Highest Rated Comments

fixbane31 karma

Drizzt and co. got me back into fantasy, and reading in general, around 7 years ago. Thank you so much for reintroducing me to this amazing genre.

A few questions (unrelated to Amalur, but i'll try to think of something). Some of these have probably already been asked.

  1. Who are your favorite genre authors?

  2. What inspired you to write Drizzt?

  3. How much of each of your stories is mandated by the publisher?

  4. What's your next project outside of Forgotten Realms?

  5. How are working conditions at FR? Are the deadlines for yearly books from WotC, or just your own work ethic?

  6. I don't know anything about Amalur, can you give me a rundown/convince me to buy it?

Thanks! Love your work!

fixbane4 karma

What's your favorite comic you have worked on in the past?

What's your favorite comic you're currently working on?

Why are you the bestest?

fixbane3 karma

What do you think of Greg Pak's and Jason Aaron's Hulk runs? How do they compare/relate to what you went into with your Hulk run?