Hey reddit! This years marks my seventhyear working at Haunted Hunt Club Farm in Virginia Beach, VA! Ask me anything about the job, the people, myself, I'm off work from my day job today, so I'll be around to answer any questions!!

Proof: http://imgur.com/kE18VjW more proof, per request: http://imgur.com/rqhLvcD

Me in my scene: http://imgur.com/MyihNL1

and of course: http://www.hauntedhuntclubfarm.com/

edit: Thanks everyone!! it's been great!!! I'll answer any remaining questions as I find time!

Comments: 799 • Responses: 53  • Date: 

Klove128272 karma

What's the most memorable "scare" you've gotten someone with? Like who reacted the most hilariously?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_824 karma

this one time, a small boy was walking through holding his grandpas hand. He was giving everyone a thumbs up and saying "cool costume! cool costume!" When he was turned around, I snuck up on him, so when he turned back, I was in his face and I said "What did you say?" and he said whimpered "cool costume... please don't hurt me.."

definitely the most hilarious. I laughed out loud, and his grandparents heard me and laughed.

Klove128209 karma

That's awesome! He was trying to play it cool and you scared the hell out of him! What's the worst thing that's happened? As in you were like "Oh crap I/someone else messed up"

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_193 karma

hmm. Anytime I make someone hurt themself, I feel bad. But they're usually so scared that they take off before I'm able to see if they're okay

NumbahFour228 karma

Are you allowed to touch the people walking through? Also has anyone every touched/hit you while acting?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_334 karma

haha and we start with my favorite question. a lot of haunted houses don't allow the actors to touch the customers. but not us. We are allowed to touch you, as long as it couldn't be considered sexual or violent. typically, I brush the back of someones head gently

NumbahFour158 karma

Has anyone thrown a punch in fear yet?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_332 karma

oh yes, I've been hit a number of times. pushed once, and I tripped over a tree root (we are an outdoor attraction) and twisted my ankle REALLY badly

StickmanSham33 karma

What happened after that? Did you break your role or go with it?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_100 karma

I just limped away...

Tylerturden228 karma

How do you react when people punch you? Are you mad, or do you understand its some peoples first instinct? I can't decide how I'd feel, I mean they're in a haunted house, they should expect that, but then again it's hard to control a natural reaction.

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_71 karma

It all depends on the person. Sometimes, it is just an accident, and sometimes tough guys feel like they need to defend themselves for some reason

ThroatGravy172 karma

What are your wages? How many hrs do you work? Do you feel slighted if people are like, "pshh, that's not very scary, more like a 6ft. turkey.."? Thanks man. Happy Halloween.

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_334 karma

I think we get paid minimum wage. All I know is at the end of the month, I get a ~$500 check. It's only during October.

When you've done the job for a while, you realize that there are 3 types of people. People who are really scared, people who are grumpy or they aren't having fun, and people who are laughing and have a good time, mostly laughing at the first type of person.

I enjoy scaring the scared people, making the laughing people laugh, and ignoring the grumpy people. They've wasted their money, they're bitter for some reason and they aren't going to have a good time no matter what I do, they've made up their mind. So no, I don't mind people saying stuff like that, because in the end, I'm having fun and they aren't, so I win

kennerly440 karma

I must be the second type. I was in a haunted corn maze once and I was a little bit ahead of three girls I knew in college. They asked me to go around the corner and see if it was "safe" so I did. I turned the corner and there was this ski mask wearing blood soaked overalls guy with a chainsaw. I looked at him and he looked at me and I thumbed over my shoulder and shouted, "all clear come on guys". He nodded and crouched down as I kept going.

The scream those girls gave was fantastic. I laughed my ass off. They were pretty mad but it was worth it.

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_307 karma

haha see I enjoy people like you. You aren't scared, you aren't annoying, you aren't ruining the fun for everyone, you aren't trying to steal the show. that's fun

1320Fastback168 karma

At haunted house in San Diego I was accidentally touched with a running chainsaw. Obviously it had no chain on it and being in construction I knew that before hand and have had some pretty serious injuries anyways so wasn't worried about the contact but for some reason they turned on all the lights, the music stopped and I had to sign a legal form that I wouldn't hold them responsible for any harm and damages, ect.

They made this huge deal out of it and I told them their BS legal forms ruined Halloween and I wanted my money back.

Do you have these forms or have a company policy like that?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_112 karma

oh wow! umm not that I know of. we're a real small, local place, so I don't think the owners worry as much about being sued.

thesharpesttack131 karma

As someone else who does a Halloween haunt, a friendly reminder to everyone who has or will visit one soon, that we are people too!

Just because you "paid x amount of dollars to be here" doesn't give you or anyone the right to assault (sexually or not) any of the actors. We know most people don't, but the people that have this intention going in? Don't do it. Or if you get the urge to while in the haunt? Still don't do it.

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_87 karma

is that a problem where you're at? It's rare that we get just straight up belligerent people. If someone does cause problems, we usually follow them out, and tell whoever's in charge to make sure that they don't come back

artisticnouveau122 karma

Have you ever scared someone so badly that they needed special escort out of the haunted house? This happened to a friend of mine years ago, and he is still pretty traumatized.

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_166 karma

actually, just the other night, a girl started to have a panic attack. I had the other girl working in the scene with me escort her straight to the exit

mangopantsprime106 karma

How much "training" or "preparation" do you do to get ready? Not so much the props/set... but is this done like a play, where you have tech rehearsals and walk thru? Do you have "lines" to memorize? How critical is the timing in your section of the attraction, and have you ever messed that up?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_194 karma

sometimes our boss will give us actual lines, but most of the time we're just given a character and told to run with it. for example, this year, I'm a crazy barber from the 20's. I speak with a trans-atlantic accent, ask people if they want a little off the top, sometimes I repeat the same speech over to different groups if it flowed well. Basically, throughout the season, we get really really good at doing our character.

Our show is much more interactive than a lot of places. We really strive to have the customers suspend their disbelief. we never break character, we talk to them personally, make a lot of remarks about specific customers.

And no, no tech rehearsals. We do costuming a week before opening night though

kawklee97 karma

have any of the guests ever scared YOU? I remember as a kid I'd try to get real low and sneak up behind the spookers and spook them instead.

Some laughed, some were immensely annoyed. One guy got so pissed that I spooked him that I decided to never do it anymore

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_123 karma

yeah, it happens, and it's annoying and embarrassing.

jetblast1085 karma

Last time I went to a haunted attraction I recognized a shift in how the actors tried to scare me. The shift occurred after I purchased an iced tea drink that came in a large styrofoam cup without a lid. When I walked around carrying a bottle of water, people tried to jump scare me, but when I walked around with the Styrofoam cup, people deliberately avoided jump scaring me.

So, is this a possible rule, or is it a display of wisdom by those who've been soaked in the past?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_163 karma

well, if someone sees you with a cup, they probably would avoid making you jump for risk of getting soaked. I do the same when I see people carrying children/babies. I'd hate for them to drop them, I mean shit

misskinky31 karma

carrying babies in haunted houses??

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_43 karma

yeah it's basically the worst.

nelester12378 karma

Have you ever hooked up with anyone in the haunted house?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_157 karma

eww no

FuzzyMannerz68 karma

Do you get many awkward people that try to annoy you on purpose or make you break out of character or maybe ask you questions about your job whilst you're doing it?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_103 karma

haha. so, we open at 7:15 pm, and a line begins to form at around 6:30. During that time, if im in costume and ready, I'll go and talk to the people in line, fully in character. A lot of the times they ask things like "how much do you get paid?" "how old do you have to be to work here?" "are there any clowns/monsters/animals in there?"

I won't ever break character, but sometimes I answer their questions, like last night someone asked me how old, and I said "Well, when ya get in there and see all the children we have running around, you'll have yer answer."

SugarandSass25 karma

Speaking of the kids, how does that employment contract work? I've been to your haunt for the past two years and it was good!

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_52 karma

well most of the kids that are with us are the farm owners' kids, their cousins and some friends. but you can volunteer at any age, and you can't get paid until you're 16

evanm412068 karma

What's something that people do that aggravates you as a haunted house actor?

Edit: changed some words around

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_181 karma

It sucks to get punched and threatened, but the worst of all is when someone is just complaining, and angry. Why even bother? Who forced you to come here? Just go home. There are people here that just want to have a good time, and you're being an ass

BritishHobo13 karma

Do you mean people complaining afterwards, or people walking around the house complaining? Does the latter happen often? What kind of things do you hear people say when they're bitching?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_50 karma

the latter happens all the time. saying "this is so fake" or mostly they just make remarks like "how much are they paying you" or my favourite "what are thooooose"

JakeNCakes59 karma

Do you as actors ever accidentally scare each other?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_136 karma

I'm actually a huge scaredy cat. So they do it on accident to me all the time!

IceCreamSammies53 karma

Have you ever made someone shit themselves? If so what did you do afterwards?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_98 karma

haha, I don't know, man. The other night I smelled something awful. They would never admit to it

iilikecereal52 karma

How many times have you been punched in the face?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_120 karma

only 3-4

XavierKing51 karma

How do you feel if guests casually walk through and don't react to the scares? I've been that person.. I can be very boring.

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_100 karma

it doesn't bother me. I get paid either way

lhop145 karma

What do you do during the other 11 months of the year?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_178 karma

I'm actually a preschool teacher!

iproAwolNation42 karma

Last year I got kicked out a local haunted house for freaking out and punching an actor in the face. He reacted pretty well for being punched, but the lady who was running the show kicked me out. How do you usually react to being punched by terrified people?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_66 karma

It depends on the person. If they were just surprised, it's a natural reaction. we're all humans, and they usually apologize right away. if it's someone who's pissed off, then I follow them out, alert the police, and make sure they don't get back in

Not_Kenny_Rogers_40 karma

Do you have a preferred customer you're just naturally geared towards scaring? Old people, women, men, little boys, little girls, punk teens, etc? lol If so, why is it that you get excited to scare them more than others?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_58 karma

well, this year my character is less scary, more just crazy, so I like to make people laugh

Not_Kenny_Rogers_33 karma

Our names are pretty relevant... Cheers to you fellow Rich man.

not-mr-lebowski23 karma

Oooh and me!

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_57 karma

and my axe

JS_Teja40 karma

How do you manage to keep the energy up through out the season without getting bored of the character ? Do you switch characters?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_63 karma

I don't struggle with that, I greatly enjoy it, and a lot of candy helps with the energy.

Kessle_Run37 karma

Do all the actors hang out in costumes after?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_56 karma

not in costume, but sometimes we go out for drinks. we're usually too tired though

DEinspanjer29 karma

Do you guys offer warning lights or markers for the smaller kids that let the actors know to go a bit easier on them?

If so, any good stories about people using it (or who should have used it)?

A local amusement park does a Halloween bash every year and they have a haunted maze. My son got a "monster warding pendant" last year (he was 6) and he went through the maze brandishing it like a holy object chanting "Don't jump out at me! Don't jump out at me!". The actors were all very cool and friendly with him. One of them snuck up behind my wife and scared the bejezus out of her though which then scared him when she screamed. :)

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_86 karma

no, we have no rules on kids. in fact, scare the kids more! make them cry!

summerofgeorge6926 karma

How often are people too out of it (under the influence of something) to react to the performers? Any funny stories?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_90 karma

yeah, we get some drunk people. most of the time, there's a 1-2 second gap between scaring them and then reacting, which is always funny to watch.

serenepoppy23 karma

At first when I read the title, I thought of the "The Hunted Mansion" and was excited that Eddie Murphy would be doing an AMA. Lol, oops.

Anyway, what's your favorite part of your job?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_32 karma

Look, kids, a falling star!

My favorite part is scaring, hands down. There's just something so satisfying about it

bokan21 karma

I just went through my first haunted house last night.

Q1- Does it every get psychologically strange to be inside a bizarre, dimly lit and freaky environment for a long period of time?

Q2- If you do jump scares, how often do you do them? Do you have an awareness of who can see you hiding and sort of wait until you're functionally invisible again to do another jump scare?


_Not_Bruce_Wayne_29 karma

1) no, but it does help to improve my night vision!

2) I do it all the time. usually I'll hide behind something, pop out and begin delivering my lines. so i get to scare AND act! also yes it gets really easy to tell who can see you, who knows where you are etc. you get good at reading body language

ilovetorunforfun20 karma

(Asking this as an insanely jumpy person) Have you ever had to stop being in character because someone had a physical/visceral reaction? What's the protocol you follow?

ex/ someone faints

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_25 karma

we give them room to get up, if we aren't, we send for help, and to stop the flow of people inside

HopeTheyServePizza17 karma

Oh man, I volunteered at a local haunted house for the first time this year. It was so much fun! What's your favorite type of character to play? What has been your most successful way of scaring people?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_26 karma

I like the characters that are complex, and that have actual lines, instead of just being a spoopy ghosty

Nikkirich8917 karma

Do you allow people to bring glowsticks and stuff? Most places don't and I found out why when I scared a grown woman so bad she stabbed me in the eye with a glowstick sword

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_20 karma

hahah! no, I've never been stabbed with a glowstick, and they are allowed. people have them all the time. I think they may even sell them outside, where they have a carnival set up

namato16 karma

I'd imagine that trying to scare people and having no effect on them would be a similar to telling a joke to a large group and it not being funny... Does this happen often & does it make staying in character more difficult?


_Not_Bruce_Wayne_19 karma

it happens all the time. I figure, when in doubt, make em laugh

dakattack0416 karma

Hey I was just here last night! It was amazing... we had a 2 year old next to us on the Haunted Hayride. She kept getting scared and the actors had to say "Its just make up sweetie, HIGH FIVE" are you guys taught this high five tactic because it worked every time. Also, Does it piss you off when someone brings a two year old on the rides?

One last thing. The girl who starts the Field Of Screams, does he laugh drive you insane? Thanks

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_18 karma

haha well I only work in the village of the dead, so I don't know exactly how the other two events conduct themselves. we all work very independently. I, for one, love to scare kids, especially when the parents say to stop

r00t112 karma

You ever break anyone's phone? I noticed at these things a lot of actors will come up and scare people outside of the haunted house and catch them off-guard, especially while they are texting or looking at their phone.

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_39 karma

If I see someone texting, I sneak up on them and scream "TELL THEM I SAID HI"

I haven't caused anyone to break or lose their phone though. But they are warned that if they lose their stuff, they won't be interrupting us to find it

AgingAluminiumFoetus12 karma

How did you get into the job? Was it just to get some money as a student or something?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_22 karma

I was actually in high school, and a good friend of mine volunteered over there, and I got into it the next year. been doing it ever since! Now I just use the money strictly for christmas presents!

lemony_dewdrops12 karma

Do you like it when guests scare each other, or do you like to do all the scaring? Happy Halloween!

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_25 karma

no, It's awful when guests scare eachother! That's MY job!

Toastiify11 karma

Have you ever been caught out of character and ruined it for someone? If you feel you didn't do well enough do you get upset at yourself?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_34 karma

no, I'm always in character, as soon as the makeup goes on. No particular reason other than I'm just a lunatic

giveitago11 karma

Is the house really haunted?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_20 karma

it's actually not a house. more like a village.

warm_n_toasty10 karma

have you made anyone soil themselves in fear?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_20 karma


AsianFetish698 karma

Did you grab my butt?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_5 karma


MappleSaucee6 karma

What's the worst injury you've seen someone receive during work?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_12 karma

We have this place called the "drop door" where its a door that literally drops open and an actor comes out and delivers a speech. one time, he slipped, and gave himself a concussion. He's all better now though

pissedpregothrowaway22 karma

When I was a kid, my dad took me to a haunted house. He decided to pick me up and run because I was taking too long. This man is the biggest clutz I've ever known, and of course trips and falls over one of those trap doors. He was bleeding so profusely, no one offered to help because they thought he was part of the attraction. Once we got out and into the light, it turned out he had skinned his leg to the bone and his whole kneecap was exposed. There were people in line that left. The ambulance came and it turned out he had also shattered his ankle and conccussed himself.

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_24 karma

oh my. ew I'm eating lunch.

Ryc3rat0ps1 karma

So do you improvise based on the person you're scaring? You said you were a barber this year, would it be okay for you to make like a veiled reference to cutting a guy's balls off if it's a group of young dudes? Or is that sexual harassment?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_2 karma

well, I wouldn't come out and say anything about his balls, but If i see a guy with a big beard sometimes i'll say "oh he needs a little of the top and the bottom!"

ninjastepsky78-2 karma

Does anyone give a fuck?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_3 karma

quite a few as it turns out!

good question!

Releventcomments-6 karma

Do you have any more proof?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_6 karma

umm I can upload a picture of me in my hat....

more proof: http://imgur.com/rqhLvcD

Releventcomments-8 karma

No. Anyone can get a hat. Do you have a picture on set with maybe more actors?

_Not_Bruce_Wayne_4 karma

I don't actually have any with myself and other actors. I do have more of myself on set, and a picture of a photoshoot that they did with a model from a local radio station