
Comments: 1095 • Responses: 115  • Date: 

LzyPenguin76 karma

Ive seen that before. So true! haha

tempusfudgeit256 karma

My most important question was answered in your post. Obviously you get internet at the oil rig.

LzyPenguin213 karma

Yes. I'm not sure if i could do it without internet honestly. And we have satellite TV out here, so i still get to watch football, and other sports. The internet is terrible, its satellite internet so there is a delay in it. So there is no way to do things like play xbox live or anything like that, but it is sufficient for surfing the web. Some of the guys out here play WoW, and i used to play Runescape a little when i first started to pass the time. You can definitely tell there is a slight delay, but you learn to deal with it.

tempusfudgeit246 karma

I just have this mental picture of a bunch of buff roughnecks covered in oil still wearing their hard hats sitting around playing WoW.

LzyPenguin120 karma

Lol well the roughnecks dont usually do that. They are actually doing manual work their whole time, but the job i have, i still have to be on the rig (in my trailer, about 30 yards from the rig, because we have cables hooked up to stuff on the rig). There is a lot of downtime, where you go days without drilling sometimes, so a lot of the guys bring their xbox's out or play games like wow to pass the time.

Leather_Exterior77 karma

Sounds like a nice gig.

LzyPenguin52 karma

Yea its not bad. I mean i enjoy it!

HoodieMack18 karma

Would you recommend the job?

LzyPenguin67 karma

Yes. If you are ok with being away from all your friends and family for long periods of time, but to make more money than you know what to do with then yes. If your not ok with that then no.

ClintonHarvey27 karma

How uhh....how does one get into this line of work?

I've always heard it pays very well, are there contracts involved? Can it be a one-time gig? I've always wanted to do it, but don't really know where to begin.

Also, I'm sure it's tough work.

LzyPenguin26 karma

Doubtful you can get a one time gig. The job is really easy, but there is a LOT to it, so it takes a lot of training. So you would need to get hired on with a company and then they will train you.

ICantSeeIt26 karma

We got my sister (MWD/LWD/DD offshore) an external hard drive full of movies. She's the most popular engineer on the rig now.

Side note, what sort of top drive are you running? We're a whole family of engineers, and top drives (and automating them) are what I've worked on most. I always get a laugh when my sister sends an email about having long downtime because a competitor's top drive broke down.

LzyPenguin28 karma

Yea, its like an unspoken rule, but EVERYONE out here has a hard drive full of movies, and every rig you go to its like, what do you have, look at what i have and you swap movies.... haha

Honestly i dont know what type of top drive we have... I have only ever been on a rig where we had top drive problems, and we were mid trip, and a huge storm came through so they stopped to let it pass, and i guess lightning struck the rig, and fried the top drive. So we were down for 8 days trying to get it fixed. That was awesome!

ThatOtherOneReddit13 karma

MWD? Fellow MWD out here. Not bad until you have tool failures.

Edit: ugh .... the 36th hour of no-sleep made random babbling, nonsense work in my mind somehow. Damn tool failures.

LzyPenguin7 karma

Its not too bad even with tool failures.... But they do suck. We are picking up tools in about an hour, hopefully we dont have a failure.

PenileDoctor7 karma


LzyPenguin11 karma

Yea, technically he is supposed to be monitoring the gas readings, to help prevent blowouts. But other than that all he does is look at samples. If you are drilling slow, there is really nothing for him to do except find ways to waste time...

TheGreatChatsby202 karma

Are you prepared to help out if an asteroid is on the way?

LzyPenguin189 karma

YES YES YES YES YES!!! I would love to go to space. That would be so sick!

gutter_rat_serenade21 karma


LzyPenguin27 karma

Im too young to die. Ill let someone else take that spot....

AllXHallows114 karma

I am from Alberta Canada where the oil sands and fracking is huge. What is the drug situation like on your rig? Is there any cocaine usage at all? Regular drug tests?

LzyPenguin115 karma

I have always been on pretty good rigs. I know some of the hands smoke weed, but thats about it. I have never seen anyone messed up while on the rig either. They do random drug tests, but only like once a year or so, unless there is a major problem. If someone gets hurt or something messes up, they will come out and drug test. The company i work for does regular hair follicle tests, so i stay far away from all drugs.

PQNO27 karma

Down here in New Mexico, it's the same way. There will only be mandatory drug screening if there is an accident on site where someone gets hurt or killed. Otherwise, you generally just have the pre-employment drug testing.

Jai8625 karma

I work for a drug testing company in western North Dakota, a lot of the company's are not required to perform randoms. A few exeptions are DOT regulated areas mostly we see CDL drivers and pipliners for federally regulated tests. But up here where McDonalds pay 14 an hour there are a lot of company's that are willing to check up from time to time on their "investments".

LzyPenguin36 karma

Yea, they dont mess around with drugs in this industry. If someone gets messed up on drugs and goes to work, they could cause millions of dollars in damage, so they take it pretty seriously.

Nidaleesin6 karma

How does one get killed on an oil rig?

LzyPenguin19 karma

there are many ways. h2s is one. Its a gas that is in some formations that one breath of it and you will fall over dead. Also you are working from heights a lot, so falling is one, and things falling on you. And lots of chemicals, so explosions.

BeefiousMaximus87 karma

Have you ever read Don't Tell Mum I Work on the Rigs: She Thinks I'm a Piano Player in a Whorehouse?

If not you, and everyone, should. The guy works on rigs in some crazy places, out in the middle of nowhere, all over the world. The book is full of crazy, utterly hilarious stories. I haven't gotten a chance to read his other books yet.

Edit: Spelling

LzyPenguin29 karma

No, but that looks really interesting. I might look into that next time im bored!

PQNO54 karma

What basin are you in?

I am actually a mudlogger and on tour right now. When I checked your proof, it took me a little bit to make sure that you weren't on the same rig as I am.

LzyPenguin53 karma

Haha yea that would have been kinda awkward. I am working in northern oklahoma on a rig. What area are you in?

PQNO45 karma

I'm in the Permian Basin, sliding between SE New Mexico and West Texas (occasionally). I've been down here for about two years now, and mudlogging for a total of just about two and a half. I started out in North Central Pennsylvania.

I was actually up in OKC a few weeks ago for a meeting with Devon. Beautiful city.

LzyPenguin30 karma

Yea, Devon and Chesapeake have done a LOT to making OKC such a nice city.

I have only ever worked in Oklahoma, and the panhandle of Texas. Usually drilling through granite wash. What are the formations out there?

wandering_Death6 karma

I'm trying to get on with any company in West TX. Any advice?

PQNO20 karma

I would really only have advice for landing a mud logging position. Other oil field service companies have different requirements/preferences when looking for an employee.

Biggest piece of advice that I could probably give... Don't do drugs. Especially meth. Because that shit is cray-cray.

LzyPenguin11 karma

Definately stay away from drugs. EVERY oil and gas company WILL drug test you. And most of the big companies do hair follicle tests as well. If you want any chance of getting a job in oil, stay far away from drugs, ever stuff like weed!

iaminclassrightnow9 karma


LzyPenguin11 karma

Yep, i had to do one before they hired me too. Not only a hair follicle, but i also did a urine, and breathalyzer.

Alsways nice to meet a fellow Oklahoman! BOOMER SOONER! and THUNDER UP!!!!

newpong1 karma

i have a couple friends who look at dirt, too. now im reading your comment in their voices. this isnt jean-mike is it?

LzyPenguin1 karma

Nope. Not even close.

newpong0 karma

do you always answer questions that were asked to someone else?

LzyPenguin1 karma

uhhhhh, sorry so many questions in here, im just going through answering all of them.... Didnt realize this wasnt directed towards me.

paper_or_plastic_40 karma

Paper or plastic?

LzyPenguin95 karma

Plastic all the way! Plastic is made from Oil byproducts, so the more plastic used, the more job security i have!!!

cataclyzm27 karma

What exactly happened on oil rigs that caused them to be specifically called out in anti-piracy statements on DVDs and other media?

I hope it was unspeakably egregious.

LzyPenguin22 karma

No clue what your talking about man.... :/

Catch_Yo_Fridge26 karma

I had a cousin work on a rig offshore. He said you could put in an order for almost anything from the grocery store on the rigs dime. They would be eating filet mignons every night. Is this true where you work?

If so, what is the best/craziest thing someone has asked for?

LzyPenguin36 karma

Thats not how it is on land rigs. Off shore rigs there is a chef and the rig pays for your meals, because you cant just go run to the grocery store. But on land rigs, this one im on specifically, im about 10 miles from a grocery store, and there is a sonic, subway, and McDonald in town. So i usually buy my own groceries and make food out here. But my job gives me a $35 per diem, and i dont even spend close to that.

nhlfan20 karma

What does a mud logger do? What is a MWD/LWD, and what do they do?

LzyPenguin23 karma

A mud logger is the person who actually analyzes the samples. While they are drilling, the cutting come up and are separated out, and i took samples of those, and looked at them under a microscope, and logged the formations and rock types we were drilling in, in order to help the geologist determine where we are, and get an early look at if the well is going to produce or not.

As an MWD/LWD hand, i am basically the navigator while we are drilling. I work closely with the Directional driller. I monitor the tools downhole, and give the information to the DD who uses it to actually steer and drill in the direction we need to go.

Edit: These are very very basic descriptions, and if you would like more information on them than that, i can give you more.

dielsandalder3 karma

I heard from several places (admittedly never from anyone actually in the field) that you needed an engineering/geology/chemistry degree to get put anywhere near the mud division?

LzyPenguin3 karma

Nope. Most people out here dont have college degrees. Trust me if i had a college degree, i wouldnt be working a job that i have to be away from my friends and family this much!

Chaohinon19 karma


LzyPenguin28 karma

If you get lucky, and there is a company hiring, and needs people, they will take anyone willing to do it. Take my job for example. There are only so many people who are willing to work 12+ hours a day, and be away from home for 25+ days a month. Sooo if they need to hire 15 people, and only get 12 applicants, then they are gonna hire everyone willing to do the job.

stls8 karma

How does it pay?

mathematical15 karma


LzyPenguin7 karma

Thanks! ive answered that about 15 times now.

Stormjib12 karma

Do any registered nurses work on the rigs?

LzyPenguin14 karma

Im sure there are some. I work with so many people from all different backgrounds. A lot of cops, and and ex miliatry, and car salesman, and tons of other stuff. I have not personally met anyone who was a RN, but im sure there are some out here.

pugskreationz5 karma


LzyPenguin19 karma

No, we dont have any security on site. If you get into south Texas, there is lots of security though, because the mexican cartels will come and try and jack your stuff.

huy-12 karma

Have you been around when any accidents have happened? Or heard about anything particularly gruesome?

LzyPenguin9 karma

Worst accident ive seen was a rig fire, but no one got hurt so it wasnt that bad.

JBeauAuditore11 karma

How does your family, friends, or SO feel about you being gone for 25 days a month?

LzyPenguin30 karma

Family is used to it (not married, no children, so im talking about parents and siblings) but it does get hard on holidays. Oil doesnt shut down on holidays, so i have been working on Christmas, thanksgiving, easter, and new years for the last 2 years....

My friends hate it, we used to hang out all the time, but not its only a couple times a month.

My SO is indifferent about it. I mean obviously we would love to be her more, but it is really nice when we do see each other, its always special. She is still in college, so she has plenty of time to study, so her grades have definately increased a lot, which is nice.

Jimmytwofist6 karma

I can relate to all of that, being in the Army. I've heard of a program called "Troops to Roughnecks" where Soldiers transitioning out of the Army and back to civilian life get trained to work oil rigs. Do you know anyone that's done this, and how have they handled it? I will be out next year and this is something I'm interested in.

LzyPenguin3 karma

There are a lot of ex military who work here, although i dont know of any that came straight to working here out of the military.

itsmaxxx10 karma

Two part question here. Are the hookers hot? Do they rotate or are there just the same hookers every night?

LzyPenguin15 karma

No hookers out here man. And if there were, im in a seriously relationship so i would have to pass on them.

ArtofAngels9 karma

Is there much work there for chefs?

Speaking of which what is the food like?

LzyPenguin6 karma

Not on land rigs, which is where i work. I stay in a trailer with a full kitchen, so i go to the grocery store and buy all the food i want and cook what i want.

IamVeryLost9 karma

How'd you get the job?

LzyPenguin15 karma

I applied for the job, and had a friend who works for the company send my resume to his coordinator. Then i called and introduced myself to him, then nailed the interview.

nicholasCageSucks8 karma


LzyPenguin14 karma

I dont have a ton of money in saving, but i have a bunch of retirement stuff setup. I have a pension plan, a 401k that i'm contributing to, i own a house that im building equity in, and plan on buying another house soon, to start renting. and i have a whole life life insurance policy i am building money in. I do plan on going back to school once i have enough money saved up to not have to work for a couple years while i get my degree.

mikayakatnt8 karma

What type of hats do you like to wear?

LzyPenguin24 karma

Not really a hat guy. But if i had to wear them it would probably be a sombrero! Cant beat that shade of them on a hot summer day!

defff_metal8 karma

How are new guys treated in your field? Obviously they have to prove themselves, but what's it like for one?

LzyPenguin6 karma

It was easy for me. Although i have previous experience in the oil field, so i didnt how to learn quite as much as some. I did do my fair share of running into town to pickup food for everyone, but they always paid, so i got free food out of it which is nice....

DaCrazyKoala7 karma

What is the male/female ratio?

LzyPenguin11 karma

About 1500/1. And there is only about 15 people on location. So that means 1 in every 100 rigs might have 1 woman...... But im on a land rig, so i can always run into town and go to a bar and find chicks.

RiverDriver837 karma

So with all the available information about the use of fossil fuels and its long term effects on the global ecosystem and the potential harms that come with global warming and drilling and mining etc. how do you handle the ethical side of what you do? is it really the best thing? I realize you have to eat and therefore work but is there ever a moral dilemma you face internally?

LzyPenguin34 karma

No moral dilemma at all. I dont think you realize how important oil and gas is. Just about everything you use on a daily basis is made from oil byproducts. And by me working for american companies, drilling american oil, im only helping out the US. The economy is setup to run on oil. Thats not something i did, and there is nothing i can do to change that. I am only helping the situation, making EVERYTHING more affordable for people, not just gasoline prices.

astrograph2 karma

how much do you make a year ? You can give us a ballpark figure.. say within like $10k +-

LzyPenguin6 karma

Last year i transitioned from one job to another, so there was a lot of training and days with half pay and what not, and i made probably $70k. This year i will easily make $110k give or take $10k

Viridovipera-5 karma

What if I told you there were something you can do to change that....

LzyPenguin2 karma

Like what?

Katie_in_sunglasses-15 karma

Really? Imagine if you were in the early 19th century working for a rich Southern plantation owner and you sold slaves. Would that be OK with you, too?

No moral dilemma at all. I dont think you realize how important slavery is. Just about everything you use on a daily basis is made from slavery byproducts. And by me working for american companies, selling american slaves, im only helping out the US. The economy is setup to run on slavery. Thats not something i did, and there is nothing i can do to change that. I am only helping the situation, making EVERYTHING more affordable for people, not just slavery prices.

Consider that climate change is going to cause widespread droughts, heat waves, floods, sea level rise, super storms, super bugs, food and water scarcity, extinction and ecosystem collapse, and malnutrition, potentially wiping out all of humanity if not slowly killing hundreds of millions of people.

I would also like to know the general culture and attitude of the people you work with in regards to these issues, especially your boss, and boss's boss, and so on up the ladder.

LzyPenguin3 karma

Seriously dude. Your using either a computer, or a smartphone right now, i know that. So your supporting oil. Your sunglasses are made from oil byproducts. You probably have an electric car, but guess what. Most of that is made from oil byproducts too... You have no idea what your talking about.

And to answer your question, I am happy to work in the oil industry. I love the work i do, and i am happy that i am doing something that allows me to fill up my huge pickup truck that gets terrible mileage.... Im sure some green eco scientist will figure out a way to reverse the effects oil has on the economy. And this world is going to shit anyways. I highly doubt that oil is going to be the cause of the end of humanity. Its going to be nuclear war or something dumb like that. So quit complaining about this and live life... Go protest something else that matters.

TheLegendOf19007 karma

I work offshore in the gulf. wanna trade for a hitch? I do 21 on 7 off

LzyPenguin5 karma

At least you have a set schedule. What i wouldnt give for a set schedule.... I basically just get a few days here and there off. I have always wanted to do an off shore rig though. I heard you can just out and fish on your time off, is that true?

notProfCharles6 karma

Are you looking forward to an asteroid the size of Texas hurtling towards earth?

LzyPenguin7 karma

Yes.... I would love to go to space and save the world. I mean who wouldn't right?

Floridasurf6 karma

How many hours do you work in a day?

Do you travel a lot?

What are some other jobs in the oil industry where one could travel to multiple countries?

LzyPenguin14 karma

I work a 12 hour shift (6pm - 6am CST) and then i have 12 hours off. I am about an hour and a half from home, so i could drive home, or do whatever i want during my 12 hours off, but that is a lot of wasted gas, so most of the time i just hang out here. I have a room and bed in the trailer, so i usually get 10+ hours of sleep every night.

I wouldnt say i travel a "lot" but when i do go to work, the closest ive ever been is a little over an hour away from home. But i drive out there once, and usually stay till the well is over, in 15-20 days, then drive home. So i spend a lot of time away from home, but im not on the road that much if that makes sense.

There are so many jobs out here, if you wanted to be able to travel to other countries it would be a good idea to get with a larger company, and learn a skill with them. Such as being an MWD, Directional driller, or Mud engineer.

Floridasurf6 karma

I wanted to be a petroleum geologist, do you know how much they travel?

LzyPenguin4 karma

They don't travel very much, although it really just depends on what you do with your degree. Most petroleum geologists get a job with a big oil company (Devon, Chesapeake, Apache, Samson) and they work in an office, and rarely travel. Thats what the mud loggers are for. The mud loggers are the eyes and ears for the geologists on the well sites, and usually they have several wells under them they are supervising. As a mud logger, i only had geologists come out to location 3 times in the 18 months i was out there.

If you went the other route, and became a mud logger, you would be traveling quite a bit. But you dont go to school and get that degree to be a mud logger, thats a lost option choice basically.

Floridasurf6 karma

Thank you, would you recommend working for an oil company?

PQNO8 karma

Highly. The oil companies cater to their employees that are making them millions of dollars. Think of working for Google with a background in computer science, but instead having a background in geology, petroleum, etc.

I have been to a couple campuses for interviews with oil companies and they truly would be a great place to work.

Floridasurf2 karma

sweet geology really interest me so I am interested in being a petroleum geologist, I heard they treat their employees very well.

LzyPenguin5 karma

Yep, those companies always take GOOD care of their engineers. Definately a great career option if your still in school.

allbiznessa6 karma

What is your opinion about the federal/state safety regulations for oil rigs? There was a lot of discussion over the fact that regular safety tests/inspections of the Deep Water Horizon were not being performed? And do you see anything along the lines of politics mixing with big business? Just curious. It was a hot topic in my college ethics class a few years back.

Thanks for doing this AMA!

LzyPenguin7 karma

No problem. This is making my boring night a lot more interesting!

I like that they are strengthening all of the safety stuff up. My first boss told me when he first started working on rigs, we witnessed someone die on location. It used to be really dangerous out here, but since then it has gotten so much safer. I know even just a few years ago they weren't doing nearly as much safety tests or inspection, as they are now. Although land rigs fall under different jurisdiction than off shore rigs, they are still tightening all of the regulations.

There is definitely a ton of politics influencing everything. All the way down to which bit we use. There as so many times we use a worse bit, because of who was selling it. And it just gets worse with the more important parts.

Hinks3 karma

My friend worked as a geologist on one of the North Sea rigs for a short amount of time. One day one of the air-tight doors was jammed open and took 3-4 guys to manually shut it as if it remained open the rig would shut down as part of a safety procedure. Unfortunately, as the door shut his thumb was caught between the door and the seal instantly crushing it to dust. He then had to sit on the rig for about 6 hours before a helicopter from mainland Scotland could come and evacuate him to hospital. He had a pretty good payout from insurance and the company, not to mention a prosthetic thumb...but that whole experience must have been terrifying.

Do you have any stories like that? I'm sure there are fatalities quite often on rigs which must be horrible.

LzyPenguin4 karma

Nope, no stories here. Everything is super safe here, and super strict safety protocols. Worst ive seen is jammed fingers and such.

naF_emilbuS5 karma

Is that Haliburton or Crest Pumping doing the cement work for you in the Pic? Are you out in the patch in WTX? Just curious because I work with Crest Pumping's cement division. :)

Edit: Just saw that you are in the NorOK... good chance that is Haliburton then. We (Crest Pumping) are planning on expanding into OK again once we get our Sweetwater yard stable with staff and equipment.

LzyPenguin5 karma

You are correct, it is Halliburton out here. Ive actually only been on 1 rig ever that didnt use Halliburton to cement.

biggiedan4 karma

You seem to be involved in the logging part of the operation instead of the drilling, I have a couple of questions:

  • What company do you work for?
  • Did you go to college? If so what was your major?
  • Do you working in such isolated areas?
  • Any advice for a petroleum engineering major in college?


LzyPenguin5 karma

I used to work for a really small local company, with only 5 employees you have probably never heard of. But now i work for Baker Hughes.

I did go to college, but only for one semester. So i consider myself to not have gone.

I work on the rig site. Most of the time the rigs are in the middle of no where, with no cell reception, and 30 minute drives to the closest gas station. Recently ive been closer to towns, which is nice, but most of the time that is not the case.

If your in college getting that degree, you should contact oil and gas companies now. I know in Oklahoma, there is a company here that will actually pay for your degree if you sign a contract to go work for them. Or at the very least, get in contact with other petroleum engineers, and ask to "shadow" them, or volunteer as much as you can with them. I know you dont have a lot of free time as a college student, but honestly what they teach you in school is nothing like how it is once you actually get in the field. Get with some people and try and learn as much as you can hands on!

timhawaii3 karma

Can you have toast out there? I like toast...

LzyPenguin6 karma

Yes, yes you can. You have to bring your own toaster though.... Or use the over to make it....

TheMudflapSerions3 karma

Do they switch coworkers after you come back to land or do they have everyone on a plan where you spend time with the same co workers? And if you do is it to make it less lonely on the oil ridge.

LzyPenguin4 karma

Well i work on a land rig, so i'm always on land. But these wells last usually between 12-25 days, and most of the time its all different people every time. I have been pretty lucky, and the last 5 rigs i have done have all been with most of the same people, but that rarely happens.

And its not to be less lonely or anything. They could care less about that TBH. They just stick people out wherever they can.

westmantoothIII3 karma

What is the worst crime of negligence you've ever witnessed?

LzyPenguin7 karma

Ive never really seen anything super bad. Just drinking on the job. When i was a mud logger i would get bored and go hang out with the hands in the mud house, and they would always be drinking beer in there. But other than that nothing really. Most of the companies have saftey men who do random visits, and make sure everything is up to spec and they are SUPER strict on safety now.

tehtonym3 karma

Would an oil rig be a good place to defend against a zombie apocalypse? My friends and I always planned on making it to one and hoping the people inside were cool

LzyPenguin5 karma

uhhhh. This wouldnt be my first choice. Although if your a sniper it could be fun.

jj23983 karma

What is your opinion on hydraulic fracturing?

LzyPenguin5 karma

I like it. You have no idea how much more oil is obtainable for due to it. Even if it is causing the earth quakes or whatever, the benefits of it way out weighs the downsides.

prathamsai3 karma

Hello thanks for the ama Can you get a job as a oil rig worker with no work experience. Also im not really interested in physical work but am fine with computer related or anything else that's not labor. How much would it pay

Thank youu so much

LzyPenguin3 karma

If you want to do physical labor, try and become a rough neck. Its probably the easiest position to get into in the industry. You don't need any experience if you get on with the right company, and that is the best way to learn the industry. Once you get on as a rough neck, work your way up to being a driller, and after you have drilled a few years you can try and become a directional driller. Most of the DD's i work with all did that, and are all making $200k+ a year.

As an entry level rough neck, you will probably be started out at $15 an hour. But you work 84 hours a week, and then have a week off. So you only work 26 weeks a year. Plus you get tons of bonuses, so they usually make $60-70k a year. Drillers are making $100k or so, and if you work hard, and are smart you could be a driller in 2-3 years.

Gynekillogist3 karma

Don't mean to put a downer on this, but someone who sits in the trailer isn't really considered someone who works "on the rigs". That term is reserved more so for the ppl physically on the rig, doing work. Roughnecks, derrickhands, drillers, etc.

LzyPenguin2 karma

I live on location, and i do go up to the floor occasionally when we pickup and laydown tools, and tor scribe. So i consider thats working "on the rig"

M76002 karma

One day NASA may call upon you to drill on an apocalyptic asteroid. Do you look forward to this?

LzyPenguin2 karma

More than you can imagine!

reb00142 karma


LzyPenguin5 karma


reb00142 karma


LzyPenguin3 karma

Thats not a bad idea. That is honestly probably the best degree you can get right now. Try and find companies that hire for that job too. A lot of them will either pay for your degree, or at least pay for some of it if you sign up to work for them when you graduate.

doubleknavery2 karma

I'm in my final year studying as a geologist. Can you tell me much about the work they do on the rig? Do they have similar rosters? What about geophysicists? Thanks for your time!

LzyPenguin5 karma

Most geologists dont work on the rigs. From what i have experienced, the geologists rarely come out to location, usually right when they start, to kind of see how things work, and then they do the rest of their work in an office. That's why they have mud loggers on location, to be the eyes and ears for the geologist. As of what they do, i'm not really sure. I always filled out my mud log, and sent it into them, and answered questions about the samples, and then they did their thing.

Heather3DSX2 karma

If a person wanted to get a job on the rigs, where is a good place to start looking and what credentials would you need?

LzyPenguin2 karma

Well it depends on what you want to do. There are so many jobs out here. Are you smart, and want to sit behind a computer? Or are you a big tough guy who wants to be more hands on?

Vultras2 karma

To piggyback on the original question, how does one hypothetically go about looking for a roughneck job? In the US, specifically. From what I notice, there's not much advertising, sounds like a lot of word of mouth. Maybe cause I'm not local to the oil rigs but still, would like to know how the hiring process works if I wanted to look into it.

LzyPenguin3 karma

Really it is who you know. Most of the time its employee referrals. But if you are interested in being a roughneck i would try and find out which rigs are in your area. Contact companies like H&P, Unit drilling, or Neighbors, and see if they have any rigs in your area and and ask them about trying to be rig hand.

Heather3DSX1 karma

I suppose I'd like to be more of a hands on, not that I'm stupid or anything haha. What exactly do you do out there? What's your favorite part of your job

LzyPenguin3 karma

Well if you wanted to be more hands on, you would want to be a roughneck. They make pretty good money, and its really not as dangerous as it used to be. There have been sooooo many safety changes over the past 10 years its crazy how big of a deal safety is now.

I am an MWD, so basically im the navigator while we are drilling. I monitor equipment downhole and give the information i get to the directional driller so he knows how to aim the bit. There is a lot more to it than that, but it really is an easy job. Honestly i could have done this job when i was 14, and i make a lot more than the people who are doing manual labor on the rig. Although i have put on about 20 lbs since i started this. You really have to be careful. About 3/4th of the guys i work with are 275+ lbs. I really have to watch what i eat, and motivate myself to work out a lot more than i ever have had to before.

The best part honestly is probably all the downtime. I work 12 hour shifts, but only do about 3 hours of work during that time most nights. So i spend a LOT of time on reddit, and just doing whatever i want!

Heather3DSX1 karma

I hear that field of work goes through seasonal lay offs every year. What in your opinion would be the most secure job for someone just starting out? Do you get laid off lots?

LzyPenguin2 karma

Yea, in the past there has been a lot of layoffs. It really just depends what you are doing. I have never been laid off, and with the discovery of all the new oil, especially in texas, i dont think ill have to worry about that. Although you never know. That is why they pay us so much, and if your smart, you just save a lot and prepare for it if it ever does happen.

PineconeShuff1 karma

has bruce willis ever chased you around with a rifle and then asked you to go into space to destroy an asteroid

LzyPenguin2 karma

Wow, Lucky guess.

mumblingidiot1 karma

Is there a specific entry level job that feeds into or promotes to mwd? I'm in Texas and am interested in getting into the oil industry.

LzyPenguin1 karma

Mud logging is usually the best position to feed into MWD, because your dealing with a lot of the same stuff. But honestly any position that you can actually be out here on an oil rig, learning out the environment, and how everything works will set you up really well to become one!

jbg891 karma

How do you get in the industry? How much do you get paid?

LzyPenguin8 karma

I applied for a job, and a lot. Ive posted several times man. Just read some of the other comments in here.

LzyPenguin1 karma

Yea man. I don't know if baker Hughes is hiring mwd's right now, they usually do a hiring freeze till mid year, but there are tons of other companies that are hiring. And that is better than most people who apply for the job have. Only way to find out is to start submitting your resume.

Mustysack1 karma

Have you tried Cards Against Humanity?

Also, can you send me a job? =D

LzyPenguin3 karma

Never played that game before, but i heard its pretty fun.

Not sure i could send you a job, but your more than welcome to apply for any you want!