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parasuta80 karma

My SO also works in big research and constantly complains about some of the practices that have become common which really detract from the 'nobel' perception of science. He always talks about his bosses submitting peer reviews late to help stop competition, or moving funds about and pressing people for projects so they can keep on adding their name to the lists of authors on papers. Obviously what you experienced is the next step of this.

Do you think this experience has given you any idea how to fix this bad culture in science? At the end of the day it is we who suffer from all this petty childish behaviour when good science just doesn't get done.

parasuta36 karma

Did you choose this timeslot due to it's correlation with a certain type of person? If so what does it say about me that I am asking a question at this time? ( I get that time zones vary worldwide, just assume for the point of argument we are in america I guess, given that will likely be most of reddits users)

parasuta25 karma

It's not just the science that suffers as well, the people and their families get crushed under the need to produce and publish (14 hour work days does not make for happy family life let alone health individuals).

It's a really sad outcome for something that is so critical to our survival into the future and yet people are unaware of the darker side of the industry. Good work in standing out against it, I completely understand how it would have crushed your passion for science, let alone your career. Good luck in finding something you enjoy to continue onto.

parasuta7 karma

Initials are the same except for the last name, guessing OP published thesis with a different surname. Content of both is almost exactly the same otherwise.

I'd still like to hear OPs response to question 2, and would also add the question what perspective or advice do you think you can offer that would differ from a career scientist given I assume as a teacher this foray into research is a one off and you will likely never attempt to publish again? Or has this changed your career trajectory?