iAmA Former Knight at Medieval Times M'Lords and M'Ladies. AMA!
I rode the horses, fought with swords and other real weapons, saved the Princess, made many little princesses and little squires smile, wore the shining armor, performed in front of 1,500 ppl everyday. Ask and I shall answer. Anything and Everything...
Keko246153 karma
The Sorcerer revives us just enough to live another day accepting defeat lol.
KristapsPorLEANgod-1 karma
Love that Thoros of Myr and/or Melisandre come to Medieval Times to spread the Lord of Lights prophecy
Keko24612 karma
Would it kill you if I tell you, that out of all the Knights, actually out of the whole dam Castel, I have never watched an episode :/? Never came around to it...
Keko24610 karma
I'd be so dam far behind uff... Ppl do still watch it lol? I feel like it was a big hype few years ago. Now with everything else out, it's kind of hidden in a shade with its own true fans.
KristapsPorLEANgod2 karma
There's a reason there are true fans though. I do recommend taking the time to watch it, especially if you have an interest in Medieval Times era. Great actors and great writing. You are right though, there are a lot of new, quality shows out there, but even with so many I still say GoT is top 5 for me.
gunga_lunga27 karma
When dueling a base knave, dost thou wield one sword and shield, or dost thou wield two weapons simultaneously for maximum glory?
Keko246121 karma
Depending on the fight. Each fight has their own set of weapons. Some more heavy, some one handed others two handed. Not all were Sword N Shield. In the end, any weapon used corretly get you to victory haha
Scottler23 karma
Did you have the skills needed to convincingly perform prior to working there, or did they teach you that afterward?
Keko246132 karma
Everything there was taught. Literally from scratch. All the horse riding and the sword fighting, how to move and maneuver in the sand, everything. Even if you already know how to ride, they will re-train you due to the fact that those horses are trained specially for the show. And are ridden a certain way to perform in the show. I came in with an athletic background as some years before I started there I used to be a Boxer. So the physical exercise I did helped me keep up but still, their training in harsh! If you're not in shape one bit, or think you are, that job will test you to the max. You won't get into the show until the Head Knight feels you ate ready skill wise and physically conditioned for your first show. Which averagely takes about 12 months of training.
I_am_the_Jukebox21 karma
Do they pay you during the training, or is it something you have to have a day job to pay the bills?
Keko246111 karma
As soon as you walk in through those doors on your first day you are on the clock. It's a Full time job.
tanyanubin17 karma
Forgive me, but how much money are knights able to make doing this? It seems like an awful lot of training/dedication- hope it was $$$!
Keko246151 karma
After a while you realize that it's more than the money. It's one of those jobs where pay was decent, but you got more than a paycheck as reward being a Knight. I enjoyed the "perks" of working there. Most times after shows when we'd have a "Knight" out at a bar or restaurant, we'd get recognized often and would get discounts. Specially the bars in town. We work hard we drank hard lol all seriousness we deserved a beer or two after a crucial 3 shows or long week. I enjoyed the marketing events too! Going to ComiCon for free cuz we had a booth there, we'd go to baseball games and other big events. Making those kids laugh and enjoy themselves was amazing though I really do miss that. Performing in front of a loud sold out crowd, chanting your color and going NUTS cheering you on throughout your fight. It was just COOL to be a Knight. All my friends and family made me feel like I was famous lol "Omg you're a Knight from Medieval Times?!" Alot of times just making someone's day after the show because you took a picture with them or signed a poster for them. A little girl running up to you asking if SHE was your princess and if you were her Knight in Shining Armor. Learning how to ride any kind of horse, how to train one, the knowledge I gained working there where to this day I love riding still my friends and family have horses and I sometimes help train them or work with them for a few bucks. So you see, it's more than just a paycheck. We made a great living. The longer you work the more you make. We get reviewed every year and that depends on our raise. But as any other job, "pay could be better" lol.
DatMooch25 karma
Most times after shows when we'd have a "Knight" out at a bar or restaurant
TIL I want to work as a Knight at Medieval Times.
Keko24618 karma
Go to your nearest castle and ask for an application. Best way to do it and prove the King you are worthy of marrying his daughter Princes Catalina
gunga_lunga10 karma
Do you think your training has made you ready for the coming zombie apocalypse? Would armor be a hindrance in that situation? How about a general social breakdown? Speed or armor?
Keko246120 karma
Hell Yea!! Those weapons were not plastic at all and I walked out of that company with many battlescars. I can definitely swing some metal around and kick some Zombie Ass for sure. Armor would be very significant since it'll protect against contaminated saliva and Zombie Bites haha. Speed or Armor... That's a toughie. Zombies aren't that fast, easy to outrun. so unless you literally can't walk then armor would be the best bet. It'll be an infinite Hack N Slash marathon!
Keko246123 karma
Definitely the training to become a Knight. I used to be a successful amateur boxer in my teen years. And everyone knows boxing training is gruesome with the physician exercises and dieting. But honestly nothing compared to the training I received there for 12 months before I got my first show in my Armor. You have no idea how many times I wanted to just quit mid training, at times I was seriously pushed to my physical limits. Running, walking, fighting in that sand is no joke! Wearing real leather booths that got heavy, have you been to the beach and tried to walk on the sand? Not easy just walking is it? Imagine trying to move around and walk backwards, forwards, shift side to side in that sand while wearing a pair of heavy boots that sunk into it. The horse riding wasn't easy either. My legs and thighs killed me for weeks learning how to ride! I couldn't get out of bed at times. It takes time to get used to riding everyday for hours. It was the physical work that was so hard. It was honestly a military boot camp on sand on steroids. But felt so good when you finally get that "you're ready for the show here's your armor".
Nonposte-10 karma
"it was honestly a military boot camp on sand on steroids"
Have you done any form of military training or are you talking out your ass. Because from your description even the easiest military training I have done is a world away (ie much more difficult) from what you describe.
Keko246114 karma
I have. And even military personnel who have came and didn't last more than a week said themselves and it was a handful. They were in the back throwing up and laying on the floor passing out. I don't talk out of my ass tough guy move on to the next post if you wanna sit here and talk smack ;). As I said before it's not for everyone. I'm nit saying military training is easy, but I am saying what I endured at that job has been the hardest physical training I have received. Enough that with my very own eyes I saw mitary personnel quit before even passing their probation days. Keep the thread friendly, if you can't then don't comment thanks.
Nonposte-22 karma
Would like to know what military training you have been through. Interesting you didn't mention it here or in your previous IAMA about the same menial service job. What exactly did you do, and post some proof, poser.
Keko24619 karma
Judging from your comments to other posts, you seem like a dick that just trolls lol but as I say to everyone that tries me, go apply. And when you get your armor, IF you get it, send me a picture ;) nite.
Nonposte-22 karma
Haha no I won't apply to a fast food job, I am a grownup. I'm sure you'll reply once you've googled enough to fake a military resume.
Keko24617 karma
Not gonna. Why keep feeding wood to the fire. You're not even worth dirtying my sword with your blood lol
Keko246113 karma
After a long 3 show workday, finally taking the armor off XD. That's a tough one to answer hmm... I think I would say my favorite moment was my first show as a Knight. After all the crazy gruesome training, finally being a Knight has to be the top. All hard work and the will to not give up or quit during training, and just pushing through, and finally getting that instant pay raise going from Squire, to Knight in Training, to Knight in the Show. Everything else after that is a walk in the park.
the_schmeez5 karma
I'm a big fan of hand to hand weapons. My personal favorite is between a War Horse (modernism military knife) and the classic claymore. Do you have a favorite?
Keko246113 karma
Are we talking about any weapon or Medieval Weapons? Have you seen the movie "Ninja Assassin"? One of my fave for the fight scenes. Anyway, the weapon Rain uses, it's a hybrid from what I've read which is why I couldn't Google the name. That blade connected to a rope or chain. That's is one badass weapon specially the way he used it in that movie. Jackie Chan used one similar but instead of a blade it was at big horseshoe at the end of it in "Shanghai Noon".
the_schmeez3 karma
We will go with both, favorite medieval and favorite in general lol. And I haven't seen the movie but think I know what you are talking about. Give me a minute and I can find the name lol
Keko24617 karma
In general that Rope Dart would be my favorite. Medieval, and I would have to go with one of the weapons I used when I worked at the Castle, I liked using the regular sword and shield alot because I had both offense and defense, and both were pretty lightweight. But... My favorite weapon to use was the Alabarda. I had fun swinging that thing around and using it as a pole vault to do like a Liu Kang flying kick to the other guy, sending him flying some feet across the arena.
the_schmeez3 karma
Nice choices. I'm not that great with anything at range. Bring it in close for me lol
the_schmeez5 karma
Yeah, still not great with them. That being said, if it's ever legal to buy a ballistic knife in the US, I will be near the start of the line.
Keko24613 karma
Some laws are just unfair lol. That is illegal while worse things are perfectly fine.
the_schmeez2 karma
The kusarigama. The cool thing about ninjas, they made a lot of weapons from farming tools at the time.
Keko24615 karma
Hmmm the Kusarigama is confused with that ninja blade used in the movie I'm talking about. I found the name, it's called the "kyoketshu-shogei knife". This one is more like a blade. The Kusarigama is more of a hook, kinda like for latching or like repelling is what it reminds me of.
showmetothegym5 karma
Are the horses treated well? I've always wondered that when I've gone to Medieval Times.
Keko246111 karma
They ARE the stars of the show. Without them we have no show seriously. We can only do so much without them. They get treated better than us in many cases hahaha. Fed daily their 2-3 meals, exercise everyday, doctor visits, they are inside in their own stall away from outside cold or weather. They each have their own stall/room and set up to each horses liking and needs. They know their stalls too after every show they can usually walk themselves into their homes. If those giant babies could talk. They get the best food and treats. And they show their happiness. How many horses can act and perform without throwing a fit. They love performing and most of the time they are ready for the show. On their off days they are so playful.
Keko24618 karma
Just happened to drive past it. People think there's a special I'll Undercover process to be a performer there but it's just like any other position in there such as ticket booth, gift shop, server, ect. You walk in, physically apply, and hope you get called for an interview. Idk really how the other positions go, but the hard part being a Squire or Knight (performers) is actually making it through the show and training. Getting the call is quite easy. Actually coming back to work after day one, yea. Hardly noone did that.
IntegratedFrost1 karma
Wow, what exactly was the training regiment?
Has to be something insanely strenuous!
Keko24613 karma
I swear I thought it was a boot camp no kidding... Running on that sand, just running a lap around the arena was crucial. Literally think of a military boot camp on sand. I mean we even had military personnel come on, and they quit after 2-3 days. And no I'm not lying. 1 out of like 30 ppl made it. And it's always the first week the kills em. Once they made it past the 7th day in the sand, 95% of the time he was a keeper. And that's just training to be a Squire. The Knight training was that multiplied on steroids
IntegratedFrost1 karma
That sounds absolutely brutal. When you complete the training, do you get to take a rest from the boot camp, or do you have to join the newbies in the grueling exercises?
Keko24614 karma
Once you do your first show as a Knight you're pretty much "graduated" from the training. You then move on to the next training which is perfecting your fights, learning new fights, and horse riding skills, you never stop learning how to ride. Ever. But no more of the running up and down the sand and getting you physically ready for the show. Once you're in, you're in for good. So pretty much you learn the other Knight skills you need to advance and move up in the position. The more fights you know, the bigger the raise when you get reviewed at the end of the year. And that's what you wanna hit, more fights and more performances and acts in the show. How significant you are in the show is what they value. A guy that knows and can do 6-7 fights is more valuable than a guy that only knows 2 fights.
IntegratedFrost1 karma
Last question: Do the competitions have any impact on the job, or are they "just part of the show?"
I guess what I'm asking is if there is any incentive to win besides the crowd cheering and booing
I'd definitely apply and give it a shot if I were close by, thanks for the quick replies!
Keko24615 karma
It's a show. Crowds cheers and boos don't affect the outcome. But it does feel good when im on the ground holding off the end of an Alabarda about to slice my face open, and I hear my section yelling at the top of their lungs motivating me to get up and not die haha. The games part is all skill. The show is just the show.
Keko24617 karma
They are Carnations which I liked because they are so pretty. Specially the hybrid mixed colored ones. Before the fights part of the show, the beginning part we do skill games. There's about 4-5 skill games we compete in against the other Knights. Every time you win the game you get about 3-5 Flowers. You walk your horse up to the balcony where the princess and kind are sitting and she tosses them down to you. You ride out and toss them to the women in your section. So if you don't win the game you get no flowers. As far as numbers, after the show we had a Meeting N Greet. We'd come out to the lobby area where the crowd was waiting for us for pictures and autographs. Sometimes you'd catch a lady's attention enough for her to ask if you wanna go to a nearby bar for a drink after you get out or the little nite with a number in it. It happened.
bleedy_dick2 karma
It's not real chainmail, right? Just some fabric done up to look like chain? And the big leather belts are for absorbing the 'kill' strokes right? Also, what's in the weapons to make 'em spark like that?
the_schmeez1 karma
Not OP and I can't speak on the armor but you can get those sparks by just steel to steel hitting. It takes the right angles and force but it's not hard to do.
ClayDatsusara1 karma
Not OP, but historical entertainer here. We use real chainmail, even for simulated fights. It may be heavy if you pick it up with your hand, but when on, the weight gets distributed all over your body. About the sword sparkles, any steel sword will create that. One of my favourite acts is making my sword sparkle in a rocky pavement just by hitting it sideways and dragging it a bit.
bleedy_dick1 karma
I get that, and I'm no metallurgist, but iirc, sparks thrown from steel or iron are cherry or maybe yellow-orange. The ones from the swords are bright yellow or white, which puts me in mind of those magnesium strips the high school teachers burned. Plus, the metal looks shinier and overall 'brighter' than what I would expect an iron-carbon steel sword to look like, even when polished.
Keko24612 karma
The metal is "Titanium" which is VERY strong and durable. And that is why the spark is white.
ClayDatsusara1 karma
Thank you sherlock. I am obviously asking about the quality (there are several degrees of resistance and weight, depending on the alloys and ultimately the purpose) and the smith that makes them.
Keko24612 karma
Specifically speaking, all I know is that we got them made from a company which I do not remember the name. They made them specifically for our show. Each weapon was made and balanced specifically for the purpose. But all made out of Titanium to last and endure the clashes. They were very well made too. So I guess to answer your question they weren't a specific style per say, since they were custom made to use in the show so we can swing them and maneuver them well. But all were real and pretty heavy! The mace was one that would gas you out during the fight that thing was no lightweight.
ClayDatsusara1 karma
Steel swords we use make a yellow-orange spark, and are shiny and bright, as long as you polish them regularly. Here is the maker of mine, testing one similar to my own https://youtu.be/WUBhgjaeUfY
Keko24612 karma
Dam that is some bend lol. I wonder how durable they are for actual fighting. Like if I were to grab one and do a choreography from one of our fights... Really clashing it with another sword. Any idea what metal that is?
ClayDatsusara1 karma
I believe its tempered steel. The one I had previously didnt bend this way and broke several times, not on the blade but in the grip, either near the pommel or near the guard. And it didnt break crashing with another sword, but by falling in the ground (some of the coreographies involve dropping or throwing the sword away, and sometimes i even fancy some sword juggling). Anyway, i got it welded a couple of times but it became just a prop to break mid-fighting (it got us some comedy moments).
Tempered steel swords are very durable if their making method is correctly done and can take heavy hits for sure. Dont know how it would react against a titanium one, though.
Keko24611 karma
Are yours used for like Broadway type plays or something? What is it you do exactly
ClayDatsusara1 karma
I do medieval re-enactment. Started off as a comedy act but evolved to actual fighting. Here's an event I participated in recently https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tXTNvXWagM&t=9s
Keko24611 karma
I always wanted to go to one of those, we don't have those here in Chicago. Somewhere close by a couple hours away the Ren fair rolls through, but since I never stay on top of that community I don't know want to come. One of the guys used to go to those all the time. He told me stories about them having actual skill games and of course he would win them until they told him that he couldn't play anymore LOL. Little did they know he did that for a living ha ha. Do you work at one that's year round or do you travel with it, how do you work and when?
Keko24611 karma
Their like regular tights made of some kind of fabric that look like mesh. Kinda like a rough sweater. They're very comfy thought lol. Correct on the belts but that's if the other guy can AIM the hits otherwise it'll smack just a bit south and that hurts... The weapons are 100% real. They spark because it's metal to metal contact. No special effects or nothing. You don't always get a spark, it's gotta be a nice solid clash between the metal to create that awesome view. That's usually how you know too that our strikes are pretty perfect.
LooksLikeASiegeMLady2 karma
First off, I LOVE Medieval Times! Went for a school field trip and for a Valentine's Day date night and it was spectacular! Were you always the same knight or did you get to switch up routines? Also, do they change who the winning knight is (k)nightly?
Keko24613 karma
No and yes. Each show is different. Kinda would suck being the SAME color every time and doing the SAME fight every show wouldn't it. It happened maybe for 2 shows back to back. But never the whole day out of 3 shows would you be the same exact. It's nice to switch it up to not make it boring and "routine". To get a different section and different crowd. It all depends which fights or choreography you know. Champ Knight is not easy, it is the hardest one to learn as there are more than one fight for that and the fights are longer and harder. So you gotta work your way up to that level and it takes years. That's why not the same guy wins Everytime. It's like the pitching rotation in baseball. We rotate who wins who loses colors ect.
Keko24611 karma
It varied. Weekends for sure was 3 shows a day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. During the week in busy season we had 2 shows a day one in the morning (schools field trips, group outings ect), and one in the evening. So we'd have a few hours downtime between shows. during holidays it was straight 3 shows all 7 days a week. I'd walk in at 9:30am and I'd be walking out at about 11pm. We'd get one day off every other week
Keko24611 karma
Riding horses. I can carry that my whole life. I can get on any horse and ride it no problem. Also all the acting and stunts I did in the show, I have taken advantage of to put those skills into acting in TV shows and movies filming here in Chicago. Nothing big time but we all start somewhere right.
KrillorbeKrilled1 karma
Idk if you play Overwatch, but you wouldn't happen to main Reinhardt, would you?
Keko24611 karma
Originally none. But since it's ALWAYS brought up, in the locker room we did have like a 60 inch TV which we would sit around between shows and catch a few movies from our movie library of DVD's and Video Tapes. Someone I remember brought it in and I got to see maybe the first half of it. That's where I understood the "memes" and all the shouts related to.
Keko24611 karma
I beleive they are. My last name sure is from Spain I remember googling it once.
Keko24611 karma
I am very new at this. About a year ago I had posted this AMA but kinda left it hanging after just a few days. This is why I made it again to stay on top of it now. Browsing around I do find many iAmA's very interesting I love reading some of them. You find some very interesting ppl on here.
Keko24613 karma
I actually just happened to drive past the Castle. Walked in as there was a show going on and saw the parking lot was pretty packed. The main doors are usually always open. Walked in and was approached by a worker, must of been a gift shop employee. I didn't have tickets or reservations since that's the first thing you get asked when you approach. Then he mentioned "are you here to apply?" Well yes I am I said just subconsciously. Handed me an application and I wrote "Knight" on the applying for line. A day later I got the call from the Head Knight to come in for an interview 3 days after that. I literally was working and running on the sand withing a week of applying. Many ppl think it takes some kind of special process or something but it's actually just like any other job. Walk in, apply, get called. Like any other job. The hard part is making it through the training once you're in.
bathman691 karma
Thanks for getting back to me! Were you getting paid for the whole 12 month training?
mrhappyclam1 karma
My best friend is a former knight in NJ as well, so I'm just curious which location did you work at? I wonder if you beat him xD
Keko24615 karma
Our Castles were not in the same realm. I ruled the Schaumburg castle in Illinois lol
mattressgury1 karma
I had a friend who was working at the medieval times in Dallas into he cracked a vertebra. What was the worst injury you had while working there?
Keko24614 karma
Gladly mine were never serious as far as broken bones or anything that kept me in the hospital more than one day. The worst I had was having the big 2 hand Axe crashing down on top of my skull causing me not stitches, but staples on a 4 inch gash on top of my skull. It was the 3rd show of the day, I was pretty exhausted and was late to hold my shield up to block an overhead strike. I had no idea I just knew it stung like a bee had stung the top of my head. Next thing you know what I thought was sweat pouring down my face was actually blood. Finished the fight, took off to the ER nearby got it cleaned and taken care off. Came back before the show ended. I even was able to ride out for my outro at the end of the show. With the big set of long hair I had you couldn't really see the 7 staples unless I bowed my head down and you saw shiny metal lol.
stretch371 karma
Any outstanding inappropriate stories about wenches, men of honor and the like?
Keko24614 karma
We're all one huge family. Working 6-7 days a week 10-12hrs a days, we saw each other more than we saw our own families. When not working on a day off if we had one, we'd all be together hanging out or something. There's many stories. Good, bad, funny, ect. We're human I'll put it this way. They all made great memories in my time I worked there. Wenches were Wenches, Knights were Knights, we all played a role lol.
Keko24612 karma
Not hard at all. As much as you may think that there some kind of special process, all you really do is walk in, fill out an application which takes about 10mins, jot down what position you are looking for (they are usually always hiring year round) and wait for the call withing about 3 days.. The Knight position is a but to get into because they use a limited number of performers. If they don't need any then they won't call you. Usually gift shop or servers is what they are always in need of. The hard part is just holding on to the job once you have it. The training and all that. It's not easy but once you're in, it's a smooth sail.
Keko24612 karma
Being a Princess is a bit of a process. More than being a Knight. As she is also a performer, her job is more about learning the lines and BEING a princess. You apply just like any other position, wait for the call. What I know is that you come in and would talk to our Chancellor or the show's MC. (He was great by the way!). And he would give you the script or lines of the show. The interview would obviously be an overview of the job and all that. You would have to memorize the lines. After about a week or so you'd come back, read them on front of him and add a little "princess" to it. This process repeated for a few weeks or days if you were that good. Until you can do the show without the paper and he felt you were a Princess. During this time we'd be in the sand training or practicing so there is alot of pressure on her because we're down in the sand looking up at her just staring, and the serfs and Wenches would be setting up the tables. Which gave her that feeling of doing it in front of ppl. If you were new and training in any position, it was obvious. "Oh there's a new face" kinda thing. Many, and I say MANY girls audition for that role. I mean it's like ppl auditioning for America's Got Talent. One after another after another. I beleive at one point I counted about 20 girls walk in during our training to talk/audition to the MC in one day. But that's how it goes. Kinda helps if you have theater or acting background I'd say. Like I said in another reply, applying is the easy part. Getting called is too. It's getting the job and going through the training and holding on to it that's the hard part.
CapedBoy1 karma
Do you find yourself craving the turkey legs from MT all the time or just sometimes?
Keko24612 karma
Haha Idk where the Turkey Leg myth came about. To be honest none of us ever knew. It has never been turkey at all. Always been a rotisserie chicken. And yes!!! Honest to God it is and has been the best chicken I have ever tasted. The texture and taste, the times I've gone back to see my old co-workers i always savor my chicken!!!
KrillorbeKrilled1 karma
How hast thou begun thy quest? Art thou satisfied with thy life? (To ye who hath mastered olde english) Is mine way of speaking, as they say, on point?
Keko24613 karma
We actually just spoke regular English lol. Some added a bit of the medieval accent but that's about it. I couldn't do it lol I'd let out a "sup guys everyone having a great time? How's that chicken" lmao
KrillorbeKrilled1 karma
Awesome. So, in english (the modern kind) I asked "What caused you to start this? Was the job satisfying?" Sorry about the muss-up, btw.
Keko24612 karma
The typical driving around looking for a job. Happened to walk in one day when a employee came up and asked if I had reservations or if I was there to apply cuz I showed up mid show. Pretty late if I had reservations. I played it off not knowing what to say and told him yes I was there to apply. Filled out an App and got called 2-3 days later. The job was satisfying in many ways yes. It sure was an experience I'm glad to have in my resume of life lol.
KrillorbeKrilled1 karma
That's hilariously awesome. It's great to see an accident become something life-changingly positive.
Keko24611 karma
I went to a boxing event where some of my friends fought tonight. Went to cheer them on and got home not long ago. And it's Friday ;)
Keko24612 karma
At the moment I work in TV and filming. Do a bit of featured roles and small stuff like that.
iwas99x1 karma
If you were on America's got talent, what talent would you show off for the judges?
Keko24611 karma
This is a good question lol very unique. I don't have any hidden talents though :/ so I would give a shot at singing a song as best as I could haha
NoneJoe1 karma
Red and yellow was my knight. I think he was compelled to get up after 'death' because we were so supportive. "Red and yellow" doesn't roll of the tongue. Our section was the loudest for sure! Does that get you in trouble when you go off script?
Keko24613 karma
No it happened often. I mean there is a script to follow as far as the lines and speaking parts, and the fight choreography. That is pretty strict. But other then that, the acting and anything in between was pretty all on us. Unless you didn't change the choreography of the fight or the lines, everything else was part of you being a Knight. The times those two would chance in any way was due to the fact that either we forgot the line or we messed up in the choreography, which made us improvise and somehow "make up" for it and keeping it smooth and un-noticeable. But yea there was a handful of times when i added a little extra to a fight or a strike that was out of choreography and got chewed up if it was over the top. Otherwise it was just like "don't overdo it stay in the choreography". And that's because changing things up can hurt someone. I'm supposed to strike at a certain point, which means he's supposed to block there. If I strike higher or lower, he'll miss the block and I can hurt him. Makes sense? That's why. But as far as riding around or us playing the character, that was all us being unique and giving it our original touch. Whatever was not scripted or choreographed, we went with the flow and did our own thing. That's where the acting part comes in.
NoneJoe1 karma
I noticed the other dude "rolled with the punches". It was a bummer our knight did not return for the rest of the show. Red and Yellow versus everyone! It got to that point. You see the audience fight for their knight?
It's better than the Excalibur show in Vegas.
Keko24612 karma
Oh yea the audience go into it many times. It became a chanting battle! And they were loud!! Think of it like a European soccer league chant. "Yellow Knight", "Blue Knight", back N forth. Specially when the sections chanting were across from each other. People would stand up and literally scream at the top of their lungs. I loved those type of crowds. The fights are so evenly matched that every strike will get you on the edge of your seat. One moment I'm on the ground about to get chopped and smashed with the Mace, next second I flip up and swing my Mandoble smacking his Mace sending it flying across the arena! The fights were intense and the crowd really got into it. I have never been to Excalibur although some former Knights do work there now. Their show is a bit different from what I been told and seen on YouTube.
Keko24612 karma
Did he not return because he got injured? Like he didn't come back at all?? There's a ride out at the end of the show where it's like the final "goodbye thanks for coming" kinda thing. If a Knight doesn't come out for that, then something happened.
Keko24612 karma
Oh you mean he didn't come back out as part of the show. Weeeeeell maybe he did, you just didn't notice him ;) hehehe
Keko24612 karma
Standing ovations and cheers at the end of the show is what we take home and cherish. I loved when my crowd was happy to see me again on my final ride-out. Like if they missed me when I had died. And the little kids crying to me at Meet N Greet happy to see me because they thought I was really gone. Just ran up and hugged me. "I thought you were gone yellow Knight I thought you weren't coming back :'(" those are the little things that we thank you guys for. Your Knight must've felt badass knowing you guys loved his performance the show. And that he did a great job made your money's worth. Trust me it's a great feeling.
NoneJoe1 karma
Thanks for this AMA. If you come across Blue Knight, punch him right in the mouth!
Keko24613 karma
There was 4 Princesses each rotated shows. All of them were awesome outside of the castle! All were very nice and were the type that if you were stranded somewhere you can call them and they'd pick you up type. Great friends.
Keko24611 karma
It's usually the same meals with the exception that the dessert changed every show. Sometimes it was apple pie turnovers, other times I think a brownie or something like that. But the meal was the same. Tomatoe soup, a half rotisserie chicken, a baked potato and a BBQ Rib. That was them eat. And they do have a vegetarian meal which I read and was told was very good. I never saw it or tasted it but it's an option for those who prefer it. Drinks, they have coffee and pop. And your typical alcoholic beers.
survivalsnake1 karma
- Is there an understudy in case someone can't show up last minute?
- Did you have to grow out your hair for the role or was it always long at the time?
- Why did you quit/stop?
Keko24618 karma
1) we usually always have about 2 guys working backstage. If you're not IN the show meaning out on the sand, you're backstage working. Helping change the horses for the next scene, helping the Knights with their armor, pulling the curtain, taking a horse that's done to his stall and bringing down another one that is on the next scene, there is NO FREE DAY there. We all helped each other out. So yes if there's an injury or someone call in, there was always a backup of about 1-2 guys to fill in.
2) I did grow it out and I do miss it. I felt I rocked it pretty well :P
3) my stallion was killed in battle and a Knight is not a Knight without his sword or his horse. All kidding aside, the job takes a toll on you mentally and physically. Alot! Working 6-7 days, from like 9:30am to 11pm. You have no life. If we did get a day off its cuz a show cancelled for lack of ppl attending the show, or there just wasn't a show since we do have down season where we only work weekends sometimes, we would be in there on our days off for 8hrs practicing and training new guys and working the horses. It's not a career. It's one of those jobs where you go in, you do it for a few years and enjoy the hell out of it, and you get out all in one piece. It's not for everyone. It CAN be life ending and can cause serious damage. You're working with live pure bred stallions here. You take a bad fall and that's it. So that's what happened. I felt it was my time to go and get my real life back. My family. My friends. Myself.
iwas99x1 karma
Did you ever read the yelp and TripAdvisor comments at your MT times location? If so what did you think of them?
Keko24611 karma
I didn't. But any very bad or very good comments we got, went straight to our marketing manager at the time. Who would then tell us. I once had a Mystery Shopper in MY section. Idk what was up with me that day but I do remember I was just beat. I so wanted the show and the day to be over I wanted to go home. I wasn't a total zombie but I know I just wasn't as "into" my character as I usually am.. And we'll her job was to pinpoint that stuff. She noticed and wrote a review on the show and specially on me lol. Wasn't good. The Head Knight and Assistant Head Knight did have a word with me about that. I guess she emailed the manager to give her review. I had no excuse it was a long week and I was just exhausted and beat. She caught me on a perfectly bad day.
Keko24611 karma
What i/we did read often was the FB Medieval Times page comments. Each castle has a social page. Those were interesting to read as most were about us. And I'd find myself surfing youtube for any videos of me to see how I looked in my fights. Many of me are still out there.
rlbond861 karma
I assume a different color wins each day... Did they switch everyone's colors around and keep the choreography the same? Or did each actor get to win sometimes?
Keko24611 karma
They switched colors and fights. Storyline was the same. That they changed every 3-5yrs depending on how the crowd reacted to the storyline. The fights you did were based on what fights you know. Colors were just random.
n8pzo0 karma
Does the red knight rule and the blue knight suck the big one or is it the other way around?
Keko24611 karma
I beleive the one that sucks is the one that loses wouldn't that be more correct ;) haha
toeofcamell33 karma
After you do battle with the other knights and you win and kill the other knights what do they do with the bodies? What happens when it is your day to be killed? Do you die or is it all acting?
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