Hi, my name is Thomas Andersen. On the 2nd of October 2010 I left Denmark by bicycle. So far I have cycled more than 28000 km (17000 miles) through 24 countries on 5 continents.

I have cycled through Eastern Europe learning all about the local beer, I have been chased by dogs in Turkey. I have cycled through Syria before the war began. I have been a minor celebrity in Malaysia and worked on a huge cattle station in Australia. In late 2013 I flew to Ushuaia in southern Argentina and I'm now cycling north towards Canada. So far I have made it to Bolivia (it's cold and winter here!).

I think I will be back in Denmark in a year from now.

It has been an amazing ride where the highlight has been meeting so many incredible and friendly people (I have seen a few beautiful places on earth as well).

My blog is online at http://www.cyclingtheglobe.com

You can also follow on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/CyclingTheGlobe and on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/CyclingTheGLobe

Looking forward to hear from you :-)


Comments: 778 • Responses: 112  • Date: 

KWoaY168 karma

Does your butt hurt?

CyclingTheGlobe134 karma

In the first couple of weeks yes!! Afterwards everything is been good. It's amazing what the body can get used to.

cockassFAG18 karma

How do you keep your back from breaking?

CyclingTheGlobe25 karma

I never had a problem with my back. Sometimes my knees will feel sore, then I rest for a few days.

DoubleCMahoney11 karma

Shit. I always screw up my back when I bike for extended periods of time. Do I need a new bike?

CyclingTheGlobe34 karma

or maybe an adjustment/new position?

Zacky00757 karma

How were you able to finance this and what is the average cost per day?

CyclingTheGlobe74 karma

My daily budget is 20 US$ a day. Interestingly enough this amount seems to work in both expensive countries where you'll have to camp and cook your own food, and in cheap countries where you can get a hotel room and eat out for that amount. I saved up money for a year of cycling before I left home. In Australia I got a job on a cattle station which means I can now cycle across north and south america.

mattbryce200011 karma

Do you carry much with you in cash or just have a credit card and hope you're somewhere where you can use it?

CyclingTheGlobe20 karma

I used to only carry credit cards and go to ATM's for a bit of cash in each country. Then I realized what kind of fees I was paying to my bank. I'm now carrying a fair bit of cash instead (don't come and rob me :-)

hbrianne10 karma

For how long did you stop riding to work in Australia?

CyclingTheGlobe24 karma

I was in Australia for a bit over a year, including working and cycling this huge country. Great times!

astrowalker54 karma

How many flat tires have you had thus far?

CyclingTheGlobe68 karma

I didn't count, but quite a lot! In average once every 500-800 km I would say.

NextDayAir23 karma

more flat from wearing out or flat from hitting random debris along the way?

CyclingTheGlobe48 karma

Usually it's a small peace of metal wire or a nail that makes it into the tube. In Argentina there was a lot of nasty thorns on the road as well.

aherstein15 karma

Get some Schwalbe Marathon Pluses.

CyclingTheGlobe3 karma

I wish I could buy them here in South America... I guess I will need to get them shipped.

Barbara_Booey44 karma

Have you hooked up with a lot of chicks during your travels?

CyclingTheGlobe67 karma

Hehe, too few :-)

Barbara_Booey23 karma

Was there anyone at all?

CyclingTheGlobe67 karma

There has been a few. Otherwise 3½ years would have been a very long time on the road :-)

Barbara_Booey10 karma

do you include them in your blog?

That would really add to it. Women especially like the romantic aspect of love affairs in stories.

I just want to see hot foreign chicks.

CyclingTheGlobe28 karma

Perhaps I will write a book about the trip. In that case, I will include a bit of romance as well. Thanks for the tip :-) http://www.cyclingtheglobe.com/2010/10/day-20-uzhorod/

GlitteredCunt32 karma

Do you ever miss being home with friends and family? Does it get lonely? How did you become a minor celeb?

CyclingTheGlobe45 karma

Yes, I miss my friends and family a lot. My mom has been sick lately which has been one of the most difficult parts of the whole trip. I find that cycling is a very good therapy though. On the road I almost never feel alone. Always a lot of locals to talk to (sometimes difficult though, if you don't share a language). In Malaysia every westerner who shows up on a bicycle will be a celeb :-)

lady-lost-in-space30 karma


CyclingTheGlobe49 karma

It started with small trips, a couple of weeks long. Next I did a two months trip in India, and now this big multi year trip. It's all about the freedom, and the people you meet!

GoodMorningFuckCub25 karma

Most unusual place you've ridden?

CyclingTheGlobe50 karma

The Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia. Completely flat/white salt for 100 km. Amazing.

lady-lost-in-space25 karma


CyclingTheGlobe65 karma

Waking up with the sun in my tent, packing everything down, cycling for a few hours, eating, cycling for a few more hours, talking to locals, taking a few photos, cycle another hour until sunset, pitching the tent, read for an hour, and sleep :-)

llamas_theory9 karma

What kind of camera did you carry with you?

CyclingTheGlobe17 karma

I have a DLSR (Canon 500D)... a bit heavy and big for a bike ride, but I wouldn't do without it.

SweetGnarl7 karma

How many books have you read thus far?

CyclingTheGlobe13 karma

I didn't count, but a lot. Luckily I have a Kindle so I don't need to bring bricks around the world :-)

DontFuckWithTheBear24 karma

I'm planning my Chicago to Portland trip. 2176 miles in 30 days. What's the best source of energy drink or food that works for you?

CyclingTheGlobe34 karma

Sounds like a great trip. I'm looking much forward to cycle across the States myself. I prefer just to drink water. It's cheaper and cleaner. For the food I like oats in the morning, for me that is pure rocket fuel :-) For the rest of the day I eat whatever I can find along the way.

CornellWest4 karma

Could you describe a few example days? It seems stressful to not know where your next meal will be.

CyclingTheGlobe8 karma

I always have extra food with me, and of course water as well. Not fun to run out of those things. I also have my tent, so the idea is to be pretty independend. I write a diary everday... have a look at the latest entry http://www.cyclingtheglobe.com/2014/07/day-1389-1391-sulichi-to-uyuni/

sashonie21 karma

What is the scariest experience you've had?

CyclingTheGlobe29 karma

Perhaps being chased by a pack of huge stray dogs in Syria... in Thailand I had a few close encounters with passing trucks as well. In general the traffic is the most scary part of the trip.

PatrickMorris83 karma

I second this. I trained for 9 months to bicycle across the USA. I got hit by a SUV after 3km the day I started.

CyclingTheGlobe7 karma

Sorry to hear that! Hope you have recovered OK.

_Just_Because21 karma

What's your favorite kind of sandwich?

CyclingTheGlobe34 karma

I love Tuna sandwiches!

InfiniteZr018 karma

Have you ever gotten robbed, attacked or in trouble with local authorities?

CyclingTheGlobe34 karma

In general I have had very few problems during my trip. Luckily the world is mostly full of super friendly people! I did loose my front wheel in Australia, but the theif had been nice enough to leave his own old (and flat) front wheel next to my bike :-) Apart from that I have only been attacked by stray dogs who seem to like cyclists very much!

bitofagoslow9 karma

how many? can you tell me more about this please?

CyclingTheGlobe27 karma

The stray dogs in Turkey and Syria are rather crazy... At first I tried to escape (human nature) but later I learned it was best to stop, yell, and throw stones at them. Attack is the best defense :-)

corawesome217 karma

What would you recommend to a person who wants to do something like this with a partner? And any things you wished you knew before you started this journey?

CyclingTheGlobe28 karma

I did a lot of cycling alone, but also a lot with other cyclists I met along the way. There are good things about both ways of traveling. I wish I had not planned everything so much in the beginning - just going with the flow seems to work best.

dreadddit17 karma

How can you trust the water you get in every country?

CyclingTheGlobe28 karma

After India my stomach got strong - no bigs problems since then :-) If the locals drink the tap water I usually do as well.

dreadddit10 karma

Drinking tap water is not very common though is it?

CyclingTheGlobe25 karma

In India no, but in countries like Argentina and Chile yes. Here in Bolivia I have been drinking bottled water lately. It's cheap, but I don't like to buy and throw away all the plastic bottles...

Sir_Ninja_VII13 karma

What was your favorite country to ride through?

CyclingTheGlobe30 karma

Uhh, tough question! Every country is unique, and there is not a single country that I wouldn't like to return to. If I have to come up with one though, it would be India. Just that bit more unique than other countries :-)

irishdude12 karma

can you tell us a little about your bike?

CyclingTheGlobe41 karma

Right now I'm riding a Scott Aspect mountain bike. Not that fancy or expensive (700$), but it has done a great job on the dirt roads of South America. Actually I'm not much of a gear freak myself... I just like to go out cycling :-)

KenM412 karma

From the outside, some countries/regions look quite dangerous. Have you pre-planned anywhere you're going to avoid ? Or playing it by ear ?

CyclingTheGlobe22 karma

I did choose to fly over Pakistan and Afghanistan on the way to India. Now I somehow feel like I should have given at least Pakistan a chance. The media creates a lot of fear about these countries, but in my opinion, once you are there, reality has very little to do with what you see in the news.

KenM414 karma

Yeah, you're just a guy on a bike, not much threat to anyone. And anytime anything happens anywhere in, for example Pakistan, it gets on the news. There are hundreds of millions of people getting on with their lives.

Best of luck with your trip. I'm going to spend the rest of the night catching up on your blog.

CyclingTheGlobe5 karma

Very true! Thanks man.

silentmike8711 karma

What sort of a distance do you try and cover a day or do you like keeping it looser than that?

Also, how much training did you do beforehand?

Hope it continues to go well!

CyclingTheGlobe24 karma

Thanks :-) My goal used to be 100 km / 60 miles a day. On the dirt roads here in South America that has been difficult to do though. For me this is not a race, so I'm OK with going a bit slower. When you do a long trip you don't need much training beforehand. You just ride yourself into shape.

duttong11 karma

do you listen to music and what is the biggest thing to happen to your bike?

CyclingTheGlobe12 karma

Yes, when my phone still has battery I like to listen to music and even podcasts/audio books. I have been lucky with my bike so far. Only minor problems like breaking a gear cable... and a lot of flats :-)

Whalepatrol11 karma

Do you have any special way of celebrating your birthday whilst on the trip? Really inspirational AMA by the way. I can't wait until you write your book.

CyclingTheGlobe12 karma

Thanks a lot :-) Birthdays and Christmas sometimes turn out a bit random, but never boring in my experience. An example of a different Xmas http://www.cyclingtheglobe.com/2013/12/day-1194-punta-arenas-vila-tehuelches-merry-christmas/

Whalepatrol5 karma

Wow Patagonia was not kind to you. I hate cycling in a head wind but I'm guessing the headwinds you get on the coast of North Wales are mere breezes compared to that. I love how you ended up in a stable. Plus sausage and mash is a great Christmas dinner.

CyclingTheGlobe4 karma

It is a Christmas I will remember, for sure :-) Best wishes from Bolivia!

CrazyYYZ11 karma

Do you listen to music or anything while cycling?

CyclingTheGlobe17 karma

Yes, I sometimes listen to music, but my phone/MP3 player always runs out of battery. I should look for a solar charger :-)

cent6610 karma

Are you using the same bike you started with or it's a different one? I'm wondering about the wear and tear of the bike and finding parts about it.

CyclingTheGlobe12 karma

I have used two different bikes. I light/fast one in the beginning when the roads were good, and now a mountain bike with thick tires in South America where there has been a lot of dirt roads. Finding parts has not been a big problem. People use bicycles all over the world.

CrazyYYZ10 karma

Was it difficult to sort out the paperwork for all of the border crossings? Any specific countries that were problematic?

CyclingTheGlobe14 karma

No, this has been rather easy. In most countries you just show up at the border and get a stamp. For a few countries (like India) you need a visa beforehand, and I had to wait a few days to get it. In Africa things will be more difficult though.

hdx5149 karma

What about Australia? You said you worked on a cattle ranch. How hard was it to get a work permit?

CyclingTheGlobe12 karma

I was under 30 when I arrived in Australia, so would qualifty for a Working Holiday Visa. If you are under 30 and your country has an agreement, it will only take you a few days to get it.

CrazyYYZ7 karma

So are you flying to Africa then after North America?

CyclingTheGlobe14 karma

I'm still deciding what to do after reaching Canada, but I'm 95% sure that I will fly to South Africa and cycle home from there.

DashedHopes9 karma

Do you have any good life advice?

CyclingTheGlobe44 karma

Big question :-) But I will try... Don't plan too much, just get started. Don't watch too much TV, go out and see the real world for yourself. And finally, the world is full of friendly people - don't be afraid of the unknown.

NextDayAir9 karma

why exactly are you doing this? is it for a specific cause or just to say that you did it? kinda like a Forest Gump thing. "I just felt like running biking."

CyclingTheGlobe8 karma

hehe, then I would say it's more of a forrest gump thing :-) For me it is mostly about getting the chance to see the world and meet amazing people.

dwellwood9 karma

Re: transiting large cities by bike...do you have multiple strategies (e.g., sidewalks, walking), depending on road conditions, types of traffic etc. or are you always riding with the traffic? What can I say, I'm a small town British Columbian, Canadian girl planning to ride from home, across Canada, and then length of S.A. Give me grizzly bears over entropic city traffic.

CyclingTheGlobe6 karma

I would say that I'm going with the flow, and usually just staying on the road. But yeah, going into a big city is often a pain in the ass. If you are about to leave one, you could try and time it so that you leave on an early Sunday morning... South America is a great place to cycle, I just crossed the Salar de Uyuni here in Bolivia. Amazing experience. Happy riding!

waterball218 karma

What is the single longest trip you have done? (distance and time)

CyclingTheGlobe16 karma

The longest distance I cycled in a day was 210 km / 130 miles (with a nice tail wind on flat roads in Chile). My longest day in the sattle was just over 10 hours (fighting a crazy head wind in Patagonia).

DoesNotSleepAtNight8 karma

Do you ever get sick of cycling?

CyclingTheGlobe27 karma

Yes, when there is head wind I get very sick of it :-)

onebittercritter8 karma

I'm such a lazy ass that if I check the weather and see that I will have a head wind on my bike ride I'll usually just say "fuck it" and eat peanut butter while I watch TV. Terrible. This AMA is inspiring though, and I love the blog!

CyclingTheGlobe7 karma

hehe, and thanks a lot! In all honesty I also try to avoid head winds by checking the forecast, but sometimes there is just no way around :-)

kaylem8 karma

What has been the hardest part of your journey?

CyclingTheGlobe14 karma

Crossing the Australian outback, the crazy head winds of Patagonia, and climbing in the Andes mountains. The Andes mountains have also been one of the most beautiful places I have seen. No pain no gain :-)

brians77728 karma

Have you had any falls that caused injury and delayed your journey?

CyclingTheGlobe13 karma

No, I have managed to stay on the bike so far. I did once fall and break my collarbone, but that was back home in Copenhagen long before I began the trip.

Wind-up_Flareon8 karma

I think maybe someone had asked this or something but, Why do you cycle? Like I mean what inspired you?

CyclingTheGlobe13 karma

It's all about the freedom, and the chance to meet people at eye level. Also it's a cheap way of travel which doesn't hurt :-) I once read a book about a british guy (Alastair Humphreys) who did a very long bike trip. He was my inspiration.

cavalierechelon8 karma

Do you ever get tired of it? How do you keep your motivation up during the tough patches (I'm sure it has to happen at times)?

CyclingTheGlobe14 karma

I do get tired of cycling - then I stop and rest for a while in a city. After a few days the legs are itching to get going again. In fact you get addicted to cycling. A healthy addiction luckily :-)

stepaul87 karma

What is it like never settling down? Do you have a lot of clothes? How do you do things like shower/ wash clothes? Thanks!

CyclingTheGlobe7 karma

I certainly don't have a lot of clothes, or many material possessions in general. I very much like this for now. One day I think I would like to have a family, but thats another adventure somewhere out in the future :-) When I stay in a hostel or at a camp site I can have a shower. In between there is not much to do... My record is 10 days without one. Luckily it was in a very desolated part of the Andes mountains, so nobody had to smell me :-)

dwellwood7 karma

In SA, have you seen cyclists on recumbent bikes? If so, were they happy with that form of travel? Would you even consider traveling with one in SA?

CyclingTheGlobe11 karma

Yes, I met a few, but so far not in South America. I met one in Malaysia where the roads are relatively good. Personally I think it would be difficult with a recumbent bike on the steep dirt roads here in Bolivia. I would prefer a mountain bike.

a_esbech7 karma

Would it be possible to follow you for a stretch? I can imagine it would be quite fun chatting with you for a few kilometers or 50.

Would anyone interested in this just have to follow your blog to figure out how to be at the right place at the right time?

I hope I'm not too late in asking this.

CyclingTheGlobe5 karma

Absolutely! Check out the blog and please get in contact. See you on the road somewhere.

Supermansadak6 karma

What made you decide to do this or was it a Forest Gump moment and you just wanted to ride?

CyclingTheGlobe8 karma

I started with short trips - two weeks in Europe. Then I cycled for two months in India, and decided that I really love this way of traveling. After reading a book about a multi year trip I decided to go on one for myself.

GreyMatt3rs4 karma

What book?

CyclingTheGlobe11 karma

Moods of Future Joys by Alastair Humphreys. Very much recommended!

ashnzz6 karma

How do you know where you're going? Just by using a map?

CyclingTheGlobe7 karma

Yes, using maps (and google maps if I'm near a computer) and by asking the locals. Sometimes getting lost is good though :-)

schumaga6 karma

Have you ever been to Portugal or do you plan to?

Also, which country has the prettiest women?

CyclingTheGlobe11 karma

I hope to make it to Portugal on the way back towards Denmark. I heard it's nice there! The prettiest woman... well, for now I would say Argentina :-)

T-A-M-i-t-B-S6 karma

What did you have to do to prepare for the trip and how much stuff did you take with( I.e. physically, logistically, etc.)?

CyclingTheGlobe8 karma

Most of my "preparation" was working to earn money for the trip (which took about a year). I did very little actual preparation. Only buying the bike and getting a few vaccines which took a couple of days. The rest I figured out on the road. When I left home I had 13 kg of luggage: http://www.cyclingtheglobe.com/equipment/

HouseOfTheRisingFuck6 karma

How do you plan to reenter working society once you are done? three and a half years is quite the gap in your resume/cv

CyclingTheGlobe8 karma

Right now I can't see myself in a typical 9-5 engineering job... I'm sure I will figure something out. Still have about a year on the bike to think about it :-)

Randomnesssss5 karma

How old are you? Where do you sleep? And how do you afford it?

CyclingTheGlobe14 karma

I'm 31... started when I was 27 just after university. I sleep a lot in my tent, but also sometimes (like today) in a cheap hostel. Saved up a bit of money before the trip, and also worked on a cattle station in Australia.

ninkassi5 karma

Hey there! Very inspirational, thanks for doing this!:) Did you not go through Israel because of potential issues with having the Israeli stamp in your passport, or just because?

Also, what's the craziest thing that you ate and in what country was it? :)

CyclingTheGlobe6 karma

You are very welcome. I would have liked to visit Israel, but I was in a bit of a hurry at that time because my family was coming down to Egypt for Christmas. Then i'd better show up on time as well :-) And the most crazy food... hmm, probably "white kidneys" several places in eastern europe, which has nothing to do with kidneys :-)

cool_mas5 karma

What was the most unnerving or scary situation you have been in during your travels?

CyclingTheGlobe7 karma

I was once chased by a pack of 10 huge stray dogs in Syria... but in general the most dangerous part of the trip is spending so many hours in the traffic each day. I had a few close encounters with trucks in Thailand and Malaysia.

cool_mas7 karma

When were you in Syria? Did the war effect you at all

CyclingTheGlobe10 karma

I was in Syria in the winter of 2010, a few months before the troubles began.

oO_Wallace_Oo5 karma

What one piece of advice would you give to someone planning a cycling adventure like yours?

CyclingTheGlobe10 karma

The only truly difficult thing is to set a departure date and get going. The first few kilometers of cycling are the hardest. Once the bike is rolling everything is kind of taking care of itself.

GreyMatt3rs5 karma

What stuff do you carry with you? Anything in particular you consider essential to have on you?

CyclingTheGlobe9 karma

I carry my tent, sleeping bag, stove for basic survival :-) I also have a DSLR camera as I like to take photos... I thing that I wouldn't like to miss is my Kindle ebook-reader. So many books and it only weights a few hundred grams :-)

Chris8575 karma

Will you pass anywhere near the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, United States, on the way toward Canada?

CyclingTheGlobe9 karma

Hmm, I'm not really sure yet, but I think I will stick to the east coast up towards NYC and then into Canada... Looking forward to cycle the US!

lamelaxbro255 karma

How much training did you do?

CyclingTheGlobe7 karma

Before I started? Nothing... I just rode myself into shape during the first weeks...

NakedTrooper5 karma

Do have any tricks for dealing with ball-sweat? You've got to be producing buckets of the stuff.

CyclingTheGlobe5 karma

Hehe, I don't have any secret tricks there... but after a week of cycling in the middle of nowhere, a shower feels very nice!!!

JPBorst5 karma

What do you have in your backpack?

CyclingTheGlobe5 karma

These days I'm using a backpack because it is winter in South America and it gets down below freezing point at night. Hence I need extra warm clothes and a big sleeping bag. When I get to warmer climates again (in northern Peru/Ecuador) I wont need a backpack anymore, just my two cycling panniers. Check here to see whats normally in them http://www.cyclingtheglobe.com/equipment/

momcov5 karma

what is the top speed you've achieved?

CyclingTheGlobe8 karma

On a downhill section in the Andes mountains between Chile and Argentina my cycling mate reached 80 kmh or 50 mph. I was a little behind him, but not much...

Kruithne4 karma

What stuff do you carry with you to keep your bike repaired and fix all the flats etc?

CyclingTheGlobe5 karma

I have my pump, tire leversas, patches, and a couple of extra tubes. I also have a multi tool (with allen keys etc) to keep all the screws tight. Sometimes I have gear and break cables as well. Oh, and chain oil. I think that's about it. I'm not a very good bike mechanic :-)

FlameTheTable4 karma

Hej :) Måste säga, that this is quite inspirational to read! Did you plan to spend so many years on the road, or did the journey just... expand?

CyclingTheGlobe7 karma

Hejsan! Tack tack... My first idea was to cycle from Denmark to Sydney. Once I got a job in Australia I figured I might as well cycle home as well (via the Americas). I'm still not tired of cycling, so now I'm considering Africa as well :-) Greetings from Bolivia!

FlameTheTable2 karma

Wow, adventure of a lifetime. Hope the rest of the trip goes smoothly! :) Has there ever been such a nasty weather that made you unable to continue your journey for a while?

CyclingTheGlobe3 karma

Thank you. In Patagonia we would usually check the weather forecast and wait for a day with less wind. It's quite crazy down there! Also, if it rains like crazy I prefer to stay another day, whereever I might be.

Zalosin4 karma

Hey man really inspiring to see you do this and good luck in the future but how do you deal with flats if you are in the middle of the road when it happens ?

CyclingTheGlobe8 karma

Thank you! I always have a pump and patches with me... it's pretty routine to fix a flat. Should take less than 10 minutes.

TerribleStoryTelling4 karma

What was your job before you started the trip? I feel as if having a decent amount of savings is crucial to a multi year trip like this.

CyclingTheGlobe4 karma

I worked as an IT engineer before I left home. And true, it is easier if you have saved up a certain amount before you leave. On the other hand it is possible to do a cycle tour without money at all http://tomsbiketrip.com/

TheCatalystInMe4 karma

How have you gone about funding yourself through this? ~$20 a day seems like it would add up pretty quickly. Can you be specific on how much you saved up/if you have another source of income?

CyclingTheGlobe10 karma

$20 a day adds up to just over $7000 a year. I think that was just about what I had saved up when I left home. It took me all the way to Australia where I worked a number of jobs to be able to continue travelling. I do a bit of freelance programming work as well these days (but I prefer to be out cycling and not sitting in front of me laptop :-)

TheCatalystInMe3 karma

Thanks for the reply! I want to travel around Europe and the idea of either backpacking or cycling is appealing to me. I believe that my country has that same agreement with Australia, so that seems like an interesting idea. I appreciate the information :) Thanks a ton!

CyclingTheGlobe8 karma

You are very welcome. Cycling is an amazing way to see the world - or your neighborhood!

throwmemars4 karma

How to do you afford all this?

CyclingTheGlobe7 karma

My budget is 20$ a day. I saved up enough money before I left for one year of cycling. By then I had reached Australia where I got some other jobs, among then one on a huge cattle station which was an adventure in itself. That allowed me to continue cycling the americas!

Cslush4 karma

What all do you carry with you?

CyclingTheGlobe6 karma

My tent, sleeping bag, stove, few tools, some clothes, my camera and latop. Its all here :-) http://www.cyclingtheglobe.com/equipment/

twotard3 karma

Can we get a pic of your legs?

CyclingTheGlobe4 karma

Hehe... there are a few pics of me (and my legs) on the bike here http://www.cyclingtheglobe.com/2014/03/day-1277-paso-los-libertadores-uspallata-red-and-rough/

Cormie3 karma

What kind of clothes do you wear on your cycle? Are you in full spandex? Or do you go for a more casual approach? One of my plans when I finally am in the right place in life, is to cycle around Europe. I won't make any final destination plans, so I won't be in any rush. Just want to bring a tent and live on the cheap and easy.

CyclingTheGlobe10 karma

I don't cycle in full spandex but in more relaxed touring clothes. In fact, it's winter here on the altiplano in Bolivia so right now I'm cycling with down jacket, hat, and gloves :-) Best of luck with your trip. The hardest part is to set a departure date and get going. The rest is easy!

Cormie4 karma

Must be really difficult (at first) to know what clothing to wear. You feel cold before you set off, then you warm up as you work. Though after 17k miles, I'm sure you've figured it out by now!

Man, there's so many questions I want to ask, but don't want to annoy you with silly ones. So I'll ask a practical one...

What are the most important things to keep on you for a long term cycling trip?

CyclingTheGlobe5 karma

Very true... my most important things for basic survival is obviously my tent, sleeping bag and stove. I also carry a DSLR camera as I like to take photos. Finally I really like my Kindle ebook-reader. So many books in just a few hundred grams!!

LostTimeIsNeverFound3 karma

  • Any suggestions for somebody who is interested in doing the same after finishing school?

CyclingTheGlobe7 karma

The hardest thing is to set a departure date. Once that is out of the way, everything just naturally comes along. Enjoy your ride!

markes133 karma

-How many kilometers a day on average do you ride?

-How long have you been cycling?

-How heavy is your backpack? Or your baggage in general?

-Lastly, how's the saddle sores? Damn, I get it even during less than 200km rides. I'd be bleeding with that long of a ride. lol

CyclingTheGlobe7 karma

I used to aim for 100 km a day, but here in the Andes mountains that is often hard. I left 3½ years ago, so that amounts to some 1300 days on the road. Not all cycling through as I also spent a year working in Australia. My backs used to weight 13 kg, but these days with winter in the Andes I'm a lot heavier (I don't know how much). And the saddle sores, after riding a lot you will get used to it, but there will always be some soreness of course. No pain no gain.

MattTheLombax3 karma

When you say "now cycling north towards Canada" , will you be stopping by Toronto? I'd like to get a picture with you :)

And also, what kind of costs does a journey like this incur?

CyclingTheGlobe3 karma

I do indeed plan to stop in Toronto (in about a year from now). Looking much forward to visit Canada! Would be cool to meet up :-) My daily budget is around 20$. Cycling is a cheap way to travel.

Sun_Sprout1 karma

If you find yourself in the Midwest, US I'd love to grab you a beer, there are some beautiful sights around here! Safe travels, it's nice to be reminded that adventures like yours are within reach!

CyclingTheGlobe2 karma

Thanks man! My current plan is to stick to the east coast in the US, but things can change... Long Live Adventures :-)

Phaltek3 karma

Could u upload a picture of your bike and gear? Did u take any pictures on your trip?

CyclingTheGlobe4 karma

Yes, I do like to take lots of photos... Bike and gear can be seen here http://www.cyclingtheglobe.com/equipment/

thescatman13 karma

God tur hjem til Legoland!

Do you speak any languages other than english and danish?

CyclingTheGlobe3 karma

Jo tak :-) I do speak some Spanish which is very very useful here in South America. And a bit of French and German as well.

TurtleLax242 karma

Can you post a picture of your calves?

CyclingTheGlobe4 karma

hehe, since you asked, check here :-) https://www.flickr.com/photos/thomasandersen/13326806513/

GreatBritishPound2 karma

In inches, what is the circumference of your thighs?

CyclingTheGlobe5 karma

hehe, I'm afraid I don't know... but in general doing these long distances makes you rather thin... much like the tour de france riders.

kapri1232 karma

I always wanted to do something like this ( for start maybe only Europe )but i am currently at university, so not yet. What would you advice to me, how to start, what to do first, and things like that? How do you sleep? Eat? How money you need for this? If it maybe seems a lot, feel free just to answer on what you want :)

CyclingTheGlobe3 karma

Cycletouring as an amazing way to experience new places - go for it! I did my first tour when I was at university; 3 weeks through the Balkan countries. Recommended! It's cheaper if you bring a tent, and maybe even a stove to cook your own food. On the other hand it is perfectly possible to sleep in hostels and buy your food as you go. My budget is 20 US$ a day. Happy travels!

kapri1231 karma

That is even better, i live on Balkan peninsula . Thanks for replay, and good luck in future journeys :)

CyclingTheGlobe3 karma

You live in a beautiful part of Europe! Good luck.

Randomnesssss2 karma

Have you fucked a lot of foreign beauts?

CyclingTheGlobe4 karma

Too few

Bob--Hope1 karma

Which languages do you speak?

CyclingTheGlobe1 karma

I speak Danish and English, as well as some Spanish which is very very useful here in South America. I can also get by in German and French if I really have to.

Raymond8901 karma

How muscular are your thighs?

CyclingTheGlobe2 karma

They are OK :-) Usually long distance cyclists tend to become skinny rather than muscular, just like tour de france riders.

Goldsoulmojo1 karma

What is one thing you wish that you'd thought of before you started your trip? (Like tools, devices or whatever?)

CyclingTheGlobe2 karma

Hmm, good question. I think I wish I had bought different tires (Schwalbe) right from the beginning. That would have saved me some flats. Other than that I have been happy with my setup.

bigdongately1 karma

Where will you visit in Canada?

CyclingTheGlobe4 karma

I plan to visit ON, QC, and end the American trip somewhere up on Newfoundland (where the vikings from Scandinavia landed 1000 years ago)

rome_1 karma

How do you finance all this?

CyclingTheGlobe1 karma

My daily budget is 20 US$. Before I started I had saved up enough money for a year of cycling. Once I reached Australia I got a job on a huge cattle farm (a unique experience in itself!). This enabled me to continue cycling across the Americas.

Wasabi_jones1 karma

Do your friends call you Neo?

CyclingTheGlobe5 karma

hehe no, but some call me crazy.

PianoVampire1 karma

Based on your username...I'm guessing you made this reddit account jus for this AMA?

CyclingTheGlobe1 karma

yes, i'm new here... what a nice community. Great questions!