Highest Rated Comments

Nonposte-9 karma

Cool brah. Nice IAMA about the menial service industry.

Nonposte-10 karma

"it was honestly a military boot camp on sand on steroids"

Have you done any form of military training or are you talking out your ass. Because from your description even the easiest military training I have done is a world away (ie much more difficult) from what you describe.

Nonposte-22 karma

Haha no I won't apply to a fast food job, I am a grownup. I'm sure you'll reply once you've googled enough to fake a military resume.

Nonposte-22 karma

Would like to know what military training you have been through. Interesting you didn't mention it here or in your previous IAMA about the same menial service job. What exactly did you do, and post some proof, poser.