If you missed the special you can download the Extended Version with 15 extra minutes of material here: http://trevormoore.comedydirect.com/

And you can pre-order my new album here: http://on.cc.com/HICAlbum

Here are some previews!

Ballad of Billy John: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMbLImbrjgQ

Gays Got Married: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7YW045deBY

Kitty History: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-Lvv1f5Qu4

High In Church: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_h8-SBO-RKo

Also, a lot of cool people did cameos in it! Like: Dave Foley, Reggie Watts, James Adomian, Jonah Ray, Johnny Pemberton and a bunch of the other WKUK guys!

Ok, now that that is out of the way, I'm gonna hang out here for a while (maybe till the thing airs) so let's talk about a bunch of everything and whatever!


EDIT: FUCK IT. I'm staying in here till they kick me out!

EDIT 2: I have been in this AMA for 8 hours now. Think I can make it till midnight?

EDIT 3: Half hour to go!!!


EDIT 5: Thanks for watching EASt Coast! I've been in here for 12 hours straight. Don't know if I can hang that much longer. I'll try to make it to the PST airing though. But might not...

EDIT 6: OK! THAT's it for me. 13 and a half hours!!!!!! Thanks for everyone who watched the Special and stuck around to talk with me today! You guys are the best! I love you! Hope ya liked the special!!

Comments: 2468 • Responses: 108  • Date: 

nygiants656796 karma

How does one acquire a gallon of PCP? I'm asking for a friend.

TrevorMooreWKUK1083 karma

You go to the grocery store and buy a milk gallon and dump it out and then write PCP on the side!

shadymcdonalds662 karma

I read somewhere that you were originally cast as Sawyer on lost but left to direct First Daughter, do you ever regret this decision?

Oh...shit. Sorry...

I thought you were Forest Whitaker.

Edit: obligatory thanks for the gold, stranger!

TrevorMooreWKUK425 karma

Nice! I was confused at first. You got me!

GatsbyKanye573 karma

Were you guys nervous about getting any backlash for the grapist sketch? Side note that's one of my all time favorite comedy sketches.

TrevorMooreWKUK702 karma

Not really. We, stupidly, didn't think it was that controversial. We just thought it was silly

potus01527 karma

How did the WKUK decide who was going to be the girl in each sketch?

TrevorMooreWKUK1349 karma

If it was supposed to be an attractive girl: Darren. If it was supposed to be a monster: Sam If it was supposed to be a middle aged housewife: Timmy

shadymcdonalds463 karma

Space Potatoes is one of WKUK's most underrated sketches in my opinion. It walks the line of clever and stupid so well. Who's idea was this sketch and what was the initial reaction?

Also, do you have any advice for young aspiring comedians/actors?

TrevorMooreWKUK421 karma

I think it was mine. We used to do it live and it was just a mess. When we went to Fuse, they built us this awesome rocket ship set where we were all suspended 10 feet in the air to get the effect. it was a crazy way to shoot a sketch. We only had 1 take to do it in because it would ruin the set.

js9980405 karma

Hey Trevor! I've been wondering this for a while. How much backlash (if any) did WKUK receive for the "I want to kill the POTUS" sketch?

TrevorMooreWKUK671 karma

A good amount. I had to talk to the ACLU to see if it was technically legal before we put it on the air. There's actually a huge Supreme Court Case involving it right now. Where a guy copied the words from it but substituted his ex-gf for the president and he got arrested. It's crazy

TragicallyCute341 karma

Where did you guys get the theme song for WKUK from? My husband and I used it instead of the typical wedding march because it was a lot more fun!

TrevorMooreWKUK361 karma

No way!!! That's crazy!! We used to always open our live shows with the 'Beach Boys' Little Pad. So we wanted soemthing that had that sort of vibe and feel to it.

Rei_Areaaaaaaa320 karma

Sorry I didn't understand your post. Can you say that with your mouth more open and wider and with a higher pitch?

TrevorMooreWKUK412 karma

Aiiiiiiieeeeeeee yaaaahhheeeeieiiiiiieieieeeeeeee aiiiiieaAIiIIIIIEEEEEEEE YAAHAHHHIEIIEEEE!

CBreezy13305 karma

Hey Trevor, my question is how can any of you guys keep a straight face while looking at Timmy?

TrevorMooreWKUK757 karma

Because we're so annoyed.

a_falling_brick272 karma

Hi Trevor!

  1. What's the story of how the WKUK got their name?
  2. What was the first sketch the WKUK performed together?

TrevorMooreWKUK435 karma

We were free-style rapping on the subway and one of our friends said that we were the 'whitest kids he knew'. And it stuck. The first sketch we wrote together was about the TV show Survivor. And it was terrible.

tuckinyourtail272 karma

Where can I get the Civil War on Drugs?

TrevorMooreWKUK386 karma

Soon. We get the rights to all of our stuff next year. So we'll probably put it out then!

tuckinyourtail151 karma

Any chance of getting commentary for season 4 and 5?

TrevorMooreWKUK217 karma

We'll do that when we release them

calehartmann268 karma

Hey, Trevor. Big fan. Did I leave my phone charger in your car? I can't find it and it's not at Sam's.

TrevorMooreWKUK293 karma

Just checked. Not in the car. call sam

Neph96247 karma

Is Timmy still alive?

TrevorMooreWKUK434 karma

As of a couple days ago.

JimLahey330237 karma

I went to one of your shows in Cleveland and at the end, we all sang Wonderwall. Zach walked around and filmed it. Did you guys ever make a video compilation of the audience singing Wonderwall?

TrevorMooreWKUK438 karma

I have all the footage but I never edited it. Youjust reminded me. i have to do that

mattakasturty212 karma

Hi Trevor! Big time fan. Just a couple of questions for you.

What would you say is your favorite skit from WKUK? Funniest, most fun to make, or one that you can’t believe made it on the show?

I see your tweets sometimes about you and some of the gang doing a show together. How often do all 5 of you get together?

My roommate does not think you’re material is funny. What do you have to say to Collin?

TrevorMooreWKUK539 karma

Favorite would be Hippo In The City or Clint Webb or Poop Office Meeting. Zach, Sam and I hang out regularly because we live in the same city. We write all the time and are developing some things. Darren goes on tour with me a lot. Timmy lives in South Dakota so I dont see him much. But every now and then we'll do a WKUK show somewhere and I'll see him then. Eat shit Collin.

raygungoespew209 karma

I wore my "FUCK THIS JOB AND FUCK BRIAN" shirt to work yesterday. Brian wasn't there and it wasn't casual Friday. Since I'm supposed to ask a question, what do you think about that?

TrevorMooreWKUK187 karma

I think that's awesome. I was over at Zach's the other day and he found the original old shirt. He'd kept it.

pigsurfers200 karma

How hot would it be if a chick had balls? Not a dick, but just balls?

TrevorMooreWKUK224 karma


Heromedic18175 karma

Me and my younger sister have memorized the "Joining The Army" sketch. We recreate it every time we hear words like "Crowbar" or "Air Force". Who came up with that sketch and why was it your best one?

For those that haven't seen it.

TrevorMooreWKUK133 karma

hahahaha! Not sure who came up with it. Probably either Zach or I since we were in it. That was a fun one to shoot!

Stonefingas133 karma

Hey Trevor! Longtime fan.

Your stand-up bit on This is Not Happening was awesome. High in Church seems to be more musical comedy though. Will you be doing more stand-up in the future or is High in Church a hybrid between music and stand-up?

Either way, can't wait for later tonight!

P.S. If you decide to tour, please come to the Southeast, preferably around Knoxville, TN. We aren't all bad, promise.

TrevorMooreWKUK118 karma

I'd love to play Knoxville! The special has me telling some stories between the songs, at least the extended cut does. When I tour it's a mix of stand up-ish kind of things, sketches and music

davec79132 karma

During your experiment, how much whiskey did you consume, and how great is Goodbye Yellow Brick Road?

TrevorMooreWKUK208 karma

SO GREAT! one of best songs ever! I drank too much during the filming of that and the rest of the guys made me switch to ice tea for the rest of the shoot because I was getting snippy

Snooterbaggs125 karma

I heard you got pretty sick on a ramen diet a while back. Do you still eat ramen?

TrevorMooreWKUK223 karma

Yeah, I literally almost died. I ate nothing but ramen for a year and my triglycerides (sp?) went through the roof!

PHDeez_Nuts115 karma

Can't believe noone's mentioned the "Slow Jerk" skit yet. How did the idea for this skit realize itself? It's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen.

TrevorMooreWKUK199 karma

We used to do this sketch live and it was never anything special. We were really surprised when the show aired and that was the first one to take off. In fact, the first time I got recognized from the show was a day or two after it aired, some guy at the end of the bar just started doing the 'slow jerk motion' and pointing at me. And I was confused - because I really didn't think much of that sketch at all. it took me a while to realize that that was in the episode that had just aired and he was referencing it - and not asking if I wanted to go to the bathroom with him or something.

foxgotyourbong113 karma

Which sketch did you face the most resistance for (by executives or producers) in putting it on air? Also do squirrels frequently enter the car when you are blazing with friends?

TrevorMooreWKUK266 karma

Hippo In the City was supposed to have 2 or 3 more minutes of trumpet solo at the end and it was a big fight. i lost :(

KingMaxx112 karma

Hi Trevor, thanks for doing this!

I remember watching WKUK all through high school with my best friend. Our favorite bit was always "People like YOU I think that the devil..." It just seemed so much more out there than anything else. So with that out of the way I have 2 questions.

How did you guys come up with that skit?

And can we expect anything from WKUK in the near future?

TrevorMooreWKUK100 karma

Thanks! That sketch was this really weird, long thing that we used to do live. And it would change. At one point the devil and Buddah got into a fight on stilts in the middle of the club. I don't remember where the elements that ended up being on the show came from though

pistachiopaul90 karma

Is there any WKUK sketch that you think is really underrated--one that really cracked you up, that you were surprised didn't become one of your big, well-known bits? Also, sic semper tyrannis.

TrevorMooreWKUK169 karma

Barf Museum always made me laugh because of how dark the ending is. Same with 'Hunting Accident'

emshedoesit87 karma

Hi Trevor! "Songs from Olden Times" is one of my favorite skits of all time. What was the catalyst to coming up with that? Which one of those songs was your favorite?

TrevorMooreWKUK125 karma

We were shooting in a house that had a framed picture of a little girl in a wedding dress and i thought it was the funniest thing. So I made up that song and was singing it all day annoying the crew and everyone. But it stuck in my head so i pitched it as a sketch the next season

StephenLH82 karma

A movie that I'm fairly sure never existed used to show up on your IMDB filmography called "Pilot Season" it said it was written and directed by you and Kevin Smith... do you have any idea what the hell that's about? It's been driving me nuts for years.

TrevorMooreWKUK140 karma

No idea. Internet is lies

scuczu80 karma

How was it playing severus snape as a child?

TrevorMooreWKUK96 karma

Super cool. Good craft service

geozzii74 karma

Did Timmy actually create that one cowboy sketch, or do you guys just like to fuck with him that much?

TrevorMooreWKUK121 karma

No, we just like to fuck with him

taylortob71 karma

Hi Trevor! Big fan of the show, and I have practically seen every sketch you and the crew made! I have a question for you.. if I'm making a TV show that aired during the day, can one of my actors or crew members say "you're gay" on live TV?

TrevorMooreWKUK96 karma

Sure, you can say that.

UselessPieceofJunk67 karma

Hello, Trevor!

I’m a huge fan and I’m really excited about this AMA!

I know that you are a fan of Monty Python. On that note, which sketch (or sketches) would you say is your favourite? Which was most influential for you?

Thank you in advance!

P.S. Any thoughts on touring in Canada?

TrevorMooreWKUK67 karma

The architect sketch was always my favorite. And all of 'Life Of Brian' Architect Sketch was probably most influential

HerbieHendrix63 karma

Hey Trevor been watching your videos for years.

Do you stand up to wipe your butt after a deuce or stay in a crouched position? I've been trying to develop a consensus.

TrevorMooreWKUK219 karma

Don't stand. That makes zero sense.

JackJDF63 karma

Hey Trevor, first of all let me say I'm really excited for the special. How often do you keep in touch with the other members of WKUK?

P.s. when are you and Nelly Frutado finally going to tie the knot?

TrevorMooreWKUK92 karma

She has blocked me i think. She never responds to my tweets. I see the WKUK guys often. Sam, Zach and Darren all the time. Timmy a little less because he lives in South Dakota!

thebrandster198561 karma

What was it like working with Abraham Lincoln?

TrevorMooreWKUK130 karma

He was a total dick to us

SirIsaacBacon57 karma

Hey Trevor!

Kitty History is one of my favorite songs of yours! Do you prefer making songs or do you like skits better?

TrevorMooreWKUK66 karma

I like both. But lately I've been favoring music. SOme of the most fun ones are the ones that start as music and then break into a sketch. There are a couple like that on the new album/special

MacAndCrees57 karma

Hi Trevor I'm a huge fan and I've already bugged you about civil war on drugs, which is the best thing I've seen over 100 times in my life. I was just wondering if you have any idea when it will be available other than soon?

TrevorMooreWKUK83 karma

We get the rights to all of our stuff next year. So we'll probably put out an entire collection!

glitzyjan53 karma

Hi Trevor, I'm a huge fan. What's it like working with the people in the cameos? Any funny stories to tell?

TrevorMooreWKUK104 karma

Well I was super nervous to meet Dave Foley because he was a hero of mine. He was super nice. Then when he was leaving I went to give him a hug instead of a handshake and I felt stupid. He was awesome though!

BroSciencePhD50 karma

What was it like being an NBC page? Would you recommend it for someone who wants to work in entertainment?

More pressing question: What do you need in terms of resources or logistical support to make "Cat Congress" a reality?

TrevorMooreWKUK57 karma

It was great! A lot of fun and you learn a lot! My friend group is still a lot of people that I met there. It's also where I met my wife.

asdfghjk2339 karma

Can we pretty pretty please get high together?

TrevorMooreWKUK104 karma

Ehhhhhhhhhhhh .... ok. Meet me in the CVS parking lot at Sunset and Beaudry in 5 min.

bluntman_designs38 karma

Do you still have copies of The Trevor Moore show? I've caught skits here and there but I've never seen the whole thing up anywhere..

TrevorMooreWKUK74 karma

I do. I'm embarrassed by them. I'm 16 and my sketches are kind of weak

Rainingmadness36 karma

Thank you and your friends for Whitest Kids You Know and Miss March. Hosedick.mpeg is the greatest character name ever!

You know how people get excited when they meet a celebrity? Did you ever have a moment when a celebrity got excited meeting you?

TrevorMooreWKUK60 karma

Not that I can think of. Celebrities dont care about me :)

boognish8334 karma

Dear Trevor, why is Tar Toast the most amazing sketch of all time?

TrevorMooreWKUK39 karma

Hahahah! People don't usually talk about that one! Glad you liked it! In the group we've discussed who we think is the asshole in that situation. I think my guy is in the right

KorovaMilk11331 karma

For the John Cleese sketch was that an actual letter you received back from him or was it all A BIG FAT LIE!!??

TrevorMooreWKUK61 karma

It was a big fat lie. It was just a sketch we wrote. We never sent a letter. I'm sorry to have deceived you.

Pharaoh1031 karma

Hey Trevor, I've been a fan for years. Thanks for all the laughs.

What's it like transitioning from sketch comedy, with several other comedians, to working primarily by yourself? How have the WKUK guys influenced your writing?

TrevorMooreWKUK56 karma

It's fun. But it's also scary because you're kind of out there by yourself. If something bombs in a group - you can kind of be like 'Well, that sucks that people didn't like US' with solo stuff it's like 'It sucks that people dont like ME' I still use Sam as a sounding board for a lot of my solo stuff.

BeyondGonzo29 karma

What was your favorite sketch to film?

TrevorMooreWKUK62 karma

I got to smash a guitar in 'God Wants You To Wear A Hat' which was fun. I also got to film all day with a monkey in a sketch from tongihts special. 'Submarine Sandwich' was fun too

BillMeeks27 karma

Is your hair real?

TrevorMooreWKUK60 karma


Armsdale26 karma

What do your parents and the Covenant crowd think of High in Church considering your upbringing?

Full disclosure: lived in C-ville for 9 years, watched the public access show, made a terrible rip off as a 10 year old.

TrevorMooreWKUK39 karma

My parents don't like most of my stuff. ALthough they did call me last night to tell me they did like Billy John. That's awesome that you did a c-vill public access show too!!

lolfartsdotcom26 karma

Hey trevor buddy sir, I don't know how hiring comedians works but the casino I work at wants to book you how would they go about doing that? Also you're awesome and stay golden.

TrevorMooreWKUK34 karma

They'd have to call my agent at CAA. And thankss !!!

jackedandtan25 karma

How many times have you masturbated since this AMA started?

TrevorMooreWKUK95 karma

I've done it every time we've gotten an upvote

killer201524 karma

If you had to make out with one of your cast members from Whitest Kids You Know, who would it be?

TrevorMooreWKUK70 karma


TrevorMooreWKUK103 karma

Scratch that. SuperDog.

ballin86524 karma

How many blunts do you smoke in a day?

TrevorMooreWKUK98 karma

2 pots

ryandangersims24 karma

Any advice for comics that are trying to "break into the business" (as a writer or stand up)?

TrevorMooreWKUK59 karma

Just write as much as you can. If you want to be a stand up - go to every open mic you can find. If you want to do sketch, put up a video every week if you can. It's impossible to predict what will be a hit so just try as much stuff as you can

warpg822 karma

Trevor! Thanks for doing the AMA. I took a piss next to you in a bar in Seattle after a show at the Neptune and purposely called Darren "Derek" to fuck with him... Thanks for the memories!

Two questions:

Are you guys looking to do any kind of skit comedy where the content is available on the web either for free or as a package with some content service (HBO Go or Netflix)?

When are you coming back to the Pacific northwest?

Nnnnaaaaiiiiilllll guuunnnn!

TrevorMooreWKUK19 karma

We've talked a little bit about releasing sketches that way. We're thinking about it. I'm going to be up in the northwest in early april for a couple shows. I'll put tour dates up soon!

turtlesweater21 karma

What is your favorite food?

TrevorMooreWKUK142 karma

Sour Patch Kids. But the ones that are shaped like watermelons. Not the ones shaped like the kids

______ayy_lmao______19 karma

Are you still doing this AMA?

TrevorMooreWKUK49 karma

Yeah. I'm going crazy. but fuck it. im going to try and stay in here till the special airs. maybe ill break a record or something. You guys want to talk about space? Or are we even real? What if this is all just in your head and you're just projecting us?

kevecca19 karma

Sup, Trevor. I've always wondered why you guys were filming this particular smoke sesh? Don't tell me if it ruins the magic [6]


TrevorMooreWKUK18 karma

We film ourselves 24/7

Neifers19 karma

Hi Trevor, long time fan. My question is what would the first thing you would do if you were the Pope?

TrevorMooreWKUK53 karma

Open the books and see if aliens are real.

kylejs249019 karma

Hey Trevor! Big fan since I stumbled across WKUK on IFC way back when. What do you think makes for a more interesting experience, getting high in church? Or getting high with dinosaurs?

TrevorMooreWKUK54 karma

Getting high with dinosaurs is way more pleasant. Although, in retrospect, they were total dicks in that situation

bluntman_designs19 karma

What was the hardest skit to film in wkuk?

TrevorMooreWKUK36 karma

The Little Rascals bit where I had to be on Sam's shoulders for the whole sketch

ilikemustard18 karma

Hey Trevor! Huge fan. I have a couple questions:

How'd you get your start in comedy? Was it an improv troupe, writing, stand-up, or what?

Any advice for someone looking to get into comedy?

And finally, do you and the WKUK guys have anything that you're working on together currently? I loved the show and was really bummed when it ended.

Anyways, thanks for doing this! Have a nice day!

TrevorMooreWKUK27 karma

Thanks!! I had a public access show when I was a kid. That kind of got me started writing sketches and stuff. My advice would be just do as much of it as you can as often as you can. WKUK used to do a brand new hour long show eery week for 2 years at a bar and having that kind of deadline is what made us kind of figure out what we 'sounded like' as a troupe

TooOld2DieYoung15 karma

Street Peter! Street Peter! Would I get into heaven if I killed a guy? But what if that guy was about to kill someone? And what if the guy he was gonna kill was bad? But what if THAT guy...saved a wolf? I go into tears everytime I even think about that sketch so thanks for everything.

Anyway real question, what was the story behind the hotdog Timmy sketch? My friends and I probably quote that daily. "Well it's not good..."

TrevorMooreWKUK23 karma

HOLY SHIT! That's an old old sketch! Where did you even see that? I was living in LA and driving around and I just started thinking about Timmy at the doctor and the doctor grilling him on how many hotdogs he eats. It was making me laugh out loud as I was driving around by myself. So I had to call Timmy and figure out a way to gently pitch that idea to him. But he had no problem with it. He knows he's fat.

bluntman_designs14 karma

What are some of your favorite bands?

TrevorMooreWKUK35 karma

Warren Zevon, Gerry Rafferty, The Who, Lynrd Skynrd, Funkadelic, Pixies, Nirvana, etc

GalactusHelmet14 karma

Curious: You seem like you'd be a great fit for SNL have you ever auditioned, do you have an interest?

TrevorMooreWKUK13 karma

Never have. Yeah, I guess

Beer_lips14 karma

I drunkenly tattooed "Sexing up your town" from the sex robot sketch on my leg. What do I win?

(pic from today)

And from last year

TrevorMooreWKUK15 karma

Holy shit! That's hilarious!!!! My utmost respect!

pigsurfers13 karma

What was your favorite Strip Club Name?

TrevorMooreWKUK37 karma

The Farting Whore

DrGonzo1413 karma

I remember once on a commentary or something you talking about a thrown out sketch about A Dog that would go bust Pedophiles because it was way to edgy, do you think Comedy Central would ever let you do that? Also if you could elaborate on what the sketch even was, I just remember it sounding hilarious.

TrevorMooreWKUK13 karma

It was called 'McGriff the Crime Dog' I doubt anyone will air it. But I show it at my live shows

solidgold9413 karma

Hey Trevor! Coming up to Canada any time soon?

TrevorMooreWKUK15 karma

Is this an invite?

FriendFoundAccount13 karma

You Darren Sam Timmy and Zach are trapped on a desert island with no food.

Who do you eat first and why is it Timmy?

TrevorMooreWKUK10 karma

Most meat

RobosaurusRex200012 karma

Hi Trevor, how are you so goddamn funny on twitter literally all the time? I've favorites more of your tweets than anyone else. Always leavin me laugh so hard I need new intestines

TrevorMooreWKUK32 karma

Thanks! My 'Drafts' folder is atrocious though

erycstrife12 karma

Hey Trevor! Hope all is well! What's your favorite color? I loved Miss March. Make more movies damnit! <3

TrevorMooreWKUK18 karma

Purple. Thanks man! Ok!!!

Rei_Areaaaaaaa11 karma

Who's idea was it for the "Slow Jerk" sketch? That was first skit I ever watched of WKUK, and I've been a fan ever since.

TrevorMooreWKUK15 karma

i don't remember. it must of been mine or Darrens. I say somewhere else in here, that is a sketch that we really never gave a whole lot of mind to. We were really surprised when that was the first thing to take off from the show

butthead11 karma

Did you ever get a visit from the secret service after making that one sketch where you repeatedly said that one phrase?

TrevorMooreWKUK22 karma

Nope. Checked with the ACLU before it aired. But, interstingly enough that sketch is part of a huge Supreme Court Case right now Read about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elonis_v._United_States

zbenink11 karma

The nail gun skit has always been one of my favorites, but I've always wondered what "sockhop" means. Is it hell speak or an actual nickname for fathers?

TrevorMooreWKUK20 karma

It's an old 50's term. 'Sock Hop's' were these really lame school dances

sh1poftheseus10 karma

Hey Trevor Can't wait to see you special. Saw you and the other WKUK last year live in Alfred and you guys killed it! Just wondering when we could expect the WKUK movie?

TrevorMooreWKUK11 karma

We keep getting side-tracked. We all did a pilot together last year so that took up most of our time. And we're working on another thing now. We're making progress it's just slow.

BeyondGonzo9 karma

Smoke any good bananas latley?

TrevorMooreWKUK13 karma

I quit that shit

ManWith_MovieCamera8 karma

Where did the concept for the civil war on drugs come from / did you use the real stuff while shooting??

TrevorMooreWKUK19 karma

We came up with that idea in college and always wanted to do it. So when we decided season 5 was our last season - we decided now or never! No, we had to smoke catnip

gtay88 karma

Do you know who Alex Jones is?? you should have won @midnight last night!!

TrevorMooreWKUK10 karma

I do! Sam and Darren rode in a car with him once! Thank you!

TheGreatPastaWars7 karma

Can you describe your creative process? With as much stuff as you've done/written, how do you come up with material?

Also, can I write a brilliant sketch for you that you are required to perform on your next special?

TrevorMooreWKUK17 karma

I write the best in the shower. So if I have a deadline. i'll take a bunch of showers. Then go write everything down

dhollz7 karma

Will you grape me ? Also do you still hang with the other WKUK?

TrevorMooreWKUK13 karma

Sure. Yeah!

Missguided916 karma

Hey Trevor! Congratulations on the special. I'm so excited to see it. I've been entertained by your sophisticated brand of humor for years having first stumbled upon the genius of the WKUK "Fart Dinner" sketch on IFC, and nearly stroking out from laughing so hard. So- questions!

1- If you could collaborate with any other artists (comedians, musicians, actors), dead or alive, who would they be?

2-On your last AMA you shared that you've struggled with OCD in the past. It resonated with a lot of us. Have you found it easier or harder to deal with it as you acquire more success? Does it inspire any of your material?

3- Why… why Paddington Bear?

TrevorMooreWKUK6 karma

  1. It was kind of a dream come true to have Dave Foley do a cameo in the Special. I'd love to do stuff with the other Kids In the Hall guys. Or any of the Monty python guys. Those were the dudes I looked up to.
  2. Yeah, a lot of my stuff comes from ocd. I find that ocd has actually gotten stronger as i've gotten older but i think i'm also more used to it, so hopefully i'm better at dealing with it.
  3. He's awesome

can_dry6 karma

What was high school like? What crowd did you belong to/hang with?

TrevorMooreWKUK26 karma

I went to a really conservative private school I hung out with a bunch of kids that would all sit in the back of class and make fun of everything and get bad grades.

EducatedCitizen5 karma

Trevor, would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses, or one horse sized duck?

TrevorMooreWKUK8 karma

Both. I like challenges

danvondandy5 karma

I had a dream about you last night. You were pinching my cheeks. Weird that you'd do an AMA the day after, now I'm rewatching your Season 1 Commentary!

Anyway, was there any moment on tour where you legitimately thought (through a stunt or whatever) that you were gonna get seriously and permanently hurt? What about some of your wildest tour stories?

Thanks for being awesome, man! I hope I'll be able to see you guys one day.

TrevorMooreWKUK21 karma

I hurt myself in the Bigfoot Gravedigger sketch. Sam broke his arm in the "American Suicide Sketch", Darren broke his arm when we were doing "Astronaut Mess" live. The best tour moment for me was when we were in Conway, Arkansas a year or two ago. We did a show at a college and about 1,000 kids showed up. They were such a cool crowd that after the show I announced that after the show, we'd all be hanging out at this bar that we'd seen earlier. So hundreds of kids showed up to this bar and it was awesome. Eventually the owner heard that there were a ton of people at his bar so he came from his house to see what was going on. We told him we were doing a show in town and had some drinks with him. Then when it was closing time, he gave us the keys to the rollerskating rink in town (I think he owned that too.) So us and all these kids went to the roller rink and drank, played music and skated till 6 in the morning, when we had to get in the van and head to the next city. It was the best!

MrFurrypants5 karma

Trevor, I once got in a lot of trouble for posting "Get a new Daddy" on a message board full of old women. My question is, do you think it would help if I showed them a picture of a stegosaurus?

TrevorMooreWKUK9 karma

Of course! Everyone loves stegosauruses!

HelloMyNameIsChivers5 karma

Hi, Trevor! I'm a huge fan! Did you guys ever have trouble filming sketches because you couldn't keep a straight face? If so, which one was the hardest?

TrevorMooreWKUK9 karma

I had the hardest time keeping a straigh face in this sketch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeNntxkM_dw

When Sam does that song at the end, I kept laughing in every take. We had to do like 17.

PapShmear5 karma

You're one of my favorite comedians, and I can't get enough of the specials you've put out, along with WKUK obviously. You're a genius. I admire you to the fullest extent, and you've made me popular with anyone I have the chance to show The Civil War On Drugs to. Anyway, enough of the flattery. Can we be expecting more sketches and specials from you in the very near future? I need new content of yours to keep me going through my last semester of college. So I hope your answer is yes. Please just say yes, damn it.

TrevorMooreWKUK6 karma

Thanks so much! We'll see! Hopefully if this album and special do well, then I'll get to make another one!

Far_Out_Man4205 karma

How was your experience on @midnight? Is Chris Hardwick a dick?

TrevorMooreWKUK11 karma

No, he's cool! I've known him for a while. It's a really fun show to do! I'm also friends with Nick and Heather so I was glad they were the other contestants!

xxruruxx4 karma

You guys came to my college on my 21st birthday. You asked me if I was going to go bar hopping after the show but I was too shy to say that I was already drunk.

Just wanted to say thanks for making my birthday awesome! I wouldn't have had it any other way. I'd been a fan since early high school so it's like I grew up with wkuk. Thanks!

TrevorMooreWKUK4 karma

Well, thanks for coming and spending your birthday with us!

PyroNecrophile4 karma

Oh wait! Now I have a real question. Last summer you tweeted about doing a super secret special show at the Creek, and you were doing something super secret and special that you couldn't talk about. And I didn't see the tweet until too late. WHAT WAS THE GODDAMN SECRET??!

TrevorMooreWKUK4 karma

We filmed a pilot but we wanted to do a live reading of the script in front of the audience before we filmed. So that's what it was. But it didn't get picked up to series.

JewMeat054 karma

You seem to keep in touch with all of the WKUK guys, and that is awesome! Do you guys still collaborate as much as you guys seem to, or is it more so cameo stuff?

Always love what you guys do, but I still long for more WKUK sketches.

TrevorMooreWKUK6 karma

We're still working on some things together. Sam and Zach and I are working on a thing right now.

KobainStain4 karma

Seasons 1 and 2 of WKUK were my life when they first came out. Thank you so much for the laughs.

My question is: how do I get in touch with Weird the Stripper?

TrevorMooreWKUK16 karma

I've hidden Darren's phone # in this AMA in code

JeppyBass4 karma

How does one go from being an NBC page to a star of a TV Show? How were you recognized by "the industry"?

TrevorMooreWKUK8 karma

We did a weekly live show at a bar in NYC for years and someone from Time Out NY wrote a really nice article on us. From then on, our shows were packed. Then we got into the Aspen Comedy Festival and we won that and then got a show!

hwork-224 karma

Hey Trevor thanks for all of the laughs! How has your OCD affected your creativity? Has it helped/hurt your process of writing music/skits?

Also where would be the best place to start a race war? You know... for science...

TrevorMooreWKUK6 karma

I've had OCD since about the age of 12 so it's hard to tell how it's affected my writing because I've pretty much had it the entire time i've done comedy. It does make me get hung up on certain things and re-work and re-work them. Especially with the albums. So, for better or worse, it makes me do several drafts of things

thebrandster19854 karma

I have to say, my favorite sketch of all is the Shark attack sketch. The moment the camera continued past your head I couldn't stop laughing. I honestly didn't notice the girl with her legs spread up until that point. You had me completely enthralled. Are most people who see that sketch completely surprised?

TrevorMooreWKUK4 karma

Yeah! That was one of our favorites too. I remember that was one of the fastest sketches we've ever written because I was saying I wanted to do a sketch that was basically that monologue scene from jaws. And sam just quickly said "the camera should just zoom in on someone's panties' and that was it.

bluntman_designs3 karma

Other than your special and the WKUK movie, do you have any other projects planned with the kids?

TrevorMooreWKUK8 karma

We did a pilot last year but it didn't get picked up to series. We're working on something now. might do another WKUK album too

[deleted]3 karma


TrevorMooreWKUK4 karma

Hahaha! It's probably almost your birthday again then, Happy birthday!

deafAsianAnal3sum3 karma

Will you and the gang reunite again? Maybe for a movie? WKUK is the only show that makes me keel over laughing.

EDIT: Just realized everyone and their mom asked my question.

EDIT2: How long did it take you to film Super Size Me with Whiskey?

TrevorMooreWKUK5 karma

Yes. We all still write together

AplusL1003 karma

Hey Trevor! Will your comedy special come out on blu ray and DVD??

TrevorMooreWKUK4 karma

Don't know. I know you can download a full deluxe version with the album and extra sketches from Comedy Central

ibeforeme3 karma

Hey Trevor! If you felt like you could ever change a sketch or add a sequel to one, which one would it be?

TrevorMooreWKUK9 karma

I'd like to do a follow up on 'Clint Webb' and I think Hippo In the City should have been 3 minutes longer

tarea2 karma

Hi Trevor! I love the wkuk! I told you this the other day in another thread but I really admire your style of comedy. http://imgur.com/sc10nZ5 Also this is my profile picture for my Skype account. Me and my brother have bonded over your sketches since I was ten years old.

Anyway, I've always wondered if the daughter from the hot daughter sketch was actually a girl or if it was one of you guys, since it never really shows her face. This is one of my favorite sketches, by the way. Here it is: http://youtu.be/oaNRhtip6S4

Lastly, you talk about conspiracy theories in a few of your sketches, I was just wondering if you actually believe in the ones you've talked about?

Sorry for making this kind of long, but you're probably my favorite comedian/ celebrity so I'm really hoping you read this.

Thanks for doing this AMA!

TrevorMooreWKUK2 karma

Thanks! THe daughter in 'Hot Daugher' was an actress who was in a lot of our sketches. She was also in Courtroom Stripper. I believe some of them. Some I don't . I think Kitty History is pretty right on.

AxeEffect38902 karma

Trevor, I'm having trouble falling asleep, can you read me a cowboy story?

TrevorMooreWKUK3 karma

It's your turn!

FranzVonSoxhlet2 karma

What is the giant walking talking box up to these days?

TrevorMooreWKUK3 karma

A lot of my old Nintendo stuff is in him

BeyondGonzo2 karma

How many times do you think you've dressed up like a girl?

TrevorMooreWKUK3 karma


Tehshurt2 karma

On a scale of 1-10 what is your favorite dinosaur?

TrevorMooreWKUK2 karma