
Comments: 64 • Responses: 11  • Date: 

Jordough19 karma

Do you think saying "I am the best looking lady" we've seen will make you more friends or enemies...? I think it's ok to feel beautiful and not so cool to use superlatives.

eylmaobro4 karma

Do you think saying "I am the best looking lady" we've seen will make you more friends or enemies...? I think it's ok to feel beautiful and not so cool to use superlatives.

It was just meant as playful sarcasm.

BANEVADER113 karma

Do you have any regrets?

eylmaobro2 karma

None at all!

Leftrightonleftside5 karma

Good for you. Stay positive!

eylmaobro6 karma

Thanks :)!

TuckRaker11 karma

How's the family taking it?

eylmaobro22 karma

They were both shocked at first but they fully support me 100% of the way.

katiehenry926 karma

What is the biggest difference you've noticed in how strangers treat you?

eylmaobro0 karma

There isn't really a huge difference mostly because i keep to myself most of the time.

TooShiftyForYou6 karma

When did you first know that you wanted to live life as a woman?

eylmaobro9 karma

About 4 years ago. I knew i was different when i had no attraction to girls in highschool and i didn't fit in with the guys.

[deleted]4 karma


eylmaobro7 karma

I 100% regret nothing whatsoever.

BonSwanson4 karma

Have you ever been told that you look like Carrie Brownstein?

eylmaobro2 karma

No but thank you lol.

rimper0 karma

Do you tell dudes you're a dude ?

eylmaobro5 karma

Most of the time they already know.

-FuckYourGod-3 karma

Can you get pregnant?

eylmaobro9 karma

Ofcourse not.

CompactnassTheorem-9 karma

How do we combat dorito hitler's blatant transphobia?

eylmaobro8 karma
