Howdy. I am Egoraptor.

I'm responsible for The Awesome Series (Metal Gear Awesome, Awesome Reach, PokeAwesome, ETC), Sequelitis, Girlchan in Paradise, and Lemon 'n Bill. I've made over 80 animated shorts. I make a living off of Youtube. I've made animated shorts for MTV. I have a show in the works for a major network television channel. I was recently a cast member on Sony's Playstation's "The Tester" where my footage was heavily edited to make me look like a doucher. I don't normally talk like this.


Let do this shit.

EDIT: Thank you all for being so fucking kind to me. I've had such a good time answering questions. I only took like 4 hours out of my day to do this and I hope that doesn't make me a loser celebrity who only answers ten questions but I tried to answer a ton until I got to a point where 20 questions in a row were already answered. I hope that's okay, because I'm so hungry, I need to go eat and then get some work done haha. Thanks for hanging out with me!!

Comments: 2966 • Responses: 58  • Date: 

FortTheLulz819 karma


You should have expected it.

egoraptor1523 karma


shawnzie738 karma


Beardicus368 karma


Styvorama316 karma


phantominthebrain469 karma


glitterFreeze465 karma


egoraptor1272 karma


fmdsun790 karma

I would like you to know that you draw the best expressions I have ever seen, and your voice acting and narration always makes me laugh. I love you.

egoraptor934 karma

Thanks I love you too... but you know, no homo.

InsatiablePangolin460 karma

How annoyed are you about this whole The Tester thing with them using things out of context and making you out to be a huge douche?

egoraptor723 karma

I am a little annoyed but I expected it. It's funny to me on the other hand. I'm really interested to see how it goes over, because it seems like a lot of people think I'm a cocky asshole now. I'd like to think my fans are smart enough to realize shit was edited to hell.

InsatiablePangolin180 karma

to be honest I don't see how anything you were saying (apart from the serious bits of course) could be taken as serious, I just cracked up when I saw you pulling those faces in the car. Also, how insufferable were the other contestants? SKYD1DDY seems like the only cool guy there, even if he is odd

egoraptor383 karma

Everyone was nice. It was hard because I went on with the intention of making it a joke but I really liked everyone immediately. So I had to balance being cool with everyone and making a joke out of the show. It was hard. I'm not a heartless guy.

jocnsel446 karma

Are you ready for Halo Reach?

egoraptor719 karma

Never even played it bro.

Happy that way.

Kid_Icarus55372 karma

What tips could you give someone who wants to start with flash animation? I mean venusaur, with a question mark.

egoraptor836 karma

Get Flash or Toonboom and look up some tutorials on Youtube and START. And don't ever stop. If you stop you're done, that's fucking IT. Don't stop. DON'T STOP. KEEP DOING IT. Animation takes a long fucking time and I didn't end up answering questions from fans on Reddit overnight. It took years. And even now I'm not at the point I want to be at. GO. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR.

bued07361 karma

Are you going to watch the movie Rampart?

egoraptor1084 karma

Hold on gimme a second I'm raping a blonde girl at a party (totally not calling this bitch)

Vauda346 karma

I don't really have a question, but I want to thank you for all the laughs your cartoons brought me. You're a funny dude. I love you. No homo. Slight homo.

egoraptor427 karma

Mostly homo? Thanks dude. :)

money_buys_a_jetski246 karma

Extra homo.

egoraptor518 karma

Double meat homo.

tehRoyal345 karma

Did you know you make me giggle like a complete school girl whenever you yell "fuck"? or just yell in general???

Oh and I'm a guy.

egoraptor661 karma

Oh dear sex would be weird.

Because I'm a guy too.

kittensgaaalore317 karma

would you like some pound cake?

egoraptor364 karma

Where and when?

RastRellik287 karma

Let's just do what Freddie Wong did but instead of a Costco Pizza Party. Its a pound cake and not Costco.

egoraptor331 karma

Something about the way this comment is worded is hilarious.

MkidTrigun310 karma

How upset were you when the iOS port of Mega Man X featured just about everything you said was wrong with gaming today?

egoraptor448 karma

It's pretty depressing, but it's also uplifting that I've gotten nothing but comments saying how disgusting it is. I'm glad people aren't suckered into it. That's what's more upsetting.

TehPaddy273 karma

How long did it take to fully animate PokeAwesome?

Also, what's your favorite Pokemon?

egoraptor571 karma

I hate this question because it displays my utter laziness. It was about 3 months or so. but that's on and off. It was probably a little under 2 weeks of work. I was also working on Sequelitis 2 at the time, so I guess that's kind of an excuse. But not really. I'm just fat.

TehPaddy210 karma

I'm taking a picture of this reply and framing it on my wall.

egoraptor614 karma

This picture makes me look fat.

modality259 karma

Your game criticism in the Sequelitis episodes is incredibly insightful. Do you have a background in something like this and you're brilliant or are you just brilliant?

egoraptor267 karma

Haha thanks. I don't have a background, just passionate about games and taking it a step further. I've read many many articles, books, and watched lectures so I like to think I'm educated somewhat formally, but even then my views on game design are dissimilar to any one mindset. I think the biggest catalyst to my education was Jon Blow. It was reading about him and hearing his lectures that really made me think there was more to gaming.

Hejibits248 karma

How tired do you get of people regurgitating quotes from your cartoons?

egoraptor509 karma

I used to, but now I guess I've developed a barrier. I hear it so much I'm numb to it. Maybe I've programmed myself to appreciate it, because, in the end, how bad is it really? They're quoting things I said because they love it.

whachowfan226 karma

What jacket are you wearing in this picture?

egoraptor272 karma

It's from Forever 21, I dunno what it's called though. I got it recently so it might still be available, but winter is ending pretty soon.

JadeKitsune2219 karma

What is the future of Squilities, and do you have any games more awesome then Mega Man X lined up?

egoraptor596 karma

Sequelitis is my new favorite so it's going to last a while. Any game more awesome than MMX? It's my favorite game so... no. lol Next Sequelitis are Link to the Past vs. Ocarina of Time. Then MGS1 vs. MGS2. Then Mass Effect vs. Mass Effect 2. Then probably one on Mega Man X4.

I like getting ahead of myself a little.

Asshole_Patrol192 karma

Do you remember the classy gentleman you met by the fruit stand at Disneyland last Sunday? That bloke was I. We meet again. I forgot to ask you then, how recognizable do you think you are on the streets? Also, do you always dress that classy or was it just for dapper day?

egoraptor253 karma

Why hello there. You were looking mighty handsome there.

I do try to dress nice but I'm also the slob that goes to Walmart in his pajamas. Depends how I'm feeling I guess.

I'm always surprised I get recognized but I've come to realize I do have a distinct face (and hair). I only put my face out there sparingly but the response is unreal. I think as I put more panels up and start doing shows with my face it'll get worse, but hopefully it'll still be at a level I'm comfortable with.

PsychoDuck184 karma

Any plans on more Girlchan any time soon?

egoraptor296 karma

Oh yes. I've been doing weekend movie jams with animator friends to put out really quick content, and it's been wicked fun but Girlchan is "next." We've already got 2 episodes written so Girlchan will not die anytime soon. You'll learn about Kenstar's past. He was a mech pilot (he wasn't very good)

PsychoDuck128 karma

Many thanks. I'd reply with Kenstar's catch phrase in appreciation, but you're probably having enough of your own quotes thrown at you in this thread as is.

egoraptor217 karma

Throw one in for good measure, c'mon, I can take it.

Kewl0210150 karma

What's your favorite species of flightless bird? This one's been bothering me for a while.

egoraptor519 karma

How many are there? I only know Ostriches, Emus, and Penguins. I like Ostriches because they put their heads in the ground. That shit is hilarious. Have you seen that shit?

Neither have I. Because it's a lie.

Calvinator56136 karma

Love your work man! Yesterday me n some buds were pushing a car outta a garage to work on it, and it started rolling down the driveway, I'm shiting myself screaming cuz it's my dad's car...what does my friend do? ... He jumps on the hood and yells "RIDDIN ON CARS!!!"

egoraptor204 karma

Your friend is an asshole, and also a real cool dude.

Johnny_Madden128 karma

When did you start doing animations/becoming interested in animations?

egoraptor191 karma

I started animating real young. I'm talkin like 6 or 7. I drew flipbooks into my textbooks and on post-it notes. Cartoons always interested me and I always wanted to be some part of them.

I really started hammering out cartoons when I program called Easytoon, maybe age 15, 16? A lot of them never got shown around on the internets but they existed trust me. I started making Flash cartoons when I was 15ish I think.

ShadowboyTyler115 karma


egoraptor405 karma

I used to say Halo, but woah nelly I was wrong.

Grand Theft Auto is another one, but I think I've written a script about it. Battlefield or Call of Duty, because I dunno what to do. They're so boring, there's no soul or character in them. You shoot guns? Where's the joke? War isn't funny.

Pokemon. Now that's funny.

banditopants112 karma

Is the Tester actually worth watching? The other contestants look like the product of getting into gaming because they thought G4 was "the shit".

egoraptor247 karma

I laughed. So maybe. This is better though:

Cptnwalrus108 karma

I'm sure you are asked this a lot, but how do you stay motivated and devoted to one project? I mean you have ADD and yet you're able to finish cartoons 10x faster than me...

egoraptor228 karma

Hahaha this is a good question.

I grew up with ADD but I didn't know, so my theory is I developed habits to cope with it to actually get work done.

I think it's mostly guilt, or pride, or something. I get really upset and emotional when I don't accomplish things for a while. I feel worthless and I need to keep going. So when I accomplish things I feel euphoric and ultra happy. I think I trained myself this way. Like, I made myself feel bad when I didn't accomplish anything. Maybe this is a bad thing to do, it used to really kick my ass. Like, for a while I didn't know how to relax or enjoy myself. I couldn't play video games unless there was a work-related reason. Maybe that's why I got into game parodies. I've since learned to relax but that was my transitional period.

Some easy things to do... set goals and deadlines and tell people about them who support you. Make sure they know to support you and root you on and yell at you if you're lazy. Turn off your modem while you work. Or at least make a note not to browse the internet or look at Facebook or Twitter. Drink a lot of water.

tuggybear32396 karma

Is there a sequelitis that you're afraid to do, possibly because of viewer backlash or just a game that's too close to your heart to pick it apart like you do? Loving your vids man!

egoraptor188 karma

No game is too sacred to pick apart, in fact the games that are sacred are the ones that need to be picked apart the most because gamers are obsessed with hyperbole (best game EVER etc). If these games are so great, why? And what can we learn from them?

I get a lot of requests for Zelda 1 and 2 but I dunno if I want to do that, there's too much that's different it's hard to compare similarities.

rpspartin85 karma

Aside from your Newgrounds/Youtube work what else have you done? Anything commercially ?

egoraptor176 karma

I worked for MTV for a while doing their stupid show, and I recently have been talking to a major network about spearheading a show. As far as animation work, I worked for commission for a while when I was desperate. I hate it. I don't like animating for other people. I really detest it. I enjoy the creation process, not just animating.

TheLarue74 karma

I totally made an account, just to ask you stuff!

My question:

Despite what may or may not happen on The Tester, which I'm sure is already finished filming, do you regret opting to participate on the show? What can you tell us about how it was like to be filmed for a reality TV show? I saw on /v/ that everyone there was relatively nice according to you, so I wonder if they've taken a lot of people out of context.

I'm also curious -- those diary room type things, where you are solo and talking about what is going on, how are those filmed? Do they film it after the day is over or did you shoot them all at once at the end of the show? Do they ask you pointed questions like "How much of a bitch is that bitch?"

egoraptor139 karma

I don't regret it but it wasn't fun. I try not to regret experiences in life 'cause they shape you, all that warm fuzzy shit.

Yeah /v/ was nice to me, which was cool. They were really shitty to me when Awesome Reach came out, but they still use my reaction images. So whatevs.

This is a good question. The diary shots film at the end of the day every day. They ask you questions about everything that happened that day and you have to phrase it like it's happening right now. They take aside one outfit and you have to put it on when you're doing it every time. There was one day (the second day) where he told me it was okay to not put on the outfit because I had an outfit that was similar. You'll notice on the last part of the first episode (where I'm talking about how IM GUNNA WIN THIS) I have a brown blazer with a vest, but immediately afterwards, during the same sentence, I have a different outfit, a grey blazer with a black hoodie underneath. That's a perfect example of how edited and cut up the show is.

egoraptor115 karma

My bad, they do ask you questions that aim you to answer how they want. Like, "How do you think about the way she acted? Do you think it was really crazy?" So then you instinctually answer "I don't think she was really crazy" when you could've said any number of things. It's tricky shit and I fell for it for a while.

EspoMarkers73 karma

Whatever happened to that pigeon on your porch?

egoraptor129 karma

The theory is that it was very sick, and I think it was someone's pet, or something. It was tagged, and apparently birds don't stand next to their poop like that. I have two friends who are bird owners and they immediately told me "that bird is suck, dude." One of them has a hard time watching it. I kinda feel bad.

squarebryan72 karma

What is your opinion on voice Actor Billy West? Do you like his work/voices?

egoraptor136 karma

He is an incredible talent and one of the best in the industry. That being said, I've met him in a con scenario and I didn't like the charging for autographs, or the attitude. I can understand if an agent is looking over your shoulder, but he was alone.

I'm sure he's a swell guy, but that was my impression.

whachowfan47 karma


egoraptor72 karma

That's true. It was fun but they didn't care, and neither did I, really. I was only in a couple versions of the game. I've mostly done iPhone games from home.

Lankygit72 karma

Have you considered doing an Awesome Minecraft?

egoraptor165 karma

Considered it, no ideas though.

mr_orpheus69 karma

Which of the Awesome series is your favorite?

egoraptor186 karma

Metal Gear Awesome 2 holds a really deep place in my heart. But I love Awesome Reach because it launched me forward a great deal. But PokeAwesome was so fun. I dunno man, I like them all. Except Awesome Rising. That one blows.

deediare68 karma

What was your major in college?

egoraptor231 karma

No schoolin'. I was poor and I had bad grades.

sky71363 karma

What is your favorite video game of all time?

egoraptor218 karma

Mega Man X. If that was too obvious, Gitaroo Man.

spleendor61 karma

What's your dream job?

Job, as in work, I mean.

egoraptor233 karma

I have it.

If I had to dream bigger, I'd want to run a studio that makes games and cartoons. I've wanted to develop a game forever. I did a couple but they all failed.

I really want to focus on a Treasure-like studio system though... keep it small. I've never wanted to be a huge conglomerate like Disney, just a couple guys making passionate games or cartoons. That's what it's all about, really. I was never interested in money, just enough to buy food and video games. Creating awesome art is what it's all about, because when you die, who the fuck cares what kinda money you had, people care about what you created.

lucien79859 karma

The video you posted of the panel you did was hilarious. Are you planning on uploading all of your future panel discussions?

egoraptor93 karma

I really hope to, but it's really a matter if I can film them properly. I had a Georgia based group of filmmakers volunteer to film my Florida panels, which are always fun as hell, and I think they can mic the audience and me really well so it actually is a joy to watch and you don't have to struggle to hear the questions. I really wanted to subtitle the videos but, fuck, that's so much work, and I got cartoons to make.

Nyanon58 karma

Who is your all time favorite video game character?

egoraptor154 karma

Ulala from Spaaaace Channel 5!

chrisnavis53 karma

As a gamer with some experience under your belt, what do you think the number one threat to gaming is?

egoraptor192 karma

Hmmmm... "threat to gaming" is vague. I guess I can sum it up to one thing.

As an artform, I think a problem is game design in general being misconstrued as a business tactic. Games were commercialized so quickly in their lifespan that they had no time to develop into works of art, they're all mass produced slop. So stuff like achievements or leveling up or upgrades that are viewed as fundamental game design, good game design, respectable game design, are really just manipulative business tactics.

I think the public's perception of gaming is skewed even more heavily by this, and there is no respectable, artistic game to look to when arguing games as art. So shitty manipulative games are going to keep coming out, more people are going to think that's all gaming is, and no big strides are going to be made by people who aren't absolutely hardcore into art gaming, therefore no one will respect the big strides made by these people. It's a niche and it shouldn't be.

With all this in mind, I think the biggest threat is nobody saying anything about how respectable gaming can be, and keeping it a niche. My ability to speak to a lot of people in a manner they can understand about games is an ability I hold very dear to me, and I think it's important that I educate people on how gaming can be very significant to human life. In addition, I think people not making good games is a huge threat too. lol.

Montagusen50 karma

How was Meredith on The Tester? Did anyone tell her to "b-back that ass up?"

egoraptor101 karma

She's super cute. And she was really sweet. I loved when we were inbetwee takes and she'd like, take a moment to reset herself, it was adorable.

Mieos48 karma

Have you considered doing a full length feature, 90 minutes? I'm sure if you get a kick-starter going we'll help fund it.

egoraptor109 karma

Yes. I have one almost completely written. That's a project that's deeeeaaaar to me. It will be made. A kickstarter... maybe. I don't like asking for money though, I might fund it myself.

PointClickDave45 karma

How do you feel about Lemon 'n' Bill not being as close to how popular your other series' are?

I was always a fan and felt they deserve much more attention.

egoraptor85 karma

I expected it. I either thought people would love the shit out of it or no one would care. I'm glad it has a loyal fanbase and I still think it's hilarious, but it definitely makes me put less focus on it. I've recorded about 4 new episodes and haven't "animated" them yet. It's just so boring to animate. A whole day of bobbing shapes up and down. Kill me.

Swedernish39 karma

DO you have any tips for someone who wants to get into Voice acting? its my dream job but i don't know where to start or what to do and you seem pretty sweet at it :3

egoraptor121 karma

Do it. A lot. Online. For free. Two things will happen, you'll get noticed (you won't) or you won't.

I haven't really done a lot of pro stuff myself but from what I hear from my pro friends is just to move somewhere like Texas or LA or New York, find VO workshops, and be fucking good. Get a class with your favorite VO's and network. You can't really get into an agency unless you have someone walk your demo in.

And just keep DOING IT. If yo love to do something keep fucking doing it because if you die and you weren't a success at least you did something you LOVED.

Golbat38 karma

Who's your favorite Pokemon?

If that's too difficult, who are your top three?

egoraptor119 karma

Top three: Scizor, Elekid, Bronzong. I like me some steel types.

Srava36 karma

Do you any sort of formal education, and did you expect to be able to make a living off your animation when you started?

egoraptor85 karma

No, and no.

I've always subscribed to the idea you can teach yourself anything. Probably because I grew up poor and knew I wasn't going to college. When you draw, you gotta love it, and when you love it, you learn on your own. It does take a lot of dedication because sometimes you don't love it, but you just gotta keep doing it for the times you do love it.

I didn't expect to be making a living off of cartoons at all. In fact I thought of a lot of contingency plans. I wanted to do massage therapy, I mean, not really, but I thought I could do it because animation wouldn't get me anywhere. Voice acting was close, but I still had my doubts. Animation kinda swept me off my feet, because I always did it on the backburner, but it was never my career focus. Don't get me wrong, though, it's always been my passion, I just didn't think it would pay the bills.

Grethe_B29 karma

will you make small tutorials about coloring and shading in flash? Just like what buttons and tools to use? or if you can explain it here? : )

egoraptor103 karma

I will make tutorials. I've been putting this off. I love teaching people how to create better so I really want to make things that are easy to understand and not fucking complicated and stupid like most tutorials on the internet.

[deleted]27 karma

I just want to say first off I am a big fan, your reviews are quite insightful and you have provided me, my brother and our friends with hours of laughs.

I just wanted to ask about your creative process? How do you get from concept to finished video?

By the way, I don't think that pigeon gave a fuck either.

egoraptor86 karma

The process is a long one so I'll try to condense it.

Concept and script. If it's about video games I play a game and take notes. If it's supposed to be funny I usually play with a friend or two. Bouncing ideas and cracking jokes are the heart and soul of comedy, at least for me. After I take notes I write a script. I try to be loose about it, be in a giggly mood.

Audio. I record in a makeshift closet recording booth with a condenser mic on Adobe Audition. I improvise a lot. Sometimes the entire cartoon is improvised (PokeAwesome, Lemon 'n Bill, Mr. Literal) and there's no script. Sometimes I mix the entire clip in Adobe Audition, sometimes I cut it up and time it out in Adobe Flash. Either one's fine and has its benefits. Editing audio in Audition allows me to give it more effects, make it sound nice, and leave sound editing to this stage. Editing in Flash gives me much more control over how the cartoon is paced and timed based on visuals, but you have to reoptimize the audio at the end which is a pain.

Storyboard/animatic. I don't do a proper storyboard, I just time it out in flash, which is sorta like an animatic, but it's really rough. Then I just start building on it, adding keyframes (the major poses) and then drawing inbetweens (the actual animation between keyframes). I clean up, color and do backgrounds, and then lipsync last because I hate it, and it sucks. That's it really. If I wanna add video effects I use Sony Vegas, but I hear Aftereffects is better, so what the fuck do I know.

JadedVII26 karma

Do you think you'll ever make a Sequelitis about any Sonic game?

egoraptor78 karma

I'm not sure. I don't like Sonic. I really don't. I guess that could be an interesting topic since I don't like any of the games, but we'll see. It is really interesting to see them try to bring a 2D formula that didn't work too well and put it into 3D where it REALLY doesn't work too well. They try so hard.

Sileem22 karma

Any more plans for Metal Gear Awesome? They're probably my favorite animated videos I've seen.

egoraptor66 karma

Yep MGA3 woo

elder9920 karma

Did you ever get a hug from Adrianne Curry?

egoraptor33 karma

I did, and it was out of the blue. I wasn't even "on set" and she came up and hugged me. It was really sweet. She was really nice to me.

Manoil19 karma

Have you ever killed a drifter? Any tips for others with such prospects?

egoraptor44 karma

That bitch can swordfight I'll tell you that.

karifry13 karma

Saw you at the MAGfest panel and I did not find you to be a doucher. Thanks for being cool and approachable!

egoraptor27 karma

Thanks man, I'm glad you came and I hope you had a good time!

zaiden91112 karma

Who is your main inspiration for animating? Your artistic style is a very unique one which has inspired many other animators, I'm keen to know where it came from.

egoraptor28 karma

There's a lot of influence from a lot of people. John K and Joe Murray were big inspirations as a kid, Akira Toriyama influenced me to the nth degree. Then guys like Hiroyuki Imaishi and Osamu Tezuka. Anything animated in Kanda style really. Pywakit influenced me a lot, also Loish. Lots of 80's and 90's animes and american action cartoons. The new Thundercats has been really tugging me by the tie.