Highest Rated Comments

TheOtherGuttersnipe2 karma

Hey Nathan, I've been a swim instructor for the last 5 years.

Can you give some tricks to get children to get their face in the water (and keep it there)? That has always been my biggest hurdle for me and sometimes it takes months for my first time swimmers to do it consistently.

TheOtherGuttersnipe1 karma

Hey Cullen, I've been a swim instructor for the last 5 years.

Can you give some tricks to get children to get their face in the water (and keep it there)? That has always been my biggest hurdle for me and sometimes it takes months for my first time swimmers to do it consistently.

TheOtherGuttersnipe1 karma

Care to share some of your power profile?

Max watts, 5 second power, FTP, etc)

TheOtherGuttersnipe-63 karma

No need to get defensive. And I'm not answering for him, just wondering.

TheOtherGuttersnipe-84 karma

Is a few weeks to build a house a long time to you?