Highest Rated Comments

FuzzyMannerz187 karma

Have you ever watched porn with the sound on really loud and not realized?

FuzzyMannerz84 karma

Awesome! Thanks for all the research into stuff like this and making knowledge greater! I don't really know what to ask other than maybe, what's the one thing you always want people to know about space or space travel in general? Any misconceptions maybe?

FuzzyMannerz68 karma

Do you get many awkward people that try to annoy you on purpose or make you break out of character or maybe ask you questions about your job whilst you're doing it?

FuzzyMannerz11 karma

Ah nice one thanks for the detailed reply, I was wondering if you break character to tell them to shut the fuck up or anything haha Keep at it man, I'm sure you bring joy (fear?) to many people's lives that they will remember for a long time!