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megmatthews20310 karma

I'm actually thinking about becoming a 9-1-1 dispatcher. What was the process like for getting the job? Also, do you find you have a pretty morbid sense of humor to deal with some of the terrible things you have to deal with?

megmatthews2024 karma

Can you go into specifics on what it's doing to your body? My cat is slowly dying of renal failure, and I'm considering putting him to sleep today. I want to know it's the right choice, I guess. Is the quality of life living with renal failure worth it?

megmatthews2019 karma

I absolutely have kept him alive for as long as I could with this very mindset. He was diagnosed in July, and I'm been giving him fluids, insulin, antibiotics, the works since then. Trust me, it's the hardest thing in the world to imagine putting him to sleep. But he has gotten to the point where he can't even walk without being in pain, he's not eating anything except bits of cheese-stick, and he just seems so tired of everything now.

I do apologize about asking this, since I know it may seem out of place. I just wanted first hand experience about the misery of being in this situation, and if I should just let go, I guess.

megmatthews207 karma

You mean the cat that I've been giving subcutaneous fluids to daily? The one that I've given insulin to diligently for three years now? The one that has me over $3000 in debt? Yeah, totally just planning to toss him away like trash. Not put him out of his misery because he can't even eat or really walk anymore.

I was asking OP what it was like essentially to have Renal Failure. He has the ability to describe the pain and discomfort that my cat doesn't.

megmatthews207 karma

Thank you. <3