Hey everyone, I'll be on a bit to answer your questions, so start upvoting.

EDIT: Just tweeted about it http://twitter.com/Kayden_Kross http://imgur.com/Qk64A

EDIT: Thanks for all the questions everyone! Real quick. 1. If you want you can follow me on twitter @Kayden_Kross 2. If you have a minute, could you please vote for me at http://www.fleshlight.com/searchlightcontest/. It only takes a second and would be greatly appreciated. 3. And finally, here is the link to the Nekrogoblikon video that I recently starred in, written and directed by Brandon Dermer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsMKOx6fumc


Comments: 4074 • Responses: 51  • Date: 

ashmaht1522 karma

How is your autobiography coming along? Also, can it be called "Coming Along?"

kaydenkrossama1860 karma

Do I have to pay you anything if I use that?

takestheotherside1183 karma

  1. what's the most disturbing thing you've ever been asked to do
  2. what's the most disturbing thing you've ever agreed to do

kaydenkrossama1174 karma

Asked? You'd be amazed at the number of fans who would pay a high price for used tampons, or worse. Agreed? I made a funny or die video that had a child in it once.

ill_take_the_case1054 karma

How do you and other stars plan for retirement? Is there a lot of money in continuing endorsement deals/residuals from your work? Do you put a lot away into a retirement account? Do you save money for a future education if you want to change your career path?

kaydenkrossama1697 karma

Very few things want endorsements from pornstars, and pornstars loose their starpower almost within seconds of retiring. It's fascinating to watch, actually. But toy deals, especially Fleshlight toy deals, can be a good income source long after. They are the special magical unicorn for retired pornstars. Websites will continue for a while after too, if you've put in the time, which I have. Some contracts used to give movie residuals but don't anymore. The leg up that pornstars have, if they choose to take advantage of it, is they make a lot of liquid capital at a young age when they (presumably) have very few expenses. There are a lot of things that can be done with a few hundred grand cash in your twenties. Most people don't do it though, because they're in their twenties.


In case anyone is curious, this is the music video she's talking about. It's probably one of the best things you would ever see.

M002257 karma

So glad I just watched that.

kaydenkrossama395 karma

I'm glad you watched it too

methasaurus791 karma

Have you ever slept with a fan?

kaydenkrossama760 karma

You mean someone who knew who I was before he met me? Yes, but he was also in the industry. So maybe that's how he knew who I was. I never asked if he'd jacked it to me. You think he would have admitted it? Granted, you don't know the guy, but assume he's average (he's not).

cameradude77773 karma

You're by far my favorite star. I have no questions, I just want to say thank you for your work.

kaydenkrossama1341 karma

I just want to say, thank you for tossing me a softie.

Hankering767 karma

How do you feel about the fact that more than probably 10 million people have masturbated to you?

kaydenkrossama1370 karma

Hoping for more. You think 10 million? That's a pretty respectable number...

[deleted]718 karma


kaydenkrossama1681 karma

I prefer swallowing, but facials are fun. I hate the shots on the belly. They feel wasted. Maybe the catholic church is onto something.

ChewbaccasCousinDick650 karma

You can bone any dude on the planet. Who do you choose and what's your favorite sea creature?

kaydenkrossama784 karma

I'm going with seahorses. The sea creature question is really going to eat at me though. I need to give this more thought.

Bone anyone? Manuel Ferrara. Always Manuel Ferrara.

kittypryde12377 karma

Additionally, any chick on the planet, who do you choose?

kaydenkrossama202 karma

Stoya. Or Tucky. I have a terrible problem with always wanting more of the people I've had. That's clingy isn't it?

brewsee627 karma

Have you ever just not been into it while shooting? Also, how much of the "enjoyment" is faked?

kaydenkrossama703 karma

the most notable time was when I was working with my boyfriend/sorta ex-boyfriend/sorta something else. On Facebook i might have said it was complicated. We got in a fight right before the scene.

Another time I was totally gung-ho around two pm, when the scene was scheduled, but by two am, when we still had not shot it, I was not as thrilled.

Sometimes the orgasms are not as strong as others, but those are variables within my body, not related to how I feel about porn sets.

johnnyboyyy23587 karma

Do you ever see people stare at you but don't come up to you because they're too embarrassed?

kaydenkrossama1458 karma

It's happened. I don't always know that it's happening. Sometimes people just stare because I don't wear bras and my nipples never defrost. I can't read minds.

JamesLovesColoring249 karma

And how often are you approached in public? Is it irritating, or do you enjoy meeting fans?

kaydenkrossama528 karma

Most people don't approach me. I should mention I rarely venture out in public and only really wear pajamas when I do, without the bra, as mentioned above. The look is generally unapproachable. I've been told it has a rabid quality.

hiyosilver586 karma

Will you play a game of Words with Friends with me?

kaydenkrossama1810 karma

Here's the thing. Because it's not that I want to deny you this. I don't want to deny myself this, for christ's sake. But every time I put the app on my phone I play it to death. I'll have twenty games going and I'll only stop to eat and sleep. I can't even stop for sex because I'll make whoever I'm fucking play it too, and then I'll get mad if he doesn't play his turn. And then something will happen and I'll realize I have a problem, and I will delete the app, and everyone I'm in the middle of a game with will think I quit on them and get mad, and I will have to explain the problem, and they won't believe me, because they'll always think this was finally the game where they were going to beat me. And then I'll be clean for a little while, and then someone will say, Will you play a game of Words with Friends with me? And then the cycle will begin again. But I'm strong right now, at this moment. And so I have to say No.

X_StreetCred_X570 karma

Are your orgasms really that intense? How has porn changed your relationships with people?

kaydenkrossama1495 karma

Some are so intense that my vision gets a little weird. Some cause me to curl up and hold my head and cry from the pain of the headache that follows. Some are so lacking intensity that they feel more like a sneeze. The really, really good ones will make me taste blood--tiny tears in the throat from the vocals...

RolloTonyBrownTown568 karma

Have you ever written a username on your boobs and then posted a picture of it on a Reddit AMA?

kaydenkrossama869 karma

No but this sounds vaguely like a suggestion.

UmbraDei532 karma

Sorry for the different questions, I've just been hoping for you to do an AMA for way too long...

  1. Should I meet you in say, a random NYC elevator, can I ask you to flash your boobs?
  2. With your stuff spread out over quite a few sites (twistys, babes, digitalplayground, digitaldesire, clubkayden, ...) and the tight budget some people are on, what's your view on the emerging piracy?
  3. Do you think the huge and increasing amount of amateur porn is harming the professional industry?
  4. Have you set yourself a goal where you'll say: that's it, now I can happily retire my adult career?
  5. Do you prefer doing videos or photo shoots? Why?

Thanks again for doing this AMA, you're the only adult film star interesting enough to keep following on twitter ;).

kaydenkrossama802 karma

I got here early so I'll start with the question that came in the form of a list. Ambitious, no?

  1. You can ask me anything. I am one of the least obliging people on the planet though.
  2. piracy is by no means an emerging subject.
  3. whether amateur porn is or is not hurting porn is not a question that plagues me. It is not what I make. I make feature porn with CGI and explosives. The audiences are different. Therefore I'm not losing sleep over it.
  4. Yes!
  5. Videos are the best part of the job. Photoshoots were fun when I started. They are now things I look forward to with about the level of enthusiasm I save for dentist appointments. Hence, you don't see a lot of new photosets of me. The reason? Holding those poses is uncomfortable and cheesy-feeling. Glass dildos are worse. Who the fuck uses glass dildos in real life? Videos are the best for the obvious reasons, i.e. sex.

[deleted]503 karma


kaydenkrossama1480 karma

I don't do it often enough to have anything constituting a ritual. Sometimes I do nothing. Sometimes I do. But as we all know, girls don't poop.

[deleted]443 karma


kaydenkrossama813 karma

Ok here goes: Some squirting scenes are fake. They will never cop to it though because it's illegal to admit if it's pee. I don't know anything about the authenticity of Cytherea's squirting either way. I do know that when I squirt, it's a lot but it's not enormous amounts. It's a quick spurt and then it's over for me. It doesn't happen again the whole day, or at least for a number of hours. It leaves me needing caffeine. So, in my opinion (aka this is absolutely not a statement of fact), squiring that involves copious amounts of fluid and happens again and again is not real. Where would they be storing that shit, if not in their bladders? On fake male semen: no. No man willingly injects shit into his urethra. If we want pop shots to look bigger in pictures we use Cetaphil. It's a face wash. A couple squirts and you look like Zeus just busted one on your face. I've heard zinc as a supplement helps, but I've never had a penis, or a cum volume to worry about increasing. So another non-statement of fact just happened. Drug use--pot is pretty common, but that's because pot is pretty common. Coke to pump? No my dear. Recreational drugs do not help hard ons, unless there is one I don't know about, which is entirely plausible, because I don't do drugs. Producers are absolutely not ok with drug use. It ruins scenes.

Jorgemeister414 karma

Hello! nice seeing you here.

  1. What is the scene you would suggest a person who has never seen you, to start with?

  2. what's the scene in which you have been more into it / excited?

  3. ever had sex backstage with an actor for "practicing"? like a little practice before the scene.

kaydenkrossama411 karma

Hi! nice seeing you here too.

  1. I'd suggest either scene in "The Smith's" to start.
  2. The scenes I'm most into are the ones that happen on beds instead of artistic marble staircases and park benches. Esp. the ones that happen on beds on Manuel's dick.

HerpDeDerpy138 karma


kaydenkrossama258 karma

Oh shit sorry I missed that. Yes. For a while I did it before every scene. They're called extracurriculars.

OrangeDoors405 karma

How has your line of work changed your perception of sex, if at all?

kaydenkrossama1310 karma

It has broadened it, for a general and unsatisfying answer. What I fear is that I will one day hit a wall where there is really nothing else to explore. But then at the end of the day the world has yet to top a good missionary position and blow job with someone I desperately want to be blowing.

johnnyboyyy23399 karma

Do you prefer guys with or without facial hair?

kaydenkrossama800 karma

I love scruff in a borderline fetishistic way.

funfungiguy391 karma

If you had only primitive weapons, and had to fight a dinosaur to the death in a "Dinosaur Death Match", what is the biggest dinosaur you think you could defeat? You don't have to give a specific dinosaur, just give us a general size. Also you can't set traps.

kaydenkrossama662 karma

You mean I can't set premeditated traps? What if I were really quick in the moment with my traps? Then it's just fight strategy, right? I think you need to be more specific before we start dealing with sizes.

radiocure20317 karma

Has a professional relationship ever developed into anything more than just sexual? If so, how did it turn out?

kaydenkrossama643 karma

Are you asking if I've dated the guys I've worked with? Yes. The current relationship is going extraordinarily well. The one before that went well until it didn't.

MetsaFirez533 karma

How is there no jealousy between you guys? I feel like I would rip a guys nutsack off if I genuinely saw you enjoying sex with him more than me. Can't even imagine, I really would like to have sex with you though

kaydenkrossama620 karma

Dating between performers lessens the jealousy thing. I think you have to be a performer to know that performing is not a threat to a relationship. It's possible to have good sex and then go home and have better sex with the person you love. Or, as is the case for me a lot of the time, to fuck your boyfriend on set and then go home and fuck him again.

suckerswag299 karma

If you could answer just one question in this AMA, which one would it be?

kaydenkrossama539 karma

I'm still looking for that special one.

Postal18265 karma

Is Evan Stone scary to work with? He looks like he does damage.

kaydenkrossama416 karma

He's a puppy dog. He travels with halloween costumes. Not Freddy masks, but, like fluffy frogs and genie wear.

Naggers123570 karma

Would you rather fight one Evan Stone sized duck, or 4 duck sized Evan Stones?

kaydenkrossama537 karma

I would shit myself if there were an Evan Stone sized duck. I would keep as pets any duck sized Evan Stones. There will be no fighting.

damngifs220 karma

Real quick:

  • Worst thing about the industry
  • Best thing about the industry
  • Funniest Porn moment
  • Preferred position


kaydenkrossama370 karma

Worst thing I think is the advent of this whole HD camera business.. another worst, on a real and less-vain level, would probably be how low the barrier to entry is. best, for me, has been the sheer amount of opportunity that has come from it. I got way more than I expected I would out of porn. Funniest porn moment... I think watching people deliver dialogue is the funniest. It's a general funny. Near-constant entertainment. Wait I take that back. The conversations that take place in the make-up room are the funniest. Sometimes the porn politics are the funniest. There are porn politics. The position I prefer depends on the guy and the way his dick is shaped.

XZQT218 karma

You are by far the best pornstar on the planet.

kaydenkrossama534 karma

Wow that's weird because I find this to be the best comment on the planet.

imhalfpirate218 karma

What do your parents think of your job?

I_have_a_Secret141 karma

*Parents, friends and family.

kaydenkrossama395 karma

At this point my closest friends are all in or peripherally in the industry, so there's no friction there. Mom didn't like it so much when I started, but now she sees that I'm happy and have a pretty sweet life. That's pretty much what parents want for their children. I think she hopes I'll buy her something big though. I sometimes definitely think she secretly wants that. I think all parents secretly want that.

JohnWad216 karma

Do you have a preference in working with certain male performers due to the way his/their semen tastes?

kaydenkrossama411 karma

Semen taste is not one of the things I take into account when choosing my male talent. Then again, all of my boys taste good, so the issue hasn't actually been raised.

amznasian177 karma

You're a great writer. Have you ever thought of writing some sort of novel or book about the porn industry?

kaydenkrossama445 karma

I'm working on it. I'm 311 pages in. I've been at this number for two weeks, but mostly because I've been editing the shit out of it. It's daunting.

mf212163 karma


kaydenkrossama429 karma

yes of course. I stripped on saturday and bought him on sunday. easy as pie.

SibilantSounds151 karma

If it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that 4 hours working in a strip club.

kaydenkrossama168 karma

girls and horses, man

BongRips_andBaseHits162 karma

Will you be voting in this year's upcoming presidential election? If so, who will you be voting for and why? If not, why not?

SeaKo609 karma

"I’m voting for Obama because he inhales when he smokes, he supports gay marriage, because he follows me on Twitter, because he has managed to push a lot through despite being mostly hogtied by partisan bullshit, because his agendas are good for the majority of people and not just the majority of a voting base—which is also being hogtied—and because when I voted for him the first time I didn’t expect him to wave a magic wand and fix everything overnight. We all know that is impossible, like Republican empathy and Romney’s tax records.”


kaydenkrossama560 karma


astronomyx137 karma

I loved your short story "Plank", do you plan on writing more of these?

kaydenkrossama196 karma

Thank you. That's always the plan. Even better would be if they would write themselves. And yes, there are more.

DrJrod105 karma

At what age did you lose your virginity?

kaydenkrossama142 karma


BrunoMarx104 karma

You're an avid reader, what's your favourite book and why?

kaydenkrossama167 karma

I can't narrow it down to a favorite book. Maybe to a favorite list of authors if I were feeling especially pressured, in which case, I'd rattle on about David Foster Wallace and Delillo and McCarthy and Barry Hannah and Sam Lipsyte and Gary Lutz and Adam Levin. I'd devote a significant amount of time to praising everything Gordon Lish has done in the world. I'd tell you to look out for Daniel Long. He's coming. He'll be one of the greats.

SnowingSwede100 karma

Was the Goblin nice?

kaydenkrossama209 karma

So polite, that Goblin.

mabassist89 karma

Had there ever been a time or place where you regret being in your line of work?

If there was another career path you could have taken, what would it be?

kaydenkrossama84 karma

No I can honestly say I haven't regretted it. There are career moves I could have made within it that would have been better, but that's the natural result of learning as you go. There were plenty of other career paths. This is not an "if" question. They just weren't as appealing.

breeks82 karma

Kayden, what sort of music do you like?

kaydenkrossama273 karma

I like Jack White music. I think it's a genre. He is more than a man.

Thekingofblump72 karma

Are there really fluffers that work on set?

kaydenkrossama125 karma

There are absolutely not fluffers. I sometimes question whether there ever were. Since Viagra a lot of the great stereotypes of porn have gone the way of the dinosaur.

Phillycj55 karma

What film did you have the most fun shooting?

kaydenkrossama107 karma

The one we just shot that is yet to be titled was a lot of fun. There were helicopters and guns and explosives. And sex. It seems like if I forget to mention that people assume I didn't like it. I just feel the sex is more of a given.

mcsane52 karma

Most awkward situation on set?

kaydenkrossama106 karma

I sent a man home once. It was early in my career. I picked him out of a catalog to work with, which seems like a really ideal thing, the idea of just choosing someone to fuck based on their picture, and they would show up and do the deed and go home. I felt like a dictator. But then he showed up and he did not look like his picture. I faked a headache or something. Girls will use that anywhere, apparently.

Cactar11746 karma

After having sex for a living, does sex become less enjoyable outside of working, like tedious if you will? I'm a musician and music is what I love more than anything, but working at it constantly has made it less fun when I do it and feel more like working, is this the same kinda situation or is it different because it's different with different partners and the experience can be different each time?

kaydenkrossama137 karma

I thought about this before I went in. I was worried that being paid to do something I love to do intrinsically would take the intrinsic joy out of it. But at the end of the day the drive for sex is a biological function. If I were paid to eat, I would not start to find eating tedious. There are certain things that the body is going to keep wanting no matter how much you switch up the reward cycles. My answer would be different if I didn't like the people I were fucking, or the hypothetical food I was eating.

unknownfy2443 karma

What is your favorite type of scene to film?

kaydenkrossama76 karma

First off, let me clarify that I only work with a handful of people, and they are all people I've chosen, and would fuck anyway. Secondly, I'm in contract with digital playground so I only shoot the same general kinds of scenes every time, which are couples-friendly boy girl scenes on comfortable furniture with classy lighting, if lighting could be said to be classy. Occasionally there is an orgy with the other digital playground girls, who are all perfect 10s and fun to fuck. All of this being said, my favorite types of scenes to film are the ones that are filmed before midnight.

UpvotesFerDayz31 karma

You are on the most favored on Redtube right now. Its a pretty solid video not gunna lie.

kaydenkrossama169 karma

Sweet! Which one? I mean, boo piracy.

spicywasabi26 karma

What's your most erotic experience?

kaydenkrossama64 karma

they all usually involve me being told no at first. Dissect that.

RNDWiki25 karma

Are there things that you enjoy sexually off screen but won't do on screen?

kaydenkrossama54 karma

anal, for the moment