We are 2 Catholic priests active on Reddit. /u/fr-josh has about 20x my karma but I'm still over 7,500. The users of /r/Catholicism asked us to do an AMA today in honor of Fathers' Day.

Short bios:

My (/u/FrMatthewLC) name is Fr Matthew P. Schneider, LC. I joined the religious congregation of the Legionaries of Christ in 2001, did my final vows in 2009, and was ordained a year and half ago. Right now I'm doing several things: studying an STL (a theology degree between a Masters and doctorate) in New Evangelization, helpign with a course to teach people how to do spiritual direction, some presence online, and taking care of the books for my community. The things I am most famous for online are Twitter and my blog.

Howdy! I'm /u/fr-josh and I'm a diocesan priest from the Mid-Atlantic region. I'm in my early 30's and I've been a priest for over 5 years. I love being a Catholic priest and I stand with the Church, which means I believe in and support the Church on all those controversial subjects that you'd like to ask about.

We're happy to answer most questions, but we would prefer ones that can't be googled easily (e.g. We prefer "what's something unexpected about being a priest" versus "what does the Church believe about X topic and why" because you can find that out in 2 seconds). We will generally not answer rhetorical, leading or vulgar questions. /u/fr-josh also refuses to answer questions that threaten his anonymity. (That's why it's Ask Us ALMOST Anything.) Tag us if you want a specific one of us to answer: /u/fr-josh knows way more about parishes, and /u/FrMatthewLC knows more about religious life.

Our plan is to be on for about 2 hours (till 4pm Eastern), then check once more between 4pm and when we go to bed.

God Bless and let's get some questions answered!

PROOF: As soon as this is posted, I'll tweet a link to it. (EDIT: here's my tweet.) /u/fr-josh is known by Reddit founder /u/spez in real life and he confirmed he's a priest when he did a previous AMA.

EDIT: /u/fr-josh and I both blocked of 2pm to 4pm Sunday to do it then there was a problem that autobot ate 3 attempts at posting this so it wasn't visible till 4:15pm. I need to get on with some off-Reddit work now but I'll try to check back every so often this afternoon and evening.

EDIT 2: 7:30pm I probably won't be able to answer more today. I'll check back tomorrow (probably in the afternoon). I don't have /u/fr-josh's calendar.

EDIT 3: 5:45pm Monday, I just answered 30 or 40 more questions. Thank you all.

Comments: 817 • Responses: 62  • Date: 

cagg33363 karma

What is the best part of being a priest?

What's the hardest thing you've ever had to do as a priest?

Any funny random stories?

FrMatthewLC56 karma

Best: mass.

Worst: Obedience at times.

Stories: ask for something more specific, I'm drawing a blank.

cagg33328 karma

Stories: ask for something more specific, I'm drawing a blank.

Well, I'd ask for funny confession stories, but the seal and all that serious business. So what's the funniest mishap at a mass you've witnessed?

FrMatthewLC60 karma

The funniest mishap at mass actually happened the year before I entered the seminary. I was the sacristan at the University for the Easter vigil. The wind was a gale outside so we tried to do the fire in the lobby of the student center where the chapel was located. We tried to really fast but it wasn't fast enough and the firefighters came so we all had to go outside and endure the wind. And if I remember right we basically used a candle as the fire after that. Then when father went to speak live with holy water the ball on the end of the thing to sprinkle holy water flew off and landed at the feet of the choir.

fr-josh33 karma

I keep waiting for a kid to high 5 me during the prayer of absolution. I've gotten close, but so far no luck.

FrMatthewLC24 karma

It happened to me multiple times when hearing 1st confessions at a local parish.

ThePelicanWalksAgain43 karma

What unique sins might a priest confess in reconciliation? (Sins that a lay person "can't" commit)

FrMatthewLC62 karma

I will list a few although I will say I know some of them only in theory.

A priest can celebrate mass in a state of mortal sin or without devotion.

A priest can break the seal of confession which binds everyone except for the person confessing.

A priest could flirt with people in confession. This results in excommunication like breaking the seal if it's actually asking for sexual activity.

A priest could absolve someone he broke the 6th Commandment 7th for non-Catholics) with which again results the excommunication.

A priest could concelebrate with a non-Catholic minister without permission – permission is rarely given and only for those who have a valid view of the Eucharist.

There are probably others too.

EDIT: typos

deeschannayell13 karma

next medication


FrMatthewLC27 karma

Darn Dragon Simply Speaking.

SteveTheCatholic5 karma

A priest could absolve someone he broke the 6th Commandment (5th for non-Catholics) with which again results the excommunication.

Wait what??

FrMatthewLC20 karma

just because you're a priest doesn't mean it's physically impossible to have sex. A priest should never have sex but the Church added this rule to prevent priests who aren't excusing their accomplices.

liberties43 karma

How do you emotionally handle absorbing the difficult emotional things that people tell you?

What I mean is - I feel bad for priests when I go pour my heart in confession. Kind of a sense of 'I shouldn't put this on him'. I know that I am confessing to God, but the poor priest has to hear it too.

FrMatthewLC27 karma

It's tough. Honestly, I think community life is a blessing in this way.

AP555537 karma

I am Eastern Orthodox but I am going to attend Catholic masses in near future because of my location. Should I tell the priest why I can not take Communion or should I just remain in my seat while it is being handed?

FrMatthewLC35 karma

You are probably best remaining in your seat. If you will attend the Catholic service more than a week or 2 (such as during vacation), I think would also be good to inform the priest.

AP555515 karma

I am most likely going to attend around 8 masses.

Also when I do the sign of the Cross, is it okay if I do it the Orthodox way?

FrMatthewLC23 karma

when I do the sign of the Cross, is it okay if I do it the Orthodox way?

Yes, if you don't make a show, nobody will probably notice. That same sign of the cross is also used for Eastern rites in the Catholic Church: for example several seminarians I studied with would do the sign of the cross that way.

jonguz35 karma

I've been privately discerning for a while now. Was there a final "push" that threw you both permanently on the path of ordination? Like a sort of "there's no looking back now" moment?

Also what made you stay in seminary? At his homily today a priest told me that there are years when a class of seminarians all end up leaving prematurely and none have been ordained.

FrMatthewLC14 karma

Was there a final "push" that threw you both permanently on the path of ordination? Like a sort of "there's no looking back now" moment?

There were a few moments. At one moment in prayer I realized clearly that God wanted me to be a priest – but this did not come with clarity about what kind of priest. I took my first house quite seriously and really decided at that point that it was going to be for life.

Also what made you stay in seminary?

Because I knew I was called and I knew God would give me the strength to go on. It sounds really simple but it's the most honest answer. And I have seen a lot of guys leave.

cagg33329 karma

Have you ever experienced anything demonic? Do you personally know any exorcists/have performed an exorcism/have witnessed one before?

What do you think about the mass exorcism of Mexico this past week?

FrMatthewLC36 karma

Not directly. However, when I was in the seminary in Rome, there was a man who lived across the creek behind our seminary who would yell things like "pedophile priests" for an hour at a time, sometimes at 2 in the morning. I'm really not sure if he was demonic or simply crazy – some fellow seminarians took a priest who was knowledgeable in the demonic to visit him and the priest thought it was possession and not psychological problems. However, since he didn't want an exorcism, the priest didn't give him one.

Chiropx28 karma

I'm a Lutheran, and we're coming up on the 500th anniversary of the reformation. I, in addition to the celebration of Luther's actions that this may bring, mourn the loss of unity of the church that resulted. Recently, things like the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification have been a good source of dialogue, and it is my understanding there are Lutherans and Catholics talking about how we might best recognize the history of the reformation together.

Moving forward, what are some positive ways you might hope or envision discussion going so that our two churches might work together better?

fr-josh52 karma

Buy us beer!

And more work together on a local level. That's good, too.

FrMatthewLC27 karma

Recently, things like the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification have been a good source of dialogue, and it is my understanding there are Lutherans and Catholics talking about how we might best recognize the history of the reformation together.

Now that we've done that, I think we need to start a similar dialogue on the sacraments. Other than history, the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and confession, are the main sticking point now as far as I can see it.

fr-josh28 karma



FrMatthewLC16 karma

See I make mistakes too.

/u/Chiropx I replied to the reply rather than directly by accident.

Torianism8 karma

What are the main differences, between Catholics and Lutherans, regarding the Eucharist?

brennandunn25 karma

I'm a new convert, and would really like to get to know my parish priest better. Is getting cold pitched on coffee / drinks from a parishioner awkward, or does there need to be an underlying topic of discussion? I know back in the day it was common to have Fr over for dinner, etc - not sure if that's really still a thing, though.

FrMatthewLC18 karma

Depends on the priest. If it was me, I'd probably take you up.

Famicomania23 karma

What are your views on Darwinian Theory and evolution?

FrMatthewLC49 karma

The world is definitely billions of years old. Evolution is probably true but it was either guided by God or some from of Intelligent design - I'm not sure.

SteveTheCatholic22 karma

What's your favorite holy book that's not the Bible (and not specific to priests)?

FrMatthewLC15 karma

L'historie de une alme

The Story of a soul by St Therese of Lisieux.

pomiluj22 karma

What is your favorite feast day?

Who are your favorite pre-schism and post-schism saints?

FrMatthewLC23 karma

What is your favorite feast day?

Sacred Heart or Corpus Chrsiti probably.

Who are your favorite pre-schism and post-schism saints?

When I think of favorite saints, I think of the saints I used to model my life on: St. John Paul II, St. John Bosco, and venerable Fulton J. Sheen.

TheSwellFellow21 karma

Do you hate the contemporary music in Mass as much as I do?

FrMatthewLC15 karma

Define "contemporary music" please. I listen to Skillet while I'm working out but I would never play that during mass even though it qualifies as Christian music.

Thatguyjumpertik21 karma

What are some things priests can do that people don't really know about? What about bishops?

FrMatthewLC40 karma

Bishops can walk into the Vatican without a pass and get saluted by the Swiss guards. We priests cannot do that.

EDIT: typo.

kirkland300017 karma

Screwed by the Swiss guards? I'm 98% sure you don't mean literally screwed, so how do they screw you? Or is this just a typo?

FrMatthewLC4 karma

"Saluted" I'm using Dragon simply speaking to respond as working on my typing I could never get above 25 words for minute, and even then my accuracy wasn't fantastic.

theearlgray20 karma

Hi I'm an Episcopalian and I have a few questions:

I'm about halfway through "Laudato Si," and Pope Francis seems to be taking a strong stand on economic justice, in decrying the "throw-away culture" we live in today. As parish priests, what do you do with your parishioners to discuss and act on Catholic social doctrine like economic and environmental justice?

Have guys ever interacted with any of the dissenting Anglo-Catholic priests who have left either the Episcopal Church or the Church of England. Do you think these dissenters will remain in parallel episcopal structures within the Anglican Communion, or do you think that Rome will end up supporting these parishes and priests?

Now a more contentious question. I love the Eucharist, that being said, to me biblical and theological perceptions of mine compel me to feel that Christ's table should be open to all those baptized in the name of the Trinity, try to convince me otherwise!

What is your favorite liturgy of the church year?

What is your favorite setting of the Mass by a famous composer?

What happens if an ordinand is bad at singing, and has trouble with the Mass?

Do you guys sing some of the old classic Anglican hymns?

Sorry for all the questions, it's cool that you guys are doing this!

FrMatthewLC19 karma

As parish priests,

I'm not a parish priest.

Have guys ever interacted with any of the dissenting Anglo-Catholic priests who have left either the Episcopal Church or the Church of England. Do you think these dissenters will remain in parallel episcopal structures within the Anglican Communion, or do you think that Rome will end up supporting these parishes and priests?

I've interacted with 3 different priests who have left Anglicanism to become Catholic priests. I think in the current discussion a and is him, some of the dissenters will move towards the Catholic Church and we will welcome them, while some dissenters will move to a more fully Protestant version of Anglicanism.

I love the Eucharist, that being said, to me biblical and theological perceptions of mine compel me to feel that Christ's table should be open to all those baptized in the name of the Trinity, try to convince me otherwise!

As Catholics, we have an open to everyone who is baptized and lives their faith. If you don't believe that the Eucharist is the body and blood of Christ, what's the point in receiving it? If living on moral lifestyle is more important to you than receiving the body and blood of Christ, do you really value it?

What happens if an ordinand is bad at singing, and has trouble with the Mass?

I'm horrible at singing and basically I tell everybody that either they lead the singing or there is no singing. None of the priest parts in the Mass need to be sung although if the priest of the good voice there are a few parts that sound really nice if sung.

I think your other questions have been answered elsewhere in general.

SteveTheCatholic10 karma

I'm not a parish priest.

My wife wants to know, then what kind of priest are you?


She wants me to clarify her tone: "What kind of priest you are"?

FrMatthewLC14 karma

Read the bio above.

I'm studying, preparing a course to train people in spiritual direction and unofficial chaplain of Twitter.

AIexiad19 karma

Do you confess to other priests in your own parish? If so is that not pretty awkward? With laity it's awkward enough, but we aren't confessing to coworkers we see all the time.

FrMatthewLC29 karma

Generally, I'd avoid confessing to the pastor. Religious life there is a rule that you should not confess to your superior and I think it's very applicable.

belgarion9018 karma

Fathers, what are your favorite hymns?

fr-josh42 karma

We did "Father of our fathers" today and that's pretty good. I like the breviary hymns the most and the 70's folk ones the least, mostly because they're overdone. And who likes overdone hymns? Communists. And I'm no communist.

FrMatthewLC27 karma

Father of our Fathers

Do you mean "Faith of our Fathers"?

FrMatthewLC28 karma

For mass, I like a mix, everything from Gregorian chant to some modern stuff like "I Am the Bread of Life." There are a few I dislike - mainly because of how trite they are - but which one I like most depends on my mood.

dan61717 karma

What are each of your views on the Extraordinary Form mass? Do either of you say it?

Were your families open to you becoming priests?

What is one thing you'd change if you were made bishop tomorrow?

FrMatthewLC9 karma

Extraordinary Form mass?

I know how to celebrate but do so extraordinarily.

Were your families open to you becoming priests?

Somewhat. Biggest obstacle was leaving Canada.

What is one thing you'd change if you were made bishop tomorrow?

I could never write as much as Card. Wuerl (the bishop where I am).

IsHARI17 karma

I've always wanted to incorporate the breviary into my everyday prayer life. It seems a bit intimidating, though. Any advice on how to begin?

FrMatthewLC13 karma

  1. iBreviary at least to start as finding places can be tough.

  2. Start with Lauds or Vespers. You can add more later but don't overwhelm yourself.

theclawww14 karma

How did you find Reddit? And are there any priest redditor out there?

FrMatthewLC16 karma

I was checking stats on my blog and a new source of views came up so I decided to check it out.

liberties14 karma

As a Catholic the one word I think of to describe priests is - BUSY.

What are you so busy doing all the time?

FrMatthewLC10 karma

I listed my 4 responsibility to my bio – they probably aren't what an average priest does during his day. /u/fr-josh probably lives a more normal priestly life since he's at a parish.

Ilostmypasswordahhhh13 karma

What was your biggest struggle during Seminary?

FrMatthewLC29 karma

The first 6 months.

I guess you can say adjusting to religious life.

tallontheoutside12 karma


FrMatthewLC17 karma


bblasnalus11 karma

I read St Faustina's diary and have long been reflecting on the Chaplet and Novena intentions- specifically for souls not in communion with the Catholic Church. From the diary Jesus says to Faustina:

Say unceasingly this chaplet that I have taught you. Anyone who says it will receive great Mercy at the hour of death. Priests will recommend it to sinners as the last hope. Even the most hardened sinner, if he recites this Chaplet even once, will receive grace from My Infinite Mercy. I want the whole world to know My Infinite Mercy. I want to give unimaginable graces to those who trust in My Mercy...."

....When they say this Chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between My Father and the dying person not as the just judge but as the Merciful Savior".

The only grace and mercy at death I can think of would be not to be sent to Hell. Can Catholics pray non-Catholics into Heaven?

FrMatthewLC16 karma

Heaven is open for everyone who doesn't die in mortal sin. Anyone can repent of whatever since they have at their moment of death and with good repentance go to heaven. Thus, it is a good practice to pray that each individual gets to heaven, whether they are Catholic or not. Until we get to heaven, it is very difficult to know who our prayers helped to get there.

benwubbleyou11 karma

Hey! I am working as a graphic designer at my Alliance church. The church as a whole used to have a strong presence in the arts and things like that but now it seems that whenever christians make work now it is either poorly done or poorly executed. What do you think christians can do today to change that?

Second question. There is a catholic church that I would like to attend, what should I know before I step inside?

FrMatthewLC13 karma

What do you think christians can do today to change that?

Remember that beauty is a characteristic of God and try to show beauty and what we do. A priest in my community does this very well with his Instagram posts FrJasonSmith. I think we need to create authentic Christian culture not just knockoffs of secular culture – but mind you many of those Christian knockoff T-shirts are pretty funny.

There is a catholic church that I would like to attend, what should I know before I step inside?

Here's what I do. First, understand that at the front of the church will be a gold box with a red candle burning beside it – that is the tabernacle where we keep the Eucharist. Since we believe that the Eucharist is really Jesus present, we genuflect towards it when entering the church (in the US, the tradition is to do so just as you enter the pew). If you miss this, many people will realize you're a visitor. 2nd, I sit in the back and just match everyone else's gestures as far as standing up, sitting down, kneeling and shaking hands. Hopefully the church you visit has a little book to follow along for the Mass. If you see a book stuck in the pew in front of you, open up to see if it has just hymns or has Mass. The 3rd thing I'd recommend is to want a YouTube video on it before hand so you get some kind of idea. (Using Google this 20-minute video seemed good.)

SteveTheCatholic11 karma

What was your favorite video game growing up? And why was it Final Fantasy 7?

FrMatthewLC18 karma

Mariokart on Super NES. Now it's a newer version of Mariokart.

antbabymachetesquad10 karma

How do you reconcile your faith with the glaring impossibility of scripture? For instance, do you really believe that one time a man put two of every creature onto a boat? That the entirety of humanity is descended from one breeding pair, which we know to be impossible? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I just genuinely wonder how anyone in the modern age could believe these things, and you did say to ask you anything.

FrMatthewLC21 karma

I think you need to understand that Scripture uses different literary forms. Not all of Scripture is intended in the modern sense of a historical document. The first 11 chapters of Genesis, for example, which is where all your points are, our stories to tell us that God created the world in order and that mankind destroyed that order and God will restore it again. They are often also polemical against the polytheism which surrounded the Jews when they were written: for example God simply puts the sun and moon in their places while in all the religions around them, the sun and moon were gods. God simply says "let it be" and it is well all the religions around them have the world coming out of chaos in the battle between the gods.

So, in other words, to believe Scripture does not mean that I have to believe that Noah's Ark was literally true. I do need to believe that there was a historical person named Jesus who was also the 2nd person of the Trinity. Before closing, let me give you one more example: in the Psalms, the author refers to God as "my rock" – none of us would really think that God was a physical rock but that God was solid and secure like a rock. A lot of the things refer to are similar to that but more extended.

ron_swansons_stache5 karma

How would a priest 100 years ago have answered that same question? 300 years ago. 200 years from now? Aren't you (the Catholic Church) just always playing catchup to what the appropriate and "acceptable" parts of god's word really are?

FrMatthewLC21 karma

No. The Big Bang was proposed by a Catholic priest, and heliocentrism by someone under minor orders so we haven't been afraid of these things for centuries. Proof:



FireFromTheWire7 karma

What do you think of all the horrible things that your church has done throughout history?

FrMatthewLC18 karma

They are horrible. We need to ask for forgiveness and try to prevent them in the future. For example a lot of mistakes were made about 50 years ago regarding who was let into the seminary or what was done when a priest was found to molest a teenager. The church has done tons of proactive work to prevent child abuse and last year only 0.016% of priests even had a credible accusation against them (credible does not even mean they did it but that the priest could've physically committed what is accused - he was there, he was out of sight long enough to do it, etc.).

sept_douleurs7 karma

I hope I'm not too late!

So, I'm curious—are there any special circumstances where a priest is allowed to break the seal of confession? Like, what if someone confessed to a serious crime like murder?

FrMatthewLC20 karma

No, never, in no circumstance.

_adidias11_6 karma

Do you think Pope Francis will call for a Vatican III and if so, what issues would be addressed?

FrMatthewLC15 karma

Actually, Vatican III would never work. The number of bishops has increased so substantially that St. Peter's can no longer hold all the bishops so it would probably need to be in a stadium somewhere if they were to hold it.

As far as holding another council, I don't think there will be any one called soon but people said that the day before Vatican II was called.

AIexiad8 karma

So in theory a century from now people could be talking about the "1st Yankee Stadium Council"?

FrMatthewLC12 karma

Probably the 1st Stadio Olipico (main stadium in Rome).

SteveTheCatholic4 karma

What do the Priest Schools teach you about how to give communion? Do they say "just give it to them however they receive" or do they say "if someone kneels and receives on tongue you should be super nice to them" or "you should frown at them" or do they mention anything specific about it? Do they say there is a specific way parishioners usually do or should receive? I'm just curious from your side of the story how receiving Holy Communion is talked about. I know from us how we parishioners talk about it (behind closed doors, with other like minded of us). Just curious.

FrMatthewLC7 karma

Honestly, I don't remember a class on that other than maybe a short mention in our liturgy class about how to do it without getting saliva all over your fingers. In our seminary, we would all receive on the tongue and kneeling so we kind of take that as the norm.

AutoModerator-37 karma

Hi there, your topic is not suitable for /r/IAmA. Here's our rules on what are and aren't acceptable topics. Feel free to post this over in /r/CasualIAmA, thanks.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

binkknib9 karma


See above. It was a rather well-attended AMA, and people were genuinely interested.

FrMatthewLC8 karma

I know, when auto-mod gets massive negative karma it means something is up.

orthoducks6 karma

Did you get anything back from the mods, yet?

FrMatthewLC5 karma

Nope. I messaged the /r/IAMA mods twice and 3 or 4 of the mods individually.