I'm here to tell you all about myself, and the weird things about me that led me to act in and produce my new movie THE ONE I LOVE starring me and the fabulous Elisabeth Moss. It opens in theaters August 22 and is also avail on VOD everywhere!



Looking forward to answering any and all questions...


Thank u guys so much for all the questions. Was really fun and I actually learned some things about myself and what kind of insane people are out in the world. Much Love - mark.

Comments: 764 • Responses: 76  • Date: 

maxj96762 karma

Will Bobbum Man ever get to Kevin's equipmunk?

mduplass666 karma

u want me to spoil the show's ultimate finale episode right here?!?!?!?!

FancySack361 karma

What's up, Tall Guy? How is Brian doing?

Who came up with Rafi's character? He's one of my favorites.

mduplass457 karma

our show runners jackie and jeff schafer created everyone of the characters on the league. except for dirty randy, who jason mantzoukis created in an improv.

you_ruin_everything343 karma

MARK!! HUGE fan!! There was a huge rumor going around that you and Aubrey Plaza did NOT get along well on the set on SNG due to her farting a few times and blaming it on extras and you. I feel like this is bullshit, but a lot of people have been saying this. Is there any truth to this?

mduplass674 karma

partly true. aubrey did fart a lot and blamed it on everyone, but i found her farts to be oddly appealing, so in the end it actually brought us closer.

Geese567340 karma

How much of the league is improvised?

mduplass721 karma

all the dialogue is improvised, though our outlines often have dialogue suggestions or jokes written that we end up saying close to as written...

gf2020249 karma

Jeff, Who Lives At Home is one of my favorite films of all time. Thank you for making it. Can you share some of the film and musical inspirations for it? What was in your head while writing it? (Other than "Signs" obviously, ha.)

mduplass218 karma

trusting the universe is really hard and people will make fun of u for it a lot. i will sometimes too. but it's an amazing thing to do. funny and sad.

MattHand13241 karma

What's the funniest moment that you remember when filming the league?

mduplass435 karma

toilet kitchen. i broke on it 7 takes in a row. that guy killed me.

angmar2805232 karma

I have a total girl crush on your wife. What should I name my fantasy team?

mduplass304 karma

the when harry met sallys

chinkan5196 karma

Does the cast of The League have a "league" outside the show?

mduplass529 karma

u bet. and guess who won it last year? that's right.

sidekicksuicide151 karma

Mark, how'd you get involved with Zero Dark Thirty? It was a nice surprise seeing you show up in that film.

mduplass214 karma

i was lucky enough to be asked to be in the film. was such a great experience for me. love those filmmakers. and got to meet the great james gandalfini.

MetatronYo141 karma

If you could go back in time what advice would you give yourself?

mduplass391 karma

buy apple stock. early. and dell.

Frightlin125 karma

Who is your favorite person to work with on The League?

mduplass262 karma

i love everyone in the cast of that show, but i for some reason love the one on one scenes that i have with paul scheer. fun dynamic.

undrunk13114 karma

What's your opinion on the term mumble-core? Do you hate it?

You're character in the Mindy Project is amazing. How much of that is yourself, and how much is the amazing writing staff?

I'm so jealous you know Mindy.

mduplass143 karma

i don't love the word mumble core. kinda wish it would go away.

i am not at all like brendan deslaurier.

i am kinda jealous i know mindy too.

no1partyanthem102 karma

Hey, Mark. Safety Not Guaranteed looks like it was a lot of fun to shoot. Am I right?

mduplass126 karma

i had a blast on that one. a great character to tackle.

xIoBEASToIx100 karma

How did you meet kate?

mduplass181 karma

new years eve. trouble.

yetitime96 karma

Pirates or monkeys? Please explain your answer

mduplass364 karma

monkeys. they are free masturbators with no shame. i admire that.

billlwoo94 karma

What was the first DVD you purchased?

mduplass357 karma

the big lebowski

hangtime793 karma

If you had the opportunity to get anyone you wanted to guest star on The League, who would it be?

mduplass224 karma

burt reynolds.

chokedonthegoldfish84 karma

Your character on the Mindy Project is unreal, you're amazing in it. How did you come to join the show? And with your real-life brother, no less?

mduplass104 karma

mindy just asked me and jay to come do an episode one day, and that turned into many more cos we were all having so much fun. love being on that show.

gideh77 karma

Who is your favorite football team? And who is your favorite player?

mduplass199 karma

the saints. all time favorite is saints TE hobie brenner

sixribs76 karma

Which other actors would you like to work with?

mduplass189 karma

sam rockwell. richard jenkins. merrly streep. lizzy caplan.

Derpy_Bird72 karma

Let's be honest, Kevin's on top right?

mduplass103 karma

No! I mean... yes

beestakingthe40559 karma

What's you favorite podcast right now?

mduplass167 karma

mark maron

TerriC122358 karma

SO looking forward to your HBO show "Togetherness" !!! Can you share any details about it? An approximate release date perhaps?

mduplass68 karma

it will come out January 2015.

diazblo57 karma

do you film an episode every week? Because very often you have very topical references based on injuries of real players

mduplass108 karma

we try to make educated guesses and shoot multiple versions of the show. jeff schaffer is very good at guessing somehow!

RebelNutt1852 karma

Which of the actors/actresses from The League is the most like their character?

Also, do you ever plan on appearing on an album with Jon Lajoie?


Thanks for the AMA tall guy. Scrote squad!

mduplass81 karma

i'd say we r all VERY different from our characters, honestly.

i have not been asked by jon to appear. thanks for rubbing it in :)

u r welcome!

mario_peach_FWB50 karma

dude mark! youre hilarious. quick question about the league if I may... How good of friends are you with Nick , John , Stephen, and Paul? your guys chemistry is awesome and the show and I cant help but feel like you guys are all bros off the set. Best wishes with the movie i will be seeing asap!

mduplass85 karma

we are all very good friends in real life. love those guys.

OoLaLana44 karma

Discovered you first in Your Sister's Sister at TIFF... and then Safety Not Guaranteed. Love the vibe of your films, and I think you fill a void for small, personal, character driven movies.

My question: How do you feel about movie trailers?

I hate them and think they give WAY too much away, like wrapping a gift in cellophane. Is this every an issue you think about?

mduplass55 karma

check out the trailer for THE ONE I LOVE. gives nothing away. hope u like it.

betweenhereandnow41 karma

Hey Mark, I love Volcano!!! I'm Still Excited. Some of those songs are really sweet and heartfelt. Do you ever play music still with those guys?

mduplass48 karma

we've all moved on, but maybe there will be a reunion some day

bfsfan10137 karma

What advice would you give to young filmmakers who want to try and get out there and make a feature film? Also, how important is improvisation to your style of filmmaking?

mduplass61 karma

just go make your movie. don't wait for anyone to help.

i improvise quite a bit. and think it helps keep things natural

kaldis12335 karma

The Mindy Project cast/writers start a fantasy football league, who do you think would win?

mduplass130 karma

mindy. hands down. bc she knows nothing about it and the people who know the least always win.

bsnyder121233 karma

Love your work in various movies and of course the league.

Who should I draft in the first round of my fantasy draft tomorrow?

Also Cant wait to see your new movie the trailer looks awesome

mduplass72 karma

depends on your pick. i might go crazy and pick megatron if you're late in the round.

mccallhaley28 karma

Hi Mark! Thanks for the AMA. Seen any good movies lately that you'd care to recommend?

mduplass93 karma

boyhood. the horse boy. how to survive a plague.

forrestjunior27 karma

Hey Mark, any plans on revamping your 'Netflix 365' recommendations on Twitter?

mduplass41 karma

i actually have something brewing. different form, better and more extensive. stay tuned.

cshulings26 karma

big fan of THE PUFFY CHAIR Just curious where the process starts for you; did you and Jay write that knowing you would play the lead? Are you more interested in acting or directing?

mduplass32 karma

we wrote that for things we had available to us. the van. the apartment. me and katie. etc. it was written specifically so that there were no obstacles to it getting made. highly recommend the process.

enoughothis25 karma

If you were writing your own bio, what would be the first line?... and the theme?

mduplass112 karma

"he looked fairly intelligent, but he was so dumb, you guys."

theme: fake it til u make it.

pierseb24 karma

Did you ever figure out what AD stands for?

mduplass56 karma

yep. turns out it was awesome dong all along :(

RackballJoe22 karma

Hey Mark! I've been a huge fan of The League since the beginning, and what I really love about it is its improvisational feel, and the subtle jokes and details that make it great for repeat viewing. How many of the jokes are improvised and how many are scripted? For example, the incessant and overly complex rips on poor Andre? Also, congrats on working with Elisabeth Moss I love her in Mad Men and look forward to seeing her in some different roles. Thanks for doing this AMA man!

mduplass37 karma

it's all improvised form outlines... tho our creators often feed us joke ideas as we go along. fun way to do it.

Frajer22 karma

who composed Cyrus' music from Cyrus ?

mduplass35 karma

Mike Andrews. Does all my stuff... he's the best

MontanaCelt19 karma

What is it like to transition from such a slap-stick comedy character such as Pete in "The League" to some more of your serious parts like in "Your Sister's Sister" and now "The One I Love". Do you find it more challenging switching lanes? Do you have a preference moving forward as to which kind of characters you want to play?

mduplass20 karma

i like it all!

GogNMagog19 karma

You and you're brother are often cited as pioneers of the "mumblecore" genre, along with a few others... What do you think of the genre label "mumblecore"?

mduplass45 karma

me no likey. feels pejorative and limiting. i don't make mumbly movies. at least i don't think so.

BigLipped19 karma

Hey Mark. Thanks for doing this! How is your approach to a show like The League different from how you approach films?

mduplass59 karma

the league has zero emotional content. it's all about hunting for jokes. and trying to set them up for everyone around you. my movies are a bit more nuanced in terms of tone.

JDawgSabronas19 karma

Donut enthusiast?

What's your favorite type, Duplass?

mduplass34 karma

so many. love a basic glazed twist. boston cream. chocolate cake with a little glaze. ugh. gotta stop talking about this now...

cbushinator14 karma

How did you and your brother get your first feature made?

mduplass41 karma

it was self funded. our parents, our savings, etc. i made a movie that once only cost $500 and it got bought and distributed. no excuse for not making your own stuff! don't wait for financing.

philballins14 karma

Was Humpday as awkward to film as it is to watch?

mduplass24 karma

i'm good friends with josh leonard. not awkward at all. super fun actually.

jac51813 karma

Just watched The One I Love, awesome movie! What was it like working with Charlie McDowell?

mduplass15 karma

that guys is the best. i love him so much. hope to make many more with him.

page_mathews13 karma

Hi Mark! Here are some random questions: Boxers or Briefs? Socks or barefoot? Coffee or tea? Beach or mountains? Mani or pedi?

mduplass28 karma

boxers. barefoot. coffee. both. neither.

Karma_Uber_Alles12 karma

Hi Mark, big fan! (both of your movies and of your acting roles)

Orson Welles said he just watched Stagecoach over and over again to learn everything about filmmaking he needed to make Citizen Kane. Is there a movie that you feel that way about, and if so, what would it be?

mduplass21 karma

oh boy. the ones i watched over and over again are a little less "classic." karate kid. top gun. romancing the stone. revenge of the nerds?

Cuboner10 karma

What is something you really want to accomplish in the next decade?

mduplass50 karma

really interested in trying to fix some of the public schools in my neighborhood. trying to make money in the industry to donate to that cause.

mccallhaley10 karma

Hello! I loved seeing the League crew at NY Comic-Con last fall. How did you guys like the experience, and any chance you guys would do any more conventions/panels in the future?

mduplass13 karma

we had a blast! hope to do more.

gf202010 karma

If you were going to make a sequel to any of your movies that aren't Creep, which would it be? What characters would you most be interested in revisiting 10 years later, ala Linklater?

mduplass22 karma

the puffy chair.

advancedman9 karma

What's the last movie that made you cry?

mduplass21 karma

the horse boy. great doc.

hannahstorm59 karma

Hi Mark, you have a great smile, so I was wondering what makes you smile & what's something we'd be surprised to know about you? :)

mduplass25 karma

dark funny things make me smile. also spicy tacos and pizza and really great beer. you'd probably be surprised to know that i am wearing but off sweatpants right now

bhoughton4847 karma

You are on a deserted island and only allowed 3 things. No other human beings. What three things would you have? Also, favorite band of all time?

mduplass22 karma

iPad with classical music. lotsa books. shit ton of water.

too hard on favorite band, but really loving THE TALLEST MAN ON EARTH lately.

gfloodnyc7 karma

What's your writing process? Do you write one script at a time, or do you have many projects in various states of completion?

mduplass13 karma

i usually keep a few going. ones that need inspiration for when i'm feeling inspired, and ones that just need small finessing for when i'm on the other, more analytical side of my brain.

sincewedidthedo6 karma

Which film would you consider the bigger Oscar snub: Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit, or Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol?

mduplass7 karma


trrnc5 karma

What's going on with Togetherness? Any date on when that will be premiering? I've been looking forward to it since you first announced the project with HBO.

mduplass8 karma

January 2015 premiere!

VernaMaroney5 karma

Mark, what I like about is you simple: You are not afraid to try. You act, direct and write projects that would normally seem undesirable to other people. Can you talk a little bit about your willingness to just plain TRY things and take risks?

mduplass5 karma

i am impatient and won't wait for anyone to help me make my stuff. i just like to do it.

PopLockAndSquat5 karma

Hello Mark! Idk what to ask. I really enjoy the diversity in your work. I find it amazing how an actor is able to portray many different types of characters.

Anyways, I have the second overall pick in my fantasy league. Last year I drafted amazingly and had both McCoy and Forte (my favorite player). Am I crazy in considering drafting Forte 2nd overall? If McCoy is gone?

mduplass7 karma

forte not for me second overall. u should have mccoy then still. unless your first pick is dumb.

Intellerections4 karma

have you ever had fear boner? if so when?

mduplass7 karma

not yet. but i'm still young.

GeezerMuldoon3 karma

How do you feel about the current state of American filmmaking? Do you feel that most films being made by American filmmakers and studios have a serious lack of artistic value?

big fan of what you do.

mduplass12 karma

very broad question! too many different types of american filmmakers. some really great. some schlocky and shitty. but there are great filmmakers here. u just have to seek them out.

c00lins3 karma

I love you and Jay's characters as the Deslaurier brothers on the Mindy Project. What is your favorite thing about being involved in that show? It seems like it'd be a lot of fun.

mduplass3 karma

i just love the people. mindy, ike, messina. dave stasson. they are all so amazing and nice to be with.

one_arm_scissor3 karma

First I wanted to say and I'm a huge of you and your brother's work and that The Puffy Chair was the film that inspired me to make films myself.

What films inspired you to make films yourself?

Also, when will there be a Volcano, I'm Still Excited!! reunion?

mduplass5 karma

thanks for the nice words. i find that making films about the things i talk about late at night with my wife and friends is a good place to start. in terms of VISE!! reunion, i have dreams about it and that i forgot how to play all the songs!

ImNotJesus2 karma

I'm a huge fan of The League and all of your work that I've seen so far. My question is; what's it like working on a set where the show is so heavily improvised? Is it a very different experience to working on a more structured set?

mduplass2 karma

it can be different. i'd say with an improv show you really have to be on your toes, listening, and it can be a little more tiring, but ultimately it can be more fun when things are really clicking (you can also fall on your face a lot)

Tymo552 karma

Why Tammy?

mduplass3 karma

they were nice and fun as all hell to work with. i'd do it again in a heartbeat.

TaxiCabShrink2 karma

If they were in the same fantasy league, who would win: Pete or Kenneth from Safety Not Guaranteed?

mduplass3 karma

obviously kenneth. he has one small but important advantage that would make him unbeatable :)

FernSeeds1 karma

Do you have anything that you're working on right now?

mduplass2 karma

just finished a show for HBO called TOGETHERNESS that my brother and i created and that i star in. also, on the road promoting my new movie THE ONE I LOVE!

asoues1 karma

Is Creep ever going to be released? I would love to see it!

mduplass3 karma

yep. early 2015. look for it!

thelostdolphin1 karma

Know of a good place to find a decent chair? One that's sort of, I dunno, puffy like?

mduplass3 karma

they're everywhere!

evanponter1 karma

Can you sing a verse of Landslide real quick?

mduplass4 karma

i'm doing it right now. i promise.

mephistolove1 karma

Are you still writing with your brother? What's that process like?

mduplass1 karma

yes. we wrote 8 episodes of our tv show TOGETHERNESS last year together. it's great. we crack stories together and then ping pong drafts back and forth.