There are many people with preconceived notions about cerebral palsy; hopefully, I'll put these to rest. Many of these are plain wrong. I'll try my best to answer all your questions. Male in high school. AMA! I use a power wheelchair and a walker.

Proof: (leg braces i use to help with walking)

Edit: I truly appreciate the questions; it means a lot. Still answering all questions.

Edit 2 (6/22) 12:43 AM: Thank you again for all the questions; I wasn't expecting this many. Will be going to bed now. I'll be back after some sleep.

Edit 3: I'm Back

Edit 4: Will be away running some errands. Thank you for the support; be back soon!

Edit 5: Back in full swing

Edit 6: Bed time

Edit 7: Back

Edit 8: AMA over - Thank you for all the questions and support I received. Over 800,000 people in the US have CP, this is one story. I look forward to my stay on Reddit.

Comments: 259 • Responses: 79  • Date: 

JesusRollerBlading99 karma

Get the fuck out! I too have full cognition but also use of my legs, which means I am incredibly fucking lucky after suffering a grade III intra-ventricular hemorrhage (that's a severe brain bleed in layman's terms) 23 years ago next week.

I am actively pursuing a career in medicine (finishing undergrad in 2014) and am trying hard to get the people at March of Dimes involved to do a benefit concert! I believe that organization is the reason I can walk, talk, write, etc. and I hope to bring them into the conversation for a benefit in the future. Too often all the big benefits are for St. Jude's, so it's my aim to change that, hopefully.

Keep truckin', OP. Cerebral palsy is indeed the sexiest of the palsies!

wheelchairedditer63 karma

"Cerebral palsy is indeed the sexiest of the palsies!"

Hell yeah it is.

Wow! It is a miracle that you are fully cognitive. I completely agree; too much attention is focused on large charities. Not that they don't do great work, but there are many smaller organizations that deserve to be in the spot light as well. I'm not involved with any CP organizations now. In the future, I would like to be. I would love to volunteer or be a life coach for one of these. Best of luck on your endeavors.

Im my case, I was born severely premature and was in the ICU for about a year after birth. I had malnutrition since the umbilical cord wasn't working properly.

SchizophrenicMC22 karma

As an unsexy sufferer of unsexy brachial palsy, I concede this victory to you, good sir. (Madam?)

Brachial palsy doesn't even affect the brain, and I'm not even fully cognitive most of the time. Much luck to you for being so with cerebral. May your luck continue, and together with your labor, carry you to whatever lofty goals you pursue.

wheelchairedditer3 karma

Thank you so much.

mrbooze9 karma

Do people with cerebral palsy not normally have full cognition? I always thought it was a purely motor disability.

ComradeCube8 karma

It is odd for someone with a palsy to claim some people with it are retarded. Most people don't attribute it to being retarded, only a physical limitation.

JesusRollerBlading6 karma

Correct. I knew a girl in elementary school who has severe CP, but even in a power chair with some speech affects, she was still a smart kid.

TheBrownies9 karma

No, not correct.

This could not be more timely or relevant.

My niece, 17 now, entering her "senior" year in HS, is high functioning, physically, only a limp, but verbal/cognition is low.

I worry for her, because she may be a senior on paper, but I know she struggles to write and speak and do basic math.

I don't consider her to be "retarded", oh boy do I hate that word, but she's not fully functioning. However I fully understand that someone with CP can be extremely high functioning.

I used to work at a grad school, there was a girl with CP there who was more physically disabled than my niece, but she went on to Hopkins to enter medical school (the grad school I worked at had zero to do with medicine). She clearly had something to prove. She was awesome, but I never really got to speak to her about it, since she was on the opposite end up of the spectrum.

My point is, assume nothing. CP has a wide spectrum.

wheelchairedditer8 karma

My point is, assume nothing. CP has a wide spectrum

Amen to that.

zfinne66 karma

I want full intelligence. Any tips on how to achieve this?

wheelchairedditer44 karma

Eat fruits and vegetables, sleep, and study hard but party harder.

A better term would be normal intelligence. I am, however, in all honors classes so you decide.

Tintagalon29 karma

I'd go nuts at a party with you dude

wheelchairedditer29 karma

Haha, been there done that.

manormango29 karma

How are things going?

wheelchairedditer29 karma

Good, thanks. Looking forward to summer vacation. Physically, summer is also the time where I can swim more. Swimming helps loosen my muscles and is great exercise for me.

rnason22 karma

When you are out in public how do people treat you?

wheelchairedditer50 karma

Thanks for the question. Most of the time, people treat me like any regular guy. They don't mention anything about it. Certain times, people will be overly nice to me to the point where it is annoying. A few days ago, I was out at a crowded fair and an older lady insisted on "clearing the traffic for me." Although they have good intentions, these people are really freaking annoying. If I need help, I'll ask for it. A few people have talked to me like I am a toddler (I'm in high school, dude). Also, they sometimes assume I am "a little boy." This doesn't happen often though. People don't realize that I'm fully functioning in my brain and that I am probably smarter than they are.

megmatthews206 karma

This drives me crazy. Last year I worked with a woman who had advanced CP to the point where she was immobile, in a chair, needed a trach, etc. I basically made sure she got from point A to point B to work. I was pushing her wheelchair around downtown, and a woman walking by "sweetly" started a conversation with us where she said "I'll pray for you" to the woman I was working with. This lady then looked at me and said, "You're a wonderful person for doing this." Like the woman I was working with couldn't understand her or something. I wanted to punch this "sweet" lady for her ignorance. Being overly kind is just as cruel as being overtly cruel, IMO.

I'm a little sensitive maybe because I grew up with a connective tissue disorder, and was never allowed to participate in sports/was developmentally delayed. People catering to weaknesses only creates learned helplessness, which is no good for anyone.

Sorry, rant over.

wheelchairedditer4 karma

I can totally relate. Thanks for sharing!

I detest when people tell my mom, "I don't know how you did that!" Taking care of your son (who happens to be disabled) is not a favor to the world nor a selfless act. I don't need your prayer.

odefashunned2 karma

As a female with SD variation of CP, which it seems like what you have. It gets better. I still get annoyed when ppl say things like "handicapable." I'm 24 now, and word to the wise, just tell them it's unnecessary if you believe you'll see them often or just deal. They do honestly mean well. Being a tit and saying things like "i'm probably smarter than they are" is no way to go through life.

I stopped wearing my braces long ago, bc frankly i was like f it, but I did get surgery at around 14 that did help. I do need to get back into swimming however. Stay at it man. :D

wheelchairedditer2 karma

Thank you for sharing and the kind words. I'm not that type of person that will publicly speak my mind to someone in the way you do, though; dealing with it avoids a conflict. I would never say, "i'm probably smarter than you are" to their face.

samsung144321 karma

cerebral palsy is an umbrella term if i recall. what specific problems condition do you have?

wheelchairedditer22 karma

Correct. In general, many of my muscles are extremely tight. Without physical therapy, they would get tighter daily. My hamstrings and adductors, for example, are the worst. This tightness and spasticity are the many factors that keep me from walking independently. In my upper body, my arms are so tight that I can't extend them all the way. My right hand and arm has limited movement. Fine motor is also limited on both sides. Since I am a lefty, my left side is dominant. I use my left hand and arm for everything.

JesusRollerBlading16 karma

So, spastic cerebral palsy like me? There are like 4 types, but spastic is the most common.

wheelchairedditer18 karma

Correct. If you don't mind, how are you physically?

Linkiola11 karma

With continued physical therapy is there a chance you will be able to walk in the future?

wheelchairedditer15 karma

Unfortunately, I don't believe I will ever walk independently. There have been cases where someone goes from a wheelchair to walking independently; however, mild CP is involved. Even if I was able to, my brain would still tell my nerves and my muscles to tighten. Thank you for the question.

Necoras6 karma

In college (8 or 10 years ago now) we had an engineer come and give a talk about a magnetic/electronic device which his team was developing. It would be clamped (for lack of a better term) around a joint and intercept/interrupt all electrical signals going from the brain to the limb. This would cause the limb to go completely limp.

The goal was to treat people with conditions like yours with such a device at night either in addition to or in lieu of PT. He specifically mentioned using it for young children who do not understand why their parents are hurting them (fully flexing their arms and legs) every day.

Unfortunately I have no idea what the guy's name was or what the technology was called. Searching for terms like "Magnetically induced paralysis" brings back nothing related to what I've described.

Are you aware of any such research? I'd be fascinated to see if they've made any progress, and how it might affect the lives of people like you.

wheelchairedditer2 karma

Right, there are a plethora of devices under development. I haven't heard of the one you are referring to though. In PT, I have worked with a machine that sends a mild electrical shock to some muscles. This helps "wake up" the muscles and forces my brain to recognize they are there to be used. Stretching is quite uncomfortable, though. As you said, younger kids will think the therapist is trying to hurt them. Now that I am older: the more uncomfortable the stretch, the better. Although, "Magnetically induced paralysis" sounds unpleasant.

SPICY-ANUS20 karma

Do you like breakfast?

wheelchairedditer13 karma

No. I have no appetite in the morning; I have no idea why.

deltatangothree19 karma

I've been in the computer forensics field for almost 5 years now (mostly mobile forensics), and literally just finished my degree yesterday (Computer Forensics and Digital Investigations from Champlain College). Wanna ask me anything?

wheelchairedditer17 karma

Hell yes. Can I PM you tomorrow? I am looking at Champlain.

lesusisjord9 karma

I work in a federal computer forensics laboratory. Feel free to message me with any questions including how to get hired once you have a degree!

wheelchairedditer5 karma

Thank you; I will.

sea_leprechaun4 karma

I went to a writers conference there once, great college and great city. As a Vermonter I can say that this is a good choice

wheelchairedditer2 karma

Burlington is fantastic with great views and even better restaurants.

sea_leprechaun1 karma

Also, UVM Medical Center is one of the best and most modern hospitals in the region. A person with your condition would find care very easily, also Burlington is an extremely liberal city and I can assure you that nobody would be mean or hurtful to you, at least for the most part.

wheelchairedditer2 karma

Right, I toured Champlain and was thoroughly impressed with the city. Has a small town, but large city atmosphere

TheBoldManLaughsOnce18 karma

I was/am good friends with a guy with CP from grad school. At first I didn't know anything about the condition.

One day we were at the weekly happy hour. I knew he could walk, but he'd chosen to stay in his power chair. I went over and spoke to him about it.

His speech is very slurred, but what he said was, "watch and learn" so I hung out with him for a bit. Dozens of women would all come by to speak to him. All of them would lean down to speak to him, giving him a direct cleavage shot. Obviously, I knew he was a dog, but a clever dog.

He and I became partners in most of our classes. We would take apart a new professor because we both knew our shit but would stage an argument in class, knowing full well the professor couldn't understand him. Along with 80% of the class.

I will say this: people treated him like he was smarter than he was. We worked together and yet people assumed it was all his work. At one point I had to explain to a group that my greatest co-conspirator was "no Steven Hawking" honestly, I think he appreciated my saying it!

At one point we knew some models that we'd hang out with every week. He was ballsy enough to ask out the hottest one. She was astounded. She asked me if he was "operational down there". I told her, "sounds like you're going to have to find out for yourself" He is now married with a beautiful son. His wife is great.

He still leverages his disability though. He got my wife and another to "help" him down a set of stairs he needed no help with. Fucker!

wheelchairedditer1 karma

Great story. I admit, sometimes I'll ask people to do things that I can do myself. It is a lot easier and less time consuming for them to doing certain things rather than me. Sometimes, their response is, "Bitch, do it yourself." All in good fun though.

trolldad6401 karma

Commenting to save on my computer later, great story!

TheBoldManLaughsOnce1 karma

I can tell you loads more about him. He's a goddam fighter. I don't want to give away too much though, as he's become prominent in the disability community... and I should let him tell his own story.

But let me just say, a disability does not have to limit you...

wheelchairedditer2 karma

I would love to see his own AMA.

Trosso15 karma

whats your favourite soup?

wheelchairedditer30 karma

I have lobster bisque and butternut squash everyday for lunch. And no, I'm not shamed of it.

goatcoat8 karma

Do you have a private chef?

wheelchairedditer2 karma

I would have to have money to throw away first. Unfortunately, I don't.


Hey, quick question, what do you think people misunderstand most about cerebral palsy?

wheelchairedditer18 karma

That everyone has exactly the same symptoms (ex. That guy with CP has a learning disability, the other guy with CP over there must also have a learning disability). completely false. Thanks!

nathynwithay3 karma

I've heard of a stereotype of people with CP having below average intelligences. Is that stereotype common?

wheelchairedditer9 karma

Yes, very common. People with CP have a varying range of abilities. Low mental ability is found in a number of cases, but not all. One shouldn't assume about the majority of people based on one person.

Thesoundofdrumss8 karma


wheelchairedditer18 karma

Great question. My disability neither gives me a positive or negative perspective on the world. When I was younger, I envied everyone who could walk. Now that I am also graduating high school, I have realized that there are better things in life to worry about. My condition makes me more of a simplistic person. I am happy for what I have in life, and don't get worked up about things I don't. Does this answer your question?

Thesoundofdrumss4 karma


wheelchairedditer4 karma

No problem. Best of luck in college.

rottenbanana1278 karma

I worked with a lot of very young CP kids in physical therapy - most people don't understand that abilities range wildly.

Cheers to you in your ambition and I wish you the best of luck! The world needs more people like you who are willing to challenge the status quo and change minds!

wheelchairedditer6 karma

Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot. CP affects each person differently. I consider myself very lucky be mentally fully functioning. Many people assume otherwise, and that is something that should be changed.

Poeticbagel7 karma

What's the most ridiculous response a stranger's ever had to seeing you going about your life?

wheelchairedditer36 karma

Great question, I have a few to share. I was at a restaurant and an asshole said he didn't want the table near the cripple. I cursed him off and ran over his foot. The restaurant refused to serve him and they gave me free dinner. I've had full grown adults say to me, "What's wrong with you?" in as rude tone. I replied that I got hit by a drunk driver to make them feel like the biggest ass on earth. Also, adults staring about me and talking like I can't hear them.

Bestbtrollin6 karma

You said that you have a guy to write down notes in class for you etc. How are you with keyboards? Are you typing this yourself or is a family member helping?

wheelchairedditer22 karma

My in-class aid mainly writes down notes in math that deal equations and shapes, that would be difficult to do on a computer. I type everything else on a school provided laptop. When I turn in an assignment, I just print it out or send it to the professor. I can physically handwrite, but it makes me tire easily and is time consuming. I am typing this myself. Also, I am the best damn hunt and pecker you have ever seen. I use my right index finger for backspace, enter, and shift and my left index for everything else.

aparkbark4 karma

How has breaking bad changed your life?

wheelchairedditer2 karma

I've actually never seen the show, just previews. Looks quite interesting, though. People have told me about it, but I have not had the time to watch it. Thanks!

geoffgrindd3 karma

I don't have a question. Just wanted to say how cool it is that you have great goals and stay so positive.

There are people who have everything and more, and still find reasons to be 'depressed.'

Congrats on graduating high school, and good luck for what's to come!

wheelchairedditer4 karma

Thank you for the kind words.

Siray3 karma

Do you fear living on your own once you go to college or will you have an aide with you?

wheelchairedditer2 karma

I may only have an aide in the morning and night (to help get ready). I could ask a student to help get my books out and such. Living independently will be a major change, but I want to do as much as possible on my own and may not even need an aide.

Watergirl1233 karma

Do you play any sports? What are your hobbies?

wheelchairedditer13 karma

Wheelchair soccer is something that I would love to get involved in; I just don't have the time. Essentially, one hits a ball utilizing a large bumper on the front of a wheelchair. In the winter, I ski up in Vermont and Pennsylvania with a "sit and ski." This is a chair with two skies on the bottom. I don't watch professional sports because they are overpaid and don't contribute anything to society. I am a news and politics junkie. I love to figure out on things work and the processes involved. I also do freelance computer repair. I am also fascinated in the criminal justice system and will read anything relating to law enforcement. On the weekends, I sail and am an avid swimmer.

Watergirl1231 karma

Awesome! I'm a swimmer too, and I help out with a team of physically challenged athletes. Most of them have traumatic brain injuries or spinal cord injuries, but I don't know any swimmers with CP. Do your muscles relax at all in the water? What are the hardest and easiest things about swimming with CP?

wheelchairedditer2 karma

Nice question - I am an able bodied person in water. I can do laps, go underwater, on my back, etc. The difference between my muscles in the pool and out of it is night and day. The tightness goes away in water. However, the pool has to be warm (85F +) to be therapeutic. I only wish I could dive on a diving board :)

Fun Fact: I can walk normal in water

silliesandsmiles2 karma

What are your experiences with strep? My brother has Cerebral Palsy and has no immunity to strep - he got it i believe 9 times this winter, and that's without tonsils and adenoids. I have read that some doctors believe CP to be related to the mother getting strep while the baby is in the womb.

Every day I am reminded of how brave he is - I just wanted to say thanks for doing this, I love spreading awareness about CP. By the time he was eight, he had endured over ten surgeries, and my mother chose to be a stay at home mom, because he had PT, OT, ST and doctors appointments almost every day as a little boy. My brother wore similar braces in preschool and we called them his space boots to make him feel better! He has a very mild case and can walk and move fairly well, but it has definitely posed a challenge for him. He still struggles with his fine motor skills. He is very intelligent, but his grades still suffer some because he really likes to be independent and take notes on his own, but his handwriting is not very legible. As a child, we all learned the basics of sign language because his speech was incredible difficult to discern, which caused behavioral problems because he communicate his needs. At first glance he can appear fairly normal, and we have had a hard time getting people to understand that he isn't just clumsy but has a medical condition. He is very active with the Boy Scouts, and regularly goes camping, and he has a green belt in Karate (he is 15 now.) However, because he is not in a wheelchair and is intelligent, we have had people accuse us of lying about his condition to get special treatment. This includes instances with teachers, customer service, and leaders of the Boy Scouts.

wheelchairedditer2 karma

Wow - Thank you for taking the time to share his story. I can relate to many aspects of his journey. I can't believe that people accused you of lying; that is wrong on so many levels. What do you even say to them without physically assaulting them? Glad to hear he is active in Boy Scouts; my parents tried to get me to join but it wan't my thing. I have a strong immune system, tons of vitamin C each day.

gkiltz2 karma

I hope someone gives you the chance you deserve. Not optimistic though. Any good leads? Also, don't expect to EVER be paid what non-disabled people would be paid for the same quality and quantity of work.

wheelchairedditer1 karma

Thanks for the comment. Why are you not optimistic? Legally, employers have to pay me the same amount as an abled bodied individual or I would have their ass in court so fast. THe climate in America is changing; and I no longer find that argument valid. I can physically work with computers; my disability wouldn't prevent me from doing so. If anything, it would increase my chances of obtaining a job.

Bunge162 karma

As someone with CP who also has full cognition, keep the dream alive!

wheelchairedditer1 karma

Thank you so much! Stay strong

wheelchairedditer1 karma


Soldierducky2 karma

Have you ever wished you can be normal? Or do you want to stay the same? What do you do when you lose hope? How do you type?

wheelchairedditer2 karma

When I was younger, I wished that I could be "normal." For the most part, I've grown out of that phase - there is nothing I can do to change my lot in life. There are still times when I say, 'Damn, I wish I could walk right now.' I've never lost hope because what is that going to do to help improve my situation? Nothing, just lead to depression.

2) How I Type - Just like you! (see link below)

DeadMage1 karma

Have you heard of the potential stem-cell treatments that could maybe even lead to a full cure? It may become possible in as few as 20 years.

Would you be excited for something like this?

How do you think you would feel if you suddenly didn't have CP anymore? Would it effect your sense of identity?

wheelchairedditer2 karma

No, I would be overjoyed and it would be like starting an entirely new life. I wouldn't mind at all, actually. I would differently get stem cell treatment if the technology was there and was safe. Right now, however, I'm leery of anything else besides surgery. Great question.

thinkofsomethingkwik1 karma

Hello! DSW student here. Do you have any supports? glad to see you're following your career dream!

wheelchairedditer2 karma

Hi there- Could you clarify? If you mean people that support what I want to do, I have tons. Friends, family, my law teacher, etc. This may sound cliche, but I really do want to make a difference in society. I don't mind if i'm not making tons of money working in the public sector.

thinkofsomethingkwik1 karma

I meant supports as in like someone who would be paid to help you out if needed for certain things during the day. Nothing wrong with sounding cliche, especially if it's something you love! you'll never work a day in your life doing something you love to do :)

wheelchairedditer2 karma

Ah. I have an assistant (paid employee) who helps me out during the day at school. He gets stuff from my locker, writes notes when needed, etc. At home, I am 100% independent.

Kaidera1 karma

I don't really have any preconceived notions of my own on CP particularly. What are some things people thing that you have to overcome?

wheelchairedditer1 karma

Hi - Could you clarify? Major challenges in my road to independence were self-care (bathing, dressing, cooking food, not falling, getting in/out of bed) I am happy to say that I'm independent now.

Accent121 karma

Is one of the notions about CP similar to say, parkinsons? Where people assume it also effects mental capacity?

Instead its just issues in the brain that effect physical movement, right?

wheelchairedditer1 karma

Right. While CP effects the mental capacity of many, it doesn't effect the mental capacity of everyone who has it. Without getting too scientific, the area of my brain that control physical movement don't work properly. My brain constantly tells my muscles to contract and tighten. Brain "signals" are misinterpreted and my muscles and nerves don't communicate with my brain as they should. Thank you for the question.

Accent121 karma

Thanks for clarifying! Mind if I ask a couple more?

What year are you in high school? Being a teenager is tough enough as it is. Are you around pretty generally accepting people? Or are you looked at as 'different?' I'm not wording this right. I guess I would say, do you feel like its harder for you than others?

wheelchairedditer4 karma

No Problem. Everyone in my life is greatly accepting of my condition, and they always remind me that I'm going places. I don't view myself as different. Like you said, I'm a teenager who happens to not walk right, that's it. I'm not going to let that be a limitation in life. The answer to your last question changes daily. When I'm frustrated because I can't do something, I just remember that I have it easy compared to others. I can still talk, feed myself, etc.

Accent122 karma

That's awesome! Thanks again for the replies. Good luck with your career goals!

wheelchairedditer2 karma

Thank you so much.

bortmackie1 karma

Have you seen the Daniel Day-Lewis movie where he plays a guy with cerebral palsy (My Left Foot)? If so, what did you think of it, an do you think it portrayed the condition well?

wheelchairedditer3 karma

I haven't; I'll look into that. Thank you for the suggestion. If I see it, I'll get back to you

utechnet1 karma

What do you do to stay physically fit/active?

wheelchairedditer2 karma

I regularly attend physical therapy where I work to build strength, practice walking and standing, and stretching. I also go to a gym and work with a personal trainer. As mentioned above, I love swimming. Thanks!

JezzaFromAUS1 karma

How much time does it take out of your week/day?

wheelchairedditer3 karma

Therapy is the only thing that I consider to take time out of my day. Although I need it, it is not something that I enjoy doing. I go 4 times a week for two hours. The rest of the things I do (gym, swimming) I consider part of my day because I enjoy doing them. These activities don't necessarily take out time from my day. Does that make sense?

Derpyeh1 karma

Sorry, this may be late, but does cp effect the brain in anyway?

wheelchairedditer2 karma

My brain constantly tells my muscles to contract and tighten. Brain "signals" are misinterpreted and my muscles and nerves don't communicate with my brain as they should. Thank you for the question. (reposted from above)

kittydorkdork1 karma

computer forensics and cyber investigations sounds awesome. how does one get started in it?

wheelchairedditer1 karma

Internships!!!! and get your name out there. Cold Call. Attend job fairs (I recently attended one; every state, local, and federal agency was there). Major in computer forensics and related fields. Have a passion for what you do and you'll go far.

zombie641 karma


wheelchairedditer1 karma

Thank you for the great advice; would it be OK if i messaged you some questions later down the road?

tumblrmustbedown1 karma

My mom has CP, but the only real issue she ever had was one leg is shorter than the other by a little bit, and no calf muscle on the short leg. She had a bunch of surgeries as a small child, including a calf implant, to correct it as much as possible. She limps but wears Shape Ups to help her out. She's incredibly lucky to have been born at the Air Force academy, which at the time had about the best medical equipment they could've found. Just wanted to share a similar story of a person with CP who is doing just fine!

wheelchairedditer1 karma

Thank you for the comment! I actually had surgery to correct that leg discrepancy, which was one of many.

Originalsinrr51 karma

My younger brother has cerebral palsy, he walks with crutches but like you has "normal intelligence." I was curious how it impacted your social life? He's 23 now and he's always been a bit socially awkward. Just looking for outside perspective, best of luck in everything you do.

wheelchairedditer3 karma

Great question. In school, I find that sometimes people treat me overly nice. Also, I do have a very close group of friends who come over often. The rest of my friends I just see at school. Since I have a aide that follows me around all day, it is hard to talk about guy stuff knowing she is in earshot.Socially, having an aide limits me.

metachronos1 karma

Cp'er here too. Spastic Diplegia, I work for an advertising agency as a copywriter. Keep on rockin' dude.

wheelchairedditer1 karma

Thank you so much!

Phyco1261 karma

My wife has cerebral palsy. She seems a little slow, but that was because it effects the muscles in her mouth. She is actually pretty damn smart and has her bachelors in English. I use her as my spell checker. She didn't learn to talk until she was three, and didn't walk until she was 6 (and only after extensive physical therapies and numerous surgeries on one of her legs). There are unfortunate things that come as complications from said cerebral palsy (she can't drive, can't use her left hand for more than basic gripping, so on and so forth), but she is a kind and gentle soul. I'd marry her a 1000 times again.

Not a question, but seriously keep being awesome. To be honest I didn't know anything about CP until I got to know her better (which eventually led to marriage after 3 years).

wheelchairedditer2 karma

Thanks for sharing! Grabs tissue, wipes eyes

stopbuffering1 karma


wheelchairedditer1 karma

No, I have not. Doing a quick Google search, it seems like it could help me. Something to put on the table during my next doctor visit.

itsalllies1 karma

Not sure what preconceived ideas people have, but as the son of Man with cerebral palsy born 60 odd years ago and went on to study Maths at Cambridge (England), I believe you can do it. So good luck, follow your dreams!

wheelchairedditer1 karma

Thank you kindly, sir.

universicorn_1 karma

I don't have a question but I just wanted to say good job. My brother has CP as well, luckily isn't in a wheelchair, but its still VERY noticeable when he walks or runs.. or does anything on his feet. He's doing similar things career wise, he is currently in college for IT. I've noticed people with CP but normal brain function are very good when it comes to kinesthetic learning, not so much thinking and writing but more using your mind and fixing the problem hands-on.

wheelchairedditer1 karma

Thanks for sharing his story. I agree, I learn my doing. No one taught me how to fix computers; I just picked it up myself. Auditory learning is a strong suit of mine as well; I can read an entire textbook chapter out loud and remember nearly everything. Even the page number, etc.

lawyerbarbie1 karma


wheelchairedditer1 karma

You're most welcome.

Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance - George Bernard Shaw

ncj241 karma

My friend has a 2 year old daughter with cerebral palsy, and he is afraid for her growing up. (Bullying, name calling etc..) Any words of encouragement you might have for a parent dealing with this?

wheelchairedditer1 karma

I haven't experienced any bullying as you describe. In elementary school, many of her classmates will be questioning her. To combat this, my elementary school had a lesson on the second or third day of school where they answered all questions and I did as well. Therefore, they didn't think my wheelchair was a "toy." This lesson helped tremendously. If that lesson didn't happen, I think some of the curiosity could turn into bullying. I think it helps also to have a close group of friends. She would be more likely to confide in her friends then her mom.

Raising a disabled kid can be mentally and physically draining. My mom was depressed for awhile (a single parent). She attended support groups and that helped her greatly. Also, take time for yourself. Have people that can come on certain days. I wish the best for your friend and her daughter.

Arcatus1 karma

I get the feeling that you experience a lot of unwarranted pity and patronization since you have to specify that you have "full intelligence". Is that correct?

wheelchairedditer1 karma

Correct, many people assume that I have some sort of learning disability because I use a wheelchair. While a number of people with CP do have learning disabilities, CP spreads the gambit. No case is exactly alike.

Arcatus1 karma

Thanks for the reply!

wheelchairedditer1 karma

You're most welcome!

deadbonbon1 karma

I too have cerebral palsy with full intelligence, with enough physical therapy I haven't used/need braces in nine years and am probably just slightly older than you. Have you ran into the anything with your cerebral palsy actually saving you from anything? I also have ITP and Stickler Syndrome in which the slowed development of my right side actually allowed my right eye to heal well enough that I did not need surgery on that eye like I did my left.

wheelchairedditer1 karma

Have you ran into the anything with your cerebral palsy actually saving you from anything?

Could you elaborate? Thanks!

deadbonbon1 karma

Yeah, sorry. What I meant was in which some of your cerbral palsy symptoms may have prevented you from attaining another injury or illness? As in my case the muscles in my right ankle/leg were so weak that (as it was explained to me) it allowed my foot to be a lot more flexible to the point of allowing myself to roll my ankle pretty severely and pop up just fine with anything hurting or torn. Or like in the example that I had attempted to explain, the slowed development in parts of my eye muscles weakened them allowing the scarring in my eye (from previous attempts to keep my retinas from detaching via lasik surgery) to heal. This prevented my right eye's retina from detaching, saving my vision in that eye unlike my left eye in which I had to go in for emergency surgery to repair my retina.

wheelchairedditer1 karma

No, I can't say that I've had. Fascinating how CP benefited you in your case though. Thanks for the comment!

Spencyono1 karma

Hey, my uncle has CP (severe case), and my nephew does well to a far less degree. His right arm isn't very useable and he walks on the balls of his feet, but that's it, so I guess you could say he's fortunate in that regard. Anyway, he's going in for surgery on his legs to relieve some of the tension so he'll be able to walk properly hopefully. Have you heard of it? Considered it?

wheelchairedditer1 karma

I've had four major surgeries with 18 scars to prove it. My most recently surgery corrected severe internal rotation of my feet and a myriad of other things. Due to the complexity, it took around 6.5 hours. THe surgeries definitely helped improve my walking, though. On the downside, they are physically and mentally exhausting with a lot of rehab involved. For this reason, I'll hold off on more surgeries until college is done.

Thank you! Hope he has a great outcome from his operation.

iHaveKnifeRank-1 karma

What 5x7

wheelchairedditer4 karma

Takes out calculator Urghh, 35?

sleazebang-6 karma

So you mean you want to join the NSA? Fuck you mane.

wheelchairedditer2 karma

The NSA wouldn't be my first job choice. However, if they were my only choice, I would take that job. I am not a fan of spying on innocent civilians going about their day, though. Ideally, I would work for a federal law enforcement agency.