Kiaora Reddit,

I'm Conor Macfarlane, my new film "A Week In the Life | Conor MacFarlane" has just been released on the Goodyear Bike YouTube channel.

The reason I wanted to do this came about due to the amount of people who are surprised when they find out I work a full time job, when I’m at home, along with juggling being a ‘pro’ rider. I manage to take a lot of time off to do what I need/ want to bike wise so it all seems to work.

I'm currently in New Zealand so will try to respond as quick as possible but there may be some delays.

Film Link -

Proof -

EDIT: Thanks for having me Reddit, great questions and discussions. Looking forward to doing this again.

All the best, Conor MacFarlane

Comments: 196 • Responses: 43  • Date: 

sterfri9981 karma

u like bike?

Conor_MacFarlane48 karma

Bike I like

welshandmuddy53 karma

A lot of talk on pinkbike and similar websites about riders not getting an appropriate level of remuneration for the risk they go through, both in racing and freeride.

Do you think that athletes are fairly paid for the risk? If not, do you think there’s enough money in the mtb industry to rectify that?

Conor_MacFarlane26 karma

I agree there are a lot of riders who don't get compensated fairly for what they do, although, me for example, would still do a lot of what I do, even if I wasn't getting paid, so I guess getting what I get paid is better than nothing. I think it would be nice for people to get compensated fairly but at the end of the day it is the athletes decision to do what they do and if companies can get away with paying riders less then they probably will, it is a business after all I guess. There are some riders who are very good at the business side, not me, which in being a pro can be just as important as being a good rider sometimes, if you want to make a living out of it. So no, some riders aren't fairly compensated but it's a personal decision and yes there seems to be plenty of money in the industry.

hopbrew1 karma

Do you have any thoughts on the UCI prize money for downhill? I was shocked to learn how small the payout is.

Conor_MacFarlane2 karma

Yeah it seems pretty bad. Just got to hope their teams are paying them well I guess

pr05wift34 karma

"People just see what you put online and your life looks great, they don't necessarily realise what goes into getting that photo" – Conor Macfarlane

Hi there. So what goes into getting that photo?

Conor_MacFarlane20 karma

Early Starts, Time away from work, physio, a lot of my free time in the summer. Traveling to and from events etc

lazerkaiser28 karma

when fo you train? is your job the usual 9-5? how do you approach travelling with a full time ?

Conor_MacFarlane21 karma

Im pretty lucky. My boss allows me to take time for bike stuff when its needed, I work as a builder but wanted to be an electrician but the flexibility wasn't there.

yahhhguy20 karma

How often do you ride? What does a typical “man it’s a beautiful Tuesday and my last meeting of the day just got canceled” ride look like?

Conor_MacFarlane15 karma

How often do you ride? What does a typical “man it’s a beautiful Tuesday and my last meeting of the day just got canceled” ride look like?

Mid summer would ride 4/5 days during the week and both days during the weekend if I'm at home. If I'm away for the weekend I usually try and ride if I can but it depends where I am off to. Ooh, ideally both some gondola laps and a jump sesh up.

RealCoolShoes18 karma

Thoughts on Red Bull Rampage? Would you ever do it again or do you think they’ve gone too far?

Conor_MacFarlane30 karma

I love it, I mean if I had to say one thing about it, I would like the technical side to play a larger role than the trick side but the trick side makes it a better spectacle so I can see why that is scored better, and it is easier to score than technicality.  I won't do it again, would have loved to up until this year, but decided it wasn't for me anymore so stopped trying to get an invite again.  Value my health too much now I guess.  

darkySp14 karma

Do you think that MTB/XC biking is too expensive for what it's worth ? I bought a hardtail recently and while browsing, I found that there's a huge gap between "shit" and "good, but fucking expensive" in the price ranges. It's like there's no middle ground.

Everything is so expensive, man. Rock Shox have "budget" forks that cost more than a reasonable pre-made bike. And unlike PCs or other DIY projects, building a bike from scratch saves you no money at all. I'm not sure if this is for my country, but I see people all over the world talk about how expensive a good MTB is. Forget the full suspension ones, just a hardtail even.

What are your thoughts as a professional ?

Conor_MacFarlane16 karma

Good bikes are pretty expensive I guess, but there are plenty of cheap-ish bikes out there that are all good though, you don't need the top of the line expensive ones to have fun on.  What I look for in a bike is an average overall level of components but ideally brakes that are alright and any mid level suspension.  Can have cheap derailers, grips etc, but if certain parts are good then the bike will do the job.  A good set of tires are super important as well, being your contact point with the ground and all.  But yes, building up a bike is very expensive, I know around where I live, there are some pretty good deals on second hand bikes but I guess that all depends on where you live.   Hope you are enjoying your new hardtail!  I just built up a trail hardtail and loving it.

StrangeHaole12 karma

With such a high risk of personal injury in the discipline of mountain biking you do, why is it worth risking your day job and health?

Conor_MacFarlane12 karma

That's a great question. For me I guess I would be doing it regardless. Its what I love to do. The only massive difference is that I wouldn't be posting to social media as much.

Conor_MacFarlane7 karma

The level of risk is something I have started to think more and more about over the past few years. I still love what I do, so I guess that's what keeps me doing such a high risk discipline of mountain biking. I think about things a lot more now compared to when I was younger, when I would just 'do' first then think about the consequences later. It feels kind of weird saying this, when I'm just riding with my mates and throwing down, say on a wednesday up Dream Track, I don't think about the risk of injury much at all because I am having so much fun, but then If I was to do the same thing on the same jumps but during a photoshoot, I would think about it a lot more as I'm not distracted by having my mates around me. So I guess it all comes down to how much fun I'm having at the end of the day, if something is fun I'm more likely to risk my health.

Some_Videotapes11 karma

Hi Conor, I’m also a mountain biker. Where’s your favorite place to ride? What kinds of new bike technology are you excited about?

Conor_MacFarlane10 karma

Wynyard in Queenstown NZ is a really special place to me. I have been all over the world and this place really sticks out.

With bike technology its crazy to think when I started how far it's come. I would have to say E-Bikes are pretty exciting. It will be interesting to see how much they continue to develop/improve.

ampsmith36 karma

What are your favorite meals before a big ride?

Conor_MacFarlane6 karma

If I'm in a rush I would usually go for a spaghetti and tomato (from a can) sauce on toast and if I have more time would go for some poached eggs.

today_i_burned4 karma

Who's your favorite character on family guy?

Conor_MacFarlane2 karma

Peter for sure

Elegant-Argument-7543 karma

Your 60 series cruiser is sweet. How long have you had it?

Conor_MacFarlane1 karma

Thankyou!  Love it.  I've had it for 5 years now I think, bought it off a mate Blair Christmas, who is a mad scientist when it comes to cars.  He had too many so thankfully the 60 had to go.

pierrotlefou3 karma

My GF and I really want to get into mountain biking but we don't have money to drop 10k each on a bike. What's some good intro to the sport gear?

Conor_MacFarlane4 karma

Good to hear! You don’t need to spend that much, I would probably find something decent second hand (would probably want someone you know who knows a bit about bikes to help you there though), new helmet, maybe some body armour, and you should be away laughing. Don’t worry about all the kit and extras that you can get for biking, can spend a lot of money for not much gain.

akfreerider873 karma

What is your favorite way to build skinnies or wood features in wet environments? Thank you. I’m up in AK and need to get over some boggy areas.

Conor_MacFarlane2 karma

haven’t built much biking wise in wet environments but I have built some walking tracks over boggy ground. For that we used big flat pieces of timber along with piles. The big flat pieces of timber are pretty resistant to sinking (in the groin we were building over) due to a large surface area. In other areas where I encounter a small wet area if I can I make a jump over it I will. Hope that helps.

kawasakikas3 karma

When (or which life event) did you made the decision of going from a amateur MTB-er to a pro?

Conor_MacFarlane3 karma

Wasn't a decision really, kind of just slowly started getting money out of riding bikes and I guess once make money out of biking are technically a pro?

Catfrogdog23 karma

Kia Ora bro! What’s your favourite place to ride in NZ that most people don’t know about?

Conor_MacFarlane3 karma

Kia Ora! Bluff gets a lot of stick for being at the bottom of the island and is actually pretty fun to ride! Also middle hill, that place is awesome and don’t hear about it that much really

-Bk73 karma

Do you like motorbikes?

Conor_MacFarlane2 karma

I do, I only have a TTR 125, so a kids bike, but we have an awesome crew in Queenstown who all have kids bikes so it's heaps of fun!

cassious643 karma

Any changes you hope to see come to the sport in the future?

Conor_MacFarlane5 karma

Would love to see companies make 26/27.5 mullet freeride bikes as production bikes with chain stays as short as possible.

s-drop2 karma

do you have a "secret sauce" for jump radius/height/speed/angle?

Conor_MacFarlane4 karma

The secret sauce is practise. Each bike/jump is different. Even on the film I get a little scared doing a jump on a e-bike.

GregJamesDahlen2 karma

What should someone who doesn't know much about mountain biking look for to know if a rider is a good rider or not?

Conor_MacFarlane7 karma

How comfortable someone looks on a bike. After watching/ seeing people ride for years, it's reasonably easy for me to tell a beginner/ intermediate/ high end rider but that is a thing that comes with experience. For freeride it's pretty easy, the bigger the trick and bigger the jump the better the rider generally but for trail/ DH it's a little harder. Speed and smoothness would be what I would look for there.

m4tic2 karma

What kind of money were you dropping on bikes and what’s it like now to be on supreme machines for what I assume is free? The relief must feel nice.

Mountain biking, like most outdoor sports/hobbies, is very expensive.

I made the mistake of moving to where there were lots of single tracks outside my door and picked up mountain biking. I’m on my third bike from my LBS.. since I get rad discounts im only in about 10k on the bikes I’ve owned 😐

Norco Fluid

Giant Reign carbon bike

Intense Tazer carbon ebike

Conor_MacFarlane3 karma

I never spent much on my bikes when I paid for them myself, would generally buy second hand as can normally find some good deals out there. The most I spent was on my XC race bike back in the day which was 4200 NZD. But yes get them (mostly, still pay for some parts) for free now which is awesome. Would hate to think how much I would spend on bikes these days if I wasn't getting given them.

gspiggs2 karma

whats your secret sauce to getting motivated, what are your focus goals?

Conor_MacFarlane4 karma

I don't know if there is a secret sauce as such. I just get bored. Having a film crew there does help push you to try bigger jumps/new tricks.

Conor_MacFarlane3 karma

I guess if it’s going to be fun for me or bring some joy into my life or someone else’s that helps motivate me. Goal wise, just keep making the most of life and have fun!

Hal0ez-2 karma

Been following you on insta for a while, big fan. Really liked the movie with tilt shift you did a while back.

What’s your current favorite bike in the stable? And scariest feature you’ve hit?

Conor_MacFarlane2 karma

Thanks, appreciated. Favourite would have to be my clash set up as a freeride bike. Single speed, no dropper and cables routed for bars and whips 👌

Conor_MacFarlane2 karma

Scariest feature would probably be the large drop I hit in a video called ‘Conor for Rampage’, or a smaller techy drop in another movie called ‘Rampage preparation with Conor Macfarlane’

HippasusOfMetapontum1 karma

What was involved with developing your elite mountain biking skills?

Conor_MacFarlane2 karma

Many many hours on a bike and a deep love for the sport

dg4vdo1 karma

Favourite condiment? Thank you

Conor_MacFarlane3 karma

Special sauce, AKA tomato sauce and mayonnaise mixed together.

Ishmaeli1 karma

Do you know Ned Overend? Missy Giove?

Conor_MacFarlane1 karma

I have heard of them and know who they are but never met them

SH-3031 karma

Any thoughts on pro BMX riders transitioning to MTB later in their riding careers?

Conor_MacFarlane4 karma

Its cool, we get to see different styles of riding, take Dylan Stark for instance, he's bringing a new light to certain aspects of MTB which is awesome. Would be cool to see more of them try MTBs.

ChessyLogic1 karma

If you could only ride 1 hardtail for the rest of your life what would it be?

Conor_MacFarlane4 karma

Big decision, would have to be some kind of trail hardtail. Semi aggressive angles and built like a normal trail bike.

billbrown961 karma

How many miles a week do you average? Any road/gravel riding in addition to the MTB?

Conor_MacFarlane3 karma

Not sure on how far I go, maybe 50km a week including commuting. No road but a bit of gravel. Do a bunch of gravel in my weekends more often but more just to access getting to an area in the mountains I want to get to.

billbrown961 karma

Forgive me, but how does a "pro" biker only get ~30 miles of biking in a week?

I'm far far far from pro and I beat that pretty easily just doing casual MTB (when the bikes not broken down).

This isn't meant to be a humblebrag or anything, just seems like pro racing would require a lot more training than that.

Conor_MacFarlane2 karma

Don’t need to do 100s of KMs when mainly ride jumps and steep tracks. I’m not a racer, as jasper alluded to, rather I enjoy throwing myself off jumps/ drops.

blewmesa1 karma


Conor_MacFarlane5 karma

I have probably made the most out of selling bikes at the end of the seasons. In a normal year when I’m traveling a lot I spend a good chunk of my salary so selling bikes at the end of the year is a nice cash injection.

milesdizzy1 karma

Why work a second job? What’s one of your favourite trails or places to bike in the world?

Conor_MacFarlane4 karma

I don’t make quite enough out of biking to not work a ‘normal’ job, I would love to ride full time but at the same time I’m at peace with working as a builder and have an awesome group of guys to work with so it’s not too bad.

Conor_MacFarlane3 karma

And favourite place to ride is Queenstown, which I am very happy to call home. Favourite track would have to be Dream track as well 👌

krautspieler1 karma

what's your favorite trail? what's your favorite state? ever been to Idaho?

Conor_MacFarlane1 karma

Dream track here in Queenstown if that counts as a trail and favourite state would have to be Utah probably. Awesome riding and awesome national parks! No, never been to Idaho

TheOtherGuttersnipe1 karma

Care to share some of your power profile?

Max watts, 5 second power, FTP, etc)

Conor_MacFarlane2 karma

I have no idea sorry. I used to be full on into XC and if I had continued with that I could probably tell you but that side of my fitness I have no idea about anymore.

Eightarmedpet1 karma

Sad to still see “professionals” in any popular sport needing a second job. Tbf the English women’s football all have to work second jobs which is even worse, but still… Anyway, questions, I used to compete in both bmx and Mtb, doing equally as bad in both, that was over 20 years ago now and I’m defo getting worse with age. You don’t look like a spring chicken (no offence), how long do you thing you’ve got left and what are some things you do to keep going at a level you feel acceptable? Bonus question, fade away or just tap out?

Conor_MacFarlane1 karma

Haha, I get it all the time people thinking I’m old, I’m generally younger than people think but I don’t mind being thought of as old. I am rather old for what I do I guess. I’m not sure, I think about injury a lot more now than I used to, older and wiser maybe... not sure about the fade away of tap out, maybe transition to something else in biking..?

Deep_Friar1 karma

What's your hot take on single crown bikes at Rampage?

Thanks for doing the AMA!

Conor_MacFarlane1 karma

I love it, it opens up more options for tricks which is cool. Pretty keen to try out a single crown on my DH bike if I can get a stiff enough fork out of marzocchi.

elzeus0 karma

Any tips for servicing hydraulic disc brakes on a bicycle?

Conor_MacFarlane3 karma

Youtube is your friend.  I like the feel of shimano so I generally buy them (and they are super easy to bleed), but was putting some Guides on one of my bikes the other day and had to go on youtube so see how to do it and were plenty of videos.


Do you still write for Family Guy? If not, how'd you decide to make the switch?

Conor_MacFarlane1 karma
