour time frame.

dfo piece

edit: also... rampart.

jotatp1 karma

Damn, it looks badass. Congratulations!

SaganGlass2 karma

Thank you!!

Schwadified0 karma

Hey Sagan! Long time fan of your work, I was wondering what your favorite techniques in glassblowing are both aesthetically and to use?

SaganGlass3 karma

Thanks!! Long time fan of you being a fan!

I love all techniques that have the best results for the desired look. I really don't like to limit myself to specific techs. There are certainly some that are more fun than others. For example: I hate cold working! I don't get any joy from it at all, BUT... the end results are amazing! So I do it.

herbal_criminal_pdx0 karma

Would you ever consider taking on an apprentice? You are an amazing artist and I think you would be a great teacher! Also, the pendy into space, brilliant ;) and so fitting of your style. Your are awesome man

SaganGlass2 karma

Thanks!! I already have an apprentice. Thanks though!!

Lucid_Trees0 karma

sup homie! what do you think about the glass game in japan right now? love all of your work.

SaganGlass2 karma

They are killing it!!! Whats up to all my japan friends!!

SwordOfTheLlama0 karma

Can I trade my car for a pipe?

SaganGlass4 karma

Too late. Already did that.

triple3s1 karma


SaganGlass2 karma

Dude didn't want his car so he offered to trade it for some of my glass. Now I have a 4runner.

[deleted]0 karma


Spiller_Woods8 karma

Based on his mind altering cunnalingis skills, I'm gonna say he'd be pretty fucking amazing at giving blow jobs. Not that you'll ever find out though.

SaganGlass3 karma

haha! Thanks babe! (this is my wife)

TIL I'd be good at blowjobs.

youburntyerkernt0 karma

What would happen if I ate nothing but coffee and cornt for a week?

SaganGlass2 karma

I'll start testing tomorrow. Results will be posted in a week.

ryandthen0 karma

How was that Soylent? are you still doing it?

SaganGlass2 karma

It tastes like cardboard! haha!

[deleted]0 karma


SaganGlass3 karma

Made a dildo for my wife. This was a long time ago...

not_a_cop_10 karma

Hey kevin! I was in KF's (airwolfs) class with you at Pilchuck! What ever happened to that friggin' ridiculous functional piece you two made? Did you guys ever make the stop motion? Thanks again for showing us some of your awesome techniques!

SaganGlass1 karma

Whats up!! I have it on my shelf. Saving it for my show at Just another gallery in october.

panduh_burr-1 karma

What did you think of the illadelph/Ethan Windy drama?

SaganGlass4 karma

Fucking hilarious! Lame, but hilaroius!

SuddenWise-1 karma

hey Sagan, big fan, Couple questions. I understand the art side to it, But why is the glass you make so expensive? Is it the material? or simply the vision and style that makes it expensive? Second question.. When did you start glass blowing and what was the first expensive piece you made

SaganGlass5 karma

There are a lot of reasons why nice glass is expensive.

  1. Imagine working a minimum wage job with little to no chance for a raise. Sticking with it for 10 years because you can't imagine doing anything else. You're constantly broke. Home life goes though very rough patches. Debt stacks up. Top that off with the fact that you can't touch the medium with your hands and it constantly breaks. There are days where you are actually loosing money.

  2. We have a lot of overhead. Rent, gas costs, raw glass, tools, torches, utilities...

  3. It takes a long time to be able to make nice glass. Once you gain the skills to be able to make it, it takes a long time to make the actual piece.

  4. Nice things are expensive. Paintings that took 3 weeks to make sell for millions of dollars. Nice cars are expensive. The value of an item or persons skills are determined by the people willing to pay for it. I don't think glass artists should be exempt from that. I think they are more deserving of a good paycheck than most jobs.

monsieurpommefrites1 karma

That last part is a good point. Glass work looks incredibly hard, I don't even want to know how actually difficult it is! (Kinda do though)

SaganGlass1 karma

i relate it to skateboarding a lot. You can't even stand on a skateboard at first. You want to be able to kickflip back tail down a handrail, but you know you wont be able to for YEARS. Same with glass. You'll have an idea but you wont be able to make it. It's fucking frustrating! You can't touch it with your hands and it constantly breaks. The simplest things are impossible in the beginning and it's nothing but discouraging at times. Then when you finally start to understand how it works... It's amazing! It's fun in the beginning too, but it's frustrating. Most people quit within a few months.

Dragicjecar-1 karma

Sagan? Peter Sagan is that you? /r/peloton

SaganGlass1 karma

nope. just a galssblowing nerd.

206l0v3-1 karma

What inspired sending your pendants into space and how did you get them to go up so high? And also what sparked your fascination with space/astronomy? When I was 4 or 5 my mom me took too her friends house in a rural part of Southern California. I got to watch my first meteor shower that trip and it was the most awe inspiring thing I've ever seen. Ever since then I've loved anything and everything about space. Also I too would love to see a mothership x Sagan collab! Thanks for your time and doing this AMA!

Edit: I now see that you used weather balloons after watching the video. I had no idea those could get up that high.

SaganGlass2 karma

I cant remember when my love for space started. As a kid I always wanted to be an astronaut. Not much schooling went into it. Just some astronomy classes and a physics class for fun.

The pendant in space project started as a joke with my shop mate joe. We were joking around saying we should build a rocket and send our glass into space. Then I remembered a youtube video of a weather balloon. Did some research and realized it was possible.

TravisCan-1 karma

What's the cost of your goods? Do you have a website where you sell these?

SaganGlass2 karma

I have pieces that range from $800-$20,000. I have a big cartel site. Nothing on it but stickers and hats. bigcartel

sinclairsolutionss-1 karma

Hey Sagan huge fan!! Those Ryno collab pendants were nuts!!! What's your favorite color to use?

SaganGlass2 karma

Thanks!! I love all colors! Yellow is not a color i use often though. Totally works when ryno and coyle use it.

LostNplace710-1 karma

I just hit a sizelove x Sagan tube the other day. The moons were too dope. Did you think those jag moneybags would go for 1300?

SaganGlass1 karma

I was guessing they would break a g. Stoked they did!

PrudeJesus-1 karma

Ah holy cow, didn't expect you to have an AMA, but I never check the schedule so that's my own damn fault.

I love space and vibe on a personal level with your art, can get lost in your instagram easily. Im huge into sherlocks, I really want to scoop one made by you one of these days cause they're perfection.

Have you ever collabed with Gateson? I feel like that's a match made in the stars.

SaganGlass4 karma

I did a collab a long time ago with gateson, jolex, n8, and myself...

I'd love to get together with him soon!!

PrudeJesus1 karma

Oh my, that's fucking beautiful..

SaganGate 2015

SaganGlass2 karma


PrudeJesus1 karma

Of course! Just out of curiousity and if you're not too busy, how much does one of your sherlocks go for on average? I'll probably have to wait for tax season but patience always pays off :)

SaganGlass1 karma

Depends on the piece. Can't really say.

CircleJerkAmbassador-1 karma

My uncle and I were smoking in his garage one day and were talking about the universe and science and stuff when all of a sudden he says, "You know whats funny, I remember meeting a famous glass pipe maker once," Then he tells me this story.

So back when I was just a young adult (early 80s) I got my first job as a pizza delivery man. I get an order for a large pizza and a few bottles of coke. The drive seemed like forever since it was in upstate and my heat didn't work in that winter night. I finally make it and hope the pizza isn't cold by then since I really needed the tip money.

I knocked on the door. No answer. I was freezing, yet determined to deliver the pizza. I knock again and finally an answer. It was an older guy and I could tell that he probably just got done with a doobie. The smell was obvious, but I smoked at the time too so I didn't think too much of it.

The man had forgotten his cash and told me to come in and warm up while he found his check book. He left away to another room while I warmed in the front hallway. That's when it hit me. I knew this guy. He was famous for something and I saw him on TV all of the time. I'm trying to remember what show I've seen him from and can't even think of it by the time he gets back. His face looked less happy than when I first came and he said, "I'm so sorry that I cannot find my checkbook at the moment. I know you've driven a long way and I want to pay you. How about you sit down for a bit, have some pizza and I can pay you with something more valuable than any amount of money. I can give you knowledge."

That's when I figured it out. That man was Carl Sagan from that PBS show The Cosmos.

TL;DR My uncle toked up with Carl Sagan when he delivered a pizza to his house.

Are you Carl Sagan?

SaganGlass2 karma

Nope, but that's awesome! He is the inspiration for my name.

Sanedancho-1 karma

What will some of the next collabs be we can look forward to???

SaganGlass3 karma

I did some work with kiva ford, jag, and sean clayton. Going to be working with my shop mates dosa and jeff melitz soon. Been talking to burtoni and the denver crew.

Limberpuppy-1 karma

How did you get into glassblowing? I've always been fascinated by the art.

SaganGlass4 karma

10 Years ago I saw my friend omar blowing glass in his basement. I was like... this is your job? I'm doing that. So I got a loan for $1000 and got a shitty torch and a shitty kiln. Best decision ever.