I'm Shaun Gallagher (proof), author of "Experimenting With Babies: 50 Amazing Science Projects You Can Perform on Your Kid" and "Correlated: Surprising Connections Between Seemingly Unrelated Things." The latter book hit bookstores last week. It's based on my site Correlated.org.

As it says in the title, you can tell me your idiosyncratic behavior, personality trait, preference, or stance on an issue -- and I'll dig through the entirety of the data set I've collected over the past 3+ years and tell you what it's most strongly correlated with. (Just make sure you phrase it in the form of a question, so the mods don't nuke your comment.)

Some examples, to get you started:

Idiosyncratic behaviors

  • Do you take the stairs two at a time?
  • Are you a skilled Capri Sun pouch puncturer?
  • Do you insist that toilet paper hang away from the wall?
  • Can you burp at will?
  • Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?
  • Do you cut the fabric tags off of clothing?

Personality traits

  • Are you introverted or extraverted?
  • Do you consider yourself to be blunt?
  • Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
  • Which guides your decision making: logic or emotions?
  • Are you bad at keeping secrets?
  • Are you very physically affectionate?


  • Do you prefer Coke or Pepsi?
  • Do you prefer salty snacks or sweet snacks?
  • Do you prefer thin-crust pizza or deep dish?
  • Do you prefer multiple-choice or essay questions?
  • Would you rather act or direct?
  • Do you prefer your vitamins in gummi bear form?

Issue stances

  • Do you think prostitution should be legal?
  • Do you think we're too stingy with foreign aid?
  • Do you support capital punishment?
  • Should flag burning be illegal?
  • Should Holocaust denial be illegal?
  • Should churches and other places of worship be tax-exempt?

Comments: 3882 • Responses: 57  • Date: 

stegosaurus94804 karma

What does it say about me that I never like to use the same route two days in a row? I will take a slightly different track to work every day if I can. I feel that this cuts down on the possibility that an assassin could easily lay a trap for me.

jawn3171423 karma

I don't have any data about this, but polling people who fear being assassinated is on my to-do list ... as long as nobody kills me first.

JackAubr3y536 karma

I take the stairs 2 at a time? Am I normal doc?

jawn317982 karma

Stair climbing: "In general, 44 percent of people don't show their teeth when they smile for photos. But among those who like to ascend stairs two at a time, 58 percent don't show their teeth when they smile for photos." http://www.correlated.org/844

annastronaut460 karma

What does it say that I'm extremely uncomfortable with physical affection/hugs from everyone, but practically cling to my husband when he's home?

Also, diet coke always wins over pepsi. No contest.

jawn317480 karma

Physical affection: "In general, 64 percent of people don't use air freshener in their home. But among those who are not very physically affectionate, 76 percent don't use air freshener in their home." http://www.correlated.org/554

pithofthematter342 karma

What does it say about me that I prefer ten out of ten times to parallel park over pull into a parking spot?

Additionally, what does it say that I write out most numbers rather than use the numerals (e.g.: ten out of ten times vs. 10 out of 10)?

jawn317558 karma

Parallel parking: "In general, 55 percent of people say they are good at parallel parking. But among those with not very symmetrical faces, 71 percent say they're good at parallel parking." http://www.correlated.org/773

evilflotsam307 karma

Great idea for an AMA! I've got two...

Idiosyncratic behaviour: I always put shoes or socks on starting with my left foot.

Preference: I prefer savoury foods to sweet foods.

What do those things correlate with?

jawn317407 karma

Salty vs. Sweet: "60 percent of people who have smoked marijuana prefer sweet snacks over salty, compared with 49 percent of people in general." http://www.correlated.org/39

I don't have data specifically about a left-foot-first shodding preference, but here's something related to left-sidedness:

Clapping: "In general, 55 percent of people think it's OK to talk on the phone while on the toilet. But among those whose left hand does most of the work when they applaud, only 40 percent think it's OK to talk on the phone while on the toilet." http://www.correlated.org/337

blindfire40122 karma

Holy crap. I clap right-handed, and I have called many people whilst on the toilet. I have one friend who gets really bothered by it; currently waiting to see if he claps left-handed.

Edit: He claims to move both hands equally, but typically holds the right hand on top. I'm willing to say that is technically left-handed clapping, as the "load" portion of the motion (heading into the clap) has the left hand working harder due to gravity.

jawn317413 karma

Don't you mean ... holy clap?

guilty_of_innocence306 karma

What are your favorite correlations and why?

jawn317622 karma

One type of correlation that I enjoy looking for -- but I don't think I've ever found -- are those in which a dislike for one food indicates a like for another food. I've found that people tend to either be really picky about their food, or not at all picky. It's unusual for an aggregate dislike of one food to be correlated with an aggregate like of another food.

Degenerate_Code240 karma

My question to you: What did you find out about yourself when analysing the data, and was it true?

Also, I absolutely crave physical closeness, but only with my SO. What does that say about me?

Thanks for the AMA! Hope the book does well :)

jawn317736 karma

I wouldn't say that I found this out about only myself, but about people in general: We are predictable.

It turns out that, at least in the aggregate, our answers to five basic questions are enough to predict our preferences and opinions about a whole lot of other things.

Tell me ...

  • your sex
  • whether you have any children
  • whether you think pot should be legalized
  • whether you think you're a good singer, and
  • whether you like mayonnaise

... and I can predict a whole lot about you.

Your sex, Correlated's statistics suggest, can be used to predict your level of risk aversion (men, for instance, are more likely to want to skydive) and your capacity for empathy (women, for instance, are more likely to think we're too stingy with foreign aid).

Whether you have children tends to be a pretty good indicator when it comes to pop culture preferences (parents, for instance, like in-vogue artists such as Lady Gaga less than non-parents do) and, as you might imagine, youth issues (parents, for instance, approve of single-sex schools at a higher rate than non-parents).

Your opinion about marijuana legalization tends to be a good indicator of your political leanings and your opinion about a whole host of other social issues, from the death penalty to legalized prostitution to gay marriage, as well as your beliefs about religion and morality.

On average, people who describe themselves as good singers also tend to say they're good at a lot of other things, such as dancing or math or hula-hooping. On the flip side, people who say they're bad singers also tend to think they're bad at a lot of other things. So basically, this question tells us something about people's self-image and their perception of their abilities.

Similarly, people who like mayonnaise tend to also like a bunch of other foods, and people who dislike mayo tend to dislike a bunch of other foods. So this question tells us something about how picky a person is.

Given a person's answers to these five questions, I'd bet you could do a pretty decent job of guessing their responses to most of the other daily poll questions that have been asked on Correlated.

Still, day in and day out, Correlated is able to discover correlations that continue to surprise me — and I hope that they continue to entertain you.

Vivovix92 karma

Jeez I really need to read your book now! Does that say anything about me? ;)

jawn3171148 karma

Buying my book is correlated with being smart, funny, and ridiculously good-looking. If you're not already smart, funny, and ridiculously good-looking ... maybe buying my book will have a causative effect.

averageatmostthings239 karma

What does it mean if I'm tall?

jawn3171073 karma

Do you enjoy being tall? If not ...

Height: "In general, 37 percent of people find garden gnomes to be creepy. But among those who are not happy with their height, 56 percent find garden gnomes to be creepy." http://www.correlated.org/1029

casualdelirium214 karma

What does it say that I can almost always tell the time of day, accurate to within 10 minutes, without looking at a clock?

jawn317280 karma

Tangentially related ...

Punctuality: "In general, 39 percent of people say they have been cheated on. But among those who are better at punctuality than punctuation, 58 percent have been cheated on." http://www.correlated.org/831

Sedorner208 karma

What does it mean that I consider myself blunt?

jawn317390 karma

Bluntness: "In general, 41 percent of people describe themselves as blunt. But among those who can perform a handstand, 58 percent say they're blunt." http://www.correlated.org/417

IRLDisneyPrincess191 karma

What's correlated with a dislike of wearing pants?

jawn317857 karma

I don't have the data to prove this, but if I had to guess ... public indecency convictions.

karmanaut190 karma

What is correlated with using reddit?

jawn317421 karma

I am ashamed to admit that I've never polled Reddit users (though I plan to in the near future), but I do have a few correlations related to social media in general:

Pinterest: "In general, 22 percent of people have a Pinterest account. But among those who own cardigans, 39 percent have a Pinterest account." http://www.correlated.org/624

Twitter: "In general, 39 percent of people say they're good at remembering their dreams. But among those who regularly tweet on Twitter, 57 percent say they're good at remembering their dreams." http://www.correlated.org/720

Facebook: "In general, 51 percent of people think it's okay to date your boss. But among those who say the snooze button is very important to them, only 36 percent think it's okay to date your boss." http://www.correlated.org/1081

KirbStompKillah291 karma

what does the Facebook correlation have to do with facebook?

jawn317222 karma

Whoops, I pasted in the wrong statistic by mistake. Here's the relevant one:

Facebook: "In general, 50 percent of people think we're too stingy with foreign aid. But among people who say that being Facebook friends with your boss is OK, 64 percent think we're too stingy with foreign aid." http://www.correlated.org/266

BettiePhage55 karma

You should do Tumblr too, I'd be really interested in that.

jawn317191 karma

Tumblr: "In general, 47 percent of people like techno music. But among those who have a Tumblr account, 69 percent like techno music." http://www.correlated.org/777

JIsabina167 karma

What does it say about me that I prefer coffee to tea? Or that I always drink my coffee over ice and my tea hot?

jawn317512 karma

This correlation isn't on the website or in the book -- I just analyzed my data set and generated it just for you!

Coffee vs. tea: "In general, 47.8 percent of people say that Ozzy Osbourne is their favorite Osbourne. But among those who prefer coffee over tea, 63 percent say that Ozzy Osbourne is their favorite Osbourne."

mill1824166 karma

What does it mean when I'm always leg bouncing, picking at my ears/nails, flipping my pen around, picking at scabs/blemishes, etc.?

Even when I'm forced to sit still, on the inside I'm wiggling my toes or something similar.

jawn317223 karma

Scab picking: "In general, 75 percent of people say they find it hard to resist picking at scabs. But among those who can pop a wheelie, only 54 percent find it hard to resist picking at scabs." http://www.correlated.org/772

Oranges1338 karma

I do the same, as does my father. I'm not sure I'd it's a genetic thing (suggesting a deeper psychological problem like anxiety or dermatomania) or if it's just a habit I picked up because he did it. I bite my nails too.

jawn317125 karma

Nail biting: "In general, 39 percent of people bite their nails. But among those who prefer sausage over bacon on breakfast sandwiches, only 25 percent bite their nails." http://www.correlated.org/307

fustilarian139 karma

What does it say about me that I'm uncomfortable giving compliments? Or, for that matter, receiving them?

Also, I don't swing my arms when I walk. I have to remember to do it and force myself. Anything for that?

jawn317160 karma

Oooh, those are great. I don't have any data specifically about that personality trait and behavior combo, but I will poll for them this week and get back to you!

I do have one correlation that is somewhat related to your walking behavior, though.

Walking: "In general, 26 percent of people wouldn't want to know the sex of a baby before it's born. But among those who can walk across a room with a book balanced on their head, 40 percent wouldn't want to know the sex of a baby before it's born." http://www.correlated.org/1065


I poop crouching on the toilet. Any insight on those types of people?

jawn317382 karma

Somewhat related:

Wiping preference: "In general, 54 percent of people have taken a philosophy course. But among those who stand up to wipe, 77 percent have taken a philosophy course." http://www.correlated.org/914

Spartengerm330 karma

Why would someone stand to wipe?

jawn317216 karma

I was shocked when somebody suggested polling people about this, because I thought the same thing, but apparently there is a subsection of the population who can't imagine wiping while sitting down.

AMonkeyInANegligee121 karma

Are all of your correlations based on your site visitors? Internet polls of anonymous people and very low sample size give you unexploitable results so what is the point? Is it just for fun (and i'm fine with it) or do you claim in your book these correlations make sense?

jawn317357 karma

It's absolutely just for fun. I basically commit every statistical error there is to commit -- most notably this one -- so if you've got a background in statistics, you're either going to laugh (because you understand it's all tongue in cheek) or cry (because you hate fun).

However, that's not to say there isn't any point in trying to come up with fanciful explanations of why certain things appear to be correlated. In fact, that's what makes "Correlated" such a good conversation starter.

shewantsthe_layout_D113 karma

I'm sure this is a common one, but I'm interested in a guy only until he's interested in me and then I generally lose interest all together. Personality trait with correlations or just human nature?

jawn317143 karma

Unrequited love: "In general, 31 percent of people say the person they are in love with is not in love with them. But among those who would rather have a large nose than ears that stick out, 46 percent say the person they are in love with is not in love with them." http://www.correlated.org/870

dumbfrakkery99 karma

All right, I'll bite. I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.

I am also introverted and prefer Coke and salty snacks.

And I'm bisexual.

What say you?

jawn317134 karma

Cherry stems: "In general, 14 percent of people can tie a cherry stem into a knot with their tongue. But among those who have gone 'glow bowling,' 25 percent can tie a cherry stem into a knot with their tongue." http://www.correlated.org/184

NorseGirl569 karma

Cool idea for a book and AMA! I'm impressed, cause it must have taken a ton of time to figure all of these things out. Can you tell me what any of these correlate with?

When I'm walking on the sidewalk I have to fit the same amount if steps onto every sidewalk block.

I prefer cats over dogs.

I ALWAYS use the Oxford comma. It bothers me when others don't use it.

jawn317119 karma

Here are a few correlations having to do with the Oxford (aka serial) comma:

"In general, 72 percent of people are fans of the serial comma. But among those who prefer Tau as the circle constant over Pi, 90 percent are fans of the serial comma." http://www.correlated.org/373

"In general, 74 percent of people are fans of the serial comma. But among those who would rather be put in charge of a room full of high schoolers than a room full of primary schoolers, 86 percent are fans of the serial comma." http://www.correlated.org/906

"In general, 73 percent of people are fans of the serial comma. But among those who know who actress Felicia Day is, 86 percent are fans of the serial comma." http://www.correlated.org/680

Tzijzo60 karma

I'm bothered by the fact those percentages don't match. Any correlations?

jawn317123 karma

Just so you know, the reason they don't match is because anyone can answer any poll question at any time, so over time the number of responses grow and the percentages slightly change.

Mister_Anthony61 karma

I have difficulty standing up for myself to people in a superior position. Boss, coach, father, etc.

I am pretty extroverted but also enjoy time to myself.

I really enjoy cuddling more than most men I would say.

I support the death penalty and think gun laws should be more strict.

What does this say about me?

jawn317221 karma

Capital punishment: "In general, 39 percent of people support capital punishment. But among those with a positive opinion about breast implants, 57 percent support capital punishment." http://www.correlated.org/191

dubchem51 karma

I will almost always put socks on before my underwear. What does this say about me, statistically?

jawn31783 karma

Somewhat related:

Order of putting socks on: "In general, 32 percent of people are better at matching a pitch than matching a rhythm. But among those who prefer to shod themselves in sock-shoe-sock-shoe order rather than sock-sock-shoe-shoe order, 56 percent are better at matching a pitch than matching a rhythm." http://www.correlated.org/953

BluBabe198150 karma

What does it say about me if, when writing words with double t's, I cross them both at the same time? I prefer Coke. Also, what does it mean when every time I see a person with their pet, I feel compelled to interact with that pet, perhaps even more so than the person? As well, I love to swear and my favourite combination is "Sweet fucking hairy Jesus."

jawn317105 karma

Swearing: "In general, 60 percent of people think New Yorkers are cooler than Los Angelenos. But among those who swear a lot, 76 percent think New Yorkers are cooler." http://www.correlated.org/256

BluBabe198163 karma

I DO think New Yorkers are cooler.

jawn317219 karma

This is incontrovertible evidence that my statistics are unassailable.

Oranges1345 karma

When approaching a person with a dog, I always greet the dog, mostly ignore the human.

jawn31760 karma

Dog lovers: In general, 57.3 percent of people consider themselves to be indecisive. But among dog lovers, only 45.3 percent consider themselves to be indecisive.

Ranguesy42 karma

What does it mean if I am constantly cracking my knuckles or stretching my hands?

jawn31780 karma

Knuckle cracking: "In general, 74 percent of people like mangoes. But among those who crack their knuckles a lot, only 60 percent like mangoes." http://www.correlated.org/1064

mpls_hotdish37 karma

Is there a correlation between people with the last name Gallagher and enjoyment found by smashing things?

jawn317115 karma

Both the comedian and I enjoy it, so to extrapolate from a sample size of 2, yes, a strong correlation exists!

parasuta36 karma

Did you choose this timeslot due to it's correlation with a certain type of person? If so what does it say about me that I am asking a question at this time? ( I get that time zones vary worldwide, just assume for the point of argument we are in america I guess, given that will likely be most of reddits users)

jawn31761 karma

I suppose I'm targeting morning people.

Morning showers: "In general, 67 percent of people prefer to shower in the morning. But among those who love "A Christmas Story," 79 percent prefer to shower in the morning." http://www.correlated.org/267

Morning shopping: "In general, 43 percent of people can differentiate between a tangerine and a clementine. But among those who prefer to do their grocery shopping in the morning, 59 percent can differentiate between a tangerine and a clementine." http://www.correlated.org/1014

ConquerTheCosmos35 karma

When I can, I prefer to have dessert before the main meal (or the sweet food before the savoury food). Weird, I know. Do you have anything on that?

jawn31754 karma

Desserts: "In general, 55 percent of people think it's OK to talk on the phone while on the toilet. But among those who would rather have a small meal and big dessert than a big meal and small dessert, only 31 percent think it's OK to talk on the phone while on the toilet." http://www.correlated.org/615

idkwhat230 karma

I am extremely extroverted, but I don't really like being touched. I love diet Pepsi. Can you tell me something about that?

jawn31751 karma

Extraverts: "In general, 31 percent of people describe themselves as extroverts. But among people who prefer their corn on the cob (rather than off the cob), only 17 percent describe themselves as extroverts." http://www.correlated.org/144

Alliance282829 karma

What does it say about me that I hate being alone and when I am, I get super annoyed and restless?

jawn31749 karma

Somewhat related ...

Alone when sick: "In general, 51 percent of people pig out when they're upset. But among those who don't like to be alone when they're sick, 68 percent pig out when they're upset." http://www.correlated.org/253

OnDatReddit28 karma

I can tie a knot with my tongue, I love puns, I have a habit of chewing on pen caps, and I have an intense hate for P.T Cruisers. What's that say about me?

jawn31782 karma

Pun appreciation: In general, 48 percent of people would rather attend a small college than a big university. But among those who say that a bad pun brings joy to their life, 57 percent would rather attend a small college than a big university.

heyokay100123 karma

Hi Shaun, thanks for doing an AMA!

What's correlated with introversion and/or relying on one's emotions to make decisions?

jawn31747 karma

Emotion-led decision-making: "In general, 31 percent of people say they bruise easily. But among those whose emotions influence their decisions more than logic/reasoning, 48 percent say they bruise easily." http://www.correlated.org/150

Trypolar13 karma


jawn31734 karma

Somewhat related to stuttering ...

Speech therapy: "In general, 41 percent of people are OK with eating cheese from a spray can. But among those who received speech therapy as a child, 62 percent are OK with eating cheese from a spray can." http://www.correlated.org/1000

LicianDragon10 karma

Personality Trait:

I'm an extreme introvert but once I start to open up to someone, I find myself craving their attention/companionship.


Is there a correlation for mixing sodas? I always do about 30% of both sprite and coke, followed with shots of dr. pepper, root beer, and mountain dew till my cup is full.

Issue Stances:

The government needs to stop banning "dangerous" and "wild" animals such as gerbils and guppies.

Anything for these?

jawn31713 karma

Does your soda mixing extend to Slurpees too? If so, this might be relevant?

Multi-flavored Slurpees: In general, 40.7 percent of people find driving on back roads more stressful highway driving. But among those who prefer multi-flavored Slurpees, 57.4 percent find driving on back roads more stressful highway driving.

StrangeDesire7 karma

My husband is an avid libertarian, any interesting correlations you can tell me about?
As for me, I have horrible night thoughts about being killed or my home being invaded, anything interesting you can tell me about that?

jawn31712 karma

Is he a member of the Libertarian Party? If so, this might be relevant:

Minor parties: "In general, 47 percent of people have voted for a minor-party or write-in candidate. But among those who would rather work less than earn more, 58 percent have voted for a minor-party or write-in candidate." http://www.correlated.org/192

turbulance47 karma

Heavy non-traditionalist here.

In romantic/social behaviors I consider myself polyamours (in an ethical way.

I have a large demand for honesty and do my best to offer the same. I don't want any lies 'to save my feelings'

I am an introverted, blunt, logical realist.

Got any correlations for me?

jawn31710 karma

Polyamory: "In general, 25 percent of people regularly wear cologne/perfume. But among those who think that restricting the definition of marriage to only two people discriminates against people in polygamous and polyamorous relationships, only 7 percent regularly wear cologne/perfume." http://www.correlated.org/729

pseud0zombie7 karma

What exactly is this correlation? And I suppose while I'm at it, can you tell me what this all means?:

  • I refuse to drink Pepsi in leu of Coke
  • I am very uncomfortable with physical affection "beyond" hugs
  • I don't consider myself a "dog person" or "cat person", I just love animals
  • I can burp on command, make my eyeballs "shake," and keep either eye focused on my nose while the other moves around freely

That's not too many, is it?

*edit: Formatting?! Jesus.

jawn31716 karma

Burping at will: "In general, 48 percent of people can burp at will. But among those who can't tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi, only 30 percent can burp at will." http://www.correlated.org/161

walkingthelinux5 karma

When slurping a can of soda, I always ensure that I suction any liquid left on the inside edge of the can after each drink.

What ya make of that?

jawn3179 karma

Slightly related ...

Soda can tabs: "In general, 41 percent of people like soggy cereal. But among those who pull the tabs off their soda cans, 54 percent like soggy cereal." http://www.correlated.org/394

Salvatio4 karma

I write stuff with my left hand, but i use my right hand for the computer mouse. Does this say anything about me?

jawn3176 karma

Left-handedness: "In general, 11 percent of people are left-handed. But among those who have kissed someone with braces on their teeth, 30 percent are left-handed." http://www.correlated.org/988

DinoDonkeyDoodle3 karma

What can you say about me? Thanks!

Idiosyncratic Behaviors

  • It annoys me when any aesthetic thing is out of place and I have an uncontrollable urge to fix it. My girlfriend thinks it's cute that I will preen her by straightening her clothes a bit when we hug. It started, as far as I can remember, with my Jurassic Park toys. I was always super pissed off any time the dinosaur arms went backwards in "unnatural" poses.

  • I am habitually either 15 minutes early or 5 minutes late. Not sure if this belongs here or Personality.

Personality Trait

  • I appear 100% calm under pressure most of the time, but I'm secretly agonizing. I get incredible bouts of anxiety and the only way I have found to deal with them is to just put my head down and push forward. Unfortunately, I freeze up a lot during the prep time and often do not get all the groundwork done I need (working as a lawyer right now). I often save myself when it comes time to argue, but until them I am "sloppy" by my standards.

  • I have both a strong introvert and extrovert side. When left to my own devices, I am fine for days on end. I need to get out and socialize at least once or twice a week though. Optimist by nature.

  • I am fairly blunt, but I have a way with words so often times it's like I toss a pillow under them as they fall from me knocking em down, so to speak.

  • Logic typically guides my decisions, but I am sometimes a victim of my emotions.

  • Generally, no, unless it is something huge and the person I am with doesnt know and is badly affected by the secret.

  • Yes.


  • I don't drink soda, but Coke was my choice when I did.

  • Sweet snacks

  • Thin crust

  • Essay

  • Act

  • Anyone who says no is lying.

Issue Stances

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Undecided

  • No

  • No

  • No

jawn3173 karma

Gummi bear vitamins: "In general, 71 percent of people like Batman more than Superman. But among those who prefer their vitamins in gummi bear form, 85 percent like Batman more." http://www.correlated.org/595

kickm33 karma

I very rarely get angry, it's been years since I last yelled on someone. What's up doc?

jawn3174 karma

Unflappable temperament: "In general, 54 percent of people prefer soft pillowcases. But among those who describe their temperament as unflappable, 65 percent prefer soft pillowcases." http://www.correlated.org/261

safeforw0rk2 karma

What do you think about me being more attracted to gingers (i know ginger love is a crime) than brunettes?

jawn3176 karma

Slightly related:

Redheads: "In general, 45 percent of people are willing to pay more for organic foods. But among those who think redheads are freaks, 69 percent are willing to pay more for organic foods." http://www.correlated.org/315

pfeper2 karma

I have taken a stance against Walmart and will not shop there because of their practices around environmental issues, avoiding local taxes, and women's rights. What does that say about me?

jawn3172 karma

Boycotting: "In general, 59 percent of people have boycotted a company. But among those who have dated someone who was totally out of their league, 76 percent have boycotted a company." http://www.correlated.org/407

Warlizard2 karma

Q: What do these things tell you?

  1. I thoroughly enjoy being presented with a thorny problem that requires personality and drive to solve.

  2. When someone is being a dick, it makes me happy, because then I get to destroy them without feeling bad.

  3. People who drive the speed limit in the left lane make me fantasize about having rocket launchers on my car, flipping up the safety on the gear shift, and blowing them away.

  4. I collect watches.

  5. When I find a dish I really like at a restaurant, I won't try any other ones, but will always eat that dish. If I want variety, which I often do, I'll go to a new restaurant.

  6. Given the choice between having one extremely close friend and 100 acquaintances, I'd choose the close friend, but most people who don't know me would believe I'd go the opposite way.

jawn3174 karma

Related to #2, I once asked my readers whether they preferred to deal with bullies by killing them with kindness, or killing them with unkindness.

Dealing with bullies: In general, 63.7 percent of people think Daylight Saving Time should be done away with. But among those who deal with bullies by killing them with unkindness, 76.5 percent think Daylight Saving Time should be done away with.