Reddit!! It's Chloe Bennet here, I play Skye (the racially ambiguous brunette who has somewhat of a man voice) on Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. I'm A Chicagoan and the only girl of six boys. To be honest I mostly got into acting because I am horrible at all things athletic.


Comments: 2675 • Responses: 91  • Date: 

ChloeBennet2430 karma

Hey Reddit! I just want to start this AMA off by saying I will only be answering questions about Rampart moving forward....kidding :)

ChloeBennet1092 karma

Okay guys! Actually had a lot a lot a lot a ton a lot so much a lot of fun during this AMA. You guys are all fucking awesome. I wish I could answer more questions but honestly I cant really see straight. So until next time! Thanks so much! If you still want to talk to me you know where to find me... (twitter) (chloebennet4) and (my home) (444 w. lalala st. la ca) ---thats not real don't go there.

JelleC838 karma

Hi Chloe! Who is the most awesome actor you have worked with and why is it Clark Gregg?

ChloeBennet1342 karma

Great question/answer jelleC . Uhm think about how cool you think Clark Gregg is.. and then times that by 1209384209... and then thats how cool he really is. The guy has TWO first names. What a fucking G.

Wuffy_694 karma

i don't know what to ask

ChloeBennet1791 karma

i understand wuffy. i totally understand. As you can imagine. I dont know what to answer.

goodie2004640 karma

Of all the Marvel characters in all the Marvel movies in all the Marvel universes, who would you most love to pop up in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

ChloeBennet1410 karma

three letters. RDJ

Batmanstolemywaffles619 karma

Hey Chloe,

So I was browsing music videos when I stumbled upon your Chinese music video. So I must ask, what do you prefer more, acting or singing? In addition what are your opinions on the show Arrow?

Edit: Uh Oh

ChloeBennet850 karma

First off... I apologize and I feel like I owe you 3 minutes and 56 seconds of your life back...after watching that terrible video! hah I much prefer acting

yepperation604 karma

What's the most awkward moment growing up with six brothers?

ChloeBennet1996 karma

Iv walked in on way to many people having "alone time " then any girl should ever have to experience in one lifetime.

DrewskiTSR553 karma

Why reddit?

ChloeBennet1640 karma

I love cats.

TomRalphio493 karma

Well you've certainly come to the right place. What are your views on bacon?

ChloeBennet1373 karma

I ate bacon 2 hours ago. And I don't regret a thing.

AcousticBoom539 karma

Hey Chloe! Love the show. According to IMDB, you studied Mandarin. Have you ever used this "super power" to overhear someone talking about you and throw it back in their face?

ChloeBennet1415 karma

a few guys in the airport were talking about me in mandarin saying that they should not stand behind in the security line because they thought I would take I took my sweet time just to annoy them!

wynnewong517 karma

Do you ever speak Mandarin to Ming-Na?

ChloeBennet1192 karma

We do! On set we talk about people in front of them, and we pretend like were saying nasty things but really we just compliment them. Its good fun

sylerwind494 karma

What do you think of Skimmons?

ChloeBennet1245 karma


AntiChr1st465 karma

What was the first day on set like?

Btw, your twitter photo is probably the greatest picture of all time.

ChloeBennet773 karma

I was shitting my pants I was so nervous

and thank you. I like cheesburgers

NBref13460 karma

Hi Chloe. What is your relationship with your cast mates on S.H.I.E.L.D? and do any of the actors of SHIELD's personalities resemble their characters?

ChloeBennet1003 karma

Everyone on the show is pretty similar to their characters... the only one who is absolutely not like their character is Ming Na Wen... shes A huge jokester and prankster and is alwaysssss laughing.

stevethebandit446 karma

Are we cool?

ChloeBennet859 karma

i dont know steve... are we?

Yeebeme382 karma

If a genie granted you 3 wishes, what would they be?

NOTE: You may not wish for unlimited wishes or the ability to wish for unlimited wishes or any other crafty bullshit.

ChloeBennet1213 karma

I would wish for: 1. The ability to never have to sit in traffic. 2. Eat as many donuts as I want.. and it all just went to my boobs. 3. I want to be able to understand a football game.

goodie2004380 karma

Hi Chloe. How are you with technology in real life?

ChloeBennet785 karma

Im actually terrible it just took me about 20 minutes to set this AMA up!

jemsimmons355 karma

If you could play any other character in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, even a man, anyone at all, who would you chose?

ChloeBennet1072 karma

thats a good question. I would want to play Captain America---because how kind of weird would it be if captain america was a half chinese 21 year old lady who kind of also looks mexican

krazykarter341 karma

What's the most embarrassing thing that has happened on set, to either yourself or any of the other actors/actresses?

EDIT: Question from my mom: Who is your favourite super hero?

ChloeBennet559 karma

Please give you're mom a huge hug for me. she sounds adorable.... for her question.. my favorite is Jean grey. And I embarrass myself by tripping on an hourly basis.

TaylorDangerTorres336 karma

Batman or Iron Man?

EDIT: Nevermind I just realized your probably contractually obligated to say the latter.

ChloeBennet596 karma

smart man. you know better.

goodie2004330 karma

Have you sat behind the wheel of Lola?

ChloeBennet653 karma

I have actually DRIVEN lola in real life...which is funny because im a terrible driver.

goodie2004318 karma

Could you tell us about meeting The Great and Powerful Joss for the first time?

ChloeBennet642 karma

The first time I met joss...I was late to the meeting because I had gotten pulled over by the cops for speeding. I think I was also a bit sweaty. hah so. yeah I think it went pretty well

Montaron87316 karma

  1. Will Skye ever show up in one of the Marvel movies?
  2. Which one would you most like to appear in?

ChloeBennet659 karma

I work for Marvel who are the real life SHIELD so you know I cant tell you super top secrets like that!

yelyahrose315 karma

Favorite quote from Agents of SHIELD?

ChloeBennet1171 karma

"with great power comes... a ton of weird crap that you are not prepared to deal with."

AliquamFan295 karma

Hey Chloe, so I have three questions for you:

  • Did you read/watch/follow the Marvel universe as a child?
  • What's your favourite quality in your character Skye?
  • What similarities and differences are there between you and Skye?

Thanks for Redditing with us Redditors and can't wait to see the next episode of Agents of SHIELD

ChloeBennet467 karma

okay 1. yes loved/love marvel. 2. Her drive. 3. Im shit with computers, she way cooler and smarter then me. She also wears much more flannel then I do.

krazykarter289 karma

I'm early to the AMA, I have a chance to ask a great question!

So, uh, umm... What's your favourite colour?

ChloeBennet849 karma


oldmanonreddit71288 karma

How do you feel about having your own subreddit? And do you check it out often? lol

ChloeBennet520 karma

I didn't know I had one...

lokiofjotunheim280 karma

Hi Chloe! This past week’s episode had a couple pranks featured in it, but do any pranks happen on set? Who’s usually the one plotting them?

ChloeBennet721 karma

We actually have a prank war going on between Brett and Iain (Agent Ward and Fitz) and me and Elizabeth. I just pranked Iain last wednesday, I told him we had a sex scene in the next episode!

prufesuroak268 karma

Chloe! you think any firefly characters will guest star?

ChloeBennet705 karma

I hope nathan does a cameo

knosetrain24231 karma

Chloe, do u ever see Skye getting to meet Nick Fury?

ChloeBennet493 karma

well shit, I hope so.. I love Sam Jackson

jemsimmons227 karma

Hello Chloe! How are you?

ChloeBennet529 karma

Im so full from thanksgiving I cant move... I think I may have eaten a whole pie myself... how are you??

laurensaidwhaat210 karma

what's one thing you miss about Chicago that you can't get in LA?

ChloeBennet621 karma

Normal people who arent fame-whore-y....and the pizza. :)

yodatospock210 karma

I know that you have been called "Sparkles", but have you ever met Cobie Smulders?

ChloeBennet364 karma

I have, she is quite lovely.

MelsGvardo205 karma

Dude you're the shit!! :D

ChloeBennet357 karma

dude! You're the shit!

the084202 karma

Is Skye ever going to get to show off all the fighting skills she's learned from Agent Ward?

ChloeBennet312 karma

Maybeeeeeee you will have to wait and see :)

Simon_Plenderson198 karma

What do you think about doing an AMA with Reddit? Was it something that was suggested to you by PR people or is it something you suggested? I am curious how people that do AMA's view the process.

ChloeBennet436 karma

I love reddit. So i suggested it.

mauvezaffre196 karma

Skyeward or Mayward?

ChloeBennet460 karma


TomRalphio196 karma

If you weren't an agent of SHIELD, what superhero would you want to be?

ChloeBennet427 karma

my favorite marvel character is JEAN Grey... so her edit: thats awkward I spelled my favorite super heroes name wrong...

HannahMariePhil192 karma

Can you ask Ian to use his twitter account because I have a little crush on him...

ChloeBennet364 karma

I have a crush on him to. So im going to be selfish and just kidding yes I will

the084160 karma

What do you and the cast do in all the spare time you have on set?

ChloeBennet361 karma

We eat MnM's and make fun of eachother

babi_chatack159 karma

Which scene did you do for the audition?

ChloeBennet280 karma

I had three scenes. One was the scene from the pilot with me and mike in the diner. And the others were made up

babi_chatack148 karma

what was the weirdest thing a fan has ever said to you?

ChloeBennet378 karma

They asked me to sign their babys forehead..

brittaneex145 karma

Who is your favorite character in the show? :3

ChloeBennet458 karma

I really would not be able to choose. I really love FitzSimmons though. They are perfect humans

spencerquinto139 karma

Which Hogwarts house do you think you would be sorted into? And which one would Skye be in?

ChloeBennet334 karma

I would hope for Gryffindor...but id probably end up in something like Hufflepuff or something. Cause no one wants Hufflepuff..

Zijien136 karma


ChloeBennet282 karma


erindizmo131 karma

Hi, Chloe! Love the show! I have to know one thing, though. Is there a shower on the Bus? And if not, how do the agents look so good all the time?

(Okay, two things. Cubs or White Sox?)

ChloeBennet291 karma

You know what... I ASSUME there is a shower on the bus. but honestly I have not yet seen it with my own eyes. (Yes. You're thinking correctly.. I have not showered since I began shooting) and SOX. I enjoy watching real baseball ;)

Drawn2D126 karma

Hi Chloe, can you settle an argument for us? Is it Skye screaming in the promo for 1x10 or someone else?

ChloeBennet229 karma

skye is.

jemsimmons125 karma

Is there ant scene in SHIELD in which anyone from the cast actually did improv and the take made it to the final cut? :)

ChloeBennet363 karma

Iain did improv at the "HUB" episode when he was trying to get through the glass doors. funniest shit ever.

juliaricardoo123 karma

Hi Chloe. Thank you for doing this. I like you and Skye so much. What ir your favorite moment of the Show? What do you think about the relation between Skye and Simmons? And about Skye and May? What was the hardest scene to do in your opinion? And the most funny?

ChloeBennet299 karma

The hardest scenes for me are when we all decide to act like children and goof off.... Clark often likes to start rapping the then we all start rapping and then laughing and most times we cant stop! Thats the most difficult AND funny. And my favorite relationship on the show is that of Skye and Coulson...I just think its a really sweet and endearing make shift father daughter relationship.

thundervengers123 karma

DO you have any idea how much Brazil loves you????

ChloeBennet279 karma


NandoStevens122 karma

If AoS had a proper theme song, what other theme song would you want it to be most like?

ChloeBennet351 karma

I would just want the Fresh Prince of Bell Air theme song..

NandoStevens1039 karma

Now this is a tv show all about how / I work for the super secret good guys now / And I'd like to take a minute, all will be revealed / I'd like to tell you how I became an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. /

Grew up as an orphan, born and raised. / Hacking databases was how I spent most of my days. / Rising Tide missions, taking stuff from the man, / And distributing it out from my unsuspecting van. /

When this superstong guy who was up to some good, / Got S.H.I.E.L.D. agents all up in my neighborhood. / They interrogated me and I got real scared and said / "I'm moving in with Coulson to a Bus in the air." /

I joined up with S.H.I.E.L.D. and I met Ward and May / They were kinda jerks to me but I was spying, so hey. / Fitz and Simmons were nicer but their accents were rough. / So I thought nah, forget it, I'm still gonna hack stuff. /

I pulled up to the HUB around seven or eight-er / I almost learned my parent's secrets but Hey, maybe later. / Until Coulson's real Tahiti trip's no longer concealed / I'll just hang on the Bus as an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. /

shameless plug - my podcast Mad Bracket Status

ChloeBennet401 karma

thats actually amazing.

acciorachel113 karma

Hi Chloe!

How similar are you and Skye? What's the funniest thing that's happened on set?

Thanks for doing this AMA! Love the show!

ChloeBennet386 karma

Well me and skye definitely look a lot alike.... What we do not have in common is that Im actually quite shit with computers! And the last episode was really fun to shoot because the scene where the mop falls down out of the closet we were all laughing so hard while shooting we had to take a 15 minute break from each other...

Edgerunner10112 karma

Hi Chloe! Thanks for doing this :) Ok, so here's my question: Going into this project were you aware of the Whedon fan-base coming from past Whedon works like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, and Dollhouse? Also, what's your opinion on hula hoops? yea or nay?

ChloeBennet197 karma

well my edgerunner friend. You should know. I have a sparkly purple and pink hula hoop in my trailer that I play with on set. So that being said. Im quite fond.

Xerxster111 karma

If you could have your character appear in a crossover with any show on tv right now, what would it be?

ChloeBennet436 karma

I think it would be funny if I did a crossover on NCIS. I would steal their viewers and then bring them back to my show.

jemsimmons110 karma

Hey Chloe! Who's winning the prank war on set now?

ChloeBennet260 karma

The girls are for sure... but I may be biased.

JSnoob109 karma

After seeing you in S.H.I.E.L.D, honestly thought you're one of the best on there, as intended I'm guessing. You're also gorgeous.

But after reading your replies, I just gotta say you seem hella cool and down to earth. Hope Hollywood doesn't change that!

Enjoy the fame and all the best in your career pursuits!

ChloeBennet203 karma

Thank you... I really appreciate that! At the end of the day... All I do is play dress up for a living. I cant take myself to seriously.

Desecr8or100 karma

Do you know when we'll find out who Skye's parents are?

ChloeBennet197 karma

you know i cant tell you that :)

Adiwik98 karma

If you have as much charisma in the show as you do in life, then i will be looking forward to you on the big screen one day!

ChloeBennet621 karma

Thanks! To make things move quicker you could just buy a really large tv.

TheForthWallBreaker85 karma

If you could change on thing about The Bus, what would it be?

ChloeBennet241 karma

I would add a bathroom. Just for starters.

vivalasausy83 karma

can you eat 3 whole can of beans?

ChloeBennet135 karma

I have never tried... sounds tempting

KoolGMatt82 karma

If you were forced to share an apartment with one superhero in real life, who would be the most helpful with chores, cooking, cleaning, etc.?

ChloeBennet206 karma

Iron man hands down. He has the nicest house.

Swervitu78 karma

Who's your Favorite Pokemon ?

ChloeBennet260 karma


PickPikmin77 karma

Clark Gregg. Awesome or extremely awesome?

ChloeBennet157 karma

double extremely awesome

ShieldAgentA77 karma

Hey Chloe, i was just wondering..... how tall are you?

ChloeBennet203 karma

5'6 with good posture

Danzaemon72 karma

Hi Chloe. I enjoy your show and I'm really digging your AMA. You are obviously angling to be the next Goddess of Reddit, and I support your candidacy.

ChloeBennet104 karma

Well shit. Thank you, I will never be more impressive then a Norwall. So I will never truly be a reddit goddess.

weekendwarriorjd62 karma

I'm having my wedding in Chicago. Will you be coming and should I put you down for a plus one?

ChloeBennet126 karma

first, CONGRATS. second. yes I will be bringing all 6 of my brothers. so prepared for all your food to be gone

SIXsteamyhippos62 karma

Favorite Marvel super hero. GO!

ChloeBennet200 karma

Im so distracted by your user name I cant respond to you're question. SIX steamy hippos? why six?

the08460 karma

How old is Skye supposed to be on the show? Your age? Younger? Older?

ChloeBennet104 karma

Actually I have no idea..

Lc79258 karma

What sport would you be most apt to try if offered a professional contract to all of them? :)

ChloeBennet176 karma

I kinda want to be really good at an incredibly random sport. Like the sport during the winter olympics where they just sweep ice around or something. What is that called?

LittleZilla56 karma

Hello Chloe, thanks for doing this! I'm going to be greedy and ask you 3 questions but they're all similarly themed, so forgive me :)

1.What's the last album you listened to?

2.What's your favourite song/band of ever?

3.Will there be a musical episode/ would you like there to be one? (a la:Buffy's 'Once More, with Feeling')

ChloeBennet127 karma

The last album I downloaded was A band called "The Wild Feathers" I could never choose a favorite band there are way to many I love I would mostly love to do a musical episode just so I could see Clark rap

gangstamoogle50 karma

Chloe, say something random.

ChloeBennet263 karma

snuggies are just backwards robes.

babi_chatack49 karma

Can you tell me a story of when you were a child?

ChloeBennet246 karma

I once crazy glued my arm to my friends arm so we could have a sleep over.

ChloeBennet59 karma

A show about a world full of superheroes seen through the eyes of ordinary people. And its a Joss Whedon show. So hes awesome.

babi_chatack36 karma

I want to hug you so bad

ChloeBennet89 karma

DO IT. cyber hug

danilui35 karma

We Skyeward shippers have declared you the captain of our ship. I hope you're up for it :)

ChloeBennet65 karma

IM THE CAPTAIN?! well shit. thats exciting. im so game.

TheGoofyGuy25 karma

Hello Chloe! Love the show and your twitter feed. What's your favorite sports team? Do you have any say in what you wear on the show? I somehow imagine you walking around in the same look as Skye or Chloe. Dat red dress doe

ChloeBennet44 karma

I do have a say.. I actually have a lot of the same clothes...Including the exact Leather Jacket! and Im glad you like my twitter feed!

OzW21 karma

I just found out you were the chick in that Big Bang video. Is TOP as dreamy IRL as I imagine?

ChloeBennet33 karma

yes... yes he is.

DanyalGhani19 karma

Okay so before I ask my question, I just want to say you’re so unique because you have this non celebrity vibe to you and I feel like that’s what makes you such an amazing and natural actress, which is why the fans of the show have really taken a liking to not only your character but your real life personality as well, so please don’t ever lose that by going all “Hollywood” on us hah! And with that being said, my question is... What does Chloe Wang really look for in a guy?

ChloeBennet40 karma

Well thanks! I think I have my brothers to thank for that. They basically just love to continuously remind me that I am and will forever be a huge loser. And what do I look for in a guy? haha uhmm. They have to be funny.

yelyahrose18 karma

Hey Chloe! I'm a big fan, love you in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

ChloeBennet38 karma

I would be able to teleport myself to anywhere... I actually contemplate having that power allll the time. Maybe someday if I think about it enough I will magically get it..

SerThunderBacon14 karma

Hi Chloe! 2 questions, What do you think Marvel did right that led to its bigger success compared to DC and who's your favourite character from each side?

ChloeBennet40 karma

Marvels characters have always been more relatable. And marvel brings a unique sense of humor into everything that they do.

wynnewong12 karma

Hi Chloe! Huge fan of SHIELD here :D Read that you've moved to Beijing for a while to pursue a music career. I currently live in China and was just wondering, what did you think of China?

ChloeBennet24 karma

I loved China, I lived in Beijing and Shanghai... I will actually be going back next year for a few things. I cant wait.

funkybassmannick12 karma

Are you a feminist? Joss Whedon is known for his strong female characters on television. How do you feel playing your role from a gender-critical standpoint?

ChloeBennet59 karma

I dont think it should be such a huge deal that their are strong female characters on shows or in the media. I grew up with a working mother who was a doctor. And I was raised with the mindset that woman can do anything men do. You dont see the media talking about "strong male characters" why do we continue to act like its rare that women can be strong, confident, and in control?? Its not.

RainbowOfUnicorn8 karma

If your boogers would taste like your favorite food, would you eat them in public?

ChloeBennet24 karma

What kind of question is that?!!!....................absolutely.

danilui7 karma

This might be a bit cheesy, but I just wanted to thank you for being you :) Like, the other day I was having a rough day, and I came home to that video of you dancing around Brett, having the time of your life, and it just made my day a lot better. So, thank you. I love you <3

ChloeBennet19 karma

Aw thank you. That is cheesy but very sweet. I appreciate that. If you are having a bad day just force yourself to dance. It always works.

JayCFree3246 karma

two questions of varying importance: The REALLY important one- Lou Malnati's, Giordano's, or Gino's East?

The "less important" one- How familiar were you with the Marvel universe before auditioning for AoS and how much research (comics, movies, novels, etc.) did you do after getting the part?

ChloeBennet23 karma

one: Lous Malnati's----DUH.

two: growing up with 6 brothers... I really didn't watch any disney princess movies or anything like that. I was all sports and comics. So I was pretty familiar... Getting to work for marvel now is a fucking dream. Most girls wanted to be princesses I just wanted to kick ass.

geefeeny4 karma

What are your favorite 'hidden' places to eat at in Chicago? (minus Gold Coast/River North/anythingthatexpensive kind of places) Or just favorite hidden spots in Chicago in general?

ChloeBennet10 karma

My dads house. He just cooked his face off for thanksgiving..

jemsimmons3 karma

Does Bretty make a lot of puns on set?

ChloeBennet12 karma

He does... ha

babi_chatack3 karma

what you most enjoy doing with your brothers? I LOVE YOU

ChloeBennet9 karma

My brothers all love reddit.. so we are all sitting here on reddit together.. but they actually just got bored so they are now playing xbox