I lived on a reservation for the majority of my childhood and am very culturally aware of my tribe. AMAA!

Edit: I'm not religious, but I do believe in the Creator. I use sage, sweetgrass, tobacco and cedar as traditional medicines. I'm finding that a lot of people are ill-informed to the extent that they don't know what to ask! You guys can ask me anything, go for it.

Edit 2: I'm gonna take a break for now! I work at 7am, so I'm gonna hit the hay. Thank you all for your questions and I'll try to answer more tomorrow!

Edit 3: I'll be back around 3PM EST to finish up your questions. Thank you all so much!

Comments: 1685 • Responses: 70  • Date: 

quaintly_daintily891 karma

Piijagwin means penis. Chi=Big Miichii=Small. You're welcome.

FrankerZd160 karma

My dad who's native always would say this. Is vegitish a vagina?

quaintly_daintily214 karma

Peewagwin (phonetic)

the8thBlue283 karma

Anii and thanks for doing this AMAA.

  1. How many languages do you speak?
  2. Do you feel pressure to marry within your native culture so as to keep the blood lines strong?
  3. How many times a day do you admire your cheekbones?
  4. Any plans for a career in your future (not NA related, just a question I wanted to throw out there)
  5. What, if anything, can non-native americans do to not be jerks toward true NAs?

quaintly_daintily629 karma


  • I speak English and I took a french class once. The high school didn't offer a language class until my senior year, and by then it was already full.
  • I don't feel any pressure: my tribe is less bloodline and oriented and is pretty heavily political, so more people mean more grants, more votes, etc. I will be able to trace my children's bloodline and get tribal benefits, so it doesn't matter how I marry.
  • I favor my chin more. My cheekbones are just a part of my particularly-large head.
  • I'm still unsure of what career path I want to take. I participated in multiple grants and was a driven tribal-youth leader in high school, and I want something that harnesses those skills. I just haven't found it yet.
  • There is a lot of stigma against Native Americans that are above quarter-blood because they get grants to go to college for free. People assumed that of me because I'm an open NA. But people don't realize that most of these students are grabbing at the only opportunity that they have for college--most Native Americans come from Alcoholic families and broken households. You shouldn't blame someone for trying to go against a pretty large statistic.

Edit: I can't format.

SkunkRefresh240 karma

How old are you? How "traditional" was your childhood compared to others (or other generations).

Also, I'm assuming you're American. "Tribe" seems like an American used term mostly...

quaintly_daintily435 karma

I'm 21, and probably one of the last people on my reservation that had a close relationship with a nearby elder. Many youth are still dancing at pow-wows and learning our language, but there is a very large counter culture, where my reservation was almost slum-like in terms of dysfunctional family relationships. I was a representative for multiple Native American grants: combating childhood obesity, domestic violence awareness, and suicide prevention.

anothernative128 karma

Just to add, pow wows aren't cultural or traditional to a particular tribe, it's pan-indian, not largely specific to one tribe.

quaintly_daintily88 karma

Thank you!

atfumbel15 karma

I know I'm late so you probably won't answer, but its worth a shot. In BoyScouts, our honor camper organization (Order of the Arrow) seeks to preserve some of the native American customs and traditions such as "traditional" native American regalia and dance agents and such. But in the last year or so they have gotten really uptight about different what you can and cannot do in different ceremonies, and what you can and cannot wear as regalia. For instance; pretty much everyone used to use plains style regalia, but now we have to do what natives from our region might have worn because it was "racist". Is that really racist? Or do they just want our ceremonies to look more legitimate? And how do you feel about the whole organization in general?

quaintly_daintily19 karma

In regard to traditional regalia, it is considered rude to wear a regalia that was bought or not hand-made. That might have been the insult that was brought upon by your organization. I hope that helps!

quaintly_daintily287 karma

The biggest problem is the youth's disassociation from the culture. Traditionally, most knowledge is passed down verbally and hasn't been written down. Aniishnaabek is almost a dead language now.

SkunkRefresh125 karma

Edit: Ah god damnit wrong thread.

Edit 2: no wait no its not, here:

I find that Canadian native youth emulate the "black rap culture", is that the same for the states?

quaintly_daintily259 karma

(He asked if youth mimic "the black hip-hop culture")

Definitely. Especially on the reservation--grandmothers at the age of 30 and that kind of thing.

And don't bash on my hip-hop. :)

quaintly_daintily157 karma

Also, tribes are federally recognised as an independent entity of the united states. So the term is still used. Edit: spelling.

carl__sagan142 karma

Do you smoke weed? Is it legal on your reservation?

quaintly_daintily175 karma

Yes. And medicinally, it is legal. You still have to go through with getting a state license for it, though.

carl__sagan89 karma

Just out of curiosity are you living in a state that has medical marijuana?

quaintly_daintily119 karma


Greyhelm130 karma


I'm Irish and more or less ignorant of what it means to live your life, but i have some questions. (if they have already been asked, my bad)

  • What tribal nation are you a member of?
  • Where are your ancestral lands and where are you now?
  • When you said that you "had a close relationship with a nearby elder" somewhere else in the thread, what does that entail? As in, what kind of information was passed on?
  • What are your thoughts on the injustice to Native Americans, not only in the past (Dawes Act, etc..) but in America today? Or is there any injustice today?
  • What are the main careers that tribal members would pursue?
  • How is education for young people in your area? (Are there many opportunities for further education?)
  • What is your first language (what you speak at home/with friends) and does your tribal language survive? (I know in ireland, we are taught Irish from a young age, but it is viewed by most as a burden at best and most by the time they are 20 cannot speak more than a few words)

Sorry for so many questions :P

quaintly_daintily161 karma

  • Chippewa Tribe in Michigan.
  • My lands are throughout the eastern upper peninsula of michigan and into canada. I live near Sault Ste. Marie, right on the border of canada.
  • This woman was a lady that I went to on a regular basis. She would share stories with me and a lot of the time we spent the time in silence. Silence is a great thing to teach a child.
  • I haven't faced any injustice today, and I've been so focused on what's happening now in our culture, in our city, that the socioeconomic concerns aren't something I've really looked into.
  • Tribal members in my area typically work in the casino or for Tribal Health Services, child protection agencies, drug courts, etc.
  • In my area, we have some pretty good secondary-education grants, as well as a free community college to Native American attendees. The problem is the drop-out rate. Most people that I grew up from the tribe had a child by the time that they were 18--single parents and all that fun shit. The opportunities look good on paper, but actually going through with secondary education isn't something that Native Americans get to follow through with until their older adult life.
  • My first and only language is English. The tribal language is essentially dead.

klondikegrenade123 karma

I'm a non-native employed by a Native American tribe in the SW USA. I've been looking at getting into tribal law enforcement and have had several of the BIA police officer I know write me letters of recommendations and put in good words with their respective tribes. My question is this - how comfortable are NDN folk with having non NDN folk enforcing their laws? Regardless what they think of police in general.

quaintly_daintily259 karma

Well, I know here (and for most tribes) Native American bloodline is preferred for any NA job. The only issue here is that we're in Northern Michigan/Canada so everyone looks white anyways. And since our tribe has no benefits for being a certain percentage, most of our tribe looks white. Edit: so there really is no discrepancy for that here. A really good book to read to understand NA perspective is The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie.

Not-Pennys_Boat113 karma

how do you feel about the Redskins name?

quaintly_daintily568 karma

Indifferent. People that are offended by everything are no fun to be around.

anothernative238 karma

Just as another perspective as an Oglala (Lakota), I find Redskins offensive because it's pandering, cultural appropriation and similar to blackface. But I just wanted to offer another perspective so people don't think that just because one Native person think it's okay (which is okay), all natives do. And it's not because we're "offended by everything" but it's rooted in real, experienced, racial trauma.

quaintly_daintily233 karma

And again, I should mention that I am one person, with one set of opinions. There is no way that I could speak for everyone, as a whole, on what does or doesn't offend them.

emmapointthree85 karma

What are you doing to ensure your language is preserved for future generations? Like do you have a lot of literature about the past or is it mainly spoken word? (not from America, don't know jack about this sorry for any potential ignorance)

quaintly_daintily146 karma

Anii! There are books to learn the language now, and the local high school and community college both offer Aniishnaabek language classes. But the HS class is a joke. Mostly, the language is used by the elders, the 50+ year olds that came before internet and short-attention spans. There aren't many effective programs to preserve the language, mostly because people aren't willing to learn it anymore. And there's no where to use it. Knowing the language is more of a bragging right than a tool.

emmapointthree56 karma

Bummer. As is with many indigenous languages, I guess. How much of it is integrated with your casual language? Also, do the elders still partake in many rituals within the land?

quaintly_daintily67 karma

My father has sundanced before, along with multiple fasts and sweat-lodges (which is essentially a sauna in a wigwam.) And the only words that are integrated are Miigwech (Thank you) and Anii (Hello).

emmapointthree30 karma

Aww man. I think our language is dying, but we use so much more of it in conversation than those two words. Cheers for the links. Are these things that you'd participate in in the future?

quaintly_daintily42 karma

Yes! I would love to if I got the opportunity. My only problem with that is my partner is going for a career in Chemistry, and there are no opportunities for him in such a small area. So I will most likely be moving out of the tribal area. But that doesn't mean that I can't participate as an activist in my future pursuits!

iamthelevel15 karma

I've read all of your response through twice and I am inferring your are a male. Are you gay and how does your reservation accept it?

quaintly_daintily96 karma

No, I am a lady and my partner is a male. I like inferring equality in a relationship. Traditionally, gays were revered as two-spirited beings, and often looked to for advice.

HighPlainDrifter49 karma

This may be off topic, but what kind of sports or activities are popular with the kids? And is it a mix of old and new activities, or is one dominant?

quaintly_daintily83 karma

Not off topic at all! Many young kids still dance in pow-wows. As a kid, I loved to play ghost in the graveyard and build wigwams (little huts made of wood and random shrubbery.)

klondikegrenade49 karma

Do you find that tribal traditions and culture is at odds with the modern world to such an extent that members of your tribe feel like they have to choose one or the other?

quaintly_daintily101 karma

Not so much. Our area is a pretty good balance of both. There are no forces that directly conflict with the other. Plus, we don't have to choose as much, because who doesn't love a good ol' Native American female diversity hire?

deadlyhausfrau49 karma

I found out from an aunt that I am one sixteenth Native American. Now, I know that in American terms everybody is 1/16 everything (ha), but I'm wondering what the etiquette is on looking into ancestors and possible family members through that connection. I mentioned this to a friend, who told me that NAs probably would regard that poorly, like I was a poseur of some sort, and I was confused. Is that a thing? Is it rude to mention that you have Native American ancestry if you're not a certain percentage or looking for any sort of tribal rights or something like that? Am I just being silly, or is my friend's concern valid and i should just let it go?

quaintly_daintily82 karma

I'm 1/16, TBH. But I was raised in the culture and that's where my values come from. And no! Do your research, but don't adopt the culture to look pretentious or have a badge of honor. As a white-skinned native and being a huge advocate, I've attended NA conferences with over 1000 attendees. So yeah, I faced some reverse-racism. But I also knew my shit. If you really want to look into it, there's nothing stopping you. However, if you were being a twat about it, I would tell you off, too. You can get benefits, depending on what tribe and if you can trace back your ancestry to a specific person. PM me for more details!

blindchameleon16 karma

Thanks for this response! I was going to ask the same thing, actually. I've been thinking about applying to get citizenship in the Choctaw-Apache Tribe of Ebarb (it doesn't have federal recognition yet, only state), but I felt weird about it because I didn't grow up in the culture and my great-grandmother never really talked about it (and it's not like she didn't have the opportunity, since she didn't die until I was 21).

I'm mostly just a big genealogy person and am interested in learning more about the culture.

SirAztec48 karma

I always wondered how NA see Hispanics. Most of us have indigenous bloodline. And for some time in history there was trading going on between Mesoamerican tribes and tribes from the north.

I myself feel really proud to have this indigenous blood running trough me. I wish I could speak a language but the Spanish oppression that my ancestors went through was tough.

Anyways back to the question. How do native Americans see us Hispanics?

quaintly_daintily76 karma

As hairy native americans, at least in my book. Ya'll went through some pretty similar shit, with less benefits than we have now. Edit: 100% Native Americans typically don't grow facial hair or much body hair. Most are also lactose intolerant.

kerithistle28 karma

My father worked with various Native American groups in the Four Corners area trying to decrease rates of teenage pregnancy, so I spent a lot of my childhood around Native American kids my own age and therefore don't really know the answer to my question. I know there has to be a huge amount racism and misconceptions that Native Americans experience, but is it usually hateful or just ignorant? (I.e. "it's nice that all of you are so in touch with nature." "Why are you all such useless drunks?") Thank you for doing this!

quaintly_daintily54 karma

Most of it is mostly just ignorant. My brother is in the airforce and convinced one of his dorm-mates that he wore only leather until he was 16. Most people don't know anything about the culture--only the history. I haven't traveled enough to really experience the shock value for others. Most people are just surprised, and therefore ask pretty ignorant questions.

ergrey17 karma

Honestly, if you're a pale-skinned Native (speaking as one, myself) you probably won't come across much shock value. The shock will be that you're Native at all.

quaintly_daintily11 karma

There's truth in that. Reverse-racism is the only racism I've ever encountered.

Tophisthemelonlord27 karma

What do you do for work?

quaintly_daintily51 karma

I work at WalMart, but the whole city is considered tribal land. My parents both work for the tribe. My mother works for Tribal Health and my dad works at the Tribal Courthouse.

logically26 karma

Is there an immersion location where only the native language is spoken? Is there an acohol problem on the reserve?

quaintly_daintily52 karma

Reservation* (or rez)

Oh hell yes, there's an alcohol problem, as well as pills. We get free prescriptions here, so there's a giant abuse of the system. And there are no longer locations where Aniishnaabek is the only language spoken. There are sweat-lodges, which is a tribal purification ritual much like communion. No one in our tribe speaks only Anii.

However, I did go to a catholic church where the sermon was half Ojibwa (Aniishnabek) and half English. As a child, I didn't fully appreciate it.

Gidget87020 karma

I know a lot of things out there talk about the harshness of life on tribal lands (mental illness, substance abuse, etc), but what would you say were the best things about growing up on one?

quaintly_daintily53 karma

A love for the outdoors and a close community regardless of your parents.

virtual_cancer18 karma

What is your view of the reservation, and why is it so hard for native Americans to move away? Having grown up right next to the Navajo Rez, this seems to be a big issue. Also, if you have time, what is the view of non-natives on your rez? I only ask because i have a friend that works in a medical lab on the rez who is non-native and found it to be rather dismaying.

quaintly_daintily60 karma

Imagine that all you know is what you see around you. You, your best friend, and your next door neighbor have parents that have OD'd at least once. Mom and dad are always fighting, and that's if they're together (or if they're there.) With everyone focusing so hard on their addictions (or their sobriety) or in jail for driving with a suspended license.. who has time to make grandiose plans for the future? How are you gonna afford a house at a regular price when so much of your money (if you have a job) is going to your addictions or raising your 3+ kids and a grandkid? There honestly aren't that many opportunities unless you try to break the cycle.

itsmeimhim16 karma


quaintly_daintily75 karma

Abundantly sexful.

taserbeam15 karma

Who makes the best bannock? Canadians or Americans?

lafondles7729 karma

Canadian Mohawk checking in. It's us.

quaintly_daintily38 karma

Iron Chef: Bannock edition.

quaintly_daintily27 karma

Frybread? I mean, we make some mean indian tacos

effingeenyus15 karma

What kind of opportunities are there for young people on your rez and what percentage, if you had to ballpark, of people (young or old) are taking advantage of these opportunities?

quaintly_daintily24 karma

There is a group called Tribal Youth Council, which I was a part of, and that was a group of less than ten percent of the NA youth. There was also a NA elementary and middle school, but it was privatized and now accepts all children. There's also a child recreation center, and that's pretty much a host of summer camps for younger children, a step above daycare sort of thing.

Aside from that, there aren't many opportunities or social outlets for our youth. And the top 20% are the families utilizing those opportunities.

cre8_mo14 karma


how strong would you say your accent is? 1 - 10. my mother is about a 8, and my grandmother.. don't even get me started.


quaintly_daintily27 karma

I can't judge my own accent!

iTrayboon13 karma


quaintly_daintily64 karma

When a mommy and daddy love eachother very much...

KeyboardNinjaWarrior12 karma

So, uh, ever played Assassin's Creed 3?

I kid. What aspect of your culture (historically) do you find most interesting?

quaintly_daintily50 karma

No, but I have played the God of War series.

I find the stories, rather than the tragic history, to be the most interesting.

Long read:

"The Origin of Mackinac Island adapted from an Ojibway Legend

High in the heavens there lived a woman, a spirit.  In her solitude she

asked Kitche Manitou (The Great Spirit) for some means of dispelling her loneliness. Kitche Manitou took compassion on the sky-woman and sent a spirit to be her consort. Sky-woman and her companion were happy together, and in time she conceived. Her consort left and sky-woman gave birth to two children--one pure spirit and the other pure physical being. Because of their opposite natures, Sky woman's children hated each other. In a fiery sky battle they fought and destroyed each other.

After the destruction of her children, the spirit woman again lived in

solitude. Kitche Manitou knew of her desolation and so sent her another companion. Again sky-woman conceived, and again her consort left. The water creatures observed what was happening in the heavens and pitied the spirit woman. In their compassion, they persuaded a giant turtle to rise to the surface of the waters and offer his back as a haven. Then, they invited the sky-woman to come down.

Sky-woman left her home in the sky and came down to rest on the back of the great turtle. When she had settled on the turtle, sky-woman asked the water animals to get some soil from the bottom of the lake. The animals tried to serve the sky-woman. The beaver was one of the first to plunge into the depths. He soon surfaced, out of breath and without the soil. The fisher tried, but he too failed. The marten went down, came up empty handed, reporting that the water was too deep. The loon tried. Although he remained out of sight for a long time, he too emerged, gasping for air. He said that it was too dark. All tried to fulfill the sky-woman's request, but all failed. Finally, the least of the water creatures, the muskrat, volunteered to dive. At his announcement, the other creatures laughed in scorn, because they doubted this little creature's strength and endurance. Nevertheless, the little muskrat was determined to dive. Undaunted, he disappeared into the waves. The onlookers smiled. They waited for the muskrat to emerge as empty-handed as they had. As time passed, smiles turned into worried frowns. Finally, the muskrat floated to the surface, more dead than alive, but he clutched in his paws a small morsel of soil.

While the muskrat was tended and restored to health, the sky-woman painted the rim of the turtle's back with the small amount of soil that had been brought to her. She breathed life into the soil, and immediately, the soil grew, covered the turtle's back, and formed an island. The turtle had given his service, which was no longer required and he swam away. The island formed in this way was called Mishee Mackinakong, the place of the turtle's back, now known as Michilimackinac."

telracs10 karma

Delaware indian here. What tribe are you from, bro?

quaintly_daintily12 karma

Chippewa tribe in Michigan.

windowsgr810 karma

How do you feel about culturally white people who have a decent amount of Native American blood? I want to embrace that part of my lineage as part of my identity, but I feel there is a stigma against "trying to be Indian."

quaintly_daintily25 karma

Go for it, but I've said earlier, don't be a twat about it. It's not a bragging right, it's a cultural identity--you seem to be on the right track for that.

dirtymoney9 karma

so what kind of deal can I get on some M-80s and tax free cigs?

quaintly_daintily12 karma

It's $15 off any regular-priced carton. And I'm not too sure abou M-80s.

Notacatmeow8 karma

I know nothing about native americans but I have a question. Why did america go through such lengths to put native americans on reservations. I mean why annihilate a culture and a people so hardcore and then take the trouble to relocate them. Seems like either extermination or forced assimilation would have been easier. I hope you do not take the question wrong I don't think any people should be exterminated but I am just confused. Thanks for doing the AMA.

quaintly_daintily33 karma

Do you think America would be as respected of a country if they successfully committed genocide? Much of the extermination was unintentional in the diseases that the pilgrims brought over. The extermination was already fully-active before anyone had a chance to hate the other. The Natives assumed it was a curse that the Europeans put on them, and that was the initial hate. By the time there was understanding, most of the population that died were already dead.

quaintly_daintily22 karma

Watch the movie "Black Robe" (1970).

unclemusclzhour8 karma

How do you personally feel about Americans?

quaintly_daintily37 karma

searchingtofind257 karma

Do you ever run into white guys who are so willing to tell you how: "there is a Cherokee princess on their mothers side?"

quaintly_daintily10 karma

It was a big scandal on my mother's side that she's part native american.

blindchameleon6 karma

How do you feel about Russell Means and his trying to get the Sioux to secede? Do you think tribes have the right to secede when their rights aren't respected by the federal government? (Since, let's face it, the fed hasn't exactly been kind to the American Indians...)

quaintly_daintily14 karma

As far as I know, Native American reservations are already independent land. The federal government doesn't really have power in those areas. So that, to me and where I come from, would be a moot point.

ShadowsLuna6 karma

How can I get my hands on a reservation hat? The kind Billy Jack wears.

quaintly_daintily14 karma

Amazon? Steal his?

maula1156 karma

Can you suggest any good resources for learning about indigenous Native American religion, its beliefs and practices? What are some beliefs and practices that are still continued in the tribe and have survived colonization and Christianization?

quaintly_daintily30 karma

Well, there aren't many books that I know of for my tribe, but it's essential to realize that each tribe is different in its beliefs and values. In regard to reservation culture there was a book I read that I really related with "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie. There are a lot of good online resources, you just have to know what to search. (such as Mackinac Island creation from giant turtle)

In a modern sense, our values have survived colonization in a tangible way. I believe in the Creator rather than God. The stories are passed down verbally because it's not the verbatim content of the stories that matter, but the feel of it and in that, learning to think for yourself. I smudge regularly (burning sage in an abalone shell and basking in the smoke via an eagle feather). That cleans the bad spirits out. Sweetgrass invites good spirits in. Laying down of tobacco is a way of thanking the Creator for anything that you've taken from the earth--and giving back to it. That is the largest part of our culture that has survived.

omni426 karma

If you were advisor to Congress on NA affairs, what do you think would be the most important goals or achievements to better the situation of tribes in the US?

quaintly_daintily12 karma

Childhood awareness and outreach activities. Those are the ones who can make a difference.

damagicsausage5 karma

Can I have some Fry Bread?

quaintly_daintily14 karma

Deep fry some dough (flour and water) in a pot. Boom, got yourself a nice soup.

dexterdanger5 karma

I grew up on tribal land as well! The Rez is always home. I don't know about your tribe, but mine is exactly like the movie Smoke Signals. Exactly. I moved to the city and showed it to my new friends who didn't get it. All my friends back home laugh the whole time. We also blessed ourselves with an eagle feather during high school graduation to traditional drums and singers. I learned to cure and stretch animal hide at school as well. I even find myself talking to Creator sometimes or telling people Coyote mischievously put the stars in the sky. No question for you. I'm just missing home :)

quaintly_daintily5 karma

I'm gonna have to lay down some tobacco later; I feel so blessed with what everyone is sharing and I hope that I'm not the only person answering questions in this AMA. :)

OnTheSaneSide4 karma

Do you view mainstream (mostly white) America as inherently imperialist?

quaintly_daintily24 karma

No, and I don't believe that it's a common idea, either. We try to focus on rebuilding our tribe and preserving our culture, rather than being pointedly hateful towards white folk for what has happened. One thing I admire about my culture is its adaptability, while being able to preserve what matters the most.

chodeboi4 karma

What are your other 15/16ths?

quaintly_daintily6 karma

White. Scottish, English, etc.

original_greaser_bob3 karma

Fancy, grass, traditional, chicken, hoop, southern straight, or gourd?

quaintly_daintily9 karma

Jingle is a pretty big thing here with the women. I'm assuming you're talking about regalias?

original_greaser_bob4 karma

yeah was seeing which one you danced... if you danced...

quaintly_daintily7 karma

Skeptical Native American?

alexmbl3 karma

  1. I've studied primitive skills with people of European descent teaching native skills. So I was wondering what are your thoughts about native teachings being passed down by non-natives?

  2. Also I'd like to know a natives perspective about how modern technology and the digital age affects native beliefs and philosophies such as mitakuyeoyasin (hope I spelled that right)?

Thank you very much for doing this AMA!

quaintly_daintily12 karma

You're welcome!

  • I'm not offended at all. It's the thought, the skills, that are being passed down and it's no difference to me who teaches them--as long as they know their shit.
  • I have no idea what you're talking about: I might know it by theory if not by name. And being from the digital age, myself, I think it has harmed me in regard to passing up opportunities. I played Runescape rather than learning the Ojibwe language, ya know?

satanic_jesus3 karma

A native girl gave me some sweet grass and an eagle feather, any knowledge on what these mean in your culture?

quaintly_daintily7 karma

That's a huge gift. Eagle feathers are sacred, and hard to come by. They're pretty much the american flag of the NA culture. Sweetgrass the the prettiest of the medicines, in it's scent and it's spiritual properties. Both are meant to bring nothing but good things.

Metakittie3 karma

Is tribal land the same as a reservation? Excuse my ignorance.

Also, I've seen lots of dogs rescued off of reservations, lots of them overbred and covered in ticks. Do you have a lot of dogs like that? Would you be okay with a rescue (veterinarians and all) coming in and getting the dogs neutered, adopting some out, and helping? I am really interested in doing this.

quaintly_daintily12 karma

No, reservations are on tribal land, but not visa-versa. And I haven't seen too much of that. But any help for animals would be appreciated since most can't afford a proper vet.

AnusOfSpeed2 karma

You need proof there mate

quaintly_daintily7 karma

Verification on the way. Good thing Tribal cards exist.

hemingwayszombycorps1 karma

How much of native american tradition is still held to now adays? Ie(pardon my ignorance in the matter) are dances, vision quests etc still performed?(again, so sorry for the ignorance in the matter) Also, where could I go to find out more about the culture(not just a museum setting, I live in NC so I believe lumbee would be the closest tribe with cherokee not much further)

quaintly_daintily3 karma

Online resources! As always, there's fact checking with any research. And spirituality and art are the biggest remaining parts of our culture. I haven't heard of any vision quests, but people still do get their "Indian-names." Pow-wows (dances) are still a regular part of the culture.

IamaFutureUSMarine1 karma

What goes on in your tribe in an average day?

What technologies do you have on hand?

quaintly_daintily4 karma

Same political bullshit that every city and county goes through, I assume.

And all of them?

G0ldenBanana1 karma

What medicinal use dose tobacco have?

quaintly_daintily4 karma

I've smoked it in a peace-pipe to cleanse the mind. Mainly, I give tobacco back to the earth rather than conventional prayer.

TVUpbm1 karma

Do you experience any racism in areas of the US?

Do you pay the same taxes as other people?

quaintly_daintily5 karma

We get our state taxes back if we live and work on tribal land, but we still pay the other taxes. And the only racism I've experienced is being white-skinned at a large native american gathering.

MormonsAreMorons1 karma

What do you use to smoke your herbs out of, traditionally?

quaintly_daintily3 karma

A pipe made of limestone and wood.

covertwalrus1 karma

What sort of special hunting privileges do you have, if any? My Ojibwe friend from Wisconsin told me that people up there bring in a lot from spear-fishing, but he doesn't hunt or fish himself.

quaintly_daintily3 karma

We get really cheap or free hunting and gathering permits. But I do neither.

ThatOldBlackHole1 karma

Can white people live on a reservation? And if so, does anybody? I imagine you wouldn't be that liked.

quaintly_daintily4 karma

No, it's essentially only low-income housing for NAs. And I had friends that wouldn't come over as a kid because I lived on a reservation. My closest friends were fellow "rez-rats".

Spikekuji1 karma

How big is your rez, population-wise? If you could do/get/make happen one realistic thing to improve life on your Rez, what would it be?

quaintly_daintily5 karma

The res is about 6 blocks worth of large families? And probably childhood obesity. Malnutrition from poor families is making for some really sad children that no longer want to play outside.

Outside was my bitch as a kid.

pewpewpewwww1 karma

Do you guys have a tribal court? How effective is it or what are your experiences with the tribal court?

quaintly_daintily4 karma

Yes. My father actually is a coordinator with the tribal court, and if he wasn't there, I don't know how effective it would be.