Hey Reddit! It’s Denis Leary and I have a new book “Why We Don’t Suck”. Ask Me Anything!
Hey, Denis Leary here. Do what you do best and ask me anything!
My new book is out now “Why We Don't Suck: And How All of Us Need to Stop Being Such Partisan Little Bitches” (https://www.amazon.com/Why-We-Dont-Suck-Partisan/dp/1524762733).
If I miss any of your questions, come ask me live on my book tour: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/authors/17027/denis-leary#events
Proof: https://twitter.com/denisleary/status/923629846017859584
Savantrovert89 karma
Are you consciously trying to make a shittier AMA than Woody Harrelson or is it just happening naturally?
KakarotMaag34 karma
Well, this is going to be one of those AMAs!
Did nobody tell you what AMAs were about?
Illiterate_BookClub31 karma
what would you do to your kid if he took your babe ruth signed baseball and belted it into the beast's yard?
SwampDenizen28 karma
Your speech in Demolition Man: How much of it was the script, and how much was you?
nowshowjj21 karma
No Cure for Cancer blew my fragile little mind as a kid. Thanks for that. So I have to ask, you once sang:
"Life's gonna suck when you grow up.
It sucks pretty bad right now."
In your opinion, does life still suck or have things gotten better?
Sheeshomatic15 karma
Hey Denis! Just wanted to let you know that I practically wore out 'No cure for cancer' back in the day. It was one of the first comedy albums that got me into seeing stand up. It recently came to Netflix and I had never actually seen you perform it. Man, the feels. Still kills today. Are you still doing stand up?
TheDenisLeary19 karma
Two concerts a year, one in boston called Comics Come Home - November 18th this year at TD Garden. Also, Michael J Fox Gala on Nov. 11th this year in New York.
cynikalAhole9914 karma
I am trying and failing in quitting smoking right now - any suggestions or advice so I don't go postal on others or slip up?
Mstrchapl10 karma
My wife and I have an ongoing dispute -- she think there is bad blood / ill will between you and Jon Stewart, and I think it's just the rapport you two have. Who's right?
TheDenisLeary33 karma
Our rapport is build on bad blood, grudges and the inability to stop hanging around with each other.
cey249 karma
Hey Denis! Huge fan of Ice age. Would love to see another. Any talks about making a new one?
weallhaveourthing9 karma
Do The Job, Rescue Me, Sex and Drugs and Rock N Roll, and Sirens all take place in the same universe?
TheDenisLeary21 karma
no. totally separate universes. only common thread is lenny clarke...and me.
NZCUTR8 karma
I'm pretty convinced that we won't progress as a nation until we stop clinging to the two-party system where there's always an "us" versus "them".
Do you see a path to NOT SUCKING that doesn't involve a 3rd/4th/5th party to shake up the establishment?
cpt_jt_esteban8 karma
I was a huge fan of your show The Job. I thought it was a strong show and very well done. What do you think led to the demise of that show, given that the similar Rescue Me did so well just a few years later? Was TV not ready for that type of anti-hero show yet? Was it ABC?
TheDenisLeary11 karma
At that time there were only two one camera shows on at that time. ABC did not have faith in the show, FOX didn't have faith in arrested development. Both got cancelled. we just decided not to bring the job back.
cynikalAhole998 karma
You and Jim Jefferies should get together and have a few beers - are you doing any new comedy tours coming up?
mxlplic48 karma
Denis is there anything like "The Ref" in your future? Love that movie I think it was perfect casting....
exstaticj7 karma
Hey Dennis, my girlfriend told me if you respond to my post she will give me a B.J. Help a guy out?
Nattylight_Murica7 karma
I know you’ve laid off the cigarettes, booze and drugs, but does their cousin coffee still come around?
Cmd1214866 karma
Hi Denis, writing from Worcester. Wondering if you still visit the area and what do you think of the renaissance going on downtown?
DarthLordi6 karma
I loved No Cure for Cancer when it came out and watched it again recently on Netflix, and still knew most of the words.
However your asshole persona really seems to be off the time and wouldn't wash today, similar to Eddie Murphy's AIDS jokes in RAW. Do you regret making any of the jokes and are there any jokes from that routine you wouldn't make today?
Black_Delphinium3 karma
How do you feel about the statement "The Ref is basically 'Shut the Fuck Up by Dr. Denis Leary' from No Cure for Cancer"?
binzin2 karma
You are the best on Stern!! And clearly a huge fan - I listened to your most recent appearance with a stupid, shit- eating grin on my face the entire time, laughing out loud periodically. I'm sure you are a bit too famous/ busy, but would you ever consider sitting in the Jackie/Artie chair if it was offered to you? Even if it was just for a day or two?
alematt2 karma
Hey Denis, looooooong time fan of your stand up, TV shows etc.
1) I wanted to know what are our thoughts on the current status of coffee and coffee flavoured coffee?
2) Will we ever see another stand up special?
3) I'm Canadian, will I take anything away from your new book? (Loved the last one by the way)
Finally, thanks for doing this.
TheDenisLeary3 karma
of course you'll get something out of it, there are some great hockey jokes in it.
mxlplic42 karma
Biggest downside to fame Denis? Other than wanna be comic's always laying bad jokes on you...
TheDenisLeary10 karma
Just wanted to make everyone start laughing again after all the shit everyone is taking so seriously.
nhath11 karma
What future shows do you think you’d want to be part of? Big fan of Sex and drugs and rock and roll and also rescue me. Also do you find that comedy is being toned down to appease the PC people of the world? You and Carlin are the only comedians I watch that I actually agree with on most issues.
TheDenisLeary2 karma
I would love to do a sitcom called Denis and Jon - just me and Jon Stewart sitting in a apartment together. For 7 seasons.
It is not being toned down in my book. I spend a lot of time talking about this.
numbers4letters1 karma
When are you going to write your book "Shut the fuck up! By Dr. Dennis Leary"?
CigaretteCigarCigar1 karma
The Thomas Crown Affair was a favorite of mine, and I thought you were great in it. What's Renee Russo really like?
Fistandantalus1 karma
Denis...was Demolition Man as fun to be in as it appeared to be?
If you had a chance to work with any director (living or dead, or undead), who would it be, and why? Which leads to the next question, of what genre of movie would you like it to be?
TheDenisLeary4 karma
No but I'm dying to be a bad guy in a James Bond film with Daniel Craig.
VelvetDelby0 karma
Denis, thank you for doing this AMA. Huge fan since No Cure for Cancer. I've always wanted to ask if you really had to remove the Bonanza theme in the later tape release because of song rights?
I couldn't never tell if it was glitch or covered up. Your entire body of work since then is just amazing. Glad you never took the early sitcom offers to be the angry neighbor or some shit. Keep up the good work. Fucking ignore the Hicks haters. Like no one's ever picked up something before.
eastriverdriveII-1 karma
So many great comics come out of the Boston area, why do people seem to forget the city? It's one of my favorite places.
MyAssholeAltAccount143 karma
Whose material did you enjoy stealing the most?
Also I don't think you're an asshole, you're a cunt.
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