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Proud_Boy1861 karma


Proud_Boy143 karma

Yea, comedy from 1926-2017 is def overrated.

Thanks for the response, I haven't seen it and will check it out.

Edit: Whoa, guys, guys! I was just trying to be funny. 1925 was a really long time ago! I'm being very sincere in that I'm excited to check out that Chaplin movie!

Edit edit: Here's the trailer.

I love seeing the original influence to some of my favorite movies as a kid in here. Benny and Joon and Black Sheep to name a couple.

Edit edit edit: Well, here is the entire film. Enjoy!!

Proud_Boy4 karma

No, it thinks.

Proud_Boy3 karma

Hi, Steven! Big fan.

I've always wondered and I'm so honored to finally be able to ask you this directly. Anyway, here goes.

What does the "N'" stand for in "Guns N' Roses?" My friends and I have theories but I'd love to know the truth from you.

Thanks! And good luck with the no heroin thing. I hear that stuff's great.