Hi reddit, I'm back!

photo proof

I spent the past decade traveling to all 50 states and introducing cable TV viewers to over 300 different jobs. My new CNN series, “Somebody’s Gotta Do It” airs Wednesdays at 9pm ET and introduces viewers to people who march to the beat of a different drum. This show is about passion, purpose, and occasionally, hobbies that get a little out of hand. I sang in the Baltimore opera and sold stuff in the middle of the night on QVC. I've made many mistakes. I currently use my skills from the home shopping days to auction C.R.A.P. (collectibles rare and precious) to benefit my foundation on MikeRoweWorks.com. I’m @MikeRoweWorks on Twitter and TheRealMikeRowe on Facebook.

Victoria's helping me out today via phone.


Comments: 5228 • Responses: 36  • Date: 

SSJStarwind162518 karma

What dirty jobs did you always want to do but the network or producers wouldn't let you do? (too dangerous, inappropriate, so on)

Thanks for the AMA and good job with your skilled workers scholarship!

IamMikeRowe3571 karma

Thanks for the encouragement. The Skilled Trades could do with a few more fans, and I'm proud to be one of them.

Regarding barriers to dirt, there have been many, and for a multitude of reasons. The segments I was most interested in doing but found the most resistance around was that of a rendering facility.

Aside from the fact that "rendering facilities" are by their very definition optically horrific, there was another concern that I had not considered.

That concern can be spelled out with the following letters.


That's right - the Mob is still involved in a surprising number of rendering facilities. Why the Mob has such a rich history in garbage-related industries and rendering-related industries is a conversation beyond my pay grade.

I only know how relieved I was to finally find a rendering outfit that was not owned or operated by the Cosa Nostra.

That facility was in Northern California. And they were called North State Rendering.

To this day, I'm impressed with how brave they were in their decision to let us provide our viewers with an unvarnished look at what it takes to turn a dead cow into several hundred pounds of chicken feed.

Yes, I'm deeply proud of that day.

kickme4442446 karma

Hey Mike! Would you do our reddit Secret Santa this year? It's really fun and we're all HUGE fans!

IamMikeRowe2261 karma

I'd be happy to! Who provides the outfit?

IamMikeRowe2524 karma

I wear a European Husky.

nomadbishop2203 karma

What job shocked you the most by finding out how awful it really was?

IamMikeRowe3646 karma

Many jobs appear bad at a glance, only to get much worse at a second glance.

And some jobs simply get worse and worse with every subsequent glance, which is why (of course) many people watch the program with their eyes closed.

I was never in a position to close my eyes, and consequently, I enjoyed a front-row seat to a great variety of pits, and holes, that most people simply don't know exist.

One brief example might be the interior of an ocean buoy.

In the Coast Guard, buoy tenders are responsible for hoisting these giant steel contraptions out of the ocean, and refurbishing them.

In this case, "refurbishment" means "crawling into a woefully inadequate tube not much larger than the space taken up by your shoulders, and wiggling your way like a worm into the shadowy depths whereupon you begin to remove the barnacles and various other forms of nautical life with a stick or some other improvised tool."

I could go on, but I won't.

arbitrary_aardvark2003 karma

Hey Mike! If you had to choose one job to do permanently, out of all the ones you tried out on Dirty Jobs, what would it be?

Also, your voice is what I imagine Gods voice sounds like

IamMikeRowe2483 karma


Personally, I've never had the ability to do the same job for more than a few days at a time.

Clean, dirty, exciting, or tedious.

I simply don't have the wherewithal to stick with one vocation too long.

It is, without question, a character flaw.

Regarding the Creator's larynx, I agree that he (or she) must certainly possess a rich, well-modulated baritone.

However, for reasons that involve the Screen Actor's Guild, I must be perfectly clear about the fact that it isn't mine.

I_Lase_You1604 karma

Hello Mike, thanks for the AMA! I'm an old guy who makes stuff, so I do appreciate your message. Last year you were scheduled to host a segment of the inaugural redditgifts Shopping Network on Black Friday. Unfortunately, that event had some production issues, the plug was pulled early, and I don't think you got to do your segment. I had made a Mike Rowe Works plaque that was supposed to be presented to you during your segment. So for the question: I just kinda wanna know, like, did you ever get it? If not, do you want it? If so, give Victoria a shipping address and I'll get it out. Pics below.

Pic 1

Pic 2

IamMikeRowe1680 karma

I haven't received it. But I've got a brand new office. And it would look perfect on my wall, next to the buffalo head. Victoria'll set it up.

RealAssBitch1408 karma

Hey Mike!

I always got a good chuckle out of your QVC days, have you ever considered reuniting with them as a goof now that you're so successful? And how long did it take for your fellow co-workers to catch on to your sarcasm or did they all just think you were really strange?

PS: I always thought you had such a lovely speaking voice and was so impressed when I found out you used to sing opera, so kewl! For anyone who doesn't know, educate yourself, the man can sing!

IamMikeRowe2029 karma

You flatter me.

You also horrify me.

I say this because a quick dirty down-the-wormhole of YouTube will in fact confirm all that you have said. My days at QVC (or more specifically, my nights) set the tenor and tone for what would eventually become my "career."

I was fired 3 times in 3 years (deservedly so).

I made fun of the products, and all too often, the people who purchased them.

I did this not out of any kind of mean spiritedness, but rather a desperate attempt to remain conscious.

What I got away with from 1989-1992, on live television, will one day be a book.

And if there's any justice in this topsy-turvy industry, my former masters in the home shopping business will invite me back to the scene of the crime to sell said memoirs.

But I'm not holding my breath.

thefonztm1638 karma

Can't let you escape without bringing up the Katsak.

edit: I accept your offer of internet gratitude, henceforth known as internetitude, in exchange for my knowledge of crap I found reddit in the first place. Your internetitude made me smile, is that what you wanted?

FullScrim2644 karma

I asked this somewhere else in the thread but it got buried, so maybe I'll find some help here:

My mother swears up and down that in the early 90's, she caught the best Mike Rowe moment ever. She had turned on QVC at some stupidly late hour because she couldn't sleep. Mike Rowe was on-air, obviously displeased with having to sell things to an audience of practically no one. She claims that he walked off-set, and showed back up holding an ice cube with a string tied around it. He then proceeded to try and sell it with a straight face.

I've never been able to find a single clip or video that confirms her story, but I want to believe it so badly. If anyone can find proof of this, you'll be my internet hero.

IamMikeRowe3855 karma

Your mother speaks the truth. It was April 1st, 1992. I introduced Item # J-H20, The Ice Pendant. It was in fact, an ice cube, dangling from a piece of twine. The most extraordinary fact was not that 12 people actually ordered the damn thing. It was that the people taking the orders at QVC believed the product was genuine.

That episode set the stage for my second firing.

Facticity311 karma

This is the funniest thing I've seen today. Good God.

Mike definitely says "WTF" on live television at 2:18

$36 fucking dollars for a plastic coated paper bag...

IamMikeRowe270 karma


FunkyBunchMark1214 karma

Why do you still choose to live moderately even though you have made enough money to not do so? I saw the emails online that people send you and you reply and you sent a guy a picture of your view outside your apartment and there is a smokestack outside of it. why are you so humble??!

Huge fan thanks so much for doing this AMA!!

IamMikeRowe3202 karma

You're welcome.

I'm not really humble, I'm just not properly acquisitive.

I take more pleasure in saving than spending.

And like the Native Americans, I tend to look at "ownership" as something more akin to stewardship. In other words, the more things you own, the more things own you.

On a practical level, I find if you don't have the space for a lot of stuff, you don't wind up with a lot of stuff.

drain_pipe1112 karma

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IamMikeRowe3418 karma

For a while, when I agonized over maintaining the illusion of fitness, I committed myself to a routine that centered around Burpees.

Also known as "the Prison Workout," Burpees require one to drop from a standing position into a squat. Then you kick your legs backward, and do a push-up. Then, you return to the squatting position. Then, you leap into the air as high as you can. Then you do it again.

And again.

And again.

Until you are either

A) No longer fat


B) Vomiting uncontrollably.

The end.

hpcisco7965918 karma

Would you be willing to record a YouTube video of you singing "Let It Go" from Frozen?

I would love to see this.

edit: oh my god, he responded. I wasn't expecting that! I hope he delivers.

IamMikeRowe1469 karma


Blyxxa912 karma

Hey Mike, what profession have you gained the most respect for over the years?

IamMikeRowe2163 karma

At the risk of sounding overly earnest (and too metaphorical), I'm going to say: the welder.

Welders not only work their asses off, they're in high demand, and critical to polite society. The entire world, including our infrastructure, and the building in which I currently find myself, is held together with welds.

Remove the welder retroactively from the species, and the whole thing shits the bed.

IamMikeRowe1913 karma

Parenthetically, I could say the same about plumbers, electricians, and pastry chefs.

areid1379884 karma

I really appreciate the work you do for trade activism, and the revival of blue collar trades. As someone who lives in Alberta, Canada where the trades seem to flourish, what are the biggest obstacles in the fight against the decline of the blue collar trades in the States?

IamMikeRowe3238 karma

The short answer is: perception.

The number of people who depend upon a workable infrastructure and a skilled trade force are coincidentally the same number of people who currently inhabit the planet.

For a long list of reasons, parents, teachers, and guidance counselors have begun to emphasize one specific form of education. At the expense of all the others.

In this country, it's widely believed that a 4 year degree for the most people.

Unfortunately, that's insane.

Of the 3 million available jobs today, less than 20% require a 4 year degree.

The rest require training, and a willingness to learn a skill that's actually in-demand. On top of everything else, we have student loans outstanding in excess of $1 Trillion dollars.

In short, we're lending money we don't have to kids who can't pay it back so they can educate themselves for jobs that no longer exist.

That should probably stop.

WNW3853 karma

Hi Mike! Where are you? And are you aware there is a guy sleeping behind you?

IamMikeRowe1185 karma


I'm not exactly sure where I am, to be perfectly honest.

However, and I'm beginning to think this is a phenomenon unique to me, I've begun to notice people sleeping behind me wherever I go.

HOWEVER, I should add - as I examine the photo in question - the gentlemen might not be sleeping.

I think he may be exercising and resting between reps.

GoldenRy007695 karma

How has the transition to CNN been? Also, what was the reason for the move?

IamMikeRowe2247 karma

In my industry, several well-known terms are currently in the process of being redefined.

Terms like "non-fiction" and "unscripted."

These words no longer mean what they used to mean.

Today, the Ducks have a Dynasty, the Amish have a Mafia, and until very recently, Honey had a Boo-Boo.

These programs, in spite of their popularity, all aired under the "nonfiction" umbrella. And yet, they all have writer's rooms.

The truth is, it's become very difficult to produce a show with no second takes, and no script, because the people in charge of putting them on the air would prefer to control them, in the same way an executive might be able to control an episode of THE BIG BANG THEORY.

It occurred to me that networks like FOX and CNN were not just news outlets, but fundamentally, nonfiction outlets.

CNN, in particular, was very interested in exploring alternative forms of programming, very similar to DIRTY JOBS.

In short, they've been great to work with.

And as long as headlines like Ebola, and ISIS, and terrorism, and natural disasters don't completely dominate the landscape, I think there will be room for SOMEBODY'S GOTTA DO IT and other shows like it.

247Brett430 karma

Do you only get on Reddit for AMA's or do you actively browse?

IamMikeRowe857 karma

To be perfectly honest, this is only the second time I've been here.

In fact, this is really the first time I've been here.

My previous AMAs was video, back in 2008. I've been a supporter for a long time.

I'd say in general - I'm kind of late to the social media party.

But over the last year, I've taken the Facebook thing pretty seriously.

And based on the staggering wit and intelligence I've seen thus far in queries like your own, I recon I'll be back.

A_Boojum_Snark404 karma

Legend has it you are so friendly you can thaw a frozen heart and cook an egg just with your warm greeting. It is said your secret technique is the Mike Rowe Wave.

I thought up that joke (albeit slightly different when not told to the man himself) a few months ago and have been hoping you would do an AMA so I could tell it! You're a pretty humorous guy so I'm hoping you aren't a pun hater.

Actual question: Do you start singing opera for no particular reason while doing other things, the way someone would with humming?

IamMikeRowe700 karma

I do.

I'm a big fan of unexpected juxtapositions - in life as well as on television.

To burst forth with a few bars of Puccini or Verdi while crawling through some nameless river of shit is precisely the kind of thing that creates the cognitive dissonance I strive to infect my friends and viewers with.

Also, I find that quoting famous literature in equally absurd moments and situations can bring about the same effect.

Coloradoperson390 karma

Hey mike, I really like what you do on dirty jobs showing people to respect the people that work those hard jobs. I know you've worked a bunch of dirty jobs on your show, but which dirty job was the hardest on you both physically and mentally?

IamMikeRowe1034 karma

Great question.

In general, any day that begins with a man handing you a sledgehammer and concludes with the same man taking the sledgehammer away 12 hours later is going to be a difficult day.

Toward that end, I could tell you stories about railroad workers, gandy-dancers, marble miners, or a variety of specialized construction jobs.

However, the absolute worst in terms of physical discomfort combined with soul-deadening ennui involves the cleaning of the drum on a cement mixer.

No one really thinks about it, but these trucks are in constant use.

And every time the drum spins, a thin layer of cement hardens in the interior. So by the end of the day, the inside of the drum on a cement mixer is essentially solid.

So the job in question requires a man to wedge himself inside with a pneumatic jackhammer.


The sound is indescribable. And the claustrophobia is off the charts.

Essentially, you lay there on your back directing the jackhammer over your head and all around you. You wear ear protection, a respirator, and goggles.

But NONE of it makes a damn bit of difference.

Because that job hurts on every level.

GoldenRy007361 karma

If you could have drink with one person (dead or alive) who would it be and why?

IamMikeRowe1027 karma

That guy sleeping behind me.

He really makes it look like fun.

Chinooah360 karma

Hey, Mike! Thank you so much for Dirty Jobs. It changed the way I look at the American industry.

Do you keep in touch with any of the people you met at any of your dirty jobs?

IamMikeRowe1090 karma

Too many to mention.

Although I will mention one.

There is a farm, in Northwest Indiana, called "Fair Oaks." Mike and Sue run one of the largest dairies in the Midwest. We first shot there back in 2006, and Mike trusted me to not only deliver a dozen cows on a cold winter's evening, he allowed me to perform a cesarean.

After that, he invited the crew and I to stay with them for the evening, and several days afterward. Which we did.

To this day, none of us are allowed to fly over Indiana without first landing in Chicago, and driving to Fair Oaks to drink their wine, and their delicious milk. But mostly, their wine.

Wtayjay302 karma

Hi Mike! I have many fond memories of watching Dirty Jobs with my dad. Thanks for the entertainment!

  1. What was your favorite dirty job and why?

  2. If I ever finish my novel, will you narrate the audio version of it??

IamMikeRowe546 karma

1) Typically, I don't use words like "favorite" to describe dirty jobs. But in general, the best ones are always the ones with the most interesting people.

Bob the Pig Farmer.

Jane the Marine Biologist.

Frank the Bridge Painter.

There were 300, and to be honest, they were all pretty great.

Regarding number 2, the only novels I presently narrate are of the pop-up variety.

bargkebab275 karma

Mike, if I were to take you to a karaoke bar right now, what song would you sing and why?

IamMikeRowe421 karma

I might be inclined (in the interest of shameless self-promotion) to sing the theme song from SOMEBODY'S GOTTA DO IT - which is a fantastic program alluded to in some prior questions, that can be seen this evening at 9 PM on CNN!

(I wrote the theme song, and fans of the show sing it - so much of SGDI is programmed by the fans, it only seemed natural for me to ask them to help sing the theme song).

If you want to hear it for yourself, 80 different versions now exist at http://mikerowe.com

(*We're still taking submissions!)

econn024257 karma

Why should I watch your new show? Also, what is your favorite deli meat?

IamMikeRowe663 karma


Coincidentally, you should watch my new show for the same reason that I enjoy HAM.

Do you see what I did there?

I tried to create an - albeit tenuous - juxtaposition between my propensity to be a "ham" on SOMEBODY'S GOTTA DO IT, while at the same time, embracing all the delicious, sweet, porky nitrates most often associated with that delectable, glazed honey-baked ham.

Now I suppose, we could have a conversation about whether or not honey-baked ham is technically a "deli meat."

But I'm not going to do that.

I'm simply going to conclude this fascinating and unforgettable hour with a gentle reminder that SOMEBODY'S GOTTA DO IT not only tastes every bit as good as the aforementioned ham, but can be seen tonight on CNN at 9 PM.

If there is any justice in this world, or among you reddites, or redditors, or whatever you call yourselves, you will join me in front of whatever screen you are partial to - and pour yourself the beverage of your choice and enjoy a ham sandwich with me.

Iglooset243 karma

Hey Mike, aside from Troy, is there anyone from Dirty Jobs working on your new show?

edit: -screams- Thanks for the reply!

IamMikeRowe506 karma


Doug is back. Paler, and more bitter than ever.

The once-good-natured director of photography has now become a thoroughly disgruntled albino.

Who I still respect, and admire.

Chris Jones is also back. He, too, appears older than ever, and profoundly disenchanted with life in general.

Combined, the 3 of them make for a truly indispensable triumvirate.

cjmarc210 karma

If you went to a guidance counselor in high school, what would he/she have said your ideal job would be?

IamMikeRowe611 karma

I did go to a guidance counselor in high school, his name was Mr. Dunbar, and he gave me the worst advice I've ever heard.

He told me that my desire to attend a 2 year community college was "beneath my potential."

As it turns out, the 2 year school I ultimately attended allowed me to experiment, and explore, all kinds of studies that I simply would not have been able to afford at the university.

Consequently, I got on the road that brought me to where I'm sitting now.

Although, to be fair, I should point out that the road also led through several miles of sewer pipes.

BmoreInterested208 karma

Favorite place to go in Baltimore?

IamMikeRowe396 karma

Tough call.

But the following watering holes beckon.

  • The Horse You Came In On
  • The Whistling Oyster
  • John Stevens
  • The Mount Royal Tavern
  • and anyplace that still serves crab cakes without a bunch of unnecessary filler.

IamMikeRowe474 karma

The library is also nice.

Jtro1985189 karma

Mike! In all of your shows, I've never seen you do any bits behind the scenes for the medical field. Did you ever think about the people who fix the machines that keep people alive? Somebody's got to do it, just saying.

IamMikeRowe351 karma

A fine suggestion.

Medical fields, in general, are complicated.

Because of privacy issues.

HOWEVER, if I can find a way to make the trials & tribulations of a heart / lung machine manufacturer compelling... I'll be there.

SmokingKoala178 karma

Have you ever refused to do a job?

IamMikeRowe503 karma

I refuse to direct.

TheMidgetCrusader178 karma

What's your favorite dinosaur?

IamMikeRowe801 karma

Heh. Favorite dinosaur.

Personally, and I say this with no disrespect to lizards or reptiles, I try not to get too attached to anything that's been extinct for more than 60 million years. I find it leads to a kind of... malaise.

Ain't nobody got time for that.

reavor01177 karma

Hey Mike, always wondered..ever had an experience with a ghost?

IamMikeRowe924 karma

Well, I narrated GHOSTHUNTERS for 8 seasons.

All I can tell you for sure regarding the paranormal is that there's good money in it.

JulPop38110 karma

How did your adorable quadped Fred catch your attention and become lucky enough to be rescued?

IamMikeRowe227 karma

Someone had the good sense to post his picture on the interwebs.

Someone else had the poor judgement to forward that photo to me.

There was something in the dog's eye that caught my own.

The rest is... canine history.

spencerlance62 karma

What was your dirtiest job?

IamMikeRowe238 karma

God, I've never heard that one before, let's see...

how about: Counting this one? Tough to beat replacing a ruptured lift pump. That's the 4 ton motor at the bottom of a 5-story silo that processes all of your crap.

And by "crap" I mean literally your crap. When the lift pump breaks, the silo fills with excrement. And in order to stop the poop from flooding the streets and causing a modern-day Armageddon, men in woefully inadequate Tyvek suits descend a spiral staircase and muscle their way through a series of water-tight doors.

At which point, they swim - that's right, swim - to the ruptured lift pump, and climb on top of it.

Then, other men lower a cable from 5 stories above. The cable is affixed to the ruptured lift pump, and the entire apparatus is slowly lifted up towards the heavens.

The sound a ruptured lift pump breaks when it breaks the seal of shit holding it to the floor will forever haunt your dreams.

Aznb01p54 karma

Hi Mr. Rowe, my question is on pursuing unconventional methods to get a job. This quote was from Malcolm Gladwell's David and Goliath

"We need to remember that our definitions of what is right are, as often as not, simply the way that people in positions of privilege close the door on those at the bottom of the pile."

For you Joining the AGMA as a way of getting into the film guilds by faking your way into the opera.

Gary Cohn, now COO of Goldman Sachs, lying about being an options trader then reading up on it over the weekend.

Shia LaBeouf pretending to be his own manager in order to get an agent.

What's your opinion on not following the rules, breaking from the constrained norm, to get what you want?

Also for anyone who hasn't seen, Mike Rowe on dream jobs

IamMikeRowe42 karma

I read D&G. I liked it. And I believe the "Reverse Commute" is absolutely essential for anyone who's determined to find a way in.