Hi everyone,

Medicalchain Co-Founders CEO Dr Abdullah Albeyatti and COO Mo Tayeb will be personally running this AMA. Feel free to ask any questions and vote on others according to your interest. Dr Abdullah and Mo will be answering questions through the next few days and will get to as many as possible!

My Proof: https://twitter.com/medical_chain/status/955028032133173248



Dr Abdullah Albeyatti MBBS BSc MRCS (ENT)

Linkedin Profile (https://www.linkedin.com/in/abdullah-albeyatti-mbbs-bsc-mrcs-ent-49916973/)

Dr Albeyatti graduated from UK Imperial College London as a doctor, gaining the majority of his experience in surgical training, then moving on to a GP training contract.

Dr Albeyatti initially founded Discharge Summary – an application used in hospitals to generate accurate medical reports on patients. He later co-founded Medicalchain and plays a key role in the development of blockchain technology, to suit the needs of the global patient and health professionals.

Dr Albeyatti is an inspiring speaker, that is passionate about improving quality of health and social care around the world.

Mohammed Tayeb MBA

Linkedin Profile (https://www.linkedin.com/in/motayeb/)

Mo Tayeb is the Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer of Medicalchain. He is a graduate from Brunel University from where he obtained a degree in e-commerce. He also holds an Executive MBA from University of Oxford, Saïd Business School. As a professional, he has a wealth of experience as an internet entrepreneur and investor. His experience in business spreads from being the founder of technology and finance to having played an active role in the development of the e-commerce sector.

He has held senior positions in companies such as Morethan.com, one of the UK’s largest personal insurers, where he served as Head of Development. Prior to that, Mo was the managing director of a boutique consultancy business which specialised in the field of mobile web and application development. At the time, he was active in the development of 8 games and utility applications on the Apple App store resulting in of millions downloads.

Mo has a very active and successful track record in the technology sector. He has provided technical knowledge, capital investment and advice for a variety of start-ups, acquisitions, mergers and corporate-restructurings for organisations involved in technology led projects, where he has very often served as a director or senior adviser.

He is a partner at Hearn Capital and a non-executive director on the board of Salic (UK), an agricultural investment company.

Comments: 78 • Responses: 31  • Date: 

TheGiantAntEater8 karma

I see a lot of value in what you are creating but I also see an ethical dilemma with the benefits a healthy person might have in regards to cheaper healthinsurance, as will be made possible with your technology. This looks like someone who is not in as healthy of a state, e.g. With genetic diseases, will be financially discriminated by insurance companies. What's your point of view on that?

medicalchain1 karma

Abdullah: Those with medical problems will unfortunately always have higher health insurance premiums than those with no medical conditions. Not declaring your health problems unknowningly or knowingly puts you in breach of your insurance policy and you would have paid an incorrect premium for years without a pay out when you need it most. Medicalchain provides users with the opportunity of sharing their records stress free knowing that they have declared all of their medical conditions. Insurance companies will reward this transparency with MedTokens similar to how car insurance companies reward customers for having a GPS device in the car to monitor their driving. Furthermore, with the Medicalchain platform, wearable device data will be inputted into the patients system meaning that a user can demonstrate that they are leading a healthier lifestyle with their step count, weight and BMI readings for example for cheaper health insurance. Vitality insurance rewards customers from now for demonstrating that they are leading healthier lifestyles.

anonymous12342117 karma

Is it just me, or is this super dystopian? Like, if you don't take a certain number of steps each day or "make weight" every month, you'll get priced out of insurance. This, of course, rewards people who can afford to have a healthy lifestyle—who don't work three jobs, who have time to exercise and cook healthy meals. And so it's regressive.

I can easily imagine a black mirror episode about this

medicalchain-3 karma

Abdullah: We do not control the requirements or agendas set by health insurance companies. We can only provide users who want a platform to help them achieve not only a healthier lifestyle but also cheaper health insurance.

anonymous1234219 karma

That's a total dodge, though. You have to at least consider the ethics of your product, which will inevitably be used to lower rates on some people and increase rates on others.

medicalchain-2 karma

Abdullah: We are encouraging people to be healthy. Walking is for free. Similar to driving insurance, if there are drivers who are not careful and cause accidents they affect all of our insurance premiums. If people do not take responsibility for their own health and drink and smoke excessively, are overweight and put added strain on the system this is what drives up costs. A healthy population would lead to less time spent in hospitals and with doctors and reduce costs.

anonymous1234216 karma

If people do not take responsibility for their own health and drink and smoke excessively, are overweight and put added strain on the system this is what drives up costs.

This is true, and insurance companies already screen for this.

But when you're doing more minute tracking—footsteps per day, calorie intake, biometric info, etc.—it has two really bad downsides:

  1. Encourages people to disclose sensitive info, lest they face a financial penalty

  2. Penalizes the poor. Yes, as you say, "walking is for free." But healthy food is not. Nor is robust exercise when you work 18 hours a day and have a family to feed.

The driving analogy is misleading because safe driving is generally a choice. Leading a healthy lifestyle is in many cases a choice—as in, how much most people smoke or drink—but that's already covered by the current monitoring scheme. Your vision relies on constant and systematic tracking of customers.

medicalchain1 karma

I think we have different opinions on this subject.

anonymous1234215 karma

So you're blaming poor people for their higher rates of obesity, and not at all the fact that they live in food deserts and can't afford to make healthy meals? I mean correct me if I'm wrong, but that's essentially what I glean from your comment.

medicalchain2 karma

Abdullah: How have we got to talking about poor people and food deserts? This is a company focussed on improving communications between patients and doctors. I think you are misinterpreting my comments on purpose and I really can't do anything about that.

SSBM_Rosen2 karma

Yes, that's why he's trying to get you to defend why your opinion should be accepted instead of his using argumentation.

medicalchain2 karma

Abdullah: I don't have anything further to add to my comments above. We are a company focused on improving health data communication for its users. I can't answer questions about ethical longstanding problems with our society such as why is fresh fruit and meat more expensive than fast food and so forth.

philllie34 karma

hi i think I understood the project from the technical point of view. but i do have found some questionmarks regarding the team: - it seems that you have exchanged core members since the presale. according to previous infos it seems, that you changed your cto ? i think, this is an important key-position, and is very unsual and concerning. could you elaborate on that? - also, your co-founder seems to have been involfed in many startups in recent years, but most of them seem to have failed. what is he bringing into the project? thanks

medicalchain1 karma

Mo: Thanks for your question. I have read a few posts online by people who tried to scrutinize my directorships as negative for Medicalchain. According to someone’s research I have been a director in many companies over the last few years, some of which have been dissolved.

I am happy to address the above claims. It is perfectly normal that when you, as a promoter or investor, are involved in start-ups or in acquisition projects, that before the investment reaches the implementation stage, it is used for research and development in different vehicles which are created for that purpose specifically and once it is finished, they are closed and the venture continues being developed by a more effective corporate structure in different vehicles or even in different jurisdictions. This has nothing to do with corporate failure but it is just a simple matter of corporate development which needs to match the capital investment needs and the pace and risks of different industries. For example, I have twice sold companies where the buyer wasn’t interested in the registered entity but wanted to acquire the assets of the business and forced me to dissolve the business.

So, it is not that I have been collecting directorships, but more a matter of having been involved in several ventures which required different corporate structures for their different stages. The fact remains that all of these ventures have been successful and/or evolved into something more sophisticated. The only thing is that this process has been quite active since 2010. So, it is not as simplistic as to say that I have been involved in many companies all of which I have dissolved and buried, which implies presiding over failure. It in fact, implies quite the opposite, which is presiding on development and implementation. Another example for you, a couple of years ago, I was involved in an acquisition that required me to become a director of 3 separate companies. My LinkedIn profile does list quite a few companies I am/ have been involved in.

With regards to the concern about the other core member, I’ll be happy to address this too. The concern is that we hired a CTO and later removed him. The member you are referring to is Bara Mustafa. He was one of the original founders of Discharge Summary and Medicalchain – his name is mentioned on page 32 of the whitepaper. Bara took the role of Head of Security from the beginning for Medicalchain. He has been involved in many sensitive transactions and to keep a low profile, we agreed not to list him on the website. Some people thought Bara left, which is definitely not the case. In fact, we have now placed Bara on the website’s team page where you can read about his activities and history. Bara remains a very core member of the team. I have always mentioned to the community that not all members of the team are on the website for security reasons and Bara is one of them.

philllie32 karma

Hi thanks for your helpful infos and explanations.

medicalchain2 karma

Mo: you're welcome!

Imatreeami3 karma

How would your strategy change if Big Data is redefined as a natural, renewable resource?

Or the implications of protecting Big Data as a public trust?

What do you think of a scenario where PHI generated by personal devices is used in mass research, with the intention that the research is used to fund a Basic Minimum Income?

In the USA I have the right to revoke consent from a BA without revoking consent from my healthcare provider. For example if I find my doctor supports Trump I can revoke medical consent from the medical records software corporation as a form of protest (ie the doctor cannot deny me services but they cannot use their choice of software to access my record).

This implies that public data sources such as political donations or Big Pharma kickbacks can be used by patients en masse to protest.

How does your software accommodate the rights of the patient to disrupt communications between Business Associates?

medicalchain2 karma

Mo: We do not see Medicalchain as a big data company. The data is being used to provide convenience and accuracy between two or more parties. Because it is a permissioned blockchain, the data is not available to anyone but those the patient gives access to. So the short answer is our strategy would be indifferent. With regards to your last question, do you mean people selling their PHI for mass research and earning a basic minimum income? If so, I don't see this as being viable.

Imatreeami1 karma

Not PHI as in "medical record" but PHI as in "any body of information from multiple sources that can be used to identify an individual and their health services" for example in Illinois the law changed last year to protect data generated by personal devices. Therefore an Illinois resident is able to potentially claim that their Fitbit or Apple watch is a medical device/service and the data is protected as PHI.

Under that circumstance, would you consider it viable for an income to be established from the licensing of that data?

I feel strongly about data as an infinite, renewable, natural resource and wish to find a way to change the paradigm so that people consider the wealth they produce when they interact with technology.

medicalchain2 karma

Mo: I still wouldn't consider it to be viable for an income to be established at this point.

[deleted]-2 karma


medicalchain2 karma

Abdullah: For the foreseeable future, no. We are not competing with established EHRs. Instead, we are an umbrella encompassing all of the records different EHRs hold for a single patient and making that information accessible. We do have big ambitions and if we can deliver on our first objectives then who knows after that.

BlokChainzDaRapper3 karma

Hi there,

It seems as though your Discharge Summary application is currently in use in NHS trusts. Is part of your roadmap to roll out MedicalChain into these places too? And how do you go about getting hospitals to adopt the application, are you already in talks with the NHS core (as opposed to trusts)?

medicalchain4 karma

Abdullah: We have provided access to the Discharge Summary application free of charge and are continuing to support more hospitals as time goes by. We would love to onboard the same hospitals in the UK and others with our Medicalchain platform. However, the NHS, like most large organisations is a very slow moving beast therefore we have taken a bottom up approach. With Discharge Summary we let the junior doctors use the system first, in time this was accepted and adopted by the heads of departments and became the standard. We want to on board patients and doctors as soon as possible to improve scalability and establish Medicalchain's use. Saying that, we are still talking to decision makers in the NHS to start the ball rolling. Trusts make decisions over several hospitals so would be the best to tackle. We have Dave in our team who was the Head of IT at Salfords Hospital Trust and I myself sit on a board at NHS Digital so we have some connections already.

AutoModerator3 karma

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wastedkarma1 karma

How does medicalchain prevent me from ever having to use a fax machine again?

medicalchain-4 karma

Answered this already.

Repomanx2 karma

Hey, what will be the exact utility of the distributed tokens at ICO? Will people have to use it to pay for your services, will a patient use it to pay his doctor or will hopefully health insurances pay with it for services I as a insured person took advantage of?

medicalchain2 karma

Abdullah: Hello, thank you for your questions. This is covered in our whitepaper in further detail but a simple summary is that our service is free to use and to have patient records on them. Users can pay doctors in MedTokens for telemedicine consultations. Users get paid in MedTokens from those institutions that would benefit from viewing their records. These are pharmaceutical, research and insurance companies. Patients are completely free to decide if they wish to share their records or not in return for MedTokens.

Repomanx1 karma

Thank you for your answer. I actually came from the whitepaper over here to ask these questions as I did not get enough answers from your whitepaper. I checked it again just now and think you can improve on that point, as the exact purpose of the Medtokens in the different cases is only mentioned as a short term below the graphics and not explicitly in the text of chapters 8.1-8.5.

medicalchain2 karma

Thank you for your feedback. We will make it clearer in the next version.

EuSouAssimReddit1 karma

Hi there. I see gear value in your idea. Me, as a dentist, have lots of problems in checking medical history just from patients point of view. Will dentist have access if the patients chooses so? Will we be able to write as well? Imagine a patient that changes city or dentist, for us is impossible to track oral history. If you are not thinking about this part of the business please do. Dentist from UK

medicalchain4 karma

Abdullah: Thank you for your support. Both Mo and I are married to dentists so I know exactly where you're coming from! We are currently onboarding medical doctors for our platform and focusing on this clinical group. Our onboarding of doctors requires them to be registered to their medical board, so in the UK for example, the General Medical Council (GMC). They also have to have the appropriate indemnity insurance, no outstanding investigations and up to date training. In time, we will on board dentists using the General Dental Council (GDC) for example. However, saying that the patient can still show you their records in your clinic as they have access to them with our platform.

Danwaji1 karma

Hi there,

in your whitepaper in "4.5 Security Risks to Patient Data"(p.9) you present the current risks to centralized data storages. How do you implement a secure data storage as presented "6.3 Encryption Cryptography" (p.14) that solves the centralization issue and how would it bear against an attack like wannacry?

medicalchain1 karma

Mo: Decentralized data storage is usually done by sharding and replication of the data across different servers. A common example is the way databases like Elasticsearch, Mongo use sharding and replication to ensure availability and safety of the stored data. Wannacry is a Windows only threat and targeted internet facing computers and networks running a vulnerable SMB version. Firstly, we are not using Windows at all for Medicalchain infrastructure and secondly, any database/storage we use is located on a purely private network which means that those machines do not have public IPs and are using a specific secure gateway to connect to the internet (for installation of packages for example).

wastedkarma1 karma

How does medicalchain prevent me from ever having to use a fax machine again in my practice?

medicalchain1 karma

Abdullah: I'm not sure why you are still using a fax machine in your practice. It is not a secure way of communicating. If you need to communicate with other healthcare professionals and providers, secure email is the best way.

Stehlik-Alit2 karma

So wheres the answer to the above question?

Im not in the field, but major medical practices have required I fax them information before. How does this solve that?

Edit; example, military records, etc were required to be faxed. Even as a patient ive had to use faxes

medicalchain1 karma

Abdullah: I don't think anyone should be using a fax machine in this day and age and I explained the reason why not above. I am not going to say that Medicalchain will replace a fax machine. It is the same and saying Medicalchain will replace the pen and paper. Medicalchain is there to empower patients and allow them to view and access their records. The benefits Of Medicalchain are stated throughout our whitepaper.

Repomanx1 karma

Why don't you have an official github repository?

medicalchain1 karma

Abdullah: This is in the process of being released with our beta platform in February. We are trying our best right now to get it out in time.

Botcha211 karma

What is Medicalchains major advantages over MediBloc and Patientory ?

medicalchain1 karma

Abdullah: Hello, the simple answer is that we are not just a platform for the storage and utilisation of electronic health records but are also building applications on top of this such as our telemedicine application and health marketplace.

Patientory is US focussed whereas we are going for a global market. They have not made much progress for the time they have been around.

We have prepared an answer already for the newer ICO, MediBloc and I have shared this below:

Blockchain differences Medibloc uses Qtum for their blockchain. While we respect other developing choices, we feel that Hyperledger Fabric is a stronger platform to develop on because of the strength of the document and depth of the documentation. This is reflected by the respective Githubs of Hyperledger Fabric and Qtum. Fabric boasts 590 watches, 2892 stars, and 2132 forks where as Qtum rests at 162 watches, 603 stars, and 121 forks. Moreover, our Hyperledger Fabric blockchain will be permissioned as opposed to Medibloc’s public Qtum blockchain. A private blockchain ensures patients retain more privacy with their medical records as the transactions associated with that blockchain can only be viewed by the hosters of the nodes.

Data storage Patients are expected to store data on their personal devices when using Medibloc, in addition to the central Medibloc Core backup. Doing so is burdensome to patients and creates another point where patient data could be compromised. In contrast, using Medicalchain patients are not expected to deal with the problems associated with hosting their own health data. Medicalchain has developed a dynamic system for managing the storage of health data over several jurisdictions. Depending on the jurisdiction that you reside in, your health data will be encrypted and stored in a correspondingly compliant health data lake. For example, if you live in the US your data will be stored in a HIPAA compliant manner.

Tokenomics Medibloc has both Medi tokens and ‘Medi points.’ Medi tokens are the currency of Medibloc, but Medi points are used as a sort of rating system. The addition of Medi points makes the system unnecessarily complex. It adds new concepts and functionality to a system that is already bleeding edge and hard to learn. Moreover, Medibloc introduces a complex inflationary system into its token. In contrast, Medicalchain is issuing a single currency for all of its transactions to be distributed at once with no inflation.

User onboarding Medibloc provides no details on how it will verify users. In contrast, Medicalchain has partnered with industry leader Civic to verify the identities of its users in a decentralized and safe way. Moreover, it is unclear how Medibloc intends to load existing patient data onto its systems. Medicalchain will request patient’s records on their behalf and use a combination of OCR and APIs to populate a patient’s health record.

Execution Medicalchain is mindful of the awareness and education that needs to take place as well as the requisite actors that will need onboarding and have a plan outlined in our whitepaper. There hasn’t been any information from Medibloc on how they intend to drive adoption of their technology. Moreover, Medicalchain won’t be limited to just one country. We’re a globally focused company built to be location agnostic. Your medical records will travel with you wherever you go, regardless of what country that may be.

Many thanks,


Danwaji1 karma

Since the PHI is not stored onchain, can I still obtain change history of my PHI to see when, what and by whom is was edited?

medicalchain1 karma

Abdullah: Yes, your patient dashboard will show which clinicians you are still actively linked with and what clinical document they were accessing. You will have the function to unlink yourself from clinician so that they no longer can view your clinical records.

Repomanx1 karma

Was the pre-sale open for US-citizens?

medicalchain1 karma

Abdullah: No, the pre-sale and the ICO are both strictly not for US citizens, tax payers or residents.

chiRal1231 karma


I believe your idea is great, I just wanted to know - is it a blockchain protocol you're creating, that can run independently (at some future date) from the existing platforms (Ethereum, Neo, EOS etc) or will you exclusively run on a particular platform?

DO you have any pilots planned within Australia too? There may be some Hospitals that are very interested.

Finally, can you summarise your token metrics, being transparent about amount raised during Private Sales, Public Sales and the soon to happen ICO, disclosing any bonuses that occurred during each of the rounds.

Thank you

medicalchain2 karma

Mo: Thanks for your questions.

We are not creating a blockchain protocol. Instead we are building the Medicalchain platform as a consortium blockchain run on Hyperledger Fabric and using an Ethereum token.

We are getting a lot of support from Australia. We endeavour to launch pilots there but at this time we will start with UK and US.

Sure, we will give details soon after a press release. Essentially we ran a public pre-sale, where between 2,000 - 3,000 individuals participated along with several funds. We've raised most of the $24M (the hard cap) and there is some room we've left for the ICO. The pre-sale price started at $0.10 per token back in September 2017 and kept incrementing. The ICO price will be $0.25 per token. At the end of the ICO more or less every participant will have paid within a 20% delta for the token when you factor the increase we've seen in BTC and ETH.

caspper691 karma

This is an absolutely horrible idea, and is simply a cash grab to exploit the lay public's understanding of what a blockchain really is on a technical level.

I mean, the normal technical stupidity notwithstanding (the fact that you're duplicating all of the private infrastructure of a private system, then throwing in a blockchain -- for fun?). Think about it -- a public (or even semi-private), distributed ledger for medical records? What could ever go wrong with that? /s

So what is your exit strategy, and which foreign nation or island locale are you looking to retire to once you've bliked enough investors?

medicalchain1 karma

Mo: There is no cash-grab as we reduced our hardcap despite being oversubscribed and founders' tokens are locked over 4 years. We're not duplicating any private infrastructure - this is a consortium blockchain. None of us are thinking about an exit strategy. We are working on a big project and doing our best to deliver.

LowerGroundFloor1 karma

Hello guys,

First up, I would like to say I really like the idea but need to ask a few questions which I felt were missing after reading the whitepaper.

1) How can the service begin to operate without any solid agreements with, say the NHS to port medical records? Seeing agreements on access of reputable medical records as key, what is the current outlook on this in regards to partnerships? Without the integration of existing records, the medical chain record seems destined to being the place to store unofficial second opinion.

2) How do you plan to tackle the inconsistencies in people using your service when the value of medtokens experiances 30% swings either way because of speculation or negative headlines about bitcoin?

3) According to your roadmap, you are addressing the European Parliament this year. How did this opportunity arise and what are you most hoping to express to these particular officials?

There are a couple of grammatical errors and incomplete sentences in the paper whitepaper.

Regards and good luck

medicalchain2 karma

Abdullah: Hello, thank you for your questions.

1) From a purely NHS perspective, we are completing our Information Governance Toolkit and acquiring access to the NHS N3 servers. We already have two ongoing pilots being established in large family doctor practices which are nearing the end of discussions and moving on to implementation. The equivalent can be said of hospitals in Poland, Italy and Turkey. We are establishing pilots in the US as well but these are at a less mature stage and we have been asked to look into the Chinese health record system by senior members of health from there. We are not in the business of overselling and once things have been signed and confirmed can we release further details about the above.

Our service is ready, the pilots are there to stress test the system and make necessary adjustments to get it ready for mass market.

2) Very good question and one we are regularly asked. To be a patient or doctor on our platform is for free. You use MedTokens for telemedicine consultations and the healthdata marketplace.

If a telemedicine consultation costs $100 and a MedToken is $1, then you pay the doctor 100 MedTokens. The doctor can keep the MedToken or take fiat on the exchange. If a MedToken becomes worth $100 then the user would only pay 1 MedToken. This would be from area to area and doctors can set their own prices. Patients choose who they want to conduct their consultation with based on the doctors abilities, specialities and pricing. The MedToken can go down to many decimal points (we are deciding on between 8 and 13) so this will give us the ability to adjust in the future.

3) I am presenting this Thursday actually to a closed committee about healthcare and blockchain and was just invited today actually to speak to The Health Directorate of the Directorate-General for Research & Innovation at the European Commission in March later this year.

The first meeting this Thursday was arranged by Eva Kaili (http://www.evakaili.gr/) who is a Member of the European Parliament and shares our passion about how blockchain can solve problems in society. The second meeting in March I suppose is due to our exposure as a leading voice for change in how our healthcare data is managed as we were invited without reaching out to anyone.

I am hoping to express how our challenges are not a technical one but more to do with regulations and a stubbornness to adapt to changing times and utilising the tools we have around us as is done in other sectors such as finance.

I will know after Thursday if it was a beneficial meeting or not :-)

Yes, I am disappointed with the simple errors in our paper and these will be resolved if we publish a Whitepaper 2.1.

Thank you for your support.

smuckerboss1 karma

Will I be able to participate in the ico from the US?

medicalchain1 karma

Abdullah: We are not accepting applicants from the US, North Korea, Iran and Syria.

We have been advised by our legal counsel to avoid US participation due to the risk regarding the SEC potentially classifying our tokens as securities as opposed to utility tokens.

Botcha211 karma

When will Medicalchain be listed on their first exchange ?

medicalchain1 karma

Abdullah: We are hoping end of February to Mid March. Our telegram community will be the first to know.


__apollon__0 karma


Thank you for taking time to work to improve our healthcare system. I really enjoy the concept of your company in regards to its usage of blockchain.

• How did you plan structure such a complex project online?

• Did you work closely with a team of software engineers?

• If so, what programs did they use to make this vision come alive?

• How do you feel the applications of blockchain can improve other systems in the future of communication and health?


medicalchain2 karma

Mo: Very good questions!

  • Before we decided to go for the ICO, we spent 6 months on blockchain R&D. We consulted several blockchain experts along the way. Some are pretty influential and were hard to get hold of but thankfully gave us their time, for which we are grateful. We looked at different chains and kept refining the model. Even after we announced Medicalchain, we received a lot of feedback from the community which made us go back and revise several technical and tokenisation factors. Our advisors have been very helpful in ensuring we are going in the right direction.

  • Yes, we started building the engineering team from day 1 and kept trying out different prototype code. Most of the people we hired, we (founders) have worked with in some capacity in the past.

  • Too many programs to list but as you probably know we are using Hyperledger which requires knowledge of Go lang and that's been challenging but the engineers have all learned it now. Other technologies being utilised are Javascript (React, NodeJS, ES6), Swift and more.

  • There is so much room for excellent blockchain applications in healthcare and pharma. One sector I am passionate about is genomics and precision medicine. I believe the use of blockchain can really be gamechanging in this space.

Danwaji0 karma

A friend (Practitioner A) recently presented me with this problem:

The patient hurt his wrist, he visited a doctor and got a prescription for a wrist prosthesis, which he got from Practitioner B. After 2 weeks his condition still remained and he decided to visit another doctor which also prescribed a similar prothesis, which he then got from Practitioner A. After a Practitioner gives out a product, he demands a refund from the insurer. For Practitioner A the refund was refused by the insurer, because the Patient recently got comparable product. He didn't disclose the information to the second doc (maybe unknowingly).

How would medicalchain ensure that the patient reveals all relevant data to the doc and the Practitioner while protecting his privacy?

crusoe2 karma

How do you keep unauthorized people from accessing it too? Once the block chain is downloaded how's it not gonna leak far and wide? How does everyone not see everyone else's data? If it is encrypted how do you rotate keys and ensure old data can still be accessed or reprotect old data with a new key? How does any of this satisfy HIPAA?

Oh it's built on ethereum. I can't wait till someone finds a bug in your contracts and locks everything up.

medicalchain1 karma

Mo: It's important to remember 2 things here:

  1. We are using Hyperledger Fabric
  2. We don't store any health records on-chain, all that data is encrypted and stored off-chain. On-chain we only store a hash of the data. We believe the solution satisfies HIPAA.

medicalchain2 karma

Abdullah: Thank you for your question. It is difficult to answer because I cannot comment on what an insurance company would and wouldn't pay out on.

We are working at the moment on developing a smart contract between doctors and insurers so that the claim and payment are actioned immediately and will show on the patients record that this transaction has occurred.

Most patients are honest with doctors because they are aware that by providing the doctor with false information you limit the scope of the doctors diagnosis and treatment plan. Patients confess a lot of things to a doctor who has established a strong rapport, even illegal things. This is why we have patient-doctor confidentiality.

If Doctor B has recorded his notes accurately and the patient has shared his records with Doctor A then Doctor A will be fully aware of the situation. However, Medicalchain cannot solve the issue of patients being dishonest and not wanting to disclose information. The patient has a right (wrongly or rightly) to not tell the doctor everything and this includes not sharing their Medicalchain health records.

Like any technology, it is born out of the idea that it will be used for the benefit of society and like any technology it can be used for good or misused for bad.