I am a Guinness World Record Holder AMA
night_chaser_29 karma
How long did you train for this? What did you once you won? Do you think you will be going for another record ?
lilonglong38 karma
I have been doing this for 7 years now, and I didn't really do much after I won it, It was normal feeling. I don't think I will be able to go on for another record
lilonglong2 karma
Being chinese i suppose. Or it’s because i actually set the previous record so it was nothing
DillonSyp3 karma
Please answer all these as well as - what inspired you to set your mind to achieving this record ?
lilonglong21 karma
This trick was something I had learned for performances. In performances of course, I only have to climb 8 steps. But we thought it would be cool to try and push the limits of it, and that was what happened
lilonglong21 karma
Yes it has come into my mind before, and was something my coach told me when I started learning this as a risk. But luckily I have never fallen off the wrong way, and only got a few sprains
lilonglong38 karma
It wasn't discovered, but it was trained. I had to learn all this, and because I was lighter than everyone in my troupe at that time, i learned headstands and tricks on it for performances
Valongatz22 karma
Has using the line " I am a Guinness World Record Holder" in a bar ever gotten you laid?
lilonglong25 karma
Well yes, but I would be happy for that person (maybe). But i haven't heard of anyone even planning to attempt this any time soon
smurferdigg8 karma
Could you have done more than 36? Why not have some longer stairs. Like you had to stop because you got to the top..
lilonglong15 karma
The stairs were built based on what I could do, and I couldn't go further than 36 most of the time, and 36 was actually pushing it already, so we didn't get longer stairs. It was logistical issues too
omgdonerkebab6 karma
To get upward momentum to move up to the next step, do you mostly use your back or hip muscles, or do you use your neck? Do you have to keep your neck really stiff?
lilonglong16 karma
To actually jump, i use the lower body (my legs) to get the jump upwards, and shoulders to try and swing forward if you can imagine it. So i use pretty much my muscles below my neck. But when I land, it will be the head and neck that takes the weight, so i do need neck training too
gilbertthefishx6 karma
How did you get into this ? PS: I've never seen anyone attempt this before, that was really awesome .
lilonglong8 karma
I am in an acrobatic troupe, and because I joined when i was young, they wanted me to learn something new. And this was one of the tricks i learnt. But of course in normal performances, it's not so long (8 steps only)
lilonglong9 karma
Not that i know of. But I have sprained my neck before, and I know that some problems with my neck and spine will only show up later on
djcrodjcrodjcro5 karma
It's amazing you can do this. You would win in a lot of breakdance battles.
lilonglong8 karma
0, luckily. Maybe i did have but not that i know of. My head is quite protected with the donut
Jon_Targaryen0 karma
I don't know how often you do this, but what they found out with the NFL, is that the damage is more caused by your brain bouncing around. So even smaller hits like linemen bumping into each other on every play can build up. So jumping up 38 stairs is probably equivalent to 38 helmet to helmet hits. I'm not a doctor but I can't imagine it would be good to keep it up. Not trying to hate on you or anything, I think it's cool you set out and did this but, I hope you're OK.
lilonglong8 karma
It doesn’t hurt like a sharp pain. But, it’s tiring and the kind of pain is more like an ache
ey512 karma
What is your main occupation?
How much money did you land breaking the Guinness world record?
Why is the staircase so narrow? Have people fallen to the side while attempting?
Do you have sponsors? Could probably sign Advil, New Balance, HEAD, NEC, and more...
lilonglong1 karma
I am an Acrobat! And i didn’t really get much money from GWR, i still get paid the same from my work. The staircase is so narrow because it is a guinness world record standard requirement, the steps couldn’t be wider than that. And yes i have fallen off many times.
No sponsors
enziarro2 karma
What are some other acrobatics that you perform which we might not be familiar with? Any chance of / any interest in achieving a second world record for other acrobatic feats?
What was it like arranging the validation with Guinness? Did they just accept your credentials as an acrobat or did you have to submit proof of your ability to hop up stairs on your head?
lilonglong2 karma
My other acrobatics are pretty normal, but i do other more local stuff like bending a metal bar around my neck, and just the basic shock stuff like lying on glass etc. Currently have no plans for other world records.
i applied to go onto the Guinness show, so i went on the show and they had adjudictors who would verify your record live. But i had to show the TV studio that it was possible i could break the record before that
lilonglong5 karma
I'm more worried about something going off with my neck and spine which scares me.
lilonglong3 karma
yes of course. Based on people who do these they always encounter problems when they grow up
A_Blunt_Object2 karma
Whats your favourite Chinese food?
What do you think of "Americanised Chinese food"?
lilonglong2 karma
I just enjoy dumpling noodles. Nice and simple.
Never had it before, but i have to say i have never seen orange chicken in china
peacelovetree2 karma
So In the video, was the red step the previous record? Or was that just so you knew when you were close to the top?
The_BeastFromTheEast3 karma
Red step was when he equalled the record. The first step after meant he broke the record (which you can tell by the cheering in the crowd)
peacelovetree2 karma
Thought so. Thank you. So that answers my other question: are there really other people who do this??
lilonglong1 karma
Not many, less than 10 people do this, and no one ever does this as an endurance hahah no one does more than 15 steps at once
alegendaryfisherman1 karma
How much wood would a wood chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Drakthae1 karma
Did you take the attempt just for the sake of it or had it advertismentish tones?
lilonglong11 karma
No there was no advertising or sponsors that made me do this. It was for more personal achievement and to push myself towards a goal
Boosty-McBoostFace1 karma
Have you ever experienced any serious neck injury while training?
lilonglong1 karma
Not serious, but i’ve had sprained necks and broke my arms falling off the stairs. Luckily nothing to cause or even had the risk of paralysis
Foxttotheaven1 karma
When and how did you discover this was a thing, and how good were you when you started?
lilonglong2 karma
I had to learn this from scratch, and i only became so good... well because I had to try to push myself to hit this goal.
nuclearwasted0 karma
Seems like a pretty shallow rise on those stairs. How many regular stairs can you do?
lilonglong6 karma
I'm an acrobat and performer. This is what I do (although not so extreme, i don't have to climb 36 steps every day lol)
Marmalade692 karma
How many consecutive steps can you do on your feet? I think I can do more than 36.
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