Highest Rated Comments

postecon39 karma

Why is it so hard to get aroused during stressful periods? What's the best way to handle it? I would like to have sex even if I'm going through some stress.

postecon31 karma

From a neurological POV, does watching porn regularly adversely impact your sex life?

postecon7 karma

May God give you the strength to overcome this. What do you think of the cancer research and how cancer treatment may be evolving? Are we getting better at fighting cancer? Do you feel hopeful about the future of cancer treatment?

You're an inspiration! Thank you very much!

postecon1 karma

I know a family where the husband had dementia for years. He recently passed. But now the wife is diagnosed with dementia too. They're not related at all.

Have you come across such examples? It seems to me a freak coincidence.

postecon1 karma

You wrote some great stuff during the financial crisis. What do you think about the blowback against globalization? What is the future of globalization?