The title is pretty self-explanatory. I'm a 21-year-old living in the town that is currently controlled by pro-Russian rebels. Several people suggested that I should (as a Slav with a sufficient command of English) conduct an AMA on Reddit.

While you can ask anything, remember that while I'll try to be as balanced as possible (not like Faux Noose but for real), know that I do have a certain bias because times like this force you to, sorta, choose your side.

Edit 18: I'm back and today, from time to time I'll answer remaining questions and then I'll stop. You have to stop some time, right?

Edit 19: Now there will be my last question before I go - If I'm to make a journal, sorta recording experience of what I hear and read from a perspective of a Ukrainian that lives in the territory that supports Russia - would it be interesting for you folks to read? Would you like it to be done?

Edit 20: Thank you guys, you were amazing. I hope I answered most of your questions, there's just too darn many. This AMA is done.

Comments: 2098 • Responses: 115  • Date: 

ktantone502 karma

What things can't you do anymore?

rultes807 karma

Freely get my money from an ATM - currently the most nagging concern. And freely move around the territory that is controlled by rebels, with their checkpoints and all that.

rimarua314 karma

what are the danger in going outside alone there now?

rultes772 karma

My town has it relatively easy but if you are a man of a conscription age - separatists can snatch you and maybe you'll work the trenches or maybe they'll force you to fight for them. It happened and it happens.

rimarua285 karma

So how do you fulfill your daily needs (like food, etc.)? Do grocery stores still open, is there.. like, a ration, or do you have your own supplies or how? are power and water still available throughout the day?

rultes587 karma

Almost forgot, thanks to rebels, gov't can get to the water pumping stations to deliver liquid chlorine for disinfection. Our tap water was bad before that, now - it's just terribad.

cohesive_friction176 karma

Make sure you boil your water before drinking or cooking with it!

rultes356 karma

We don't use the tap water for drinking or anything like that if possible since the time immemorial. But thank you.

I know that I have to boil it for no less than 10 minutes.

rultes316 karma

Do grocery stores still open, is there.. like, a ration, or do you have your own supplies or how?

Stores are open but they've reduced their business hours by two or three. Power is so far available throughout the day, water: two or three hours in the morning and two or three hours in the evening.

zhidecitta436 karma

To avoid assumptions, what side did you choose in the conflict? Also, what would you say is the biggest misconception you hear about what's going on there?

rultes1066 karma

Ukrainian side. My country's side.

Also, what would you say is the biggest misconception you hear about what's going on there?

Hm. I guess it's that we're so poor that we have no problems or moral standards to prevent us from looting that downed jet. Our two oblasts are among the poorest in the country but we have moral standards too, damn it. Besides, the first people on the scene were separatists and local small time scum, from what I know (I live a considerable distance away from the scene but I hear things just the same).

RainbowGayUnicorn267 karma

Hi dear Ukrainian friend, sorry for stealing this comment, since I can't reply a non-question comment to the IAmA thread.

I'm Russian myself, and feel so very very sorry for the situation you are in right now. From the very beginning of Maidan I was worrying about your nation, same as all my friends. At the end of the day, Ukrainians and Russians are friends, at the end of the day most of us have either relatives or friends on both sides, and before this hell have happened, I didn't even think that all this hatred can come up. I still can't believe in what's happening, and what terrifies me the most, is how much people were separated by it. Suddenly, out of nowhere, there are so many Russians hating Ukrainians and vice versa, I've heard heart breaking stories about families being torn apart just because older parents can't comprehend that their children, who moved to Moscow to live and work and have their families here years ago don't want to move back, calling them "Putin sluts" and not wanting to have anything in common with them anymore. Things happening right now is not something, that should be happening in the modern society. As for the last catastrophe, I personally find it horrifying to see, that instead of realising, that this conflict led to deaths of hundreds of innocent people, that maybe now we all should see how pointless the whole situation is, that it should be stopped, higher-ups and radical supporters just having a pointing-blaming game.

Once again, I know how hard it is to be caught in the middle of it right now, and I really want to apologise for all the hurtful things that were said and done to your nation by mine. Just want to use this moment to let you know, that not all Russians are blinded by propaganda induced hatred, for the most part we just want for this war to be over with. Please stay strong, the end of it is near, don't forget that government in bot our countries has nothing in common with actual people.

Держитесь, друганы, мы скоро прорвёмся, главное не терять человечность. Миру мир, война хуй, Путин ест детей.

rultes12 karma

Спасибо чувак. Жаль только русские не понимают, как это - говорить по-русски и иметь свое мнение, которое отличается от мнения большинства.

TheCreepyDude44 karma

Our two oblasts are among the poorest in the country

Just an unrelated question: I thought that Luhansk and Donetsk are much richer that the Ukrainian loyal western Ukraina?

Morfolk208 karma

Another Ukrainian chiming in - the comparison is not that easy. Luhansk and Donetsk regions are the most resourceful and have lots of industry. But the oligarchs have been looting it for decades and moving profits either to offshores or to Kiev. Which means that Luhansk and Donetsk require more government aid than any other region in the country.

Western Ukraine has less natural resources but is much more self-sustained. This leads to a situation where Donetsk's and Luhansk's rich are the richest in the country, their poor are the poorest but since they work 24/7 for meager pay they still have a feeling that they are "feeding the country".

rultes107 karma

Yes. That's exactly what it is.

Bunny_with_cookie377 karma

Thank you for posting. I hope you and your family come unharmed out of this. What will you do first thing once the madness is over?

rultes760 karma

I'll ring my best friend in Kyiv and I'll get hammered. And I'll be so drunk I won't remember anything I've done (I usually drink responsibly and with exception of beer, I try to water my drinks). Maybe go out for a picnic. Something very fun, that's for sure.

TrueNateDogg337 karma

Just like to say that this AMA is probably one of the best of our time so far. 21 year old Ukrainian dude telling us what life is like on the inside AND knows how to reddit, what a boss.

Also where can I purchase Fraise, the sequel to Rampart?

rultes332 karma

It will be straight to Netflix. I will announce the date later.

herpderpherpderp313 karma


idonthavearedditacct176 karma

I'm a Jew Lizard of Jupiter

Uhhh, do we even want to know?

OP has been editing his post

rultes381 karma


gad-gada299 karma

Greetings from Poland. Just so you know, most people here support integrity of Ukraine and our government is actually in opposition to many EU leaders who try to downplay the issues and give Putin what he wants.

Anyway, how do you think this situation can be resolved?

Also, have you had problems personally? Were you attacked because you are Ukrainian? How does everyday life looks like there?

rultes401 karma

Anyway, how do you think this situation can be resolved?

Get Putin off our back and allow Ukrainians to finish the job. Help also would be nice, I think. Lethal aid, that is.

Also, have you had problems personally? Were you attacked because you are Ukrainian? How does everyday life looks like there?

So far I've flown under the radar. I speak Russian, I don't display any visible pro-Ukrainian leanings. Better safe than sorry.

JanissaryRush105 karma

If you were called to join the Ukrainian military and fight the rebels, would you go?

rultes236 karma

Depends on the situation. But again, as long as my country isn't officially at war - I'm not fit for service. Better let experienced men do their jobs. So far, only previously served and volunteers were called to serve in the East.

holenek295 karma

Thanks for your AMA. I am Czech and we've been fucked over big time by Russia in 1968 so Ukrainians have my full support. After Yugoslavia I've never expected there will be another armed conflict in Europe. I am ashamed West is not putting more effort here.

I am wondering - would you be OK with east being re-taken by UA (or other allied) forces even if it would mean huge damage to your home town?

rultes294 karma

I am wondering - would you be OK with east being re-taken by UA (or other allied) forces even if it would mean huge damage to your home town?

Yes, if there's no other way, then yes. I wouldn't want that but you can't always get what you want.

lessnoisemoregreen281 karma

Do you suspect this conflict will escalate? If so, how?

Also, do you or your family have any sort of emergency plan if things do escalate?

Thank you for doing this AMA btw!

rultes463 karma

The only escalation that is now possible is that Russia will just go all-in and just invade us.

Also, do you or your family have any sort of emergency plan if things do escalate?

Alas, no. If only we had a solid plan. Although right now any solid plan can turn into shit at any minute.

daHaus238 karma

Do the rebels realize the majority of people on that plane were citizens of NATO countries? Most wars are started over much less than this, so blocking the UN (which Russia is a head member of) inspectors just seems incredibly naive.

If they don't like the UN inspectors there then they're really not going to like it when NATO comes through to retrieve their people.

rultes1333 karma

Even if they did - I don't suppose they cared. They hate West and all things Western. Except, maybe, tracksuits.

llosa217 karma

Who do most people in your town support - the Russians or the Ukrainians?

Who do you think shot down the plane?

rultes540 karma

Sadly - Russians. Again, as I explained: some wish to get back to the USSR, some just hate Ukraine and Ukrainians (yet they get their salaries and pensions here), some are just naive idealists. And obviously, some are just committed to the idea of Pan-Slavic world with Russia leading the way. I call those people "mad goblins" because when they proclaim that, that usually means they're also extremely conservative, anti-Western, anti-globalization and anti-progressive in general.

llosa216 karma

I see what you mean. Is it dangerous to speak up against the rebels though - will they ever commit violence against Ukrainian civilians?

rultes380 karma

Oh yes.

afrustratedfapper122 karma

Have you ever seen someone get critical about the separatists and then have something bad happen to them?

rultes195 karma

I, personally, haven't.

afrustratedfapper67 karma

That's uplifting at least. Thanks for the response and stay safe :)

Hachiiiko126 karma

I suppose that probably because people rarely, if ever, are publically critical about the seperatists in an area that is controlled by the seperatists, out of fear of the consequences.

rultes163 karma


ADirtySmellyHippy2 karma

So they're kinda like American tea party members.

rultes3 karma

Exactly. Only crazier.

canchill215 karma

The Malaysian team are extremely worried of not having access to the site or to extract the dead bodies. What do you think they can offer to the militia to gain the access? Or could it be only down to offensive?

rultes396 karma

A shit load of money but it's too late. From what I know - everything of importance was either destroyed or transported to Russia.

Kwoon234 karma

And bodies hidden and the crash site looted by gunmen of Pro-Russians, even the Black Box was stolen.

As Malaysian, I am now seeing Pro-Russians as Terrorists. Shooting down planes between the border of Ukraine and Russia? Although they shot down a plane, Putin still ordered for an investigation to go on.

At the same time though, how do you feel about the MH17 incident now that Malaysia now lost TWO planes?

rultes290 karma

I feel nothing. It was truly awful. I can hardly understand what those people are feeling.

And though I offer my deepest condolences, I don't think it will get those people back to life.

Royal_Duck210 karma

Would you be for or against the EU/US imposing further sanctions on Russia? What be the consequences for you and your country?

rultes593 karma

Anything, that can get Russia off our back will be nice.

I don't hate Russian people, I hate the Russian state but if the people support the Russian state as they do right now, well then, I'm sorry but you've got to reap what you sow.

hexhex207 karma

Hey dude. I'm a Ukrainian from Kharkiv, currently living in Sweden. Just wanted to say - thanks for the AMA. It is nice to hear from people in Donetsk/Luhansk regions that support the Ukrainian side. In Kharkiv I think it has been more or less 50-50, but recently the scales have tipped to the Ukrainian side.

Just imagine that all this shit is over. Rebels flee to Russia and Ukraine is at peace again. How do you think we should continue living side by side with some of our fellow Ukrainians who are filled with Russian propaganda and ideas about "the Western threat"?

Will you go on talking to/being friends with your classmates/pals/relatives who supported the rebels? I know there was always a divide between Western and "soviet"-oriented Ukrainians, but it has recently been made so much worse by Russian lies and stories about "fascists", so I don't even know how we can come back to living as one country again...

rultes200 karma

I'll be communicating with those people only if such necessity arises.

I'm sure I won't be friends with any of them, though. But we need to get our differences behind us one day, if we are to remain united. Our ancestors fought and died for what we have.

hexhex140 karma

What's also awful is that the majority of my Russian friends completely changed their attitudes towards Ukraine during the last 5-6 months. They think that there really WAS a fascist threat in Ukraine after maidan. They think the Ukrainians brought down the Malaysian plane despite all the evidence and shifty behavior of pro-Russian rebels... I guess we will only be able to put our differences behind us when (if) Russian propaganda machine finally stops spewing all this ridiculous crap.

Anyway, thanks. Тримайся там.

ImSwedishGiveUpvotes96 karma

What's also awful is that the majority of my Russian friends completely changed their attitudes towards Ukraine during the last 5-6 months.

Oh god tell me about it. I was born in Kharkiv but have lived in Stockholm almost my entire life. Both my and my mothers Russian friends have been getting a bit hyped about Russian nationalism ever since the beginning of this year. It's always Putin this or Putin that, you can almost see the spark of national pride in their eyes. Makes me sick.

wizard-of-odd61 karma

The combination of Nationalism and the desire to bring a whole ethnic group together are disturbingly familiar.

rultes25 karma

Uniting with the leader, "recollection of the ethnic lands". Yes, you are on the right track. But at least thanks to the person you're alluding to Germany has autobahns.

rultes69 karma

Дякую тобі.

rimarua159 karma

Hey thanks for doing this AMA! so what do you think the ongoing conflict is all about? also what's the people on the area think about it? Do they mainly support Russia or Ukraine?

rultes497 karma

so what do you think the ongoing conflict is all about?

Putin wants a sort of, shall I say, maxi pad between his Russia and the West by creating an unstable buffer and making sure that Ukraine won't join anything as long as this conflict goes on.

also what's the people on the area think about it?

A lot of them support Russia. Some - because they still think that they can back to the USSR. Some - because of the extreme amount of bullshit that is being fed by the Russian propaganda machine. Believe me, it's that potent. It bends and twists people's mind to their whim very easy.

Some begin to wise up, but sadly, there aren't enough of them. You know, what could be easier: if you want to be in Russia - move to Russia. But noooo, you have to call Ukrainians offensive names, you have to show that you hate Ukrainian language (although nobody forces you to use it).

Maleval272 karma

Some - because of the extreme amount of bullshit that is being fed by the Russian propaganda machine.

Oh yeah, this is fucking disgusting. My family's from Kyiv, we've been here mostly since my grandfather moved over from the Luhansk region in the 50s. Some of his close relatives are still there. And some of them are eating this bullshit up. His sister in law lashed out at him (over the phone thankfully) for critisizing Putin and the rebel's actions. Some are actually terrified of the Right Sector that's burning down churches and eating children in the streets of Kyiv. My grandmother from the Kirov region of Russia called me about a month ago telling me not to go outside because I'll be killed by the fascists in the streets (for whatever reason). The ammount of bullshit that russian throws at those who are forced to listen is just unbelievable.

I have been relatively safe here and cannot imagine what your situation is like. I wish you to stay safe and see this through.

rultes177 karma

Thanks. You too. Here's to our brainwashed relatives in hopes that they will be free of the Russian propaganda bullshit one day.

darkslide300070 karma

What is the reality about the Right Sector in Kyiv? Is it true that there are hardcore fascists and nationalists in the new government/parliament? How much power do they hold, and how democratic is the new Ukraine really right now?

rultes180 karma

Is it true that there are hardcore fascists and nationalists in the new government/parliament?

I would hardly call "Svoboda" fascists. They had 10% of the general vote in 2012, that isn't much.

As for the presidential elections - candidates from Svoboda and Right Sector combined have gotten less votes than a candidate of a Jewish origin. that should tell you something.

EireOfTheNorth68 karma

Is this true?

rultes189 karma

Apparently yes.

Do I like the symbolism? No. Do I support the far-right/fringe right Ukrainian nationalists? No.

But to do them justice - Wolfsangel is an old heraldic symbol, which was smeared in shit by Nazis.

Does that mean that they're "junta" and "fascists"? No, I don't think so.

nicotine_shakes141 karma

Are you worried that this AMA might cause troubles for you since you express your feelings and opinions quite freely from an area where majority thinks quite the opposite? Are you using any kind of precautions to mask your identity and/or physical location (like TOR)?

Best of luck to you, hope everything works out well for you and your family.

rultes295 karma

I'm too small a fish to catch. I don't foul-mouth them, except for several times in this AMA, where I call them "idiots".

And I don't exactly expect for this AMA to gather a lot of attention since it's pretty specific.

And thank you.

raarts127 karma

How did you learn to speak english so well? Your use of expressions makes you sound like a native speaker, not one learning it over the net from a country in your region.

rultes173 karma

I had a lot of practice. Is that really surprising? I always thought my English was mediocre to say the least.

Zee_dee125 karma

How do they make life miserable for you?

rultes265 karma

Well, for one - I will have to consider changing universities. That's the very least. In the long tun - my place of residence. There are a lot of smaller things as welll, like, for example, my bank closed down the physical operations in my region because the senior manager for the oblast and few of his staff were taken and remain hostage. There's the fact that armed to the teeth men walk around in their gear.

Corvin34115 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA.

I've heard a lot of suggestions in the media that the Separatists are not even all Ukrainian, that some are current or ex-Russian military/Special Forces, is this true or are they all just concerned Ukrainians?

There's been a lot of back in forth between Western Media and Russian Media about who is to blame for the plane being shot down, curious to see who you blame for it or who you think is responsible.

rultes246 karma

I've heard a lot of suggestions in the media that the Separatists are not even all Ukrainian, that some are current or ex-Russian military/Special Forces, is this true or are they all just concerned Ukrainians?

The former. If it was only our drunks and junkies - they wouldn't see that much success in the initial stages. Besides, the current "head" of the "militia" is a former Lt.Col of the Russian army with a combat experience around the world. That should tell you something.

There's been a lot of back in forth between Western Media and Russian Media about who is to blame for the plane being shot down, curious to see who you blame for it or who you think is responsible.

There might be some blame for the Ukrainian government that the airspace above my part was still open but to my mind this is the only conflict in the modern history where rebels have a heavy artillery and AA from almost the very start.

PM_a_llama112 karma

What's something positive about being in your position?

rultes333 karma

Can't really think of anything positive. Really.

PM_a_llama102 karma

That makes me feel terrible. I was hoping you had something positive to focus on every day. What about your family? Or friends? In New Zealand we say "Kia Kaha" It means "Stay strong".

rultes208 karma

Well, family - sure.

I was hoping you had something positive to focus on every day.

So far, the only positive thing besides family are the war dispatches about advances of Ukrainian army. You know, hope and all that.

MonkeyCore111 karma

I've been wondering what the tactical objective of the pro-Russian rebels are. Do you feel that they ultimately want to overthrow Kiev or just maintain a hold of Eastern Ukraine and then maybe create it's own country?

rultes271 karma

Their stated objective is to "overthrow Fascist junta in Kiev".

They want all of south-east of Ukraine to break out of Ukraine and join Russia. Don't believe when they say otherwise. That's their ultimate goal.

NotAlwaysSarcastic31 karma

I've understood that Russians have a long history of calling "fascist" anyone they don't agree with. What's your opinion?

rultes41 karma

I'm very sad about it. I hate far-right. So it happens that they are our allies but I'm sure they will be dealt with accordingly when it ends.

But my country and supporters of my country aren't fascist.

Mcranford1108 karma

Your command of the English language is perfect. You seem very educated. What do you do for a living? Good look to you and your family however this turns out.

rultes186 karma

I'm a student, my lifelong passion is translation.

And thank you for your kind words.

futureshocking95 karma

I'm so sorry about what's happening in your country. Thank you for doing this. I was wondering if you'd interacted with the pro-Russian rebels? I imagine that would be awkward as hell, but unavoidable at times?

rultes267 karma

I interact and interacted with pro-Russians and that is plenty for me. I barely contain my emotions with them and I don't want to argue with people, whose ultimate argument would be a 5.45x39 in my frontal lobe.

gutter_rat_serenade59 karma

Is there any kind of underground of loyal Ukrainians to fight the rebels?

rultes127 karma

Not that I know of. Although, there were news about some people on Porsche Cayenne who killed everyone at a certain separatist checkpoint but that was a long time ago.

afrustratedfapper35 karma

What ever happened to the Donbas battalion?

rultes73 karma

Still active, as far as I know. Why?

afrustratedfapper32 karma

Aren't they a pro Ukrainian group based in Donetsk?

rultes63 karma

Their training grounds are in Dnipropetrovsk as far as I know. Why?

afrustratedfapper28 karma

Just curious. They are pro Ukrainian are they?

rultes71 karma

Yes, technically it's a volunteer battalion under the command of the Ministry of the Interior.

lshic84 karma

how is MH17 crash reported in your area?

are there both views accessable in TV, the western and the russian views?

rultes132 karma

Yes, thankfully to the wonders of an IPTV because cable and terrestrial is controlled by separatists.

lshic51 karma

what is aired by cable/

russian programms? separatsts' shows?

rultes132 karma

Mostly Russian channels. LifeNews, NTV, 1 channel (Russia)/

separatsts' shows?

That made me chuckle, 'cause there's actually a separatist channel in Donetsk and Horlivka. They've requisitioned local TV stations and they run their bullshit from time to time, when they're not broadcasting Russian channels.

Dicios69 karma

What is the silliest propaganda you have heard from a pro-separatist and pro-Kiev sided person? Like what silly propaganda they have come to believe?

rultes134 karma

pro-separatist: Batch of the beer "Lvivs'ke 1715" has been laced with poison and sent to the East of Ukraine for easterners to consume.

A thousand members of the "Right Sector" are being transported in the freight trains in order to make a surprise attack on our town.

Usage of the thermobaric bombs and white phosphorus.

pro-Kiev: People in Russia can't wear their lacy panties. While the Customs Union did enact a ban on lacy panties to be produced and imported, I don't think that their police will be checking out girls and it will be considered an offense to wear least yet.

RustleGorillaWarfare61 karma

Thoughts on the whole Malaysian plane deal?

rultes164 karma

Horrible. Savagery. But not something surprising, considering how Russia is committed to supply arms to separatists. I wonder what's next? Fighter jets? Topol-M's?

TrueNateDogg70 karma

Holy crap, we start seein sepratist fighter jets and then we'll KNOW that they're being supplied by outside groups.

rultes290 karma

Naw, Putin will just say that they bought it in the nearest surplus store.

Tuncerado59 karma

Were you okay with the secession of Crimea? Mainly I've heard that the people in Kyiv were outraged by it and wanted to keep Ukraine's territorial integrity. But I heard another side that it was majority Russians in the area, and some Ukrainians were okay with it going. Thoughts?

rultes171 karma

I was disappointed in the judgement of the people of Crimea, because I honestly can't see any good in joining Russia.

But again, they were nostalgizing so hard in their pants at the mere prospect of re-joining ЗЕ МАЗА РАША, so maybe that was for good. I hope when they'll sober up - they won't kill themselves out of despair.

baduncadonk21 karma


rultes33 karma

It's not a joke. It's an approximate phonetic transcript of "the Mother Russia".

Diecreeperdie57 karma

Have you had trigger happy rebels point their guns at you?

rultes120 karma

Thank God no. I try to fly under the radar.

bigusdikus57 karma

Have you been watching the Vice news Ukraine dispatches?

If so do you notice any significant media bias, or do they fairly represent both sides of the conflict?

I have noticed they have shown both good and bad actions/points on both eides.

rultes156 karma

Vice are inherently biased but they're not hiding it and they are proud of it, that's why I like them.

Also, Simon Ostrovsky has balls of steel.

bigusdikus39 karma

Thanks for the answer and yeah he does.

rultes83 karma

I just told something about balls to a person with a name that is quoting Monty Python.

How fitting.

Jerker101553 karma

So what is it really like there? As an American, I find it laughable how media potrays us to the rest of the world. So if you want to clear up how the media is representing Ukraine, have at it.

rultes218 karma

I'm a Ukrainian with a pro-Western leaning. I'm an inherently biased party. I'm not sure if I qualify for a representative of my country as a whole.

I_dont_have_username49 karma

Have you considered moving to another country? I have heard that a lot of Ukrainians have gone to Poland.

rultes215 karma


But seriously - I heard that the procedure to be admitted in Poland is very hard.

shivan2148 karma

Was the debris of the shot down aircraft looted or rather all was taken for an evidence cover up?

rultes193 karma

Why not both?

shivan2145 karma

What is the history of the relationship of the east with western ukraine, has been there ever any separatist tendencies before? Has been there high level of propaganda from Russia before? How people there reacted when Yanukovich has broken his promises to join eu and later fled with great amount of money?

rultes90 karma

What is the history of the relationship of the east with western ukraine

Irrational mutual misunderstanding of Western Ukraine by Easterners turned into hate by politicians and Russian propaganda in 2004.

Has been there high level of propaganda from Russia before?

Untill '96 I had only Russian channels on my TV set.

How people there reacted when Yanukovich has broken his promises to join eu and later fled with great amount of money?

About EU part - indifferent. Surely, people were somewhat, for the lack of the better word that can describe the reaction, disappointed, but again, indifferent and passive.

"They can rape us but at least there will be no war".

Well, there you have it.

GeluNumber144 karma

How have the rebels changed your community?

rultes116 karma

They tore families apart. Some are pro them, some are pro-Ukrainian. It's not a civil war but as long as it goes on unmitigated there might as well be one.

canchill42 karma

Are the rebels leadership always around the general area or are they hiding?

rultes109 karma

They seem to hang around the big cities but that's as far as I know.

I hope they all soon die or be hanged for what they've done and that's the only my concern about them.

Mordilaa55 karma

I really really hope you will be ok, friend.

rultes67 karma

Thank you.

iamjamir36 karma


rultes75 karma

Hard. All comes down to money.

Zarkovich36 karma

What was it like when Russian troops entered the country? Also, how do you get your news (local or otherwise)? Is it biased towards a certain faction?

rultes71 karma

Do you mean Crimea?

Also, how do you get your news (local or otherwise)?

Local outlets, Ukrainian outlets, Russian outlets, European outlets, American outlets.

Anything that I can get my hands on to form my opinion.

And of course, all media these days show a certain bias, that's why I'm trying to read as much as possible.

Zarkovich25 karma

Ah okay, sounds like you'd definitely be more informed on the issue than I am. And yes, I was talking about Crimea.

rultes49 karma

Well, it happened when our "twice legitimate" president ran away to Russia.

People were still divided over the Euromaidan, so obviously, division continued.

wolframite36 karma

Since you're a 21 y.o able-bodied male making you a potential target for either conscription by either side or execution ... any thoughts of leaving for another country?

rultes70 karma

All the time. But.

Ukrainian gov't has no legal right to conscript me, because I'm fit to serve only during official wartime.

Separatists? So far I've flown under the radar.

And again, I thought about leaving but it all comes down to money.

_qoo32 karma


rultes64 karma

I honestly don't know.

The longer the town stays under control, the more I consider leaving the country but as always, it all comes down to money.

Kahiyao31 karma

If you were to be escorted out of the country to any other country of your choosing, where would you go and why?

rultes147 karma

Norway/Denmark/Iceland or Canada.

High standards of living, respect for human rights, cold climate, awesome nature.

TheRedBarrage50 karma

As a Canadian I think you're crazy for liking the cold climate.

With this being said I wish you and your family the best of luck, hopefully you will survive this conflict unharmed and the UA will retake control of the east.

rultes109 karma

As a Canadian I think you're crazy for liking the cold climate.

You're joking! I simply love cold climates! The gloomy sky, the rain, the wind.

And thank you.

TheRedBarrage35 karma

Ice pellets to the face when walking against the winds, slipping and falling, not being able to start your car, along with crappy traffic, need I go on?

rultes103 karma

I'd rather have that than metal melting 35 C in the shade.

cogra2331 karma

What could the EU do to help. Would allowing Ukraine to join show people that there is a good alternative to siding with Russia?

What about sanctions against Russia? Would they hurt Ukraine also? I'm thinking that Russia could turn off gas supplies in response.

rultes91 karma

Would allowing Ukraine to join show people that there is a good alternative to siding with Russia?

I'm not sure about joining the EU, but at least some goodwill and a gun will show that you are concerned indeed and not just "deeply concerned" as your leaders like to state.

What about sanctions against Russia? Would they hurt Ukraine also? I'm thinking that Russia could turn off gas supplies in response.

Yes, they can but from what I know - we have our own gas for the internal consumption and the ones that will be hurt are the businesses. But then again - better late than never. Getting off drugs is painful but you have to.

Toosmallscreen30 karma

Hello, I hope you are safe and well.

What would you say is something most Ukrainians agree on, no matter what side they have chosen?

rultes69 karma

Most of us want peace.

pedzab29 karma

Hey, a guy from former Yugoslavia here. How do you see the social and economic future of your country joining the EU? Also, do you think that you'll get Crimea back?

God knows we've been doing that for some time and it hasn't been all that well. Croatia and Slovenia have already joined but they're still struggling a lot.

Slava Ukraini and take care!

rultes29 karma

How do you see the social and economic future of your country joining the EU? Also, do you think that you'll get Crimea back?

I would like to see my country riding an alicorn unicorn on the rainbow into the bright future but it's not how it's done. If we work hard enough and long enough - maybe we will be good and Crimea will join. But I don't know. Time will tell.

sumant2821 karma

Do you support gay marriage?

rultes100 karma

Let's just talk about Rampart.

Yes, why not?

sumant2818 karma

Just curious what average people on the street think given how harsh Russia's anti homosexuality laws are

rultes92 karma

Mostly it goes like this: "SHIT YEAH! STAY DOWN FAGGOTS! FAGGOTS ARE INFERIOR BEINGS! ADMIT YOURSELF TO A MENTAL FACILITY YOU PERVERT CHILD MOLESTING CREEP (yeah, some of them somehow associate homosexuality with paedophilia)! That is, if you ask about the Russian anti-gay laws.

Now, there's also an argument about pride parades and all that and that somehow if a child sees it, he or she will become gay.

Then there's an issue of "morality". You know, in terms of the US, we are the Bible Belt, we are Deep South.

So you bettah be careful boy.

steve_ryan-6 karma

He's from the Ukraine.

rultes26 karma

Drop the article on the ground, sir.

Morgie2416 karma

When do you think is the earliest the conflict will end? What resolution do you think will the sides come to?

Also, what do you think of Poroshenko? I've heard he was the most pro-West candidate at the recent elections.

rultes55 karma

I wouldn't go that far to make a prediction about the end of the conflict.

From one side - there's Putin that has nothing to lose.

From the other - Ukrainian leadership, that has everything to lose.

And there are those committed idiots with their idea of Pan-Slavic world and the Greater Russia.

Also, what do you think of Poroshenko? I've heard he was the most pro-West candidate at the recent elections.

Too early to make any conclusions about him. He is Western but he is a businessman and he was in almost every cabinet since 2004. He's a weasel of sorts but I guess, that's what we need right now.

shivan2112 karma

What are doing your local politicians? Are they in contact with people keeping them informed and helping them? Are they negotiating with the militia?

rultes36 karma

They bended over to the militia.

atred10 karma

Do you know what happens in the areas that were recently freed by the Ukrainian army? Are people arrested? What about civilians, do they protest against the Ukrainian "occupation" or they publicly denounce the rebels?

rultes23 karma

publicly denounce the rebels?

This. Look up the YouTube there are few videos (one of them was made by an actual Russian journalist) that describe current attitudes of people in the liberated areas towards Russians.

James_Delrose10 karma

Has the US or EU made any difference with sanctions and/or other interventions that you've noticed?

rultes34 karma

So far - no, because otherwise Russians would've stopped their bullshit and stopped supplying arms and personnel to "rebels".

TitanGodKing4 karma

What size is your large McDonalds cup?

rultes3 karma

Cup of what exactly?

IAmNotABanana14 karma

How are separatist forces actually behaving on the ground? Relatively responsible or is it the case that if you are 18 year old lass of fairer sex you better not leave home at all.

rultes7 karma

There were reports of the rape but relatively few as one would expect. That doesn't mean it's not happening.

Kurjuns3 karma

Hey man, thank you for this AMA. Im from germany and we're looking alot at your country and the problems you got there. I have no idea of higher politics and i refuse most of my time to watch tv since i barely believe what they're telling us about the world there. I would like to know, where do you and your people get their informations from about the conflict and the whole situation? Do you have international TV? Is there a "neutral" channel you can watch? I guess YOU have internet but do all others have it, too ? Is there any form of big propaganda or big lies that are being told in your city / area?

rultes13 karma

I would like to know, where do you and your people get their informations from about the conflict and the whole situation?

US, European, Russian, Ukrainian and local outlets.

Do you have international TV?

I do.

Is there a "neutral" channel you can watch?

There's no such thing as a neutral channel, sadly. Not even Auntie Beeb.

I guess YOU have internet but do all others have it, too ?

Not so many people have the Internet connection and if they do - even less try to understand what is going on. They basically balkanize themselves in an information bubble and refuse to listen or read something else that does not fit their worldview.

Is there any form of big propaganda or big lies that are being told in your city / area?

Oh, people are being told a lot of horror stories about the Ukrainian gov't and the National Guard. Like, how they extract organs from killed soldiers and sell them to the West or how they crucified a boy of three in Slavyansk.

Tuncerado3 karma

What is your favourite movie and why is it Rampart?

rultes10 karma

My favorite movie is Rampart because I'm actually Woody Harrelson in disguise and the movie was such a flop, so maybe, I thought, if I plug it once more, maybe Blu-Rays and DVDs will sell better.

Tuncerado3 karma

now that we got the serious question out of the way, one more question: - Do you currently fear for your life at all in your town? like do you have gun-wielding militia patrolling your streets and such?

rultes7 karma

Do you currently fear for your life at all in your town?

A bit. Not as much as I should but I certainly became a lot more cautious.

like do you have gun-wielding militia patrolling your streets and such?

Yes, but I haven't seen them. But I know there are.

Don't forget to buy Rampart DVD and stay tuned for the sequel.

vzdan3 karma

How much money would it take to get you out of there?

rultes10 karma

Why do you ask?

vzdan5 karma

Mostly curious. To me it seems like the most logical move. Maybe I'm ignorant of the logistics, but wouldn't waiting it out somewhere safe make sense? I know you said you are unable to access your bank, is that why you have stayed?

rultes9 karma

Well, to stay for a prolonged period of time will require a lot of money. I do have an approximation of how much I need. It's a lot.

I stayed because I still need to get my documents out of my university.

iambobanderson2 karma

Are any of the rebels locals who you knew before the separatist movement? In terms of culture, prior to this whole armed rebellion, were pro-euro and pro-russian townspeople living together in harmony, or was there already sort of divide in terms of beliefs/cultures?

rultes5 karma

There are few local, municipality-level politicians, that have joined the "rebel" cause (it sounds like Star Wars, doesn't it? Evil Emperor Poroshenko, evil Ukrainian empire and brave pro-Russian rebels). One of them, is unsurprisingly, a commie.

hoppedup2 karma

Hey there. I'm very sorry about everything that is going on around you and I wish that the conflict will end soon and you'll come out of it safely!

For my question, I was hoping to get your side on the shelling that the Ukrainian army is doing in parts in doneskt(sorry I butchered the name!). Is it in fact the army that is doing it? I've seen videos of it and it looms incredibly devastating and most of these places hit are inhabited by civilians. Most of the families are often left with one or two members dead. Is this something you are afraid of? I hope it doesn't get that bad for you.

Thanks for this ama! Stay strong man, you'll be able to get drunk with your friend and have a picnic soon!:)

rultes5 karma

Yes, it's horrible. Yes, I afraid of it and I hope it won't happen to me. But the state is an intricate machinery of violence and right now - it's in its right to do what it does.

What do you suggest? Hand over those territories to terrorists to make another Transinistria?

James_Delrose2 karma

My father's parents came over from Ukraine after WWII, I've thought of some day visiting. Assuming the country were to stabalize how tourist friendly is Ukraine for someone who speaks only English? And what would you suggest doing or visiting?

rultes2 karma

All of Western Ukraine, Odessa, Kyiv and maybe Zaporizhya. Visit all of that and I can assure you you will find something worthy of your attention or something fun to do there.

It's pretty friendly but (don't get me wrong) English isn't our forte. Or maybe I'm just a snob.


xatoshi1 karma

Post some proof please?

rultes3 karma

Would my passport's 11th page (page that shows my registration within the country) suffice? Or should I post something else? I've sent the proof to the mods already.

Edit: Mods responded. Oh good.

EvoloZz1 karma

I'd like to see some proof that you are actually from Eastern Ukraine...

You sound like someone who simply hates Russians, which means you are probably from Western Ukraine.

rultes4 karma

Yes-s-s, on a day-to-day basis I encounter people, who hate Ukrainian language, who hate pro-Western people, who hate people, who call themselves Ukrainians. How do you guys say: "The best khokhol is a dead khokhol"?

But of course, I just simply hate Russians. Nevermind the fact that I stated: I don't hate Russians, I hate the Russian state.

пАчИму ты нИнавИдишь фсё русскаЕ?

oprangerop0 karma

What is your fetish?

rultes4 karma

Plugging Rampart.

inertiacreepsme-1 karma

If it does turn out that pro-Russian rebels downed that aircraft mistaking it for a military aircraft, would it make you choose sides again?

rultes8 karma

No. I've chosen my side since the very beginning of the conflict.

toybek-2 karma

Why there is no proof?? You're a fake.

rultes3 karma

Yes, I am. Neither I'm a human being. I'm a lizard Jew from Jupiter.

porkloin9-8 karma

question: is ukraine really that incompetent/corrupt, they can't close their airspace? or deal with a few separatists? or even fix their economy? are they completely reliant on foreign aid?

why didn't klitschko run for govt? what about tymoshenko? rofl... russia this russia that...

anecdote me anything... so much circle jerk in this thread.

poroshenko started this 'revolution' so he could become president. that's the truth here.

also intriguing, is your proper use of the english language. much better than 98% of ukrainians i'd say... or even americans for that matter... something just doesn't sit right...

you claim to provide an impartial view of the situation, yet you call on foreign western military intervention...

Get Putin off our back and allow Ukrainians to finish the job. Help also would be nice, I think. Lethal aid, that is.

amazing stuff.

rultes4 karma

This is, my friends, is Lenulus vulagris Ruthenia or usual Russian shill.

Be gone, I don't deal with 15-rouble trolls.

EpiaTX-28 karma

No proof. Fake Kama whore

rultes7 karma

Can we please stay on Rampart?

Bunny_with_cookie5 karma

Pay attention. Mod verified.

EpiaTX-11 karma

Keep up. Proof still required. Usually in the form of a photo

DigiAirship3 karma

Why? Mods have gotten the proof they need to state that the AMA is "Verified". That's enough for me.

EpiaTX-8 karma

I don't think you understand how reddit works

rultes9 karma

People who say that "you don't understand how X works" usually are the ones who don't know jack shit.

rultes3 karma


Yeah, no.