Highest Rated Comments

toomuchtodotoday1441 karma

Far more then the $250K it would've cost Tampa Electric to shut down and restart.

toomuchtodotoday1144 karma

Feel free to DM me; I’ll send you my email address. If you run into topics that only have undigitized books as sources, I’ll work to get those books digitized and into the Internet Archive so you can cite them digitally. I also have a Library of Congress research access pass if that might be helpful.

Thank you for your efforts! Check out “A Canticle for Leibowitz” sometime, I think you’d really dig it.

EDIT: Obligatory "thank you for the gold" edit :)

toomuchtodotoday570 karma

I agree entirely. It should be so expensive that even killing one person is more expensive than shutting down and restarting.

Failing government action, buy a renewable option from your utility. I specifically buy solar for a slightly higher cost from my utility until I get solar panels on my roof. Eventually, coal generators will be driven out of business entirely.