Hi, it’s Scott Foley. I’ve got a new film, the first that I’ve written and directed, it’s called Let’s Kill Ward’s Wife and it’s available today! It’ll be in select theaters in January but as the holiday’s are here we figured that it’s easier to just download it on iTunes or On Demand. That way you can enjoy it without having to leave your couch.

Victoria is helping me out so Ask Me Anything!

Proof: https://twitter.com/reddit_AMA/status/547452705015599105

UPDATE: I'm blown away by all the questions and the time that people spent in front of their computers to ask them. I hope you all go check out LET'S KILL WARD'S WIFE, I hope you enjoy it, and I love seeing your comments about it - both on reviews but also on my twitter page @ScottKFoley - let's talk about it! I will try to live-tweet tonight at 6 PM PST.

Happy Holidays!

Comments: 202 • Responses: 84  • Date: 

GraphicBeast15 karma

Hi, Scott, big fan. You played such an awesome badass on The Unit, i´m amazed you don´t do so much action, my question to you is: Can you do a Russian accent?, if so, let´s get a Felicity reunion going on The Americans, you need to do some damage, Cool Breeze.

Scott_Foley19 karma

Haha! First of all, thank you!

Second of all, THE AMERICANS is one of my favorite shows. Obviously I worked with Keri on Felicity and I loved working with her, and my wife worked with Matthew Reese, so we love the people on the show.

And can I do a Russian accent? OF COURSE! What kind of actor worth their salt can't do a Russian accent?!

kenzie26612 karma

Have you had any weird fan encounters since you have been on Scandal? Any fanatical fans of Fitz and Liv or Jake and Liv?

Scott_Foley15 karma

Yes. There are the strangest things. I was talking to Tony Goldwyn the other day, and we both realized that almost every fan encounter , the person will insult us in some way. It's so strange!

"Hey, omg, I love your show! I hate your character!"


"I can't believe they made you dance in that scene" and then I'm thinking I thought i did an okay job dancing in that scene...

People get nervous talking to you, so they say things they don't mean, or get confused, but more often than not, there's an insult in there somewhere.

Like "Why'd you think YOU could write a movie?!"

pageafternext7 karma

You did a great job dancing. That was my favourite scene. It was so cute and happy

Scott_Foley13 karma

I think it was a little out of character for the show, and that's what I liked about it.

kenzie2661 karma

Thank you for being the first to reply to me ever on an iama. I am still learning the ropes. I think that you are both great actors and great for Liv in your own ways :)

Scott_Foley4 karma

Thank you! I think you're right, hahaha!

Frajer12 karma

What was it like working on Scrubs?

Scott_Foley23 karma

So much fun.

Bill Lawrence (who was the creator of SCRUBS) has an infamous no-asshole policy. And that's what it was - a bunch of really great people. We had a really great time.

rznb639 karma

Patrick Wilson's character referred to being killed off of 3 TV shows ... is that really about you?

Scott_Foley9 karma

It's not really about me, although if it were, I have a feeling it would be a lot more than 3! Grey's Anatomy, TRUE BLOOD, I guess it could be in reference to me, but I'm proud to say I've been killed off of more than 3 shows!

_blackbird9 karma

Hi Scott! You're the best and I am excited to see your new film. Three questions:

  1. How would you feel about Jake exploring other love interests besides Liv?

  2. How is the new baby doing?

  3. My friend Nicole is obsessed with you and Jake. She refers to herself as Team Jake and Nicole. Could she get a shoutout? She'd be so excited.

Scott_Foley15 karma

1) I'm open to anything, whatever the writers want to do! I think there is still more to be explored in regards to Jake & Liv. But I'm open to whatever they'd like.

2) New baby is So good - happy, healthy, eating, pooping, everything a new baby is supposed to be doing!

3) OF COURSE she can get a shout out. Hi Nicole.

rznb638 karma

How did you decide which actor would take on which role?

Scott_Foley10 karma

That's a good question.

We had a couple different table reads of the script, and roles / people jumped from one part to the next. I always knew I wanted Donald Faison in the lead role, he's been a friend for a long time and plays that part beautifully. I don't know, everybody found the roles that worked for them?

It's a very dark comedy, like THE LADYKILLERS. If you have a twisted sense of humor, you will love this! If not, you won't understand it.

judomonkeykyle7 karma

You are brother in law to Patrick Wilson, who will be on AMA later today. Is there an interesting story I can ask him about?

Scott_Foley13 karma

Yeah, you can ask him about the family trip we took to Poland!

funnymann36 karma

Hi Scott, do you and Bellamy ever talk about appearing on Scrubs?

Scott_Foley6 karma

We have talked about it. Didn't get much deeper than that. Although I think we were in the same episode.

chrissync4 karma

You said working with friends/family was fun but difficult. What's the best story of it that you can share with us? Don't be shy!

Scott_Foley17 karma

If I am to stay married to the mother of my children, the best thing I can do is thank you for your question and move on!

TheKennyLane4 karma

I've loved you since Felicity and though those shirtless puppy pictures are my favorite thing you've ever done, I still have a soft spot for the Goodwin Games. What was working on that show like?

Scott_Foley8 karma

Yay! Someone liked the Goodwin Games!

That was a fantastic experience. I think that was my - I talked about my HIMYM experience - this was my shot at getting to work with those guys, and that was a comedy that was on 3 seasons ago on FOX. I got to work with Becky Newton, and TJ Miller, and I loved it. It was one of the highlights of my career. It was on for like 8 episodes, and then it got cut off.

Maddie_N4 karma

What's your favorite memory from House?

Scott_Foley24 karma

My favorite memory from HOUSE?

I don't know if it's a favorite memory, but I remember that nobody laughed onset. It was a very serious set. And I'd done a broadway show with Robert Sean Leonard a few years before, and I pulled him aside and said "What's going on? It doesn't seem like anyone's having fun." and he said "It's a very serious set."

chrissync3 karma

Better day... today or this upcoming Christmas? :)

Scott_Foley6 karma

I think Christmas has to be better than today? At least in my house. My kids will be happier on Christmas, not that they're happy today, but Santa is coming on Christmas!

judomonkeykyle3 karma

Is there a role that you turned down that you wish you hadn't?

Scott_Foley9 karma

There's a few roles that I've turned down. I think there's a story out there about me turning down the Ted role in HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, that would've been a fun role to play... I knew a bunch of people on that cast, and there was a possibility at one point of being on LOST, because of my relationship with J.J. Abrams, that was offered to me but ultimately didn't come to fruition. Ultimately there's nothing I wish I'd done because everything I've done has led me here, and I'm happy to be here.

alittlejelly3 karma

So Felicity should've chosen Noel, right? RIGHT?!

Scott_Foley4 karma

Heeheehee. RIGHT? Right.

MsJessD43 karma

I wanted to know how did you manage to handle Henry's death on Grey's Anatomy? Since he was chronically ill, was that something you considered early on when you started working on this character, like "hmmm, we're in the middle of one of the most dramatic show, I bet it's going to end up pretty badly"? How was it to work with Kim Raver ? (I know, a lot of questions, but I loved your character and still remember Henry's death as one of the most heartbreaking of the show, which is quite something to say)

Scott_Foley6 karma

Well, I went into Grey's knowing that if you're not a doctor on the show - you're probably going to die. I was not overly attached, but I loved doing that show. And Kim Raver - who was my love interest on the show - was the best person to work with. And thank you - that character & relationship really seemed to resonate with a lot of people. I'm so glad that it did, because it really meant a lot to me. Kim was a trooper, really solid actress, great artist. I miss working with her.

chrissync3 karma

As creepy as Tom is, who are you more naturally like... Tom or Jake?

Scott_Foley5 karma

I think I'm much more like Tom. Jake is way cooler than I could ever be.

curlyjew3 karma

Hey Scott! I love your work on Scandal but my first love is you on Felicity. What's the most unexpected thing that happened on the Felicity set?

Scott_Foley7 karma

Ping-pong. Scott Speedman and I developed a legendary ping-pong rivalry.

curlyjew4 karma

Nice! Who ultimately won?

Scott_Foley5 karma

Yet to be determined.

chrissync3 karma

FoleyFanGirl HAS to ask this... are you popping online with us tonight?

Scott_Foley4 karma

Sure, for a little bit! Why not? Give me a time!

chrissync2 karma

9 EST, 6 PST. Live tweeting. :)

Scott_Foley4 karma

OK, good to know!

Scott_Foley3 karma

Remember, I got kids, I'll do my best, but I got kids! :)

pageafternext3 karma

Hi Scott! I love your portrayal of Jake Ballard on Scandal(I ship Jake and Olivia). Did you watch the show before you were offered it? Which twist took you by surprise the most when you read the script? Hoping you reply because it would completely make my month.

Scott_Foley3 karma

I watched the show BEFORE I was in it, and now i watch it because I'm a fan! I love the storylines, I think the writers do SUCH an amazing job keeping everybody involved and interested.

I think, initially, the thing that had me standing up and turning around was when Rowan was revealed to be Olivia's father!

Bahhumbuggggggg3 karma

when was the last time you took acting lessons?

Scott_Foley9 karma

I feel like every time I'm on set and working opposite the actors I get to work across from, I get an acting lesson, but the last time I had an official lesson was probably 3 years ago...

PJamma2 karma

I noticed you carry an e-cig around at events (or in photos from events). Are you a former smoker?

Scott_Foley9 karma

Yes, I was a smoker for 20 years and have not had a cigarette in almost 4 years now.

clockwork_jesus2 karma

Scott, I got excited because I thought it said Dave Foley IAMA. What's the rudest thing anyone's said to you?

Scott_Foley4 karma

Aside from that?


I actually worked with Dave Foley, and I think he's fantastic.

We are not related. Not that I know of.

clockwork_jesus4 karma

Nice! A couple of foley artists working together. (sorry) I'm def checking out your film.

Scott_Foley7 karma


Thank you! And I can't believe you went there!

chrissync2 karma

Will we ever see the piano being played in Liv's apartment? (Yeah, a girl has to know this, too.)

Scott_Foley3 karma

Will we ever - that's a great question! I can't say no. Because I honestly have no idea. So yes?

chooter2 karma

What're your holiday plans?

Scott_Foley4 karma

I have a six-week old baby and 2 other kids under 5. I'm not going anywhere. Hanging at home.

cloudform2 karma


Scott_Foley2 karma

Yes, I have. I spent almost 3 weeks there a few years ago. We went around the WHOLE country.

MsJessD42 karma

Hi Scott, what have you learned from the directors that you have worked with throughout your career?

Scott_Foley6 karma


SO much! Where do I begin?

I take different things from different directors. Each of them look at film / TV with a unique voice, and I'm so lucky to have worked with so many great ones.

One in particular is Wes Craven, whom I was lucky enough to work with a couple times. And just seeing his demeanor on-set, the calmness that he had about him, and what it can do for a set was a real inspiration.

chrissync1 karma

What question can we ask Patrick on reddit to make him blush?

Scott_Foley3 karma

You can ask him what it was like kissing my wife! WHAT!

chrissync1 karma

Ed Harris! That was another question. Why not have gotten him to do a cameo so you can finally work with him?

Scott_Foley2 karma

I would've loved to. At least in this film, there wasn't a role that was perfect for him. If they could get him on SCANDAL, I would love that.

jeeeeek1 karma

Any recent Josh Malina pranks played on the cast?

Scott_Foley2 karma

No. The last one was the prank that he decided to video & show on the Jimmy Kimmel show.

chrissync1 karma

Who sat down in the editing room and decided which clips to use, etc? Any fighting during that? :)

Scott_Foley2 karma

Yeah, I think the creative process in this film took place between myself & my 2 producers and costars Patrick Wilson and James Carpinello. We collaborated and made all the decisions together in the editing room.

rznb631 karma

Who's the better golfer? Donald, Patrick, James, or you?

Scott_Foley2 karma

Patrick. Patrick's the better golfer. I'm the next-best golfer. But i have 3 kids. I'm not going golfing anytime soon.

jeeeeek1 karma

Have you seen Kerry's baby? So ~mysterious~

Scott_Foley3 karma

YES! Beautiful, beautiful baby. And she's very private, especially with kids.

Bennydubs20141 karma

What time is your tee time? Do you play skins?

Scott_Foley2 karma

I usually do go out to hang out with my friends. It's not very competitive (I'm not good enough for it to be competitive) and my tee time - the next tee time I have is probably 5 years from now.

chrissync1 karma

Fan of what sports & teams? Any NCAA Basketball? cough UNC cough or just football?

Scott_Foley2 karma

Wow, um...I'm a fan of NCAA basketball DUKE cough cough and I'm a 49-er fan, and baseball I'm a St. Louis Cardinal fan. Sort of all over the map, aren't I?

chrissync1 karma

You did NOT just type Duke, did you? Tell me that was a joke. I live in Chapel Hill. I breathe Carolina Blue. Sigh. You might have just lost me. ;)

Scott_Foley3 karma

Well I only typed Duke because you wrote UNC. It was the obvious answer.

chrissync1 karma

You've basically created the phrase "binge watching" for me. What shows do you want to see and haven't even been able to start yet? Will Konnie catch up on Scandal with you?

Scott_Foley2 karma

I don't know if Konnie will catch up on SCANDAL with me! Well, HOMELAND just ended on Sunday, can't wait for that. THE AMERICANS, GAME OF THRONES, HOUSE OF CARDS. Those top my list.

chrissync1 karma

Did you ever get the binge watching shirt for little K?

Scott_Foley2 karma

I did, thank you very much.

SnatchAddict1 karma

What is your favorite memory from Felicity? I was always rooting for you dude. Good guys finish first!

Scott_Foley3 karma

Aw thank you! My favorite memory from FELICITY is... shooting the final scene of the whole series. We were together as a group, and Greg Grunberg gave a toast to every person. Then we all cried, said goodbye and went home.

dragonfly19931 karma

favorite snack?

Scott_Foley3 karma

Triscuits and tuna. I love the salt & pepper Triscuits, but I love the sweet potato ones EVEN MORE.

chrissync1 karma

Of all the places you've lived growing up, which was your favorite and why?

Scott_Foley2 karma

I have very fond memories of Sydney, Australia. And I think that's because it was such a great time for my family. We were all out of the country and had to rely on one another. We were very close.

rznb631 karma

Will there be a sequel to Let's Kill Ward's Wife?

Scott_Foley2 karma

It depends on how many people go see the first one! I'll never say never. Absolutely!

Scott_Foley2 karma

There's definitely more stories to be told with this group of guys.

jeeeeek1 karma

Favorite restaurant in LA?

Scott_Foley2 karma

It's a restaurant called Little Dom's and I could eat there - they have these rice balls - ALL DAY LONG.

chrissync1 karma

If you could be anything BUT an actor, what would you be doing with your life?

Scott_Foley2 karma

I'd be building houses. I love architecture and working with my hands. I'd be using my hands, somehow. Building houses or making some sort of art that way.

chrissync1 karma

You got Dag's book in, a shawshank reference... anything else I missed? Did you drive your own cars or rentals. :)

Scott_Foley3 karma

My sister in law, who plays one of the lead characters, Stacy, we have a copy of her book in WARD'S WIFE... we drove all of our own cars in the film, all the locations were our homes or our friend's homes... it was a very unifying experience. We all did something that my family & friends put together ourselves. We're very proud of it.

aloveundying1 karma

You are one of my favorite actors! You are great on Scandal. What is your best and worst film/TV project you worked on?

PS You like natural redheads? 👍

Scott_Foley3 karma

I love natural redheads! It's a polish tradition that I learned from my wife years ago to pinch someone if you see a natural redhead - I am constantly forgetting that tradition so I'm constantly being pinched.

I haven't had a worst film project, I've been lucky to work with amazing people. There have been some trying filming experiences & conditions, but nothing I regret doing. And my BEST TV show experience... Felicity or SCANDAL. Both those shows mean so much to me!

rznb631 karma

Who's idea was it to have Marika reading Dagmara's book? Cool!

Scott_Foley3 karma

I think it was Marika's, although it wouldn't be a surprise if it was Dagmara's!

PandoraBlackBox1 karma

Hello Scott,

How r u!?

How is it to pass from the status of actor to the producer? Which hat do u prefer?

What was the most difficult part of let's kill ward's wife work?(poor Ward XD)

How would u describe the movie in three words?

First wave of questions


Scott_Foley3 karma

Oh! I'm good. And warm. It's 82 degrees in Los Angeles.

It wasn't necessarily difficult, it was just a different set of skills. I am much more in tune with my acting skills than my producing skills, but it was a great experience to have to learn all the things i had to learn as a producer.

I think directing my own wife? by far the most difficult part.

Dark, twisted, funny.

PJamma1 karma

I saw the movie this morning and it was hilarious! How long did the writing, filming, editing...well the whole process take from beginning to end? How did you find time between staring on Scandal and doing theatre?

Scott_Foley3 karma

I wrote the script in about 3 weeks. And then I had a few more weeks of re-writes. The whole process between prep for the film, and when we were done editing, took about 8 months. We shot the entire film in 12 days.

rznb631 karma

I really didn't like the urinating scene ... everything else was grand. What's that about?

Scott_Foley2 karma



That's one of my favorite scenes. It was about showing Ward's true feelings towards Stacy. The urine had purpose. I wish I'd shot it a bit differently, but time & money didn't allow.

rznb631 karma

I really didn't want to think that he hated her that much and that it was really more of an accident that he benefited from. Thanks for the answer.

Scott_Foley2 karma

You're welcome.

My perspective was: in order for the movie to work, Donald's character needed to hate his wife. There had to be no redeeming qualities about her character-wise. And for the audience to be onboard with the murder and what happens to her, we had to know that he was also onboard.

chrissync1 karma

Did you have to do a lot of work to talk Dag into taking this part? She is brilliant!!

Scott_Foley2 karma

No, I didn't! She read the script and we had talked to other actresses about it, and when I really sat down & thought about it, there was no one who could've pulled it off as well as she did.

chrissync1 karma

I follow her blog and she's so open about everything. Such a perfect fit!

Scott_Foley2 karma

Yeah, I agree. I think Dag's an amazing writer & author, and her blog posts are really open & freeing and I'm very respectful of that.

chrissync1 karma

You started writing the movie a long time ago. What finally pushed you to do it?

Scott_Foley2 karma

I think it was a combination of a bunch of different things, mostly schedules. Everybody's schedules worked out and we found a window that worked for everyone, so we decided that was when we would start shooting!

rznb631 karma

I saw lots of kids ... were they all related to one of the actors?

Scott_Foley2 karma

Not all of them! My son played my son in the film. And both Patrick's kids and James' kids were in it. We put out a neighborhood casting call.

smilesunshine09251 karma

Hi Scott!

Love you on Scandal.

One question: what is your favorite animal- Puppies or Kittens? (pretending you never took pictures with puppies)

Scott_Foley3 karma

Oh, HOW DO YOU CHOOSE between a puppy and a kitten?

Although if I had to - it would have to be a puppy.

chrissync1 karma

When are you going to start writing for your new comedy? At what point do I have to start worrying about Jake because of it? (Not that it's a bad thing...)

Scott_Foley4 karma

Oh wow, I've already started writing my new comedy, it's for ABC, I'm in the development process right now, and you don't have to worry about Jake - this is just something that I'm writing and producing, not acting.

PJamma1 karma

Do you think Kerry Washington prefers you or Patrick Wilson as an on screen love interest? And do the Dominczyk sisters laugh that she is/was both of your leading lady?

Scott_Foley4 karma

I think she's gotta prefer Patrick Wilson. Because he's Patrick Wilson.

I don't think they laugh? I think we're all grateful to have the chance to work with Kerry. Kerry and my wife are really good friends. They probably get together and laugh about me, haha!

eiselein1 karma

Who's at your dream dinner party?

Scott_Foley3 karma


Martin Luther King... Madonna...Timothy Leary... and Ed Harris.

stevenemy1 karma

Scott!! i wanted you to end up with elliot and im pulling for you and Olivia. that being said as the eternal Almost soul mate, Angel or Spike?

Scott_Foley3 karma

Oh lord. I think Angel went and got his own show, but I would love to see Buffy & Angel together. That would make me very happy.

stevenemy1 karma

ME TOO. Youre a good man. Olivia better choose you

Scott_Foley4 karma

Oh, well thank you.

AmblinFan261 karma

Let's Kill Ward's Wife is clearly a wacky dark comedy that looks like a modern day "Throw Momma From The Train". Are there any black comedies that you drew inspiration from to make the movie?

Scott_Foley3 karma

That's so funny you say that. THROW MOMMA FROM THE TRAIN was one, VERY BAD THINGS was another, and I actually - there's a tone of this, similar in certain parts to a very favorite movie of mine called BETTER OFF DEAD which I just loved.

chrissync1 karma

You're a Starbucksaholic. Standard choice? Also, can we get some pranks pulled ON Josh instead of just by him? Pics are nice for proof.

Scott_Foley2 karma

We're working on getting a prank together for Josh. Can't say anymore than that. And my Starbucks drink of choice is - so strange - 4 shots of decaf espresso.

Scott_Foley2 karma

I cut caffeine out of my diet 4 years ago and I just love the taste!

chrissync1 karma

Definitely a strange choice. HA!

Scott_Foley2 karma

It's a good strong flavor, you know? And ALWAYS iced, never warm!

chrissync1 karma

Do we have any more indie films coming our way or are we holding on for the ABC comedy?

Scott_Foley2 karma

I'm writing another film right now, but between SCANDAL & the comedy & trying to get WARD'S WIFE out to as many people as possible... I don't have the time!

rznb631 karma

LKWW Bloopers: What was with Patrick Wilson taking his clothes off? Homage to Angels in America?

Scott_Foley2 karma

It was not. It was an idea that I had on a golf course that didn't ultimately make it into the film. Funnier in the moment than on the screen.

chrissync1 karma

A few months ago, we talked about the Jake Hate on HuffPostLive. Now, it seems the fandom has totally shifted. What's that like for you?

Scott_Foley2 karma

It's a double-edged sword. On one hand it's a good feeling because people are understanding the character & his relationship with Olivia better. But on the other hand, I know that Shonda has a way of lifting characters up and then dropping them down. I'm terrified of the repercussions.

chrissync1 karma

Both of us are. I said the most important thing was that you kept your job... and we know Shonda listens to me. cough

Scott_Foley2 karma

I'm so glad she listens to you. Thanks so much!

chrissync1 karma

So, the dancing in the fall finale was fun. We all know that. The gifs prove it. But you danced in Felicity, right? Is that where that picture that I just saw was from? Keeping those shoulders going for a long time. :)

Scott_Foley2 karma

Oh god, did I dance in FELICITY? It was fun and terrifying laughing on SCANDAL. I don't remember dancing in FELICITY. And I know that I danced iN Dawson's Creek.

chrissync1 karma

Must have been Dawson's then. You were so young, I couldn't tell. LOL! Look for a pic next #TBT. :D

Scott_Foley1 karma

Thanks! Hahaha! Yeah I'm sure it was Dawson. Although I do remember now - there was, at one point, a dancing scene in FELICITY when we were painting her apartment, I think?

rznb631 karma

Did I see all three Dominczyk (that's hard to spell!) sisters in the movie?

Scott_Foley2 karma

You did! All 3 Dominczyk sisters are in LET'S KILL WARD'S WIFE.

chrissync1 karma

Besides tweeting, what's the best way for your fans to get more people watching LKWW? That, and my obsessive facebook posting.

Scott_Foley2 karma

You know, word of mouth! And sharing it with your friends & family, letting 'em know if you liked it.

chrissync1 karma

Are you satisfied with tv and your own films, or do you aspire to be acting on the big screen at some point?

Scott_Foley2 karma

Well, I've done a number of feature films. To me, they're the same thing. There's a camera pointed at you, and you get to say great words. These days the scripts i see on Television are just as good (if not better) than the scripts I see for feature films, so I'm very happy to be where I am.

chrissync1 karma

One more "I gotta know" question.... you have to either love or hate how much the FFGs show up in your mentions. Do you even pay attention to half of them? hehe

Scott_Foley2 karma

Of course I do! And I appreciate and love them. And my wife also appreciates and loves them.

jeeeeek1 karma

You kind of look like Ryan Seacrest. Did you know that?

Scott_Foley2 karma

I did not know that.