I'm here to talk about Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, the new video game based on the world I fashioned for 38 Studios. I'll answer questions about the world - as much as I can at this point.

I'll also be happy to talk about my other works, whether Dark Elf or DemonWars or Star Wars...

And a quick shout-out to http://www.reddit.com/r/RASalvatore/, a group here I only learned about a couple of weeks ago.

EDIT: Wow, blown away here by the response...

Thank you so much for your interest. I've got some scheduled press interviews to do, so I've got to say so long, but heck yeah, we'll do this again.

Quick plug: I'm on Facebook at R.A. Salvatore - I'm on there all the time.

Apologies to any I couldn't get to...just overwhelming.

Peace, Bob

Comments: 3287 • Responses: 62  • Date: 

WanderinAngler1508 karma

Thank you for Drizzt!!

RASalvatore946 karma

Thank you for thanking me!

QuickLightning253 karma

and Ivan and Pikel!

RASalvatore414 karma

Oo oi! for the doo-dad.

High0Alai177 karma

Also Gromph, Jarlaxle, Malice, Zak'Nafein, Belwar...

RASalvatore272 karma

So many enemies...so little time to kill them.

Craysh161 karma

I have mixed feelings about Drizzt. I enjoyed the character, but I would like to have a campaign with a PC Drow that doesn't seem like a complete rip off of the character ಠ_ಠ

RASalvatore436 karma

I ran a campaign where my party ran into Drizzt...except it wasn't Drizzt and he just used that to get their guard down. My next campaign started soon after...

To your point, when I hear these complaints, I feel bad and flattered all at the same time.

RASalvatore725 karma

Wow, blown away here by the response...

Thank you so much for your interest. I've got some scheduled press interviews to do, so I've got to say so long, but heck yeah, we'll do this again.

Quick plug: I'm on Facebook at R.A. Salvatore - I'm on there all the time.

Apologies to any I couldn't get to...just overwhelming.

Peace, Bob

mikkei642 karma

I don't really have a question about Reckoning (though it looks rad), but I just wanted to take a minute to tell you that I can't image what my life would be like without reading the Dark Elf & Icewind Dale trilogies (and every other Drizzt related story). It sounds silly to a lot of people, Drizzt helped inspire me to become a better person, overcome serious self-confidence issues, completely quit drinking and smoking (when I was 17), and realize that it was perfectly acceptable to go my own way and follow my heart, even if it meant going against what the rest of the world around me seemed to want. Drizzt also gave me hope that one day I'd find true love and reading about his adventures got me through a lot of hard times until I finally found my Catti-brie.

So, thank for Drizzt, Mr. Salvatore. I'll never be able to express my gratitude properly, but this is at least something.

RASalvatore544 karma

Well, thank you for telling me your tale. I do appreciate it - I'm always amazed at how books can find someone in a dark place and help them get through it.

Good travels!

thesundeity594 karma

sorry to ask an off topic question, but is it true a drizzt movie was in the works at some point?

RASalvatore941 karma

No. Not yet. But I think it will happen, and I think I'll still be around to work on it!

Fingers crossed - and make sure you tell Hasbro to get it done.

Amezis87 karma

Alternatively he could verify on his Facebook page, where he seems to be more active: https://www.facebook.com/pages/RA-Salvatore/54142479810 (last twitter post was in October, last post on Facebook was an hour ago).

RASalvatore158 karma

Yeah, these are mine - I "tweet" usually when I'm on book tour (hence, last October) and go to Facebook every day. I resisted setting up the page - my wife did it anyway, and it's been absolutely great.

Woody_Harrelson23363 karma

Are you excited for Rampart?

RASalvatore1054 karma

I don't have time to answer that.

wraithlord3336 karma


I'm going to ignore your fantasy for a moment and focus on another issue, the death of chewbacca. I'm curious how it felt to write that story, really that capstone on such a loved character in Star Wars.

  • Did you know going into the project that you were going to kill of Chewie?
  • Did you decide to kill off chewie or was it something you were directed to do?
  • Have you personally experienced any consequences, whether just feeling bad, or worse, threats or anger from fans over the book?

I read Vector Prime and then when I got to the end, I quit reading Star Wars novels. I've since learned that the whole New Jedi Order series was supposedly quite good, and whatever they are on now is good too. I know it's irrational to think of a character as sacrosanct or untouchable, but after the death of Chewie, I was just done. Haven't read a Star Wars novel since.

Thanks for the AMA!

RASalvatore586 karma

Oh no, the Chewie question! Fair enough.

I came on board the New Jedi Order project at the very last minute. I was working on DemonWars for DelRey at the time and they had won the licensing deal from Lucas. They asked me to do the first book, and it was an honor. So I gathered all the information of the meta-story - point A-to-B in a series going to Z, and cobbled together a detailed outline.

I was in a conference call with DelRey and Lucasfilm when the editors expressed that they loved the outline. (paraphrasing here) "This is exactly what we want, but didn't anyone tell you? You have to kill Chewey."

I won't type the next two words that came out of my mouth. After a couple of days of arguments and, well, terror, they had convinced me that they were doing it for the right reasons, and well, George was down with it, and it's his galaxy far, far away, so I did it.

The responses have been mixed, with some people loving the new direction, other people devastated. I think it might be the only thing I've ever regretted; I don't think I'd go back and do that one again.

ObesesPieces106 karma

I threw the book across the lunch room when I was in 6th grade right as I finished it. I have never had such a strong emotional reaction to a book.

If literature can't induce emotional responses from the reader, then it isn't being done right.

RASalvatore296 karma

Hope you hit a bully with it. Shame to waste a good throw.

AdonisBucklar100 karma

As a follow-up to the Chewbacca situation - there were rumors that you had received death threats as a result of having killed him off. Is that true?

RASalvatore228 karma

Yeah, it got pretty freaky for a while there. I'm sure that almost all, if not all, were just the, "I'll punch your lights out!" stuff, but a couple were pretty creepy.

wraithlord388 karma

Thanks so much for the response. In many ways, ignoring the impending invasion, Vector Prime was the perfect novel to really end my Star Wars reading. I'll always love Star Wars, but with the death of Chewie, I felt that the series had run its course.

Part of me will always regret reading that book, however. Thanks so much for your response, it's an honor!

RASalvatore173 karma

Very fair of you. Sincerely.

Are you going to watch the movies in 3-d?

See? It'll never end!

sawser285 karma

I very rarely care about people posting IAMA's, but thank you so much for your work. I grew up reading your novels and you are one of the reasons I enjoy reading so much. I still have many of your works, and my children will read them when they are old enough.


RASalvatore423 karma

Thank you for that. My book signings look like Fleetwood Mac concerts now, with a grandfather, his son, and his granddaughter all reading the books. It gives me a warm feeling, honestly.

IAmAMightyRedditor275 karma

Does it ever strike you that you're a major inspiration to younger readers such as myself? I personally, could and have, spent days lost within your novels. I just wanted to say thanks for helping to expand the minds of everyone who enjoys your beautiful works.

EDIT: Idiot mistake of the grammatical kind

RASalvatore360 karma

It always amazes me to hear from any readers. I'm having fun, having adventures in my imagination, and the effect these storie are having on others is mind-blowing.

It is quite a privilege to be allowed into someone's life, just a little bit, through your work. Humbling and satisfying all at once.

dream_seller200 karma

YOU ARE AWESOME. okay now thats outa the way. 1. how were you inspired to write the drizzt series? 2. did you feel any connection to the characters? 3. were any of the characters named or characterized after real life friends/people? 4. did you ever play the baulders gate series? 5. what is your next new work?

RASalvatore512 karma

Well, i had played D&D for many years, so when I got the chance to audition for the 2nd Forgotten Realms books, I leaped in.

I feel tremendous connections to all of the characters, I really do. I get to know them as we travel the road of adventure together. I had no idea of who this rogue dark elf might be when I started the first book, "The Crystal Shard," but only a couple of pages in, I knew that he would be the focus (poor Wulfgar).

I might take bits and pieces form people i know, but generally, these characters have their own distinct personalities to me. And yes, I played Baldur's Gate, ran into Drizzt and was shocked, and when he wouldn't give me the cool items I knew he had, I tried to kill him. He wiped out my party...freaking munchkin!

Next work is TODAY! Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Next Drizzt book is "Charon's Claw," coming in August, then "The Stone of Tymora Trilogy," coming in October.

ffreak3145 karma


If you do kill drizzt and take his weapons, then import your save to the sequel, Baldur's Gate 2, he recognizes you and is, uh, fairly hostile :p

RASalvatore206 karma

Hehe, I win. I hope he has Entreri with him...

Fookimoose78 karma

Just the title of the next book has me excited. It had been a while since one of your novels had hit me like Gauntlgrym. I'm a grown man and parts had me tearing up.

RASalvatore118 karma

Me, too.

bulletbillx60 karma

You've played D&D for many years and played Baldur's Gate, but do you play Computer RPGs nowadays?

Also what all video game RPGs and pencil and paper RPGs have you played?

And do these RPGs influence your work?

RASalvatore207 karma

I played the first Dragon Age - and a bit of Skyrim, but I'm mostly an MMO guy lately. been pushing through SW:TOR.

Pen and paper? AD&D,,,1st Edition.

igormorais188 karma

I can't believe this! I've been reading your novels since I was 12, I'm 27 now. Huge HUGE fan of your work here in my teenage years. I won Bastion of Darkness in a raffle and loved it, then got into your Forgotten Realms work and , like most others, became a huge fan. It brought real magic into my adolescence, thank you very much!

Since I might never get a chance to say this ever again I might as well go through a tiny list:

  • Loved Entreri / Jarlaxle.
  • Drizzt as a "chosen" of Lolth... genius. Made me go "oh hell no" then immediately "oh hell yes". Very well throught out/ written plot development!

Questions you might get every day but well, when will I get a chance to ask them again? Forgive me in advance, but:

  • Jarlaxle / Zak novel. Any hope?
  • Plans for the post-"leap ahead" novels? Any concrete ideas?

As for Amalur:

  • How deep do you intend to explore and novelize this world?

And finally:

  • With LOTR such a success, Game of Thrones a major HBO hit and The Hobbit coming up, how are we on an RA Salvatore penned screenplay?

Big fan here, you're the best. I didn't know about this new game you helped develop, but since it's you, and since you took the time to come here and introduce it to us, I'll take the time to buy it.


RASalvatore159 karma

Drizzt as a Chosen of Lolth? You ain't seen nothing yet...

Jar/Zak, yes, there is hope, as soon as the Realms settle down.

And the plans for the next few books are cementing as I type this. Really looking forward to where this is heading, but can't say more.

Not sure on where we'll go yet with Amalur fiction, and not sure on a movie, but there is interest, certainly.

thatbox185 karma

Your output is so great that I have to imagine you have process for certain types of fantasy novels. What is it?

RASalvatore514 karma

Keep in mind that most of my books are in a series, so I don't have to introduce myself to the main characters with each new work. I think of the next Drizzt novel more like I'm writing a season for a television series, in many ways.

My process is simple: I have an outline, I start writing, I throw away the outline and the characters take me on an adventure.

thatbox138 karma

That's cool that you can still let your characters lead the way. I'm very happy to read that you aren't jaded and phoning things in, even though you could probably get away with it. Thanks for the response!

RASalvatore373 karma

My name is on it, thus I take pride in it.

If someone will hate my work, so be it, but at least i'll know I did the best I could. really, is there anything else that matters?

And yeah, I love what I do, and have loved it for 25 years now.

Rekesh48 karma

I have an outline, I start writing, I throw away the outline and the characters take me on an adventure.

Hearing this (as an aspiring writer) is extremely gratifying! I always try to start off with an outline but the story ends up taking on a life of its own and running off in unexpected directions.

I have to say I love the characters in your books. They all become very much alive and I invariably become invested in them. Keep up the great work!!

RASalvatore105 karma

You're doing something right if the story is pulling you instead of listening to you.

Fochmarc178 karma

Can you give us some details on how you used previous character and world-building experience in Kingdoms of Amalur?

RASalvatore341 karma

Sure. Whenever I'm building a world, I relate the cultures/religions/power structures/governments, etc. to things we've seen in our own world. There is a reason that history rhymes, as Twain said.

So I lay down the boundaries, the guideposts, the system of logic that guides the illogical (magic and gods), and then look within those boundaries through a tilted prism.

I'm not trying to recreate the wheel from scratch - doing so (which many people claim to want) never works (see the "derivative" rant below), but trying to find new and interesting combinations, and then push some of the tropes and details out of the bos in one way or another.

[deleted]149 karma

What is your opinion on KoA: Reckoning being shipped without a physical manual?

Edit: Since this question got a downvote I suppose I should be a little more specific. I ask because, as an author, you surely have had a personal relationship with physical media, be it books or whatever. The lack of a manual in Reckoning is a bold step in a direction that many aren't sure we should be headed.

RASalvatore133 karma

This is the first I've heard of that, and honestly, I don't know the conventions in the industry - is this the norm?

[deleted]83 karma

In the early 90s games were shipped with full color manuals. Some even had full size maps, and mini strategy guides. Over the years manuals have become shorter, many are in black and white, and some are barely five pages long.

EA has been saying that they would like to switch to disc-manuals for about a year now. Reckoning may be the first game to do so, but I am not 100% on that.

RASalvatore107 karma

Interesting. i have no idea of why they switched things up, honestly.

funwok50 karma

It used to be norm epsecially for RPGs and adventure games to have large manuals with a lot of thought and lore behind it. Little extras like maps or background stories for characters or factions.

When I was a kid, I actually spend a lot of time rereading manuals with a good background story. I fondly remember Wing Commander: The Prophecy, while not a RPG, it had an extra booklet for the history of the universe and a really big map of all the systems.

Nowadays most games only get one sheet to show how the controls work and nothing more.

RASalvatore77 karma

There will be tons of lore on the world of Amalur. It is huge, with a million tales to tell. I'm not sure of how, or when, it will start seeping out there.

I do know that there is a lot of information on-line about the world at the 38 Studios and Reckoning websites. Much of what you're talking about. Check it out.

mustardsteve114 karma

this is an amazing opportunity that i'm going to waste because i'm not creative enough to think of questions

RASalvatore206 karma

I wish I had an answer, but I'm not creative enough to reply...

TwistedBrother107 karma

How did you come up with the two-handed coin catching? After reading Homeland(?), I did that for hours!

Also, how much input did you have into the aesthetic / look of Drizzt on the front covers? Were you happy with the way the dark elves look?

Thanks so much for everything, btw.

RASalvatore123 karma

I used to do it all the time as a kid. Quick hands = not eating line drives!

And no, I had no input on the covers, some I loved, some not so much.

you_sick_ducks107 karma

my current skyrim character is named drizzt, thank you for everything you've done!

RASalvatore465 karma

I can't tell you how many variations of my characters I've run into over the years in Warcraft and Everquest. It's way cool, believe me.

I was in a PUG with my character "Bruenorr" and "Innovindil" was the group leader. She pm'd me: "Salvatore for the win!" I was tickled, so after a while of back and forth, I told her who I was. She started quizzing me, and when I told her that no, I hadn't been on this particular MUD she was naming (I've never played a MUD since ZORK), she accused me of being a fraud and had me booted from the group!

Go figure.

MisterMeatball64 karma

I remember, back in the day, I heard you played EQ. Rumor had it you proved to a GM you were indeed yourself and got your character named Drizzt. It took every geeky fiber of my being not to reroll and nerd stalk you on my Woodelf Ranger. In my defense, I played a Woodelf Ranger, we weren't of much other use.

RASalvatore390 karma

No, but here's the best EQ story...and it's 100 true:

I started a dwarf named Thibbledorf and a few days later ran out of Kaladim to find "Bruenor" (some slight variation) right out front. The poor guy was trying to level, but every time he started a fight, I rushed in, yelled out, "Me King!" and KS'd him (I was a couple of levels higher than him, so it wasn't hard).

The guy kept telling me to bug off, so I feigned sadness, but kept charging in to save him. I chased him all the way to GFay before the GM finally answered his ticket. The GM knew me (and saw my account name). Hilarious. He made the guy milk and cookies and I gave him some silver for his troubles, then humbly walked away.

Mohander47 karma

That's whatcha get for being a God among geeks (Loved your work ever since i was young, also yay for Leominster! Both our home towns)

RASalvatore60 karma

I'll second that "Yay!"

NorthAve102 karma

What is your favorite fantasy series (that isn't your own) and why?

RASalvatore254 karma

Oh, too many!

Tolkien's work, of course!

Fritz Leiber "(Hero whose name I can never spell right) and Grey Mouser" - really loved those.

Terry Brooks, particularly "Running with the Demon."

Steven Donaldson's Thomas Covenant books were simply brilliant. See, now I'd have to keep going forever and ever. Many of my fellow Realms writers, like Troy Denning nad Ed Greenwood, many Dragonlance writers, like Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, and of course Robert Jordan (he left us too soon!) and David Gemmell (he left us WAY too soon!)...

And is there anyone in the world who creates more compelling dialogue than Geroge RR Martin?

Too many books, too little time! And when I'm writing, I really can't be reading, as it interferes! Oh, teh horror!

beaster111146 karma

With the wheel of time series how do you feel about the job Brandon Sanderson is doing with finishing them?

and are you as excited/sad as I am in waiting for the last book?

Also the authors you named along with yourself is pretty much my bookshelf.

RASalvatore98 karma

I haven't read the new books - I typically only read the first couple in any series now, because I'm so busy. I'm familiar with some of Brandon's work, though, and when it was announced that he would do the series, I called Tom Doherty (the publisher) and told him that was a great choice.

I've heard nothing but good things about Brandon's work in Wheel of Time, too, and good, because James (Robert Jordan) deserved no less.

Ice_Truck_Killa99 karma

Your books changed my life. My best friend and I used to read your books all the time growing up. He was the only african-american student at our school and we used to pretend that he was drizzt and i was wulfgar. You made our afternoons so much more fun and helped me to become friends with the man who is still my best friend today. I cannot thank you enough for the joy that you gave us.

RASalvatore115 karma

That is so very, very, very cool.

Give Drizzt my best!

mydoghasocd99 karma

I'm under the impression that most/all fantasy authors start out writing crappy books. This is important to me, as I currently suck and hope that someday I will be good. How many crappy books did you write before you got your chops down, and wrote something that other people liked enough to publish?

RASalvatore196 karma

Haha, awesome and blunt. I guess it depends who you ask. Some will tell you I'm still writing the crappy ones!

Seriously, there are times I go back and re-read an early book and issue some groans, but here's the thing: while you might mechanically or stylistically improve as you go along, the energy of those early books is unmatched. So it's a trade off, like early U2 vs. "The Joshua Tree." both great, but...maybe for different reasons.

idontremembermyuname92 karma

Thank you for creating Drizzt and Cadderly.

What would it take to bring your entire collection to a digital reader such as an iPad or to Google Books? I'm guessing I'd have to take it up with your publisher? (Any contact info that I could use in order to talk to the right person?)

RASalvatore113 karma

They're all getting there...there were many contract issues to be worked out between publishers and the e-book retailers, and since Wizards of the Coast is part of Hasbro, and publishes unconventionally through Random House, they had a lot of t's to cross and i's to dot.

redditkilledmygpa91 karma

You're character and books about Drizzt have changed my life. For that I must thank you very much. How hard was it to start writing about the him moving on to "the next phase" of his life after the icewind dale friends.

RASalvatore146 karma

It hurt like heck, really. I know it's weird, but these characters are like family to me. When WotC advanced the world 100 years, it was like a dagger in my heart.

alkanshel54 karma

As a prominent Forgotten Realms author, did you have any say in the shape of the world (e.g. Mithral Hall and the surrounding area still being relatively peaceful, the state of the Kingdom of Many Arrows, etc)? Did they just make the call as to what each part of the world looked like, or did they look to key authors that defined the regions previously for input?

RASalvatore105 karma

A bit, concerning those parts I created - Ten Towns, Menzoberranzan, Mithral Hall, Many-Arrows (the new one).

But it's not my world and I accept my place, and hey, I can always find an unexplored region in which to hide if I don't like some things, right?

Ehlron87 karma

Artemis Entreri Is quite possibly one of my favorite characters in any book that I have ever read, Is he based of of anyone you actually know? or just something you came up with to be Drizzt's rival?

RASalvatore129 karma

Now how would I know someone like that and live to write about him?

Actually, i see him as the mirror image of Drizzt, of who Drizzt might have become had he stayed in Menzoberranzan.

[deleted]86 karma

Was there any one work in particular that gave a lot of inspiration to the game?

RASalvatore150 karma

There was...well, for the world more than the game: Jacob Bronowski's BBC television series, "The Ascent of Man" (circa 1973), which traces human history through inventions and discoveries rather than through the various wars.

THe other would be Time-Life's series, "The Enchanted World," which is one of my favorite reference series.

Cammorak21 karma

I grew up with The Enchanted World (they are still on the bookshelf in my room). It makes me happy to know that other people (especially someone famous!) appreciate them as much as much as I do.

RASalvatore32 karma

Aren't they wonderful?

KorranHalcyon85 karma

when i was 30 years old (i'm 37 now) i cried like an 8 year old girl when Bruenor seemingly died on that dragon's back.

RASalvatore130 karma

Silly dwarf.

freeseasy71 karma

Just wanted to let you know that my previous cat, Guenhwyvar was the most badass pet I ever had. He truly lived up to his name. Also, thanks for stealing my attention away from boring old Mrs. Bennet in 12th grade English.

RASalvatore160 karma

Ah, my personal Guen lived to the ripe-old age of 18. Wonderful friend, that one.

My oldest son used to have the top bunk in the room he shared with his brother, and Guen would often meet him at the top of the ladder...and not let him up.

ElderScrolls70 karma

You, sir, are the goddamn shit. Whenever I go to the library and do not know what to read, I just see what new books you've got out. Thank you for countless hours of joy.

RASalvatore142 karma

I think that is the first time I've ever thanked someone for calling me that.

celadez68 karma

What is your favorite Drizzt book you have written? Also, is he your favorite character in the series or is there another? Personally, Jarlaxle is one of my favorites.

RASalvatore153 karma

I have to go back to "Homeland." There was something wonderful about creating Menzoberranzan. I really got to push the envelope with that one. And right now, with the things that have just happened and the BIG things I know are about to happen, I'm having as much fun as I've ever had with the character.

And yeah, Jarlaxle, my walking deus ex machina, is cool.

Captain_Redbeard61 karma

Your books are the only ones I've been able to read in this genre. Your stories are incredibly interesting. How did you approach your writing process to create such rich, multi-faceted storyline and characters?

RASalvatore108 karma

I just let the characters tell me their stories. Many times, I don't even know what will be on the next page, so I have to keep typing to figure it out. I write the books the way other people read the books, which makes it fun.

phillyeagles54049 karma

What was it like working with Curt Schilling and Ian Frazier to create KOA? Any plans for more video games developments?

RASalvatore70 karma

Curt's a blast - he's such a hardcore gamer, it's unbelievable. Plus, he never sleeps.

Early on (2006-2007), he'd call me at 2:30 in the morning with a "great idea," to which I'd reply, "Dude, you guys are playing the Angels...you're in California! I'm sleeping!"

He never, ever stops.

I haven't worked with Ian that much, honestly - BHG got our timeline, came up with the story for Reckoning and set it in our history, and then I met mostly with the narrative team and Ken Rolston so we could make it all fit, and so that we could grow from their work and they could grow from ours. I've really enjoyed hanging with Ian at conventions and down in Baltimore, though, and I know he's a superstar among the BHG gang.

efischerSC244 karma

I got picked on in middle/high school, because I always had my nose in one of your various Dark Elf books. Damn you and you're excellent writing that I couldn't put down!

Question: In what order do you suggest people read the Drizzt series? I once got into a heated debate over when The Dark Elf trilogy should ideally be read at my local hobby shop during Friday Night Magic.

(damn was I nerdy!)

RASalvatore64 karma

I just say, "Start with "Homeland" now, because it's easier with the re-release and numbered books.

[deleted]43 karma

What are you favorite fantasy characters to write about...elves, dwarves, orcs, etc?

As a librarian I see your books all over our shelves (recently I even fullfilled a patron's request for 'more Salvatore' books) and someone recommended that Dark Elf Trilogy to me. It's on my 'to read' list.

RASalvatore84 karma

Dark elves, of course. They're so deliciously twisted, I often find myself pausing to wonder what the character really meant when she said that line - like there really was this web of intrigue buried beneath the surface.

GaxMunks38 karma

Just wanted to say that my husband and I are big fans of yours. I actually met you at the GameStop Conference back in September, and remember you being a totally cool, down to earth guy.

Looking forward to Amalur!

RASalvatore81 karma

Ha! I fooled you! j/k

Seriously, I'm just having fun...so much fun.

magickmarker37 karma

Some friends and I often speculate about who would win in theoretical fantasy battles and Drizzt comes up as a contender very often. In your opinion...who would win in a fight, Drizzt vs. Darth Maul...provided Drizzt was also equipped with light sabers.

RASalvatore118 karma

Who's writing it? Me?

See ya, Darth.

TodFilth34 karma

When Wizards of the Coast came to you with the idea for the Spellplague and the transformation to Forgotten Realms, how did you react? Was it a bigger change to have to deal with than the Time of Troubles? Is there anything you would have preferred to do instead of advancing the timeline 100 years and working in the new changes?

RASalvatore50 karma

It certainly was much bigger, with a much bigger impact to my work, than ToT.

How did I react? They gave me my say and I took the opportunity to say a lot. Some they listened to, other parts, not so much. But those were closed-door meetings, so I'll say no more.

Graywolves32 karma

Why and how did you become a writer?

RASalvatore82 karma

I fell into it. I ran out of fantasy books to read, so I wrote my own. Truly.

starsend32 karma

I'm loving Reckoning, after being kinda meh about the demo! Any plans for sequels? I'd totally read books in this universe .. any plans for novels? Thanks!

RASalvatore49 karma

Only time will tell how well Amalur blossoms as a new world. We have plans for lots of things, but the players/readers/fans will determine our path, I expect.

Making video games is a HUGE investment in a lot of ways.

fixbane31 karma

Drizzt and co. got me back into fantasy, and reading in general, around 7 years ago. Thank you so much for reintroducing me to this amazing genre.

A few questions (unrelated to Amalur, but i'll try to think of something). Some of these have probably already been asked.

  1. Who are your favorite genre authors?

  2. What inspired you to write Drizzt?

  3. How much of each of your stories is mandated by the publisher?

  4. What's your next project outside of Forgotten Realms?

  5. How are working conditions at FR? Are the deadlines for yearly books from WotC, or just your own work ethic?

  6. I don't know anything about Amalur, can you give me a rundown/convince me to buy it?

Thanks! Love your work!

RASalvatore57 karma

  1. Tolkien, Lieber, Brooks
  2. I made him off the top of my head...fell in love on page 2.
  3. Next to nothing, honestly. Other than to stay in the boundaries of the Realms.
  4. MMO for Amalur!
  5. I love WotC. Deadlines are by mutual agreement.
  6. My signature is all over it, if that means anything.

tooschoolforfool30 karma

What are your views on the series A Song of Ice and Fire?

RASalvatore81 karma

I wish they hadn't focused so much on the rather nasty sex, but dang, those characters of Martin's just knock your teeth out, don't they?

On a personal note, I love seeing a fantasy author make the leap to mainstream with such quality work, and George is a fabulous and entertaining guy, too, in addition to being an amazing author.

[deleted]23 karma

Will people and dragons ever get along?

RASalvatore14 karma

Read Barbara Hambly - good stuff. Otherwise, I hope not.

anabolic21 karma

Are there any plans for a movie or a video game about the dark elf trilogy? It has the potential for so much awesome...

RASalvatore20 karma

No plans, but we keep talking!

OuFilmGuy8917 karma

Excuse my insolent question great sir, but your work has come highly suggested to me. What book would be a good start for a first time reader? I love all genres.

RASalvatore21 karma

"The Highwayman" or "Homeland," I'd say.

[deleted]16 karma


RASalvatore20 karma

I created the world, and hammered the narrative team early on as a 10,000-foot editor. We have a policy at 38 Studios: we hire talented people and let them be wonderful, so I made sure not to tell other people, even the writers, how they had to do it.

In the end, I created the skeleton of Amalur, but this world and these games are truly a team effort, down tot he last writer, designer, engineer, artist, etc. So my role, and Todd's for that matter, was to mentor people without stifling them.

I'm sure I'll get more blame for things than I deserve, but more than that, I'll get more CREDIT for things than I deserve. Team effort, to every rock and path and quest and boss fight.

mikhailse7en15 karma

Have there been any talks about Drizzt making another appearance in the gaming world? I loved his cameos in the Baldur's Gate series, especially playing as him in Dark Alliance, and I'd love to see him again!

RASalvatore20 karma

Nothing as of right now, but I would expect it sometime in the not-so-distant future.