IAMA 29 year old who is currently going through his 7th round of treatment for Brain Cancer AMA
I am back again Reddit, When I was 3 they discovered that I had tumors on my optic nerve and optic chasm. I did a year of chemotherapy, then it came back when I was 10 and again I did a year of chemotherapy. When I was 25 they found a tumor on my brain stem, I had brain surgery and radiation therapy, when I was 26 I once again did chemotherapy, but I had a bad reaction to the radiation therapy I had a year prior, I passed out and was technically brain dead twice for 8 minutes a piece and paramedics couldn't find a pulse either. I was in the hospital for over 5 weeks. I now have to live with my folks again and I have to use a walker to get around. In 2014 i went to the Cancer Center of America in Illinois, there i recieved 3 weeks of chemotherapy. In 2016, I received treatment again, this time in pill from. In 2017i began treatment for a 7th time because the pill form wasnt working.
One of my latest MRIs is on the left http://i.imgur.com/YCP91dI.jpg
Me getting radiation http://i.imgur.com/R6SClqX.jpg
Relay for Life http://i.imgur.com/8BZfJBo.jpg
Post surgery after getting my port in https://www.instagram.com/p/BP8kcmLA9VE/
Getting chemo https://www.instagram.com/p/BQD63D_gnGn/
Flyers for my fundraiser https://imgur.com/gallery/ZXc8z
RJB133725 karma
Thanks for the kind words fellow redditor, I think they are in the same boat as me, hard to have to go through it again, but they like me rely on God for strength
randomthrowaway888812 karma
When you find the cancer has returned what goes through your head?
drummyfish3 karma
You seem very strong :) Is it that cold sweat type of not again, or just some kind of "I guess I'll have to cancel my plans for the weekend" type of not again? Does it make you suffer from depressions or anything? I hope it doesn't, I'm just curious. I wish you get better ASAP :)
RJB13373 karma
I mean, id be lying if I said never felt depressed but most of the time, i am optimistic and stay positive
Mrpoopybutthole5198 karma
Do you ever figure fuck it man im pretty much burned anyway, and take a handful of 30s? Then smoke some weed? Then have a gulp or two of 80 proof?
postecon7 karma
May God give you the strength to overcome this. What do you think of the cancer research and how cancer treatment may be evolving? Are we getting better at fighting cancer? Do you feel hopeful about the future of cancer treatment?
You're an inspiration! Thank you very much!
RJB13375 karma
Thanks for the kind words fellow redditor, I wouldn't say hopeful, but I am hopeful in God
simplysuperman8 karma
personally I don't believe in god, but I find it great when people do, regardless of all the stupid arguements you can't deny that it has a real effect on the people who have faith and it's great to see that power giving you the will to keep on fighting cancer
Snippins-12 karma
So you've prayed all your life and it keeps coming back, pretty convincing evidence that prayer is as useless as it sounds.
RJB13375 karma
I have been able to pay bills, i have beaten it each time, I am still able to remain postive, God doesn't always answer prayers,the,way we,want them, but he always answers them
Mellowtree6 karma
Did you consider the use of cannabis oil before? The uncle of a friend of me recently survived a bad brain tumor by the use of cbd oil, He's now in full recovery. I wish you the best!
RJB13373 karma
I use eddibles almost nightly, i have considered using Rick Simpson oil but haven't gotten any
RJB133715 karma
Walking, I have to use a walker, this is fairly recent (3 years) I took walking for granted too before I was handicapped
RJB133710 karma
Nope, I am a man of faith, i am scared of suddenly dying, id like to be able to get my affairs in order/ say my goodbyes and see yas
gooddogtyson6 karma
On a scale of one to one hundred, how lucky do you feel that you are alive?
AsksAStupidQuestion5 karma
Though your condition isn't something you asked for do you believe its enabled you to savor the positives in life more fully when viewed through the lens of life's adversities?
RJB133714 karma
Absolutely, its allowed me to have the philosophy that it can always be worse
Mzilikazi815 karma
Would you rather have Jar Jar Binks not exist or replace Jake Lloyd as Anakin Skywalker?
3AlarmLampscooter5 karma
Have you had any molecular genetics testing?
There are a lot of open clinical trials for newer drugs like pembrolizumab depending on what mutations the tumor has.
RJB133713 karma
Absolutely comfortable, I am a man of faith, i just hope its not sudden, i have some things to attend to and id rather not put that burden on my family
prettyboredd4 karma
How did you know you had brain cancer the first time? What were the symptoms?
AnalyticalStarfish4 karma
Can you elaborate on how your eye was bulgy/watery? What other signs might people look for? I have had a friend that passed away from brain cancer on my mind recently, but I don't know how he got it.
RJB13372 karma
I don't really, i was 3, my advice, if you are concered, go get checked out
resiliencetolive6 karma
If you could give an advice to people, related with your life experience, there's one that you would like to spread? (sorry for my english)
Mzilikazi813 karma
How often do you get brain scans when you're in remission? Are you participating in any new therapies or drug trials?
RJB13373 karma
Nope, no participating in any sort of drug trail and i go in for MRIs about every 3 months or so
reid84703 karma
Can you describe what sort of physical pain you go through at different stages of treatment? My aunt died from cancer several years ago and was at times in awful pain. She had cancer in her lungs, throat, breasts, everywhere--tumors grew in one of her legs and it had to get amputated, for example. Obviously brain cancer is very different, but I'm still curious.
Seeing her go through that in her 50s was one of the saddest parts of my life, but I could never really understand what she was going through--where the pain was, how it hurt, how long it lasted, etc. She spent most of her last year and a half in bed trying to get sleep whenever she could.
Patthias3 karma
Does the way you think or the way your brain processes things change at all when undergoing treatment and/or with the tumor?
RJB13376 karma
No, its more of a perspective change, you learn quickly who/what is important and what is not, but i haven't experienced any memory loss or learning changes
420N1CKN4M33 karma
If you'd have the whole worlds population to hear just one sentence, what would it be?
wheelofcheeseonapole3 karma
after all the battling you have already gone through - how did your perspective on life and living change? Are there things you see differently, which 'normal' people would never be able to understand? all the best for you!
RJB13372 karma
I have learnot to sweat the small stuff, it can always be worse, I am just thankful for what God has blessed me with
IneedmyFixPlease3 karma
Does your brain cancer make you hallucinate ? if yes, what do you see ?
RJB13372 karma
Nope, nothing, I passed out on a Friday and came to on Wednesday in the ICU
joel10293847562 karma
As someone with seemingly chronic cancer, do you feel people treat you differently because of your cancer?
Zinthrow2 karma
Do you feel like your disease has changed your cognition and working memory significantly? I'm sure the ordeal has given you a different outlook on life, but has your personality actually changed as a result of the neurological changes?
Scocam782 karma
I'm a little late to the AMA but I'm also living with brain cancer. Low grade oligodendroglioma and had surgery just over 2 years ago. I haven't had to do chemo or radiation at this point just regular MRIs.
Other than almost dying we're their any side effects you've noticed from the radiation? The term "brain necrosis" freaks me out a little.
RJB13371 karma
Obviously having to use the walker, a bit slurred speech, trouble with fine motor skills
Scocam782 karma
Were those directly a cause of the radiotherapy or the location of the cancer?
RJB13371 karma
Both, the radiation caused the tumor to swell and the tumor is located on my brain stem
RJB13371 karma
I have been meaning to get into that show, i love community so i assume that I will be a fan of R&M
RJB13371 karma
Qell I wouldn't know the difference if i am wrong, but believing gives me hope
yandereapologist2 karma
I apologize if this is an insensitive question, but what do you find to be the hardest part of having brain cancer? And has it had any adverse effects on your social life?
Thanks, and I hope things look up for you.
RJB13371 karma
Well due to the tumor, I have to use a walker to get around, and for a 29 year old, trying to date, it makes it more difficult to say the least
yandereapologist2 karma
Yeah, that definitely sounds rough. I'm sorry you're going through all this, and I'll keep you in my thoughts.
LogicofGod1 karma
Firstly, God bless you - I don't know what more to say other than you are an inspiration to us all, especially because like Job, you haven't turned against God and it seems you adopt Job's approach "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him" (Job 13:15)
Secondly, you mention God many times, I personally believe Jesus is the messiah, do you share this view or have you put your faith in another?
Once again, God Bless, thank you for inspiring us and I hope God grants both you and your family comfort during the tribulations you have gone through and are continuing to go through.
RJB13371 karma
Thanks for the kind words fellow redditor, I do believe in God and Job is one of my inspirations for having a positive attitude
LogicofGod1 karma
If I am not rude could you kindly say what your faith is? (Truly want to know, no judgement just curiosity)
LogicofGod1 karma
Thanks dude, curiosity satisfied.
I was going to wish you all the best and a general God Bless (since I didn't want to offend by specifying) but since you're a Christian I give you this from 2 Corinthians 13:14
"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the holy Ghost, be with you"
KamikazeWordsmith1 karma
I think you may have actually touched on this in another response, but just curious: with you having actually been dead enough to be declared brain dead, did you have any sort of near-death experiences or visions that you can remember? If so, would you mind sharing them?
Also, did being brain dead for as long as you were leave you with any lasting damage at all?
RJB13371 karma
Nope, no visions, passed out on a Friday, woke up on a Wednesday, don't remember anything in between
DJPickleTiTs1 karma
Thank you for sharing your story with us. What is your insurance situation like now (hope this is not a rude to ask)? The fundraiser flyer made me tear up in rage when I read the part that you were dropped from your father's insurance due to your age. On a personal level, what are your hobbies? Not including faith, what is Ryan Bendel passionate about, what makes you feel alive?
RJB13371 karma
Not rude at all, I have medicade, its not the greatest, but its better than nothing
RJB13372 karma
I am currently working on 4 novels, i watch A LOT of movies, i collect Funko pop vinyls
RJB13371 karma
Both actually, but i am currently writing 4 novels, well writing 1 brain storming the other 3
DJPickleTiTs2 karma
Sorry to bombard you with questions. What's the genre? When are you planning on releasing it. How do I order my copy with the inscription "to my biggest fan PickleTits"?
RJB13372 karma
My first one is a historical fiction book written by the main characters journal entries
2nd is about a young man who has cancer, and he either has to pick radiation therapy or chemotherapy, it splinters off into two different timelines depending on his choice
The 3rd is a sequel to one of the timelines
4th is a historical fiction again, about a guy who time travels and stops Gavrilo Princip from assinating Franz Ferdinand, it explorez what the world would look like if he never killed franz Ferdinand
Idk when any of them are coming out, but I will definitely let you know
RinkyInky1 karma
Sorry that you have to go through this.
Do you feel that you were/are robbed of your childhood/teenhood? How do you deal with it?
RJB13371 karma
Thanks fellow redditor
No, I don't feel robbed because from 10 until 24 i was perfectly normal, no treatment, no walker, and those are formative years
RinkyInky2 karma
I see, I am happy for you. Hope it goes back to that soon.
All the best in your recovery, and take care.
OmegaInsight2 karma
Do you have to brush, floss more often or use some type of special mouthwash regularly?
imjustashadow19 karma
You sound like your sense of humor, and positivity is staying strong, I'm rootin' and praying for you brother. How are your parents?
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