I had a stage 2 brain tumor. AMA.
For about a month I was experiencing a loss of feeling in my left arm. I kept going to my doctor but he just wanted to wait and see. After a month, I was almost unable to move my left hand, and was noticing a loss of feeling in my left leg. When I told my doctor he sent me immediately to an MRI, where I got my brain scanned. They told me and my family they found a growth, so they sent me to a hospital. After a day or two of neurological scans on my brain, they knew it was a tumor. They sent me straight to surgery, where they removed all of the tumor. After a week or so, I was sent home from the hospital. I am doing great now, and I have a cool scar on my head. AMA. Proof: http://imgur.com/a/o1S6f P.S. I'm only 14.
Incase Anyone is wondering, the exact name of my tumor is called Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma (It's not as scary as it sounds).
el___diablo52 karma
That was exactly my thought - 14 !
At that age, the only thing I had to worry about was not getting caught masturbating.
Best of luck man.
Greenlllama42 karma
Ya, I have to worry about that AND a tumor. Haha. Just kidding. Or am I?
Greenlllama62 karma
I actually took it pretty well. Inside I was fairly nervous, but accourding to my family it looked like it didn't even bother me.
Greenlllama45 karma
Haha I can't even imagine how many times I said that to my mom just to calm her down in the hospital.
2manylings32 karma
Did you have any other noticeable symptoms apart from the loss of feeling? Did you think the worst with the symptoms or was it a complete shock when it was announced?
Greenlllama45 karma
The tumor gave me occasional headaches and vomiting. But I was the most nervous about the loss of feeling in my arm.
TheWorstPossibleName17 karma
...uh, its when you jack off and it feels like someone else is doing it because you can't feel your hand.
--lolwutroflwaffle--8 karma
This is... Er... I should probably do some personal, rigorous (scientific) experimentation to verify these claims. I should be no longer than 5 days. I will report back with my findings. Again, this is only for science.
i_crave_more_cowbell2 karma
It's an added experience if you dunk your hand in ice water till it's numb.
justaburner27 karma
So I take it no superpowers resulted from this?
But glad you are doing better!
Greenlllama37 karma
It's unbelievable how many people commented about me having superpowers or being cyborg. But thank you very much.
justaburner8 karma
Cause we are all nerds lol.
You seriously have a Halloween costume for life with that awesome scar.
sonofabear179 karma
I have a similar scar from tumor surgery at 15. At 22 now I can confirm it makes for a great pick-up line in bars, I usually go with "I got it in an knife fight with a mexican drug lord."
Greenlllama6 karma
That's a good one. I might have to use that on some girls. With your permission, of course.
TheodoreBooBear20 karma
After going through something like this does it give you a new perspective in life.
Greenlllama47 karma
Although it should, it really hasn't change my life all that much. I think it was because all of this happened so fast I never really took the time to take it all in until it was all over.
Aruu18 karma
You're only fourteen? You come across as being so incredibly mature, especially with how you're coping in the aftermath. You're quite the badass! You've got an amazing future ahead of you.
When my mum was recovering from cancer, she found watching British comedy shows helped her feel better. Were there any television shows or movies that helped you during your recovery? Or something like books or video games?
Greenlllama25 karma
Actually, Breaking Bad helped me. Something about someone with cancer who became the world's best meth cook made me feel a little better.
Greenlllama29 karma
The pain was bearable, but don't get me wrong, it hurt. Alot. Fortunately, I could call for a nurse any time, and ask for pain medicine, which helped alot.
crumbbelly14 karma
What part of the brain specifically was the tumor located? Have you lost any fine motor function or speech-linguistic ability?
Greenlllama16 karma
Now i don't know the specific-medical name for the part of the brain. But it was basically just on the whole right side of my brain. I have gained all of the strength back in my arm and leg. And I can speak just fine.
roses2693 karma
From his symptoms is sounds like it was pressing against the motor strip on the right side which is next to the parietal lobe. My father had a arteriovenous malformation in that area that broke (basically a brain aneurysm) and lost complete feeling in his left arm and leg when the vein broke.
Greenlllama5 karma
Wow you really know what you're talking about. Are you a doctor or anything like that?
Greenlllama22 karma
My left eyebrow and the left side of my bottom lip sags down just a little bit, but nothing major.
Danihas4arms10 karma
Oh, thanks for answering, and congratulations on the removal going well!
MathBender12 karma
I'm glad they were able to remove all of the tumor. Did they tell you how big it was? Also is there any chance you might develop more tumors in the future? Thank you for doing this AMA, for what you've gone through you're in great spirits!
Greenlllama22 karma
I saw a picture after they did my scan. It was about the size of a golf ball, and there was a sack of fluid about 3 times bigger than the tumor. The sack of fluid was actually the reason of my symptoms. But if they just removed the sack it would just grow back. And to answer your second question, we don't know yet whether it will come back.
Kristophilus17 karma
And to answer your second question, we don't know yet whether it will come back.
Well, you have our hopes that it doesn't and that you can live the rest of your life without excessive worry that it will.
WhoAteJohnGalt9 karma
Now that you've had cancer, will you ever consider cooking the purest crystal meth?
WhoAteJohnGalt6 karma
In all seriousness though, please stay well. After all, you need to live to at least 52.
Greenlllama4 karma
What you think someone might show up at the door and shoot me? No no no no no. I am the danger, I am the one who KNOCKS!! but seriously thank you.
sarcasmplease4 karma
Since the tumor was benign, it wasn't considered cancer was it? You will probably have the best "what I did on my summer vacation" story when you get back to school.
Space0fAids6 karma
You look like you're going to murder me on your second picture.
But for my question: Did you have insurance (If you live in America)? Or will you have to deal with debt?
Kilgore-troutdale6 karma
How do you feel about knowing more about your body than the doctor? Do you ever wonder why you weren't scanned as soon as you knew it was something different? I think it's cool that you recognized the problem. When you are older, always trust these feelings of right and wrong that you have about yourself. I'm glad you're 100%! You rock!
Greenlllama13 karma
I never really suspected it of being something as big as a tumor, until I was sent to the MRI. So I guess the doctor had the same, if not a similar thought process as myself. Though when I told him it spread, he looked awfully concerned. I'm very glad he recognized this as a problem before it was too late. And thank you for your kindness.
Kilgore-troutdale3 karma
I think it scares me a little that time was wasted. Sometimes that matters. I don't trust some doctors, as you can see. I'm glad you finally got fixed up by returning to the doctors that could help you.
Greenlllama15 karma
I actually googled my surgeon, and has ranked top #15 neurosurgeon in America. So that really took a weight off my shoulders.
RarewareUsedToBeGood5 karma
In the picture with the scar, did you have a full out mohawk or just that side of your head shaved?
Greenlllama2 karma
Just the one side of my head. Later on I shaved my head into a mohawk. When the scar was all healed, I just shaved my head.
Greenlllama7 karma
Yes, I do. Every 6 weeks I think they told me. I don't know how long I have to go back for, but I think it may for the next 5 years.
micmer5 karma
I'm glad to hear the tumor was benign. Forgive me if this is a repeat question but how long was your recovery?
Drublix5 karma
No questions, just glad you are doing ok and sharing my own story.
My father had a benign brain tumor 3 years ago. The surgeon told us he would not live until the next day if they didnt operate. He was hours from going into a coma, actually it could happen any minute he told us, and if he did they werent sure if he would wake up.
8-10 weeks before all of this he started losing feeling in his left arm, constant headaches and he told me that when he walked he felt like he was tilting towards the left. I noticed he constantly grabbed the top of his nose and closed his eyes, the way you do when you get brain freeze. That and after he let his hand slide over his head and down his neck.
Being the old 'tuff man he didnt go see a doctor no matter how much we told him to
Finally it got so bad that he could not stand on his own, nor hold any food down. So my Mother carried the Man out of bed (I dont live at home anymore, and I was at work), she said she first dragged him by the arms up from bed but he just fell backwards. So she carried him best she could out to the car, drove him to the closest doctor and carried him inside.
He was told to go directly for MRI scans, they found a tumor the size of a golf ball in the back area of his head, towards the spine which was cutting off some type of fluid. He was rushed within hours to a bigger hospital and he was operated 10-12 hours later.
The next day he was perfectly fine with a bad ass scar on the back of his head, lying in ICU wondering when he could go home again because he was really bored.
He also has no memory of anything from the month or so before all of this, the only vague thing he could remember was the ambulance ride to the hospital that did the surgery. He said every bump in the road made him vomit and gave him deadly horrible headaches.
My father is doing perfectly fine now, he seems to enjoy life more than ever before.
Greenlllama1 karma
I'm glad to hear your father is doing well now. Thank you for sharing that with me.
roses2693 karma
Two questions:
1. Could they tell the tumor wasn't cancerous before they did the surgery or did you have to wait for confirmation afterwards?
2. Did you have to do any physical rehabilitation to get feeling and movement back into your arm and leg or did the sensation and strength just come back after they removed the tumor?
Greenlllama4 karma
They were almost positive is wasn't cancerous, but I did have to wait for actually confirmation. Actually I had to learn how to walk again, because I had been laying down for 8 days straight. But I learned pretty quickly.
SnooSnooCookie1 karma
I had been laying down for 8 days straight
Crap man, I had to have a skin graft over a burn I got on my leg and I wasn't supposed to walk too much but not walking for 2 or 3 days drove me nuts. I couldn't imagine not walking for more than a week.
Greenlllama1 karma
I didn't mind not walking because my room had a portal computer/TV hooked up to the wall so I could watch Breaking Bad, or go on reddit anytime I wanted.
Greenlllama7 karma
I had to go to the nurses office almost everyday. I was really starting to slip on my grades. Somehow I managed to complete all my work for the year with passing grades, fortunately.
Dear_Occupant3 karma
Obviously, the doctors did a really good job of cutting you under your hair line, so you can cover it up. But I just have to ask...
Have you thought about what kind of tattoo you're going to get to go along with that amazing scar? There are a lot of different directions you could go with it, and nearly all of them are fucking badass.
Greenlllama5 karma
Actually, my brother did my hair (recently). And I don't think I'm going to get a tattoo on my head.
babyface1753 karma
Well done on recovering and overcoming you're tumor it truly is a horrible thing to go through and it's good that it was detected early, I know first hand what it feels like to be apart of this. as my dad had a stage 3 tumor undetected for about 10 years and he got sick so fast but thought it for 2 years. Sadly he wasn't as lucky as you were.
It looks like it was in a similar place to his (front right lobe of the brain) ?
and did you also get great help from Macmillan?
Greenlllama4 karma
I'm sorry for your dad. If you are referring to my surgeon, my surgeon's name was Dr. Albert Telfeian, I believe.
tenderheaded2 karma
Do you have any idea what may have caused the tumor? Have you ever thought about it?
Greenlllama3 karma
Doctors have no clue. I couldn't even begin to speculate what could have caused a tumor.
tenderheaded1 karma
I kind of figured as much. That's what's so unsettling about it, like how would one prevent another tumor from occurring if you have no idea how the other one got their in the first place.
Greenlllama2 karma
They said this tumor is extremely rare. So I don't really stay up nights thinking about it coming back.
ads2152 karma
I am very glad you're doing ok. That would scare the crap out of most people. Sounds like you handled it really, really well. All the best for the future.
connorjquinn2 karma
That's insane man, glad to hear you're doing okay. Was your tumor something that could've evolved into something more dangerous if you didn't catch it at the time you did? Do people at school treat you differently at school having gone through something that most people would consider very "scary"?
Greenlllama3 karma
I could have very much grown into something much worse. Only my friends know about the tumor right now, because I haven't started school yet.
Greenlllama4 karma
stage 1 is benign. stage 2 is slightly aggressive, but benign. Stage 3 is cancerous. and stage 4 is aggressive and and cancerous.
Tr3v0r2 karma
Congrats on your recovery.
My father was diagnosed with a stage 3 glioblastoma tumor last year, terminal. Despite surgery and chemo he's at home slowly regressing.
I left the job I love and temporarily parted ways with a fiancée I adore to come home and take care of him. It's a tough go.
I'm glad this isn't the case for you!
chickenboneneck2 karma
Did you use the stage select cheat code to get to stage 2 or did you legitimately beat stage 1 first?
oberonbarimen1 karma
So you gotta make up epic stories about that scar to impress the ladies. Anyone wanna pitch in. My first suggestion is to say you got it saving your entire platoon in Nam. And when they question your age add in time travel and build upon your awesomeness from there by elaborating on the time travel story. Then if they pressure you to tell the truth you hit them with cancer and you are so getting laid. Wear a rubber, don't do drugs. See I turned it around at the end and made it responsible advice.
Greenlllama1 karma
Holy crap my brother's friend said something about me in Nam too. He said someone threw a machete a me. They tied someone to it and he karate chopped my head almost in half. But I fended him off with my bare hands.(He was a little drunk.)
Okeedoke1 karma
My sister was about the same age when doctors found a similar tumor in her brain. Scary shit. I'm glad to hear your doing fine.
fiftytakennames1 karma
I cant't help but thing of Arnold Schwarzenegger when someone mention a tumor. www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaTO8_KNcuo
No question here, best of luck!
Greenlllama2 karma
I kept saying that to my mom in the hospital when she was crying just to see her smile.
cozy_lolo1 karma
Would you rather have people shower you with sympathy because of your condition, or treat you no differently? Or neither of those? Likely a combination of both, I'd assume
Greenlllama2 karma
I WANT TO BE TREATED THE SAME!! So many people treat me like I'm 4 because of this, but trust me, I'm fine and can handle myself well.
Greenlllama2 karma
Wow, That's amazing. I'm glad to hear your mother is strong. And thank you.
Greenlllama2 karma
I did regain full strength and sensation in my arm. It was almost immediate, only took a few days for it to all come back.
pnwgirl1 karma
You're right, that is a very cool scar. Were you awake during the surgery? I am glad you are doing well. :)
Greenlllama2 karma
Ya, I was a little hesitant to take pictures of my whole face, but in the end I just said whatever. And thank you.
HertzDonuts1 karma
I had a pleomorphic adenoma! I mean it's no brain tumor, it's literally some harmless tumor that lies somewhere in the salivary gland. Anyway I just wanted to say good job dealing with this, and you'll have such an easy college app story!
for the sake of an AMA, what was it like after you had the initial diagnosis?
Greenlllama3 karma
At first they thought it was a stage 1 tumor, which is pretty much harmless. So I and my family were slightly relieved. When they told me they were wrong and it was a stage 2, I was a little bit nervous, but I believed I would be fine.
ThinkingThomas1 karma
No question, just wanted to say I'm glad it turned out well for you.
BriMcC1 karma
That is a badass fucking scar. How are you feeling? What have you learned from this experience?
TheReasonableCamel1 karma
What was it like discovering that you had a brain tumor? I can't imagine that, especially at only 14.
Greenlllama2 karma
I didn't freak out like most would expect. I mainly just kept my cool throughout the whole experience.
jbeast521 karma
Has your life changed alot since the tumor? I'm asking because my dad had a brain tumor when I was 3 and now his right arm is useless and he has a limp when he walks.
Greenlllama2 karma
My life is almost back to normal now, but I'm sorry to hear about your dad.
Dumbosgreatestfan1 karma
What are your thoughts on well...death? Like did you think about it at all or did it never really cross your mind? :)
Greenlllama2 karma
On the way to my MRI, before I or the doctors knew it was a tumor. I was extremely nervous it would be cancer and I might die. Even on the outside I seemed nervous. But they told me the tumor was very treatable, and my surgeon was extremely well qualified, and very confident. So I relaxed a lot after that.
theycallmecpk1 karma
The stitches on your head look like a 5, which stands for 5/5 on your badass level.
kryria1 karma
Is the feeling still lost in your left leg and arm? I like your positive attitude towards the scar! Good Luck!
joannasauer1 karma
Were you awake or asleep for the surgery? Because I know sometimes, especially for brain surgeries, they'll keep the patient awake to ask them questions and keep them conscious.
Cashdog6171 karma
So are you gonna make up a story about your scar like you were stabbed in the head saving a puppy? You know to impress the ladies ;)
d0pesky1 karma
Reading your answers you seemed really calm about this situation and I feel that you're going to accomplish something big in life with this kind of attitude.
When you experienced the loss of feeling in your arm, was it constant or occured just multiple times a day? Were your headaches severe and did you vomit while having headaches or it didn't relate to that?
Greenlllama2 karma
The loss of feeling in my arm was constant. My head aches were mildly severe, and I vomited only when having headaches.
zeebrow1 karma
One of my best friends in elementary school went through the exact same thing. His dad likes to tell the story that the steroids they gave him post op made him hungry enough to eat three steaks.
So how is/was your appetite? Did they give you similar meds?
Greenlllama1 karma
Actually, the steroids made me not want to eat. Luckily I only have to take an anti-seizure medication that has no side effect now.
BlueGreenOrange1 karma
Have you or those closest to you noticed any behavioural changes either from the tumor or post-surgery?
accountNo121 karma
Notice any changes post surgery? Personality change, Memory problems etc.
Trelalala1 karma
Are you having any further treatment for the cancer? Are you angry your doctor didn't take your problem more seriously before it was found you had the tumor?
Greenlllama1 karma
I have to go back to an MRI every 6 weeks for the next 5 years. And I'm taking an anti-seizure mediation for the next 3 months.
mjh840 karma
I know you mentioned your eye brow and lip being a little saggy...but I looked at that pic you posted before you mentioned that...and I never got that impression.
Greenlllama1 karma
Well, when I first left the hospital, it was definitely noticeable. It got better over time. But if you look closely, they are just barely sagging.
Greenlllama2 karma
I'm sorry, I had to go somewhere for a little bit. If you have a question. Please feel free to ask, because I am here pretty much for the rest of the night.
doneitnow86 karma
Holy shit and you're 14? Damn, man, that's badass. Good job and good luck in the future.
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