EDIT: I've been happy to leave over 200 replies in the last seven hours, so I'm going to call it a day. Thanks so much for your questions; it was really great chatting with all of you. If there was a question that wasn't answered in here, feel free to shoot me an email at pshapiro AT humanesociety DOT org. And if you want to keep up to date with our work, follow me on Twitter: @pshapiro.


I’m the Vice President of farm animal protection at The Humane Society of the United States, the nation’s largest animal protection organization, and I’ve been fortunate over the last 20 years, along with my coworkers, to do undercover investigation work into factory farms, work to enact statewide laws that ban some of the worst factory farming practices (e.g. gestation crates for mother pigs and battery cages for egg-laying hens), and work with some of the largest food corporations to ban various farming practices from their supply chains.

We’re also focused on defeating “ag-gag” bills, which seek to make it impossible to blow the whistle on factory farms and other animal facilities like puppy mills. I’ve also authored dozens of articles, both academic and popular, about animal protection.

Here are some links you may be interested in:

  • A recent debate I did on CNN about the “ag-gag” bills mentioned above.

  • A timeline of the major advancements for farm animals over the last decade and the website for the farm animal protection department.

  • A recent op-ed of mine about the connection between Earth Day and the need to eat fewer animals. I’m happy to answer your questions about animal advocacy and welfare, plant-based eating, sports, comparisons to other historical social justice movements– whatever’s on your mind!

Proof: pic, video of me

PS - If you want to follow our work, check out our Facebook page, or follow me on Twitter.

Comments: 1998 • Responses: 107  • Date: 

molbiochem452 karma

Why do you use pictures of sad puppies and kitties in your advertisements but contribute less than 1% of the HSUS budget to animal shelters? Wouldn't it be better for people to contribute directly to their local animal shelters if they want to directly help suffering animals?

Why not make it more clear to your donors that you are an animal rights activist group, not a group that actually directly rescues suffering pets?

paul_shapiro347 karma

The HSUS partners with local animal shelters and rescue groups on a wide range of issues, and we celebrate their life-saving work in local communities. We host the largest training conference for sheltering professionals, Animal Care Expo; we publish Animal Sheltering magazine and animalsheltering.org, which are the best resources in the field; and we launched The Shelter Pet Project with Maddie's Fund and the Ad Council, which has resulted in more than $50 million in free advertising to promote the adoption of shelter pets and drive down euthanasia rates.

You might be interested to know that in December 2011, the Humane Research Council conducted a survey of about 300 animal shelter and rescue personnel around the country—most of them CEOs, executive directors, or individuals serving in other leadership positions within their organizations. Among other findings, the survey confirmed that there is overwhelming agreement among local organizations that they view the humane movement broadly as taking on large-scale cruelties to pets, wildlife, and farm animals. They also value the services that The HSUS provides to local animal shelters and rescue groups, and they see The HSUS as having an important role as a powerful organization battling the root causes of cruelty nationwide.

The attack on HSUS, specifically the 1% claim, originates from Rick Berman, a corporate front-man, a Washington, D.C. lobbyist and PR operative. Over the years, he has created a spider web of organizations whose aim is to attack established charities, nonprofits and public interest groups—from Mothers Against Drunk Driving to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to The Humane Society of the United States. He refuses to divulge specific companies financing his dirty work, but it is known that he launched this line of work by taking money from tobacco companies to battle those seeking restrictions on smoking—a template that has defined his career. Learn more about Berman his front group “HumaneWatch” here: http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/opposition/opposition.html

paul_shapiro69 karma

The animals in our ads are animals we've rescued. HSUS provides more direct care for animals than any other animal welfare charity in the country. More at http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/opposition/facts/wayne_responds_to_opposition_020810.html

disfunction_junction57 karma

You didn't really answer this, he wasn't saying the imagest weren't from your rescues.. I'm really curious about this.

automaticmidnight55 karma

I think it was answered... He said "HSUS provides more direct care for animals than any other animal welfare charity in the country" and provided a link.

In addition to providing the most direct care, HSUS also does the most to change laws and do investigations.

paul_shapiro38 karma

Thanks, automaticmidnight. I agree.

PublicPool230 karma

What one fact about our meat industry do you think the public should know, and that should/could lead to changes?

paul_shapiro439 karma

That inhumane treatment of animals is the norm, not the exception. Practices like confining breeding pigs in cages so small they can't even turn around for virtually their entire lives (a standard pork industry practice) are so extreme that were more Americans familiar with them, the outrage would be even greater.

Here's a short overview of the problems millions of farm animals face: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-cor1uZ2AM

limbodog172 karma

It seems that the ag-gag bills have been winning, which is a stunning slap against freedom of speech and freedom of the press. What do you think needs to happen next?

paul_shapiro243 karma

I'm glad to report that we've killed nearly all of the ag-gag bills so far. 11 states intro'd them in 2013 and zero have passed. TN is the gravest concern, considering that it's on the gov's desk right now. If you have friends/family there, pls send them this link! www.humanesociety.org/tn

limbodog35 karma

I thought I'd read that Florida had passed one. No? I'm happy to hear it failed.

Sorry, I do not know anyone in TN.

paul_shapiro148 karma

We killed Florida's ag-gag bill last year and it wasn't re-intro'd.

ansile144 karma

Do you ever think there will be an end to people's cognitive dissonance in reacting to dogs and cats being mistreated, but justifying worse treatment for farm animals? I mean, there is clearly a lot of it in this thread alone.
What can be done to help end it?
Thanks for all the amazing work you do, by the way!

paul_shapiro162 karma

Great question! I think as people learn more about farm animals and how interesting they are as individuals, the tolerance for their abuse will continue to decline. It was once legal to engage in dogfighting in much of our country. Now it's a felony in all 50 states. People's attitudes change when they come to know victims more than they did before.

FentanylFreak110 karma

How do you feel about states passing laws that will make your undercover work against the law?

paul_shapiro210 karma

These ag-gag bills that you're referring to are Exhibit A in the case demonstrating that the animal ag industry is desperately grasping at straws to keep Americans in the dark about its routinely abusive practices. This is an industry that regularly locks animals in cages so cramped they can barely move an inch for essentially their entire lives. Again, this isn't a few rotten eggs, but rather standard meat industry practices that are simply rotten. When such cruelty is the norm in your industry, you should be trying to clean up your act, not trying to criminalize those who are exposing these problems.

jgirlloves107 karma

Do you think it is more helpful to help stop animal cruelty to become a vegetarian/vegan OR by supporting local farmers and only buying meat from those who raise animals from a small farm where they treat the animals as they should be treated? Also..I have been thinking of becoming an animal welfare lawyer, can these lawyers make a difference in changing laws regarding cruelty and treatment of animals?

paul_shapiro116 karma

If you're interested in cutting back on your animal consumption, you may find www.humanesociety.org/meatfree helpful. If you're interested in what the animal welfare labels mean on animal product packaging, you may find www.humanesociety.org/labels helpful. And finally, there's no doubt that animal abusers often have large numbers of lawyers working on their behalf, so animals need some good representation, too. Thanks!

sckain85 karma

I have had numerous arguments about the mathematical impossibility of "no kill" being a current realistic option for animal shelters. With that said I try to always err on the support and advocacy of animals.

I just find that when I have discussions with people who swear "no kill" is a viable opinion I feel like slamming my head into my desk. The last time I pointed out the statistic that 5 million animals enter shelters annually and 3.5 million are sadly euthanized to someone I was told to just lie versus point out the truth. I can't lie. No good comes from that.

How would you answer someone who states that "no kill" is a current viable option when it would be mathematically impossible to house 5 million animals annually?

I use the following sources for my numbers. Tell me if there is a more reliable place to get the numbers.

http://www.aspca.org/about-us/faq/pet-statistics.aspx http://www.statisticbrain.com/animal-shelter-statistics/

edit: I missed a word

paul_shapiro60 karma

I focus more on farm animal protection issues, but this blog by HSUS's CEO may be helpful re what the long-term goals should be here: http://hsus.typepad.com/wayne/2007/11/not-killing-pet.html

biamia81 karma


paul_shapiro79 karma

TY. There are a lot of farmers who find factory farming (which comprises about 99% of farm animal production in the US) to be repulsive, and those farmers are an important voice to promote reform.

originalsteveoh73 karma

Do you eat meat, why or why not?

paul_shapiro170 karma

I don't eat animals, which is a decision I made in 1993 and feel good about. Interestingly, the trend in the US at this time doesn't seem to be that overwhelming numbers of people are becoming strict vegetarians, but large numbers of people are cutting back on their animal consumption, which is the primary reason per capita meat consumption fell by more than 12% in the US from 2007-2012.

It was a video like this that helped make my decision: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-cor1uZ2AM

IAMAminipigAMA72 karma


paul_shapiro158 karma

Presuming the animals are well-cared for and a permitted to reside in that particular zoned area, these pigs can be wonderful companions. Unfortunately, many people who acquire these pigs don't understand how much is required to care for them properly, which often leads to them being dumped on animal shelters or sanctuaries.

micdalli68 karma


paul_shapiro65 karma

Good points. More on what these labels mean at www.humanesociety.org/labels. For an example of one thing HSUS is doing on this, see: http://www.humanesociety.org/news/press_releases/2013/04/perdue-class-action-lawsuit-040113.html

nokillnationistheway62 karma

Why doesn't the HSUS stop running deceptive ads that make people think it funds animal shelters? I understand that you believe you're using the money to help animals in other ways, which is fine--but then why not be honest with your fundraising ads so that people who wish to be supporting animal shelters could honestly donate to hands-on animal shelter work?

paul_shapiro13 karma

The HSUS partners with local animal shelters and rescue groups on a wide range of issues, and we celebrate their life-saving work in local communities. We host the largest training conference for sheltering professionals, Animal Care Expo; we publish Animal Sheltering magazine and animalsheltering.org, which are the best resources in the field; and we launched The Shelter Pet Project with Maddie's Fund and the Ad Council, which has resulted in more than $50 million in free advertising to promote the adoption of shelter pets and drive down euthanasia rates.

You might be interested to know that in December 2011, the Humane Research Council conducted a survey of about 300 animal shelter and rescue personnel around the country—most of them CEOs, executive directors, or individuals serving in other leadership positions within their organizations. Among other findings, the survey confirmed that there is overwhelming agreement among local organizations that they view the humane movement broadly as taking on large-scale cruelties to pets, wildlife, and farm animals. They also value the services that The HSUS provides to local animal shelters and rescue groups, and they see The HSUS as having an important role as a powerful organization battling the root causes of cruelty nationwide.

The attack on HSUS, specifically the 1% claim, originates from Rick Berman, a corporate front-man, a Washington, D.C. lobbyist and PR operative. Over the years, he has created a spider web of organizations whose aim is to attack established charities, nonprofits and public interest groups—from Mothers Against Drunk Driving to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to The Humane Society of the United States. He refuses to divulge specific companies financing his dirty work, but it is known that he launched this line of work by taking money from tobacco companies to battle those seeking restrictions on smoking—a template that has defined his career. Learn more about Berman his front group “HumaneWatch” here: http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/opposition/opposition.html

paul_shapiro-12 karma

The animals in our ads are animals we've rescued. HSUS provides more direct care for animals than any other animal welfare charity in the country. More at http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/opposition/facts/wayne_responds_to_opposition_020810.html

Musicmantobes53 karma

What is your favorite animal?

paul_shapiro168 karma

My favorite animal is George, the 3-legged pit bull with whom I was fortunate enough to spend seven years. He passed away, but I still keep his photo in my office. He was an amazing friend and words can't describe how missed he is.

imnotminkus43 karma


paul_shapiro110 karma

Here you go! :-) http://imgur.com/xxQ73GD

Kitkatpiano1945 karma

I am a vegetarian, but totally against HSUS. Why do you mislead the public so much? Why do you reign down so much hate upon animal owners & lovers? Why does your legislation efforts look like they're going in the direction of ending pet ownership, and extincting the cat & dog forever? Why don't you actually help shelter animals instead of creating legislation that will land more in shelters? You hate puppy mills - everyone does. Why not get behind responsible breeders, and actually have their backs?

And why did HSUS and ASPCA pay a man to lie about animal abuse just to shut down a circus? You got caught, if you don't remember. Why did AR groups destroy the caboodles ranch in Florida?

paul_shapiro84 karma

Sorry to hear that. I think if you were to walk the halls of HSUS and see all the dogs we bring to work with us (or come to our homes and see our cats, too!), you'd be surprised by how misleading the bizarre claim about "ending pet-keeping" is.

Re the circus: http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/29/us/ringling-bros-fine

DLHoo44 karma

Does HSUS talk about their long term goals for animal advocacy (beyond, say, the next 10-20 years)?

paul_shapiro76 karma

I'm a firm believer that progress begets progress, though not in a self-executing way. As we make gains in terms of protecting animals from cruelty, I believe there'll be a natural tendency to strive for continuous improvement. In terms of goals in that timeframe for farm animals, at a minimum there should no longer be extreme confinement practices like gestation crates for pigs, battery cages for hens, veal crates for calves, etc. As well, the number of animals being raised/killed for food, I think will continue to decline. It's already fallen by half a billion in the last five years in the US. (We slaughtered 9.5 billion land animals for food in 2007, compared to 9.0 billion in 2012.)

DLHoo54 karma

Are you optimistic that plant-based 'meats', cheeses, and other products will make a dent in this? The amount of venture capital money flowing in to some of these new firms (Beyond Meat, Hampton Creek) sure is exciting and a good sign.

paul_shapiro61 karma

I couldn't agree and yes, I'm very optimistic about that.

cautiousman44 karma

Mr. Shapiro, thanks a lot for doing this. Can you explain the "ag-gag" bills in simple terms and tell us what the public can do to stop them?

paul_shapiro67 karma

Ag-gag bills, aka whistleblower suppression bills, aim to criminalize those who would document animal abuse at factory farms and slaughterplants. Eleven states have intro'd them in 2013, while none have passed. Last year though, states like Iowa and Utah did pass them. At the moment, TN Gov Bill Haslam has an ag-gag bill on his desk, and we're urging him to veto it. More at www.humanesociety.org/aggag

faethor38 karma

What is your opinion of Temple Grandin?

paul_shapiro47 karma

Dr. Grandin has done a lot to reduce the suffering of cattle at slaughter.

lelseroad37 karma

What would you recommend for someone who wants to eat a more humane, heart healthy, environmentally conscious diet, but with limited or no access to mock meats or tofu?

paul_shapiro60 karma

While plant-based meats and tofu are great, there are plenty of other high-protein animal-free foods too, such as beans, lentils, whole grains, nuts, seeds, etc.

If you're interested in cutting back on your animal consumption, you may find www.humanesociety.org/meatfree helpful. If you're interested in what the animal welfare labels mean on animal product packaging, you may find www.humanesociety.org/labels helpful.

candidajane36 karma

You have to have a lot of guts to go in and do the undercover investigations. 1) to be able to contain yourself and keep cool while people are harming animals in front of you, and 2) to be able to go home and sleep knowing all that horrible stuff is happening. Do you feel some of the things you have seen will give you PTSD or anything? I know that I feel the weight of the animal abuse in the world on my shoulders and I don't even see it first hand. I am sure the reward of saving the animals outweighs the negative but what is your comping mechanism?

paul_shapiro56 karma

I used to do investigative work when I worked at Compassion Over Killing, an organization I founded. Since coming to HSUS, that's not part of my work anymore, but I have the highest respect and admiration for those who do. These are brave, caring people who risk themselves in order to shine a bright light on a dark world of animal abuse that too often remains hidden from the public. It's very difficult work, but knowing that (1) the abused animals have it much worse, and (2) if you're not there, no one will ever find out about these cruelties, helps to make the work more bearable.

MSTFFA35 karma

Good AMA! Skimming through your answers, I see that you're meat-free, but didn't see any reference to being vegan. Do you consume dairy products? I am meat-free as well, and feel happy about not contributing to unnecessary animal death, but I'm concerned about cruelty when I buy dairy products. I'm not ready to give that up just yet, so are there any brands you would recommend me looking into that sell quality/affordable dairy products with minimal cruelty?

Thanks again!

paul_shapiro71 karma

Thanks! I am a vegan and have been since 1993. For info on what the various dairy (and other animal product) labels mean, see www.humanesociety.org/labels. For me, the issue isn't about "purity" in any sense, though. It's about doing what we can, within reason, to try to reduce the amount of suffering we're causing.

an0nymister34 karma


paul_shapiro47 karma

I agree: it's powerful. Tough to watch, but potent.

gburgdan33 karma

Hi Paul,

Thanks for doing this AmA. I wanted to know if I see an animal suffering from a fatal wound ie a deer that has been badly hit by a car and will not survive its wounds, what is the best course of action for this animal? You could call police non emegency to euthanize the animal, but what if it is a squirrel and the police couldn't be bothered to euthanize it or are too busy and will take a long time. How would you go about ending this animals suffering. Thanks!

paul_shapiro54 karma

I've called police and animal control to euthanize fatally wounded wildlife before. For smaller animals who police won't come for, calling animal control can be a way to go. If there's a chance they can survive, knowing where your closest wildlife rehab center is can also help.

AniviatheCryophoenix33 karma

Can we get an opinion from you on China's current massive over-fishing fiasco, what possible damages it's causing as a whole, and how we as concerned bystanders can get involved and help save our oceans?

paul_shapiro42 karma

I agree with you: Over-fishing is a massive problem, both in China and elsewhere. We should eat fewer fish, to put it very simply.

pfb25031 karma

How many pancakes could you eat in one sitting?

paul_shapiro73 karma

I'm embarrassed to admit it, but we're all friends here, right? So, here it goes: I one time won--yes, won--a burrito-eating contest, after eating more than four Chipotle-sized burritos. (This was before Chipotle was in DC.) While I regretted doing that for days afterward and never did something so stupid again, I believe there's very little limiting how much I can eat...

tensoccs29 karma


paul_shapiro29 karma

What state do you live in?

tensoccs16 karma


cr250guy29 karma

How do you feel about most veterinarians being against the HSUS in favor for supporting local shelters that actually help animals?

paul_shapiro-8 karma

Interestingly, the American Veterinary Medical Association opposes practices like tail-docking of dairy cows, while dairy industry representatives like those in Colorado effectively lobby to keep that inhumane and unnecessary practice legal. As well, the California Veterinary Medical Association, the largest state VMA, endorsed California's history Prop 2 vote in 2008 which banned three of the most extreme (yet standard) factory farming confinement systems.

Mybrainmelts25 karma

Will legislation ever pass to ban the formation of puppy mills?

paul_shapiro42 karma

Yes, many states are cracking down on puppy mills, and rightfully so. Here's one of our latest efforts on this: http://www.humanesociety.org/news/press_releases/2013/02/sampson-county-nc-puppy-mill-rescue-022613.html

glassdevaney22 karma

First off, thanks for the AMA!

There's a 'petting zoo' down the street from me that isn't open to the public. It's attached to a commercial office building, and there's no one person in charge of taking care of the animals. They're horribly neglected and quite often escape. This is on a busy side street where people routinely speed. Once, I had to save a peacock that had gotten out by running in front of an oncoming SUV. That story goes on further but believe me, the conditions are bad. I've tried complaining to several animal agencies and no one seems to care. They haven't even been willing to look into it. Do you have any advice for me?

EDIT: they have two donkeys, several goats, a slew of rabbits, some chickens, and several peacocks.

paul_shapiro29 karma

Thanks for this. It's not an issue I work on, but please email my coworker Kaylea Kowalski about this so she can be of help: kkowalski at hsus dot org

KodosC21 karma

What advice would you give to someone who would like to become an animal activist but doesn't know where to start?

paul_shapiro29 karma

Great question! There are many fantastic animal groups out there to volunteer for and no shortage of animals who are in need of your voice. I'd start with thinking about what type of advocacy you're passionate about: farm animal protection, wildlife, animals in labs, dogs/cats, etc. I'd then start reading and watching videos about that topic. Once you've zeroed in on a target area to work on, perhaps start volunteering for groups working to to help those animals. This is a wonderful and broad social justice movement seeking to build a more humane society for all of us, and you will be welcomed with open arms when you want to start advocating for animals. A few books that have been very helpful for many people interested in learning more include Matthew Scully's Dominion, Peter Singer's Animal Liberation, and Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals. And of course, HSUS president Wayne Pacelle's The Bond! :-)

annemarkel120 karma

I am a struggling vegetarian. I am tempted, although I know what goes on at factory farms. My friend told me to knock off the posts I share about abuse at factory farms. She says that I am one-sided and that there are humane slaughterhouses- "look at Temple Grandin slaughterhouses." Where are these human slaughterhouses, and what are your thoughts about them?

paul_shapiro53 karma

Many of the 3rd party animal welfare certification programs don't deal with slaughter conditions, but the bigger problem for farm animals is the 99% of their lives prior to reaching a slaughter plant. Farm animals spend less than 1% of their lives inside a slaughter plant. The suffering they endure on factory farms (where more than 9 out of 10 animal products come from) is immense.

ShamelessDeadGuy19 karma

You wouldn't of been the one that shut down that horrible pig farm in Wheatland, Wyoming, would you?

paul_shapiro32 karma

Yes, HSUS is the group that exposed the Wyoming pig factory that was supplying pigs to Tyson Foods. Our investigation there so far has led to five criminal convictions and will likely lead to more.

More on that at http://www.humanesociety.org/news/press_releases/2012/05/wyoming_pig_investigation_050812.html

sckain19 karma

I was looking at the HSUS website and saw the HSUS University.

What kind of jobs would a graduate from HSUS U be prepped for? Does the University help place graduates.

jane01134 karma

If you're interested in that, you should also check out the one-year Masters in Animals & Public Policy program at Tufts Vet School

paul_shapiro28 karma

Good point, jane011 -- thank you!

paul_shapiro32 karma

Humane Society Univ is a great resource for folks looking to work full-time in animal advocacy or learning more about animal protection issues. More at http://humanesocietyuniversity.org/

drewsaysgoveg19 karma

How much can you bench?

paul_shapiro30 karma

Oh, Drew. The most I ever benched was 255, but I couldn't do it now, alas...

badjuice18 karma

How do you view private ranchers in America and their role in America, especially in the light of the rapidly shrinking presence of family business?

Source: My family, until last generation, ranched pigs and milk; when the ranch was turned into reserve land (to obtain a small stipend / tax break for NOT developing it, and allowing it to be wild) the farm/ranch was basically struggling to break even and keep bills paid.

paul_shapiro24 karma

Since 1970, the country has lost more than 90 percent of pig farmers, more than 95 percent of egg farmers, and more than 85 percent of dairy producers. We’ve seen a loss in economic activity and population in rural communities, and gains by vertically integrated conglomerates like Tyson Foods. These mega companies imprison animals in huge windowless buildings while extending their reach into agriculture and supply chains by hiring “contract farmers” who put up all the money for land and buildings, but don’t even own the animals they are raising. It’s a cheap-meat formula that has produced misery for animals and economic ruin for tens of thousands of farmers.

launcherofcats18 karma

How much more expensive would meat be if we didn't torture animals horribly to prepare it?

paul_shapiro27 karma

Numerous cost-conscious retailers like McDonald's, Costco, and more have recently required that their suppliers phase in better animal welfare practices. If the cost associated with such improved treatment were high, I doubt they'd be doing this.

BeefTenderloins17 karma

It seems like this discussion has been hijacked by factory farmers. Who could be behind such a disgraceful call to misinform and malign?

Couldn't be more thankful for the incredible work of the HSUS. You and your colleagues operate what is undeniable the most effective animal advocacy group working today, otherwise you wouldn't see such nonsensical attacks from abusive industries.

paul_shapiro25 karma

Thank you, and I agree! A meat industry front group alerted its members this morning, asking them to try to take this over. It's flattering.

Sled_Driver16 karma

two questions:

1) What is your opinion of activist groups like PETA ? Do you believe their actions are having a positive effect both in terms of the direct results and also in raising awareness or is it making things difficult?

2) How do you feel about the contrast of Foie Gras bans in certain areas while some large scale, more despondent meat producing out fits like pork, poultry and beef have no real movements to enhance the quality of life of these animals within the same political theater?

paul_shapiro37 karma

1) They're a very different organization from HSUS and we don't really work much together, but they of course want to help animals.

2) Force-feeding birds for foie gras is certainly cruel and should be banned, but so is (and should) cruel practices like gestation crate confinement of pigs, battery cages for laying hens, etc.

tyroneking16 karma

Hi - thanks for all your doing to keep the human race 'human'.

What is your perspective on the Amy Meyer case?

paul_shapiro37 karma

The Meyer case in Utah shows just how much the factory farming industry has to hide: Rather than trying to prevent animal abuse in slaughter plants, the industry wants to prevent people from finding out about the abuse by making it a crime to take a photo of animals at such facilities. That's what the law in Utah does: criminalizes photo/video-taking at animal ag operations. It's shameful, but a helpful reminder of how much the animal ag industry is trying to hide.

Roxxess16 karma

How does it feel to know you are purposely misleading people and putting honest working small family farms out of business? Showing all those poor abandoned puppies and than putting less than 1% of the profits received from that scam toward actually helping shelter animals?

paul_shapiro-9 karma

The animals in our ads are animals we've rescued. HSUS provides more direct care for animals than any other animal welfare charity in the country. More at http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/opposition/facts/wayne_responds_to_opposition_020810.html

jbrake15 karma

I don't have a question Paul, but I did want to bring to your attention that the first citizen I know of to be prosecuted under the Ag Gag laws is a friend of mine from SLC.

Link to reddit post

Link to news report

Link to blog post about the arrest

I hope your group is able to combat these insane laws. It's worth nothing that the mayor of the city the slaughterhouse is located in, Darrell H. Smith, is a co-owner of the meatpacking company.

Edit: From her FB: "My ag gag case has officially been DISMISSED!!! Thank you all sooo much for your support, I can't tell you how much it means to me."

paul_shapiro11 karma

Thanks so much. We're very much following that story and combating the pending ag-gag bills vigorously. I appreciate you bringing this up!

Rainman31615 karma

Your group seems to be doing a lot to prevent the use of gestation crates by farmers. Speaking as a guy who's dealt with pigs his whole life, I'd really like to spread the word about how bad an idea this is. For those of you who don't know, gestation crates are cages where a mother sow is kept after birth to keep here separate from here piglets. We always fed ours individually by hand when we did this.

The reason behind using these crates is to keep the piglets alive. Mother sows will often eat their piglets after birth or attack them for reasons beyond me. I'm not sure if this is due to low maternal instincts in pigs or what, but I'd love to know why if anybody has an explanation. However, the biggest cause of death for piglets without these crates is the mother rolling over on top of them while they are feeding. This happens very often. Anyway, we keep the sows separate for a few months until the piglets are old enough to fend for themselves.

They are not kept in these cages at all times (as PETA believes), and the assertion that they are is completely false. You are supposed to actually do your job and let the sow out for a few hours a day. That means you have to move the piglets elsewhere. Not doing this is counterproductive to your goals, as hogs are raised to produce meat. If you don't let the pigs move around, they'll be all fat. Anyway, I'd just like a response on your opinion and what you've seen. If somebody is doing their job wrong, please don't let it reflect on all of us. We really do care about our animals. Thanks for the AMA.

EDIT: Additional info.

paul_shapiro23 karma

Sorry for your confusion about the issue. Let me help: Gestation crates are where pigs are confined 24/7 during gestation (ie, four months of pregnancy). Farrowing crates are where they'd confined while nursing their piglets after giving birth for about three weeks.

Nine states in the US and the entire EU have banned gestation crates. No states have banned farrowing crates. More at http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/confinement_farm/facts/gestation_crates.html

waterproof14 karma

How do you feel about The Human Society working with Michael Vick? A lot of animal lovers will never forgive what he did... It seems odd to me that your organization was willing to work with him.

paul_shapiro28 karma

HSUS was instrumental in getting Vick convicted. Once he got out of prison, we knew it would be more helpful to enlist him in the effort to stop dog-fighting than to perpetually flog him, which wouldn't prevent more dogs from being fought.

As HSUS's CEO wrote:

Three years ago, I knew it would be controversial to enlist Michael Vick in our outreach work in inner-city schools. But today this is hardly news, since I’ve talked about it on 60 Minutes and ABC's Nightline, wrote a chapter on it in The Bond, and discussed it in so many other platforms, as a way to raise awareness of the problem of dogfighting in our society. Since Vick's case came to light, we’ve upgraded laws against animal fighting in 40 states, and passed a new federal law to ban possession of fighting animals and to make it a federal felony.

I’ve also spoken, together with Vick, to thousands of inner-city kids about the evils of dogfighting. The point was to have a guy like Vick, who grew up on inner-city streets and got drawn into the world of dogfighting, warn these kids away from the activity. His target was not our base of supporters, but kids and others who don’t normally get exposed to our messages. Now those kids have become converts to our cause, and many of them are speaking out against dogfighting in inner-city neighborhoods and starting animal protection clubs at their schools.

P_Wompson14 karma

While I'm not against what you are doing (and am certainly no economist), wouldn't enacting these laws negatively affect our economy? Do you have any rebuttal to monetary questions? (i.e. cost to farmers, corporations, increase in food prices). Again, not against your cause. Thanks for the AMA!

paul_shapiro38 karma

Numerous major cost-conscious food buyers like McDonald's, Costco, Burger King, and others are requiring that suppliers start improving animal welfare. If these food giants can do it, it's viable. Of course, one reason we have factory farming of animals is because there's been a pressure to cut corners to drive down costs, often at the expense of animal welfare, environmental problems, food safety concerns, and worker safety problems, too.

nottaclevername10 karma

What is your most compelling argument for adopting a plant-based (animal product free) diet? I am a vegetarian, and despite my best efforts, I have a difficult time helping my friends and family truly see the validity of it.

paul_shapiro14 karma

You may want to show them a great film called Forks Over Knives.

use_a_labcoat10 karma

I don't really have any questions (at the now) but I'd like to tell you something.

I've been watching Animal Planet since I was about 10 (I'm 20 now) and my favorite programs were, and still are, any animal cop program. Because I watched it so often, I was able to know how to handle it when my neighbour stopped me on my way home, telling me he'd found some kittens in another neighbour's garden. I was 12-13, this was in january and it was freezing. My friend and I brought the five kittens inside, to the bathroom. I'd seen on the vet part of the animal cop programs that you actually can treat baby animals a lot "harder" than you'd might think, so my friend and I sat on the bathroom, rubbing the kittens as hard as we dared with some towels (we were really careful, though!) and gave them some milk. All of them survived, except on that unfortunately was already dead when we brought them inside. Though I guess they'd survived anyway as long as the were brought inside, it is a really proud day in my life, because I felt I knew what I had to do, thanks to people like you.

Thank you for bringing so much knowledge to everyone and doing the wonderful work you do.

paul_shapiro6 karma


paplan9 karma

What's a normal day like for the VP of FAP?

paul_shapiro7 karma

Normally just reading Reddit, obviously... :-) And of course working with the all-star, amazingly effective friends/coworkers who I'm so honored to sit with to advance farm animals' interests through corporate campaigns, legislative campaigns, conducting interviews, submitting opinion pieces and more. Words honestly can't express how humbling it is to work with such amazing coworkers in the farm animal protection division at HSUS. They're incredible.

nokillnationistheway8 karma

As a health care worker, I act as a mandatory reporter for child abuse. I must report to authorities even suspected abuse within 24 hours. I do not understand why PETA and HSUS work so hard to defeat laws which would extend these same protections to animals. Why would your groups pay people to continue aiding and abetting animal abuse, sometimes for months? For those of us who work to end child abuse, it seems as though your willingness to hang on to this information until it's politically and financially expedient to release it is pretty repugnant. I understand your excuse that you have to keep kicking cows on film for months and months to make your case, but I find that a big load of BS--no one in their right mind would suggest that hiding knowledge of abuse for months is a better way to help abused kids than reporting immediately to authorities.

paul_shapiro16 karma

There’s a reason animal protection groups oppose these bills while agribusiness industry officials support them: They may be drafted to appear like an animal protection measure, when in reality they're intended to obstruct whistleblowers from documenting farm animal abuse. This is why virtually every major newspaper editorial board in states where these bills have been intro'd this year (TN & CA, for example), have condemned these so-called "immediate reporting" bills as the thinly veiled attempts to protect animal abusers that they are.

Nordicus758 karma

Paul, it's very impressive that you've dedicated the vast majority of your life helping animals. What in your life led you to that? Did your family have a lot of pets? A sibling who acted like an animal sometimes?

paul_shapiro21 karma

Thanks for your kind words. I did always have dogs growing up and I loved them like brothers and sisters. But what really motivates me to advocate for animals is the fact that they have no voice, but are so routinely abused.

As Harriet Beecher Stowe noted, “It's a matter of taking the side of the weak against the strong, something the best people have always done.”

She wasn't explicitly referring to animals there, but the sentiment fits very well in my view. I'm driven to help animals because they're so vulnerable in the face of the vast power differential we hold over them.

checkmeoutnow8 karma

This question may seem a bit far out but I'll ask:

Were any of the recent reddit posts about ag-gag legislation and prosecution seeded here in preparation for this AMA?

I don't really care if the question is answered, but I'm starting to get curious about the timing of some highly upvoted posts followed by AMAs related to the topic. I'm sure some grooming happens here and there on reddit--just a thought.

paul_shapiro14 karma

No. Ag-gag is just a huge topic right now which has generated thousands of news stories this legislative session. People want more transparency in the food supply, not more secrecy.

bigedthebad7 karma

How do you respond to people who say that mistreating an animal you are going to kill and eat seems hypocritical.

paul_shapiro14 karma

I think that most people recognize there's a big difference between killing an animal and torturing an animal for months on end and then killing her. Some will find both wrong, but more will find the latter to be a greater harm.

joelrama7 karma

Are fish swimming vegetables?

paul_shapiro2 karma

Nice, Joel. Great to hear from you, bro. Last time I checked, fish feel pain. :-)

ozdog397 karma

Greetings, Paul -- Can you tell us why HSUS runs fund-raising campaigns and commercials that promote the idea that they actually pump money into shelters/rescues? When you show people in their HSUS pull-overs, carrying puppies and kittens out of deplorable conditions, and then tell people their donations will "help the animals", people think you intend on writing checks to the organizations that are actually in the trenches, doing the dirty work. Do you think that you would be able to raise as much money if you showed your administration and supporting attorneys/lobbyists, in a court room setting, and told people you needed money to pay their salaries? Thanks for your time.

paul_shapiro-7 karma

Tanimals in our ads are animals we've rescued. HSUS provides more direct care for animals than any other animal welfare charity in the country. More at http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/opposition/facts/wayne_responds_to_opposition_020810.html

MeatProcessor7 karma

Why do your slaughterhouse exposés focus on the very small segment of cull plants? Aren't the majority of plants market animal slaughterhouses? You repeatedly have stated that these incidences are the norm rather than the exception but your own evidence is focused on the exception rather than the norm.

paul_shapiro15 karma

Our investigations are not just on cull plants, but look at a variety of farm animal use facilities, from factory farms to livestock auctions to all types of slaughterplants.

When I say animal abuse is the norm, I'm often referring to inhumane on-farm practices like gestation crate confinement of pigs and battery cage confinement of laying hens. Virtually immobilizing animals for essentially their whole lives is often a standard ag practice, but is terrible for the animals.

CatsinTuxedos7 karma

How do these laws prevent you from stopping animal cruelty? They REQUIRE you to report it! What it really stops you guys from doing is cobbling together weeks of abuse that you stood by and witnessed (often commited by the people you send in to stage abuse) and for what: to fundraise. Your organization recieves hundreds of millions of dollars every year from private donors and puts less than one percent of it towards actually helping animals. The other ninety nine percent goes towards lobbyists, fundraising, and paying employess. Ya'll know it's true regardless of whether of not you want to admit it.

paul_shapiro21 karma

Food safety and animal cruelty investigations often require weeks of evidence-gathering to build the cases. Just as we would never force police to turn over all evidence acquired on the first day of an investigation, food safety and animal welfare whistleblowers shouldn’t be forced to do so either.

just_lingering7 karma

Do all dogs really go to heaven?

paul_shapiro12 karma

Of course.

adebtorsprison7 karma

You are a badass! Thanks for doing what you do, what can I do to help the cause?

mask26977 karma

What is your opinion about labs using rats in testing?

What do you think about dolphins being in captivity?

Do you support or condemn genetic engineering research?

A_Brash_Toboggan7 karma

Mr. Shapiro, I just wanted to thank you for all that you and your organization are doing for the welfare of animals.

I had an animal science teacher in high school whose teachings really stuck with me. He made it clear that as animal technicians it is our absolute first duty to provide for our animals' physical and mental well-beings. This duty has become the basis of my moral understanding of the care of animals.

I just wanted to applaud The Humane Society's efforts in embodying this principle by making the world a better place for the animals under our care, and wish you the best of luck in your future efforts.

I guess I need to ask a question at some point... uhh...

As a vegetarian, what's your favorite dish?

paul_shapiro10 karma

TY! My favorite food is Middle Eastern. Would be too hard to pick just one dish, though!

CrocanoirZA7 karma

I would just like to thank you for taking a stand and working hard at it.

paul_shapiro4 karma

Thank you!

bigblackkittie7 karma

i just want to say thank you for what you do. you rock!!!

paul_shapiro6 karma


handmadefool6 karma

Why is there no definition / symbol for Vegetarian by the FDA - Do you or your organization work towards this?

paul_shapiro7 karma

I'm not aware of any effort to do that, but this is perhaps closest: http://vegan.org/certify/

cynicallycheery6 karma

You are an awesome advocate for animals. Besides for being vegan how can I be as awesome as you are without feeling sad all the time (currently I run a plant based eating group and am in the process of starting a vegan small business)!?

paul_shapiro7 karma

Well first, thanks -- you're very kind. Second, there's nothing awesome about being sad, so try to avoid it! :-) Good for you for running that eating group! Here are more ways to give animals a voice: http://hsus.typepad.com/wayne/2012/10/55-actions-to-help-animals-2012.html

Alexmac7836 karma

No questions, just a sincere "Thank you."

paul_shapiro7 karma

Thank you!

fap-on-fap-off6 karma

What do you think of the various European efforts to ban ritual slaughter (halal and shechita)?

paul_shapiro16 karma

Kosher slaughter exemptions allow animals to have their throats cut while still fully conscious. As a Jew, I'm very uncomfortable with the thought that there are easy ways to render animals insensible prior to cutting their throats but that those methods wouldn't be used because of the letter of the rule. Fortunately, there's movement in some Jewish and Muslim circles to reform this system in order to reduce animal suffering.

This may interest you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf1eLjnGafk

internpete5 karma

Would you rather save a farm full of animals from being slaughtered, or save one person from modern slavery? What motivates you towards animal protection and could you use the same skills to help protect people?

paul_shapiro18 karma

If you're ever presented with that scenario in real life, please call me up! I'd be fascinated.

In all seriousness, you may be interested in the fact that the animal protection movement in the US and UK was actually founded by former anti-slavery activists after they'd won. (In fact, the first animal protection group in the US was founded in 1866 -- one year after the 13th amendment banning slavery.) There's a theme here: the same people motivated to protest the abuse of powerless humans are often also the same people who protest the abuse of powerless animals.

I recommend reading more especially about William Wilberforce, the famed anti-slavery crusader in Britain who then co-founded the RSCPA (for animals) after they'd won their anti-lavery campaign.

evilrick5 karma

Why is the HSUS so against ownership of 'exotic' non-venomous snakes?

paul_shapiro2 karma

My area of expertise is farm animal protection, so that's not an issue I work on. But this may be helpful for you: http://hsus.typepad.com/wayne/2012/01/constrictor-snake-news.html

nothisisnotakeeper4 karma

What is your opinion on the largest "factory" beef farm in California, Harris Ranch? The Harris Family employed Dr. Temple Gardin to ensure they're treating their animals humanely, yet they're subjected to these types of terrorist attacks:

They were attacked by the eco-terrorist group, Animal Liberation Front (ALF), and 16 of their trucks were burned.

The owner of Harris Farms is a second generation family farmer whose father started with nothing. His farm qualifies as a "factory farm" and "agribusiness" by your standards, but he's also a family farmer.

Exactly how many head of cattle can a family farm have before you slap the "factory farm"/"agribusiness" label on them?

You seem to be putting forth the idea that family farmers automatically start abusing their animals if they raise ~more than~ a certain number of cows. What exactly is that number? Do you have any data/evidence to back this up?

Edit: Links

paul_shapiro3 karma

That's not our position (about numbers). I've seen small farms with low animal welfare and bigger farms with much better animal welfare. Size isn't the most important factor in this case.

That said, I was disappointed to see Harris Ranch's assemblyman in CA sponsor an ag-gag bill. More from their hometown paper on that here: http://www.bakersfieldcalifornian.com/opinion/our-view/x837007582/Cattle-industry-must-rethink-ag-gag-bill

mackduck4 karma

I have a friend who is very active in getting the production of Foie Gras halted in the US- I believe there have been some good wins- but given the law over there and the legal status of many animals, do you see it becoming illegal- or is it more likely to simply die out as undesirable- or neither.

paul_shapiro5 karma

Good for your friend! I do see that issue as inevitable: force-feeding ducks to induce a state of disease in their livers that's then marketed as a delicacy is just too outrageous for any reasonable person to defend.

oration4 karma

What's the Humane Society's beef with 4-H?

paul_shapiro7 karma

Not sure what you're referring to. Here are 4-H kids lobbying with us to ban gestation crates for pigs. Good for them! http://www.wickedlocal.com/stoneham/news/x1872802781/Lewis-supports-animal-protection-legislation#axzz2RxmbtHTS

ketosabe4 karma

Thanks for the work that you do! Props.

That said, other organizations which may seem to have much in common with you, may also be (or seem to be, depending on your perspective), so "radical" or "militant" that they work against you in some way. Yes, I'm talking about PETA, for example (and I'm not bashing them, just pointing that out).

Can you comment on how well or poorly you feel you are aligned with such groups? Do they help you, hurt you, or do you not really share the same space? Thanks!

paul_shapiro10 karma

Great question. There are lots of animal protection groups and many work very independently of one another, while some work more closely with one another. HSUS and PETA generally don't do much together, though of course both are trying to help animals. HSUS is more focused on public policy and corporate policy work, so our paths don't necessarily cross often. We do regularly work with many other animal protection groups though, such as our great friends at Farm Sanctuary and numerous others.

Impeachobamapls4 karma

Thank you for your hard work.

paul_shapiro5 karma

Thank you!

wordswench4 karma

Are you vegetarian yourself? If not, what meat do you think it is OK to eat?

paul_shapiro2 karma

I don't eat animals, which is a decision I made in 1993 and feel good about. Interestingly, the trend in the US at this time doesn't seem to be that overwhelming numbers of people are becoming strict vegetarians, but large numbers of people are cutting back on their animal consumption, which is the primary reason per capita meat consumption fell by more than 12% in the US from 2007-2012.

PuffBear4 karma

Bless you every single day Paul for what you are doing to help animals!! Thank you

paul_shapiro2 karma


slothsrus3 karma

What is your opinion on the primate research centers? How do you feel about people doing research on primates? Do you think that there are benefits of doing experiments on them or are you completely against it? Have you done anymore undercover work in any of them?

I really enjoyed this piece and learning about these centers. It's good to know that these primates are finally being relocated. Relevant video for those interested.


I know it's not about farm animals... Just looking for an opinion I guess and trying to raise some awareness.

paul_shapiro6 karma

Thanks, good point. And great of you to link to that HSUS investigation. I was glad to be at one of HSUS's animal care centers last week (Black Beauty Ranch in TX) and spent some time with chimps who were experimented on for decades, but now live with HSUS.

gimpyhopalong3 karma

HSUS is a sham organization. I work in a meat harvesting facility and can also answer questions.

And I'm a vegetarian who is studying to be a VETERINARIAN, people.

The work we do is LEGAL and humane. You can't force your beliefs on others, dude.

paul_shapiro8 karma

I agree that practices like locking pigs in tiny cages where they can't turn around for months on end are legal. Unfortunately, despite being legal, they're still very inhumane.

caekles3 karma

Any relation to George Shapiro?

paul_shapiro12 karma

I remember seeing that name in the credits of numerous Seinfeld episodes! Alas, I don't know the guy, but if he's down with Jerry, I wish I did.

Sideburns_093 karma

Thanks for the AMA! How do you feel about bile farms? I also heard that the bears on those farms often commit suicide, have you ran into animal suicides at US factory farms?

paul_shapiro5 karma

Right: bear bile farms are one of the more repulsive forms of animal cruelty. I'm not aware of animal suicide of factory farms, though.

the_real_cassie2 karma

Go ahead and downvote the devil's advocate, but I've always thought that caring about how much my beef suffered before it was cut into bite size pieces is like caring about the color of the paint in one of those houses used to test the destructive power of nuclear weapons.

Sure, the animal suffered, but that was its inherent purpose, wasn't it? The scale of cruelty these animals experience is a simple cost benefit analysis, and I don't see how you can just tell these farmers who have been slaughtering the cows and pigs that are feeding america's children to simply "start doing something else."

My question is: Why do you feel the need to defend something that everybody else eats? Do you have something other than a moral imperative driving you to do this?

paul_shapiro3 karma

I think that most people recognize there's a big difference between killing an animal and torturing an animal for months on end and then killing her. Some will find both wrong, but more will find the latter to be a greater harm.

But yes, I do feel a moral imperative to try to give a voice to those who have none. Just because animals are weaker than we doesn't justify us tormenting them. Might doesn't make right here.

Luvmypup2 karma

Thank you for all the courageous work you do everyday! You awesome Paul. :)

paul_shapiro0 karma


KyleR0070 karma

What is your personal opinion on Animal Slaughter? Do you believe that Slaughter practices are currently the best they can possibly be or do you want more change?

I ask this simply because I am a firm believer that most animal rights groups care more about Animals than they do about people, and if you are of the feeling that slaughter practices are immoral and wrong, then I might have issues with what else you preach.

paul_shapiro1 karma

I'm in favor of continual improvement in all areas, including this one.

soapymarshmallow0 karma

Did your organization honestly find Pokemon offensive, or was that flash game just to gain media attention?

paul_shapiro1 karma

We've never commented on that. You must be thinking of another group.

GertrudeSteadman-1 karma

It's an honor to be talking to you.

paul_shapiro-4 karma

That's so nice of you. It's an honor to be able to spend some time chatting here with you!

igku_env731-2 karma

Mr. Shapiro, I attended the Second Annual Great Plains Conference on Animals & the Environment at which you presented. I enjoyed your presentation, but I wish that you had not touched upon the issues of homeless pets because it seemed outside of your expertise. You claimed that there was pet overpopulation and that shelters unfortunately had to kill, which has been disproved by over 100 No Kill communities in the United States that include open-intake and high-intake municipal shelters.

As a fellow vegan and animal rights activist, I am wondering how much HSUS is keeping up with the No Kill movement. Are you or is your parent organization aware that there are more humane, life-saving alternatives for all healthy and treatable shelter pets? What is being done at HSUS to promote, support, and help this movement?

paul_shapiro-1 karma

Thanks for your comment. I did note that there are more pets than there are homes, but I don't recall editorializing on the topic beyond that. My apologies if I did. This may be helpful for you: http://hsus.typepad.com/wayne/2007/11/not-killing-pet.html

Warlizard-5 karma

I'm gonna go anti-hive here and say that I don't understand why you care.

Whether the animals are kept in splendor befitting a king or in a bucket, the end result is the same -- we eat them.

I mean, process that for a second. We take a living animal, force it to eat whatever will make it the biggest and fattest, then kill it, chop it up, package it, heat it, then chew it into pieces and swallow it.

We genetically engineer it to have extra legs sometimes, inundate it with antibiotics, essentially "playing god" with species.

I see you raising the alarm and wonder if you're not trying to give a parking ticket to a murderer.

What difference does it make that an animal suffers when it's just going to be EATEN?

paul_shapiro12 karma

It's hard to imagine that there's no difference between killing an animal and torturing an animal for months and then killing her. Admittedly, many people will have a problem with both, but more people will have a problem with the latter than the former.

Hurikane211-5 karma

Obligatory ama question: Would you rather fight one horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses?

paul_shapiro-4 karma

Nice, kind of going Greek mythology on here. In all honesty, my life is lived trying to adhere to as nonviolent of an ethic as I can, so I'd do my best to avoid fighting any animal. If it were a video game though and no animals were at risk of being harmed, I'd go one-on-one with the huge duck, though my hope is that we could talk it out and maybe go for a ride on his back in the game. I've always been impressed that ducks can walk, swim and fly. That would be pretty awesome.