Highest Rated Comments

lefttheovenoff53 karma

The benefits you receive are pretty amazing. It seems the that would really set up anyone going forward in life to have them. Have the general rates of higher education and social mobility improved over the years as a result? If not, why do you think that's the case

lefttheovenoff30 karma

You're a star

lefttheovenoff18 karma

It's a sad thing these days that everything has to be covered by legal even though they're only done with the noblest of intentions and methods.

It's a crazy world we live in, but thank you for making it a little less crazy for people who need something good amidst all the bad

lefttheovenoff17 karma

That's a really poor comparison, which I've to say is made by nurses who are not doctors but who feel they know better due to experience. All junior doctors lean on some of that experience when they start, but if you took a senior nurse, and give them a patient and told them to come up with management plans, they'd be hard pressed to come up with evidence based ones.

It's like saying because you've played solitaire for 40 years, you should automatically be good at poker because they are card games.

There's a role for advanced skills nursing practitioners, but you will notice they are often restricted to certain areas of expertise.

I can do some minor repairs around the house, but I don't fancy myself an electrician, plumber, welder etc because I went to the "school of hard knocks."

lefttheovenoff3 karma

Do you have to get extra insurance for this? Some life insurance policies won't cover intentionally hazardous activities without higher premiums.