I saw the religious AMAs today, so I thought I would throw my hat into the ring. Also, my 3rd anniversary as a priest is this month, so, why not do an AMA to celebrate? It was either this or scoring some heroin, and this looked like more fun.

AMAA. I'll be on much of the day. To preempt some questions, I believe with the Catholic Church.

edit- wow that's a lot of questions. I'm sorry if I didn't get to yours. 5000 comments, really? Dang.

I'm going to answer some more questions, but I'm grateful for help from other Catholics, especially on things that can be googled in 2 seconds. Also, I plan on praying for you all today and at tomorrow's Mass. Just thought you should know.

edit- I think I'm done. Sorry I was only here for 5 hours. Thanks for the front page. I feel like I should do something drastic here so that millions read it. God Bless you all!

ps I might answer more questions later, but don't hold your breath. Unless you're really good at holding your breath. Then, knock yourself out.

(last edit- totally done. hands hurt from typing, it's late, and there are 6400 comments. Thanks!)

edit- snuck in and answered some questions. Here is a link someone gave me about miracles. I know a lot of you asked about that. I hope you see this edit. God Bless you all. I wish I could have gotten to all of your questions, but I do have ministry to do.

For those who asked for proof, in case anyone still reads this. I didn't post a picture because I'm uncomfortable with people finding out who I am. Also, I don't think the mods ever PMed me about proof.

Comments: 8994 • Responses: 47  • Date: 

waker72811367 karma

Have you and a Rabbi ever walked into a bar?

fr-josh917 karma

No! I'll get right on that. I don't go to bars much, though. I prefer to drink at home or 1 at a restaurant.

fr-josh554 karma

I was hoping for pizza.

kevler9oh622 karma

Good afternoon Father. I have a question for you. I'd like to preface this by saying I am an Atheist, and it was another Catholic priest who drove me to do so. When I was 14, my mother committed suicide and the Catholic church that my family has been going to for over 50 years refused to hold a service for her because she "died a sinner" and her soul was paying for it. Why would a Catholic priest say such a thing, especially to my Grandfather - her father - who had contributed thousands of dollars to the Catholic community (before his steel business went under)?

fr-josh1318 karma

I'm sorry to hear that. I asked a fellow priest the exact same thing. He said to have the funeral because we don't know what their mindset was like when they died.

A priest might say something hurtful because he's an idiot.

kevler9oh508 karma

That's what I was guessing. It seems to me like old timer priests can be just as ignorant as old timer people. Thanks Father.

fr-josh627 karma

You're welcome.

aspoon464 karma

I like you

lilsoccakid7449 karma

My natural uneasiness around priests is being completely side blocked out by the amount of politeness bombs being dropped!

fr-josh15 karma

pew pew pew

hashtagfirstname62 karma

The actions of one priest, or even one church, isn't necessarily reflective of the entire body.

fr-josh82 karma

Thankfully. There are some real a-holes out there.

frenjamin_pumpkin384 karma

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

fr-josh1838 karma

Definitely the single celled organism.

As0l351 karma

What drove you to become a priest?

Edit: You mention that supernatural events still happend today - could you explain that a tad bit further? Also proof that you're a priest

fr-josh1066 karma

What drove you to become a priest?

My mom in her ford. Just kidding. It was first from personal acquaintance with priests, and then a desire to serve God in that fashion (along with the knowledge that this is what He called me to).

As to proof, I could message the mods if they're interested. I've done these before, and I think people can see I'm a priest from them.

mobuco331 karma

I was forced into religion as a child and I am technically a confirmed catholic, but really an atheist. Two questions:

1) Do you think it is right to force religion onto young children?

2) How can I get un-confirmed...as in I assume that the church is counting me as a catholic, but I don't want them to anymore.

fr-josh1038 karma

1) I think it's right to bring up your children in the faith, just as you'll likely raise your children humanist (I'm assuming that, here).

2) You can't. You can ask them to take your name off the parish registry. Confirmation, like baptism, is a sacrament that can't be undone.


Just kidding. Call them up and see what they'll do for you. Or don't call, and they won't bother you about it.

edit- can't believe I got YOUR/YOU'RE mixed up. I will leave it up there to my permanent shame.

tornado28325 karma

Is it possible for an atheist to get in to heaven?

fr-josh885 karma

God can let anyone into Heaven. We just know that our way is the easiest and most sure.

13_0_0_0_0477 karma

God can let anyone into Heaven. We just know that our way is the easiest and most sure.

Buddhist here. This is a message you rarely hear from any faith or practice. You my kind friend have just altered my point of view towards the Catholic church (well at least given me cautious optimism that the Church feels this way).

Can you elaborate on this?

Also, I've heard that priests practice a different set of practices than lay-folk. I.e.: different prayers or meditations or rituals. Is this true, and something you're allowed to talk about?

coastercrazy10234 karma

While I cannot speak for your second question, I will clarify that not all Catholics are as open-minded as Father Josh. Many Catholics (most of my family included) refuse to believe that there is any other way to heaven than following the straight-and-narrow of Catholicism. However, since Vatican II, Catholics are encouraged to explore their faith and question things, and there are also plenty of Catholics whose beliefs stray from the Church's set-in-stone beliefs as set forth by the Pope and the Bible.

I will include myself as an example of this. Was raised Catholic, attended Catholic grade school and Jesuit (sect of Catholicism) high school. I do not claim to have left the church, but I have my fair share of disagreements with things that have been/are still preached by the Church and its ordained, as well as certain interpretations of the Bible. My faith/religious education has taught me that kindness, gentleness, and love trump all the little details. I love my atheist, agnostic, Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, and Buddhist friends equally, just as I love my gay friends as much as my straight friends, or my black or Asian friends as much as my white friends.

I also believe that God is benevolent and knows humans are imperfect, and that a specific faith is by no means a guaranteed ticket into heaven. Anyone with a kind and gentle soul is recognized by God as such. God does not see religion - he sees the way you live your life and how you treat your brothers and sisters on this earth. I am fully aware that, beyond benevolence, the details about God that I believe could be completely false. If I die and reach heaven and the Jewish view of God is more accurate than mine, or a Taoist's view of God is more accurate than mine, I accept that. I am human and prone to error. So long as God can see I love him and I loved the people in my life on earth, I believe he will welcome me to heaven, and the same is true for anyone of any religion.

TL:DR not all Catholics are the same, and there do exist Catholics who not only tolerate but embrace those who think for themselves, given they are kind, loving, and gentle during their stay on earth. I am living proof of this (or at least I try to be).

EDIT: Removed something, it made no sense to me, and completely invalidated what I was saying by rejecting the idea that atheists/agnostics can be good people. My bad.

PS Thank you for doing this AMA Father!

fr-josh74 karma

You're welcome.

By the by, Jesuits are a religious order, not a sect. They do act like their own sect sometimes, though.

fr-josh52 karma

Thanks! We're a pretty alright bunch.

We say we have the fullness of the Truth, not a monopoly on the Truth. Also, our Pope prays with all kinds of people on the world day of prayer for peace.

The prayers we do are not limited to us (the Liturgy of the Hours), but we're the ones obligated to do so. We also meditate, but it's different from a Buddhist's- ours tries to be centered on God, rather than centered on self.

crackberry313271 karma

  • Have you ever had an lapse in faith?
  • Are there any times that you are skeptical of the bible and what happened?
  • Do you take all the stories of the bible literally like Fire and Brimstone stories?

fr-josh479 karma

Have you ever had an lapse in faith?

When I was younger I didn't believe, and I only went to church because I was forced to.

Are there any times that you are skeptical of the bible and what happened?

Not really. Supernatural events still happen today, so why not then?

Do you take all the stories of the bible literally like Fire and Brimstone stories?

No. Catholics interpret the bible not as 100% literal or 100% metaphorical; instead, we see the verses can be one or the other, or even a mix of both.

Master-Thief890 karma

Catholics interpret the bible not as 100% literal or 100% metaphorical; instead, we see the verses can be one or the other, or even a mix of both.

As one of my parish priests said during our annual lector training, the Bible is not a single book, it's more an anthology of works about God. There is some history in it, but also advice letters, poetry, aphorisms, fables, and more.

fr-josh655 karma

That's a good way to put it, thank you.

TheShadowFog249 karma

Do you go on 4chan?

fr-josh417 karma


ninfan200248 karma

Congratulations on your 3rd year of priesthood, and my question is: what music do you listen to?

fr-josh498 karma


Right now it's mostly country music. I really like the stories.

Yourothercat1188 karma

He's Christian AND likes country music. GET HIM GUYS

arbores250 karma

He also likes playing MW3 on his Xbox, and enjoys Nickelback on occasion.

panzercaptain39 karma

Also he hates Ron Paul.

fr-josh222 karma

And I hate cats and memes and occupy and palestine!

(not really- can you imagine the downvotes?)

spoilme189 karma

Please don't score heroin. ;)

  • Do random people come up to you and ask for blessings?
  • How do you feel about the rash of bad press?
  • What do you wear under your robe?
  • Do you know a lot of priests who lose their faith? Have you ever come close to losing yours?

fr-josh587 karma

Please don't score heroin. ;)


Do random people come up to you and ask for blessings?

It has happened before, especially in my first year of priesthood and when I'm at a religious site (like a shrine).

How do you feel about the rash of bad press?

It was worse in 2001, and we american Catholics have done a lot since then.

What do you wear under your robe?

Do you mean at Mass, or the cassock? Because day to day I just wear black pants and a black clerical shirt.

spoilme65 karma

I actually don't know what I mean. Do you wear like a robe tied with a rope when you perform mass? That. :) Thank you for answering me!

fr-josh146 karma

Do you wear like a robe tied with a rope when you perform mass?

I wear an alb, cincture, stole, and chausable (spelling?) when I celebrate Mass, along with my normal clothes underneath.

And you're welcome.

shawnbunch174 karma

What are your thoughts on /r/atheism posts?

fr-josh773 karma

Depends on the post. A lot of the time it's just hostility, so I don't go to that subreddit very often.

Starfe212 karma

Speaking of atheist hostility, how do you feel about that? Do the constant accusations of universal belief in Biblical literalism bother you? I don't even practice anymore and it bothers me to no end when people assume the Catholic church is identical to every extremist Christian group they can name.

fr-josh528 karma

Speaking of atheist hostility, how do you feel about that?

Doesn't concern me unless it's in person. It's easy to ignore on the internet.

Do the constant accusations of universal belief in Biblical literalism bother you?

Just shows their ignorance and limited mindset (which obviously doesn't apply to all atheists). Some of them think the only rational approach is universal literalism.

poptart2nd110 karma

Do you, personally, believe that atheists cannot be moral without following god?

steveo79848 karma

I think we can infer that he does not think this based on his other posts. He already said that atheists can get into heaven.

fr-josh87 karma

Yes, that's a good inference.

winning34172 karma

Have you every had a young person in your church come to you with questions regarding their sexual identity? How would you handle it if a member of your church told you that they identified as GLBT?

fr-josh438 karma

Have you every had a young person in your church come to you with questions regarding their sexual identity?

Kind of. I have had confessions before where it has come up.

How would you handle it if a member of your church told you that they identified as GLBT?

I would treat them the same as every other member of my parish. We would talk about what they wanted to talk about and I would help as I can.

Master-Thief134 karma

Greetings, Father! Happy anniversary.

1) Are you a diocesan priest, or part of an order?

2) What do you think of the shortage of priests in the Church? What needs to be done to fix it?

3) New Roman Missal - yay or nay?

4) Christmas Midnight Mass or Easter Vigil?

EDIT: Also, I think /r/Catholicism could use a chaplain. :) Peace!

fr-josh178 karma


1) Diocesan

2) It's mainly a shortage in the West. There are lots of men becoming priests in Africa and India, for example. What needs to be done is to teach people to sacrifice and live for others- basically, to fight selfishness. I think this can be seen in other vocations, too. People don't want to be self-sacrificing.

3) It's difficult to get accustomed to, but I think it's a step in the right direction. We have a real need for more of a high Mass as Roman Catholics, because since Vatican II it's only been low Masses for us, basically.

4) I do both. I like midnight Mass better, personally. Vigil is tough- lots to remember.

Thanks. I post on /r/Catholicism on occasion.

Shark_Porn113 karma

At the end of a confession, when the priest tells the confessor to do "x our fathers and y hail Mary's", etc, how is that determined? Is there some kind of metric for it?

fr-josh272 karma

There actually used to be. I think it was from Ireland.

Now it's up to our judgement. If the penitent thinks it's too much, he can ask for a different penance.

The penitent man will pass.

SpaceCamper3111 karma

uhh.. uhhh... KNEEL!!!!!

fr-josh159 karma

I never understood how kneeling would help with the second blade. Wouldn't that cut you to pieces regardless?

Deanisgawd59 karma

Thank you! And does being penitent mean that you have to roll after kneeling? How did he know to do that?

fr-josh136 karma

Must have been more athletic times than today.

coolphred113 karma

I have an uncle who claims to see, hear, and touch angels and demons. He performs exorcisms for the Catholic Church.

Do you feel like the people the Catholoic Church exorcises are actually possessed? I have seen several and I have no explanation for what is going on.

fr-josh190 karma

He can only perform exorcisms if he is an ordained Catholic priest in good standing and with permission from his bishop. Otherwise he's likely just praying over people.

Do you feel like the people the Catholoic Church exorcises are actually possessed?

Depends on the person. Full possession is very rare (thankfully).

ryanoh81 karma

So if someone is an exorcist, but then later falls out of good standing with the bishop, they lose the ability to preform an exorcism? I'm not trying to be sarcastic in any way, I'm just curious. I grew up catholic but nobody ever really had any answers about things like exorcism.

EltaninAntenna174 karma

they lose the ability to preform an exorcism?

And the souls they exorcised get repossessed.

fr-josh50 karma

Like a cop that's corrupt and the people he has locked up get out of jail.

Tetsugene41 karma

Read the DND sourcebook on ex-clerics and ex-paladins. Those who allow their alignments to shift from that of their patron diety lose their class-related skills and cannot cast them until they regain their alignment and (depending on the diety) perform an atonement ritual or quest.

fr-josh76 karma

Lawful good, always.

SeedyROM22110 karma

How do you feel about the Westboro baptist church?

Also, what was Jesus' beef with that Fig Tree?

fr-josh259 karma

They are extremists who give Christians a bad name.

Also, what was Jesus' beef with that Fig Tree?

I want to say it was symbolic of those who talk a lot but don't bear any spiritual fruit. Which story are you referring to?

SeedyROM2243 karma

Mark 11:12-14.

fr-josh133 karma

Yes, looks like a lesson in "talking the talk without walking the walk".

[deleted]106 karma

What do you do all day? How much money do you make? When some of the popes called a person the anti-christ, did they mean it metaphorically or literally?

fr-josh232 karma

What do you do all day?

Depends on the day and the time of year (we're more busy when school is in session- CCD, RCIA, advent, lent, etc). Pray, take care of administrative things, eat, sleep, exercise, entertainment, etc.

How much money do you make?

<$15k a year, but I get nice benefits.

When some of the popes called a person the anti-christ, did they mean it metaphorically or literally?

Probably both. They're quite mistaken on both accounts.

BrawndoTTM212 karma

<$15k a year, but I get nice benefits.

I hear the retirement package is pretty great:)

fr-josh90 karma

I like that bumper sticker, too.

[deleted]45 karma

I once heard that "anti-christ" originally meant someone who went against god. That might be true in the older texts like the vulgate or the original greek or hebrew.

Is it true that the pope supports universal healthcare? Does the pope still crown kings? Is thomas wood respected in the church? What are some good books on catholic philosophy/theology? If you could ask god one question, what would it be? Has becoming a priest or atleast studying Christianity helped you become a better?

Why is sexual pleasure the vice that god puts so much restrictions on?

fr-josh397 karma

Is it true that the pope supports universal healthcare?

More towards what we already have here in the US- no denied care for people + medicare and medicaid. Any quotes you'll see easily allow for that interpretation, and I haven't seen any that say "single payer only".

Does the pope still crown kings?

Not that I know of.

Is thomas wood respected in the church?

No idea. Is he British?

What are some good books on catholic philosophy/theology?

There are so many. Depends on the subject area. Try a search on /r/Catholicism and see what they say.

If you could ask god one question, what would it be?

I've asked Him a lot of questions.

Has becoming a priest or atleast studying Christianity helped you become a better?

No, I am a terrible question mark.

Why is sexual pleasure the vice that god puts so much restrictions on?

Because of its importance would be my guess.

TheAbeLincoln219 karma

Don't be so modest. I think you're an amazing question mark.

fr-josh265 karma

Aw, shucks. I think you're a great werewolf killer.

Dickbeard_The_Pirate111 karma

Father, I think Abe Lincoln was a Vampire Hunter.

fr-josh117 karma

Just messing with him a little.

GoldieFox79 karma

No offense, man, I think you're an awesome priest, but you are a pretty terrible question mark.

fr-josh103 karma


Charles_Ryder94 karma

What is your opinion on Life Teen? Also, who's your favorite philosopher?

edit: added the favorite philosopher question.

fr-josh100 karma

Missed the philosopher one. I like Karol Wojtyla.

c0l24582 karma

I posted this previously and never got any answers. Perhaps you can answer.

Most of the Christians here are not creationists and will agree that the story of Adam and Eve is metaphorical. (I believe that is even the Catholic church's standing). Well, let me throw these at you:

  • If Adam and Eve are metaphorical, how does original sin exist?

  • If there is no original sin, what sin, exactly, did Jesus come to Earth to forgive? Sin from "Free Will" (quotes b/c free will is debateable and I am just assuming it exists for the sake of argument)? Doesn't seem like it, as we still have to ask for forgiveness.

  • Who asked Jesus to come to Earth?

  • Did Jesus even really die? He was resurrected and then granted eternal happiness in Heaven. What does dying an Earthly death mean to a divine and omnipotent creature?

I'll look forward to the response.

fr-josh222 karma

If Adam and Eve are metaphorical, how does original sin exist?

Genesis is not universally literal or universally metaphorical. Original sin exists because of man's choice of sin. I hope this helps.

Who asked Jesus to come to Earth?

The Father sent Him.

Did Jesus even really die?

Yes. This has been held since the beginning of the Church.

CuteMonkeyButt79 karma

If God loves all people, including non-christians, - why should i obey his rules and pray? He loves me and i go to heaven in any case. Despite what i do/believe in my lifetime..

fr-josh416 karma

Because you should reciprocate that love. Just like how parents love their children, and those children should love their parents, too.

bcouri60 karma

Have you ever had a confession that affected you personally or changed your life in any way?

Edit: not asking for specifics

fr-josh96 karma

Good question. I've heard things that were new to me (how widespread some sins are). I have had people come back to the Church after decades away and seen their great relief at finally getting things off their chest- that's really great to see.

marqueswl56 karma

Do you think there is a bloodline of Jesus out there?
What is your opinion of Thomas Jefferson Bible? I believe there is some validity to it and his position on who Jesus Christ was, what do you think?

fr-josh120 karma

1) No. Jesus didn't get married and He didn't have kids. He had at least 1 cousin, and probably more, so look to the Jews for possible relations.

2) No idea. I've never heard of it before.

Kamina2148 karma

Do you believe your faith has got you through difficult times in your life ad if so may i ask how? thank :)

fr-josh114 karma

Yes, especially through mild depression. It has also helped to a large extent during family crises- it's great to have Someone to talk to about things, and Someone there to console me when things are tough. Also, it's comforting that Jesus has gone through everything before asking us to do so- so, He endured the cross for us, and knows what it's like to be in pain and to suffer, both physically and mentally.

Kamina2131 karma

Thanks, may i ask you what made you choose to become a priest im sure it was a difficult process?

fr-josh70 karma

Priests in my life and my personal discernment. And, yes, it was very difficult at times, while at others it was easy. And, to confuse you, sometimes it was both at the same time.

It's an interesting path.

[deleted]28 karma


fr-josh64 karma

People too often get wrapped up in their own ideas/private revelation and start to draw wild conclusions. Without knowing more about this case, I would say that's probably what happened.

zyzzogeton24 karma

What evidence would it take for you to decide that there are no such things as "super" natural events?

fr-josh146 karma

A neuralyzer from Men In Black, I think.