Highest Rated Comments

Imatreeami3 karma

How would your strategy change if Big Data is redefined as a natural, renewable resource?

Or the implications of protecting Big Data as a public trust?

What do you think of a scenario where PHI generated by personal devices is used in mass research, with the intention that the research is used to fund a Basic Minimum Income?

In the USA I have the right to revoke consent from a BA without revoking consent from my healthcare provider. For example if I find my doctor supports Trump I can revoke medical consent from the medical records software corporation as a form of protest (ie the doctor cannot deny me services but they cannot use their choice of software to access my record).

This implies that public data sources such as political donations or Big Pharma kickbacks can be used by patients en masse to protest.

How does your software accommodate the rights of the patient to disrupt communications between Business Associates?

Imatreeami2 karma

Thank you for your time and responses and doing the work to lay new foundations in communication.

Imatreeami1 karma

Not PHI as in "medical record" but PHI as in "any body of information from multiple sources that can be used to identify an individual and their health services" for example in Illinois the law changed last year to protect data generated by personal devices. Therefore an Illinois resident is able to potentially claim that their Fitbit or Apple watch is a medical device/service and the data is protected as PHI.

Under that circumstance, would you consider it viable for an income to be established from the licensing of that data?

I feel strongly about data as an infinite, renewable, natural resource and wish to find a way to change the paradigm so that people consider the wealth they produce when they interact with technology.

Imatreeami-20 karma

How does it feel to brag about participating in a racist system that convicts a black man while rich whites walk free from the same act?