Hi Reddit,

I am now tallying 400 flights as your friendly cabin crew, stewardess, hostess, trolley dolly, flight attendant, space waitress and so forth.

233 asia

64 oceania

41 europe

12 africa

8 north america

Looking forward to answering your questions.

Proof send to mods.

Edit: Goodnight everyone, I need some sleep but thank you for your questions. If you have any more please check my blog http://cabincrewlife.tumblr.com/

Comments: 652 • Responses: 72  • Date: 

lucipherius110 karma

A flight attendant comped my beers did I miss a chance to hook up with her? Or is she nice to everyone

cabincrewlife228 karma

Missed it. Big time.

lllmmm181 karma

Great thread! I was on a flight from Spain to Dublin last year and for no reason at all, a really beautiful member of the cabin crew moved me from my perfectly fine aisle seat to the only free row of 3 seats. It earned me dagger looks from everyone else. Then she gave me a free cappuccino. I've always wondered why this happened? I had had trouble at check-in with the local Spanish people (said my carry on bag was too big, but it was unchanged from when I arrived) and it felt like good karma or something. Was this just a coincidence?

cabincrewlife190 karma

You're probably the resident BoB (Babe on board)

This is the term for a delicious man who is on board, all crew will take the time to check him out and instantly make sexy eyes at him. Then we will attempt to get you to come and talk to us.

Or maybe she was just really nice. Who knows.

J_Golbez63 karma

Do people really have sex in the bathrooms? It seems physically impossible, given how small those stalls are.

cabincrewlife117 karma

This seems to be the number one question I get asked and short answer is yes they do. I have personally caught two women in the stall which we almost reported however after apologizing profusely we just gave them a stern talking. A colleague of mine had to report a woman travelling from Manchester that had sex with TWO men in a tag team style affair in the aircraft (one watched the door and went in after the first man left) Passengers reported them and the men were arrested in transit to their next flight however we dont know what happened to the woman.

I have personally seen the way those toilets are cleaned, after a 16 hour sector aircraft arrives, 40 minute turnaround and back on another 10 hour journey. Having sex in the toilet is NASTY!

thw1438 karma

is having sex in the bathrooms actually illegal?

i didnt know you could get arrested for it.

cabincrewlife43 karma

Indecent exposure perhaps? The country we flew to had strict laws.

mjh8454 karma

electronics really don't mess with the plane, do they?

cabincrewlife532 karma

I do not think electronics interfere with the aircraft however I also think it wont kill you to sit straight and pay attention for 10 minutes either. We just want you to be alert in case I need to get your ass out not tweeting "Omgggg.. plane crash #yolo"

cabincrewlife73 karma

I am so embarrassed telling someone to turn off their Kindle. The logic is if it has an on/off switch it must be off.

DubaiCM9 karma

We just want you to be alert in case I need to get your ass out not tweeting "Omgggg.. plane crash #yolo"

If that is true, then why are passengers allowed to wear ear plugs and eye masks? That blocks out the outside world much more than using a blackberry. There must be more to it.

cabincrewlife32 karma

We can only control so much, I can't shake all my passengers awake. I suspect it is a liability issue with aircraft manufacturers not certifying the instruments for use with electronics so it's easier to blanket ban all of them.

KittenTheKitten51 karma

Have you ever had to tell someone they're too fat to fit into one seat?

cabincrewlife92 karma

Yes, often. MOST of the time they ask me for an extension seat-belt and it's fine but other times it is just painful. I had a passenger who was issued a boarding pass to sit by one of the exit doors however you are not permitted to sit there if you require an extension seat-belt so I had to very awkwardly take him aside so as not to embarrass him and tell him a requirement of sitting there was mentioned. He was kind of pissed because check in issued him the seat he was tall etc but that is a rule. He avoided me all flight.

KittenTheKitten39 karma

It's probably one of the most awkward parts of your job. Not helping that obesity is becoming a global issue.

cabincrewlife57 karma

Definitely. And airline seats become smaller.

Royal-Al35 karma

I had a flight two weeks ago, and my seat was next to a heavy guy who spilled over to my space, even when I scrunched my shoulders in and leaned away he was still touching me. Is there anything I could do ask of the flight crew if that happens again?

cabincrewlife111 karma

You could politely approach us in the galley and very quietly and nicely say something like "Hey I am sorry to ask but I am in a really uncomfortable situation, the man next to me takes up a lot of my seat area and it's a bit uncomfortable for both of us. Is it possible to move if you have any free spaces, I understand if not" And we would be happy to assist. As usual if we can help more people be happy its less drama for us.

G0ldenBanana40 karma

Whats average pay for a flight attendant?

cabincrewlife50 karma

I get payed approx 38,000US dollars. It is variable but my company pays some of the highest wages. Allowances in layovers are payed on average meal prices for time in destination. We make small commission on duty free (really small) and receive pay rises in grades. I am payed a base salary and the rest is made up with flying hourly pay.

bigpony39 karma

I don't think thats enough.

cabincrewlife46 karma

This is after tax figure.

a_caidan_abroad4 karma

For contrast, I was offered a job with United about 2 years ago. The pay was $18 and change per hour, but I would only have been guaranteed about 20 hours per month. I'd have spent a lot of time "on standby" (effectively on call), but no base salary.

cabincrewlife4 karma

American airline salary and working conditions are beyond reprehensible. The employees are saints for what they endure.

IhaveSomeQuestions5638 karma


cabincrewlife85 karma

1) I suspect as much as any other industry with young people who are away from real life in foreign countries with people they are forced to be around for hours on end. It gets tense. Not drugs at my airline. Boozing an insane amount. I drank more in this job than when I was a bartender.

2) I can honestly say nothing has really scared me too much. A boring answer I know.

3) 24-72 hours usually

4) Never. I have thought the pilot was a wanker, a sexist, a pervert, a creep but never drunk,

5) Oh man. A passenger shit ON the toilet, not IN, ON. A passenger let her son shit IN the sink. A passenger left her kids dirty nappy in the seat pocket for us to find. A passenger vomited all over my exit door. A passenger handed back a warm towel after she wiped her sons ass with it to crew. A passenger pissed in a corner outside the toilet because we were landing and we told them to sit down and they couldn't use the lavatory. The list goes on.. People can be really disgusting.

StevePicasso37 karma


cabincrewlife197 karma

I would like to think I have improved but yes certain passengers fit certain profiles, it is usually the following people;

Wearing sunglasses for the entire duration of the flight at night girl

Won't eat anything on board because I am a hybrid raw vegan blah and didnt order anything but will complain about how difficult the crew are passenger

Didn't get an upgrade forced to sit with the peasants guy

Don't have 17 seats together for me and my extended family passenger

My strategy is to either avoid them entirely or have minimal contact with them. Failing that I will fill there cups to the brim so they spill things on themselves.

restandfly45 karma

As airline staff - you forget the Frequent fliers. The scum of the flying world. And i mean the first tier silver / whatever card holders - not the gold / platinum guys who are actually quite decent folk.

cabincrewlife65 karma

"I am a silver member, can I get ___ from business class" No sorry sir we cannot give you another class product in economy "You're rude get me a complaint form!" Sigh

restandfly61 karma

Last week we had a silver guy on a flight to BKK complain cause he was on capacity (so he had no seat) - eco was overbooked, business was empty. So we would have upgraded him according with company procedure.

he complained that he didnt have a seat (cause he is silver guy bow before him) before we could start with our work so we gave him the first seat that was available - a seat in the infant row - and the babies were crying already ... happy 10 hour flight ...

cabincrewlife98 karma

We used to call it the circle of infants. When a passenger is disgustingly rude to check in staff they would put him in an area circled with children. Do not piss your check in staff off, they will smile politely as they return your boarding pass and you will never know the hell that awaits you.

dbbost32 karma

Why do I always have to sit next to the fat guy?

cabincrewlife87 karma

I always sit next to the chatty guy. Some things in life are just decided for us.

Wheresmycastle27 karma

What is the best and the worst destination for you? Would be great if you could tell us why.

cabincrewlife89 karma

I have been to so many places I can never say best or worst because every city has something redeeming about it. The most beautiful city I have ever seen was St Petersburg, it is living history. I walked around for 12 hours until my feet couldn't walk anymore. I was stunned and speechless, when I think about it and write about it I smile.

Switzerland has incredible nature, Lucerne was beautiful.

Tokyo culture is like another planet. Osaka is breathtaking.

New York is so vibrant and never ending. I could explore that city and feel like I never scratched the surface.

Melbourne has such a unique charm, the people are so effortlessly lovely and the food is amazing.

I could go on!

J_Golbez26 karma

Thanks for answering...

A few more questions

  1. What is your least favourite type of passenger?

  2. When we had cabin crew stay at the hotel I worked at, they tended to party a lot and, apparently, have a lot of sex. Does your crew do the same thing?

  3. Which of the food(s) should we avoid eating?

cabincrewlife61 karma

1) Over entitled people who think flying on a plane makes them elite but really it's just a form of public transport stop treating the crew like shit. They bring morale down and upset people.

2) Yes

3) Anything on board. It is really really bad for you. Even in training we are told they are nutritionally useless because of the salt, sugar, fat and simple carb content. Once in a while is fine but if you are a frequent traveler look into other options.

Zikro8 karma

Do you guys just have sex with each other?

I'm talking pilots with flight attendants, within your two groups.

cabincrewlife37 karma

We don't 'just' have sex with each other but really we are in each others company so much relationships form like any other workplace. We sleep in the same hotel rooms and have trips where we are together for over a week. It's human nature.

EatingSandwiches124 karma

I always wondered this. Do Flight Attendents need Passports or get Special Passports when traveling to another country? How does this work for you guys?

cabincrewlife29 karma

We have a passport and can travel freely to most countries under a crew list which is treated like a 'passport' for the crew to most countries. Some places require more complex visa regulations (USA, Australia to name a few) and those are issued in our passports as a hard copy

PichinchaV24 karma

What makes a "good passenger" in your mind. Any tips on how I can avoid irritating flight attendants/make their jobs less difficult?

cabincrewlife50 karma

A good passenger is one that is polite, follows my instruction, smiles and assists me. I mean the type of person who will take the food tray for me if I have to lean far and look me in the eye while thanking me or ordering. Common sense. Irritating is when you expect us to go beyond what we can fix such as when we have no chicken left and you insist on that meal choice. I really cannot help you, I didn't decide to run out or how to cater the flight. Bring your own supplies if you have special medical needs, I have had so many requests for medicines we don't have on board. I understand you forget things but please be thoughtful when packing for a flight.

If you are travelling with children please bring nappies and if you know your child is fussy bring things they require. I have only ever had one parents bring their own milk for me to heat up, we have milk on board but not enough for 9+ infants. You cannot rely on crew for everything we simply don't have resources.

If I forget something I am sorry, don't act like we ran out of jet fuel please just ask again I will usually look at you and remember I forgot whatever you asked for and apologise.

sukicat20 karma

I completely understand that it isnt the flight crews job to provide milk for a baby, but most often they will not allow you to bring it through security. I have had many friends have to throw away breast milk for a long international flight. Again, not your fault at all, but airlines and airports need to take this into consideration. Maybe they should do something where you can "reserve" milk online if you are going to be traveling with an infant.

cabincrewlife14 karma

Agreed. I believe in most developed countries it is totally fine now, there are special scanners for milk and baby food but many don't know this.

No_921 karma

If I bring the flight attendants/captains candy and magazines, can you hook me up with free drinks?

cabincrewlife40 karma

All the drinks on my airline are free of charge, people bring candy often and we remember! You will get first choice of meal and usually a blanket or something extra if I am on board.

No_917 karma

For the record, I meant drinks as in alcohol.

Also, how many flight attendants have families? I'd imagine it's hard to maintain one.

cabincrewlife30 karma

As did I, the alcohol is in the ticket price (awesome I know)

Many crew have families. They come from all walks of life but I believe it is very hard for many of them because the hours are irregular and they miss important events and need to hire someone to help with school age children because of the demands.

mescalworm3 karma

How would we offer you candy? I can't imagine any way that wouldn't come off weird or creepy...

cabincrewlife8 karma

Just come to the back before take off/after service and say "Hey I got the crew some chocolate, I know it's a tough job and I appreciate it, have a nice day!" Don't linger and make it simple. We will usually make it 'not awkward'

Zepp77718 karma


cabincrewlife31 karma

A piece of the aircraft fell off mid flight, on landing the engineer came and handed us the hinge to the piece. It was a engineering error (they forgot to close something) It was not on the minimum equipment list so we flew back to base. It was my first flight. It was a really weird moment for me.

xmromi4 karma

minimum equipment list

I have heard that airplanes these day never fly with everything working 100%. Lot of times a backup system/setup/configuration/workaround would be used to correct the immediate issue for the time being and the actual issue may not be fixed until the next major service interval. Do you know if this really is the case?

cabincrewlife16 karma

Often we have defects. Very often. It is usually fixed as soon as it gets back to engineering base or by outstation engineers but sometimes the parts and time make it not possible. So yes they fly with some things inoperable until they can be repaired.

SaltyMN17 karma

So on every flight I ask for the can of soda instead of just the plastic cup. I get the can every time. What are your thoughts on this as a flight attendant?

cabincrewlife27 karma

We have mini cans so I always give the can. I would welcome passengers to ask for more if they know they are just going to want more later. No issue at all.

shouldbutwont16 karma

How do you deal with drunk passengers? Any good stories there?

cabincrewlife34 karma

So often.

Singapore flight a man was drinking and one of the crew thought it would be a good idea to make 'shots' anyway short story he vomited all over the floor in front of him not missing the cabin managers shoes and pants then decided to vomit in the bathroom got out looked at the crew and said "Think it's time for a Heineken" Cabin Manager had a great sense of humor so laughed it off but safe to say he didn't get any more drinks.

Drunk first class passenger travelling with his escort/mistress/something? decided to join the passengers in business class for a drink and started making out with a business class passenger in the bar area. Fights broke out and we had to separate the 'couple' for the remainder of the flight.

I cant even tell you how many people have vomited in the sink rendering the whole lav out of service. The toilet is right there!

Drunk woman shouting and dancing in the aisles on a flight to Phuket

The two women I caught joining the mile high club were most definitely drinking but we had cut them off a while before that!

TheStabbingHobo17 karma

Airplanes have bars on board? Why the hell am I only finding this out now? I've only ever seen that little push cart...

cabincrewlife21 karma

A lot of airlines now have 'social areas' on the larger aircrafts.

snally15 karma

Have you ever gotten romantically involved with someone you met on a flight (ie a passenger)? Does it ever really happen?

cabincrewlife22 karma

Yes, I have. It happens but unless it's a perfect circumstance it doesn't work out. He lived 6 hour flight away and it wasn't possible. I get a lot of business cards but too busy to do much about it. My friend here met a guy on a tour he lives a 5 hour flight away and they are madly in love she flies to him often and it is lovely so it can work sometimes. My other friend got involved with a passenger and they dated for 6 or so months so yes its totally possible.

jednorazowa15 karma

Once upon a time (long before 9/11) my sister was on an international flight and a flight attendant asked her if she wanted to sit in an empty seat in first class.

Are flight attendants still empowered to do that, and, if so, how can I make that happen to me?

cabincrewlife24 karma

Not on my airline, first class is first class and to protect its reputation and value we do not move people into it unless its an upgrade or medical emergency at the Pursers discretion

Alvraen28 karma

hehe, I remember when I got boosted to first class because I was an unaccompanied minor and the FA in charge didn't want to run to the back to check in all the time.

I was a quiet and well behaved kid. She thanked me and gave me lots of cake for it.

cabincrewlife32 karma

Oh yeah come to think of it we have done it to a few UMs before. I always forget because they usually just sleep or remain quiet.

Andromeda32115 karma

When I was young I was advised once by a flight attendant to always say hello to the attendants when getting on the plane, and thank you when you're getting off, as on average only one or two people will do that per flight.

Are the numbers really that bad though? I feel bad for humanity if a couple hundred people can walk by you and only a handful acknowledge your presence.

cabincrewlife23 karma

Well I once had a passenger who was an asshole all flight demanding all sorts of nonsense approach me on disembarkation and say "If you had just gone to school you wouldn't have to be a flight attendant" I had to remain professional so I continued saying goodbye to people but man some people just outright suck. I really appreciate passengers who smile say bye or thanks when I do. No one likes to stand there and say 'Bye, thanks, see you, have a nice day, bye, bye" and have a vacant robotic string of people pass by. I would say it's not so bad though, I am nice to my passengers so they often say bye nicely too.

Schweinsteiger9414 karma

after the flight what does the crew do? do you guys get ready for another flight or do you guys rest? or party?

cabincrewlife34 karma

Depends on the destination. Some crew go home to family but often we meet up for touring/sightseeing/dinner/drinks. The most wild is always Bangkok and Singapore for some reason. It gets out of control.

lurkeredalot13 karma

I have two children, 1 and 3, usually well behaved. I am very apprehensive about flying with them. My wife has never flown. What is propper ediquett when my child burst into screams? What have you seen work? Any advice for keeping them occupied o a 10 hour flight?

cabincrewlife23 karma


Don't be scared to fly with the kids just be well prepared. Give them something to munch on for take off and landing so ears don't hurt like milk bottle or something they like. Bring comfort items for them like favorite toy or game. Bring a small plastic bag to store all your rubbish throughout the flight (lifesaver!) and just hand it to the crew at the end (no nappies) You will have so much more space. Bring baby wipes to have on hand. Take turns with your wife in eating because it might be more comfortable. Other than that crew will be happy to play with them here and there if you bring them for a walk when they wake up. Well I know I would be, I love the little ones.

bluedoritos12 karma

I have always been fascinated by flight attendants because your life seems exciting, so thanks for this AMA! My 3 main questions: * 1.How long have you been a flight attendant for and what makes you continue doing it? * 2. Do you have down time/a few days to explore the different countries you fly to? * 3. Do you get discounted international and domestic flights?

cabincrewlife25 karma

1) I have been flying for over two years.

2) Layovers last from 24-72 hours. I have gone on several holidays on my days off and annual leave to places I wanted to see more of.

3) My tickets are 90% off the base price.

bluedoritos16 karma

aaaaand I may have to rethink my current profession.

That is awesome. Thank you so much for answering!

cabincrewlife11 karma

Welcome :)

ElSuperGreg12 karma

This is gonna sound stupid, but what exactly are differences between First, Business, and Economy Class? Aside from ticket prices and the fountain full of Grey Poupon in First.

cabincrewlife42 karma

The best way I can describe it is:

First class is like your own private jet, you dine when you want you drink what you want the food is restaurant style (steak/lobster/caviar) the alcohol is exclusive (cellar wine/french champagne/cognac) and you have a flatbed with mattress. The TV is big the amenities are spa quality and the airport experience will likely include priority check in lounge access security screening and boarding at your leisure.

Business class is like going to a retreat. Great food but still within a pre set menu style such as breakfast dinner lunch and you order within a time frame. Snacks always available. Hot and cold choices like breakfast muesli or full hot. Flat beds with mattress. All alcohol is top shelf. Usually a social area to stretch your legs and break up the flight. Big TV and luxury amenities. Smaller seat than first class.

Economy is a seat with meals at specific time, you get one of two choices for the big meals and sometimes one choice for breakfast or short flights. Snacks served at specific times. Alcohol is free but few choices so one white wine and one red, a few different beers, one vodka, two scotch, one bourbon etc quite basic. Standard TV. Limited recline.

Hope that makes sense

rboellund12 karma

I was flying too Turkey once, and I was sitting in a standard seat, with standard leg room - if there is such a thing as standard. But the steward asked if I wanted too sit in a seat with more leg-room (at the em-exit), as there wasn't anybody seated there. I thanked him and moved. Should be said I'm a tall guy.

But is this something that is common, in your experience?

cabincrewlife30 karma

Yes definitely, some of the nicer crew will go out of their way to ensure your comfort during the flight because honestly if you are happy you wont annoy anyone including the crew. I move mothers with infants to three seat rows so the babies can sleep over two seats. They are overjoyed and no crying baby no problems.

Autonomika9 karma

Have you ever experienced fear around flying? What do you do to keep yourself calm in scary situations?

cabincrewlife21 karma

A few years ago I learned to fly a small aircraft so I have no fear of flying because I know how stable these aircraft really are. I have felt small peaks of fear in turbulence but I know how much the planes can take so I feel safe. Some crew pray but generally we are professional so we don't scare you.

gahane8 karma

When I fly I try to memorize the names of the cabin staff in case I need to call you or get your attention. Would that mark me out as a weirdo, nice because I'm remembering the names or nothing at all?

cabincrewlife18 karma

Honestly... people who remember my name exclusively use it to ask for special treatment.

It is always "Hey cabincrewlife, do you think I could get some more blankets"

"Hey cabincrewlife, could you see if we could get something different to eat maybe from business"

"Cabincrewlife do you have any extra _____"

"Listen cabincrewlife, my seat doesn't recline much maybe you could move me" (business class fishing)

Or people who use it while complaining to make me feel threatened

So I have negative associations with it. I won't think you are a weirdo but I will think... what does he want! This is just because of prior experience.

FourTwentyFriendly8 karma

This is one of the best AMA's I have ever read. It's making my night shift go a helluva lot quicker. No question, just wanted to say thanks

cabincrewlife4 karma

Thank you so much for the kind words, I really enjoyed doing it as well.

Phaistos_Disk8 karma

Have you ever been on a flight that had an sort of crash or near miss?

cabincrewlife18 karma

No, thankfully. I have had a hole discovered in the fuselage before departure which led to a 5 hour on ground delay, a repair and a 5 hour flight home. It was exhausting but I was not afraid.

hollymollybobolly8 karma

My sister is a flight attendant and HATES it.

I fly a lot and from her stories I'm always super self conscious that I'm just pissing off the whole crew.

What can I do to be a good passenger? Do food bribes work?

cabincrewlife21 karma

Haha I am sure she just vents to you. Honestly I don't get pissed off by much but crew HATE when people who are inches from the galley or in the aisle seat press the call bell for trivial shit. Some flights the call bell goes off for hours non stop and you can just hear them digging into your soul and others no one dares to press it. Just be considerate, would you stand in a restaurant flagging the waiter down every three minutes for one single napkin, one single cup, one pain killer, one water, one orange juice? Food bribes totally work for me. I like when passengers bring cool local stuff that they know like green tea kit kats in japan or these chocolate wafers in Athens.

guayo897 karma

What do you think about flight attendant dating life? My GF is a flight attendant on the opposite side of the world from me. I feel like its not worth the hassle. I love her to death and even though Im not the jealous type Im always wondering if she is up to no good.

cabincrewlife22 karma

I have worked with many crew that have partners all over the world. Most females are faithful but I wont lie, it is tough. It is ultimately your call, if you are meant to be together then you will be. Don't make her leave her job or anything stupid to be together, patience and an open communication system with heaps of understanding is all I can recommend. Good luck!!

AndresB976 karma

What's the weirdest thing that has ever happen to you during a flight? Also, if they let you listen to music, what do you like to listen to?

cabincrewlife15 karma

I'll have to return to this one... I can't think of weird. I am always shocked when someone recognizes me from X flight one year ago. I feel bad because often I have no idea who they are. No music allowed on board sadly but I listen to all music really. I listen to music on the way to work always and on the drives from airport to hotel in outstation. Moscow has such horrendous traffic the crew drive 1.5 to 2.5 hours to the hotel!! I need music after a flight to chill out from all the madness

TheVodkaDrink6 karma

I use an electronic cigarette. Some airlines (or crews, I'm not entirely sure who makes the call on it) don't mind when passengers use them. Some do not allow it. I always ask the flight attendant if I can use it on a flight...

policy aside, what is your personal opinion of passengers using them on flights?

cabincrewlife16 karma

Policy aside I prefer passengers not to use them because monkey see monkey do. One passenger might think it is free game and they can now smoke or other passengers might be offended and scared if they think its smoke/nicotine etc. I am aware it is not but it is just easier this way for the crew.

vertigounconscious6 karma

scariest in-flight experience?
are there really armed Air Marshalls on board some flights?

cabincrewlife27 karma

Yes we have Air Marshall's but we do not know if they are on board or who they are. They travel in all cabins and a friend of mine dated one. He never told her where he went country wise but he did say the job was exhausting.

Sean01936 karma

Have you ever bumped somebody up to first class even though they hadn't paid for it?

cabincrewlife76 karma

Well yes (kind of)

We had two honeymoon couples travelling from Osaka and they were in economy. They had two cakes special order catered for them so with the help of my colleagues we set up the first class seats (empty cabin) and make two side by side dining tables, placed the cake and champagne on the tables and made some origami for them. We had them come to first class and spend an hour or so there eating and sharing memories then we had to get them to go back to economy because officially we cannot do that. We made some beautiful moments for them.

secamTO6 karma

How are work shifts scheduled? Do you work a certain number of days in a row, before having an extended period off (like police officers, or EMS, for instance)? How are routes assigned? Do you have much input into your assignments?

EDIT: I punctuate, not so, good.

cabincrewlife8 karma

We have legalities such as amount of rest in between flights, amount of days off in 7 days, minimum consecutive days off in 14 days, minimum leave per 6 months. But generally my monthly roster is a mixed bag of 110 or so flying hours. Routes are assigned at random by an automatic system, I have input when I 'bid' for flights and that is largely by seniority. So sometimes it works out I get what I bidded for in a month and other times I get nothing but crappy flights. A mix!

mikicz5 karma

Do you know the radio series Cabin Pressure? It's basically a story of 4-person crew on a charter flights and their trouble on the way. British and great deal of fun, would recommend if you aren't to sick of hearing of flying at work :)

cabincrewlife4 karma

Yes I quite like it, thanks

Time_Traveling_Elf4 karma

What's the fewest number of people you've ever had on a flight which was scheduled to have more?

cabincrewlife20 karma

I had a flight with 9 passengers. One in my 'area' it was absolute bliss.

I_want_a_TARDIS4 karma

Are you allowed to give a second meal to a passenger in economy class on a long-haul flight if you have enough left?

cabincrewlife10 karma

Yes, after the crew eat of course. Not a problem at all.

TrucksNShit4 karma

Is cocaine as much of a problem in the aviation industry as it is reported to be?

cabincrewlife4 karma

Not as in the movie "Flight"

I have heard rumours but honestly not as the reports make it out to be from my perspective

Nutline3 karma

Have you ever met people high on the marijuana on a flight? How did you deal with them?

cabincrewlife6 karma

I never know if people are high/drunk/valiumed up or just different. I have really seen a lot of totally strange people you just treat everyone the same I guess and further treatment depends on them.

therealmol3 karma

Is there any reason why there's 0 flights to Latin America for you?

cabincrewlife7 karma

It's just unfortunately quite far from me and I don't like ultra long haul because it stresses my body and mind so I avoid them. I will definitely holiday there sometime but I don't want to operate.

[deleted]3 karma


cabincrewlife9 karma

Yes we are given urine tests before we are employed for drugs and before flights we have random alcohol and drug tests at base and outstation.

M374llic43 karma

What is your favorite country to visit, and why is it Sweden?

cabincrewlife5 karma

I like my Glögg. Don't have a 'favourite' I love variety.

Kujimo3 karma

What is the best way to ask a flight attendant for the jumpseat? Just ask for it, tell them a heartbreaking story of their dreams or something?

cabincrewlife10 karma

We do not allow passengers to jump seat sadly. We have heard all the heart breaking stories though so you will be hard pressed to surprise us.

bravoitaliano2 karma

If we are the Babe On Board, what is the best way to get your attention, and how can we appropriately ask you out to a soiree off the plane?

cabincrewlife4 karma

Come talk to us in the galley when we aren't busy ask us about the layover destination strike up friendly conversation and ask us if we would like to grab a coffee or something wherever we are going. Or just ask for our email or contact details. Offer your business card and we might email you.

Food_Me2 karma

hi, thanks for doing this ama

I have a lot of food intolerances and i haven't been on airplane since i developed them. I'm leaving out of country soon and the plane ride is 12hours. I always feel bad asking people to conform to my needs; would i be able to bring my own food onto the airplane?

cabincrewlife7 karma


Great question, most airlines have special meals you can order

I suggest you find out if that is an option but also always bring your own food. You never know what can happen with catering and it would be awful to survive on snacks for 12 hours. Bring fruit and maybe cut veggies, generally they would be perfect for a flight.

lorchard2 karma

What's your vacation like?

cabincrewlife9 karma

I like to visit places that take a lot of time to fully explore like Tokyo or New York. And places less traveled with lots of history like Russia or Greece. I like to spend it with family as well. I also do beach breaks to Thailand or similar when I am really exhausted.

LawnGuylander1 karma

I am currently a 19 year old male in pursuit of a career as a Flight Attendant. What advice would you have/places to look?

Also, Is it true there is a height/weight/appearance requirement to become a flight attendant?

cabincrewlife5 karma

More information here :)


FranticFane1 karma

Do you find your lifestyle stressful at times?

cabincrewlife3 karma

Yes. Sometimes I feel so drained after certain flights. Hundreds of people asking me for everything possible, getting angry at me for stuff I can't possibly control, horrible staff members and grueling hours. But it is a job like any other, the stress is very real. I can have a irritating customer who is non stop asshole for 10 hours and I can't leave a metal tube that I am stuck with them in. It's sometimes infuriating. But you must not let it get to you, just let them be miserable and unhappy and walk away from it after the flight.

DartzIRL1 karma

Will be taking a long transatlantic flight in the next few months - going west. Any advice towards making it a little bit easier?

Things that can help cope with jet-lag, or just help with comfort on the plane?

TBH, while not my first time flying as such, it's my first time taking a decent enough journey in a plane.

cabincrewlife4 karma

Firstly stay hydrated. Bring an empty larger bottle and continue to refill, go up to the crew for more of anything you need. Eat well, choose lighter healthier options. Sleep like you would in your new destination. Bring healthy snacks you know you enjoy so you don't fill up on crap. Just because you are offered a meal doesn't mean you must eat, sometimes you will eat this shitty airline food and feel so crap when you get to your destination. Bring whatever makes you comfy like socks and a pillow, it makes a huge difference for me. You can make your own hot water bottle with hot water from the galley which is a nice home comfort. Enjoy the flight and just relax, don't rush yourself and be nice to the crew!