Hey! This is Howard Kremer and Kulap Vilaysack from the Who Charted? podcast on the Earwolf network. Ask us questions and we'll answer! Swearzies.

Comments: 285 • Responses: 96  • Date: 

Fishmandog29 karma

Kulap, if Scott were to be referring to you to another group of people, what two words would he use to refer to you?

WhoCharted57 karma

Mahhhhh wife!

sockpocketman9 karma

Follow up for Howard - if Scott were the sheriff of Mayberry and you were his bumbling deputy, what two words word he use to refer to you?

WhoCharted13 karma

Tool boy!

Fishmandog6 karma

Another follow up for Kulap- if someone disconnected your wireless internet connection, what two words would you use to lament your situation?

WhoCharted15 karma

Oh fuck!

Fishmandog21 karma

Oh, I'm so sorry, we were looking for "MY WIFI!" Thanks for playing though!

WhoCharted16 karma

Kulap: I stand corrected!

zoom0s23 karma

Howard, why do you always say "I'll save it for two charted" but you never ever say it on two charted, is that your way of not talking about a subject?

Love the pod.

WhoCharted59 karma

I'll save it for Two Charted.

chaseroper13 karma

Hey, he saved the vodka spray info for Two Charted and totally delivered!

WhoCharted14 karma

Thank you!

mostlytoastly16 karma

Kulap, do you worry about Scott being around the young interns like Reardon and Wompler on Comedy Bang Bang?

WhoCharted45 karma

Haha, no they're both flat chested.

WhoCharted15 karma

Hey guys that was our last question! Thank you for joining us!

Pick up a copy of my album Have Anothah Summah at HowardKremer.bandcamp.com and join us for our VPN tomorrow with special host April Richardson and special guest Matt Besser.


See you next week on WHOoooo CHARTED? and TWO CHARTED!

yolisagetup15 karma

Where will you open the inaugural Shredstaurant?

WhoCharted18 karma

Stockholm, Sweden

mymylynn12 karma

Hi Howard,

How much did you enjoy staying in our tent at Sasquatch? Why did you reject our breakfast we made for you the next morning? Do you still snore?

WhoCharted13 karma

Damn it, I was snoring in there?! Lookin' hot on Instagram, baby. It was one of my fondest memories of 2012. Next time, lose the dude.

Lingoid12 karma


As someone who battles a skewering addiction, how do you stay on the straight and narrow and resist the urge to poke yourself with sharp things for relief?

WhoCharted16 karma

I am beyond it now bro. Do some stretches. Use your finger. Acupressure it's called.

bethfury12 karma

Howard, when is Kulap going to get to hang out at Dragon Manor? Wouldn't she just add good vibes to the summer altar?

Kulap, what are your favorite current comic books?

Love your show! BTW, my husband is from Howell so listening to you is a little reminder from home.

WhoCharted11 karma

Summah shrine, first of all. Second of all, entry has to be earned. - Howard

Right now I'm into Hawk Eye, The Superior Foes of Spiderman, The Movement by Gail Simone - Kulap

Oh wow, Jersey, Howell! I worked at "The Cabin". We'd forget to put in people's orders all the time. - Howard

kdar12 karma

Howard, how many sprays in a shot?

WhoCharted16 karma

Aw fuck, like 70 or 80

advancedman11 karma

Kulap, which of Howard's business ideas do you think is the best???

WhoCharted27 karma

Conniptions - a business that supplies rooms for shit fits.

drinkywinky10 karma

I know this sounds silly but, what do you think your lives would look like if you hadn't started Who Charted?

WhoCharted13 karma

Howie: I'd probably still be reading those spiritual books. I'd probably be on a park bench sitting Indian style in a bathing suit.

KuKu: Ditto

build_a_bergworkshop10 karma

Howard, as a vegetarian would you consider Hermes treatment humane?

WhoCharted19 karma

Great question! We don't ask him to do anything he doesn't want to do. He has 4star accommodations here at Earwolf and let's be honest he'd have trouble out in the wild being a hermaphrodite.

LordPooping9 karma

Can you recall the hardest you've ever laughed during an episode of Who Charted?

WhoCharted12 karma

That's tough...every show we're back at zero, barely can remember anything! They're all hilarious

BenSpranklin9 karma

Hi Howard,

If I'm not mistaken, you're very familiar with Austin, TX. My company is relocating me there from Chicago in a couple months. Where is the best part of town to live?

WhoCharted9 karma

Hyde Park.

Wavvy759 karma

Coming in at number 5,

5! What was the worst part of comic-con?

Number 4,

4! Do you think lil'debbie has taken over as the leader of the WGM?

Number 3,

3! When is Chip Pope gonna guest on WC?

Number 4,

4! Is it the same without Trish?

Number 5,

5! If Summah is truly the give in to all great activities time of year, when are you gonna try to surf again? Promise not to yell at you!

WhoCharted3 karma

5) Howard: Jaywalking Kulap: The crowds 4) Howard: Perhaps 3) When he loses the diaper smell

WompUpTheJamz9 karma

I'm excited you're doing this! I have a few:

  1. How has the evolution of the show surprised you? Is there anything that you wouldn't have believed on day one?

  2. Howard, I always picture Dragon Manor to be a one bedroom apartment with a pile of sand in the living room. Accurate?

  3. Kulap, are you worried about Scott's return trip to a Phish concert/ are you going?

  4. what is the probability of a visit from the real Lee?

WhoCharted11 karma

  1. I wouldn't believe how it has compromised my privacy.
  2. One day. With a little bit of help from the Summer gods.
  3. I'm going and I am worried.
  4. True percentage: 8%

WompUpTheJamz2 karma

Here's what you should do Howard - not technically legal, but summah is about taking risks, not shying away from them - you should go to White Sands in New Mexico and steal some white sand for your living room. It's gypsum, so it's softer than other white sand. This could be your living room: http://imgur.com/IbkkjJS

WhoCharted7 karma

Heading inland, not a good feeling.

mrpoopsauce8 karma

Howard, after Shreddsteraunt starts to explode with success, you should do an outdoor, scaled-down version for Coachella called "Pick-nick" and the servers use classical guitars.

WhoCharted5 karma

Great idea thank you

WhoCharted8 karma

We're doing a live VPN tomorrow night at 6pm! Special guest host April Richardson because Kulap has some big big Hollwood business!

Frajer8 karma

Is my image of Earwolf as a giant office with cubicles where Paul walks up to you and talks about Nicolas Cage or Jake walks up and talks about the Ramones accurate?

WhoCharted8 karma


fakename3118 karma

Hey guys, Howard I'm about to move from the very hot Deep South to snow filled Connecticut. Any suggestions on keeping a warm Summah feeling all year long? Ku Ku you always look great. Looking forward to seeing your documentary!

WhoCharted8 karma

KuKu: Aw, thank you!

Howie: Make sure you have indoor pool access #upn #undergroundpoolnetwork #yaheard

castironbrick7 karma

Guys, I've been listening to your show and Earwolf since day one, and I love every bit of it.

Your show actually helped me get into Pop music. Have you found any interests from charting that surprised you?

WhoCharted9 karma

Howard likes country now, and because of that now I (Kulap) do too. Pop-wise, I (Howard) was never into Katy Perry or Taylor Swift...and Call Me Maybe.

tight_butthole6 karma

Howard, will you come to San Diego to perform your Have Anotha Summah album live before I leave? Please?

WhoCharted7 karma

When do you leave?

tight_butthole2 karma

August 19th, kind of short notice :(

WhoCharted7 karma

Headin' down tonight!

Memphish_Boognish6 karma

When are we going to see Poehler, Aziz, and Mulaney on the show?

WhoCharted7 karma

I would love that. We'll make it happen.

morelikethemoon6 karma

Howard, be honest. Is there actually a scheduling issue, or did you just not want to see Phish?

WhoCharted10 karma

It was a scheduling issue AND I am dodging a serious bullet on that.

morelikethemoon2 karma

I, for one, am greatly disappointed I won't get to vicariously experience Howard Kremer at a Phish show. I think you should attend one of the San Francisco or Denver shows with Harris.

WhoCharted12 karma

No thank you

Kyle-Overstreet6 karma

Kulap: Favorite memory from filming Parks and Rec?

WhoCharted7 karma

I was just so thrilled to be working with Amy and Adam and Mike from Breaking Bad.

smackababy6 karma

KuKu, considering that you can't always be there for Howard, have you considered getting him into some kind of assisted living / life coaching program?

WhoCharted5 karma

Howard: That's a great idea.

Kulap: Let me handle my mom first and we'll talk about it. I'll put it on my list.

mistermannequin5 karma

Which dead celebrities would you have wanted to have on the podcast most? Why?

WhoCharted6 karma

Kulap: Christopher Reeves 'cause he's Superman

Howard: Keith Moon from the Who, Brooke Burke.

wakeup_maggy5 karma

Mr Motorcycle, if you could be any frozen summah treat, what would you be and why?

WhoCharted5 karma

Itzakadoozie. Delicious. Available only at amusement parks.

wakeup_maggy2 karma

New business venture: "Itzabeerkoozie" A beer koozie styled after a Itzakadoozie. The ultimate Summah treat mashup.

WhoCharted7 karma

Thanks, O Henry!

LostBreaking955 karma

Hey, Wie and Ku! Thanks so much for making are lives so much brighter and for doing this today.

While nothing is greater than basking in the glory of summah, aaaaaaautumn and Wintah are inevitable. Some custom knee-high socks to buy on Earwolf would be splendid. Could this be a possibility?

P.S.- The new cast with Maron is awesome!

WhoCharted5 karma

Please email your interest to Earwolf! If the public demands, we must supply!

sockpocketman5 karma

Howard - what is your opinion on Action Bronson. I like him, but I can't get over how much he sounds like Ghosteface. Since you are on a country tip these days - listen to Lera Lynn. She did a cover of TV on the Radio's 'Wolf Like Me' that will blow your skirt up.

WhoCharted5 karma

Come on don't give me compound crust!

WhoCharted4 karma

True dat. Very entertaining gentlemen.

jtresk265 karma

When is the next live WC on VPN?

WhoCharted8 karma

Tomorrow! 6 PM pacific. Special guests!

zanedom15 karma

Howard, looking forward to seeing you in Denver at High Plains... want to rage?

WhoCharted8 karma

Bath salts, please

knutella5 karma

How did the concept of the podcast come about?

Was there really a goose in the studio during the Ben Schwartz episode?

How do we save summah? Is Obama to blame?

WhoCharted8 karma

Yeah, we got a goose.

jwk19885 karma

What guest has not been on that you would love to have?

WhoCharted9 karma

Kulap: Louis CK, Amy Poehler Howard: David Lee Roth

Xzachtheman5 karma

Howard, why didn't you cosplay as the escapee at comic-con?

WhoCharted6 karma

Wooaahhh! I like that question. Didn't have my face drum mallet.

soupmastergeneral4 karma

Did you guys have fun at comic con? I saw both of you separately at different points in the weekend!

WhoCharted5 karma

Oh really! Yep, until I was hungover on Sunday - Kulap

Yep, until I was tired- Howard

AutumnalWay4 karma

Howard, what is the most "Summah" day of non-Summah?

WhoCharted6 karma

ooh good question. I would have to say it's May 3-1.

ala-akbar4 karma

Did you know that dinosaurs are extinct?

WhoCharted9 karma

Yea. Except for the Loch Ness and the Komodo Dragon. Did you know an octopus can do math?

Andrizzleton4 karma

So when will the Mama Vilaysack doc rock our frocks?

WhoCharted6 karma

I'm shooting it starting Friday, hopefully within the year but it's hard to say

ComplimentingBot4 karma

Your skin is radiant

WhoCharted11 karma

Thankum you! R U Chick?

Finger-Me-Elmo4 karma

Hey guys... when can we hang out?

WhoCharted5 karma

Right now bro. Come over.

MontyAshley4 karma

So...who actually charted?

WhoCharted11 karma


jtresk264 karma

I will support Shredstaurant. I've been getting the word out for you Howard. Love the podcast!

WhoCharted6 karma

Thank you!

bigicecream4 karma

Howard, how's the clench? It seems to have gotten better as you don't mention it as often.

Kulap, I just wanted to say I appreciate your positive attitude about things. You guys brighten my day.

WhoCharted5 karma

The clench is on the run. This is clenchbustah summah. I'm amazed how fixed it is getting, I thought I may need surgery or something.

JulyDiaz4 karma

If a palm tree falls in a beach and no one is around to hear it, does summah continue for six more weeks?

WhoCharted10 karma

are you chick?

macrowive4 karma

Howard, I know you're all about the Summah, but what is your favorite WINTAH activity?

Kulap, You were hilarious in your Parks and Rec cameo! What show would you love to have a guest spot on next?

WhoCharted8 karma

Howard: Recording Have a Summah songs

Howard: I see Kulap on Silk Stocking, Hardcore Pawn Chicago...I could see her on Devious Maids, Fuse News.

jtresk264 karma

Howard, when does your stand up album come out, if you know at all?

WhoCharted5 karma

We're gonna call that Sept.

akira6624 karma

Hello! If you were going to face each other in a boxing match, what song would you each have playing as you entered the ring?

WhoCharted3 karma

Ooooo wow wow wow wow.

"Mama Said Knock You Out"- Kulap

Oh fuck, gimme ah, gimme ah...is it over already? "Read these Nikes" - Howard

lazerbullet4 karma

Howard, have you ever experimented with crystals ... what do you reckon to their healing powers?

WhoCharted5 karma

Uhhh crystals...crystal gale don't make my brown eyes blue

jkk4113 karma

Lovvvve the show! The Howard-Kulap dynamic is endlessly entertaining. Have You ever considered user submitted charts? Could be a great way to get fans more involved and Howard And Ku riffing on the chart would surely be gold. Oh, and what's a guy gotta do to get a Springsteen rock? Thanks for the 'cast!

WhoCharted4 karma

Yea we use user submitted charts on Tooch when Kulap gets lazy.

Make that gift chart theme play for a Springsteen rock.

Beb0pCola3 karma

Kulap, would you mind listing your favorite comics right now, not including Gail Simone? I think Image has been killing it. Howard, I've been inspired by you this Summah, been saying yes to everything! Love the show. Thanks guys.

WhoCharted5 karma

Go back and read flaming carrot! - Howard

MarmOfSmarm3 karma

When are you going to do the Howard theories episode?

Also, can I just say I get you, Howard. Keep doing what you are doing.

WhoCharted5 karma

I started to pull back on that idea because I started telling people what I believe and it was a slow slog...if you don't get my references....as a kid, as a child, it seemed that religion would be gone by the time we are adults, so I think I just inherently have these beliefs that are hard to explain to others

SetYourGoals3 karma

Howie and Ku-Ku, I want to know your favorite signatures on the Earwolf studio table, respectively.

Also Howie, I'm digging your hair. Last Samurai. Get it.

WhoCharted7 karma

Are you chick? - Howard

ThrowingChicken3 karma

Snaggle Tooth or Trip to Italy?

WhoCharted7 karma

Trip to Italy!

brandonkoi3 karma

hey guys! thanks for all of the entertainment! bye! :)

WhoCharted3 karma

Save it! - Howard.

TheRussianCircus3 karma

What are some good ways to have a Summah on a budget?

WhoCharted8 karma

upn, um um carpool to the beach, um um steal an ice cream truck, um um dry hump a dune

DoctorAllen3 karma

Howard, have you ever thought about joining up with the nerdcore hip hop scene? If you listen to it, anyone you would like to collab with?

WhoCharted6 karma

Give me multiple choices

soupmastergeneral3 karma

which is your favorite food, real milk dirt cup or mustard?

WhoCharted6 karma


andrewthomasmachine2 karma

Hey guys, love Whoch and Twoch!

Will Lee be answering any questions today? Also, what happened to engineer Doug?

WhoCharted4 karma

Howard: Yeah Lee can answer some questions! Doug left the building.

suckeredyou2 karma

You said at one point you would be doing a live show in Chicago but it never materialized. Any chance of doing one in the future?

WhoCharted4 karma

Definitely. We both want to.

R U Chick?

BAKOBOY242 karma

Kulap: What, if any, TV shows are you currently loving?

Howard: Any musical artists that have recently caught and held your attention?

WhoCharted5 karma

Kulap: This is embarrassing, but Big Brother! Baggage & Family Feud with Steve Harvey.

Howard: Oh, yes, I would say um um um ASAP Rocky, Bro Safari, Knife Party

spxctr2 karma

Kulap, I asked Scott this earlier today on Uproxx, but I wanted to see your answer too. How did you and Scott meet/court each other?

WhoCharted4 karma

Kulap: At a fourth season Mr. Show taping

mattpicasso2 karma

Ku: any chance you could get Matt Fraction or Brian K Vaughan in for some charts? Hawkeye and Saga need some Howard examination

WhoCharted4 karma

I would love that! Maybe David Mack can help us! Please tweet at them on our behalf :)

concretetales2 karma

Last year, on the recommendation of Kulap, I made 'Slow Down' by 'The Team' my 2012 SONG of SUMMAH! Can we get some recommendations for a 2013 SONG of SUMMAH?

Summah is almost halfway done and I feel lost.

WhoCharted5 karma

Wild for the Night, Royals by Lorde

Summah's not ovah. Go hard!

owleebrown2 karma

Hey guys. My sister and I are big fans! We live in Baltimore. Any chance of you guys taking the show east?

WhoCharted3 karma

We'd love to do a show on the east coast, just a matter of getting it together!

WhoCharted2 karma

We want to. If you felt empowered you could help make arrangements to do that!

GoGolGodzilla2 karma

hey guys! love the podcast. it really gets me through the day when I need it. I just started listening.to it and keep being surprised that howard spent time in dc, my current location, and was wondering how his time was here.

it does seem like a very un summah place

thanks a.lot guys

WhoCharted3 karma

I was a waiter at American Cafe in Georgetown and Mr. Gaddy's in College Park. - Howard

I can not imagine being served by Howard - Kulap

cliffwarden2 karma

If you could travel back in time to your childhood what advice would you give yourself?

Twist - what advice would you give each others childhood self?

WhoCharted5 karma

Kulap: Your life will get progressively better. For Howard, I would say your moms gonna throw away your toys on this date, grab 'em before she does!

Howard: Don't get mad, let people think you're a girl. To Young Ku I would say stay away from them gangsters in the food court.

qber052 karma

Hey Wie - can a summah secret be shared between two people? My bff and I did something secret on our summah beach vacation last week and don't plan on telling anyone!

p.s. I'm a chick!

p.p.s. As a fellow large chested lady I love you Kulap! :)

WhoCharted6 karma

Kulap: Big tittie hug!

Howard: A secret is when you know something and nobody else knows nothin'

jdtaormi2 karma

If I pieced things together correctly, it sounded like Howard has been hanging with Jody Highroller aka riffraff. Is there discussion of getting him on the podcast?

P.S. Howard, I fully support you buying a smart car. Follow your dreams. Achieve greatness.

WhoCharted4 karma

Howard: Would love to get Jody. Saw him twice this summer. Smart car too big.

Kulap: Howard just wants a sidecar.

Finger-Me-Elmo2 karma

Can you guys do a live bizarro Who charted?

WhoCharted3 karma

We would love to!

Murderbaby2 karma

  1. Howard, is your clench improving? Do you have any tips for other clench-sufferers that do not include amateur skewer acupuncture?
  2. Kuku & WieWie: Who would be your ideal Who Charted guest? If you could get Trey from Phish on the show, would you let Harris in the room, or would you set up an elaborate to-do list for him to be allowed entry?

WhoCharted5 karma

Harris is my boy and yes I would set up a Rube Goldberg maze that would lead to Trey on Who Charted? - Kulap

graveltapes2 karma

Ku: After coming back from Comic-Con, what books are you most looking forward to? What are your favorite current on-goings?

Howie: Have you considered regrowing the Austin Stories sideburns? I think they'd pair well with the samurai knot.

Thanks for making Wednesday and Friday my favorite drives to work.

WhoCharted3 karma

Kulap: Red Sonya, I need to get Neil Gaiman's new novel and I'm like three weeks backed up so I need to crack in to what I already have.

Howard: Ooh, not a bad idea!

LaurT562 karma

Wiewie have you put out any more fires since the one next door - literally or virtually?

WhoCharted8 karma

Yes I have.

Kulap says: Crotch fires

I put out.

oh_whattodo2 karma

To you both: How's your summah?

For Howard: why did you decide to lay off the Mary Jane? And, how's it going so far?

Kulap: You rule! I've heard you on both Paul and Janet's shows, and you seem like a really conscious, compassionate and awesome lady. Keep being rad! And since that wasn't a question, what's your favorite smoothie recipe?

WhoCharted6 karma

Howard: It's going very well. I'm a Weekend warrior. It's so I could join the new age, and just be productive in the digital world.

Kulap: Thank you! 9 oz of ice cold milk, a little bit of water, some ice, frozen strawberries, 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder, a half a handful of almonds, and a big handful of kale.

beefhurricane2 karma

How How- The dates for Summahfest '13 in Portland aren't on the Helium website. What's the date on that?

WhoCharted4 karma


pootsforever2 karma

Howard, what do you do when you are not recording the podcast?

WhoCharted4 karma

We do discuss it. Listen to Two Charted?!

mistermannequin2 karma

Will you have Ian Karmel on the show when he moves to LA? Him and Funches are best buds. We know Funches is a hit. I think Ian would be too. Give him a try.

WhoCharted5 karma

I love Ian. Sure, he's hilarious.

BAKOBOY242 karma

For Kuku and Wewe

Who would you love to have on Who Charted that's never been on the show before?

WhoCharted7 karma

Poehler, Louis C.K

DrDoofenshartz2 karma

Who would you choose to direct a movie version of the Connivers? Would "not Summah" be the villain?

WhoCharted5 karma

Kurosawa or Almodovar

keepcalmson2 karma

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WhoCharted5 karma

We're doing one tomorrow with special co-host April Richardson instead of Ku! Tune in!

We wish that we were on camera right now doing this AMA!

cashhartz2 karma

What's Chip Pope like in person?

WhoCharted5 karma

Howard: The first time I ever had a conversation with him, he was on a 10-speed bike. While he was talking, I wrote the words "Misbegotten Douche" on his bike tire. He looked down and saw it and immediately pedaled away.

sidekicksuicide2 karma

Howard, is the top knot a temporary thing, or will it be with us all SUMMAH?

WhoCharted7 karma

Kulap: I hope it's temporary

Howard: Jesus, Kulap, you're the one who told me to go long with the hair!

shipshipshurray2 karma

KuKu, does Wee-wee have any other super secret nicknames we should be aware of?

WhoCharted4 karma

Howard doesn't but I was christened a new name at 3 am - iced boba. - Kulap

ecctv2 karma

Hey Howard! I know summah for you occurs at the beach, but what about a lake? I'm on a beautiful lake right now and having an amazing summah. And hello Kulap, tell Rocky hello. <3

WhoCharted5 karma

Howard: Lake is great. Ocean is greater.

Kulap: Rocky says Hi!

snydershangover2 karma

Howard, I'm going to see you live in Arcata, CA in a few weeks. Should I wear my Summah attire? Or should i come in a more laxed attire?

WhoCharted8 karma


chaseroper2 karma

Did I miss all the fun?

WhoCharted4 karma
