Hi. I'm Kevin Nealon. You might know my work from my years on Saturday Night Live, Showtime's 'Weeds' or many Adam Sandler films. If you are in San Francisco, April 25-27th come see me at Cobbs Comedy Club.

Comments: 2043 • Responses: 72  • Date: 

conormacvictory1386 karma

just one question....WHAT'S UP MR. CHEEZLE???

KevinNealon1518 karma

Nothin' Dante.

KevinNealon797 karma

Thanks for all your questions! Sorry I couldn't get to all of them. If you have anymore I will be at Cobbs in San Francisco April 25-27th. Had a great time, THANK YOU! Kevin

apbadogs775 karma


KevinNealon1338 karma

Thanks, psycho I appreciate it.

boyerman748 karma

It's been 15 years since we lost Phil Hartman. What was your favorite sketch you did with him?

Thanks for doing this AMA! I'm a big fan of your work.

KevinNealon1171 karma

A great talent. We used to call him 'the glue' because he kept all the sketches together. I think about him often. So many fav sketches with him. Tarzan, Tonto and Frankenstein...Mace...The olympian weight lifter...I'm sure I'm forgetting tons..

cephaswilco631 karma

Can you comment on the Corpus Aristotelicum, the writings of Aristotle and their relevance in dealing with the problem of the rise of cheap/tasteless sushi joints in North America?

KevinNealon1127 karma

I'm so tired of that question! Once again, I don't see the problem!

FrenchyDude586 karma

1987 : Roxanne : Drunk #2

How do you feel knowing you're not drunk #1 ? ;)

KevinNealon1696 karma

Kind of like Buzz Aldrin

CleverWit434 karma

Kevin, I feel that sometimes my electric bill gets to be a little too high in the winter. What are some ways I could conserve the heat in my home so as to not have the heat on so often?

KevinNealon1457 karma

fart under the covers

trickymoo427 karma

What was it like during SNL's heyday when you had alllll those powerhouse comics and a exemplary writing staff? Bananas? And what was Chris Farley like when he was offstage?

KevinNealon1304 karma

It was an incredible experience. Loved it. No regrets. Farley offstage was everything you would expect him to be. Fun loving, reckless and often inappropriate. We had a thing -- If he was getting out of hand I would raise my eyebrows and he would respond with, "What? Take it down a notch?" Miss him.

Rob_Saget413 karma

Thank you for this AMA. I love your work as I grew up watching all the Sandler films!

Long shot, but would you be interested in coming on my podcast and nerding out?

KevinNealon760 karma

I know people don't expect much when they preface their question with 'Long shot,' so...yeah, I'd be interested. What's your podcast called?

natmi376 karma

How much pot do you actually smoke?

KevinNealon768 karma


tamammothchuk376 karma

What do you consider a requirement for a career in comedy?

KevinNealon1385 karma

paid gigs

sickethunder349 karma

What's the funniest experience you can remember from your time on Saturday Night Live?

P.S. Loved you on Weeds for so many years! You are hilarious!

KevinNealon744 karma

One of the few times I almost broke character is when Chris Farley got hung up on the Weekend Update letters behind us as he was supposed to be hoisted up on a cable and flown over the audience. Too funny!

Ijustsaidfuck320 karma

You were a highlight of SNL for me back in the day.

The farting hypnotist you did with Adam Sandler on his comedy tape had me in stitches.

Figure I should ask a question. Do you have any good behind the scenes stories from your snl days?

KevinNealon570 karma

The farts were put in later (most of them) on the Farting Hypnotist. Every time a fart was supposed to be inserted during our dialogue Sandler would just point. Behind the scene stories from SNL -- I particularly remember the Saturday that Steve Martin was hosting with Sting as musical guest. The fire alarms went off that afternoon and we all had to rush down the stairs and out into the street. We weren't allowed back into the building until right before the live show. We went on with no rehearsal. Quite exciting. (just smoke in the building).

scrapplepony292 karma

I almost hit you with a frisbee in the Boston Public Gardens about twenty years ago. Have you forgiven me yet?

KevinNealon852 karma

No I haven't. I still flinch every time a plate is put in front of me.

Brosuff263 karma

Harness. Energy. Block. Bad.

I put in the quarter, I got on the horse, the horse did not move. What did I do wrong?

Thanks for this, you're hysterical.

KevinNealon457 karma

Its circular. You forgot circular!!

gabbagool207 karma

  • are you doing this AMA by yourself, or do you have someone operating the computer for you?

  • how do you feel about nudity in movies and TV?

KevinNealon463 karma

I'm doing this by myself although my good friend and very funny comic, Jay Black, introduced it to me a few days ago when we were doing a gig in NY. I love nudity in movies and TV as long as its not me.

VersatilityMaster186 karma

Most redditors are probably too young to know about parenting, or that you decided to have a baby with your much younger wife (lucky man) and write a book about it.

My buddy gave me your book, 'Yes, You're Pregnant, but What About Me?', a few years ago when I was expecting my first child, it was a great read. Your book was very well written and should be read by anyone, not just fathers-to-be. It was nice to have something with a comedic twist during such a stressful time.

Any chance you will be writing a follow up book? Perhaps about the trials and tribulations of parenting as an old man like yourself. If not, have any advice for a fellow "older" dad?

KevinNealon359 karma

Thanks. Glad you liked it. I'd like to write another book but it probably won't be a follow up although I like your suggestion. Re being an older dad...make sure you have a baby girl and not a boy (less energetic) and marry a young athlete to take care of it.

CaptainKink186 karma

I saw you with my girlfriend two years ago and you kept eyeing her like you wanted to take her back to your room and wreck her. Has this tactic ever worked and do you fuck groupies on the road?

KevinNealon1033 karma

Yes, it worked that night.

Skunk73181 karma

Thanks, Kevin, for doing this AMA.
Which do you enjoy most, writing, acting, or standup?

KevinNealon342 karma

Tough choice -- I really like writing but I'd have to say stand up is where I'm at right now.

letsfork179 karma

What was it like having breasts on your head in Little Nicky? Did the actors around the set cop a feel? I have the feeling a story must have come out of wearing tits on your head between takes.

KevinNealon864 karma

Loved having the breasts on my head. The make up dept. really made them authentic. Filled with condoms full of water. Everyone wanted to feel them, guys and women. At the end of the day when they were removed no one cared about me. It was then I realized how powerful it was to have breasts!

captshady172 karma

How hard was it to do "Mr Subliminal". I've tried to imitate it, but could never pull it off. Was it a natural talent for you, or did you have to work on it?

KevinNealon351 karma

It was my first sketch I did on SNL. It was mind-boggling because you had two conversations going at the same time and it was SNL and it was live and oh, please don't remind me...

ThatDudeDanny170 karma

What was your favorite film to act in?

KevinNealon394 karma

Aside from a home movie I shot with my brother...either Happy Gilmore or Roxanne. I was Drunk #2. Both were shot in British Columbia. Beautiful there. Worked with a bunch of funny people on both.

ChedduhBob167 karma

What line/scene from Weeds would you say is the most memorable for you?

KevinNealon825 karma

What do you call that thing between an asshole and a dick?

(A coffee table)

radbacon160 karma

Who is the least professional actor you have ever worked with? Why?

KevinNealon580 karma

Sandler's brother and sister in a movie called Jack and Jill. I was in one scene with them which got cut out. I only say they were the least professional because they weren't professional actors. They had other careers which they were very professional at.

pileoflaundry155 karma

How close in real life would you say you are to your character in Weeds? I mean in terms of sarcastic wit in real life.

KevinNealon364 karma

I suppose more so in some episodes than others, although I think I'm more passive aggressive in nature than sarcastic. I was about to put a smiley face here...

Lucifurnace132 karma

Honestly, how did you feel about the ending of Weeds?

I liked it a lot because it wrapped up all the characters nicely, but my friends say it jumped the shark a bit in the last couple seasons.

Also, I love your subliminal comedy. Miss you!

KevinNealon299 karma

I agree with Justin Kirk who played Andy on Weeds..."I don't feel things when they are happening." At the time I was fine with it and looking forward to moving on to other things in life but now I am becoming a little nostalgic for it. We would have begun taping Season 9 this week. I have certain years that were my favorite on that run. I think when any show runs that long you are going to have some years that are stronger than others. I ran into Chevy Chase once and he said that with SNL a lot of people don't remember this but only one out of two SNL shows in the original years were good.

Kaelteth129 karma

Dude, I freaking loved you on Weeds. Doug Wilson...amazing character.

You're awesome man, and probably one of the funniest people around, period. Love ya man!

Would you still refuse to take a shit in an Olive Garden? :)

KevinNealon192 karma

Thanks. I could be talked into it now, I guess.

cunt_whistle_fucks125 karma

I loved the episode of Curb you were on. Will you do it again?

KevinNealon247 karma

LOVED doing that show! Would love to do it again anytime!!!

trumpetmormon113 karma

Who was your biggest inspiration starting out?

KevinNealon236 karma

Jerry Lewis movies...Stanley Myron Handleman, Bill Cosby, Bob Newhart, Steve Martin, Andy Kaufman, Albert Brookes

ec20463109 karma

Hi! I just wanted to say that you make me laugh and I think we could be friends.

KevinNealon204 karma

call me

JeskaEatsBrains106 karma

Big fan! Loved the book!

Any roles you regret turning down? Any roles on your "bucket list"?

KevinNealon582 karma

As you may be able to tell I don't turn down anything. I'd like to be a character in The Game of Thrones. I'd like to be a King who can fly but has no control of his bowels.

ReadMyPosts101 karma

Hello Kevin, do you have a favorite Weekend Update Anchor? In my estimation, you were incredible in "delivering the news". Thanks for the laughs!

KevinNealon203 karma

So many good ones. Each anchor brings their own style and personality to it. I guess Chevy is the one that stands out in my head.

intentsman99 karma

The info box says you are working a comedy club next week. What other projects are you working on, or have lined up?

KevinNealon207 karma

I'm doing lots of stand up this year. You can check out my website Kevinnealon.com for tour dates. I just completed a film with Elizabeth Banks called Walk of Shame (out in September) and I will be going to South Africa in June to shoot another Sandler film called Blended.

Hootinger97 karma


KevinNealon158 karma

Thank you. You are awesome!

noob_goldberg85 karma


KevinNealon125 karma

I think you mean Weekend Update and not The Daily Show. Wish I was offered that! Lorne Michaels simply offered it to me after Dennis Miller left.

jedjosh83 karma

What was the worst you were ever heckled? (Doug btw was my stoner groups favorite character on WEEDS)

KevinNealon286 karma

I once brought a friend of a friend to one of my shows and she proceeded to get wasted and heckled me mercilessly. She eventually passed out at her table and I had to physically carry her to my car and bring her back to her place and wait with her until her roommate returned. Nice guys finish last!

Vmoney133782 karma

What's your favorite one-liner?

KevinNealon325 karma

I liked that line that Tommy Lee Jones' character had in Lincoln. Someone knocked on his door and he yelled, "It opens!"

Hosni__Mubarak79 karma

Are there any former snl cast members you worked with that you feel should have got more respect?

KevinNealon250 karma


ArmoredAvenger79 karma

My girlfriend keeps saying she sees you, just driving around town every few weeks. We live in Vegas. Tell her she's crazy.

Wait, that's not a question. Tell her she's crazy???

KevinNealon137 karma

I have been there a few times in the last six months

plainwhitesteez76 karma

I love the stuff you do on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. What's she like? What's it like being on her show?

KevinNealon146 karma

I've known Ellen since we both started out doing stand up. She's really cool and fun. I'm proud of her and her success. Its fun being on her show (again May 23rd-ish) because its a different type of audience and sensibility than the late night shows. Its a nice change.

CorpseTeaDrinker71 karma

What are your favourite late night talk shows to go on?

KevinNealon196 karma

Are you from Canada?

rsubalex65 karma

Hi Kevin huge fan!

What has been your favorite part about filming Weeds? Except getting up close with Mary's boobs in the hospital room scene. That's too obvious.

Also is Alexander Gould anything like his character?

Thanks for doing this AMA! I love comedians on Reddit. :D

KevinNealon130 karma

Aside from that, yes...playing Doug Wilson was fun. As you know he was quite oblivious to social manners and basically did what ever he wanted to do. i liked that I was on a show that people really seemed to watch and appreciate. From my vantage point, Alexander Gould could not have been further from his character. When he first started on the show he had to leave the rehearsal room before any profanity was read.

mdclaus9458 karma

In your time playing Doug on Weeds, how were the many sex scenes you did with Elizabeth Perkins and others? Was it awkward for you or did you have fun with it?

KevinNealon135 karma

Im not good at remembering how many or how long but I think I had two or three with EP and a few pot induced flings with one or two others and of course the MLP rendezvous in the hospital if you want to call that a sex scene. I guess they are a little awkward but we did have fun with it. We always wanted to make them different and fun from your usual sex scene. Most included barking like a dog.

mdclaus9454 karma

Thanks for the answer Kevin! I'm a huge fan! I really loved Happy Gilmore and your hanging/masturbation scene in Weeds. SNL too of course!

KevinNealon76 karma


gonzos_nose58 karma

Out of every portion of entertainment that you have done such as, stand up, sketch, movies and television series. What has been your most memorable?

KevinNealon152 karma

Doing stand up on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.

Piranhamonkey55 karma

what is your worst fan experience?

KevinNealon116 karma

Its always with drunk people that come up and get in your face or when you are on the phone and they grab you and want you to come back to their table.

boyerman53 karma

If you were to host SNL, who would you want as the musical guest?

KevinNealon165 karma

Good question -- Jason Mraz or maybe that black gal from the Oscars that sang that Bond song?

sherlockguy53 karma

What is your favorite Adam Sandler movie?

KevinNealon211 karma

I like Fifty First Dates

becomeworldly52 karma

Who did you hate most on SNL? Who was your favorite?

KevinNealon173 karma

I hated everyone. Kidding, that was just a new character I was trying out. My favorite character was the doorman downstairs at the elevator.

Asilus51 karma

You are hilarious! Thank you for what you do! :-) Is anyone ever legitimately stoned on the set of Weeds?

KevinNealon122 karma

Thank you. Not that I know of but...maybe.

doogal00749 karma

Hi Mr. Nealon, Im a huge fan. I have two questions:

*Who came up with the "Legendary!" line in Weeds, did you improv it or was it in the script?

*When you guys were smoking weed in Weeds, what were you actually smoking?

Thank you so much for doing this AMA.

KevinNealon82 karma

Jenji Cohen, the creator, came up with that line and she told me it was based on someone she knew. Honey rose herb

Zarathustrah48 karma

What is is like acting with Mary-Louise Parker? Thanks for doing this, I love your work!

KevinNealon118 karma

It's intimidating and rewarding. I always feel inferior working with her and prayed that she didn't ask to have me replaced. She is such a great actress and I learned so much from just watching her work. And yes, easy on the eyes, too.

Odysseus847 karma

How is Billy the Elephant doing these days?

KevinNealon73 karma

I haven't spoken to him recently but I'm sure he would like to be in an enclosure that gave him more room to be an elephant.

FreshmanPhenom43 karma

What is your favorite skit from SNL and who was the funniest person off camara? I love the Tonto, Tarzan, and Frankenstein.

KevinNealon123 karma

My favorite sketch that I wrote was The Bathroom Attendant with Harvey Keitel.

RudimentsOfGruel40 karma

Hey Kevin, huge fan - your Weekend Update was amongst the best ever!

Question: Was there any particular comic you grew up watching who got you interested enough in comedy to pursue it as a career? Also, what was your worst moment onstage as a comic? I'm sure every comic has one, just curious how cringe-worthy yours was...

KevinNealon81 karma

Steve Martin, Andy Kaufman and Albert Brooks. Loved absurd comedy. I once had a drunk woman chase me into my dressing room afterwards and pour a rum gimlet on my head.

TheCheshireCody35 karma

Hey Kevin, thanks for your time.

Do you see any similarity between your "Mr. Subliminal" and Stephen Colbert's "The Wørd"? The core idea is basically identical, but his is a lot easier to perform. Have you ever thought about going on his show and showing him how it's supposed to be done?

KevinNealon133 karma

I've heard that it is similar although I'm not a regular viewer of the show so I've never seen it. I'm still catching up on The Wire.

TheJoePilato26 karma

How much do you think stage personality plays into the success of a comic?

Subliminal Man is a character who pops into my head from time to time and I crack up every time. Good job on that.

KevinNealon91 karma


SubzeroMK24 karma

First off I love all your work. My question is simply what has it been like working with Happy Madison productions? Is Adam Sandler as goofy in real life as he is on screen? And last what is your favorite movie, skit or show you worked on?

Sorry if all these were asked already I'm just sorta fangasming right now :)

KevinNealon60 karma

Working on a Happy Madison film is always fun. I get to hang out with my friends that I have known forever. When we're not shooting we are joking around, playing basketball or guitars or just knitting. Sandler likes to laugh and is truly fun to hang out with. My fav movie I worked on was Happy Gilmore. No, wait...Roxanne. I did like shooting Little Nicky , too.

kebzb823 karma

IMDB says your "Trademarks" are your Towering Height and Your Baritone voice. Anything you would like to add? lol

KevinNealon58 karma

I can also yodel a little but not in a baritone voice.

kking18218 karma

Who was the funniest actor on set for Weeds? Who was the most quiet?

KevinNealon41 karma

Martin Short is always up there for me. Jason Alexander is very quiet.

spank85918 karma

Is stand up your favorite median or do you prefer sketch shows to get out your individual ideas

KevinNealon35 karma

Stand-up trumps sketch at this time.

cephaswilco16 karma

Hey Nealon, any advice for would-be comedy writers? I can't help but feel a kinship towards comedian writers/actors, but how does a non-Jew, Canadian, average chub become a comedian? By the way, I think your character in weeds is spot on, one of the reasons I kept watching the show. Also, Mr Cheezle was awesome, I guess any of your stoner characters are my favourite. Thanks for the IAMA.

KevinNealon30 karma

Watch a lot of comedy. Write a lot. Read other successful writers works. Maybe find a writing partner?

walking_alive14 karma

Every scene you're in, you steal all the attention. I'm wondering; were you ever high on set? In the last scene of Weeds, when you all sat on the porch passing some joints, all of you actually looked high.

Alot of fans have been speculating if the last scene was real or not, to honor the show.

Can you give me the truth, Kevin?

KevinNealon33 karma

I was never high on the set although the honey rose herb that we smoked gave us a light headed feeling. In the last scene I can honestly only speak for myself -- clear headed.

walking_alive14 karma

Huge fan of you Kevin. Can't believe you've made me laugh for over 15 years!

How were your first years as a stand up comedian? Did you bomb alot, or were you lucky? Can be such a brutal world.

KevinNealon42 karma

Thanks. First years as a stand up were incredibly fun believe it or not. I loved doing open mike nights. I gave myself two years to see some progress or I was getting out. I guess I gave luck a chance and things worked out. Yes I did bomb some nights but they were few or I didn't realize I was bombing.

ReadMyPosts13 karma

Did you find any difficulty in working with Lorne? I can imagine that he could be quite intimidating when you first meet him..

KevinNealon35 karma

It wasn't intimidating as much as it was you wanted to please and impress him...at first. After a while you knew you couldn't live your life that way and you just wanted him to love you.

zackary200113 karma

What was it like to act in the series "Weeds"? Any fun stories off the set with "Andy"? I loved your character in that series by the way.

KevinNealon42 karma

Everyone thinks it must be a blast and a lot of fun to work on a show like Weeds and while it is fun at times to hang out with the other characters/writers/crew etc. it is also tedious and boring at times. Once you start filming, though, its fun acting with the others. Glad you liked Doug Wilson!

wu_xiaolong12 karma

Favorite strain of cannabis?

KevinNealon67 karma

Stephen Hawking

Skroobles29 karma

You've done so much in your career so far. Is there something you've always wanted to do, but haven't yet?

Thanks for this AMA :)

KevinNealon23 karma

A dark, romantic comedy film.

anjcolli6 karma

Did you keep anything from the set of Weeds?

KevinNealon31 karma

Yes, but not my dignity. I kept some clothes. I actually have the Guru Doug costume. I'm not sure why. I hardly have room in my closet for my street clothes.

dylanstalker1 karma

This is really weird to me that this AMA is already an hour in and so few questions. I assume you travel a lot for your job/jobs. What has been your favorite travel destination to date?

KevinNealon2 karma

Point Barrow, Alaska. No lie. in the 80's as a comic. Freezing but fascinating!

CrayonManQuestion1 karma

I would like to pursue comedy as a career, either as an actor or a writer or perhaps both. What advice would you give me?

KevinNealon2 karma

Study chemistry so you have something to fall back on.

flippityfloppityfloo1 karma

I am also a fellow native of Connecticut! What are the three best things you remember about growing up in the good old CT?

KevinNealon2 karma

autumn, the smell of rain on tar and nutmeg.