Highest Rated Comments

dumbfrakkery131 karma

Confirmed, have been glow bowling. Thanks!

dumbfrakkery99 karma

All right, I'll bite. I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.

I am also introverted and prefer Coke and salty snacks.

And I'm bisexual.

What say you?

dumbfrakkery55 karma

I can totally tell you're an X-Phile because of that look on your face in the photo with DD and GA. Jealous.

dumbfrakkery34 karma

How long did it take you to realize that Bundy was a sociopath? Were there any instant signs?

dumbfrakkery20 karma

I'm so sorry this happened to you. Endo is so frustrating and nobody really knows what to do to treat it, so I feel like people with endo are a bit like guinea pigs.

What are you doing now to control the endo (besides the lap)? I just started Aygestin 15/mg/day. I had a lap to remove mine almost two years ago, but it's grown back in more places, which is why I started the hormone. My dr wanted to start me on lupron and I was like, hold up, let's do something a little less drastic first.

I wish you best of luck in the future.