November is Lung Cancer Awareness month. I am a happily married British mum who was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in October 2014 and given a few months to live. Since then I have been on a remarkable journey of healing and discovery in which I have learnt to trace the emotional roots of my cancer as well as the physical and environmental ones. I have also written a book called The Cancer Whisperer about how to deal with the denial, fear, anger and grief that most cancer patients experience when diagnosed. So I am inviting you to ask me questions about how we can identify underlying causes (without judgment or blame) and deal with the emotional challenges of this disease.

Cancer is caused by multiple contributory factors, all of which need our attention. And dealing with it doesn’t have to be the “battle” it is so often reported to be. Richard Nixon declare the “war on cancer” for political capital (and look how he and that turned out). The metaphor stuck. Cancer is not an enemy. It is an illness. And like all illnesses it points to what is out of kilter in our minds, hearts, bodies and spirits. As nearly one in two people are being diagnosed, and lung cancer is on the rise, I wish we could understand this better.

I still have cancer by the way. But cancer does not have me.


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Comments: 643 • Responses: 61  • Date: 

LicenceToBill1520 karma

What are you talking about when you mention the "emotional causes" of your cancer? You do not go into any detail about this. From quickly scanning your twitter account I also saw you mention something about "natural healing" and one of your comments in this thread states that "In Chinese Medicine grief is held in the lungs".

The initial reaction I have to these things is that it sounds like you may be spreading dangerous misinformation about cancer treatment to a huge audience. This worries me. Could you go into some detail about what you mean and what evidence you have to support your beliefs regarding these things?

Sophie_Sabbage589 karma

Thanks for this question. I am not a health practitioner. I do share my choices with people if they ask. I also do conventional medicine, including radiotherapy and a chemo drug, which have both saved my life. I just think this can be complemented by things like diet, acupuncture and treatments that boost immunity. One of my natural practitioners said, "You have terrorists (tumors) in your house. The chemo and radio are the SAS, here to take 'em out. The rest of us are taking care of the land, the building and the innocent civilians." I loved that.

As for emotional roots, this is a personal perspective, but is also supported by psychologists and some medical paradigms. For example, according to Chinese Medicine, grief is held in the lungs. I have lung cancer and have unlocked huge amounts of grief since being diagnosed. I have found this deeply emotionally healing and, perhaps, physically healing, but I don't want to press that point. We are integrated systems. Our bodies and emotions connect with each other. My background is in psychology and mindset change, so this is my area of interest and expertise. But it is not everyone's cup of tea for sure.

Empath1999101 karma

We are integrated systems. Our bodies and emotions connect with each other.

You're actually quite correct on that one, that's actually a lesson most epileptics learn because we find that stress and mindstates tend to be one of our triggering factors for our seizure.

Sophie_Sabbage4 karma

Thank you for backing this up.

fuzzyduckies14 karma

Thank you for sharing your positivity and your experiences. I wish more people understood where you were coming from.

Sophie_Sabbage5 karma

My pleasure and thank you for understanding.

betbrett251 karma

This AMA is more proof that reddit has a higher percentage of assholes than in the general population. And I'm not excluding myself from that classification so I'm not being all self righteous or anything. That was just my thought after scrolling the comments.

My mom is battling one of the deadliest cancers out there and she had a 5% chance of still being alive at one year. Her 5 year anniversary of being diagnosed is coming up Christmas eve.

I don't think there is any doubt she has beat the odds to this point by doing exactly what this lady has done. She found the best oncologist she could find, and one that encouraged non traditional therapy in addition to what traditional medicine offers.

The first time we met with him I told him I wanted my mom to live and she and I had already decided to take a "throw everything including the kitchen sink" approach to her disease. And we have.

Her day from the time she wakes up until the time she goes to sleep is mostly something to keep her alive. Whether the strict exercise regimen, the strict food regimen, The meditation, the daily sun exposure 2 times a day for 20 minutes, the endless herbs, vitamins, minerals, and supplements she takes, all on a precise schedule 4 times a day, the coffee enenemas 3 times a day, and on and on I could go.

Her oncologist agrees what she has done has made a different. She was stage 4. She went in nearly 5 years ago with a bunch of other women. It's kind of like a fraternity. You get to know the people who start the same time you do. You hang out in the chemo chairs and talk and get to know each other.

All of the stage 4's have long since died except my mom. Most of the stage 3's have. Many of the stage 2's have.

The difference in them and my mom has been her relentless assault on her disease. I spend so many hours a day looking for research. I have worn pubmed out. When I find anything, no matter how small, that has some significance to it I tell her about it and she does it. Some how some way she makes time.

So to all of the asshole coming down on this woman for embracing every approach she can find to live, screw you. You have no right. Your moral superiority is mighty easy sitting at your computer, all healthy with no cancer, citing some shit you read on the internet somewhere.

Live it. Then get back to us. On the upside you have all made me reconsider what an asshole I am on reddit sometimes. So if nothing else, maybe reading the comments on here that hit so close to home with me and my mothers fight for life, maybe that one positive will make coming to this thread worth it.

And to the AMA, thanks for your time and comments. Keep the faith and no matter how many days you have, live them all to the fullest.

Sophie_Sabbage20 karma

I love this message. Thanks for taking the time to write it and for being protective of me. I am in a very vulnerable position, but I also know who I am and what I stand for. I don't think of the critics as 'assholes'. In a way I am grateful to them too because they remind me what a rich, loving, creative, blessed and wondrous life I am living. No one can take that from me. So it's all good.

only_because_I_can136 karma

When people find out you have lung cancer, is their first question, "Are you a smoker?"? That always irritated me. My husband was found to have stage 4 lung cancer but had no symptoms at all. People always asked that question first, as though he deserved lung cancer if he was a smoker. He wasn't. His oncologist convinced him that chemo and radiation therapy would give him "more time." I don't believe that was true. He died within 8 months, and all that therapy just made those 8 months a living hell for him. I often wonder if he would have lived as long without the therapy and would have enjoyed what time he had without being so wasted from the therapy. I believe it spread to his brain toward the end because he was hallucinating a lot and just being goofy. It was very difficult for our (adult) kids to watch. He was 53 when he died. I appreciate your optimism.

Sophie_Sabbage178 karma

It is often asked first and empathy is withheld unless the answer is no. This is the lung cancer stigma and the reason there is one lung cancer charity in the UK compared to dozens for breast cancer. Many people who never smoked get it. But even if someone did smoke, we need to be asking why they did that? What did they not want to feel? Why did they not love themselves? People numb out with food and alcohol, but don't get blamed so much if they get sick. No one deserves this disease.

As for treatment I have directed my own from the start and turned things down even under pressure. This has been the most empowering decision I made. I am two years on now and feel really well. I was given a matter of months.

cheezemeister_x63 karma

I don't agree with you on the point re food. People who numb out with food get blamed when they get sick. And judged even when they're not sick. Ask a type 2 diabetic who is fat if they've ever gotten one ounce of empathy from anyone in their life. I think you'll find it hard to fine one that has.

Sophie_Sabbage70 karma

Very fair point. I was talking about cancer really. But I have diabetic friends who experience this too. I also had an eating disorder when I was younger and know how very hard it can be to eat right. You have my empathy for sure. It needs to change!

only_because_I_can11 karma

Keep it up! :)

Sophie_Sabbage14 karma

Thank you

juggilinjnuggala76 karma

what is the most petty thing you'll miss?

Sophie_Sabbage185 karma


talltacotuesday74 karma

I've always joked that if I were diagnosed with lung cancer the first thing I would do is start smoking cigarettes again. What vice have you considered taking up now?

Sophie_Sabbage176 karma

Haha. I have a six year old girl so I want to live as long as I can. I have actually given up almost all my favorite vices - wine, coffee, sugar - because I want to be as healthy as I can. But when the sun goes down I will have champagne in my hand and on my lips.

w0mbat229 karma

Why coffee?

Sophie_Sabbage73 karma

Actually, there is a case for and against. One integrated oncologist I know recommends drinking black organic coffee. My concern is that is can be dehydrating. But I'm not going to take a position about it.

Spambop31 karma

But you lose far less from the dehydrating effects of coffee than you actually get from the water in the drink.

Sophie_Sabbage82 karma

Fair enough. I am not an expert in this and think each person needs to discern what is best for them.

apresskidougal41 karma

My mum has terminal small cell lung cancer, she was put into an auto immune trial nearly 2 years ago and is going strong. I don't believe in god but this is the closes thing to a miracle i have experienced have you looked into similar treatments ? I have a 2 1/2 month old daughter and the thought that i will die someday and leave her in the world is making tear up at my desk.

edit: a word

Sophie_Sabbage45 karma

It makes me tear up more than anything. I had my daughter late in life and honestly believe she was given to me to me so I would do all I can to stay here as long as possible. If I didn't have her I would have let go by now.

I haven't done any trials, but I integrate conventional and natural medicine and anything that supports the immune system is a good thing. The immune system is the parent and cancer cells are its kids, so it won't kill them. Immunotherapy masks the kids so the parent will attack them. It's the future of cancer treatment.

Empath199941 karma

How long until you start selling meth and become a big drug lord?

Serious Question: Has your body responded AT ALL to chemo and if so how much? is it noticable at all?

Sophie_Sabbage55 karma


Yes. On a chemo drug (not IV) and it is awesome. Made a huge difference. It has a limited shelf life but so far so good.

Also did Gamma radiation to 27 brain tumors in May. All gone now. Boom!

machalllewis8 karma

Wait what? You had 27 seperate brain tumours? You had gamma radiation? Specifically gamma? Where are you having this done?

What none IV chemo drugs are you getting for lung cancer?

Sophie_Sabbage12 karma

Yes, 27 small ones. They though there were ten, but found 27 on the day of gamma knife treatment (in London). My neurosurgeon decided to zap them in one session and I now hold the record for the number of tumors treated all at once in that hospital! The aftermath was brutal, but it worked.

I'm on a targeted drug for my cancer mutation.

Frajer38 karma

What was your biggest realization after being diagnosed?

Sophie_Sabbage30 karma

In Chinese Medicine grief is held in the lungs. I am emotionally intelligent, but realized I had neglected grief all my life and reserved it for deaths and heartbreaking losses. My grief was far greater than my fear when I was diagnosed and I discovered years of pent up grief I hadn't been aware of. I am now in love with grief. It is a healing force and, in some ways, saved (or extended) my life.

CeFabuloso39 karma

Can you elaborate on how you personally deal with your grief, and how it has improved your life? I hold onto a lot of unprocessed grief mostly because I don't know how to process it.

Sophie_Sabbage133 karma

Big question. In part, it is about feeling your sorrow and letting yourself wail against the dying of the light. It requires you to breathe into your deepest wounds and let the dam break. Grief comes in waves. You need to allow it to flow through you. If we don't feel the sorrow then grief becomes a dark, heavy burden we carry around instead of a healing force. Unlike fear and anger, which separate you from yourself and others, grief connects you with yourself and others. It is the cousin of love. We grieve that which we have loved and do love so grief keeps love alive. It doesn't bring closure. It brings new life. This is my experience. I am more open, loving and grateful for its presence in my life.

If you are struggling to engage with it I recommend some professional support. It is so worth it.

rabidhamster87108 karma

You're getting some hate in here from people who think they're experts in everything just because they have internet access and a little education, but I want to say that what you've written is beautiful and you seem impressively... self-aware/emotionally mature. That's really something I admire. Please don't let the hateful people steal any of that from you.

Sophie_Sabbage118 karma

Thank you. I am making this the last message I read and respond to. Hate is always about the hater. If I make a difference to a few that is enough. Now I'm off to put my daughter to bed. I appreciate this message a lot.

benji100815 karma

Thank you for giving all these answers, Sophie. You have shared some profound pieces of wisdom -- this is very valuable for me. Seeing grief in a holistic picture, including its intimate connection to love. All the very best to you and your loved ones.*

Sophie_Sabbage5 karma

My pleasure.

CeFabuloso21 karma

Wow, thank you. That was so eloquently profound. I never thought of looking at grief like that, but you're right, it complements the love in your life. I'll be taking a harder look at it from now on.

Sophie_Sabbage27 karma

My pleasure. Grief is another word for love.

davidmichaelmalloy35 karma

First off, I want to thank you for doing this. My father was diagnosed with NSCLC last year and has recently taken a turn for the worse. The questions I have of you are really a reflection of fears/concerns/questions I have in dealing with my father's situation; so I hope you don't mind:

  • When you're living with a terminal disease, what are the things you want to talk about with your family? (It feels almost trivial or awkward to talk to my father about the weather or what we're doing on a particular weekend, but I don't want to keep asking "how are you feeling today?")

  • How can those around you avoid a situation where their final memories of you are shrouded in pain and suffering?

Sophie_Sabbage88 karma

Of course I don't mind. That's why I'm doing this. I can only speak from my experience. Every patient is different. Personally, I want to talk about what's happening and how I'm feeling rather than avoiding the subject. Being this ill makes me want to dispense with small talk and pretence and stick to what's real and what matters - including things what bring me joy. But it's always best to ask the sufferer what they need from you. Your father can guide you if he ask him to. Tell him you are unsure and need him to say what works for him at this time. It can be annoying for the patient when everyone is guessing or walking on eggshells. Face into it, not away.

As for your second question, I came close to dying at one point before bouncing back. It wasn't all doom and gloom. There was much joy amidst the pain. But it's up to those left behind to hold onto the good memories. You can do this. It's an act of will and state of mind. If you love your dad you will remember what you loved. Endings can be beautiful if we accept mortality instead of resisting it.

I hope this helps.

toomuchtodotoday29 karma

Hello there Sophie! Has your GP or oncologist specialist made any effort to connect you with the lung cancer vaccine CIMAvax-EGF? It's currently available in Cuba, and about to undergo clinical trials in the US. It specifically targets non-small-cell lung carcinoma.

Sophie_Sabbage30 karma

No, but I have heard of it. Thank you for the link! I will check it out for sure.

toomuchtodotoday11 karma

Thank you! I don't want you to think that I don't appreciate your AMA or your acceptance of fate, but I did want to ensure that you had all of the information available to you.

Sophie_Sabbage3 karma

I don't accept my fate at all. I am claiming my destiny instead!

Skulfunk20 karma

As my gf's mom was recently diagnosed with cancer, how can I comfort her in her time of need? What, or who comforted you in the beginning?

Sophie_Sabbage70 karma

I discovered who my real friends were when I was dying. Above all I wanted people who could stand with me in my grief and suffering. Truth-tellers, not the 'be positive' brigade (which drove me nuts). I wanted empathy, not sympathy. And I really appreciated being asked what worked for me instead of the assumptions and mis-fires. At one point I emailed all my friends with a list of what helps and what doesn't. I realized some were holding back in awkward silence because they didn't know what to do. They were delighted by my email and before long I had a village of support that got me through my darkest days.

twayres15 karma

What advice do you have for healthy people?

Sophie_Sabbage42 karma

Live life as if you might be taken out at any moment.

grave_hag13 karma

What do you believe happens after physical death? Are you confident in any particular afterlife, or do you believe that after death, there is nothing? Why do you believe/not believe?

Sophie_Sabbage47 karma

Okay, so this is personal belief. I don't actually know. Nor do any of us. I do believe there is some kind of afterlife and extended consciousness. I don't particularly affiliate with a religion, but I have deep faith in Something Else on the other side of the river.

grave_hag8 karma

Good to know, thank you. Have you accepted that its just a "Something Else" or do you have specific image in mind? Such as reincarnation, heaven, purgatory, etc?

Sophie_Sabbage28 karma

I think I've said enough about it, if that's okay. It is very personal and subjective!

I_am_usually_a_dick12 karma

how is your daughter dealing with it? I know it must be extremely tough as an adult to come to terms with a terminal diagnosis but how are you trying to help your daughter deal with your passing? sorry if that sounds harsh, but my first thought when I read about your young child was 'oh no!' and it is a painful reality.

Sophie_Sabbage47 karma

I have been honest with her from the beginning. Kids pick things us and what they imagine can be far worse than reality. We tell the truth at home and I teach her to deal with what life sends her, however painful. We have talked about dying and she understands it as best a six year old can. She tells me when she is scared and sad and we work with it. But we don't focus on it much because I feel so well. She knows I have cancer, but I don't want to lay too much on her until the time comes. If it comes. At the moment I am focused on living, not dying. No one can tell me my use by date and treatments are evolving all the time. I live in a rarified space between my fierce will to live and necessary willingness to die. It is a sacred existence much of the time and my family benefits from that too.

But this is the biggest challenge by far.

winnondoubt12 karma

What is your opinion on what happens to our consciousness after we die, and how have you made peace with that?

Sophie_Sabbage52 karma

Wow. I could write a book about this! It is such a deeply personal point of view, but I do believe consciousness extends beyond death. I am convinced of it. I am very at peace with dying. We are all terminal after all. The great challenge for me is the prospect of leaving my darling daughter. I am yet to find peace with this and am not sure I ever will.

anahale6 karma

You say you're convinced of consciousness past death -- I am very interested in that. I would love to hear your elaboration, if you have the time?

I admire your strength in facing this, and I too hope to be confident in an afterlife and be happier in life/ at peace with dying.

Sophie_Sabbage23 karma

Too little time I'm afraid. I can't prove it. I just feel it to be so very deeply and had some experiences of heightened consciousness when I was close to death.

Ken_M_Bone_III4 karma


Sophie_Sabbage3 karma


Tethalamin9 karma

Is having a deadline (literally) more of a comfort or a source of stress/fear for you? Do you know why? If so, could you tell me?

Note: It is totally okay to not answer this question.

Sophie_Sabbage21 karma

I refused to be given a specific time because no one can claim to know it and who wants to know their use by date? They did estimate months and that was over two years ago, which proves my point.

At that time I didn't sleep for three weeks. I was deeply shaken and blindsided. Now I live with a homeopathic force because I hang out with dying every day. At my 50th birthday, my brother said, "You are living with such intensity it is like you are living a thousand lives." Sometimes we need to be told we are leaving to GET HERE and told we are dying to truly LIVE.

Chtorrr8 karma

What would you most like to share with us that no one has asked about yet?

Sophie_Sabbage45 karma

Thanks for this question. I want us to stop "the war on cancer" (declared by Richard Nixon by they way) and all the battle language that goes with it. If someone dies they have "lost the battle" and if someone lives they "win". This does a great injustice to the thousands of emotional and spiritual victories cancer patients achieve every day, whatever the outcome. Cancer is an illness, not an enemy. And like all illnesses it is pointing to what is out of kilter in our minds, hearts, bodies and spirits. And when an illness becomes a pandemic, as surely cancer has, it is pointing to what is out of kilter in our environment, our society and our world.

This is what I mean by 'cancer whispering'. It is time to change the narrative and start learning from this illness as well as fighting it. We treat it as a physical disease, but not as emotional dis-ease. Tumors are the symptom, not the cause. Cutting, burning and poisoning it is not getting to the underlying causes. This is why 'remission' so often means a temporary stay of execution.

This has been the most transformative experience of my life. By far. We can die transformed just as we can live transformed and we can live at peace just as we can die at peace. There are unlikely gifts to claim if we only knew how and if we didn't see survival as the only prize.

I never want it said that I "lost my brave battle with cancer" and many patients I know feel the same.

Until we change the narrative this disease will keep killing our spirits as well as our bodies.

I have cancer, yes. But it does not have me.

pvbob9 karma

I'm sitting in a boring class. That last sentence made me tear up and nearly sob out loud. Thanks for reminding me what's important in life.

I wish you and yours all the best.

Sophie_Sabbage7 karma

You're welcome.

bruski067 karma

What were the most effective alternative cancer therapies you used and saw results with? How long were you using these therapies until you began to see results? I am a 28 yr old with colon cancer. I have had a right colectomy and did 6 months of chemo in 2014. I was rediagnosed with a new tumor in February of this year in my pelvis. I do juicing (carrot and green mainly), coffee enemas, lots of supplements (gerson and self recommended), I have used ozone (rectal insufflation and ozonated water), but felt uneasy from it so have stopped recently. I have also used high dose vitamin c when I can afford it, Rife machine, and hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy, and cannabis oil.

Thank you, Bruce

Sophie_Sabbage9 karma

You are doing so much good stuff Bruce. Bravo! I have done all of that too I think. It's hard to know what makes the most difference, especially as I integrate orthodox and natural. But diet is KEY and don't let any oncologists tell you otherwise: organic, good fat, mostly vegan, alkaline. I'm sure you know this.

Also, bicarbonate infusions, hyperthermia and laetrile infusions (also illegal, bizarrely).

All strength to you.

tmaspoopdek24 karma

don't let any oncologists tell you otherwise

Sorry, but if cancer doctors tell you something about cancer you should listen. Eating well should generally make you healthier, but if doctors tell you something about your health that's not contradicted by other doctors it's probably true.

Sophie_Sabbage30 karma

Mostly I agree. I respect my oncologist greatly. But doctors in my country are not trained in nutrition at all so I prefer to take dietary advice from experts in this area. I certainly don't mean to disrespect oncologists or suggest patients shouldn't take their advice so thanks for pulling me up on that.

tmaspoopdek8 karma

Hey, if you're getting advice from nutrition experts more power to you. I'm just extra skeptical when I see someone talking about alternative medicine because I have serious issues with it and it's dangerous when people decide they want to forgo scientifically-backed treatments in favor of unconfirmed or disproven treatments.

That said, I appreciate your outlook on the situation as someone who's using it to supplement scientific treatments. Thanks for sharing your experiences!

Sophie_Sabbage13 karma

Thanks. I understand your viewpoint and am glad you asked the question.

Heyitsnick116 karma

Have you looked into cannabis oil? I'd say it's worth a shot.

Sophie_Sabbage11 karma


thatchileanguy6 karma

Hi, first of all, thanks for doing this.

I think that when someone is diagnosed with cancer or any other desease that materializes the word Death in front of your eyes suddenly a lot of introspection is done. You start taking a look at your life and lifestyle, your family and friends, your work and hobbies, vices and virtues, etc., and hopefully change a lot of things. It's only natural when they tell you you have only a few months to live: you kind of want to focus on the important stuff, right?

So my question is this: how was that process for you? Was it painful to prioritize some things or people and letting some stuff go? Did it take too long? Is there something that took a lot of effort to let go (i.e. sugar or something like it)?

EDITING for grammar.

Sophie_Sabbage24 karma

In terms of family and friends, it happened naturally. Some people I thought would show up disappeared and some friends I hadn't seen for years reappeared with open hearts and ready hands. It was painful at times, but my diagnosis made all this crystal clear. I didn't need to waste energy on any false connections. The authentic relationships prevailed. That is one of the unlikely gifts I received.

I was also riddled with regret about the things I had wanted to do, but didn't. This was revelatory and redirected me in profound ways. For example, I had wanted to be a writer since I was ten years old, but it took cancer at the age of 48 to make me do it. I wrote my book in six weeks and had no idea it would hit such a sweet spot in the cancer culture. Now I am writing my second. It's my new career and vocation. Amazing.

I radically changed my diet because I was dying. It was a no-brainer and therefore easy. It is harder now I feel well!


Hi Sophie, thanks for your AMA. Have you got any recommendations regarding books that have helped you maintain perspective / face the fear and grief associated with your diagnosis?

My father was recently diagnosed with liver cancer and while he's doing really well and staying really positive some of the family are having a hard time dealing with it! Thanks again

Sophie_Sabbage6 karma

Mmm. I looked for that book too and couldn't find it, which is why I wrote The Cancer Whisperer. I don't want to promote in this AMA, but since you asked, there is a link in my bio. It is all about how to deal with the fear, anger, denial and grief as well as how to direct your own treatment.

The other book I couldn't find was an encyclopedia-type book with all the clinics and treatments you can use. There is now one out called The Cancer Revolution. It will have a British bias, but definitely has international resources in it.

Ny0gen5 karma

Have you ever heard of, or considered taking part in an ayahuasca retreat?

Sophie_Sabbage9 karma

Yes and no. But it is in my 'Yet To Do' folder!

Ny0gen6 karma

A good friend of mine and I have a saying on the subject of DMT/Ayahuasca, as -in our opinion- it's used to prepare for us for the journey of leaving our physical bodies behind when we pass. "We will have traveled accross every corner of consciousness, and when it is our time, we will have mastered the art of dying." This notion of course, coming from the fact that it is released in our brains as we are passing to the other side, whatever it is that awaits us there.

Edit: Spelling.

Sophie_Sabbage8 karma

I am going to check this out. Thanks

relaximadoctor4 karma

What type of lung cancer do you have?

Sophie_Sabbage2 karma


Abhorrently4 karma

I suffer from asthma and chronic bronchitis. Do your symptoms include all that shortness of breath and on bad days restriction to bed in order to fully concentrate on breathing to keep your oxygen levels up? I'm more curious on the everyday symptoms and how they restrict your activities.

Also, what treatment/s did you deny that you believe helped sustain your vitality?

Sophie_Sabbage21 karma

I was very breathless at the beginning, which was scary. I couldn't walk up the stairs and I was coughing blood every day. But my treatments have turned that around and my breathing is completely normal at this time. It has been for at least eighteen months now.

I turned down whole brain radiation to multiple tumors in my brain and steroids. This was a very big decision, but we found other ways to treat them without compromising my mental capacities. More recently I had Gamma radiation to brain tumors, but that was finely targeted and protects the surrounding tissue. Brain tumors are the most terrifying thing for me. I can do this if my mind is clear and have worked hard for my mental clarity. I don't want to be taken out piece by neurological piece.

SlamWhale-HolyGrail2 karma

Do you mean gamma knife?

Sophie_Sabbage2 karma


ItzOnlyJames2 karma


Sophie_Sabbage5 karma

Sharp pain in my back for one hour. That was all. But I just knew it was serious and pushed for tests.

malcolmX_2 karma

This is not a question but rather an advice. Try to make some gifts for your family in the future where your daughter or husband or anyone else would have something in the future. This is just an advise :)

Never loose hope - never

I am sure that there's at least one person who thought to be having an incurable disease but was healed eventually.

edit: had to add an ? question mark

Sophie_Sabbage6 karma

I won't lose hope until hope loses me.

heatedcarseats2 karma

Beautiful dog! What's his/her name?

My other question is do you have a saying/phrase that you particularly love and has that helped you when you needed it?

Also also let me tell you my favourite quote, It's from Roland Barthes a French philosopher and it goes something like 'Someone tells me: this kind of love is not viable. But how can you evaluate viability? Why is the viable a Good Thing? Why is it better to last than to burn?'

Yeah that's my motto what's yours?

Sophie_Sabbage12 karma

Love the quote.

My dog's name is Isla. She is five months old. Golden cocker spaniel. We are all smitten!

These are my mantras: 1. I have cancer. Cancer does not have me. (That's mine) 2. "You cannot control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." Maya Angelou. 3. "There is no event by which and through which Life itself is not trying to awaken you to your highest and noblest self." Dr. K. Bradford Brown (my much missed mentor). 4. "Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift."

kingofjesmond3 karma

We have several working cockers in my family all from the same original golden one. She's now 13 and lives a peaceful retirement in the sunshine in Mallorca . Most beautiful dogs around IMO.

On a more relevant note thank you for doing this AMA, you seem like a top drawer lady and an inspiration to all of us.

Sophie_Sabbage3 karma

My pleasure.

Joshdaily881 karma

I just have an honest question . With your paticular diagnosis, have you thought about where you will go upon the end? What is your relationship with God like?

Sophie_Sabbage3 karma

God and me are good. This has made my faith stronger.

samiamx121 karma

Have you tried any alternative treatments like cbd and thc oils? I've heard that they do amazing things against cancers.

Sophie_Sabbage1 karma

Yes, quite a lot. I'm up for anything I know won't do me harm!

Vlad_T1 karma

Hello Sophie, have you read the book The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle? If not i highly recommend it. Sending you warm hugs.

Sophie_Sabbage5 karma

Yes, love it. Thanks.

nohuiam-1 karma

I read all the time that people have been cured of cancer using medicinal marijuana. I know it's not the same thing, but I cured myself of chronic bronchitis by vaping weed. The clean vapor hitting my lungs was painful at first but welcome later and my lung function has never been better since and I've been without bronchitis for 10 years now. Have you tried vaping weed? Would you? I'm sure it might hurt like hell, but I can't help but think I would try it if diagnosed with any type of cancer of the lungs.

Sophie_Sabbage8 karma

No I wouldn't because I won't risk putting anything in my lungs like that. I have heard cannabis oil has great medical benefits though and can really help with brain tumors. But I am not an expert and it is illegal here.

nohuiam2 karma

It is known to kill some form of cancer cells. That because it's "illegal" doesn't make sense to me if/when my life is on the line. You are an author and you're outspoken. You are the type of person who could change the world documenting a move to say, Colorado, and seeing once and for all if there are positive or negative results of such a treatment. There are people who know much more than I do about it, but if I were dying, I think vaping herb would be the first thing I tried. I'm not in that situation, don't know what your lungs feel like, can't put myself in your shoes, but I wish someone would do it, document it, and possibly change the world for the better.

Sophie_Sabbage2 karma

I hear you. I am all for it and there are people working hard to make the case for it. I think I mentioned it in my book too.

Fretboard2 karma

The biggest study in America done on this topic found smoking cannabis had no negative or causal affect on the lungs when it comes to lung cancer. The study actually noted, if anything, it has a positive/protective effect.

Cannabis oil has helped a lot of people in a lot of different ways.

Sophie_Sabbage6 karma

Good to know! Maybe I need to visit Colorado soon.

Elephaux2 karma

You don't need to smoke it anymore. Most people that aren't interested in cannabis won't know that, which is perhaps part of the problem. THC is a natural medication that should be less scary to us than all the chemically engineered stuff we're prescribed.

You can ingest THC in any form you can think of, vaping, tinctures, oils, and edibles. You can, in the UK, buy THC jellies online if you know the right channels. If you think that the quality of your life could be improved, I could put you in touch with suppliers. Reading your post and comments you seem to be an open-minded person that has a holistic view of health.

Sophie_Sabbage2 karma

Totally open to it.